RMM S00289EP GT46AC Ferronor Chile 20108368 2nded
RMM S00289EP GT46AC Ferronor Chile 20108368 2nded
RMM S00289EP GT46AC Ferronor Chile 20108368 2nded
SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................1-1
1.1 FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................1-1
1.2 SERVICE DATA PAGES .........................................................................................................1-1
1.3 UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ....................................................................................................1-1
1.4 METRIC CONVERSION TABLES ...........................................................................................1-2
1.5 GT46AC IGBT TRACTION INVERTER SAFETY PROCEDURE ............................................1-3
1.5.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................1-3
1.5.2 DISCHARGE PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................1-4
1.5.3 PHASE MODULE DISCHARGE PROCEDURE ...............................................................1-13
1.5.4 MANUAL DISCHARGE OF DC LINK ...............................................................................1-15
1.5.5 TOOLS AND HOW TO USE THEM ..................................................................................1-16
1.5.6 GLOSSARY OR TERMS ..................................................................................................1-17
1.6 PHASE MODULES ................................................................................................................1-18
1.6.1 PHASE MODULE REMOVAL PROCEDURE ...................................................................1-18
1.7 WELDING AND MEGGER/HI-POTTING PROCEDURE .......................................................1-22
1.7.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................1-22
1.7.2 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................1-22
1.7.3 GENERAL COMMENTS & RECOMMENDED PRACTICE ..............................................1-22
SECTION 2. GENERAL DATA .......................................................................2-1
2.1 GT46AC LOCOMOTIVE - GENERAL DESCRIPTION ............................................................2-3
2.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR GT46AC LOCOMOTIVES .....................................................2-3
2.3 LOCOMOTIVE DATA ...............................................................................................................2-6
2.3.1 SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................................2-6
2.3.2 16-710G3C-ES ENGINE DATA SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................2-8
2.3.3 WEIGHTS ...........................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.4 TORQUE VALUES ..........................................................................................................2-11
2.3.5 EXTERNALLY THREADED FASTENERS .......................................................................2-15
2.3.6 TABLE OF ACRONYMS ..................................................................................................2-15
SECTION 3. ENGINE ......................................................................................3-1
3.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................3-3
3.1.1 DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................................................3-6
3.1.2 ARRANGEMENT ...............................................................................................................3-7
3.1.3 SERIAL NUMBERS ............................................................................................................3-7
3.2 CRANKCASE AND OIL PAN ................................................................................................3-14
3.2.1 CRANKCASE AND OIL PAN DESCRIPTION ..................................................................3-14
3.2.2 CRANKCASE AND OIL PAN CLEANING ........................................................................3-16
3.2.3 INSPECTION ....................................................................................................................3-18
3.2.4 RETORQUING .................................................................................................................3-19
3.2.5 LOWER LINER INSERT APPLICATION AND REMOVAL ...............................................3-19
3.3 POWER ASSEMBLY RETENTION SYSTEM ........................................................................3-22
3.3.1 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................3-22
3.3.2 CRAB BOLT REPLACEMENT .........................................................................................3-23
3.4 TOP DECK HEAD FRAME AND COVER ..............................................................................3-24
3.4.1 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................3-24
3.4.2 GASKET AND SEAL REPLACEMENT ............................................................................3-25
Table of Contents i
3.5 CRANKSHAFT ...................................................................................................................... 3-26
3.5.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-26
3.5.2 CRANKSHAFT INSPECTION .......................................................................................... 3-28
3.6 THRUST COLLARS (BEARINGS) ........................................................................................ 3-28
3.6.1 THRUST COLLAR MAINTENANCE ................................................................................ 3-29
3.7 MAIN BEARINGS .................................................................................................................. 3-31
3.7.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-31
3.7.2 LOWER MAIN BEARING INSPECTION .......................................................................... 3-32
3.7.3 INSPECTION OF UPPER MAIN BEARINGS .................................................................. 3-34
3.7.4 BEARING REMOVAL AND APPLICATION PROCEDURES .......................................... 3-34
3.7.5 SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR OVERHEATED BEARINGS ......................................... 3-38
3.8 GEAR TYPE TORSIONAL DAMPER .................................................................................... 3-38
3.8.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-38
3.8.2 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 3-39
3.9 CAMSHAFT GEAR TRAIN .................................................................................................... 3-41
3.9.1 CAMSHAFT GEARTRAIN DESCRIPTION ...................................................................... 3-41
3.9.2 CAMSHAFT GEAR TRAIN INSPECTION ....................................................................... 3-42
3.9.3 CAMSHAFT GEAR TRAIN ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES ............................................... 3-43
3.9.4 CLUTCH DRIVE GEAR ASSEMBLY ............................................................................... 3-45
3.9.5 NO. 1 IDLER GEAR ......................................................................................................... 3-47
3.10 CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLIES ................................................................................................... 3-48
3.10.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-48
3.10.2 CAMSHAFT SEGMENT REMOVAL ............................................................................... 3-49
3.10.3 CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE ............................................................................ 3-50
3.10.4 CAMSHAFT SEGMENT INSTALLATION ........................................................................ 3-50
3.10.5 CAMSHAFT COUNTERWEIGHT APPLICATION ........................................................... 3-51
3.11 ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR TRAIN ..................................................................................... 3-52
3.11.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-52
3.11.2 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 3-53
3.12 ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR ................................................................................................. 3-53
3.12.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-53
3.12.2 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 3-53
3.12.3 LUBRICATING OIL AND WATER PUMPS ...................................................................... 3-54
3.13 ACCESSORY DRIVE COUPLING ........................................................................................ 3-54
3.13.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-54
3.13.2 ACCESSORY DRIVE COUPLING REMOVAL ................................................................ 3-54
3.14 RING GEAR AND COUPLING DISC (FLYWHEEL) ............................................................. 3-57
3.14.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-57
3.14.2 MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................... 3-57
3.14.3 FLYWHEEL POINTER QUALIFICATION ........................................................................ 3-57
3.15 POWER ASSEMBLY ............................................................................................................. 3-60
3.15.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................ 3-60
3.15.2 EXHAUST VALVE BRIDGE ASSEMBLY ........................................................................ 3-70
3.15.3 CYLINDER POWER ASSEMBLY REMOVAL ................................................................. 3-71
3.15.4 POWER ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION ............................................................................ 3-75
3.15.5 POWER ASSEMBLY PACKAGING ................................................................................ 3-88
3.16 ENGINE INSPECTIONS (IN SERVICE) ................................................................................ 3-88
3.16.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 3-88
3.16.2 LINER/PISTON VISUAL INSPECTION ........................................................................... 3-91
Table of Contents v
SECTION 8. COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM .................................................. 8-1
8.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 8-3
8.2 AIR COMPRESSOR ................................................................................................................ 8-4
8.2.1 AIR COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE ............................................................................... 8-5
8.2.2 AIR COMPRESSOR CONTROL ....................................................................................... 8-8
8.2.3 MV-CC MAGNET VALVE MAINTENANCE ..................................................................... 8-10
8.2.4 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER ........................................................................................... 8-10
8.2.5 TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................... 8-11
8.3 MAIN RESERVOIR SYSTEM ................................................................................................ 8-11
8.3.1 AIR FILTER DRYER ASSEMBLY .................................................................................... 8-12
8.3.2 MAIN RESERVOIR SYSTEM SAFETY VALVE .............................................................. 8-16
8.3.3 MAIN RESERVOIR CHECK VALVE APPLICATION ....................................................... 8-17
8.3.4 MAIN RESERVOIR FINAL AIR FILTERS ........................................................................ 8-18
8.3.5 MAIN RESERVOIR DRAIN VALVES ............................................................................... 8-20
8.4 CCBII BRAKE AIR BRAKE EQUIPMENT ............................................................................ 8-22
8.4.1 ELECTRONIC BRAKE VALVE (EBV) ............................................................................. 8-22
8.4.2 ELECTRO PNEUMATIC CONTROL UNIT (EPCU) ........................................................ 8-26
8.4.3 VENT VALVES ................................................................................................................ 8-29
8.4.4 BRAKE CYLINDER ASSEMBLY (LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE) ........................................... 8-29
8.5 SANDING SYSTEM ............................................................................................................... 8-30
8.5.1 MANUALLY INITIATED SANDING .................................................................................. 8-30
8.5.2 AUTOMATIC SANDING .................................................................................................. 8-31
8.5.3 EMERGENCY SANDING ................................................................................................ 8-32
8.5.4 SANDING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE .............................................................................. 8-32
8.6 DIRECT AIR BRAKE EQUIPMENT ...................................................................................... 8-34
8.7 EMERGENCY BRAKE VALVE ............................................................................................. 8-35
8.8 MISCELLANEOUS COMPRESSED AIR EQUIPMENT ........................................................ 8-36
8.8.1 WINDSHIELD WIPER ASSEMBLIES .............................................................................. 8-36
8.8.2 AIR HORN ....................................................................................................................... 8-37
8.8.3 RADAR AIR WIPE SYSTEM ........................................................................................... 8-38
8.8.4 RAIL CONDITIONER ....................................................................................................... 8-39
8.9 SERVICE DATA - COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM ................................................................. 8-42
8.9.1 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 8-42
8.9.2 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................... 8-42
SECTION 9. TRUCK - GFC ............................................................................ 9-1
9.1 DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................ 9-3
9.2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ...................................................................... 9-7
9.2.1 LUBRICATION ................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.2.2 TRUCK CLEANING ........................................................................................................... 9-9
9.2.3 TRUCK FRAME ................................................................................................................. 9-9
9.2.4 CARBODY LINKAGE ....................................................................................................... 9-10
9.2.5 JOURNAL BEARING ....................................................................................................... 9-11
9.2.6 HELICAL COIL SPRINGS ............................................................................................... 9-15
9.2.7 DAMPERS (SHOCK ABSORBERS) ................................................................................ 9-15
9.2.8 RUBBER (SECONDARY) SPRINGS ............................................................................... 9-18
9.3 WHEEL AND AXLE INSPECTION ........................................................................................ 9-20
9.3.1 GENERAL INSPECTION ................................................................................................. 9-20
9.3.2 WHEEL DEFECTS .......................................................................................................... 9-20
9.3.3 HOW TO READ A TYPICAL WHEEL GAUGE ................................................................ 9-21
vi GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents ix
14.7.1 PRG301 POWER SUPPLY REGULATOR .................................................................... 14-24
14.7.2 PSM305 POWER SUPPLY MODULE ........................................................................... 14-25
14.7.3 PSM312 POWER SUPPLY MODULE ........................................................................... 14-25
14.7.4 PSM315 POWER SUPPLY MODULE ........................................................................... 14-25
14.7.5 PSM MODULE TEST POINTS AND LEDS ................................................................... 14-26
14.8 DOWNLOADING INFORMATION FROM EM2000 ............................................................. 14-26
ARCHIVE USING FREE TERMINAL EMULATOR ............................................................. 14-26
14.9.1 PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................ 14-26
SECTION 15. DISPLAY/ DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM ...................................... 15-1
15.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 15-3
15.2 FIRE SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................... 15-3
15.3 FUNCTIONAL SUBSYSTEMS .............................................................................................. 15-4
15.3.1 AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION (AEI) TAG .............................................. 15-4
15.3.2 ALERTER ........................................................................................................................ 15-4
15.3.3 ELECTRONIC AIR BRAKE (EAB) ................................................................................... 15-5
15.3.4 ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROLLER .................................................................... 15-5
15.3.5 EVENT RECORDER ....................................................................................................... 15-5
15.3.6 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) ....................................................................... 15-6
15.3.7 OVERSPEED WARNING SYSTEM ................................................................................ 15-6
15.4 FIRE SYSTEM COMPONENTS ............................................................................................ 15-6
15.4.1 FIRE COMPUTER (FC) ................................................................................................... 15-6
15.4.2 FIRE COMPUTER POWER SUPPLY ............................................................................. 15-7
15.4.3 CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK BUS (CAN) ............................................................... 15-7
15.5 FIRE DISPLAY ...................................................................................................................... 15-7
15.6 FIRE MAIN MENU ............................................................................................................... 15-16
15.6.1 LOCOMOTIVE DATA .................................................................................................... 15-18
15.6.2 OPERATORS CONTROLS ........................................................................................... 15-31
15.6.3 SPEED CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 15-33
15.6.4 AIR BRAKES ................................................................................................................. 15-39
15.6.5 EVENT INFO ................................................................................................................. 15-41
15.6.6 LOCOMOTIVE MONITOR ............................................................................................. 15-49
15.6.7 MAINTENANCE MODE ................................................................................................. 15-53
15.6.8 CREW MESSAGES ....................................................................................................... 15-65
15.7 ALERTER SYSTEM OPERATION ...................................................................................... 15-66
15.8 AUTOMATIC ENGINE START/STOP SYSTEM (AESS) .................................................... 15-67
15.8.2 AESS (AUTO-START) SET-UP VERIFICATION ........................................................... 15-68
15.8.3 AUTOMATIC ENGINE SHUTDOWN ............................................................................. 15-68
15.8.4 AUTOMATIC ENGINE SHUTDOWN SEQUENCE ........................................................ 15-69
15.8.5 MANUAL OR ENGINE PROTECTION SHUTDOWN IN AUTO START ........................ 15-69
15.8.6 AUTOMATIC ENGINE RESTART CONDITIONS .......................................................... 15-70
15.8.7 OPERATOR-INITIATED AUTOMATIC ENGINE RESTART ......................................... 15-71
15.8.8 MANUAL ENGINE START ............................................................................................ 15-71
15.8.9 AESS (AUTO-START) INHIBIT CONDITIONS .............................................................. 15-71
15.9 DOWNLOADING THE FIRE EVENT RECORDER ............................................................. 15-72
15.9.1 EVENT RECORDER PCMCIA CARD DOWNLOAD PROCEDURE ............................. 15-72
15.9.2 EVENT RECORDER - LAPTOP SERIAL DOWNLOAD PROCEDURE ........................ 15-73
Table of Contents xi
xii GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1-1
Figure 1-1. DC Link Circuit ........................................................................................................................... 1-5
Figure 1-2. Discharge Procedure Flow Chart ............................................................................................. 1-12
Figure 1-3. Phase Module Discharge Flow Chart ....................................................................................... 1-14
Figure 1-4. Phase Module and Grounded Capacitor Terminals ................................................................. 1-15
Figure 1-5. Phase Module Terminals ......................................................................................................... 1-18
Figure 1-6. PM-CN Connector .................................................................................................................... 1-19
Figure 1-7. Phase Module Electrically Disconnected ................................................................................. 1-19
Figure 1-8. Roller Table on Fork Lift ........................................................................................................... 1-20
Figure 1-9. Roller Table in Position ............................................................................................................ 1-20
Figure 1-10. Locking Pin in Locked Position .............................................................................................. 1-21
Figure 1-11. Lifting Eyes Installed (LH side) ............................................................................................... 1-21
SECTION 2. GENERAL DATA.................................................................. 2-1
Figure 2-1. GT46AC Locomotive General Arrangement .............................................................................. 2-4
Figure 2-2. GT46AC Locomotive General Arrangement ............................................................................. 2-5
Figure 2-3. Externally Threaded Fasteners ................................................................................................ 2-15
SECTION 3. ENGINE................................................................................. 3-1
Figure 3-1. Three-Quarter Left Front View, 16-Cylinder ............................................................................... 3-4
Figure 3-2. Three-Quarter Right Front View, 16-Cylinder ............................................................................ 3-4
Figure 3-3. Three-Quarter Left Rear View, 16-Cylinder ............................................................................... 3-5
Figure 3-4. Three-Quarter Right Rear View, 16-Cylinder ............................................................................ 3-5
Figure 3-5. Cross Section Illustration Of Engine ......................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-6. Engine Arrangement .................................................................................................................. 3-7
Figure 3-7. Engine Identification Plate .......................................................................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-8. Crankcase Serial Number .......................................................................................................... 3-8
Figure 3-9. Oil Pan Serial Number ............................................................................................................... 3-9
Figure 3-10. Crankshaft Serial Number ........................................................................................................ 3-9
Figure 3-11. Cylinder Head Serial Number .................................................................................................. 3-9
Figure 3-12. Cylinder Liner Serial Number ................................................................................................. 3-10
Figure 3-13. Fork Rod Serial Number ........................................................................................................ 3-10
Figure 3-14. Blade Rod Serial Number ...................................................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-15. Camshaft Assembly Serial Number ....................................................................................... 3-11
