001 - May 89
001 - May 89
001 - May 89
'Q '
.... ~
thou gh ,1 cou ple Ilf ad s di d slip th ro ugh - ld ed Ideas and t'IKml r.'gt'l11l'nt:polrtk u IMly
you'll sec thorn In lhe cla ssl fieds- that will Fred Hunlley,WtlRNC, Hoisy lI o i sin~I (l I;,
no t be till' cas e in till' future, So please W.JCJL ,B ill Kll"ro nonw s, KDO HG , Leo
rcmcmbcr.vno so lid s tale, only ho llow Meyerson, WO GFQ ,and my gl.... x1 Irten d
sta te". Lloyd Huttcrman, WfllOY.
Wh ill' we 'rc on the s ub ject of ed ver tts- I hope m y interest ,llld excitement for
ing : please kee p tht' ads co ming in . I thi nk wha t I am try in~ to ,ill overcomes my
Ihat this is \'t'ry imporlanl tn the !mcn'~'''''' of m.my shortcomings . Barry , NM:SW
An Intervi ew co nducted by Barry Wiseman
MOInufa ctu rer, D ist ributor, and Ret ailer; born in Omaha, Nebrask a, March 7, 1!:l1l . Edu -
cation: Iwo years college, Uni versit y of Neb raska. Ma rried to Helen Wolinsk y, Mar ch 29,
1933. Childr,m : Larry Meyc rscn and Darlynn Meyerson Fellma n. Sill, grand child ren.
Cu t er BAckgroun d: Principal, World Radio, ( Wholesa le Rad io Laboratories I, 1l/35; o r-
ganized Scientific Radio, 19-11 ; formed WRL ma nu facturing 1953; Globe Electronics, 1956
(sold to Textron, 19591; formed Galaxy Electronics. 1962 ( sold to Hy-Cain Electronics,
1970). Served as pres ident and on the boa rd of directors and is no w retired trom Chair-
ma n of the Board of World Rad io.
Assoclolltion, Clubs and Honors: The list is very long. Following is a partal list that is
related to radio : Member Radio Club of America, life Member In terna tional Mission
Rad io Association, Uf e me mber and one of th e ten boa rd me mbers since 1m of the
QCWA ; a lso Cha irma n of Schclarsbtp Ccm euttee for QC WA, Mem ber Intemationdl Ama-
teur Radio Un ion; First Vice -Pres id ent Na tional Electro nics Distributors of Americd l 955-
56. Ufe member ARRL, O ld Timers Club dod Society o f Wireless Pioneer s. Rad io Cl ub o f
America award ed him a fellowship in 1980. This du b is the oldest a nd mo st p res tigious
du b in the world, orgaulzed in 1909 . He was made a QC WA Na tional Director ill 19n .
Fhe QC WA chapter 154, in th e grt'dler Palm Sp rings a rea, honored hi m in 1986 by reua m-
Ing the cha pter after him.
Being retired, l eo has time now to pla y ten nis a few limes a week and be a very acu ve
ham. mos tly o n 40 me ter ssb . He a lso has more time for the playin g the piano and oTg.In.
He and his wife spend winters in Palm Springs, Ca., and th eir su mmers in Dmaha, N ~
brash . Leo ma intains a mu seu m locat ed at the WRL co rpora te of fices in Co uncil
Bluffs,lowa. He wel come s anyo ne 10 visit at a ny time .
l eo has th e di stinction of operating the first broad cast station in Co uncil Bluffs, Iowa.
He went on the a ir briefl y in 1924 ,It the dge of 13 with d transm itter he bu ilt fro m plans
printed in a Radio Diges t magazine . He played record s a nd the p iano over the air unt il
"the neighbors com plai ned " an d he found out it was illegal. Bu t Leo say s there wasn't
much regu lation back then; licensing w as under the jurisd iction of the department of
co m merce. It wasn't until 4 years la ter, in 1928, tha t Leo acquired h is firs t ama teu r radio
license; W9CRJ. Years later, w hen the call d istrict s were re-organi zed .hc rece ived his
present call W0G FQ.
Bury: Could you des cribe your first ama- work.
teur radio station? Barry: I' ve heard a story that goes like this"
Leo: My first sta tion was unde r the stair- your fath er wa s a groce r and he wanted
way in our basement. The first tran smitter yo u to ca rry on th e sto re. You wan ted to
was a 20SA O il a breadboa rd . It took about gd into the radio busin ess. He loaned yOll
400 volts on the p lat e. I used that on cw in $500 to ge t started , on the cond ition tha t if
the old 80 me ter ban d. A few months later you failed -a nd he ex pec ted you to- yo u
I graduated to am. Firs t I di d some experi- w ou ld return to work w ith hi m in the
ment ing wi th loop modulatio n. Wha t you store" 15 th is tru e?
d id wa s put a few wraps of wire around Leo: Th e story is very tru e.That was about
an old microphon e and put it into the rf 1934. I ori ginally as ked my father for $500
field near the finals. O f course you pick up bu t he said I couldn't get started on tha t
a little rf th at wa y . I had so re lips from that and sugges ted $1()(x). 1 respected my fa-
experiment. Bu t it wo rked. The next rig was tber's business acumen and I be lieve he, in
also on a breadboard , It consisted of a 201A, his own wa y, was testing me . My fath er
a 210 and two 203A's -50 wa tt bottles. I came to this cou n try as an im m igra nt in
used Heising modulation u tilizi ng an old 1906, du ring th e Russian / japanese war. He
power co's burned out transforme r. I used was pe nniless an d mad", a big SIlCCl"SS in
the good sid e of th e tran sformer a nd it the groce ry bus iness . Il l' al so tau ght hi m-
worked out fine. I remember it took four self to rc..d an d writ e tlw English 1.1ngu.1ge.
neighbo rs to get it down into the basement The one thing I lea rned from m y fa ther
and under the stairway. Using an old car- was to stick to your gu ns a nd work like
bon micro ph one , that old tran sform er hell. Success is not something that is
would rea lly talk. Whe n I modulated it w as handed to you. You mu st wo rk di ligently.
the swee test sou nd you could imagine. By Barry: How di d yo u stMt?
the way, I used a home-made crys tal set to Leo: I started by go ing to Chicag o. There
moni tor the t1l1,llity of my modulation. In wa s a co uple o f st reets the re wit h not hin g
those days my receiv ers were home-brew. but parts hou ses, rad io stores. su rplus
Nothing fanl'y as I rec all . places and so on . We ca lled it "Radio Row".
Barry: What bands did yo u work ? I bought part s of ,lll so rts; transformers,
Leo: In the earl y d ays I worked 80, 160 an d resistor s. conde nsllrs; ,1I1ything I could find
200 meter s.. I operated cw and am O il 80, at a good p rice. I .11s0 bought a lot of su r-
am a ll 160 an d am o n 20n meters. plus ge ar and some s..'MS receiver s. Sea rs
Barry: Wha t would be the main d ifference made some receivers ,H that time that
between amateu r ope rat ion back the n and would cove r 160 .1nd 80 meters. For some
now? reason they cou ld n't sen the se receiver s so
Leo: In my experience and opinion the dif- I got them chea p.To provide some inte rim
ference wa s vas t. Ther e we re no transmit- financing I cashed in an ins ura nce po licy.
ters and very few receivers in the la te 20's In retros pect I wonder if I would ha ve go ne
and 30's . If amateur radi o appealed to yOIl into business if I had known how much I
then, you had to build everything from w as go ing to have 111stru gg le. Who kno ws !
scratch. I always had the feeling that I was I had more d etermina tion tha n bra ins.
a pion eer . There is no way the mod em You th and d edi cation to a drea m keep you
amateur, being licensed tod ay, ca n in a ny go ing. And I really felt that th e amateu rs
way rela te to those early days . It was cer- needed the help that I could p rov ide. I re -
tainly thr illing and sa tisfying to see some- membe r th at in those d ays w he n I ordered
thing yo u had built finally do the job i1nd pMts -before I st.trted my own bu sin ess-I
wou ld h ave to wai t 4 or 5 weeks. Ship- will app"'ar in ne ~ t month's b MJ<.' ).
ments wen.' slow and p arts we re in sbort Barry: After the war ?
supply. I sta rted :;olkiting the ama teurs in L...o: I let AI Shid ler take over Scientific
the 5- state midwest area utilizing; the call- Radio products. I-Ie moved the C\l rnpotny
book as my sou rce of potential cus tomers. from Council Blu ffs to O ma ha and then
This took so me time and I stru ggled pl..nty. ou t to Colorado . During th... Korean wa r
Sometimes when I was on the J'Od~ I sl~pt he was very busy ma nufacturing crystals
in the car. Wilh no thing coming in, trying again. He later sold the company to TRW.
to support a wife and the u sua l ell.pe~'S I always wanted to manufacture transmit-
of ligh t, rent ~I C ., it was tough . My wife ters so I got back into that . After the war
started wo rkins 10 help. My first piece o f there was 0\ terri fic deman d for a ll types of
office equipment, afte r a used cash regis- "nl<1 t...ur gear and 1 WolS h.lppy to be il par t
ter, was an A.B. Dick mimeograph machine. of it.
I start ed soliciting several thousa nd hams Bury: Tell me abo ut the transmitters you
with the persona l touch ( somethi ng lack- man u factured?
ing to-d ay ) and started getting a few ~ Leor Well ou r bigges t setter was tilt;' Globe
plies. Our store was really like a log cabin. Scou t series: star ting with till' Globe Scou t
No lusula tlon and there we re cracks in the 40 and ru nn ing thr ou gh nlilny model s to
walls. If it was snowing, an d the re W dS iI the Delu xe that came ou t in 1960. W...
wind , the snow would come righl th rough . manu factured abo ut 48,000 o f these. The
Bu ry: Whilt d id you start ou t man u factur- Delu xe mod el ea rne ou t .,ft er Textron had
ing? boug ht G lobe. I think we manu factu red
Leo; I figu red there bad to be d ma rket for o nly about one or two hund red of these .
transmitter kits because all the poUIs needed The Glo be Kings we re also a big seller. We
to bui ld your own we ren ' t always a vail- sold them all over the wo rld through ou r
able. My hunch was correct. I put some export corporation. We sold approxima tely
simple kits together and the orders started 27,<n>o f these. Globe Cham pions -,111 mod -
comin g in; sparingl y 10 begi n wilh. And els- approximately 12,(XXl. The Chief-a 90
then to my su rp rise some of the fellows watt job-7,CXXJ. The Globe Troller about
asked if I wou ld wile them also. That is 2.001 The High Bander probably 51)) or
wha t sparked me to sta rt I11.1nufacturing . so. The Globe Sideband er abou t 1000 al-
In 1939 or 19-10 we put togeth er a 616 ou tfit though we cou ld have so ld more. AI this
called the WRl ·70. We bui lt abo ut o ne or time we were gelling" lot o f flat-k from
two hun dred of these and Iwd pla ns for a the die-ha rd am operators. They satd if we
150 wa tt job. Things we re gelli ng into high brought ou t .1 side band ril; the y'd slo p
gear and then the war ca r ne along and I dealing with u s etc. Wt'll I never ~.lll y
was ou t of business. p ushed the Stdeba nde r fur tho....• n ' i1SU Il S .
Barry: Do you have a WRl·70 in your m u- It was a vcry good rig though.
seu m? Barry : Why d id yOll usc the AX 9'1\)9 tube s
l eo: No, I sure don't . And I haven't seen in the Cha mp ion? I t-,lll't think (If anothe r
one of those for yeMs. rig that U St.~ that tube. Right !lOW that tube
Barry: What did you do du ring the war? sells for abo u t $100.
