2016 Brain Bee Competitions Questions - Do

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Brown Brain Bee

Questions 2016

TEST Q: If you were to perform a surgery splitting the

Q: How many neurons are in the brain? brain in half, what large bundle of nerve fibers
that links the left and right hemispheres would
you sever?
A: 100 billion
A: Corpus Callosum

Q: Which of the three embryonic layers develop Q: What photoreceptor type is responsive to
into nerve tissue during neural induction? color?

A: Ectoderm A: Cones

Q: What are the initials of the famous memory Q: What term is applied to a muscle that moves
patient with amnesia after having his medial a joint in opposition to an intended direction?
temporal lobe removed to treat epilepsy?

A: H.M. A: Antagonists

Q: What is the period of sleep that occurs Q: Once a stress stimulus has passed, which
during the first hour accompanied with division of the autonomic nervous system will
relaxation of muscles, eyes, heart rate, and be activated to regulate body functions and
body temperature? soothe the body?

A: Slow wave sleep A: Parasympathetic branch


Q: At what age does the brain typically reach its Q: What neurotransmitter is most commonly
maximum weight? associated with the motor circuit of the basal

A: 20 years (+/- 2) A: Dopamine (DA)

Q: Individuals with this disorder display mild to
moderate intellectual disabilities; low muscle Q: Alcohol primarily interacts with this receptor
tone; an upward slant to the eyes; and a flat type to calm anxiety, impair muscle control, and
facial profile due to a full or partial extra copy of delay reaction time.
chromosome 21.
A: Down’s Syndrome, or Trisomy 21 A: GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Q: Excess amounts of the neurotransmitter Q: This primary symptom of Tourette’s
glutamate are proposed to contribute to Syndrome is described as repetitive involuntary
development of this motor neuron disease. movements or utterances that are rapid,
sudden and persist for more than one year.
A: ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), or Lou
Gehrig’s Disease A: Tics (motor or vocal)

Q: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune Q: NGF slows the destruction of neurons that
disease in which the body’s natural defenses use acetylcholine, and may be a potential
attack this protective covering of axons of therapy in treating Alzheimer’s. What does NGF
neurons in the central nervous system. stand for?

A: Myelin, or myelin sheath A: Nerve growth Factor

Q: Name the brain structure that serves to
Q: Glial cells in the brain that produce myelin monitor information from the autonomic
sheath for neurons are called what? nervous system, control the pituitary gland, and
regulate sleep and appetite.

A: Oligodendrocytes A: Hypothalamus


Q: In the human ear, this type of cells are Q: Long-term potentiation, LTP, takes place as a
located on the basilar membrane and convert result of changes in the strength of synapses at
the mechanical vibrations of sound to electrical contacts involving this type of receptor.
A: Hair cells, or inner hair cells A: NMDA, or N-methyl-d-aspartate


Q: During flexion withdrawal, the opposite leg Q: These specialized neurons in the
responds with increased extension to maintain hypothalamus play a critical role in preventing
balance and is known as what reflex? abnormal transitions into REM sleep during the
A: Crossed extension reflex A: Orexin neurons
Q: What hormone is released from the Q: Name the MRI procedure that assesses the
hypothalamus and travels to the pituitary gland, path of fiber tracts in the brain by taking
where it triggers the release of advantage of diffusion rates of water to produce
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)? images of how areas in the brain connect.
A: Tensor Imaging
A: CRH, or Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone


Q: Neuroimaging techniques like fMRI and fNIRS Q: Neuroimaging studies of language have
indirectly measure blood flow of the brain revealed the dominance of which hemisphere of
dependent on which chemical element? the brain for language?

A: Oxygen A: Left hemisphere

Q: Drugs of addiction act upon the reward
pathway, particularly this brain structure that Q: The surgical removal of the pallidum, an
projects to the Nucleus Accumbens and frontal overactive structure associated with Parkinson’s
regions. Disease, is called what?

A: VTA, Ventral Tegmental Area A: Pallidotomy

Q: Disturbances of the hypothalamus have been Q: This term refers to the loss of pain sensation.
proposed for individuals with clinical depression
as the secretion of this stress hormone
manufactured by the adrenal cortex fails to shut
A: Cortisol A: Analgesia

Q: Engineered antibodies have produced Q: An activated G protein in a postsynaptic
promising preliminary results in treating variant membrane causes the enzyme adenylyl cyclase
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), which has to convert ATP to this second messenger.
been linked to bovine spongiform encephalitis,
also more commonly known as what?
A: Mad Cow Disease A: cAMP, or cyclic adenosine monophosphate

Q: Only about half the neurons generated
during development survive to function in the Q: Pain and itch messages are transmitted to
adult. Entire populations of neurons are the spinal cord via small, myelinated fibers and
removed through this process - programmed these very small, unmyelinated fibers.
cell death initiated in the cells.
A: Apoptosis A: C fibers

Q: A patient with damage to the left temporal Q: What type of motor neuron regulates the
lobe may have this type of aphasia, in which sensitivity of muscle spindles?
comprehension of heard speech is impaired

A: Wernicke’s Aphasia, or Fluent Aphasia A: Gamma motor neurons

Q: With prolonged wakefulness, increasing
levels of this inhibitory neurochemical are Q: What neurotransmitter is released into the
evident in the brain, initially in the basal parasympathetic nervous system to produce
forebrain and then throughout the cortex. calming effects when stress occurs?

A: Adenosine A: Acetylcholine

Q: Axons of olfactory sensory cells pass through Q: Name the neuroimaging technique related to
perforations in the overlying bone and enter this MRI that uses the same machinery but
round, knoblike structure of the brain measures the concentration of specific
responsible for processing the sense of smell. chemicals in different parts of the brain instead
of blood flow.
A: Olfactory Bulb A: MRS, or Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Q: Most forms of dyslexia reflects a deficit Q: Scientists have discovered that cannabinoid
within this subcomponent of the language receptors normally bind to natural internal
system related to the processing of how chemicals called what?
sounds are organized and used within language.

A: Phonology A: Endocannabinoids

Q: Brain scans and postmortem studies show
Q: Which variant of Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is abnormalities in some people with
associated with an enhanced risk of developing schizophrenia, including enlarged ventricles,
Alzheimer’s Disease late in life? which contain what fluid?

A: APOE epsilon 4 A: CSF, or Cerebrospinal Fluid

Q: What type of seizures typically result in loss of Q: C fibers contain this peptide which causes
consciousness and a range of behavioral changes when the sensation of burning pain. The active
there is simultaneous excessive electrical activity over component of chili peppers, capsaicin, causes
a wide area of the brain, often involving the thalamus
and cerebral cortex?
the release of this same substance.

A: Generalized OR Grand Mal A: Substance P

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