Figure 3-16. Water Pump Serial Number ................................................................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-17. Main Lube Pump Serial Number ............................................................................................ 3-12
Figure 3-18. Scavenging Pump Serial Number .......................................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-19. Fuel Injector Serial Number ................................................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-20. Crankcase, 16-Cylinder ......................................................................................................... 3-14
Figure 3-21. Lower Liner Bore Insert ......................................................................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-22. Typical Oil Pan (16-Cylinder) ................................................................................................ 3-16
Figure 3-23. Air Box Drain Flange Removal ............................................................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-24. Air Box Drain Tool .................................................................................................................. 3-17
Figure 3-25. Retorque of Crankcase to Oil Pan Bolts ................................................................................ 3-19
Figure 3-26. Liner Bore Insert Application And Removal Tool ................................................................. 3-21
Figure 3-27. Assembly Of 710 Adapter To Application And Removal Tool ............................................... 3-21
Figure 3-28. Crab Bolt Installation ............................................................................................................. 3-23
Figure 3-29. Crab Bolt Replacement (End Position) .................................................................................. 3-24
Figure 3-30. Crab Bolt Replacement (Intermediate Position) ..................................................................... 3-24
Figure 3-31. Cover Seal Application .......................................................................................................... 3-26
Figure 3-32. Crankshaft Assembly ............................................................................................................. 3-27
Figure 3-33. Crankshaft Oil Passages ....................................................................................................... 3-27
Figure 3-34. Crankshaft Thrust Collars (Two Collars For Each Engine) ................................................... 3-28
Figure 3-35. Dial Indicator Installation ........................................................................................................3-29
Figure 3-36. Rearwards Displacement of Crankshaft .................................................................................3-30
Figure 3-37. Main Bearing Shell And Cap (w/ Old Style Stud Mounting) ...................................................3-31
Figure 3-38. Main Bearing Retention System .............................................................................................3-32
Figure 3-39. Gear Type Damper, Exploded View ......................................................................................3-38
Figure 3-40. Camshaft Gear Train .............................................................................................................3-42
Figure 3-41. Alignment of Bell (Crankshaft) Gear .......................................................................................3-43
Figure 3-42. Camshaft Gear Train Timing Marks .......................................................................................3-44
Figure 3-43. Clutch Drive Gear Assembly .................................................................................................3-46
Figure 3-44. Clutch Drive Gear Assembly (Cross-Section) .......................................................................3-46
Figure 3-45. Application Of Parts For Checking Bearing Clearance ..........................................................3-47
Figure 3-46. Typical Camshaft Assemblies (16-Cylinder) ..........................................................................3-48
Figure 3-47. Typical Accessory Drive Gear Train (16-Cylinder) .................................................................3-52
Figure 3-48. Accessory Drive Gear, Exploded View ..................................................................................3-53
Figure 3-49. Accessory Drive Coupling .....................................................................................................3-54
Figure 3-50. Air Compressor Drive Shaft ....................................................................................................3-55
Figure 3-51. Accessory Drive Coupling Installation and Rubber Bushing Replacement ............................3-55
Figure 3-52. Stop-Bar Inserted Through Cylinder Ports .............................................................................3-58
Figure 3-53. Piston Travel Limited By Stop-Bar .........................................................................................3-58
Figure 3-54. Limit Of Piston Travel Marked On Flywheel ..........................................................................3-59
Figure 3-55. Second Limit Of Piston Travel Marked On Flywheel .............................................................3-59
Figure 3-56. Sample Calculation .................................................................................................................3-60
Figure 3-57. Connecting Rods, Bearing Shells, And Basket .....................................................................3-61
Figure 3-58. Piston Assembly .....................................................................................................................3-62
Figure 3-59. Piston Pin, Insert Bearing, and Carrier ...................................................................................3-63
Figure 3-60. Cylinder Liner ........................................................................................................................3-64
Figure 3-61. 710G3C-ES Cylinder Head Assembly ....................................................................................3-65
Figure 3-62. Typical Rocker Arms .............................................................................................................3-66
Figure 3-63. Rocker Arm Assembly ...........................................................................................................3-66
Figure 3-64. Typical Cylinder Test Valve ....................................................................................................3-68
Figure 3-65. Test Valve Wrench ................................................................................................................3-68
Figure 3-66. Head Seat Ring ......................................................................................................................3-69
Figure 3-67. Exhaust Valve Bridge Assembly .............................................................................................3-70
Figure 3-68. Lifting Clamp Application ........................................................................................................3-73
Figure 3-69. Piston Holding Tool Application .............................................................................................3-74
Figure 3-70. Power Assembly Removal With Lifting Clamp And Hoist ......................................................3-75
Figure 3-71. Power Assembly And Container ............................................................................................3-76
Figure 3-72. Lifting Clamp Application .......................................................................................................3-77
Figure 3-73. Piston Holding Tool Application .............................................................................................3-77
Figure 3-74. Rod And Basket Identification ...............................................................................................3-78
Figure 3-75. Power Assembly Installation With Clamp And Hoist .............................................................3-79
Figure 3-76. Seat Ring Installation .............................................................................................................3-80
Figure 3-77. Water Discharge Elbow Alignment ........................................................................................3-80
Figure 3-78. Basket Bolt Wrench Application .............................................................................................3-82
Figure 3-79. Head to Liner Nut Tightening Sequence ................................................................................3-83
Figure 3-80. Lead Wire Measurement ......................................................................................................3-87
Figure 3-81. Scuffing ...................................................................................................................................3-92
Figure 3-82. Normal Wear ..........................................................................................................................3-92
Figure 3-83. Scuffing ...................................................................................................................................3-93
Figure 3-84. Scuffing ...................................................................................................................................3-93
Figure 3-85. Port Streaking .........................................................................................................................3-94
Figure 3-86. Carbon Drag ...........................................................................................................................3-94
Figure 3-87. Checking Lash Adjuster To Valve Clearance (Typical) .........................................................3-96
Figure 3-88. Typical Turbocharger Assembly ............................................................................................3-98
Figure 3-89. Lifting Device Applied To Turbocharger ..............................................................................3-100
Figure 3-90. Turbocharger Cross Section (16-Cylinder Engines) .............................................................3-102
Figure 3-91. Typical Exhaust Manifold-To-Turbocharger Adapter Assembly ..........................................3-103
Figure 3-92. Typical Exhaust Manifold (w/ Insulating Blankets) .............................................................. 3-108
Figure 3-93. Manifold Gasket Torquing .................................................................................................. 3-111
Figure 3-94. Location and Assembly Direction of Insulation Parts ........................................................... 3-113
Figure 3-95. Bolt Hole Location of Insulation Parts .................................................................................. 3-113
Figure 3-96. Spring Detail & Spring Detail at Corner Junction ................................................................. 3-114
Figure 3-97. Bolt Torque Sequence of the Gasket Joint On Top Deck of the Crankcase ........................ 3-115
Figure 3-98. Bolt Torque Sequence for Gasket Joint Between the Barrel Flanges .................................. 3-116
Figure 3-99. Aftercooler Duct-To-Turbocharger Joint Flange Hole Location (All Turbochargers) ............ 3-121
Figure 3-100. Aftercooler Duct-To-Crankcase Spacer & Long Bolt Application (All Turbochargers) ....... 3-121
Figure 3-101. Marking Original Crab Nut Positions ................................................................................. 3-125
Figure 3-102. Crab Nut Angle “A” Positions ............................................................................................ 3-126
Figure 3-103. Crab Nut Rotation Protractor ............................................................................................. 3-127
SECTION 4. FUEL SYSTEM ..................................................................... 4-1
Figure 4-1. Fuel Oil System Simplified Flow Diagram .................................................................................. 4-3
Figure 4-2. Fuel Filler/Gauges ...................................................................................................................... 4-4
Figure 4-3. Fuel Tank Condensate Drain ..................................................................................................... 4-5
Figure 4-4. External EFCO Switches ............................................................................................................ 4-6
Figure 4-5. Equipment Rack ......................................................................................................................... 4-7
Figure 4-6. Fuel Pump .................................................................................................................................. 4-8
Figure 4-7. Primary Fuel Filter Assembly ..................................................................................................... 4-9
Figure 4-8. Gauge and Sensor Application Location .................................................................................. 4-11
Figure 4-9. Electronic Unit Injector ............................................................................................................. 4-12
Figure 4-10. Electronic Unit Injector (EUI) .................................................................................................. 4-13
Figure 4-11. Injector Timing Plate .............................................................................................................. 4-15
Figure 4-12. EMDEC Power Supply (Left) and EMDEC Sender/Receiver ................................................. 4-16
Figure 4-13. SRS and TRS Sensors .......................................................................................................... 4-17
Figure 4-14. Sensor Bracket Mounting Bolts .............................................................................................. 4-18
Figure 4-15. Setting TRS Air Gap ............................................................................................................... 4-18
Figure 4-16. Sensor Locations ................................................................................................................... 4-19
Figure 4-17. Checking SRS Air Gap ........................................................................................................... 4-19
SECTION 5. LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM............................................... 5-1
Figure 5-1. Oil Level Gauge (Dipstick) ......................................................................................................... 5-3
Figure 5-2. Scavenging Oil System (Engine External Oil Flow) ................................................................... 5-4
Figure 5-3. Oil Strainer Housing .................................................................................................................. 5-5
Figure 5-4. Main & Piston Cooling Oil Pump Strainers ................................................................................ 5-5
Figure 5-5. Scavenging Oil Pump Strainer .................................................................................................. 5-6
Figure 5-6. Strainer Housing Drain Valves .................................................................................................. 5-6
Figure 5-7. Scavenging Oil Pump ................................................................................................................. 5-8
Figure 5-8. Oil Filter Bypass Relief Valve ................................................................................................... 5-11
Figure 5-9. Lube Oil Cooler ........................................................................................................................ 5-13
Figure 5-10. Main Lubricating Oil System (Engine Internal Oil Flows) ....................................................... 5-16
Figure 5-11. Oil Temperature Sensor ......................................................................................................... 5-17
Figure 5-12. Main Lube Oil And Piston Cooling Oil Pumps ....................................................................... 5-17
Figure 5-13. Lube Oil Manifold And Relief Valve ....................................................................................... 5-19
Figure 5-14. Turbocharger Oil Filter ........................................................................................................... 5-20
Figure 5-15. Piston Cooling System ........................................................................................................... 5-22
Figure 5-16. Piston Cooling Pipes .............................................................................................................. 5-23
Figure 5-17. Piston Cooling Oil Pipe Alignment ......................................................................................... 5-24
Figure 5-18. Turbo Lube Pump Relay (TLPR) Circuit ................................................................................ 5-26
Figure 5-19. Turbo Lube Pump Motor Circuit ............................................................................................. 5-27
Figure 5-20. Soak Back Oil Pump, Motor, And Filter Installation (Pump Shown W/ AC Electric Motor) .. 5-28
Figure 5-21. Soak-Back Filter Element ....................................................................................................... 5-29
Figure 5-22. Lube Oil Separator ................................................................................................................. 5-30
Figure 5-23. Filling or Adding Oil to System .............................................................................................. 5-33
Figure 11-3. ................................................................. LOCAL CONTROL Circuit Breaker and PA String 11-6
Figure 11-4. Low Voltage DC Sources- PT and 13T Strings ......................................................................11-6
Figure 11-5. Electrical Control Cabinet .......................................................................................................11-7
Figure 11-6. Electrical Control Cabinet - Computer Compartment .............................................................11-8
Figure 11-7. EM2000 Power Supply Chassis .............................................................................................11-8
Figure 11-8. Companion Alternator Test Panel ..........................................................................................11-9
Figure 11-9. Electrical Control Cabinet - Back/Side Walls ........................................................................11-10
Figure 11-10. Barometer ...........................................................................................................................11-11
Figure 11-11. Ground Relay (GR) .............................................................................................................11-12
Figure 11-12. Electrical Control Cabinet - Relays .....................................................................................11-13
Figure 11-13. IGBT Power Supplies .........................................................................................................11-17
Figure 11-14. Engine Control Cabinet - Circuit Breaker Panel .................................................................11-17
Figure 11-15. Electrical Control Cabinet - Engine Control Panel ..............................................................11-22
Figure 11-16. Electrical Control Cabinet - Inverter/Generator Panels ......................................................11-26
Figure 11-17. EMDEC Power Supply and Interface Board .......................................................................11-27
Figure 11-18. EMDEC Sender & Receiver Modules .................................................................................11-27
Figure 11-19. EFS and FVS Pressure Switches .......................................................................................11-28
Figure 11-20. Auxiliary Inverter Capacitor Assembly (CA AUX INV) ........................................................11-29
Figure 11-21. Radiator/Truck Blower Inverter Panel .................................................................................11-30
Figure 11-22. Main Generator Field Supply Chopper ...............................................................................11-31
Figure 11-23. Auxiliary Power Converter Phase Controller (Shown as mounted) ....................................11-31
Figure 11-24. APC Filter Capacitors .........................................................................................................11-32
Figure 11-25. Generator Field Decay Contactor (GFD) ............................................................................11-33
Figure 11-26. Generator Field Contactor (GFC) .......................................................................................11-34
Figure 11-27. Electrical Control Cabinet - Inverter/Gen Blower Panels ....................................................11-35
Figure 11-28. Phase Modules ...................................................................................................................11-36
Figure 11-29. DCL Voltage Sensors and Associated Resistors ...............................................................11-37
Figure 11-30. Ground Relay Transductor (GRT) ......................................................................................11-38
Figure 11-31. DC Link Current Sensors ....................................................................................................11-38
Figure 11-32. Electrical Control Cabinet - Inverter Control .......................................................................11-39
Figure 11-33. Brake Contactors & Switchgear ..........................................................................................11-40
Figure 11-34. B Contactor, Typical ...........................................................................................................11-41
Figure 11-35. Usable Main Contacts ........................................................................................................11-42
Figure 11-36. Main Contact Wear Limits ..................................................................................................11-42
Figure 11-37. Removing Arc Chute ..........................................................................................................11-43
Figure 11-38. Contactor Less Arc Chute ..................................................................................................11-44
Figure 11-39. Replacing Stationary Main Contact ....................................................................................11-44
Figure 11-40. Main Reservoir Pressure Sensor (MR PRESS) .................................................................11-46
Figure 11-41. CMU Connector ..................................................................................................................11-48
Figure 11-42. Ground Relay Circuit Diodes (CR GR__) ...........................................................................11-49
Figure 11-43. Diode Input Panels .............................................................................................................11-49
Figure 11-44. Typical Power Distribution (PD) Connectors ......................................................................11-50
Figure 11-45. Typical Resistors ................................................................................................................11-51
Figure 11-46. Typical Terminal Boards .....................................................................................................11-51
Figure 11-47. Transducer Distribution Panels ..........................................................................................11-52
Figure 11-48. Typical Magnet Valves .......................................................................................................11-57
Figure 11-49. Radar Transceiver and Blower Nozzle ...............................................................................11-58
Figure 11-50. Turbo Speed Probe ............................................................................................................11-59
SECTION 12. CAB EQUIPMENT........................................................... 12-1
Figure 12-1. Locomotive Cab Equipment ...................................................................................................12-2
Figure 12-2. Light/Window Wiper Controls - Engineer’s Side .....................................................................12-3
Figure 12-3. Light/Window Wiper Controls - Helper’s Side .........................................................................12-3
Figure 12-4. Operator's Control Stand ........................................................................................................12-4
Figure 12-5. Switch Panel - Left Side .........................................................................................................12-4
Figure 12-6. Attendant Call Switch .............................................................................................................12-5
Figure 12-7. Conductors Strip Heater Switch .............................................................................................12-5
x GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
The purpose of this Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual is to
provide instructions for electrical and mechanical maintenance that
can be performed on the locomotive. The information was compiled
specifically for GT46AC locomotives, with special equipment and
computer software.