Leo: I sta rted a com pany called Scientific l eo. As I recall, a t the time this was lilt'
Rad io Products with ano ther holm na med on ly tube a round th at would accom plish
AI Shidler and o pera ted it all d uri ng the w ha t l wa nted : 300 wens Input using a pair
war manu facturing qu artz crystals fu r the of them.
military.I Ed: Thie, is d story in itsel f and Bury: In 1956 you formed C ioN.' Electron -
res. wh y d id yu u form ano ther compa ny ? made contrib utions were: Jim No land, op-
Leo: Tha t's a good question and it takes a prox imately 10 years: also George Hlad ik
little explaining. The demand for ou r equi p- and John Hunt abou t th e sa me length o f
ment was so tremendou s that other co m- tim e. Sa m Fidone wa s with me fro m about
pani es like Hen ry's and Harrison asked if '48 till abo u t'S7. He ac tually en gi nee red the
we would sell them our gear for re-sale.So, rigs or d esigne d them to my speci fications.
as any businessma n would understand, it He hated ssb and didn't want to be in-
was necessary to mak e a clear di st incti on volved in it. Marv Ge hr-w ho ca rne from
betw een ou r sales and manufacturin g. Collins - en gineered our Gal axy line . He is
Globe Electr onics was formed so that we presently an eng ineer for Telex HyGa in .
could sell products to other companies. We Barry: Your expo rt com pany- WRL Export
had about 25 or 30 sa les reps. that covered Co rp .. sold yo ur equi pment all o ver the
the country. We a Iso fo rmed our export wo rld . What was th e ex ten t o f thaI?
corpor atio n at this tim e that so ld our prod - Leo: Well we sold transmitter s all over the
ucts world-wide. world. I remember once we sold 500 Cham -
Barry: Why did you se ll Globe Electronics pi on s to Paki stan . I thi nk the y were used
to Textron? in the milit ar y th ere. And a lot of equip-
Leo: In 1958 we came ou t w ith ou r CB-100. ment wen t to Sou th America . Years later
We had 10,000 ord ers over night . I m y wife and I we nt to South Americ a for a
thou ght ,"M y God what elm I goi ng to do.l va cati on. I was very su rprised to see Globe
went to my banke r and he satdLeo didn't Kings used as broadcast transmitters in
you know yOIl we re going to have ord ers small com mu nities. Th e Scou t was being
like this" . I sa id," Hell no I thought w e'd used by police depa rtments an d that so rt
be lucky if we had 4 or 5 hund red ".We of thin g. I visit ed on e radio sta tion that was
could hav e handled that. But you cou ld usin g th e Globe King. They were broad-
imagine that to get into production for cas ting music at the tim e. They had the
10,000 units I wo uld have needed ove r a back d oor open, had a b ig fan running and
million dollars. So I was in a dilema. The were on the air 14 hours a d ay . Th ey were
banker said that it wou ld be best if I co uld ope ra ting up around 1500 kc so it wa s a
find a lar ge , well finan ced, company to sma ll mailer to bring the rig down from
buy me out. So w e sold ou t to Textron,a 160 meters.
larg e conglomerate, and I beca me the pr esi - Bar ry: What wa s your reaction to ssb com -
de nt of the Globe d ivision of Textron. ing on the scene? What was yo u r com -
Abou t a year late r Textron moved Globe pany's stra tegy?
to Rockfo rd Illinois . when th ey d id thi s Leo: My rea ction to ssb w as vE'ry pos itive.
they brok e the con tract they ha d w ith me . I ha d a very fine engi neer-Fred Berry- of
Tha t's when I started Galaxy. Kansas City working on a 50 wall job in
Barry : llow many emp loyees did yo u have '53. My other engineers, particularly Sam
in manufac turing at Globe Electronics in Fidone, thou ght 1 was crazy and we re ve-
the peak years, in the late 50's? hementl y opposed to ssb. My strateg y was
Leo: Abo ut 350. We were th e lar gest em- to d evelop a ssb uni t and ma rket it when
plo yer in Co u ncil Bluffs. the time was right. Un for tu nately we had
Bar ry: Who w ere some of the key em ploy- a fire in 1954 and the one u nit th at we had
ees yo u've had ov er the ye ars? bu ilt-the pro totype·was lost o r des troy ed .
Leo: AI McMilla n was probably our most To this da y I am frus trated ove r that . I be-
tru sted em ployee. III" w as with us for over lteve the fire started accidentally bu t l thi nk
20 years. Among other fine em ployees who fou l play en tere d Into the disap pearance of
th.. sb p ru h ' ly po-'. ..\ II, ' lh,·r i,I,-.1 I lid.! W.1!> d ooe ,II thb pu in t III ti n\<' III pn'\o 'lI! I.w
to v ring \\'\,.,:> Shrum IWIll C h K.Igu. He h.l.! ,1(l u.1I d il",nl.\.
vuilt :-unll' ~ iJ ,h l"'lIl.i UIIlb>. BuIll<! wouldn't Bu ry: To.:I.\y Ih,' I.I!'.\I"'....· tot.i tlv d "null.llt'
move to Cu u n d l lUUlb. H,' s U ~~''SlI.--d th.11 tlw amateur r,ld iu I>u,.in.·,.....Hld Int Ih .11
I come to Ch kd~l~ but I "'lid IIMI I couldn't Ill.ltt ..r th..• whol.. e1"I "" I\I'~ ILd .!, wl.rld -
do tha t. wid... WIl.II d o you Ihm l- III Ihi'>'
Barr)': OLd y,ltI Ih m l.. IIMt ....b w.,u ld ,11- l eo; ~.l llI r.l lly I ,l.m' l II"" Ih lS !'> IILI.IIIl' 1l
most " , t,l ll\" n ·pl,lC".lLll ? bUI in .lddit ion III mvprcviou-, r.'Ill.ltI..!'> tlu-
Leo: :\l' I di d 1101. I 1I\\Iu g hi PMt It wo u ld ' .IIMne.....• have su ....-no r 1Il.1lI.1S,·IlWllt .,bill ·
be \ 'er~' p"plll.u ,md I 1\',lIlkd II' man uroc- tics ,m d their 1i,'lSOll w it h tlu-u \'nl l' lo~""'"
turea rig to r the ma rker but I ru-ver t houg h t is superior . To 1l1~' mllld thos e M , ' llll l"' r-
it would (l'Lllpl"ld\' 1.11...· over ,I.. it h.IS 1,\I\t i,ld"rs .
don... U,uf)': Wh,II": " 1\ld t lu - U .s. .1., to S,· l l...n ],
B olin) ': D id y" 11 ,m tic ip. lk \\"11011 \."1:0 about into Ihe t'I",:trllnil"!'> 1Il,l llu!Ml lInIlS I'u..i ·
III h,I1" ...·n to .111 till' g n"" 1 corn pa ni..~ h],... 1l''Ss ~ I mean VoKI- 1111, ' it on Ih,' ",,:.11.' th.11
\\"R L, j.. h n""' lI. 11.1111((.111c rs ,111.1 so nu? it W,l:' .un-r \\ W II ?
Leo: Yb I d id . I could """' l lll.' ll.Jndwrihng Lee : III my opinion Ihis .-u u n lry In ' ll!J
on th.. wall . Tha r's th... ruam r",,\:>.o.In I sold Il,In.' III revohmonizc .1I1d :ot.lf l.l t "' l ll,H.' I.
Celavv. American ind u stry h.l:O :.t.lh ll.l lo:d 1x,·.HI.....•
Bury: \\'11.11 about G.d.1'~· ~ ,.i a ttuude, w ork h,tl' il.. .urd 1.IL.....r/ m.lI lol~
Leo : W...ll first of .111 1<'1 nil' M y '>lllll<'l h ing Ill..nt probl..rns .
abo ut \.Iar\'in Ccb r. th......ngllw...r. I th ink U.ury : Ama teur ra dill IMs be-c·ll Ch,I ll;;IIIr;
Ill' W,IS n 'ry in ldlig.. nl .1I1d ahead o i h b cli ns t.lIl l ly emcc us b'·g inn ing... \ Vh,ll an-
tim e. J h ir... d him ,1W,1)' IWIIl Cu llins , where th.. b ig .-h,ll1 gl·~ th.lI yo u St,...1Ild luuv d o
he had done 1I'0rk o n the I' W\. I-2. 1-1.. was yo u {'....labout Uwm ?
mo s t res po ns ib le tor the d" s ig n work Oil Lee : Amateur radio h.1':> lu-cn g"i ng thf\lu gh
the C,ll,n; y 's . Th e iirst rig w ... ,\1111\' o u t wilh ,I nwt.1Il11)rpho s b sin...' it>. "<irly l...g in n in;;!'>.
I called o ur "go ld pl.lt,-cI" rig; the C.II.lXY Ttld;lv .1 Ir,ln".;", in·r is n-n-rrcd I" ,1.. .1Il
3(X). II ha d ki nd of ,1 gold colo r. It was for .lp rli,H1l:t' 'lI u l lllol l' .. '·\.1<"lly what il b .\\·IMI
20, ~O and MO md,'r sk ld'lil nd . \ Ve were on.. mol l-,... ,lIll<l te-ur r,ld io '"II. 1- ~b ~l " u· .md \\"IMt
o f Iht' h r.-I compani~ 1,1 co m... oul w ilh a I S<l\\' .)S .111 " ,lrl y ,l llMI"UI, ··Ih.. 1ll.lg k~
sv rig Ih.lt W.1S p.l rtially Ir.lIlsislorilld. Our th,' id ...l u l co m ll\u n k,ll ins h' it h"u l Ih,'
\'ox W,15 trol nsi !iolllril...J . olnd p..UI " f Ihl' au- 1>o.·ndil oj w ir....., I M ~ dl...lp'...·.u.., i.
dio !» 'l>t,' m. T h~ Ill·,,1 ri g W" l> Ill<' C Ild"y 3; Bury: I{ih hl nil\\' Ill\' ..\ I{ RI b ,"-l rlk u l.lrly
il Wi'l l> s m.l ll...r o\llJ h.ld mor,' !Iou lid !Iol,l te (on,-" rn" d \\ 'i1h gru w l h i ll Am.l kur
.levin.".. T1ll' n w .. « l me Ullt \\'Ith Ih.. G,ll- 1{,ld i.,.Th... y k ...1 Ih ,lI Hnl,'s!'> Ill<' r.II,· 1'1
olxy 5 for 51'l,1 Ild~ , And so un . I su ld C,ll,H.y hrtl\\'l h is iner",I",..1 A lll.1t,·ur r.ldill \\"ilI lilll
to Il y-g.lin ill 11J70 . p r"'I·'l il. A n~' , ·Ol\lnWIlU
B.arry: \Vh ,lt III yuur opinioll n',d l~ ' r.Ill'>' 'l1 l. ~u ; AKRL ~h"uld 11.\1',' ,K Il'd I11m h "' '' 'Ill' r
,111 Illl' cOlllp,1l1 i,'':> to fMI ? ,Iho lll till' ~rl1 \\" l h 0 1 ,1II1011\'1I1 l, ll l il l, 1\ ln ':l .
l eo: j,lp,lll l'"'' romp,'I Ltill ll , T Il<' J .l~lolll l·Sl ,1~ "", II .1.. <..X :\V A 1lI11 ..1 l"l ·l·ll~ l\ i,'t · 1111' I.ld
h.u l !iolip" r ior " n ~il l<'''' ri l\g, MId .1tl r,K lin· tl Mt tilt' \\"o rld h.l!'> r h ,lll~; ...1 .\Ild ollr id l·" ..
p..Kk.1 ~ i ng, .\lId to r till' mOII.. y, II,,· U.s. .Illd .1I'pr.\lrh I.. y"ull~;t ' r ,,, II..... h.I" h ,
(om p,1l1i"s J U~ I cu u ld n' t ( u lll '......le. , h.lll h '· ,1:0 \\'d l Fllr 111,,1,11\,,· I h.",.· ,.. In.
B.arr)': C\.u ld .m yl h ing h.l\·o· 1>0."11 don,· tll (.11...1 .1 11.1 ,·. ...k Ii(.·.......· .,t "'LI nwkr...m.1
pr"\"'llllhis' tip fllr y""P,o Cw \\'.", ,lIld ..1,11 i..., g r.',lI
l,'O: \:" 1\.'l hll\~ 11\ 111\' , 'pmh 'll • ••u l.l I...· n".. t.· hUI .1!lnl ...1 ,,11 "th'''1 ....·f \· , "~ 11., \'"
••• , • • I . __ •• •,
TESLA by John W. Wagn er W8AHB
l'\'t'lllt1<llly ~ IM I thh revolution, bUI T est.
and buill Illl' loc k a s well ,15 llll' door -then
pwcl,,>-'d<>d III op " n it.