Although minor variations are possible, the equipment selected for
coverage has been chosen as representative of this particular model.
Minor differences encountered in equipment are due to changes made
after the Manual was sent to press. These changes will be covered in
subsequent editions of this Manual.
Information concerning maintenance that would require deep
involvement with component repair, or for rework that would involve
the use of bench apparatus, is available in the standard Maintenance
Instruction format, or in Vendor Publications.
This Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual is written for
qualified maintenance personnel. Qualified maintenance
personnel are skilled service people who thoroughly understand
proper safety guidelines and procedures, and who are trained to
maintain EMD computer-controlled locomotives with AC traction
With the inception of AC locomotives, the fact that no high voltage
can be present if the engine is not running was changed. This is due to
the large DC Link capacitors required to provide a stable DC voltage
to the inverters which convert it to a variable voltage, variable
frequency AC output voltage to power the AC traction motors.
Capacitors work by storing and releasing electrical energy at a rate
determined by the circuit in which they are connected. While this is
very beneficial from an operational standpoint, it does mean that the
capacitors themselves can remain charged to potentially high voltages,
even when the engine has been shut down. Maintenance personnel
need to be aware of this and take the proper precautions to ensure a
safe working environment. These procedures can not account for
every possible scenario that may be encountered while working with
the electrical systems during the effective service life of this
locomotive. Therefore, in the event work needs to be performed that
deviates from the policies and procedures as specified in this
document, the following four general rules should be utilized:
1. Follow all railroad mandated safety rules and applicable
2. Shut the engine down and give the DCL switchgear time to
If it is deemed necessary to power down the EM2000, verify first
that the turbo lube pump has timed-out and the DCL switchgear is
in the OPEN/SHORTED position. The DCL switchgear cannot
function when the EM2000 is turned off.
Specifically, this document will discuss the following:
• The discharge procedure for a IGBT inverter.
• The procedure to remove a IGBT phase module.
• The procedure to manually discharge the DC Link on a IGBT
equipped locomotive. OVERVIEW
The discharge procedure is arranged in such a way as to maximize the
confidence in fully discharging the DC Link. During the course of
shutting down the locomotive, the DC Link is automatically
discharged. This procedure seeks to verify that there are no abnormal
conditions that would not allow for normal DC Link discharge. The
main generator maintains the DC Link only when the diesel engine is
running, the isolation switch is in the run position, and the reverser is
in either the forward or reverse position. At all other times, the DC
Link should either be discharging slowly or discharged completely.
Refer to Figure 1-1, page 1-5 - DC Link Circuit for reference.
It is important to understand the various means the locomotive has to
discharge the DC Link.
1. Any time the engine is shutdown (by Operator or due to fault
conditions) the DC Link crowbars are fired. This shorts the
positive and negative bus bars via a 3-ohm resistor. Discharge
occurs in less than one second.
2. When the locomotive isolation switch is placed in the isolated
position, the brake contactors (“B”s) are energized, which
connects the positive and negative bus bars to the dynamic
brake grid resistors. Discharge occurs in less than one second.
3. The discharge resistors along with the voltage sensor resistors
are permanently hard wired into the DC Link and provide a
continual slow discharge of the DC Link in all modes of
operation. Discharge occurs in 30 minutes.
4. When the reverser is centered, the locomotive is isolated and
the DC Link voltage is less than 50 volts, the EM2000 will
cycle the DC Link switchgear to the open (shorted position).
This opens the connection between the inverters and main
generator and provides a continuous short circuit of the DC
Link capacitors. The switchgear is not designed to short out a
charged DC Link, therefore, the EM2000 will not cycle the
switchgear unless the DC Link voltage is below 50 VDC.
The three parallel discharge networks are separately hard wired and
connected to different points of the DC Link to provide high reliability
in the event of the failure of any two of the discharge systems.
The crowbar, discharge resistor and the TxDCLV resistor have been
located on one end of the DC Link circuit. The brake contactors, DCL
switchgear and the DCLV resistor have been located on the opposite
end of the DC Link circuit to provide added assurance that the DC
Link is discharged in case of an open circuit or loose connection
anywhere in the DC Link circuit. The discharge resistors have been
located on the same end of the circuit as the crowbar resistor to
provide a permanent discharge path after the crowbar turns off. The
DCL switchgear is shorted and grounded through the Ground Relay
Cutout (GRCO) switch when the DCL is in OPEN (shorted) position.
This ensures discharging and shorting of phase module capacitors. The
DCL switchgear motor has two positions - CLOSED, when the inverter
is connected to the main generator and OPEN, when the inverter is
connected to a short-circuiting bus bar. The contacts of the switch
modules can also be CENTERED, when the inverter is neither
connected to the main generator or to the short circuiting bus bar. The
CENTERED position is used when an inverter is cutout and can only be
achieved by energizing the cutout coil of the specific DCL switch
module and cycling the DCL switchgear motor through at least one
cycle. Figure 1-1 shows the DCL switchgear in the Open (Shorted)
position, which is the normal position of the switchgear when the engine
is shutdown regardless of cutout status. The Ground Relay Cutout
(GRCO) switch provides a ground reference on the DC Link.
Even with the multiple redundant discharge circuits, the possibility of
all discharge methods failing cannot be totally ruled out. In addition,
all electrical connections between the DC Link capacitors and at least
one of the discharge devices must be complete to ensure discharge.
To further protect the personnel that will be working on the
locomotive, this Discharge Procedure should be run whenever
maintenance work is going to be done on or near any part of the DC
Link circuit. That is:
• Traction Alternator / Main Generator
• Traction Rectifiers
• Phase Modules
• Brake Grids and “B” Contactors
• Crowbar Resistor and Thyristor
• Traction Motors and Cabling
• DCL Switchgear
• Associated Cabling and Bus Bars
7 Did the DCL Shorting Self Test Pass?
No – Proceed to Box 8.
Yes – Proceed to Box 23.
8 Shutdown the Diesel Engine by using an EFCO (Emergency Fuel Cut Off) button
Proceed to Box 9.
9 If one of the following conditions exists, the Discharge Procedure for a Non-
Running Engine must be followed to verify the DC Link has been discharged.
1. Engine cannot be Started.
2. One or more trucks cannot be enabled for traction (Cut-In).
3. DCL Shorting Self Test does not Pass.
Proceed to Box 10.
10 Isolate the Locomotive, Lockout the EFCO Switch, and Confirm the GRCO Switch
is closed (Switch Up).
By placing the Isolation Switch in the Isolated position and locking the EFCO
Switch on the Engine Control Panel in the “Depressed” position you are preventing
the starting of the diesel engine, which could result in the generator charging the DC
The Ground Relay Cutout (GRCO) switch must be closed (Switch up) position to
ensure there is a ground reference on the DC Link. This ground reference is required
when using a High Voltage Probe to measure for any residual voltage.
Proceed to Box 11.
11 The EM2000 Computer and Display can be used to view the same data displayed
during the DCL Shorting Test even if the Engine cannot be started, an Inverter
cannot be Cut-In, or the DCL Shorting Self Test fails. The DC Link Status data
meter can be used to confirm the various High Voltage DC Link components have
reacted correctly to the shutdown of the diesel engine and Isolation of the
Are the Locomotive EM2000 Computer and Display On?
No – Proceed to Box 12.
Yes – Proceed to Box 14.
12 If the EM2000 Computer and/or Display are off, it needs to be determined if they
were turned off to save the battery or if there is a problem that inhibits one or the
other from being turned on. Certain failure conditions may make it impossible or
inadvisable to turn on either the EM2000 or display. If, for any reason, they cannot
be turned on, no verification can be made through the locomotive sensors and
inputs. Manual methods must be followed to verify that voltage is not present on the
DC Link.
Can the EM2000 Computer and Display be Turned On?
No – Proceed to Box 17.
Yes – Proceed to Box 13.
13 Turn on the EM2000 Computer and Display
Proceed to Box 14.
• DCL1V and DCL2V indicate what the DC Link voltage on the Generator side
of the DCL switchgear. These values should be below 20 V.
• T1DCLV and T2DCLV indicate the DC Link voltages on the Inverter side of
the DCL Switchgear as measured across the crowbar thyristor. These values should
be below 20 V.
• TI1CO and TI2CO indicate if the respective Inverter/Truck is cutout. OFF
indicates the Inverter/Truck is “Cut In” and ON indicates the Inverter/Truck is “Cut
Out”. A serious locomotive problem exists if one of these values is “ON” when the
Engine is Shutdown and/or the Isolation Switch is in the Isolated position.
• DCCl< indicates the position of the DC Link switchgear. The swtichgear is in
the closed (operating) position when the value displayed is “ON”.
• DCOp< indicates the position of the DC Link switchgear. The switchgear is in
the open (shorted) position when the value displayed is “ON”.
• Isolat< indicates the Isolation Switch is in the “ISOLATED” position when the
value displayed is “ON”. The Brake Contactors (B1 – B2) are hardwired to this
switch and should be energized whenever the switch is in the Isolated position.
• EngRPM indicates the speed the engine is rotating at as determined by
EM2000. The engine should be shut down, and a value of 0 displayed.
• NoEFCO< indicates status if the EFCO (Emergency Fuel Cutoff) circuit. If the
value displayed is “ON”, none of the EFCO switches are depressed. The EFCO
button on the Engine Control Panel should be locked in the pressed position at this
time and the value displayed “OFF”.
• B1<, B2<. B3< and B4< indicate the status of the Brake Contactors. The
Isolation Switch should be in the “ISOLATED” position at this time and the value
displayed for all four contactors should therefore be “ON”.
If the DCL switchgear is in the shorted position (DCOp< = ON) and the brake
contactors are closed (Bn< = ON), the voltage feedback values displayed should be
less than 20 volts. This assumes the DIO feedbacks are correct and there are no
broken connections within the contactors. Although a feedback fault is remote, it is
not impossible, which means high voltage could be present on the DC Link. A high
voltage probe, EMD P/N 40054122, should be used to confirm DC Link voltage
Proceed to Box 15.
15 The maximum error, which should exist due to the sensor tolerances, is twenty
volts. Values below 20 V indicate minimal voltage is present on the DC Link. If any
value is greater than 20 V, something is wrong and potentially dangerous voltage
levels may be present on the DC Link.
Are all voltages on the display below 20 V?
No – Proceed to Box 16.
Yes – Proceed to Box 21.
16 The Cabling, Hardware, and/or I/O Faults must be addressed before this Discharge
Procedure is considered complete.
Since all voltage values displayed (Ref, Boxes 14/15) are not below 20 V, manual
methods must be followed to verify that potentially dangerous voltages are not
present on the DC Link. There are several possible reasons to explain why the
voltage level is above 20 V. The most probable cause, though, is a failed sensor or
component in the sensor feedback circuit. The other possibilities require multiple
failures to occur simultaneously.
Proceed to Box 17.
17 Before proceeding, wait 60 minutes from engine shutdown, to allow the Discharge
Resistors to dissipate whatever voltage may be on the DC Link.
Waiting 60 minutes will allow any real voltage on the DC Link to discharge through
the discharge resistors. This assumes that there are no open circuits between the
Inverter Phase Modules and the Discharge Resistors.
Proceed to Box 18.
18 Physically verify DC Link Switchgear is in the Open (Shorted) position and
measure the DC Link Voltage at the cables exiting the bottom terminals of the
Switch Modules.
Verifying that the DCL switchgear is in the open position confirms that the positive
and negative bus bars of the Inverter side of the DC Link are shorted together. This
should dissipate any voltage potential on the DC Link and prevent the charging of
the capacitors due to static electricity.
Measuring the voltage will ensure there is no open circuit internal to the Switchgear.
It is critical that the GRCO is closed and the high voltage probe is properly
grounded to give an accurate reading. The resulting measured value will be more
accurate than the locomotive sensors; therefore, the maximum voltage allowed is
reduced to 5 V.
Proceed to Box 19.
19 Are both DCL Switchgear feedbacks in the Open (Shorted) Position and all
measured voltages below 5 V.
No – Proceed to Box 20.
Yes – Proceed to Box 22.
Figure 1-2. Discharge Procedure Flow Chart
Figure 1-3. Phase Module Discharge Flow Chart
A. High Voltage Probe (EMD P/N 40054122)
The high voltage probe can measure voltages out of range for most
multi-meters. The probe has an attenuation of 1000:1, therefore it
is necessary to set the meter up for the 2 VDC range. For example,
if the meter reads 1.5 V, there is actually 1500 V at the point being
measured. The probe must be properly grounded to function
correctly. This requires the Ground Relay CutOut switch to be
closed in order to provide correct ground reference. To verify
proper operation, a known voltage source, like the locomotive
battery, should be measured before making any measurements
where potentially high voltage could exist.
B. Discharge Resistor Assembly (EMD P/N 40075115)
Figure 1-8. Roller Table on Fork Lift
11. Slide phase module onto roller table and secure module to table
with the two locking pins as shown in Figure 1-9.
12. Install M10 x 1.5 threaded lifting eyebolts into phase module to
facilitate lifting with a crane. Note that these are metric
The utilization of electronics on board locomotives has increased
considerably in recent years. Elevated voltage potentials resulting
from megger/hi-potting as well as transients from welding could result
in degradation or damage to sensitive electronic systems.
Prior to welding and megger-hi-potting, all circuits containing
electronic components must be protected by disconnection and/or
jumpering. This document defines the steps to “disarm” electronic
systems prior to both welding and megger/hi-potting.
This document provides a list of preparations organized by locomotive
zone for all welding and megger/hi-pot operations. Each preparation is
assigned a number and is grouped with other preparations by the zone
in which it resides.
The preparations for a given action, level of assembly, individual
wiring state, and module interconnection state are defined in "
GT46AC," page 1-23.
3. Computer Power Chassis:
a. Disconnect all plugs from rear of Computer Power Chassis.
b. Observing anti-static procedures, back out modules such that
they are a minimum of 2 inches from their receptacles, if
4. Panel Mount Modules:
a. Observing anti-static procedures, disconnect Panel Mounted
Modules (ASC1 & VAM, and TLF).
5. Phase Modules:
a. Disconnect Hybrid Interface Plugs to each phase module prior
to Megger/Hi-Potting. Install dust caps (part numbers
40124272 and 40124273) to both the phase module hybrid
receptacle and the cable assembly hybrid plug.
b. (Locker Equipping only) Jumper the Positive (P), Negative (N),
Ground (G), and AC (AC) terminals together at each Phase
Module prior to weld. Using a DMM, measure resistance between
terminals (P, N, G, and AC) to all Phase Modules. Troubleshoot
wiring and/or setup if resistance reading is greater than 1 ohm.
c. Jumper the Positive (P), Negative (N), and AC (AC) Terminals
together at each Phase Module prior to Megger/Hi-Potting.
Using a DMM, measure resistance between terminals P, N,
and AC to all Phase Modules. Troubleshoot wiring and/or
setup if resistance reading is greater than 1 ohm.
6. Traction Inverter Voltage Sensors:
a. Disconnect GPX from VDCL1 (HT+) and GN41 from
VDCL1 (HT-). Short the leads together, and isolate from
b. Disconnect GPY from VDCL2 (HT+) and GN20/21 from
VDCL2 (HT-). Short the leads together, and isolate from
7. Phase Module Current Sensors:
a. Disconnect plugs to all Phase Module current sensors
(PMU1&2, PMV1&2, PMW1&2).
8. IGBT Power Supplies #1 & #2:
a. (Locker Equipping only) Disconnect the 74VDC ring
terminals (IGBAP2, IGBAN2, IGBBP2 & IGBBN2) and
isolate from carbody.
b. (Final Assembly & Test only) Disconnect Plug 3323A at the
Resistor Panel.
14. Auxiliary Power Converter (APC):
a. Disconnect signal cables (P1 & P2).
b. Jumper terminals A (APA), B (APB), C (APC), POS (APPA),
and NEG (APNA) at APC Phase Controller unit.
c. Jumper terminals BN (BN70), BP (BP1,70), CAP (ALP1),
BCP (BCP80,81) at APC Diode Assembly. Using a DMM,
measure resistance from POS to NEG terminals at APC
DIODE ASSEMBLY. Troubleshoot wiring and/or setup if
reading is greater that 1 ohm.
15. Chopper:
a. Disconnect all signal cables at Chopper Control Module
(CCM1 & CCM2).
b. Jumper AC1, AC2, AC3, +DC, and –DC at Chopper Power
Module. Using a DMM, measure resistance between all
combinations of the above terminals. Troubleshoot wiring
and/or setup if reading is greater than 1 ohm.
16. Traction Rectifier:
a. Jumper the A, B, C, (+), and (-) terminals of TRACTION
b. Jumper the (+) terminals to TRACTION RECTIFIERS #1 &
#2. Using a DMM, measure resistance between all
combinations of terminals +, -, A, B, and C. Troubleshoot
wiring and/or setup if reading is greater than 1 ohm.
17. EMDEC:
a. Disconnect PI & PO Plugs at EMDEC POWER SUPPLY.
b. Disconnect all cables to Sender & Receiver units.
c. Disconnect P and E2 cables at EFI Unit.
18. Contactors and DCL Switchgear:
a. Jumper B1 (BB1 to GP3), B2 (BR1 to GN3), B3 (BB2 to
GP4), and B4 (BR2 to GN4) contactors (to insure capacitors
will discharge). Using a DMM, verify the above connections
using a DMM. Troubleshoot wiring and/or setup if resistance
reading is greater than 1 ohm.
b. Jumper contacts 4 & 5 of DCL123/L1 and DCL456/R1. Verify
the above connections using a DMM. Troubleshoot wiring
and/or setup if resistance reading is greater than 1 ohm. CAB
1. Cab Electronics:
a. Open CAB/DISP COMP circuit breaker.
b. Open CAB SIGNAL circuit breaker.
c. Open RADIO/INT circuit breaker.
d. Open HTD WINDOWS circuit breaker.
e. Open WATER COOLER circuit breaker.
f. Open CAB DISPLAY COMPUTER circuit breaker.
g. Remove FIRE computer from the console, if equipped.
h. Disconnect all signal (J1~7, & J12) cables from rear of FIRE
i. Disconnect Modem1, (J10), Modem2, (J9), and Modem3
(J13) cables at rear of FIRE Units.
j. Disconnect GPS (J8) and WLAN (J11) at rear of FIRE units.
k. Disconnect all wires to the Ethernet switch (ACT/LINK), if
l. Disconnect all wires to the PCMCIA card.
m. Disconnect all connections to the Train Control Box.
n. Disconnect all connections at the FIRE power supply (J1, J2,
J3, J4, & J6), if equipped.
o. Disconnect Remote Speed Indicator (P3).
p. Disconnect LCR (Ultra Relay Box) at front of module and
back out modules such that they are a minimum of 2 inches
from their receptacles, if equipped.
q. Disconnect signal cable (P1) and EOT antenna (J1) at End of
Train device, if equipped.
r. Disconnect signal cable (P5) and antenna cable at front of IPM
module, if equipped.
s. Disconnect signal cable (J3) and LOCO A & B antenna cables
(J1 & J2) at Distributive Power Radio Module, if equipped.
t. Disconnect Crashworthy Memory Module (P2), if equipped.
u. Disconnect power, antenna, and handset cables from rear of
Voice Radio, if equipped.
v. Disconnect all power (POWER), signal (PORT 2), and MCP
Antenna (RF) cables at Mobile Communication Package.
w. Disconnect all power cables (INPUT & OUTPUT) at 12 VDC
x. Disconnect all power (INPUT POWER), signal (TERMINAL,
PORT 7, & E-NET1), and antenna (PORT 5) cables from
Advanced Railway Computer.
y. Disconnect all signal cables (ARC) from Remote Interface
z. Disconnect all power cables (POWER IN), signal cables
(ETHERNET 0 & 1), and antenna (WLAN2) cables at Mobile
Access Router.
2. Air Brake Handle:
a. Disconnect POU cable (J1) & RAILCAN cable (J2) at
Operator Handles.
3. Fresh Air Makeup:
a. Open FRESH AIR M/U circuit breaker.
4. HVAC:
a. Disconnect all plugs to Roof Mounted Heater/Air Conditioner. UNDERFRAME
1. Air Brake Rack (Pneumatic Operating Unit):
a. Disconnect and isolate from carbody System Interconnection
cables BC (J1), BP (J2), & IARP (J3).
b. Disconnect and isolate from carbody Locomotive Interface
cables, Handle (J4), & Loco I/O (J5).
The sequence for the previous two steps must be adhered to.
Reconnect brake rack plugs in reverse order when complete. Refer to
Apparatus Instruction 2583, “Electrostatic Discharge: Instructions
and Precautions For Handling and Welding NGB Electronic
Equipment” when welding in vicinity of brake rack.
2. Radar:
a. Disconnect the electrical connector at Radar Transceiver.
3. Companion Alternator:
a. Jumper CA1, CA2, CA3 leads together. Verify the above
connections using a DMM. Troubleshoot wiring and/or setup
of resistance reading is less than 1 ohm.
1. Remove all jumpers and restore all disconnects after
completion of Welding and Megger/Hi-Potting.
Table 1-2. Application of Welding and Megger/Hi-Pot Preparations for the
GT46AC - Continued
Megger/ Megger/
Action Welding Welding Welding
Hi-Pot Hi-Pot
Module Module System System System
Module Not Qualified Not Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified
Module Inter- Not Not Not Not
connections Applicable Applicable Qualified Qualified
6 Traction Inverter Voltage Sensors
a X X X X
b X X X X
7 Phase Module Current Sensors
a X X X X
8 IGBT Power Supplies #1 & #2
a X X
b X X X
9 Inverter Interface Module
a X X X X X
b X X X X X
10 OVCRF 1 & 2
a X X X X
b X X X X
c X X X X
11 GR Capacitor
a X X X X X
b X X X X X
12 Discharge Resistors #1 & #2
a X X X X X
13 Ground Relay Circuit
a X X X
b X X X X
c X X X X
d X X X X
e X X X X X
f X X X X
g X X X X
h X X X X
14 Auxiliary Power Converter (APC)
a X X X X X
Table 1-2. Application of Welding and Megger/Hi-Pot Preparations for the
GT46AC - Continued
Megger/ Megger/
Action Welding Welding Welding
Hi-Pot Hi-Pot
Module Module System System System
Module Not Qualified Not Qualified Qualified Qualified Qualified
Module Inter- Not Not Not Not
connections Applicable Applicable Qualified Qualified
e X X
f X X
g X X X X X
h X X X X X
i X X X X X
j X X X X X
k X X X X X
l X X X X X
m X X X X X
n X X X X X
o X X X X X
p X X X X X
q X X X X X
r X X X X X
s X X X X X
t X X X X X
u X X X X X
v X X X X X
w X X X X X
x X X X X X
y X X X X X
z X X X X X
2 Air Brake Handle
a X X X X X
3 Fresh Air Make-Up
1 Air Brake Rack (Pneumatic Operating Unit)
a X X X X X
b X X X X X
1-36 GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
2.1 GT46AC LOCOMOTIVE - GENERAL DESCRIPTION .............................................................2-3
2.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR GT46AC LOCOMOTIVES ......................................................2-3
2.3 LOCOMOTIVE DATA................................................................................................................2-6
2.3.1 SPECIFICATIONS...............................................................................................................2-6
2.3.2 16-710G3C-ES ENGINE DATA SPECIFICATIONS............................................................2-8
2.3.3 WEIGHTS ............................................................................................................................2-9
2.3.4 TORQUE VALUES ...........................................................................................................2-11
2.3.5 EXTERNALLY THREADED FASTENERS ........................................................................2-15
2.3.6 TABLE OF ACRONYMS ...................................................................................................2-15
The GT46AC locomotive is equipped with the Automatic Engine
Start/Stop System (AESS). When the AESS is properly set up
(locomotive not in active service, etc.), it automatically stops the
diesel engine in order to save diesel fuel and to reduce noise and
Always DISABLE the AESS before performing any work on the
diesel engine or on related electrical and mechanical equipment.
To disable the AESS, press the EMERGENCY FUEL CUT OFF
& ENGINE STOP push-button and, if required by railroad rules,
lock it down.
Failure to disable the a may result in unexpected engine start-up
or shutdown with risk of personnel injury or death.
Model Designation ................................................................ GT46AC
Locomotive Type................................................................(C-C) 0660
Maximum Speed...................................................... 75 km/h (47 mph)
Overspeed Setting ................................................... 65 km/h (41 mph)
Warning Speed ........................................................ 61 km/h (38 mph)
Traction HP ........................................................... 3207 kW (4300 hp)
Tractive Effort - Starting ..................................... 540 kN (121397 lbf)
Tractive Effort - Continuous .................... 425 kN @ speeds 24.1 km/h
(95544 lbf @ speeds 15 mph) TRUCKS
Model: .......................................................................................... GFC
Gear Ratio: ................................................................................ 96:15 Wheels
Quantity: ........................................................ 3 Wheel Sets per Truck
Diameter, Unworn: ......................................................1092 mm (43") SUPPLIES/CAPACITIES
Lube Oil System Capacity: ...........................832 liters (219.8 gallons)
Cooling System Capacity:........................... 1229 liters (324.7 gallons)
Sand Capacity:....................................................... 283 liters (10 cu.ft)
Fuel Capacity (usable): ...............................6000 liters (1584 US Gal)
Maximum Axle Load ............. 21.5 metric tonne (47399 lbs) +/- 4.5%
The weights as listed below are approximate maximum weights for the
numbered cylinder engine shown. The weights are provided as an aid
in determining the handling procedure to be used. Weights are
represented in kilograms and pounds per unit, as described.
Kgs. (Lbs.)
Main Generator Assembly ..................................... 8074 (17800)
Air Compressor: ..................................................... 741 (1633)
Axle/Gear/Wheel Assembly: ................................. 2339 (5156)
Dynamic Brake Module: ....................................... 1249 (2754)
Fuel Pump Motor: ..................................................... 17 (38)
Fuel Tank: ............................................................. 3255 (7175)
Traction Motor Blower: .......................................... 367 (810)
Lube Oil Cooler: ..................................................... 787 (1735)
Lube Oil Filter Assembly: ...................................... 171 (376)
Radiator Assembly: .............................................. 1148 (2530)
Radiator Fan Assembly: ....................................... 405.9 (895)
Traction Motor Assembly w/wheels:...................... 5748 (12670)
Truck Assembly, HTSC ..................................... 27 620 (60900)
Typical Loaded Locomotive
Weight on Rails - GT46AC ................................ 156001 (343918)
Engine assembly ................................................. 16 875 (37203)
Crankcase .............................................................. 6309 (13909)
Oil pan .................................................................... 928 (2045)
Crankshaft ............................................................ 1965 (4333)
Torsional damper (gear type) .................................. 140 (307)
Accessory drive gear ................................................. 42 (92)
Crankshaft gear ......................................................... 59 (130)
Ring gear ............................................................. 109.7 (242)
Coupling disc .......................................................... 140 (307)
Cylinder power assembly:
w/ fork rod ..................................................... 200 (440)
w/ blade rod ................................................... 179 (395)
Cylinder head assembly ............................................. 66 (145)
Cylinder liner ............................................................ 66 (146)
Piston ........................................................................ 27 (59) NOTES
1. Bolts, Screws and Studs.
2. Bolts and Screws only.
3. Studs only.
4. Grade 2 applies to bolts and screws 6" or shorter, and studs at all
lengths. Grade 1 applies to bolts and screws longer than 6".
5. Surface hardness shall not exceed base metal hardness by more than 2
points (Rockwell “C” equivalent).