But VOI1 \\"<1 n k ..l me III talk about I~t\ -
RADIO 0 10. Howe ver , it \\",15 Ilpo.:css,ny for me to
a d dress E0: ERG Y iir st 1.'\ 'CiH 15e that is ,111
l lhoug ht it voutd 11t' \'\~ r y ,Ipp n' priillt' to T<1di,1 b - E;-"; El~C 't . ,\ nd tlhlt b luuv the
I", n ' ,111 ,n til'l\· ,1b0 l1 t Nikola Tesla in tilt' fund;llnl'nl,l b o f radio we re l;'SI.lblblll'd ·-
Iirst issue I,f Ilw lll.lg <ll.ille. I asked [ack - by l csl,l, 1 m ight ,1dd.
who has been study ing and ft's.'M rhing ~ 1,lIl Y ditte rent nw u h,ld b,,"" 11 s tru g -
TI'SI" for 1ll,11ly y,·,us-if lw would con trib- g ling to r ,1 tllllg l illll' sl'l'ki ng ,\ W.,y 1" se nd
nrc sOlllt' lhing , W hat follow s is .1 let ter he lllt'SS<lgl' S without \\"in>s-jusl ,1S me u had
sent "Ipng f' lr publication. Ed . been ""-,I Tching for the sec re t of l1ig h t. If
you h.w t' over travelled III ,1lI ob scure tow n
Dear Barry : in Kentuc ky (the na me ('scarl's me now)
YOU would find a statue of Mahl ou Loo m is
Tcsla is pe rhaps the mo st mtsun de r- ~"ho is re ported to have fo u nd " W.1Y to
Sl('tl<.\ a mi underra ted le ll;ilima te sci e n tis t send wireless tt'l l·g ril ph ~' . All due credit to
that has ever brig htened till' scroll o f hu- the man for Irying- and per haps even ac-
man adv ancement. what tha t man dis cev- complishing some measu re o f s uccess, bUI
ered in a s in g l,' burst of invention ch,l llged he laid Ill} ~ r.1nd principles-c-no fourtda -
th e wo rld more th,1ll it Il.1d been c:.hil nged lion fo r rodto ,1S we kno w it today . And
before-and tha t l-hang e ll,ls t,lh'lI place in the re we rt' probably ~ t'\"t: r,1 1 others ,15 well
a me re 74 :<T<1rS . I am s p"',l \.. in g of tlw pI.'- wh o have made similar claims.
rind o f ou r horse a nd bug g y days up un til This is nut the case with Testa though.
the day WI' wal ked un the moon (UoNS to Ill' W .' S t;'st.lblis hil1g tilt;' fundamentals of
1969), radio even before he knew t;'X <lctly the na-
Mo st h istor y books d •• not look u po n lure til his disco veries. But it d id no t ta ke
1895 ,IS <lily gr .",t da te, but indeed it wa s. h im long once h.. r.."lizt,..l Ilw s i~\l ifk ,m c e
In that yeM Testa's sys tem of poly phase of wh.u he \''''5doing - th,l t his discoveries
hvd roelcc tric cu rre n t was us ed in the 1",1'- ill Ilu- field of h igh frequency - h i ~ h voltage
n~si llg of ~i.lg,Ui1 Falls, the firs t large sca le ,,It\.'nl.lling current s, \,"1 '; ., Iso ca pable uf
po lyr h,l se hvdroelectric sys tem in the Ir'1I1 Sl1li ltill~ int dlij:;I'!lCt'. Ho we ver. ~'(' \ l
world , Frorn th.rt d<ly forward ,1 re volution m llsl understand 1 t'sl,1 : J \1' \."I S a man of
en sued, .md it contin ues tll<.l.ly . Why? Ik - definite priori tit's. In his mo st productive
C,lll"" El"E RCY, ollwr llMn F r~ E ElX):\ 1 " nd peril,d hI' r"'.I!i,,·d II", grt',ltl'sl Ik,t'd l' I
F. DUCAT[O~ , is tilt' sing I., nl\lsl import.Hlt m"nkin d II",\:' E;-\EI\CY, ,111d lw " ,,' s c.' r-
sod .,1 ,1S\1l' r t of o ur !in's. W ith out l'!1't:tri- r. 'Cl. Thl'r l'/I'ft', 1I1 ,' ~ t l,f wh"t Ill' " Tl,l.. ,1lId
ca l ~'tl\ \'l' r .'u r lin's wI'u ld bl' "" ry d ift,-r- s p" k.. ,1b.'ut \\',1 ~ in th" t ,Ht',I . But th is did
l'lll ind ", ·d . 1'1";1"t' .I" 11,,1 Ill i"u lIde rs t,md , I not n"',111 Ill' 11",1" "hl il'ipu~ h i tilt' Il,,,...l 11'1'
,m'lI" t s,w i ll~ II M t \\"ilh" ul T,'~ l" In' I\"\'uld tllt' Ir,llls mi"" il' ll l't i l\ tt'l li~" l\c ",
Ilol h,1\·I··.1 i'nrm 1,1 t'lI.'rg~'; I ,1111 s,'y ing If Olll' \\".llll s [" " " I' h' r,' p"I I'nt s!,,'cifi.
th,lt it 11',l ~ T,'"I., w hp d is':" "'l'1'l'd tIll' f,r.md c,lli" llS ,l1Id II'dll f,'" l'rh,r 1' \','11 t" IS'I~ it
I'ril1(il'l,' PI' tIl\' fll t'lling lll.1j:;Ilt' tk fi d d ,11 W t'l\l S i!1( " llk s t,lbll' Ih,ll T t',,1.1 \\" " " I"~'ing
I'Tl'I-i ~d~' lilt' righ t tim.. t lhll llhltlt- g n',l t lUlld.Hll,·nt,lls 1,,1' r,ld i.' 1....'1,'1'· .' n ~ I' I "' , Th is
Ih illf," h,II'I'I'1\ ,.-Iu~l1 tlw y di d . 1I 1irh ,wl i" b~ l inw.' \'1. (I \ I'll<' id l\1 " t indlld h "
F,lr,nl,1\' ill 11".\ 1 I,'und tl", \"I'Y tIM I IInuld "'\1 l' h ll).: h 'IIH'\,1l III<' d ril illl: ,Illd \ \l.r\.. -
ing drcuits; t21 Th e unporta nce .:>f lu ning M Among all ihose, tho.' o.1Ine of N il..oLl T('SId
bo th ctn.a. nts, tl"'l is, tl"" ide" of an oscilla - s ta nds ou t mus t prununeiuly. Testa with
tio n tra ns fo rruer: a nd (3 ) The idcd of a Col- his .1InlOS t preter na tu ra l insi};ht into alter-
pacitanceloaded upen secondary circu it. nat ing current ph...nonwna that h.ISenabled
The results of his research were ma d e hi m so me y....irs befo re to rcvolnnonlze thl.'
a vailable 10 the world thro ugh lectures a nd a rt o f el..x tnc power transm ission through
pcbncenoes: and Marchese Guglielmo Mdr· th.. invention of the rot ary field mot or,
coni was " very Interested wuness to these knew how to ma ke resonance serve, not
fundamenta l r...vetatto ns. While T t'S1.l pur- merely the ro le of a microscope, to make
sued I ~ d ou ble barrel a pproach of trans- visible the electric oscil lations, as Hert z h.td
mi lling po w e r and intelligence, Mar coni do ne, bot he made it serve the rc rle of a
wa s busy pursu ing o nly the trans mi tti ng stereo pticon... He d id more 10 excite- the in-
{If Intelligence, and he was using s...v...n- terest and create an intelli gen t unde rsta nd -
teen of Tesl.l's poltents. ing of these p he no mena ...th an anyone
At firsl this d id no t seem to bot he r him, else...and it has been d ifficu ll to m ak e any
but very soon when the wor ld sta rted to bu t u nimportant improvements in the art
reco gnize the ocean sp.lnning feat Ihd l of rad io telegrap hy wilhoul traveling. part
Marconi had accomplished, the p.m gs of of the way al lea st, along a Irail blazed by
in justice w...re I...e,,,"l ~· felt . He fought in the this pionee r who, Ihough emine ntl y in -
cou rts for pres.er...ation of his rights, bu t it genius , pract ical a nd successful in th... dp-
wa s not until [u n e 21, t9H, tha t th e United paratu s he d evised and const ruc ted, wa s
States Suprerne Co urt fill"lIy dec ided in his so far ah ead of his tim" tha t th... best of us
favor . O f course, by that time Test a a nd m istook h im for .1 d reamer ." ( J. S. Stone,
Ma rconi were dead , 50 nobod y really cared. " Fames of N il...ola Tesl.\,' Uberty, Oakland-
In summa ry, the Court found Ihat 5.m Fra ncisco, Jul y 11,1917.)
Tesla, in pa tent *6-15,576 applied for Sep- Thi s is bu t one of man y wonderful tes -
tember 2,. 1897, e nd allowed Man-h 20, 1900, limonials to Ihe g reatnes s of Tesla, but it is
anticipated the fonowmg featu res of the a ba rd act 10 follow . I thinl... "I thi s time I
Mar coni p aten t: (al A ch.u g ing cir cu it in will tell you my lillie plan tha i p rob ably
Ihe tran smitt er for ca using osci llations of ha s ve ry litt le hope of success. As ma ny of
the des ired frequency, cou pled , through a you alread y kn ow, I teac h til.. th ird grade
tran sfor mer , w ith th e open an ten na circui t, in " public school , and each year we .1J opl
and (b) the sy nchrcr uzanon o f the tw o cir- some p roject tv ho nor .1Ild po.-rpe tll.lte the
cuits by the pro pe r d isposition of the in- name of our ctass he ro, N ikola Tesla . This
d ucta nce in either the c1lr.>O:'d or the antenna yea r ( J9sg.GQ I we ha ve ...nga ged a sculp-
circuit or both. tor 10 ma ll." 01 bust of Testa in bronze which
" By Ihis and the add ..-d disclosure of we hope to be abl ... to donate to the Na -
th e two-circu it di sclos ure o f t he tw o -circuit tiona l Museum of American llis tor y o f th e
arrangeme nt in th e receiver with stmilar Sm i th~ n idll Ins titu tion in Was hing to n,
ad jus tm en t, he anticipated the Iour-rl rcut t D.C. Th e cos t is only a bout $1800, bu t it is
tu ned co mbina tion oi Mar coni." ("U nited d efin itely muse um qua lity . If dn YOllc is in-
Stales Repo rts," pp . 15, l b.) terest ed in nldking a contrih ution you can
John Sto ne w a s a co nte m pora ry send it to -rill" N ikola Tt'Sla Memorial of
wo rker in th~ field o f rad io with Tesla, a nd Deder Community Schools ," 27tH B.tl......r
h ~ coaunent ~ highly !>ig nifica nl. In ~va l u Rd., De:o..te r, MI. 48130. The Tal( Ftl'l:' ID
aring the wo rk o f Sir Oliver Lodge, Mar- N u mber 10 U St' fo r Ihis dOn.ltion is 38-
con i, J-J . Th ompson and ot hers he stalo..-'d: 6007821.
Mike Palmer K5FZ
I'm 40 years of age. first licensed in 1963 an d enjoy other radios I have resto red
besides the 32V- l /75A· l in th e QS L car d . Th l'SE' include a K\V· I p rot oty pe. &" IE-
69 receiver, Hallicrafters 5X-42, IIRO. HRO-60, NC - I83D. I ha ve o the rs wailing 10
be restored . I've operated many mod es over the years; ss b.cw, rtty, SS!\', but I han>
never enjoyed ham radio as much as I d o today, restoring and usin g the old
equip me nt. Thi s is the mos t excilmg period of the hobby to da te for me .
Thereare many facets of the radio hobby as we know :ss b.cw. city.packe t.amtor.ss tv,
dx etc. Now there is time to add one more.vAnt ique Amateur Radio", The in teres t is
grow ing. I know this. I'm excited abo ut ita nd I'm excited about Electric Radio. No w
is the time for both.
I wo rk as an electronic technician for Motorola on modern equipment suc h as vhf /
uhf fm mobiles, hand le ta lkies, pagers and cellul ar telephones. I have no interest in
vhf/uhf fm in ham radio. That wou ld remind me too much o f work.
I thin k Fred's letter exp resses th e co ncerns and frus tra tin ue of
all Am' ers.
n .. c ("o t } y , i t ",,, , ,11.. r. I , ~ ~ ,·(" . 1 t.h i ,. nl,(' r- , , t. I ~ " .. . ., " "'" ",.,, , r-; :
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rr "r.l t; ....~ .\':' f U R CO:~':U 'lI TY 7
Reflections Down The Feed-Line
By Fred Hu ntley W6RNC
In the [ate thi rties. when I got my first manufa ctu rers s uc h a s Colli ns . E.F.
ham ticket, it was a class B license. After [ohnson, Wo rld Radi o, pl us ot hers, bring -
one year, a ha m was eligible to take a n ing ou t fine models o f radio eq uipme nt.
exam for the high Class A licence, Class A The holm pho ne band s becam e well occu -
gave the ham the privilege of ope ra ting pied . The licensing system W,15 cha nged
phone on 75 and 20 met ers . Clas s B hams around 1950 and the cla ss A an d B sys tem
could ope rate on 160, 10 a nd 5 meters . wa s abolished. All h ams we re allowed to
tn the pre-wa r years 75 and 20 meter operate on all phone ba nd s. in s peci fic po r-
phone was s tric tly a quality o pe ra tion by tions a(corning 10 Ikel\W gr llllt'. 40 meter
highly rom pt'lenl amateurs. It was very ph o ne also was made av ailable afte r hav
interesting 10 liste n to the tec hnical discu s- ing bee n so lely for cw since ince p tion.
sion"at-,mt equipment an d much cou ld be In the mid d le 50's ssb phone emerged
learned by lis h.' nin g to them . There was vir- on t he amateur ba nd s and the re \V d S a bit
tually no mention of pt' rsolMI mu tters "nd of rlvalry between Alvlers an d the "Do nald
Ct'rta;nly no bickeri ng or ba ck s ta!;lbiLtg, like Ducks" for il p lace o n the d la}, Eve ntua lly
occurs totlay,(llT., ssoio nally.,lITlo ng s jdeban- things really heated up and so me d escribed
ders it as warfare . By the 70's am was on the
The yo u ng squi rts. wa)' ha ck when, ropes and facing extinction. being o ver-
went (1Il 160 met er phone ma inly and 11'Iol1 whelmed in numbers by ssb operators. But
bend was a nlo1SSO o f wall to wall hetero- .1 few am operators never gave up and prO"
dynes in th e nor theast, where lltved. While vid ed the co ntin ui ty for the mod est come-
75 phone was very di gnif ied , the hi -jinx ha ck th is qualit y mode of ph on e trans ruis-
and hilnlt.'ring was com mo np lace antong sto o has mad e toda y.