3.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................3-3
3.1.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................3-6
3.1.2 ARRANGEMENT.................................................................................................................3-7
3.1.3 SERIAL NUMBERS .............................................................................................................3-7
3.2 CRANKCASE AND OIL PAN .................................................................................................3-14
3.2.1 CRANKCASE AND OIL PAN DESCRIPTION ...................................................................3-14
3.2.2 CRANKCASE AND OIL PAN CLEANING .........................................................................3-16
3.2.3 INSPECTION.....................................................................................................................3-18
3.2.4 RETORQUING ..................................................................................................................3-19
3.2.5 LOWER LINER INSERT APPLICATION AND REMOVAL................................................3-19
3.3 POWER ASSEMBLY RETENTION SYSTEM.........................................................................3-22
3.3.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................3-22
3.3.2 CRAB BOLT REPLACEMENT ..........................................................................................3-23
3.4 TOP DECK HEAD FRAME AND COVER...............................................................................3-24
3.4.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................3-24
3.4.2 GASKET AND SEAL REPLACEMENT .............................................................................3-25
3.5 CRANKSHAFT........................................................................................................................3-26
3.5.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................3-26
3.5.2 CRANKSHAFT INSPECTION ...........................................................................................3-28
3.6 THRUST COLLARS (BEARINGS) .........................................................................................3-28
3.6.1 THRUST COLLAR MAINTENANCE..................................................................................3-29
3.7 MAIN BEARINGS....................................................................................................................3-31
3.7.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................3-31
3.7.2 LOWER MAIN BEARING INSPECTION ...........................................................................3-32
3.7.3 INSPECTION OF UPPER MAIN BEARINGS....................................................................3-34
3.7.4 BEARING REMOVAL AND APPLICATION PROCEDURES ............................................3-34
3.7.5 SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR OVERHEATED BEARINGS ...........................................3-38
3.8 GEAR TYPE TORSIONAL DAMPER .....................................................................................3-38
3.8.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................3-38
3.8.2 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................3-39
3.9 CAMSHAFT GEAR TRAIN .....................................................................................................3-41
3.9.1 CAMSHAFT GEARTRAIN DESCRIPTION .......................................................................3-41
3.9.2 CAMSHAFT GEAR TRAIN INSPECTION .........................................................................3-42
3.9.3 CAMSHAFT GEAR TRAIN ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES .................................................3-43
3.9.4 CLUTCH DRIVE GEAR ASSEMBLY.................................................................................3-45
3.9.5 NO. 1 IDLER GEAR ..........................................................................................................3-47
3.10 CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLIES ....................................................................................................3-48
3.10.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................3-48
3.10.2 CAMSHAFT SEGMENT REMOVAL .................................................................................3-49
3.10.3 CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLY SEQUENCE .............................................................................3-50
3.10.4 CAMSHAFT SEGMENT INSTALLATION..........................................................................3-50
3.10.5 CAMSHAFT COUNTERWEIGHT APPLICATION .............................................................3-51
3.11 ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR TRAIN ...................................................................................... 3-52
3.11.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 3-52
3.11.2 MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................ 3-53
3.12 ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR .................................................................................................. 3-53
3.12.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 3-53
3.12.2 MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................ 3-53
3.12.3 LUBRICATING OIL AND WATER PUMPS....................................................................... 3-54
3.13 ACCESSORY DRIVE COUPLING ......................................................................................... 3-54
3.13.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 3-54
3.13.2 ACCESSORY DRIVE COUPLING REMOVAL ................................................................. 3-54
3.14 RING GEAR AND COUPLING DISC (FLYWHEEL) .............................................................. 3-57
3.14.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 3-57
3.14.2 MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................ 3-57
3.14.3 FLYWHEEL POINTER QUALIFICATION ......................................................................... 3-57
3.15 POWER ASSEMBLY.............................................................................................................. 3-60
3.15.1 DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................. 3-60
3.15.2 EXHAUST VALVE BRIDGE ASSEMBLY ......................................................................... 3-70
3.15.3 CYLINDER POWER ASSEMBLY REMOVAL .................................................................. 3-71
3.15.4 POWER ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION ............................................................................. 3-75
3.15.5 POWER ASSEMBLY PACKAGING ................................................................................. 3-88
3.16 ENGINE INSPECTIONS (IN SERVICE) ................................................................................. 3-88
3.16.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................... 3-88
3.16.2 LINER/PISTON VISUAL INSPECTION ............................................................................ 3-91
3.16.3 OIL PAN INSPECTION..................................................................................................... 3-95
3.17 ENGINE ADJUSTMENTS ...................................................................................................... 3-95
3.17.1 ADJUSTING HYDRAULIC LASH ADJUSTERS ............................................................... 3-95
3.17.2 EUI INJECTOR TIMING ................................................................................................... 3-96
3.17.3 EUI INJECTOR CALIBRATION ........................................................................................ 3-97
3.18 AIR INTAKE AND EXHAUST SYSTEMS .............................................................................. 3-97
3.18.1 TURBOCHARGER ........................................................................................................... 3-97
3.18.2 TURBOCHARGER INSPECTION .................................................................................... 3-99
3.18.3 TURBOCHARGER REMOVAL......................................................................................... 3-99
3.18.4 PREPARATION FOR INSTALLATION ........................................................................... 3-101
3.18.5 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................. 3-105
3.18.6 AIR DUCT AND AFTERCOOLER APPLICATION.......................................................... 3-106
3.18.7 FINAL ASSEMBLY ......................................................................................................... 3-107
3.19 EXHAUST MANIFOLD ......................................................................................................... 3-108
3.19.1 DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................... 3-108
3.19.2 MAINTENANCE.............................................................................................................. 3-109
3.19.3 ANNUAL EXHAUST MANIFOLD RETORQUE PROCEDURE ...................................... 3-114
3.20 SERVICE DATA - ENGINE .................................................................................................. 3-117
3.20.1 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 3-117
3.20.2 SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................... 3-117
3.20.3 EQUIPMENT LIST - ENGINE ......................................................................................... 3-122
3.20.4 EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION ...................................................................................... 3-124
The 16 cylinder 710G3C-ES engine used in the GT46AC
locomotive has been specifically designed to meet or exceed
current emission standards in effect at the time of manufacture.
As such, although similar in appearance, many of the components
used in the engine are NOT interchangeable with previous models
of this engine. To ensure continued compliance with these
1. All replacement parts must be verified by their respective part
2. Only OEM supplied replacement parts may be applied to the
Failure to follow the above guidelines will void all warranties,
and compliance with emission standards can not be assured.
Figure 3-1. Three-Quarter Left Front View, 16-Cylinder
The turbocharged diesel engines are “V” type two-cycle engines
incorporating the advantages of low weight per horsepower, positive
scavenging air system, solid unit injection, and high compression.
Cylinder location and the designation of the ends and banks of the
engine, as referred to throughout the manual, are shown in Figure 3-6.
The water pumps, and the lube oil pumps are mounted on the “front”
of the engine. The turbocharger and the flywheel are located at the
coupling end or “rear” of the engine. Left and right will be in respect
to looking toward the “front” of the engine when standing at the
For identification and location of internal engine components, refer to
Figure 3-5, page 3-6 Cross Section of Engine Operation.
OIL PAN - serial number is located on the left side of the oil pan
below the top rail at the rear end.
CYLINDER LINER - serial number is located below the water inlet
WATER PUMP - serial number is located on the housing flange rim.
A replaceable cast iron insert, refer to Figure 3-21, page 3-15, is used
in each lower liner bore of the crankcase to provide a wear surface at
the lower liner pilot. Seals, held in grooves in the lower liner pilot,
prevent air passage between the insert and the liner.
plate #F19407
The engine oil pan, refer to Figure 3-22, page 3-16, is a fabricated
steel assembly which supports the crankcase and serves as the engine
base. The engine oil sump, located centrally in the oil pan, is provided
with oil drains.
A bayonet type oil level gauge extends from the side of the oil pan into
the sump. A scavenging oil pump suction line is built into the oil pan
extending from the sump to the front end plate. Openings in each end
plate allow oil from the camshaft and accessory end housings to drain
into the oil pan. Hand holes at each cylinder location, provided with
gasketed covers, allow access to enclosed engine parts. Liquid
accumulations from the air box are drained through pipes located at
the front of the oil pan into a common flange for discharge.
The GT46AC locomotive is equipped with the Automatic Engine
Start/Stop System (AESS). When the AESS is properly set up
(locomotive not in active service, etc.), it automatically stops the
diesel engine in order to save diesel fuel and to reduce noise and
Always DISABLE the AESS before performing any work on the
diesel engine or on related electrical and mechanical equipment.
To disable the AESS, press the EMERGENCY FUEL CUT OFF
& ENGINE STOP push-button and, if required by railroad rules,
lock it down.
Failure to disable the a may result in unexpected engine start-up
or shutdown with risk of personnel injury or death.
3. Remove the air box handhole covers nearest the drain holes,
(front of engine).
4. Feed the cleaning tool into the drain hole in the base rail,
turning it and using a “rodding” motion to dislodge carbon and
sludge from the inside of the drain pipes.
The cleaning tool may be fabricated from an ordinary plumber’s 1/4"
music wire snake as follows:
1. Cut off the auger head, Figure 3-24, and form a new head by
heating the first 1.00" (25.4 mm) of the snake with a torch and
stretching the tip area to form a loosely wound spiral.
2. Once both drains have been completely cleared, flush piping
with fuel oil or similar solvent to dissolve and remove the
residue, and ensure flow.
3. Reapply the drain flange to the oil pan, reconnect external
piping, and reinstall the handhole covers.
At any time cleaning is done on the crankcase, protection should be
given to oil passages, bearing surfaces, and gears, to prevent gritty
material from being trapped. If crankshaft is in place, similar
protection must be given to prevent contamination of its oil passages
and bearing surfaces. Cleaning procedures should be in accord with
accepted practice or as recommended by the supplier of the cleaning
The oil pan should be thoroughly cleaned at the time of an oil change
or any time the engine is damaged. Particular attention should be
given the oil drain pipes to make certain there is no accumulation of
foreign material. Wipe out accumulation from corners and pockets of
Periodic inspection of the crankcase should be performed after
cleaning to detect minor discrepancies which, if not corrected, could
result in major crankcase failure. Early detection and repair of the
crankcase is essential since major repairs usually cannot be performed
in the field.
Inspect air box drain pipes, end plates, and handhole cover gasket
surfaces for any nicks or roughness. Visually inspect the oil pan for
obvious damage, cracking or leakage.
Inspect all crankcase and airbox covers for damage or distortion,
repair or replace as required. Examine the retainer cross bar and nut
for cracks or bending, replace if damaged. Renew the cover O-rings if
they are damaged or hard.
Examine the scavenging oil suction line and pickup area for cracks or
breakage that could result in suction leaks.
In instances where extensive welding is required, the crankcase must
be stress relieved and remachined where necessary. Therefore, it is
recommended that a crankcase requiring rebuild or reconditioning be
returned to the manufacturer for repair.
On an annual basis, the bolts retaining the crankcase to the oil pan
assembly should be retorqued. Note that these bolts are inserted
upwards from the crankcase, with the nylon lock nuts located in the
Working from the center of the engine outwards, refer to Figure 3-25,
verify the torque on these bolts at 450 ft-lbs (610 Nm). If a bolt is
found to be loose, renew the nylon lock nut and re-torque all bolts.
Repeat the procedure on the opposite bank of the engine.
The basic insert application and removal tool assembly was
originally designed for use with earlier model EMD engines. It
can also be used as is for installing lower liner inserts on 710
engines. Removal of inserts on 710 engines; however, requires the
use of adapter shown in Figure 3-27., “Assembly Of 710 Adapter
To Application And Removal Tool” on page 3-21. With this
adapter installed on the tool, lower liner inserts can be removed
from early model engines as well as 710 engines.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in
equipment nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in
connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should
further information be required, or should particular problems arise
which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the
matter should be referred to the Electro-Motive Division.
plate #F06222
The arrangement of the tool for insert removal is shown in View “B”
of Figure 3-26, page 3-21 along with adapter shown in Figure 3-27,
page 3-21. The insert is removed as follows:
1. Assemble the tool for removal as shown (w/ adapter) and remove
the four nuts holding the insert plate (6) and remove the plate.
Also, remove the high pressure hose (12) from the ram (5), if it is
2. Lift the tool using the hoisting ring and place in the cylinder,
resting upon the retainer. Position the tool so that the hose fitting
may be reached at the outboard side to permit hose application.
Apply four crab nuts to secure the tool.
3. Place the ram plunger so that the insert plate bolts extend below
the insert to permit insert plate application, as shown in View “B.”
Apply the insert plate and its holding bolts.
4. Connect the high pressure hose (12) to its fitting (4) on the ram (5)
and, using the pump (13), remove the insert (7) from the crankcase
5. In the event that the insert application and removal tool is not
available, the insert may be applied and removed using a mallet
and a phenolic or wooden block.
The cylinder head and liner are bolted together and this assembly is
held in the cylinder head retainer by crab bolts, head crabs, hardened
washers, and nuts. Refer to Figure 3-28, page 3-23. The crab bolts
extend up through the cylinder bank upper deck plate adjacent to each
cylinder retainer. The bolt heads have a spherical seating surface
which seats in a like surface, the bolts being held in position by a
separate plate and bolt for each pair of bolts. The square bolt heads fit
corresponding holes in the plate which prevents their turning while
being torqued.
If one of the two crab bolts located at either end of either bank, or one
of the center crab bolts was broken, the other three bolts holding the
cylinder head should be changed. If a broken crab bolt was in any
other location, the remaining five crab bolts holding the heads held by
the broken crab bolt should be changed. Refer to Figure 3-29 and
Figure 3-30, page 3-24.
Before reapplying the power assemblies, inspect the head seat areas
for fretting or wear that may have resulted from improper clamp loads
on the power assemblies. Renew the head seat rings during
Figure 3-29. Crab Bolt Replacement (End Position)
Top deck cylinder head frames are mounted on the crankcase to
protect and enclose the fuel lines and linkage, camshaft assemblies
and rocker arm assemblies. The fabricated frames provide a flat seal
surface for the top deck covers. The covers are held in place by easily
released latches, making the top deck operating mechanism readily
accessible. Support arms are provided to hold the cover open in any
one of several positions. Special hinges provide easy removal of the
cover for top deck maintenance.
A gasket between the bottom of the frame and crankcase and a rubber
seal on the lower surface of the cover provide an air and oil tight seal.
The crankshaft assembly, refer to Figure 3-32, is made up of the
crankshaft, torsional damper, and the accessory drive gear. Although
the accessory drive gear is part of the crankshaft assembly, it will be
described as part of the accessory drive gear train. The accessory drive
gear train provides power from the crankshaft to drive the oil pump(s)
and water pumps.
plate 20798
The crankshaft requires no maintenance during regular service,
however, it should be examined for obvious defects during scheduled
maintenance inspections. These defects will include:
• evidence of overheating (discoloration).
• cracks or other physical damage.
• bearing extrusion.
If any of the above conditions are found, a thorough bearing
inspection and qualification of the lubricating oil system will be
required to determine the cause of the failure.
Whenever the main or connecting rod bearings are removed, the
crankshaft journals should be inspected. Check for scoring and cracks,
and signs of distress, which will generally be evidenced first in the
The journals of the crankshaft are induction hardened. Excessive heat
resulting from lack of lubrication, insufficient bearing clearance, or
other causes will usually produce thermal cracks on the journal.
Attempts to grind crankshafts in the field have proven unsuccessful, as
during the regrinding process, the depth of the induction hardened
zone must be checked, and when necessary, rehardened. This requires
special induction hardening equipment. It is therefore recommended
that the crankshaft be returned to EMD for regrinding.
plate 29530
Figure 3-34. Crankshaft Thrust Collars (Two Collars For Each Engine)
3-28 GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
The thrust surfaces are lubricated by main bearing leak-off oil and are
installed with their “thumb print” oil depressions away from the “A”
frame in which they are placed.
plate 29294
Figure 3-37. Main Bearing Shell And Cap (w/ Old Style Stud Mounting)
Lower main bearing shells have two tangs on each side which fit into
the main bearing cap. Upper main bearing shells have one tang which
fits into a groove on the right side of the “A” frame bore. Upper shells
can be rotated out, in a direction opposite to normal crankshaft
rotation, when the lower bearing and cap are removed.
The main bearing bolts used are shown in Figure 3-38. They replace
the early design main bearing cap studs on a 1 for 1 basis. Each main
“A” frame member is drilled and tapped with 1 1/4" - 12 UNRF
The late design bolting system cannot be re-engineered into an
early design crankcase that uses the stud and nut arrangement.
Figure 3-38. Main Bearing Retention System
3. Install Main Bearing Torque Multiplier as per Tool Manual
4. Install Main Bearing Bolt Air Operated Power Wrench as per Tool
Manual Instruction.
5. Install Air Control Kit to the Power Wrench and connect to shop
air supply.
6. Use the Power Wrench and unscrew the four (4) main bearing cap
bolts until they can be unscrewed by hand.
7. Remove the Power Wrench.
8. Remove the Main Bearing Torque Multiplier.
9. Loosen the four (4) main bearing cap bolts far enough to allow
inspection of the lower main bearing.
Removal of a reusable main bearing from the cap may result in
improper reseating. Bearing removal also allows the possibility of
replacing the bearing in a reversed position or at the wrong journal
location. Either condition can lead to early failure. In addition,
removal of the cap from the studs or bolts involves the risk of damage
by dropping and the risk of replacing the cap backwards.
If a reusable bearing is inadvertently removed from the cap during
inspection, perform the following:
1. Determine the previous bearing position by matching the wear
patterns on the cap bore and the back of the bearing. If this cannot
be done, ALL lower bearings will have to be renewed.