the younge r element on 160. Five me ters Wha t was am phone like in the "old
sounded like If,(). Some hams got their sta rl ..IilYs"? It was exactly like you hea r it on
bootlegging on five. the air toda y, w ith 10 meters be ing the clos-
Pre-war, almos t all the trans mi tters es t to the old or iginal. That's wh y a lot o f
were borne built,w hile mos t of the receiv- amateurs are tu rning to 10 meter am, even
ers were co m me rcia lly manu factu red . ones who became std ebanders. Th ev want
However ther e wa s slill a res pec table to relive their da y ~ of glory on am . .
amount of ham s u sing heme-built receiv- AM has a d ifferent qu ality th an ssb .
ers at this t;I11('. The audio is more life-like a nd even the
After WW2 ha m rad io b.....-.l lJ ll' a w hole s ame person will sou nd noticeably better
rew'ball g.,lllt·". An ava lanche of creattv- on a good am tra ns mit ter, Also a m opera·
ity and pent-up ene rgy w as released . Tons tio n is more It'isu rt'ly paced . Th e am op-
of su rplus lIlilitdry t'l.luipnWnl of every de- eretor ma kes his s piel-u ninterru p ted by
scription became available. Molny new co m- hack cha tter-a nd h.1S ,I c hance 10 put his
mercial manufacrurers of rold io eq uipment feelings inlo his pr esentation.
emerged.along w ith the o ld s tand-bys, to Wilh lilt' p revalence of !'idehal1l.i phone
release a wond rou s vane ty of new radio o peration, th ere l'nlt'rgl... t .1 thr eat to am's
geM for till' ama teur o pe ra tor. longevity. A few amateu rs wan ted a m to
The post war years-fro m 1946 1hrough lx' abolished by the FCC. Peti tio ns to the
the 50's-wen' proh.l hly the golden ye.lrs of FCC for such act ion ~,\ I\ to be filed . In
ama teur ,.' tHo, wi th lots l,f enthus iasm. lots IQ/'II.) tbe thrt'.11 h"c.lm", \.",~, serious. s pu r-
of t"quiplTlt'.II. ,1Ild lots, (,I build ing .1nd rin g the issuance of the (111.1 Pres s E:\ch"nge
n1(xi ificalion. rwwstcuer to llr~.uti Z t, AM 'e rs ill dt' ft'n$(>
AM ,,11(,nt· W.Is in it's h"'yd.ly with o tt lu-ir enussion I1ll....te. Thi s newsletter
SPAM : a short history by the founder Don "noisy" Hoisingt on W4CJL
1 shou ld ha ve asked you how long a Please believe me we did uot evpcct " II
piece you wanted; 50 word s, 5lXl wor d s, the former mem ber s 10 continue to op•.-rate
1O,()(X) words???? Tell y(ll l what I'm goi ng 10 am d own thru the y t· ilrS. Silen t keys, moves
d o. I will enclose d lot of info rmation in this to ss b, cw et c. •111 took it' ~ toll. When we
rega rd and since you are the editor B.l ITY. elected Floyd Dun!op,WA5TWF .th... su m-
you can help me out by co m pos ing the find! me r o f 83.we had a few memberships ca rds
draft. left and told R oyd that he should start a new
Afte r you have digested the ma terial me mbership roll ...from scratch . He then
presented here- with you will find that I ~ came up wi th a bea u tiful certificate which is
original edi torial by Jim Fisk • in the Ju ne, bei ng used ill th e p resent lime . Floyd for the
1967 issue of 73 ma gazine "started the ha ll first lime began to ask for co ntri bu tions from
rollin", Four of us local Ar u'ers go l toget her " II members. He d id a beautiful job for 5
and d ecided to make a n effort to Preserve years until he had a sud den hear t attack and
and Promo te AM. As you w ill we ll remem- became a silen t key.june 15th, 1%8. PllMSC
ber, at this lime there was still a big rush to note " II th e form letters he sent oul and the
go ssb . So we had 500 of the first mem work he dld planning special eve nts and so
bership cards p rinted and placed a sm.tll ad on. He di d -not have a reg ular job wi th in-
in CQ magazine. At thi s time we d id n't as k come, bu t lived WIth his parents.just how he
forevena n sase but since this station . where d id ma nag e to make ends mee t all those 5
I was employed as Chief engi nt.>t;>r, allowed years I just d on't kne w.
m e to make xerox cop ies at cos t (.05) and as I gilve him HX)% co ntrol of ...-very thl ng
pos tage was still quite reaso nabl e w e were w ith only occas ional sugge-suons.
able to ma ke some prog ress with great assis- The cc pies of the AM Press Exchange of
tance by am co ntacts on -10m and 75m , July.1988. ex plains "bout our elee uug the
We ran ou t of membership card s about present Pres ident. Norm Scon. WB6TRQ _
1970 and had anot her 500 printed stillihe Norm has done a good job. Joh n, W5MEU of
same size because it was cheaper. Hi-I musl San Antonio. was able 10 obtain mosro t th e
poi nt out tha i in the beginning we called our records that Aoyd had ke pt .
gro up ADVANCED MOD ULATIO N for the With the present cost of print ing an d
simple reason th at the 100% mod u lated Ik w posta ge I recommend that we ask prospl.'...·-
am transmitter only req uired 250 wa tts in live me m bers 10 includ e $1 w ith thei r e ppll-
each sideband. Not very m uch "talk po we r" ca lion. No rm has no t as ked for aoy contnbu-
compared to ssb. By use of Ultret-Modula- lions since taking o ffice.
lion (QST Oct. 1956)Taylor Super-Modula- You r interes t in my W9XBR broadcast
tion and WbOYTbalanced modula lion "Up- back in 1932 is a ppreciated . Actu dll y it could
side • d ow n • circuit ( W3PHL - W4Cj L· have been more serious, wi th my spending
March 1970 CQ erncle ) an d other form s of some 30 years in th e Fede ral Pen at Ll ruoi ng
Positive Peak Exte nsion we are able to pro- Kansas. ( ed : Horsy is re ferring to his fir:;t
d uce greater Talk Power w ith co ntrol uf the (illegal) broadcast sta tion . He lost his ham
nega tive cycle at 100%. It wa s only after w e licen se for a yt'a r as a res ult.) I am wo rking
elected Floyd -WA5TWF- as our Presid ent on th is a rticle and w ill send it to you shor tly.
tha t we decided to separate into two forms My first experience in broadcasting wa s the
of am promoti on. The promotion of special summer of 1935 when I wa s vacation re-
circuits was left 10 myself . placement al KOY-Phoe rux, AZ. Since they
The third set o f mem bership cards we re were still using motor gen erato rs and stor-
printed alo ng abou t 78 wi th a SOO prin ting . age bdlteries th is m igh t also be i n t cr~t ing.
co ntin ued from p agl' 6
Thank" a lot for your Interest and hope di spensed with it. We can't keep ou r heads
your project is success ful. We really need a in the sa nd. I beli eve a no cod e licence
publication such as you have proposed . I would en tice more young people into ama-
plan to be more active on 75 meters -3860- teur rad io.
3890 khz.after 9.30 MOST, so if you are Barry: What d o you th ink of the renewed
around I would love to have a chat. inte rest in old eq uipme nt an d am opera -
Ibl 73, Iloisy l eo: I think It's great. It could be tha t this
will stimulate ama teur radio in general. To
Ed: Hoisy se nt me a mountain of ma teria l me it's good news. I haven't paid mu ch
on the lwginnings of SPAM. It was very atten tion lately to w hat' s going on regard -
interesting go ing through it. The edi torial ing am activity but I'm going to start lis-
that Hoisy says "got the ball rollin" is a tening arounda little m o re in th e future.
classic. It is the most energetic att ack o n Ba rry: Finally, what d o you think the fu -
am and Am'ers that I've seen , Obviously tu re looks like for amateur radio?
written w ith the intent of has teni ng the leo: My hone st appraisal of amateur radio
demise of am , it had the opposite effect: it for the fu ture is not very encouraging. We
caused the Am'ers to organize and fight have to recogni ze the attitude of the
for the preser vation of that mod e, younge r generations com ing up and ap-
l-loyd Du nlap,WASTWF, wo rked ve ry pea l to th eir thinking, We mu st establish a
hard for Sr'A M, He wa s tota lly dedicated liaison between amateur radi o and the rom-
to the preservation /promotio n of am op- puter world . That cou ld be the challenge
eration. Fort unately for the AM frate r- for amateur radio in the 21st cen tu ry.
nity, other ind ividuals w ithin the Spa m or-
ganization have ca rried on after h is death.
In the early SPA M literature it is sug-
gested to members that they not make Ed:
anyrun-cosuplimentary remarks" to side- After I had finally put the int erview to-
band operators, I thi nk this is something gether, and af ter I'd talked with Leo at
we shou ld remember tod ay. The lite rature length for the third time , I realized that
also sugges ts that Aru'ers should try to cre- the re was some thin gs about him that didn't
ate as much good-will be tween the vari- come ou t on the printed page.
ous modes of operation .1S poss ible, Leo is a very compassionate and caring
I think it's very importa nt U"1t all Am'ers individual. He has al wa ys been Involved
and ot hers Interested in vintage equ ip ment in civic gro ups and charity wor k. He has
be rnembe rs of Spam and sup port the work done mu ch for the people in Council Bluffs
the gw u p is doing. and other pla ces.
I ll" is a people per Stlll, 110;' has friend s
everywhere and the hams that were Leo's
cust omers years <lgo really feel that he cared
SPAM abou t them. He i~ remembered for givi ng
quality service with a personal touc h.
TO JOIN: I th ink that th e story coming up in the
next issue about his war-time business-
manufacturing cr ysta ls- is fascinilting. Stay
P.O Box 67
tun ed .....
Pot rero, Ca. 92063
The Saga of the BC-610 By Bill Kleronomos KD0HG
How An Amateur Tran smitter Went to War
In our mod e m era o f co mmunications my New York Times World Alman.lc SdyS
ge.u a nd the silicon ,ll1d microp rocesso r the avera ge worker made dOOlit $25 weekly
ch ips thai rna ],e it possible, we would d o ba ck then, so I suspec t th" t tfus unit was
w ell 10 go I,Me1. 10 the time whe n if, bask , on m ort' a mateur's wis h lists thtl tl· actually
so lid, an d stm plo p iece of radio eq uipment in ham s hac ks.
could se rve th is cou ntry's military a nd ct- As 1940 ro lled in, Hitler had invaded 1'0-
vilian ro mmu nk...uoos n.........ts for a period la nd and most of Europe W M• •It Wolf. Whi le
of over a th ird of a l te ruury- and d o it with- Presi de nt Roo sevelt h ad proclaimed the-
oul the kind of perpetual technical prob- Uni ted Sta tes to be neutral. many in the-
lems and cos t o ve rru ns so prevale nt in Am er ican mi litary be lieved our invok e-
modem mi lita ry com munica uons equip- me nt in the war was lnevita ble and p re p.t -
ment. This one item of ITi\n smill ing equip- rations were be ing ma de withi l.\ ' the WM
ment ha s se rve....1 us so well that it's crea tor, Dep artment to outfit ou r mi litary with the
a ham from Chicago- Bill Halligan- and his latest in airc ra ft, vehic les, .l nd ot her war
firm, t he Ha llicraft e rs Compa ny , ha ve r..- equipment. Wh.ll th... Ar my d..-spe ran-ly
ceived numerous cilaliuns .IllJ "wards fro m need.....t was oS radio communtca uore, !oC1
bo th milita ry and ch·i1i.m .'gl·IKies in T..'C - w ith a reliable- ra nge of at 1"',I ~t 100 mil..'S
ognition of this (d el. capable of being used in \'ehides in su p-
The tra ns nut te r I' m refe rring 10, of port of armored ta nk d ivisiu ns . Being in 01
cou rse, is kn own res t by the mil itary no... rush to pnx'Ure some typo.' of S<l th..factory
menc1ature o f UC.. o1O. M.lIlY of yo u hJH' communicat ions set , till' Sign,ll Corps he -
use-d a surplus 610 over the ye.us and kn ow giln to look over w hat w as availa ble on the
w hat I'm ~pe.l ki ng of. Those of you w ho Amateu r market , and dtscovercd the lIT·
have neve r owned or u .......1 one of th ..-se 01. It was inheren tly ruggt>t.l .md s tdble, a nd
transmitters and love to o pe rat e AM or C \V its high power output made possible the
w ith vintag... .....l uipnwn t ought 10 coesld...r des ired co mm unications r.m gt', doly ur
the acquisit ion of one o f Ih~ venerabl e night, on gr ou nd Wolve . iloll1krdften. mold..
beh emoths for res torat ion " nd use on tbe some modificat ion s to the H r·-I, including
air . adding some rela ys, .111 im pro ved .tntl'n n.1
Th e s tory of the 610 lx'gins back in 1938, tuner, an d made the units weather ti~hl,
w he n the Hallicrafter s Comp any br ought and the BC·61O wa s bo rn .
Ihe HT·-I tran s m ille r ou l o n the ama teur In these d ays of solid s t.ltl' ~"'l lI ip nwnl
ma rket. In an era when neMly every ama- it's hard to imug illt:' anyo nle' con siJer i n~ .1
Ie ur made his own tra ns mi tter its in troduc- tra ns mitter wnw four feet high ,lIld thrl'"
tio n created quite a su r. Its features in- ft"et wide and over 30CI pou nd s for mobik-
clu ded -ISO wa tts output o n CW ; 325 watts use, but that wa s the case . Th e 6 10, .\s...... >O-
on AM p ho ne. The HT --I had a nu mber o f ated receivers, antenna IUIIl'r.., an d s p.ln '
co nvenience fea ture>s suc h as the ab ilil y 10 p arts beca me kno wn as tilt' S(' 1{·29t) CUIll -
cover any three ad jacent ham ba nds w ith a munications set, and <1 t llll' ton truck \\',IS
set of quick chang e co ils .a nd fina l ba nd - d eveloped In c,n ry .111 th is stufJ around ,I S
sw itching wi th a fro nt pa nel s w itch, ;ls wel l a mobile communic.itions \" llIUll, llld Ill,s l;
as the .l bility to cov er i111 bands from 160 power be ing s up plie,1 by.1 tr,liler lllul lllk,1
th rough 10. As tim.., we nt o n, the If T-4 be - g..' n..' ralor. With til<.' u.sc III .1Il .nl d it' lM1t-1I
came the HT-4B, wh ich added provisions p.lIlcl this t.'Ommunications ~·t n.uld h"
for VFO tyF"" opt·ration. Now wle"n' tilll<... u:.alto tra re-mit voke m..'Ss.I~t'S fmlll fi..ld
ing real deluxe h.lmming for lY40! By the tele phones ItlC"dtt"ll milo.'S .IW.lY ,
way, the HT-4 w Id for $400 ill 19-10, .lnd Du ring the W.1f yl-,lfS, Ilw nc.6 1l1 PIU'
halhrraftnrs RADIO
t.. r rd i,ll>lilt\' dn,1 TVI ..lIpr....... ioll. ....·I,·.:t ,I Y,lt'SU '
QCWA by Es ther Civen W68DE . Q CWA Pubtlclty Ch a irm a n
Tho> Qu J.rt ~ r Ct' lllury wireless Assocta- goals of young amateurs. In I'::lKM QCWA
lion is an o rga niz a tio n o f radio a ma teu rs awarded se ve n $7{X) scholarships .
first licensed 25 o r mo re ye ars ago, woo QC\VA wel comes ,lilY cu rre nt .1 llldll'Ur
are Interested in p reserving the history and licensed 25 o r mort' yt'a rs ah>(l, Membe r-
trad itjons of ama teu r ra d io a nd perpetuat- s hip inf o rma tio n a nd applications mdY be
ing tbe developmeut of amate ur rad io corn- ob tained from QCWA Headqu a rte rs, 14U9
municatious by Its pioneers . It's me mbe r- Coo pe r D r., Irvi n g..T X 75061 .
! ship forms a resevol r nf ~ nu wlt.-'dge a nd
• experience benefiting .111 r,ldi o amateurs
and the fu rtlwr.mce of pub lic welfare.
Revi ew : Ch ur k [J,Kh is, WD5EOC·T I IE
Org,mi"t'd -1 2 }'l',lfS ,lbo <"X:WA's ac t ive
I ia llic r,l fte r Collector- ha s pu t tOgt'tlll'f ;\
members hip has risen frcun 5-1 cha rte r 30 p,lge boo klt'I,"l' rudu d Lis t", Iisti lll; the
me mbe rs ttl o ve r 1 I,(KlO. wo rld wi de. Stern- va rio us pieces 01 eqnipmeut th.11 H.lllier,lf·
bership is open 10 ,my a mateu r who \\,,1 5 ters 110lS prod uced nvvr tl1l' yedf s. Chuck
first licensed 25 o r more yt.' ,us ago who s.ays tha t in the future he bo pe s to dd t! p ho-
now ho ld s .1 \'"l id amat e ur ra d to tos and pu bli sh it d S .1 book. The btlt1ld l'l ,
,IS far as I k no w ,is the on ly re ference mate..
IiCl.'llse.Tlw bccnsc n"",y have I"p""'-I in Ihal
period bu t the Ilnpl lrl .lIlt f,ldtlr is uw o rigi- rial available un thi ,> CUlIlp.my. I rccom-
IIJI illt..rt>St a nd Issua nc.. o f lif t' nS\.' WdS 25 nwnd it . It s hou ld be ve ry usefu l 10 ,l ny-
or more }'CM~ ,lgU. QC\\'t\ membcr sh rp un e inte rest ed in J 1 ,l lh l-r"f1t" ~ equipuwut.
brin,f;) ,I new ph ,l'jo' h) .1lll" tt'llr r,ld in ,lp- $10 tu C h uc k D,lt' h is, -1500 Ru '> so.."11 Dr.,
prloci-llion a lld p W\ 'id l"!o .ldit'l' p,Ulicip,llitlll Au stin TX 7t:i7-15
to an ditl' ,md hig hly rl'b ,lrdl...t org.nuza -
TIll' fir~1 QCWA chapte r \\,.IS l'~I,lhli shl'd
in 1'.151. Tu ·d.IY Ib'! cll,lplt'r~ located wit hin
Infnrmat iun Needed:
t',lsy If,IV,,1 dbt"lll"l' of lll,lj"r population In fut ure e....li liu ns {I f Electric Rad io l pla n
.u(',I~ ,11101\' memh..' rs an opporlunity to 10 h,tve i\ regula r sccnou list ing the ffl'tlue n-
share lOt-,ll ,lcl i\' itit's ,lilt! fe llo wsh ip . A des used for am opcrauo n around the
QCWA d Mp tt' r Ill<l y be formed when le n country . J would a ppreciate hColring Irom
or murl' QCWA members mee t. elect o ffi- anyone inv o lved in il fl'gulolr g ro u p or net
cers .1IIt.! petition ,1 ch ar te r. C h apter mern - opera tion on hf or vhf.1t might a lso be in-
bers mu st lot' cu rre nt 1Il1' 1ll1x' (S i ll good teresting to lea rn wha t's h.1ppening m other
l>t.!o"ling of Ihl' n.\l iOll<, lorg.llliuliu n. co unt ries .
QCWA llloliis ,l tlu.lr ll·rly lou rn. lll,l Us.
menbcrs . Spu llSOrs n ov aud 1'h Olll' nets,
050 pa r tu-s , re cogn izes UU Is t,ln t!ing
achievcuu-nt s i ll 11\l' A m, lll'u r R,ld ill Scrv - Specia l T hanks:
in' wtlh s pot.'d ,ll ho no r ,IWMds, Oi le rs rec- Ttl II MOld StOITl' r, W DKMRE, llll' pub-
li ~h,' r of th l' tlll! AM Clllllll'cl iLl li. WIll' n
ogn itioll to llll'mu..' rs who fl',ld l 50 yl',l rs
of ham ,ll: liv ity wi th l' nd tlfSe llll'llls fu r l·.1..:h I lolTo ld fo u nd o u t tlMt I W,IS SIMtillg il
5 yl'"r inUl'lIwnl tllt' n '.lftl'r , ,111..1 rl'Ct'n tly Ill'W publiciltio n Ill' (Md ' l 'lt u p t"Ll p il'S Hf
h.lS ht' lltln"ll t'ight Illl"mbt.'rs whu Tl't:t'iVl.J ,III Il'lt' issul'S hI." h,ld publbhl't l ,10.1 St.'nl
I!lt.'ir firs l ,\lll,l(t"u r r,ld ill Ikl' nSt.· 75 YC.lrs Iht.'1ll 10 me. ll'lt'y h,w l' Ix't'n ve ry u~t'f\ll.
ago_ In ,ld d ititln QCWA spOllsn rs ,ln ,m - Alung wi lh II\<' p.lrt:d he ~111 t'IKOUT,l g ·
nu.1I CtII1''gt' schol ,lT~hi p pro gr,lIn wh ich menl and ""dvi:.o.-. lll.lnks I l,lro ld
ft'(ll!~I1; /l'S ....·hu Ll..l k .1hi lilll'S .1I1\t (u lurl'
('o nt inlll'd h om I' ~ !:l' '' con tin ue d from I'~!:I' 11
I't·rl1<1('5 ,l1ll'l(I'I,l llol!ioll i-, in onh-r n-la- n m lilll1t...1 fo r 3 yt',ln; , ,l lltl s nor it ceased
IjVI' 10 Ill )' l',lrlit' r comnwnt Ih,lt we hold u~x' r.,t iu n,t1w p rl~'l1 t AM/ I'ress e xcha nge
IiUk' ho pl' n l SUlU "!>S in Ihis vent u re: Fo r W .1 S born to contin ue ;I~ .1 d t"l riliK house
souw rl',lSllll IIMI b bewlklertng 10 rue his- fur informanon on ,111 as pects of am o pt' r,,·
to rian s h,Wt, nllt been \'t'ry kind 10 Tt"SI.I_ tion.
I Ic c n'.llt...! (IUr system o f pOlyph.ls.e alter- AIs<). W4CJl. foruu-d SPA M-Thl' Sod-
naling curn-ut used thro ugho ut the world , l'l y fo r Pro mot ion lOf Am p lit ud l' Modula-
a ndhe ~l\'(' us t' vt' ry t"!>s.ent i.ll of r.l d iu. as non-, to presen'e this mod e of operation
wel l as m.my other wonderfu l discove ries . on the ham b ands. Fo r a numbe r o f yea rs,
Yl'l hisl uri.lI1s seem 10 wan t 10 pe r petuat e WA5TW F,( no w .1 silt' n l kl' Y ) w,' s presi -
tht' n,m "",!> of T homas Alvil Edi son a nd d en t o f s I'A M and d id .1 tre me ndous
M.lfl"hl'Sl' C.u~; l i d lllo Marconi for th e ac- a mount of wo r k to fos ter a m in a ma teu r
co mplis hmeuts d l'.uly ma d e by Testa. I rad io .
wonder w hy ? Today am ha rnmiug is on an e ve n keel
If yuu visi t the electrical display of Ihl' a nd is making " mod es! comeback. Mos t
Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, MI, yo u of the a m o pera tors use till' o ld eq uipmen t
w ill see Ed ison's na me in d ist inct pro rni- from the 50's and e ven -IO's bu t there is a
ne nce , but y Ull w ill 1101 see T esla at all. The trend of new arri va ls to am using modern
Smithsoulnu, I understand also di splay s all-mod e tra nscei vers. Orw of the a ttrac tions
Ediso n ill p romi nence. Ho we ve r, I wan t 10 of am It.d a y is the ccmma rad a rle of am
see fo r myself jus t as I did wit h the Henry operators an d ne w rec ruits ar e welcomed
Ford Mu St'um, so I am lea ving in the mo rn- likea b ro ther.
ing for Wolshingt o n, D.C. In Ame rica today there is a nos talgic
I wo u ld like to wi sh you eve ry s uc- segm ent o f the popu lat ion Ul<ll values the
ces s in the wo rld wn h you r new publica - hig hli ghts of pa st Yt'a ~: the q ua lity years
tio n. And no, I do nol t hin k Elect ric Rad io gcneby. Big ba nd mu s ic ha s a la rge fol -
is a misno mer; l Hke it. lo w ing, class ic autos have a loug(> fo llo w-
ing; so why no t class ic a mateur rad io ?
since rely. Jack Wh ich is wha t am opt'r.ltion toda y is a ll
John W.Wag ner W8AII B AM 'e rs It......1Y rec ogniz e a nd t reasu re
the q uahty p.l!>t yt'<1 rs of ol n \o,tt'ur rad io:-rhe
Golden 5O's -. While it is good to focu s on
th e fut ur e, il is "Istl welj tu r eme mber o ur
he rita ge. In my m ind aru operators a rt"o ne
The following letter is very representative
you r eed to bu y a table and p urch ase from
the dealers whe n setting up the night be-
of all the letter s I f t'Cd vL.J in res po nse to fore th e harn fest begins. At the Indi ana
mygeneral mailing.E d . ham fes t a week " go one ope rato r said he
brou ght 20 rec e ive rs w ith him , yel w he n
the hamfe:;t began at 8 am he only bad 3
Stephen L Saue r WA 9ASZ left.