2. When previous position is determined, mark a mud pocket to
identify right or left bank side.
3. Thoroughly clean the bearing back and cap bore. Remove any
raised material in fretted areas. High spots may distort the bearing
and cause premature failure.
4. Thoroughly clean the cap and “A” frame serrations before
New upper main bearing shells are to be fitted by hand between the
crankshaft and steel bore. If the bearing shells cannot be hand fitted,
the reason must be found and corrected. The engine may have to be
removed and the crankcase remanufactured.
1. Apply a light coat of oil on both sides of the upper main bearing
2. Place the bearing shell against the crankshaft journal with the non-
tang edge leading.
3. Rotate the shell by hand in the direction of normal crankshaft
rotation until the bearing shell tang is inserted in the broach of the
upper main bearing steel bore.
6. Apply washers and bolts, screw bolts by hand until they are in
contact with the main bearing cap.
7. Remove Main Bearing Cap application Tool.
8. Using the Torque Multiplier - 24:1 power ratio and a Torque
Wrench, torque the bolts in two passes:
• On the first pass, torque the bolts to 350-400 ft-lbs (475-542 Nm).
• On the second pass, final torque the bolts to 750 ft-lbs (1 017 Nm).
No one bolt on the cap should be torqued to 750 ft-lbs (1 017 Nm)
until all the bolts on the cap have been torqued to 350-400 ft-lbs
(475-542 Nm).
If an overheat condition is detected, all lower main bearings are to be
renewed. Upper main bearings are to be renewed only at the overheat
locations. In addition to routine cleanup of main bearing caps and “A”
frame serrations, perform the following:
1. Measure main bearing cap serration spacing, using serration
gauge. If the gap is closed-in more than .020" (0.51 mm) from
nominal (dial indicator on gauge set to zero with master bar), the
engine should be removed and the crankcase remanufactured.
2. If new upper main bearings can not be hand fitted between the
crankshaft and the steel bore, the reason must be found and
corrected. The engine may have to be removed and the crankcase
3. If crankcase inspections proved satisfactory and new bearings are
installed, perform a “feel over” check after the break-in run. The
main bearing caps should be lowered on the studs at the locations
where the overheat was detected, and a bearing inspection made.
4. Bearing inspection should be repeated at the overheat locations at
the end of one month of operation, and at the end of three months
of operation.
The gear type damper, refer to Figure 3-39, is a hydraulic paddle
wheel device which absorbs torsional vibrations of the crankshaft by
forcing engine lubrication oil through narrow passages in the damper.
The damper consists of a spider, with external spur teeth, an
intermediate ring, with internal spur teeth, and two outer side plates
secured with bolts and nuts. A continuous circulation of oil is
provided to the damper through an oil passage in the crankshaft.
plate 22844
Oil flows from the chamber in the center of the damper through radial
holes, beginning in the spider hub and ending at the fillet radius at the
base of each tooth. The passages contain a narrowed section at the
spider hub to provide an oil flow restriction. The spider is designed so
that each tooth is directly supplied with oil. An auxiliary
circumferential oil groove is machined into each side face of the
spider to supply oil for the rubbing surfaces between the spider and
outer plate. These grooves are supplied by means of passages
connecting the grooves to the radial holes.
The intermediate ring is ground on both sides to a uniform thickness,
slightly thicker than the spider. This difference in thickness provides
the axial clearance necessary for proper oil passage. In addition,
clearance between the intermediate ring and the spider is provided to
allow the ring to “float” on the oil film generated at the tips of the
spider teeth.
Four vent holes are drilled through the rim of the intermediate ring to
relieve oil pressure and readjust the ring to a central position when it
becomes displaced. The holes, which are equally spaced around the
ring, are normally covered by the tips of the spider teeth. However, oil
is permitted to vent when the intermediate ring becomes displaced and
the spider teeth no longer cover the holes; thereby reducing pressure.
The higher pressure on the opposite side of each tooth then prevails
and restores the intermediate ring to its correct position. This design is
used to prevent sudden bumping of the teeth.
Two identical outer side plates are secured to the intermediate ring by
means of through bolts. The inner faces of the plates (adjacent to the
spider) are covered with oil which flows through the clearance
between the spider and the outer plates and drains to the crankcase.
The damper requires no maintenance other than inspection at the time
of normal overhaul. However, the damper should be checked for free
movement at interval specified in the applicable Scheduled
Maintenance Program.
This check can be performed by removing the front handhole covers
and rotating the damper about 10° in each direction. If the damper
cannot be moved, it should be removed and disassembled.
In order to access to the Gear Type Torsional Damper, the following
components must be removed. Follow individual component removal
1. Left and Right Bank Water Pumps with their associated piping.
2. Main Lube Oil and Piston Cooling Oil Pumps.
3. Scavenging Oil Pump.
4. Oil Strainer Housing.
5. Front End Accessory Drive Shaft.
6. Accessory Drive Coupling Assembly.
7. Accessory Drive Cover.
8. Accessory Drive Housing.
9. Install drive gear mounting bolts (8) 5/8-11 x 3-1/4 lg. with the
special hardened washers.
10. Torque mounting bolts to 160 ft-lbs (217 Nm).
11. Check the torsional damper for free movement by rotating the
damper about 10° in each direction. The torsional damper must
move freely, if not, the reason must be found and corrected.
Install the following components as per their individual installation
1. Accessory Drive Housing.
2. Accessory Drive Cover.
3. Accessory Drive Coupling Assembly.
4. Front End Accessory Drive Shaft.
5. Oil Strainer Housing.
6. Scavenging Lube Oil Pump.
7. Main Lube Oil and Piston Cooling Oil Pumps.
8. Left and Right Bank Water Pumps with their associated piping.
ref. plate 29019
2. Rotate camshafts until dowel holes in the rear stubshafts are in the
12:00 position.
3. Install cam gears so that “EMD” is aligned across the meshing
teeth as, shown in Figure 3-42.
Cam gears are interchangeable for left and right camshafts, therefore
some gear markings will not be used.
4. Install lower (#1) idler gear on lower stubshaft. Align the teeth so
that “EMD” is aligned across the mesh.
5. Install upper idler (#2) / clutch assembly to the upper stubshaft
ensuring that the teeth are aligned so that “1 1 1” is aligned with
the lower idler gear and that “2 2 2” is aligned with the left bank
camshaft gear. It may be necessary to rotate the camshafts slightly
to install the gear and maintain all alignment.
6. Position the counterweights, aligning dowel holes, gears, and
camshafts. Install dowel pins, torque mounting bolts, and safety
wire all hardware.
3. Check backlash.
4. If a new gear is used, refer to "3.10 CAMSHAFT ASSEMBLIES,"
page 3-48, for information on positioning and marking of gears
and timing procedures.
plate 29021
3. Apply the light tension spring between the lower part of the rod
and the edge of the handhole opening, refer to Figure 3-45, to
maintain idler gear to rod contact.
4. Secure the support clamp of a dial indicator to the edge of the
handhole opening. Position the indicator plunger so that it contacts
the flattened side of the rod. Refer to Figure 3-45.
5. With the cylinder test valves closed, use the engine turning bar,
and manually rock the crankshaft as many times as necessary to
remove the oil from the idler gear bearing. This will be evidenced
on the dial indicator by no increase over previous reading taken for
each direction of crankshaft travel.
6. Bar the crankshaft slightly in one direction until there is no further
dial indicator movement, and set the indicator to zero. Bar the
crankshaft in the opposite direction until there is no further dial
indicator movement, and note reading. Multiply the reading by 1.3
to obtain No. 1 idler gear bearing clearance. Refer to limits in
Service Data.
It may be necessary to lock the left bank camshaft in order to provide
load on the No. 1 idler gear to obtain full movement. This should be
done if clearance does not fall within the limits given in the Service
The camshaft assembly, refer to Figure 3-46, consists of flanged
segments, front and rear stubshafts, and a spacer is used on 16-
cylinder engines between the center segments. Each segment spans
four (16-cyl.) cylinders. Segment flanges are marked as shown in
Figure 3-46 to aid in correct assembly. At each cylinder there are two
exhaust cams, one injector cam, and two bearing journals. Two
bearing blocks at each cylinder position, equipped with steel-backed
lead base babbitt lined inserts, support the camshaft.
6. Mark the upper bearing caps in order to put them back on the same
bearing block.
7. Using a suitable lifting device, remove the camshaft section.
8. Temporary reinstall the bearing caps with bolts and washer to their
bearing blocks.
When both camshaft sections are removed, the camshaft spacer
bearing caps are removed the same way as the camshaft section upper
bearing caps.
The camshaft must be assembled as shown in Figure 3-46, page 3-48.
One dowel bolt hole in each segment flange is smaller than the others
to ensure correct angular position.
After assembly of camshaft and stubshaft, check for concentricity
between the stubshaft and camshaft journals and maximum runout
over total length of the shaft. Support the camshaft on precision rollers
at the number 1, 7, 10, and 16 camshaft bearing journals. See the
Service Data for limits.
1. If cam bearing blocks have been removed from the engine, check
bearing block pads and keyways for foreign material, nicks, and
burrs. Use a fine file to smooth nicks and remove burrs, then wipe
area clean. Install all bearing blocks, putting oiler blocks to the
right hand side of each cylinder.
2. Wipe inside of camshaft bearings with a clean rag to remove any
foreign material, then remove caps from bearing blocks and
stubshaft brackets. Mark or otherwise arrange in order to maintain
correct block to cap pairings.
3. Wipe bottom bearing shells clean once again and apply a liberal
amount of engine oil to all lower bearings, including stubshaft
4. Install camshaft segment on the engine in the proper orientation as
previously described and shown in Figure 3-46, page 3-48.
5. If camshaft spacer has been removed, apply a small amount of oil
to the camshaft spacer bearing journal, then apply camshaft spacer.
6. Apply a small amount of oil to each camshaft bearing journal, then
rotate camshaft by hand to see if it turns freely and to distribute the
oil evenly around the journals.
7. Apply all bearing caps to bearing blocks and stubshaft brackets.
Snug down bolts on stubshaft bracket caps only to an initial torque
not to exceed 10 ft-lbs (14 Nm).
1. Install camshaft counterweights to camshaft.
2. Align and install (1) dowel in pre-drilled locating hole.
3. Install retainer plate.
4. Install bolts (6) per camshaft counterweight and torque to the
required value.
The accessory drive gear train is located at the front of the engine and
provides power from the crankshaft to drive the oil pump(s), water
pumps, and a governor (if used). Figure 3-47, page 3-52 shows a
typical accessory drive gear train. This gear train consists of an
accessory drive gear, a scavenging oil pump gear, a main lube oil
pump gear and right and left hand water pump gears.
plate 29017
Unless a complete engine disassembly is being undertaken it is
unlikely that the entire gear train would be removed from the engine at
one time.
The water pumps and oil pump(s) can be removed from the gear train
as individual units. Removal of the accessory drive gear or the
governor drive gear requires removal and realignment of the accessory
drive housing. Note that on EMDEC equipped engines, the governor
drive gear is still required to drive the water pumps.
The coil spring accessory drive gear train, refer to Figure 3-48, damps
the transmission of crankshaft torsional vibrations to the accessory
gear train. The accessory drive gear meshes directly with, and
provides the drive for, the main lube oil and piston cooling oil pump
and a lube oil scavenging pump (if used).
The accessory drive gear does not normally require maintenance
between engine overhauls. At this time it should be removed and
disassembled for inspection of parts. Parts which show obvious
damage should be replaced.
Repeated failures of one or more pumps could indicate a failure of the
damping springs in the drive assembly. Any engine with a history of
repeat pump failures should be investigated.
For information on the main lubricating/piston cooling pump and the
scavenging pump, refer to "SECTION 5. LUBRICATING OIL
SYSTEM," page 5-1.
For information on the Coolant (water) pumps refer to SECTION 6 -
The accessory drive coupling assembly, refer to Figure 3-49, is bolted
and keyed to the tapered front end of the crankshaft to provide a power
takeoff connection for components driven from the front of the engine.
In some applications, the coupling is bolted to a tapered stubshaft.
3. Remove oil seal retainer bolting bolts (6) hexhead 3/8-16 x 1 lg.
with flat washers. Refer to Figure 3-51, page 3-55.
4. Remove oil seal retainer and oil seal. Discard oil seal.
5. Remove hexhead bolt (1) 1/2-20 x 1 lg. with lock spring.
6. Remove special hexhead bolt (1) 1-1/4 -12 x 2-3/4 lg. with
retaining washer.
7. Using a suitable puller, carefully pull out the coupling assembly
from the diesel engine stub shaft.
Figure 3-51. Accessory Drive Coupling Installation and Rubber Bushing Replacement
1. Press out the rubber bushings from the accessory drive coupling.
2. Apply a light coat of Dow 4 silicone grease to new rubber
3. Press into the accessory drive coupling the new rubber bushing
insuring that the bushing counterbore is facing the air compressor
drive shaft.
If the coupling has been removed, it is essential that the proper
application procedure is used to avoid severe damage to the
crankshaft of either the driven unit or the engine. Prior to
mounting the coupling on the crankshaft, inspect the two tapered
surfaces to ensure the mating surfaces are free of nicks or burrs.
Use aluminum oxide cloth of a 180 grit to clean the tapered
surfaces and the crankshaft key slot.
4. Hand fit 2-1/2" key so it is tight in the engine crankshaft key slot.
Tap the key in the slot so the end of the key is flush with the end of
the crankshaft.
If the key slides in the keyway, scrap the key.
5. Slide felt oil seal and oil seal retainer over barrel end of coupling
flange, then fit coupling onto the shaft. Make certain that the key
remains flush with the end of the shaft.
6. Lubricate the threads on the retaining bolt and both sides of the
washer with Texaco Threadtex No. 2303. Torque the retaining bolt
to 100 ft-lbs (136 Nm).
7. Attach a dial indicator to the coupling with the button of the
indicator on the accessory housing or on one of the studs at the
coupling seal. Zero the indicator.
8. Torque the retaining bolt to 650 ft-lbs (881 Nm) and record the
advance, measured to the nearest thousandth. Failure to obtain a
reading within the limits given in the Service Data is usually
caused by imperfections found on one of the tapered surfaces or
within the keyway. These surfaces should be free of all nicks or
9. Install the lock spring, lockwasher, and 1/2"-20 bolt in the head of
the retaining bolt and torque to specified value.
10. With a dial indicator button resting on the outside diameter of the
coupling flange, record the T.I.R. of the rim to be sure it does not
exceed the limits given in the Service Data.
11. Carefully insert oil seal into groove of seal cover and apply seal
retainer with 3/8"-16 hex head bolts torqued to specified value.
The ring gear is used on engines equipped with starting motors.
Engaging the teeth on the ring gear rotates the crankshaft for engine
starting or selects a crankshaft position when using an engine turning
gear device. The ring gear pilots on the engine side of the coupling
disc and is bolted to the coupling disc.
The coupling disc serves as the coupling between the engine
crankshaft and the driven shaft. Degree and top dead center markings
are stamped on the outer rim of the coupling disc. Holes are also
provided around the circumference of the rim for insertion of a turning
bar to manually rotate the crankshaft.
Inspect the engine coupling disc for cracks or damaged surfaces.
Inspect the ring gear teeth for damage caused by misalignment of the
starting motors, or improper bendix operation. Repair or replace
starters as required.
Whenever the engine or the generator assembly is removed, inspect
the coupling disc to crankshaft bolt holes for elongation or fretting at
the bolt head mating surface. If the surface is fretted, the area may be
spotfaced up to 1/16" (1.59 mm) deep as long as the minimum disc
thickness is maintained. See Service Data for limits.