12741ondon crry Lane I kno w your classitled sec tion w ill be
Greenwood, IN very we ll accepted . Th ere Me man y h,Il11S
out th ere us in g (or trying to u se) th e old
Dear Barry: equipment and they have learned a lot
about J igging u p sourc es fo r pa rts. That
How strange. aft er be ing ou t o f ha m informat ion needs to be s ha red . I need to
radio for the l.hl 12 Yt"arso r so, I gOI inte r- know w he re to go for that odd crys tol!' for
ested ,lgain lasl fall. It has taken me unt il tubes , tra nsforme rs, etc. We h ave a com-
today, the So.l me doily I rece ived you r le u er, f1d ny here in Ind ia na tha t w ill make trans -
10 get my oid but newl y purchase....l equ ip - formers to specs. That lnfor mat ton Ill..' t.....is
ment worki ng so I cou ld ha ve my first to be mad e a vailable . Sure I buy c>; tr,l rigs
phone (am) ljSO in d d o zen yea r.>. for pa rts like mo st, but I h.ltt' to see " rig
But I M\".' be...n mo nito ring 10 me ters w hieh could be re pa ired ca nnaballzed be-
am and I kne w yo ur name th e moment I C<lU5C pa rts were nol available.
saw it. I have been kee ping a log o f ...11 the It a ma zes me w he n I liste n 10 the
am oJll"rato rs I have heard, a nd thei r equip- Am'ers a nd hear th em s..,y exac tly tbe
menl, wailin!i for the opportu nity to con - th ings that I lw vc been s ayin g. have the
t,K1 11wm, Unfor tu na tely I Jive in an a pa rt- sa me interes ts that I hav e. We may be a
me nt buildin g w hich ba ns outs id e ant en- small grou p (or maybe larger than we
nas and all tran sm itting equipm...·nt. I'm Ihink ), hUI we arc vcry ded ica ted ,md sin-
ashamed 10 admit it but I have a 10 meter cere in our endeavor. And qso's are be-
dipole hanging fro m the cetling a nd to-day co mi ng qso's aga in .
I worked Arizona w ith the !-iT-32B. Unto r-
tU Mldy I go t into th e ca ble line. I gue!">s I 73 Steve WA9ASZ
still haw SO ll 'L" work to do on Ilu- sta tio n,
Hi. P.S. How a bout a regular feat u re on
I hope you tell o thers tha t there are troubles hooting older tube type geM? O r
hams out there wor ki ng to ge t o n and an a rt icle o n the p roblems that some pdr -
monitoring am eve n if they ca n't o perate. I ncular rigs always seem to ha ve?
h.t'0t! heard so nt.my (If the h.1111:> lalking
aboot how the y're g,tthl'ring up the good Ed : Slart ing nex t issue ER w ill ha ve tbose
old l'\luipnll'nt. 1 haw acq ui red the follow- typt'S of articles . Howard Mills, W3Il M-
ing l'l.]u ip llll' n t SlJR'e l,lst fall: SX. 115, SX· w ho is well kno wn for his rep"lir/restor a-
lOlA, SX- UlI M K3, SX- I IO, S -107, IH - lion wo rk - and C huck Dach is, WD5ECX;,-
J28,HT-4n,J,)hnslln C hallenge r, a nd a the Hal hcrattcr collec to r-have both agreed
~lhn~llI K,m gl'r, Incid "ntally, yo u would 10 con tribute articles un a reg ular b asis.
nul h ',11i7.t' 11,,11 our hubb y is d e,d ining if I'm abo co ns idt'ring so me tnlot' o f colum n
you were to a ttend <lny (If the ha m Iests in w here readers would send in questiolls and
this M l'.l. Tlu-y are elltn· nwly crowd ed a nd I would have Ihem answered by m d ivld u -
il yUll want ,lilY l;nlld luh,-'I yl'" equipment ,lis with t.'ll pt~r tbt' in tilt' pertinent Mt'.i.l ~ .
Valiant Audio Mod
submitted by Di ck Ka itchurk KA9LYR
o rig in.al desi gn by Will ia m U II W 9A UC d rolwn t>y Tom Kai tc huk W8 9[AW
5 ---:;J
V ll T.:'--'Vw- -~e--'
HOOv L~TCl R. I3Qf.J\ll..l€ A.t:>
-- - ~ - - - -
- - -- - - ,
'.U'ir lt'l:l : IIIL,t I ,• •" '. J": ." 1..J1" ' L .,·I ' ~ · 1 f f
AlIV,.tl ,; ': n 1I0IoUL,'f l 'otl t " th .... "" II " . , t10<0 of ....., ' l t i on;ol t'U.'i l rl Vt; ~ i . l .... h l
~r 1I _ i t ,,<1 on ly hI' rho · 1':ll IOfU :'tt;'l ".... r ou tp.,o t o ' 1/ ... .... OIi " L , l n rl ,
rhlf ro: pn''''' r I I _It ,. rt .." .. o f :1 ..." WoP I n .. . tCh a1 <1.. "'on<t .
,nv,n :';n Iltln lll. , t " . 1 ,, 1 1 1 ., 11 ... ' 1'O', I'f' I VI: ' >::' , KS t n r ...· ,d , 150 t n '00 " " l l h _
our lIny d t ~ t .. rr! o" r>r<>< h 'C... I 1,1' t 1<,' rran Mln!l l " r ,on<l ,,1''''0 r " c ... I" ...,1 " j l h n
nme . <I "recto,' or "r",l"c t , I~ [ ;·c t" r •
.vw.': 'C::'1 /~ II ' ,lIl. , rl P 11 Utl ,: 11 U' ;"., f'I ~ ~ , r_:.. 1·t'/ : • rI V ;'; u",: u: b ~ , " I' " ;_1:,) ; .r I VI;
~ ..k CL I "PU:C . r h lf ·( ., YLO ; ~1J J':it_Ull II J L~ tf :'> . the IILTI: .,_ " ~ ~ I U; :'; "" " I" I " t,·. 1
ci re ult o r th " IIL7"It., _r :fllIl TL .-r ltlfl " i r ,, " lt " tt __ ".m l ro l nf th.. I : ' ) ;· , TIV ~
fE. .... t o ' e l> nn ly 100 -;' hut " I I"".. The l'\ h 1t I 'o' I: 1'::'.1", t ... .... ,,"h I SII t"
) O<r., .1~ <><1 t nr nn t h .. U: ''' I 'i''', ~ l T ' :n .... . t ""t o t t t. .. I ~ M ,U r. , l't ~( ·; .
, IW,\l',; I': " 1I0 :,I Il. .1'I(Il ! h t lo.. ~ io" p l .. ;lll. f l tl o " o j " 10" . 1,,.... · 1 " ' ·.. . '1[ ...'· c ... e1 ,·
~ t' . r", .- , t " r . In ~ ' . ,,"' . ' nl h ro. "' c .. ~t { ll~ t to e N : a l lot', 12 5 .". f'<,.. Lt i v .. r. · ., k ~
.. Lr h 1 1f ~ " t h a" l ' ~ <lI . t or tl "o • •, 1 1 of I h .. ~p c lro;: u i r .. ".In I... ~ "f',. l t p d hv
IJto.CJ 1_ th.. Kl:Y " P. ~ I 'i 1' ,'( II~1 t o r 110.. co. t U " rp <I 1.. 1_ •
•,U".,:-,;l;1I l IO. HII' I. ,,·I"' l In u. I " ...."t ;,ry .. t .w,,, I... t h.. " ' _pi... ., r l ti l' , .. lIdor.
d OH t o y .... r rnl k<!' ~ n<1 " "r" it t o p l io.I"." " " b r " .,t h" " .. i s.' '' . ·1l, I ..
.. \ I"' ( " .,t " . ro'-"'l no [ ". ·. ... " , . ' { v" .. v tl" r vo le.. " " I~ ' , ;; · ·~ " :' ;" .. t l " e l. I·I .· " ~,,
POLI1,( ;:1: ,, " ur .. Ik ~ 10 "II-cM ,,,, ,, ,,. ~ , ," rl' " tn t h .. 1\ ) ' ; [ 'r I V ' ~ 1 · ~ , K " .
Any "n.. o r . , 1 1 n f t l,, ' " I" ",,· " irr" l l" " I t h I Tt~ l r "e l l "" .. I n r Ih,, ' r \I ~" c . '"
br . ,, 1'1'> 1 1..... hI' wrl l l.nr. t n ' /4 GJ L ." ,, 1 .. , oc l o ~ { nf': $:1 f ....· .. . och ..."t ic l ... ' n c n"'''I '
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rOR SAlF.: Cloug h. Br("n ~lt' C LIJ·f1(IOI17 I~ _
FREE C Bri d ~(' ·$18. Lambda mod t>l 2511V po we r
s u p ply-$IB. Uher reel ta pe dt-'ck ·S25. S hip-
CLASSIFIED ADS ):>ing c d ra. Ca ll for info rmatiun. Dave
20 to 30 words Mint·ht.'lIa, KE2CE , (7 16) 359-3.1..17.
For tilt' next couple of months WA NTED: Looking for mod u lat ion tra ns -
we'll give everyone a free ad former fo r Hea th Apache tra ns mitte r a nd
a Jo hnso n Viking II in good condition. Bob
no need to be a subscribe r De g osa, WA 2VMO, 4 17 Brit ton , Ave.,
send the ad in or phone us Sta ll'll ista nd , NY 1030 4. (718)9fl.1-4 170.
l,I,un-9plll CST (303 ) 247-4935
WA NT ED: O ne mudd 502-e Electnwoicc
Dead-li ne for June issue fThltching tr an sformer a nd (lilt!' EV-212
m icro pho ne . Richa rd Ru xas, W3NCC, 2"'5
MaylS Slee py Hollow, Pittsbu rg h, I'A 152 16. (412)
WANTED : Olde r II RO-5.7 etc. mini con-
clition . Ab o Co llins 32V se ries T X. N .E. WA NTED: Manua l fo r N,ltional J(X) and
O hio Mea . KRCFC, (216)74 1-8999. Johnson C I1<1l1en g N . I'O W t>T s u pply Io r
Mulu-Hmac and tho c" bll's f(I T rec e iver and
WA NT ED: Pair of jumbo 4 p in lube soc k- tronsmtucr. Wa yne Moo re, KA9QZK, 29376
ets for 81O,sn . etc. 250 ·300 p f vacuum vari- CR 118, [Ika rt , IN %5 17.(219) 295-82 16.
able, Bill Kle ro no mo s, KOOHG. P.O . Box
1456, Lyolls, CO 80540. (303) 823-6438 . WA NTED: G LB 2 meter synthesizer sche-
ma tirs, block di agr ams, tbeory of 0 pt' r,l-
WA NTED: FYO padd le ; ba nd sp read roils lion info , etc. Also I'oly-Comm 6 schematic.
for it Nat ional SW-3 rece iver . Phil Rand , Joe Furfar , W7ISJ, 10332 Camino Dele 1'1<'1 -
W7XK, Harr ima n Rt Box 170, Klamat h a la, Tu cson, AZ 85748 (602)886-3087
Falls, OR 97601. (503) 356-2381.
WA NT ED: Se rvin' ma nua ls for Colli ns 30-
FOR SALE: Tube s- new &. u sed . 5-1 a m pl ifiers . Da vid Nor ris, AASCY, 640
254W,II K54. 24G, 3CXl00A5, 4XISOA. 809, JOS('phine, "",tes villc,A R 7250 1. (SOl) 793-
813, 826, 829, 1625, 1629. Ma ny othe rs. 2280
WANT ED: 4-400A's, 4-125A 's 6000 tubes.
To n y Wheeler , K9BBA. RRI Box 215, Car - FOR SALE : C legg 22'er, a m 2 meter t ra ns-
lock, IL 61725. (309 ) 376-ml . ce iver, xta l controt, 1l7 va c /1 3,B vd c, 20w ,
manual. eXCl'lIent ·$35 .-t- UPS. Panor am ic
WANT ED: Wa rrior linear a m p in fair con- Panadap to r model PCA -2T-200-SSO.-t-urs.
d itio n. Pai r 5728 lu be s and ch im ne y fo r 4- Clay Mitchell, W8JNZ.- 3ti85 N. Dixboro Rd.,
UXXl tu be . Joe Frenks, Box 2f1.Jl, Humbo ldt , Ann Ar bo r, MI 48105. (313) 662·6663 res.
Sa sk. SOK 2AO, Ca nad a . (313) 259-5048 w k.
w a nted : Heathkit vfo-V FI, or similai r vfo WANTED: 6,1X){) ht z mechan ica l filtt-'r fur
fo r usc w it h a Hea t hkit DX·40. Joe Coo k, Co llins 51}4 rece iver. PM! _5I1O·IV>l) Cu llins
K5VD D, 2151 FM 740 N. Forney, T X 75126 526-'XKJ9-0II. WfiRIQ, 237 \ l'ortor, A!lild t'IM,
(21 .1) 721-3551.
C A q lOOJ.
22 - - - - -- - - - -
WANTEU: A 5 ~h z .\111 filll'f fo r <I 11.11- FO R SALE: llarnmarluud IIQ -170-A-VH F-
1il.T.lileT!> SX- ' 40 receiver or .,l ilY 5 thru 6 E.e . H eat h k it II X-I O-M a ura d er- E.C .
khz filters for iI "l mhz I.F.. C.T. Addair, WANTED; Co llins 75-A rece iver , 30K
N8IYV, 1782 St. RI. 193, Dorset, O tt 4.rol l . Am p. Do n Whitaker, K80MO, Sn5 Ediso n
St., louisvi lle, O H 446-11 . (216) 935·2%0.
National H FS recei ver 27 to 250 mhz-$200. WA NTED: Co llins 32V3 in good co nd i-
KWM2A!PM2-$&50. Mikl:c' Pal me r, KSJ--z. tio n a nd complete. FO R SALE: Jo hnson
167U7 Creeksoc tb, Hous ton, TX 77068. (713) Viking II with \' 10 in good cond itio n. 11,11'-
4+l-m7. vey Imhoff, WH7VON, 12405 W. Ran-
ch('tt~'S, Tu cson, AZ 85743. (6(2) 682-7327.
RADIO - WIRELESS T RA DE: New xm tg 1'1 chokes 2m h 400
Pre-f925 rna , h v filter ca ps, 2w, pots, m ise me ters,
ELECTRICITY - TEL EGRAPHY ... ir va riable ca ps, s ma ll/med iu m po we r
PRE·1900 trans forme rs. WANTED: Tu bes: bsqJ,
Books. Magazines, Autographs, 6SA7, 6SCl, 6SK7, 26A6, S33A DUD or
Catalogs . Ephemera wha t ha ve yo u to swap. W6RN C, P.O . Box
One Item or Entire Collection 478, Nevada Ci ty, CA 95959 .
New Wir eless Pion eer s
6210 Clinlon. Elm., NY UOS9 USA WANTE D: Ra nge r 11 schema tic a nd ma n-
( 7 16) 68 1-3 186 ual , ph ot ocopies a re fine . Also inte rested
in purchasing '" Joh nso n Vikin g SOO in good
WANTED: Meis sne r signa l s hifte r w ith working condition with manua l. Carmine
coils and Harvey Wells T85-SOB transmit- lanna ce , KA2PAP, 239 St. Johns Aile.,
ter in good ph ysical condition. No t requ ired Yo nk ers, NY 107Q.l-2715 . (9 14) 476-21n.
10 be in wo rking condition. James Sch-
liestett, K4IMQ, P'O . lXII( 93, Cedar town, WANTED; Ve ry old or uu usualHallicraf-
GA 301 25. (404) 748-5908. ter eq u ip ment. en tire 19).1 " 11" & "Z" lin e
of Silve r-Ma rshall, ('.ITIs, nle mor.lbilia .1Il..!
WANTED; t1Q -170 sche ma tic. Abo VFO manuals. C h UCK Dach is, "TIlL' Ha llier.llte r
aJignnlt' 1l1 procedure fo r C lobe King 500- Co llecto r", WD5EOC, 4500 RusSt."1I t»,
B. Dd\"~Ta y lor, WA bPBJ, 110128 N 6-Ith n., Austin, TX 78745.
Scottsdale, AZ 85254. (b02l 998 -36tH .
ro u S A I.E: IIC -63<)'\ .lntCIll M luning u n it -
FOR SA I.E: 32V2 good lo r p.lrts-$lOtl. ... $ 125 Abo HC·h I 4E ~pt"rt:h .1111P"505 . H..th
shipping. M. 1l ~'i n\<lI\, K7BOY, Illn. 7-1-1. .IT'" for " UC.MlI,W A NT EIl: Circuit .Ii.l-
S1\t>wluw, AZ tlSCXll . (602 ) 537-2-1511_ gr.l lll fo r 51.lIn-or t r.Ul~ mit ll' r Ill,...t d bOoN .
ILll'T)' S i l1l~, W7JKY. \ 9'J5(1 S, Ftl rl'~t I l ill
FOR SALE: Jl)25? Wt'<;tCTIl l-lcc tric nuc . Dr . O r~'g..n Cit v, OR " 70-15. (50.1) ti.1I ·3:!Ill,
lIig.. 1:>.1":1.: :01\<1 '>0> u ti ,111,1 :o..1)'s " b.o..: I.:" tlLl it
WANTU); Arg'lIllie AR -57 nne .md ot h...r f OR S A I.E: 11...uh Ap.lt:he, wHrl.:ing , \'l'ry
slUltio .1IlJ ribbu n nucs . Ab u Ill,,-,I uld l"1l·.Ill·$75. 5 11 10 ~~b .ld,' pt'l r·S75., 11.1111-
"short W.Wl' k.l~lIC" I'i ll~ ,1U.l n\<l llll' n t u~ _ n lolTh lll<1 1IQ ·I :!:<)X·$75 _, G"I\~d Cormnuui-
Bob Crowley, N ID J)Z , 37 l'. ls tl t' (;, ,1., c.rtor A M li lll·.H -$7S. Ed gM R,·i h l.
Rd.,W,lyl.lnd . MA 0 1778 (h I7 ) 926 -50 21> WN)Ul.U , 17 1S IIli n" j.; Rd ., Nm lhbruo k,
l·d _5528 d, ly:O. II . hI),lh:!:. (1:'12) 272·7 12....
WA NTED : N eed nl ril~ of d iilg ra m.<;! W ANT ED: ARRL Ior other) Am at eur
ma nuals fo r Eko 730 modulato r.Elma c AF ha nd books: 20's thru 61:Ys. Ma C' McKn ight,
67 an d Johnso n Ranger. Cash O f S Wil p . WK7 U, 3414 Keir Ln., l Ielena, MT 5% 0 1.
C heste r KSt.' II, W8 VQ L,. 29572 Brtd ge, Gar- (406) 475·3355.
den City. M14 8 135. (313) 421-4065.
WA m ED: Cera mic !ipa cers for open wire
WANT ED: One o r two good 812-11 tubes. ft"t'd,4 1/4 K 1/2" di a.• 3" w ire sp aci ng.
Th e one w ith the ca rbon pla tes . AVAI L- m arked CSJ-61192 ( or approK. equiv.).
ABLE: Will copy t he ins tru ctio n manual Bruce Batchel or , N4A LI, t 233 Chim ney To p
for my lI amma rlu nd lI Q· 129·X: co ntains W, Mobil . AL 36695. (205) 639-1563.
opera ting ins tructions, pa rts lis tin g.. wi ring
d iagra ms. a lignment procedures. e tc. WA NTED: Diagram or manual for H ar -
Twe nty-Two 5 t/2 x 8 1/2 s heri5, defray vey W('U.. Bandmaster Senior trans mit ter,
copy & mailing cost. ]. M. Huckabee, model T BS-5OC. plus ;my modifiction 10
AASBU, 12,419 RR·2769, Au s tin, TX 78726. ieo meter s. K.J. Guge. K9KPM, 1t07
(512) 258-1575. Woodrow Ave.• Lombar d. IL 60 148. (312)
WAN TE l>. BC· l031 panadaptor o r Hal-
licraners 5-35 pa noramic receive r ( has SM WA NTED: Crystals for la fayette model
pa nad a ptor wi th SX·28) . lias a nYime ever H A -460 and lI A 410 tra uceivcre. Also look -
seen o ne? Sa m, W 6I1 DU. Bo x 10 1, ing fur Ebcu Skysweeper -I. ring halo a n-
Alameda, CA 94501. tenna for III me ters . Harry Schools. KA3B.
1606 S. Newkirk 51., Ph il,u l e-lphl" , I'A
WANT ED: RME 4301 sideband selector & • Book c ov e n IntJtr.ilrv h islui""
• S P P l:S onlUll r J'('Pl vers
RME 4302 speaker fo r RME 4350A. Will . 51 COflIIliJll V mstcrtes
buy all if clea n. Also ., Globe King SOOC • 111 photo!l
transmitter; mu st be clean and working. • ~ OI' COl1l1Ct Ol'S, coor o teaeors
Jack Busk , W9FQK,. 926 Rio Verne E, Co t- and e ewrern o r r pc pi v pr !l
tonwood, AZ 86326. (602) 634-8010, 9-5p m. $ 14.'Y> p lus $7 I' / S, 5A5F rcr
lll'lai l'>,
WANTED: Tubes : 816, 8J.1l, 81l A, 6KD6,
stron g used or new. Also ARRL ha nd boo ks, I .f S M ( ': 0 " " " ' " 1 1 r; n tol u ' lH
110_ 7 ' '' -[. """"",,,1IXl. _ 0<'Uh1
1955-1970. Randy Rkhardso n, WB8FWJ,
P.O . Box 405, Ga llipolis FelTY, WV 25515.
(304) 755-3328 wk. WANTED: Need u sed 8874's. N5JBT. P.O.
Box 978, Ingram , TX 78025.
WA NT ED: Have Na vy Ral-7 receiver wI
o r .S. Need schema tic a nd voltage figures WANT ED: 10 me ier gea r; GOn'>('1Co m.lV;
for power s u pply. Tuning chart a lso help- Utica 650A; manual or C(lpy for TEK model
ful. John Rodenbe rger, WB90FG, 3657 453A scope . Greg Richard son, WA8JP. I'.O.
Lombardy PI., Ind ianapo lis,IN 46226. Bo ~ 405, Ga llipo lis Ferry, WV 25515.
FOR SALE: 68 yr s collec nc n. 1O,000-t WANTED : Ell Sco tt ra dios wa nted by col-
items.a ntiq ue s, ra dios, tele visi o ns, p ho ne s, l~tor /historia n. Also see king origina l Scot t
sound, military. ham , ca talogs, hooks, lit e ratu re . Jim C1ark,' 'The 5<.."<111 Cu lledm ",
flyers, broch ures. 48 past;' trsr-st . refund- 1292 Sta rboard, Okemos, MI 4~64 . (517)
able. F. Yonker, W2IBH, 7 Old Farms Rd ., 349-2249.
Saddle River, NJ 07458. (201) 825-1895.
WANTED: Two tube sockets fo r Elm ac
WA NTED: Following units excellent in 304TL. Modulat ion tra nsfor me r fo r Jo hnso n
"ppe.lTilnce an d wo rk ing co nd itio n: 5 X-l 12, Ra nger transmitte r. Ro n Reu, WB0 LXV,
DX-1OOB, Valia n tll, Wa rr ior, Courier. Steve, RR1, Box 334, Win field, MO 63389 . (314)
WA9ASZ, 1274 Lcn doner ry Ln., C rce n- 668-6518.
wood, IN 46142. (317) 882-4598 afte r 6:00
PM , excep' Tues & Th urs. FO R S ALE: All band soli ' s ta te Rea list ic
DX-l60 receive r-$75. lla m rna rlu nd HQ HID
FOR SALE: Jo hnso n Viki ng II in good to p shape-firs t $100. Ge rald Koch, N401.R,
condition and good loo king. WA NTED: 401 Ga rden si, D.:land, FL 32720. (9(4) 985-
Pair of good 809 mod ulators for m y WR L 5748.
Globe Cha mpion 300Ai also pa ir of good
AX 9909 finals. [ames Na tale, W0PKS, 17 WANT ED : Telegraph bugs & w ire less
o Countrysi de Est., Ha ys, KS 67601. (913) ke ys so ught for p riv at e, no n p rofit co llec-
625-6461. tion. Ama teu r seeks ea rly telegrap hic d e-
vices, a vintage a ma teur s ta tio n, an d ea rly
FOR SALE: AM'ers & Co llectors; joh nson, photogra ph s o r co rre spond ence. Dona tio ns
(3) Viking II wi th 122 vfo's, Valiant 1, m in t of telegr a phic pa rts, ino pe rab le ke ys o r
Navigator, 6N2 vfo, Hea th Seneca 6N2 , pa d d les, memorabilia appreciated . Jo hn
Elmac AF 6M, PMR M, MlOSO power s up- Hensley, WJ5J ( QCWA, ARRL ), 5054 Hol -
ply. All a re 100% operational, in excellent lowa y Ave., Baton Ro uge, LA 70808 .
or above physical condition. Hea t h Apac he
100% operational, needs ca binet , Viki ng FO R SA LE: HP 606 A s ig gen ., H P 608
Courier excellen t, needs filimt'nl tran s- C M s ig gell ., SG3/lJ stg ge n. All -$500. -t
former. Manuals for all. Due to heal th rea - s hipping. Jo hnny O rtiz , KI'4C N, 1'.0. Box
sons just to heav y to ha nd le all Y more. 532, Guay,lnla, P.R lJOb55. (/j(9) 864-0122.
Bring your Vnn , Pick -u p, Ll-Hau l o r ? and
take lot for $700. Ll'C, W8W FB, (2 16) 533- FOR SA LE: BC·614E·$ :'\O., BC· 348R -
3728" or C I~A . . $30.,MiIlen 500 w a m tra nsmitter 9088 1
comple te rac k mo u nt rig -$100., Na tiona l
WA NTED: Colb :til1g Nauo na l rcg l'I1f..' ra - NC-27U cxcellent-$75"lots of old tubes. You
tive receiver s, p.uts a nd acces sories. Gl,HJ pa y s hip ping. [oh u v on Me ter , WJ)9jlM,
to correspond w ith other "Thrill Box " o w n- 69-191h St., Cliutcuwille, W I 54'l2Y. (715)
crs. Dc.in ShOIV,I!t"'T, WA6 PJR, 3(1308 l' a no- 823-23IH .
r<1l11<1 Dr., Yucaipa, CA Y23Y9. (7 l 4) 797-
1782. WANTED : Co uld yOll CO li vert I lyg<lin C B
lx1MJ fo r me w ith mtc .~ pu t in cabine t fo r
WANTED: /j1O's ( ne w, b uxe....1 o nly), am 10 meters? O r SWilp beard d C,? wo rks
KWM-l ruet er, 3 CX IUOOA7. Ira Up ton, 011 11 meters. Dale Jo hnso n, VE4AE D, Box
WA20 AX, s ]{OSt' I l ill Rd ., Snffren, NY 626, Pinawa, Man itob a, ROE 1Ul Ca nada .