Figure 3-52. Stop-Bar Inserted Through Cylinder Ports
A bar of sufficient length to prevent reapplication of the handhole
cover while the bar is in place is recommended. A flag on the end of
the bar will caution against inadvertent rotation of the engine with
the bar in place.
plate 20385
plate 20386
plate 20387
8. Determine the number of degrees between the two marks on the
flywheel. Divide that number by 2. Refer to Figure 3-56, page 3-60
for a sample calculation.
9. Rotate the crankshaft in the normal direction of rotation the exact
number of degrees determined in Step 8 above. Remove the brass
“stop-bar” from the engine.
10. The pointer should indicate 180° (bottom dead center). If it does
not, position the pointer so that it does indicate 180°. The pointer
will now indicate top dead center for the No. 1 crankpin when the
engine is rotated so that the pointer is at zero degrees (0°).
plate 21158
The power assemblies used on the 710G3C-ES engine are designed
to be serviced as a complete unit only, and as such must be removed
and applied without further disassembly. Other components such as
seals, connecting rod bearings, and valve bridges are also to be
renewed at time of power assembly change out.
plate #11343A
Connecting rod bearings consist of upper and lower shells, refer to
Figure 3-57, page 3-61. They are semicircular in shape and have a
steel back with a layer of lead bronze bearing material covered by a
lead tin coating on the inside diameter. The upper bearing has, in
addition, a bearing surface in the center of the outer diameter
consisting of a layer of bronze bearing material with a pure lead-flash
overlay. This provides a bearing surface for the slipper of the blade
connecting rod.
Dowels in the fork rod and basket hold the bearing shells in proper
position. Two dowels in the fork rod locate the upper shell and one
dowel in the basket locates the lower shell.
There is no provision for connecting rod bearing adjustment. When
bearing clearance exceeds the limit given in the Service Data, or the
power assembly is renewed, they should be replaced. After bearing
shells are once used on a crankpin and have accumulated numerous
dirt scratches, they must not be used on any other crankpin.
The piston assembly consists of a cast iron alloy piston, refer to Figure
3-58, four compression rings, and two oil control rings. Note that the
piston skirt is flash plated with a tin alloy below the compression rings
to aid in break-in.
Lubrication and cooling of the piston, insert bearing, pin, and thrust
washer is provided by the piston cooling system. Refer to SECTION 5
LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM, for further information.
plate 27985
A unitized head gasket and seal assembly is used between the cylinder
liner and the cylinder head for sealing of combustion gasses and
coolant passages.
Two Viton rings located on the lower portion of the liner, mate with
the lower liner insert in the crankcase to provide a positive seal
between the airbox and crankcase.
The cylinder head, refer to Figure 3-61, is made of cast iron alloy with
cast passages for water and exhaust gases. Drilled water holes at the
bottom of the head mate with similar passages in the cylinder liner and
unitized head gasket. Coolant is discharged through the water
discharge elbow, mounted on the upper left face of the head.
Four exhaust valves pass exhaust gasses from the cylinder, through
cast passages in the head, to exhaust risers in the engine block. Note
that there is no physical seal between the exhaust passages on the
cylinder head and the crankcase.
The fuel injector is located in a well in the top center of the cylinder
head, retained with a crab system.
The camshaft driven rocker arms for the injector and exhaust valves
are supported on a rocker arm shaft, mounted on the top of the
cylinder head. Two rocker arms actuate the four exhaust valves, the
third operates the injector. The rocker arms are operated directly by
the camshaft through a cam follower roller mounted at the fork end of
each rocker arm. The opposite end of each rocker arm has an adjusting
screw and locknut for setting the injector timing and adjusting the
hydraulic lash adjusters. The injector rocker arm, although similar in
appearance to the exhaust rocker arm, is stronger than the exhaust
rocker arm, and can be identified by the yoke at the cam follower end
which is square-shaped on the injector rocker arm, but V-shaped on
the exhaust rocker arm.
Also, only the injector rocker arm has the machined notch for the
overspeed trip. Injector and exhaust rocker arms are not
Lubricating oil is supplied to the cam follower assembly and the
adjusting screw end through drilled passages in the rocker arm.
plates #18371 & 18370
plate #3618
Using a pry bar or screwdriver, remove the old seal from the
crankcase. Wipe the test valve passage with a clean cloth and suitable
solvent. The new seal may be applied by lightly tapping it into place
with a small hammer. Do not apply excessive force to the seal or it
will be distorted.
Before applying the test valve assembly, lightly coat the inside lip of
the seal with O-ring lubricant.
The valve bridge, refer to Figure 3-67, operates two exhaust valves
from one rocker arm. A spring and spring seat are held on the valve
bridge stem by a lock ring. The spring seat rests in a socket in the
cylinder head and the spring applies pressure to maintain contact
between the valve bridge and the rocker arm.
The hydraulic lash adjuster maintains zero lash between the end of the
valve stem and the valve bridge. Lube oil flows from the rocker arm
through a drilled passage in the valve bridge to the top of the lash
adjuster, past the ball check, and into the body. When the rocker arm
depresses the valve bridge, a slight movement of the plunger in the
lash adjuster seats the ball check, trapping the oil. Since the oil is
practically incompressible, further movement of the rocker arm causes
the lash adjuster plunger to force open the exhaust valve.
Whenever a power assembly is renewed, the valve bridge assemblies
should be replaced with new or qualified units.
15. Disconnect the two wires with eyelet terminals from the injector
and unbolt the cable tie bracket from the head. Fold the wires and
attached bracket aside in such a manner that will protect them from
damage during cylinder disassembly.
16. Remove the injector crab stud nut, spherical washer, and the
injector crab.
17. Using the injector pry bar, remove the injector and adapter collar
from the tapered well in the cylinder head. Protect the injector
from dirt and damage by using an injector holding rack.
18. The rocker arm shaft assembly with rocker arms and the injector
on the opposite cylinder, opposite bank of the engine, should also
be removed.
19. Remove the lower basket bolts and nuts using the spring-loaded
basket bolt wrench with a ratchet and extension.
20. Remove the upper bolts from the inboard basket half.
21. Remove the bolts from the other basket half while holding the
basket and lower connecting rod bearing shell.
22. Remove the bolts, basket, and bearing while maintaining the same
relative upright position to prevent dropping the bearing shell or
the basket into the oil pan.
23. Install the connecting rod positioning clamp on the rod up far
enough so that when the rod is lifted it will not strike the cylinder
If a power assembly containing a blade rod is to be removed, the
following Steps apply:
24. Screw the piston holding tool, into the threaded hole in the crown
of the piston and fork rod assembly.
25. Using a suitable lifting device, raise the fork rod assembly and
apply the fork rod support, while holding the upper bearing shell in
26. Rotate the crankshaft in normal direction so support will rest in oil
pan. Protect the upper bearing and continue rotation to position
blade rod for removal.
27. Remove the crab nuts from the crab bolts using an air torque
multiplier set or equivalent. Place the drive socket on the crab nut
to be removed and the anchor on the crab nut above or below the
crab nut to be removed. Position the multiplier so that the output is
over the drive socket.
28. Install the air motor and set the pressure between 45-50 psi (310-
345 kPa). Squeeze the air valve and the crab nut should break
loose. If the wrench stalls out, increase the air pressure until the
crab nut breaks loose.
When changing a power assembly, the crab nuts on the cylinder
adjacent to assembly being changed must be backed off to 1/2 torque
(approximately 1000 ft-lbs [1356 Nm]).
29. Back off the crab nuts on the cylinder adjacent to assembly being
changed to 1/2 torque (approximately 1000 ft-lbs [1356 Nm]).
30. After removing all nuts, washers, and crabs, place thread
protectors over crab-bolts.
31. Apply and attach lifting clamp, refer to Figure 3-68, to cylinder
being removed, and screw in the piston holding tool.
plate 30266
32. Lift the piston holding tool and remove upper bearing shell.
Continue raising the piston and blade rod assembly until the piston
holding tool can be secured to hold the assembly at the top of the
plate 30267
33. Attach an overhead chain hoist to the lifting clamp. While guiding
the power assembly, remove it from the engine.
If a power assembly containing a fork rod is to be removed, the
following Steps apply in addition to Steps 1 through 24.
34. Screw the piston holding tool into the threaded hole in the crown
of the piston and blade rod assembly. Leave the blade rod resting
on the upper bearing.
35. Attach the lifting clamp to the cylinder being removed and screw
in the piston holding tool.
36. Lift the piston holding tool while holding the upper bearing shell.
Continue raising until the piston holding tool can be secured to
hold the assembly at the top of the liner.
37. Install the connecting rod positioning clamp on the fork rod.
38. Using a suitable lifting device, lift the blade rod piston assembly
and secure with piston holding tool. Remove the upper bearing
39. Attach an overhead chain hoist to the lifting clamp. While guiding
the power assembly, remove it from the engine.
plate 22115
Figure 3-70. Power Assembly Removal With Lifting Clamp And Hoist
plate 18077
2. Remove the card containing the applicable seals and gaskets and,
if a power assembly with a fork rod, the small box containing the
basket bolts.
3. Remove the two nuts and bolts holding the top mounting block to
the rocker arm studs, and take off the block.
4. Remove the piston holding bolt and block.
5. Insert a clean rag into the injector well and remove the tape from
around the liner ports.
6. If the power assembly has a fork rod, remove the connecting rod
basket from the metal bracket at the front of the container. Refer to
Figure 3-71.
7. The assembly has been coated with an antirust compound which
does not have to be removed and is totally compatible with lube
8. Install the rocker arm shaft supports, if required, making sure that
the locating dowel holes are properly positioned. Install the lifting
clamp, refer to Figure 3-72, and secure it with the rocker arm shaft
plate 22113
9. Remove the rag from the injector well and apply the piston holding
tool. Refer to Figure 3-73.
plate 22117
10. Attach a chain hoist to the eye at the center of the lifting clamp and
remove the power assembly from the container.
11. Support the assembly on a suitable stand and attach the connecting
rod positioning clamp.
12. Be sure and check, if a fork rod, that the rod and basket serial
numbers match. Refer to Figure 3-74.
13. Before applying the water discharge elbow, inspect the internal
and external seal grooves. Apply a light coat of Dow 4 silicone
grease to water outlet (discharge) elbow seals and install two black
seals to the grooves entering the crankcase and a red seal to the
groove between the elbow and the cylinder head. Bolt elbow to
cylinder head, and torque to specified value.
14. Change the hoist to the end hole of the lifting clamp, refer to
Figure 3-75, page 3-79, to position it at the proper angle for
installation in the engine.
plate 22115
15. Raise assembly and install lower liner seals (may be marked EMD
VIT and with red paint) in lower grooves. Coat seals with an
approved lubricant.
16. Place the seat ring on the assembly, refer to Figure 3-76,
page 3-80, making sure that the chamfered side with the word
“TOP” stamped on the surface is facing up. Place thread protectors
on cylinder head crab bolts.
17. Lower the assembly slowly into the crankcase bore, lining up the
water discharge elbow with the mating hole in the crankcase, refer
to Figure 3-77, page 3-80. Be careful that the seals are not
damaged or twisted in the grooves while the head is lowered into
plate 28230
plate 22842
18. Before the head contacts the crankcase, recheck the position of the
seat ring.
19. Remove the chain hoist from the lifting clamp and attach it to the
piston holding tool in the power assembly being installed.
The blade or fork rod opposite to the rod in the power assembly
being installed was positioned out of the way during “Unit Removal”
by use of a piston holding tool.
20. Oil the inside and outside surfaces of the connecting rod bearing
shells and place the upper bearing in position on the connecting
rod journal.
21. Hold the bearing shell in place while lowering the blade rod to rest
on the upper bearing surface.
22. Lower the fork rod until the rod makes contact with the bearing
surface. The fork rod dowels should enter the bearing dowel holes
without binding.
23. Remove the piston holding tool and the lifting clamp and place a
clean rag in the injector well.
24. Remove the connecting rod positioning clamp from each
connecting rod. Also remove the piston holding tool from the
opposite cylinder.
25. Apply the lower connecting rod bearing to the dowel basket half,
oil the bearing surface, and place the basket half on the fork rod.
When applying fork rod baskets be sure that the serial number on
the prong of the dowel half is on the dowel side of the rod.
26. Lubricate all upper basket bolt threads, bolt thrust faces and both
sides of washers with Texaco Threadtex No. 2303. Start the basket-
to-rod bolts by hand and tighten the upper basket fork rod bolts
just enough to mate the serrations and to hold the bearing in place.
27. Apply the other basket half to the fork rod with the lubricated bolts
and washers. Start the basket-to-rod bolts by hand, then tighten the
rod bolts enough to mate the serrations.
28. Apply the lower basket bolts, washers, and self-locking nuts and
tighten to 10 ± 5 ft-lbs (14 ± 7 Nm).
29. Snug the four top basket bolts to approximately 10 ft-lbs (14 Nm)
to firmly mesh the serrations. Give each washer a “finger tightness
check.” If a washer can be rotated when a twisting effect is applied
with a finger grip, the bolt assembly should be removed and
inspected for the cause of not clamping.
30. Visually check the position of the basket strap to assure that the
basket is not resting on the bronze of the top bearing shell or on the
raised section of the lower bearing shell.
31. Torque the upper basket bolts to 190 ft-lbs (258 Nm).
32. Using the spring-loaded basket bolt wrench, refer to Figure 3-78,
torque the lower basket bolts to specified value.
plate 18440
33. Remove thread protectors and make sure that crab bolts, crab seats,
and crab nuts are free from burrs. Apply Texaco Threadtex No.
2303 to all exposed crab bolt threads and both sides of hardened
34. Apply crabs, washers, and nuts. Center the crab bolts by manually
seating the nuts while moving the crab bolts back and forth. Check
that the crabs are positioned so that a wrench can be applied to the
head-to-liner stud nuts.
35. After seating the crab nuts, torque them to approximately 400 ft-lbs
(542 Nm). Torque outboard nuts first, then the inboard nuts.
On any one crab plate, do not torque the inboard nut to 400 ft-lbs
(542 Nm) until the outboard nut has been torqued to 400 ft-lbs (542
36. Check the head-to-liner stud nuts for specified torque, starting
with the pilot stud and using the tightening sequence as shown in
Figure 3-79, page 3-83.
8 7
3 1
Do NOT final torque head-to-liner nuts until AFTER initial torque is
applied to crab nuts in order to avoid damage to the water outlet
37. Torque the 2 removed outboard crab nuts to 400 ft-lbs (542 Nm).
38. Torque the 2 removed inboard crab nuts to 400 ft-lbs (542 Nm).
39. Torque the 2 removed outboard crab nuts to 1000 ft-lbs
(1356 Nm).
40. Torque the 2 removed inboard crab nuts to 1000 ft-lbs
(1356 Nm).
41. Torque the 2 backed off and the 2 removed outboard crab nuts to
2400 ft-lbs (3 254 Nm).
42. Torque the 2 backed off and the 2 removed inboard crab nuts to
2400 ft-lbs (3 254 Nm). Using an air motor and torque multiplier
with a power ratio of 38:1, or any mechanical advantage wrench,
final torque the crab nuts to 2400 ft-lbs (3 254 Nm). If a 12:1
power wrench is used with a 300 ft-lb (407 Nm) capacity hand
torque wrench, the pointer should indicate 200 ft-lbs (271 Nm) for
the final pass. Torque outboard nuts first, then the inboard nuts.