1000Jl . (914) 357-8282. (20-l) 753-2737.
FO R S ALE or TRAD E: Denlro n 10-160 WA NT ED: Top cover fur RJ...l:I8 / 5 IH re -
lu ntor· $l 00 . Yaes u p hone palch -S75. cci ver: Inst ructio ns / schenwl ic for COllve r-
WANTED: Yaesu 757 GX·2 & Co m. 27A. sion o f SIP to 51)4 (ins tallation o f mccha ni- 5
D.C. Sm ith, NOCPY. 702 Main, Box 48, Hill cal fillers); Mec hani cal filters for 51J-1. 6Kcl c
Cit y, s o 57745. (605) 574-2253. 3. IKc@SOOKc; d i.1l d ru m ur drum fMl"O('r F
for 75A-4 receiv er : 2.1, 2.3Kc me..:hanical 8
WANTED: New, old s tock type 9909 and filler s for 75A-t He ward Mills, W3I1M,
5728 vacu um tubes e t rea so na ble prices . P.O . Box 267, Shn ling. VA 22170. (703) 430- f
FOR SA LE: DA/l64 /H RA-4' military type 5555. I
SOOw d umm y load. easily handles kw with
blow('f-S90 . + U PS. Rola nd Mat son, WA NTE D: Schema tic o r m an ual for SX- eo"
KIOKO. RAJ"1 Box 2943, Kennebu nk, ME 100; va r.cap-J(Cpf, 1 /8~ spa cing; need two R
04043. (207) 9MS·3751. GG B5 tu bes . Jim Hea th, N8EXS, 8 186 Ed - 2
wa rd, Fostori a, MI 48435.
WANTED: Need schema tic on ly for RME
69. Looking for d ..an Johnson 500. Henry FOR SALE: Early boo ks & m aga zines on
Clark, W21Q 301 Ches tnu t G rove Rd., Rt6 radi o, television , teleg raphy and electric- ~
Bo x 301, Dand ridge. TN 37T15. (615) 397- tty. To &et on our mai ling list, please let us _
'17% . kno w what your specific w an ts a re . New \I
Wire k'SS Pio nee rs, Jam('S Kreu zer, N2GlIO, T
WANTED: Good to excellen t Phi lro 60-8 Box 398. Elma , NY 14059. (716) 681-3186. 9.
cathedra l, 1934 ARRL hand boo k a nd old
or u nus ua l straight keys. David Co mbs, WANTED: MiIIen rf amp 90000. Schcma t- F
W5VJW. 2(xx) Victory Aw., Wichit a Falls, tcs and /or m an uals for Ameco A C -T tra ns- '0\
TX 76301. (817) 767..OCJ71 evenings. m itle r and Navy RBB/ROC rece ive rs. Will $.
reimb u rse E"x pen ses. Pa u l Beckwit h , B:
WANTED: Need 5-meter for Hallicrafl ers K2l MQ, 6843 H ommellville Rd., Sauger-
SX-25 receiver. Also old Regercy ATC·I car tit'S, NY n ln. (914) 246-3031. ¥
converter (1950' s). Steve Miller, WA3JjT. T
IXJ9 Walnu t St., Erie, PA 16502. (8 14) 454- WA NTED: Collins mecha nical filter 455 if 6!
8990. Ireq -e kc band w id th pMl ItF-455J·60. D. 7,
A Il ~l,'f h o fl' r , W0 ZU S, P.O . Bo x 510,
WANTED: Elma c AF-68. Will purchase or Etl gt.'Ill Ol1l, SD sn 3S. (60S ) (..6 2·7692. l\
trad e Elmac PM R-8 and M-I070 power r-- 8
supply w ith man ua ls. Alvi n Berna rd, N I4Q. SCHEMATICS I ,.
P.O . Bo... 690098, Orlando, FL 32819. (407) I q
1920-1 9&0
351-5536. • al
FOR SAL E: Na tio na l NC 109 ge neral co v-
erage receive r, good ro nd ition-$60. Chuck
Hanavin, WB3FJJ, 3M O ld Conowingo Rd., CAN AtlI AN RADI OS I '"'
Co nowingo, MD 21918 (301) 378-4705. I 3·
SC IIEM ATICS ·· $3.50 & I' O STAG E 'I ;
fOR SALE: Brass base WD ·11 (open), WANT ED: Edrly receivers; Ho ward , Pat -
19265(rombe rg Carlso n SOIA se t, 1920's terson. McMurdo a nd Sdrgea nt. Send in fo,
tuning fork osc.-S3S. Other t'.uly radio description a nd price. Larry Flegl e,
equip. SASE. Floyd Paul. W6T HU. 15-15 NHMW. 210 Wylie Ln., Woodstock. GA
Raymond Ave., Glend ale. CA 91201. O:IHlI 30188. (4M) 928·3022.
242-8961 .
WA NTED: Pre-w ar co m mu nications a nd
WA NTED: Ea rly spark eq uip. a nd books. Ha m receivers. especially RME equipment,
Also Q5T before 1927. Edwa rd Wh itl.', lite ra ture a nd ad ve rtising. Ed Gable. K2M P.
WMBZf, (302) 475-3355. (716) 62 1-6692.
WANTED: Diagram for a NC-300 . Mark WA NTED : Am transmitter for 160 rrn....
TAYlorWOlD, P.O. Box 4659, Mod esto, CA te rs, lo w pa ss TVI filte r (52 oh m kw of AM)
95352. a nd co m. 64 co mpu ter. Jim Dol vin, KolO A,
Route 3, Box 1584, Odcssa, FL 33556 (813)
fOR SALE: Mint llcat hk it IIW7 QR P rig 920-3138.
with hatching power su pply a nd ma nual-
$55. + shipping. Ed Sa ue r, KC9SP. (317) WANTED : Type 10, lOY, VT62 or HOI
881-1483. tubes. Rodney Schroc k, KA3NMJ, 402 lin-
co ln St. Some rse t, PA 15501 (814) 445-8 187.
WANTED: AC-4 POW!:'T supply lor Drake
T4.X, H XB etc. Seymour Krevsky, W2JBI, WANTED: Any Informa tio n su ch as age,
69 Judith Rd., little Silve r, NJ 07739. (201) ma nu als. av ailability of tu bes (finals ar e a
741-4918. pa ir of 1213BI4' s) e tc. for m y Yaesu Fr-50
tra nsceive r. Abo wis h i nfo rmation o n how
NEW AM ATE Un RADI O C ENT En : to formu late w rinkl e fini sh . Kick Van
BUY, SELL, TRADE ne w ami used arna- Kre ge l. VE7FOU. Ge ne ra l Delive ry, Victo-
teur equipment. Call fo r buying o r sales ria. B.C. Canadd. V8W-2L9 (609) 598.ffi.12.
R.UOh.'S . Expert service s ho p a vaila ble fo r
:all major brands . We locate equipment. WANTED; National NTX-30 transmit t....r
(703) 00-5555 o r P.O. Box 267. Ste rling. VA. for restora tio n a nd to wri te a rtid e for tm.
22170. "O ld Time rs Bulle tin " uf the An tique Win....
less Asso c. w tll lam Fizett e, K3ZJW.
WANTED: Co llins SM-2 o r SM·3. wi , RDl ,Bo x 55, He nr yville, PA IH112. (717)
31284.. Bill. K0DEW, (4171532 -7710. 629..Q637 ev e nings.
SEU or TRADE: BC-6l0 II . excellent con- WA NTE D; Po w er s up ply or Sd ll..'ll'I.l tic for
(Jilion with speech amp.-$200. or trade fur Millen exciter II 90&)1. Will buy ur trade
Yiking Ranger . Vilhant. o r Collins 32V-3. for ni ce 75 A3. Andre w Ho w ard S r.
Roger Frith, N-Il8f. 28 1 Pa rago n Mills Rd .• WA4 KCY, 105 SWl.oct Bay Ln., Ca rrolllun,
~a'sh ville. TN 37211. (615) 331-&\(16. C A 30 117. (404) !l32-lJ202.
For Sa le: Re built model 28 ASR, ., 11 o p ' I
FOR SALE: QSfm.lgazinecullro ion - l946
10 prl"S4."n l-S40 . Yo u f"ly shipp ing. Ken nons, su pplies, man ual s. Also Ranger 1
Anderson, W4JQT. 2404 Rock bri d ge St. and NC· I8..'lD, WA N1ED: Ke ys and tele-
Vi('nn..l. VA 22180. graph instruments. WolfTrn B..·rbit, K2U\,V.
46 A Mile Rd ., SuH ren, NY 10901. (9141357·
WANT ED : johnso n Valiant o r Valiant II 2167.
in t'xnoU,-' nl rond uion, K0R Z. (303) 499-
19Jh. WANTE D: Hamma rlu nd SP recei ver man-
ual. Tu bes: 6CW4, 6D R7, 6CS6, 6DJ7. Sta n
WANTEI>: Schematics and /or manual for Stev e ns, WA6 SKD, 2112 Sand ra Dr" Mid -
Btancor 4-40M modu lator kit and Sarge nt west City, O K 73111·2350. (405) 732·7 1H9.
8·34 communications recei ve r, circa 1934 .
Rea sonable price pa id . Uob Malison, WA NTED : K0 CR X "collects radios exclu -
KC2lK. 10 Jan e Wood Rd ., High land . NY slvely", s pec ializing in 50's/ 60's a mateur ra-
12528. (914) 691-6247. dio trensrrutters, receive rs, accessories,
FO R SA LE: johnson 500-S3S0. Joh nson KW manuals and periodicals. Mike Sewell,
Ma lch bo x-SJ7S. Ja y Bromley, KASDGH, KOC'RX, 35795 Oriole Ave., Lindstrom, MN
102 St irling C t., Fort Sm ith, AR 12903. (SOD 55045. (6 12) 257-1675.
FOR SALE: Ha lhcra fters HI·37 tra nsmit-
FOR SA LE: Co llins 75A -2 rl'Cei ver-$75. Art Ie< wi th m.,nual·SISO., 86fl.A tu bes -Sjtl.,
Rideo ut , WA6Ir D, 2235 Cum Tree Lane, 813 tubo..'S-$25. Eldk" EE-3 electronic keyer -
Fallb rook, CA 92028 (619) 728-6834. S25. Ste ve 1lI.1is...id l, WO PER, 3120 S. Penn,
WA NTED: High vo ltage coil for Emerson Englewood . CO RO llO . (303) 778·6752 da ys.
model 600 b & w l V circa 1949. Grt'g
Bruns, 539 Wilso nia t», Clncinn a h, a l l WA NT ED : Ili ~h voltage tran sforme r for
45205. (513) 471-5284. Ih·.l lhkit AP.lChl' trans mitter. Law rence
Moskowit z, KB2AR, 2000 N , Camola Ter .,
WA NTED : 73W tubes, Jo hnson 500, In\'t' rn es!oo, ...1. ~265o . (9(}·1) 72 6-MOI .
Co llins mech . filte rs for 75A4: 6 khz, 2.1khz ,
23khz. KW- l tra nsmitte r, AR.aB receiv er . WANT ED; f\.!,l IUMI.., any in fo Ior BC 611·
I:O R S ALE: Halhcrafters HT-4 (I) SNIHI E m ilitary ha nd h eld . G re g Geiger,
am-cw tra ns m itter , Extra final (250thl , N0 BOK, 215 Wal~'1\ Aw .• w alsen burg,
modulators (tOOth), tank co ils, gri d tuning CO 8 1009. (119) 7)8·2 15h.
u nit, manual, BC-614 speech a mplifier. All
for S3OO. Ho wa rd Mills, W311M, 7300 WANTED: St'T\'irt'.lhlt· v t tr z-wey radi os
Lan gsford o, Sp ringfil'id, VA 22153 (7031 fur dona tion to g., IV.ltiu II Army vehlcles &.
644·7307. emt.·rgellcy ronuuuniouious. Also inex pc n-
s tvc service monitor. IRS cred it Tt'c:t.'ipts &.
Chassis I Cabinet Kits s hip ping UI'5 a vaila ble . S. &:011 1.1.' t.',
Assembled Cab inets W9N SR, Ce ntral Communlcntio ns, CUUIl
Po w e r Divider k its S lo p e Bo xes Valley , WI 54623. (6(8) 452"3230.
C h a rles Bye rs K3 IWK WANTED: 32V2 o r 32V3, flR O 50 o r 60,
5 120 H a rmo n y G rove Road Moha wk rcvr, Go nset Comma nder Mohile
Dove r, PA 1731 5 Tra nsmitt er . " Doc" Ta ylor , W0DQQ,t l
Cy press Or., Wichita , KSU7200.
17171 292-4901 5,30-9,10 EST
$18. per year for 12 issues
First Class - $27.
By Ail : Canada-$28. Mcxico--$2!:1. All others--$55
Surface m ail to Ca na da, Mexico and othe r fore ign cou nlries--$24.
Send a check or money ord er
with you r name.call , a nd ad d ress or
p hone us (303) 247-4935 9a m- 9p m a nd
we'll bill yo u
E.R. Box 139, Durango.Co, 81302
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