On any one crab plate, do not torque the inboard nut to full torque
until the outboard nut has been torqued to full torque.
Refer to Service Data for procedure which may be used to qualify
torquing equipment using a “nut-rotation” method.
43. Remove all excess thread compound from crab plates, nuts and
washers following crab bolt torquing.
44. Uncover the injector well and install the injector with adapter
collar in the cylinder head. Check that the injector is centered
between the valves and there is no interference between the
injector fuel jumper lines and the valve bridges.
45. Lubricate the threads on the injector stud and nut. Place the
injector crab over the crab stud. Place the spherical side of the
washer into the spherical seat of the crab. Apply and snug down
the nut.
46. Be sure that the injector crab is not cocked at an angle and torque
the crab nut to specified value.
47. Connect the fuel lines from the manifold to the injector using new
O-rings at the manifold ends and apply as follows:
a. Apply a light coat of silicon based lubricant to the new O-rings
and place one in each O-rings land of the supply and return
fittings of the fuel manifold. The grease will prevent binding of
the O-rings and hold it in place during jumper line installation.
b. Facing the injector from the side of the engine, loosely connect
the supply (left) jumper line to the top rail and the return (right)
jumper line to the bottom rail of the fuel manifold.
Clearance between fuel jumper lines and all operating mechanisms
must be maintained at a minimum of 1/8" (3.2 mm). If any clearance
is found to be less, jumper line must be repositioned before
48. Position the valve bridges in the cylinder head (with protruding
boss and oil passage plug toward camshaft for safety and uniform
At time of installation, valve bridges are an assembly.
49. Lubricate the shaft stud threads with Texaco Threadtex No. 2303.
Apply rocker arm shaft support blocks and install the rocker arm
shaft assembly. Apply the shaft caps with the short toe facing out.
Carefully observe CAUTION note above regarding clearance
between fuel jumper lines and operating mechanisms when applying
rocker arm shaft assembly.
50. Make sure that the hardened washer is used between the rocker
arm shaft nuts and the shaft caps and that all contact surfaces are
clean and free from burrs. Apply the washers and nuts to the shaft
51. Alternately torque the shaft nuts to 150 ft-lbs (203 Nm) on the first
pass, and to a final torque of 300 ft-lbs (407 Nm).
52. Use a new gasket and attach the rocker arm oil line to the camshaft
bearing bracket. Torque bolts to specified value. Refer to
procedures at the back of this section for rocker arm adjustment of
injector timing and hydraulic lash adjusters.
53. Reconnect the two wires with eyelet terminals to the injector and
apply the cable tie bracket to the cylinder head. Tighten the bracket
mounting bolt securely and position wires properly to avoid
contact with fuel lines and valve bridges.
54. Coat a new seal with Dow 4 silicone grease and place in the groove
at the liner end of the water inlet tube.
55. Position saddle straps around the water manifold and then through
the inlet tube flange.
56. After the strap nuts have been applied and tightened finger tight,
check that the seal is seated in the groove, position the tube on the
liner, and finger tighten the bolts.
57. Take a new gasket and shape it to fit around the water manifold.
Insert the gasket between the tube flange and manifold making
sure the sides of the gasket are flush with the sides of the flange,
and that the ends of the gasket are within the clamping radius of
the flange.
58. Torque the strap nuts to specified value.
59. Prior to torquing the tube to liner bolts, remove the bolts and
washers from the flange. If the tube moves, it must be repositioned
on the water manifold; if no movement is detected, the tube to liner
bolts and washers may be reapplied and torqued to specified value.
60. Using a new gasket, place the piston cooling oil pipe against the
piston cooling oil manifold.
61. Place the nozzle end of the pipe into the liner bore so that the
dowels on the pipe align with the dowel holes in the liner.
62. If the bolt holes in either of the flanges do not line up, replace the
pipe. No attempt should be made to fit the pipe by bending it. This
would place a stress on the pipe which could result in subsequent
63. Install the fine thread bolts into the manifold, and the coarse thread
bolts into the liner. Torque bolts to specified value.
64. Check proper alignment of the piston cooling oil pipe by barring
the engine over to bottom dead center of the cylinder being
checked. Make certain that the tube does not bind in the carrier
hole. If an interference exists, indicating misalignment, replace the
oil pipe.
Unlike previous model EMD engines, the alignment of the piston
cooling oil pipe to the inlet hole of the piston carrier on GC series
engines can be done without an alignment gauge. This is because
the oil tube itself extends into the carrier at the bottom dead
center of the cylinder being checked.
66. Place a new seal-ring in the cylinder test valve bore and apply high
temperature thread lubricant to valve body threads. Install the
valve body.
67. Tighten the valve body into the cylinder head.
68. Torque the valve body to specified value and install the needle
69. Refill the cooling system and check for water leaks.
70. Install the top deck and handhole covers.
71. Bar the engine over one complete revolution and close all the
cylinder test valves.
72. Start the engine and raise the water temperature to 170°F (77°C).
After running the engine, shut it down and recheck the torque on
the crab and liner stud nuts. Also recheck for oil, fuel, and water
Failure to comply with the proper packaging procedures, when
returning power assemblies, can result in injury to personnel or
costly damage to components.
3.16.1 GENERAL
The cylinder liner, piston, and connecting rod assemblies can be
inspected while installed in an engine, provided the engine is shut
down and the air box and oil pan inspection covers are removed. The
air box handhole covers provide access to the cylinder liner upper
bores while the oil pan handhole covers provide access to the lower
Precautions should be taken, before proceeding, to prevent the engine
from being started.
It is recommended that the following “One-Revolution Inspection
Sequence Chart”, be used to ensure a thorough inspection of
internal engine components. The following engine inspection
sequence chart is designed to speed up air box inspection of
power assembly components and minimize required engine
manual barring. The chart shows the power assembly checks that
can be made during one revolution of the crankshaft. If desired,
EUI injector plunger height and exhaust valve lash setting may be
performed at the same time as the engine inspection.
The number appearing in this column opposite “FLYWHEEL
DEGREES” indicates that the Electronic Unit Injector of that cylinder
can be timed, and the exhaust valve lash may be adjusted. Note that
this is a good location to perform an inspection of the piston skirt as
This instruction is for 710G3C-ES engines with Electronic Unit
Injectors only. Do NOT set EUI injectors on engines or
Mechanical Unit Injectors at these flywheel degree positions.
Refer to setting instructions on EUI Injector Timing Plate
(located on right rear side of engine crankcase).
3. With piston at top center, inspect lower liner walls for scoring.
4. Inspect oil pan for foreign matter.
5. Tighten rocker arm adjusting screw locknut to a torque of
80 ±5 ft-lbs (108 ±7 Nm).
plate 24877
4. The adjustment is then “backed off” one and a half turns of the
adjusting screw.
The turbocharger assembly, refer to Figure 3-88, page 3-98, is
primarily used to increase engine horsepower and provide better fuel
economy through the utilization of exhaust gases. As shown in cross-
section, the turbocharger has a single stage turbine with a connecting
gear train. The connecting gear train is necessary for engine starting,
light load operation, and rapid acceleration. Under these conditions
there is insufficient exhaust heat energy to drive the turbine fast
enough to supply the necessary air for combustion, and the engine is
actually driving the turbocharger through the gear train assisted by
exhaust gas energy. When the engine approaches full load, the heat
energy in the exhaust, which reaches temperatures approaching
1000°F (538°C) is sufficient to drive the turbocharger without any
help from the engine. At this point, an overrunning clutch in the drive
train disengages and the turbocharger drive is mechanically
disconnected from the engine gear train.
plate 29888 & 29889
The turbine shaft is driven by the engine gear train through a series of
gears in the turbocharger. A turbocharger drive gear, which is a part of
the clutch drive gear assembly, meshes with the turbocharger idler
gear, driving the carrier drive gear. The carrier shaft drives the sun
gear on the turbine shaft through three planet gears when the
turbocharger is being driven by the engine.
The sun gear meshes with the planet gears which, in turn, mesh with a
fixed ring gear in the carrier shaft support assembly. When the turbine
is being driven entirely by exhaust energy, the direction of torque
transmitted back through the gears in the turbocharger unlocks the
overrunning clutch.
The overrunning clutch consists of 16 rollers in tapered slots. The
slots are formed by the combination of a clutch drive support and the
pockets in a cam plate. The cam plate, a clutch support, and a cam
plate retainer are doweled and bolted together, and rotate as a unit.
The unit in turn bolts to the turbocharger drive gear. The clutch drive
support is bolted to the No. 2 idler gear. When the engine is driving
the turbine, the rollers are wedged in the small side of the cam plate
pockets, as a result of the direction of torque, locking the cam plate to
the clutch drive support (turbocharger drive gear to the No. 2 idler
Because the planet gear shafts are driven as a part of the carrier shaft,
the planet gears rotate in the fixed ring gear to drive the sun gear on
the turbine shaft. When the exhaust energy becomes great enough to
drive the turbine without help from the engine, the torque back
through the turbocharger gears reverses direction. This causes the
rollers to move to the wide end of the cam plate pocket, unlocking the
clutch, permitting it to overrun. From this point on, with increased
load and speed, the turbocharger overruns the engine drive.
3-98 GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
1. Inspect the entire housing for cracks and oil leaks. Some oil leaks
can be repaired merely by tightening a pipe plug or by applying
RTV sealant. An excessive leak from a crack or from an
inaccessible area requires turbocharger changeout.
2. Remove the rubber air intake boot and flange.
3. Inspect the impeller for broken or nicked vanes or any visible signs
or rubbing. On Unit Exchange turbochargers, do not confuse
smooth blends in the impeller surface or on the vane with sharp
nicks caused by foreign material.
4. Turn the impeller by hand to check for a locked-up condition or a
badly damaged clutch. It should turn freely in the counter-
clockwise direction, but engage when turned clockwise.
5. Displace the impeller laterally, vertically, fore and aft to determine
excessive radial or end thrust clearance.
6. Inspect the clearance between the impeller and the cover to reveal
any impeller contact.
7. If any defective condition was found in the preceding steps, the
turbocharger must be replaced. If no defective condition is found,
reinstall the flange and the boot.
8. Bar the engine over to determine if it is damaged before a starting
attempt is made and inspection continued. (Often a reported
turbocharger failure is actually a failure of some other engine
Refer to the Diesel Engine Troubleshooting Guide for detailed
turbocharger inspection procedures.
7. Disconnect the exhaust silencer from the top of the turbine exhaust
duct. Remove the silencer.
8. Disconnect speed pickup and cable (if provided) from turbo air
inlet housing and tie it back away from turbocharger to prevent its
being damaged during turbo removal.
9. Remove air duct assembly from turbocharger air inlet assembly
and remove air inlet.
10. Connect lifting chains to eye-bolts screwed into the four 5/8"-11
UNC tapped bosses on the turbocharger. Maintain even tension on
all four chains so that turbocharger will hang properly.
If a hand operated chain hoist is available, it should be used
between the chain device and the main lifting crane to simplify
vertical positioning and tension adjustment during turbocharger
removal. Do not allow chains to press against the exhaust duct.
A turbocharger lifting sling, refer to Figure 3-89, is available
which maintains the proper attitude of the turbocharger during
removal. Refer to the Service Data for lifting sling and eye-bolt
part numbers.
12. Using jackscrews between the turbocharger housing and the gear
train housing, jack the turbocharger away from the engine until the
turbocharger pilot bore clears the No. 2 stubshaft.
Engine timing will not be disturbed during turbocharger removal as
long as the camshafts and crankshaft are not moved when gears are
13. Using a 1-ton (or 1000 kg) crane, lift the turbocharger clear of the
engine and place it in a shipping container for transportation.
ENGINE 3-101
1. Inspect the exhaust manifold for foreign material, and completely
remove any found. If manifold condition is in doubt, remove the
manifold and look for cracked leg baffles, which should be
removed, and cracked expansion joints, which should be replaced.
2. Inspect the condition of the exhaust manifold leg gaskets and
check that the torque of the bolts is as specified. Also, check the
manifold connector fasteners for specified torque. Check the
condition of the adapter to turbocharger bellows connections, and
other locations where possible leaks might occur in the exhaust
plate 29216
ENGINE 3-103
On units with offset (low-profile) silencers, silencer may be suspended
by its four lifting eyes and swung on the chains to check for the
rattling of debris within the shell. If foreign material is detected, it can
be removed by raising silencer to convenient height to access each of
the eight expansion slots above its bottom flange by hand.
1. Remove the disposable turbocharger oil filter and the soak back oil
filter elements. Install new elements and check that the filter bowls
are full of clean lubricating oil, and that the springs and gaskets are
in place.
If turbocharger oil filter is of the disposable (spin on) type, element
will mount directly to an adaptor on the filter head assembly.
If camshaft to crankshaft relationship has been disturbed, engine
timing must be checked before installing turbocharger.
ENGINE 3-105
If a different aftercooler core is to be installed, proper core alignment
to the duct must be ensured before application can be made. The air
ducts must be removed from the engine to accomplish alignment.
Remove the lockwire from the support pad bolts at the rear of the duct,
and loosen the bolts. Position the core in the duct until the dowels on
the core align with the dowel holes in the support pad. Tighten support
pad bolts, torque to specified value, and lockwire.
Remove the core and proceed as follows with application.
1. Air duct flanges should be thoroughly cleaned of any old gasket
material, sealant, adhesive, dirt and grime (or any debris). Inspect
for surface damage, including; gouges, deep scratches, voids, weld
or braze splatter, excessive grinding or scraping marks, and other
imperfections. If damage is beyond practical repair, flange should
be replaced. If this is not possible, an approved anaerobic sealing
compound (as listed in the Service Data) may be used to
supplement the gasket to provide a “spot fix.”
Aftercooler duct-to-crankcase gaskets used on all 710G3C engines
are of the “printed bead” type with a thin steel core and require
special handling in order to avoid damage during assembly. Do NOT
pull on the printed bead or rub it against other objects. Avoid
excessive bending or flexing of the gasket to prevent damage of the
steel core. This gasket should never be wedged or forced between
flanges that are pried apart as this could damage the printed bead and
create a leak path.
The use of adhesives is NOT recommended for use with the printed
bead type gaskets as leak paths may develop if adhesive cures before
full bolt torque is applied.
2. Carefully maneuver the right bank air duct into position and apply
the bolts at the engine and turbocharger flanges. Four bolts at the
engine flange must be installed from inside the duct or from inside
the air box. Make sure that air duct flange on the engine side is not
touching the camshaft drive housing. Snug the bolts only at the
turbocharger end, but torque the bolts at the engine end to the
specified value. Then remove the bolts from the turbocharger end
of the air duct and with the gasket in place, and using an 0.008"
feeler gauge, determine the clearance at the mating flanges. If an
0.008" feeler gauge can be entered between the turbocharger and
the air duct, the duct must be relocated. If necessary, the holes in
the engine flange may be enlarged to position the duct properly.
3. Apply the left bank air duct using the same procedure as used on
the application of the right bank air duct.
4. Place the hardened washers or spacers on bolts, then tighten the air
duct to turbocharger bolts to specified torque. Refer to the Service
Data for correct bolt, spacer or washer application.
All bolts fitted with spacers are to be torqued to the same
specification as the shorter bolts fitted with washers only. Printed
bead type duct-to-crankcase gaskets can not be reused after being
torqued once. If for any reason aftercooler duct is removed, it should
be fitted with a new gasket upon reassembly onto the engine.
ENGINE 3-107
6. Check the impeller eye clearance as previously done in Step 2 of
“Installation” to see if the measurements can be duplicated. If the
clearances cannot be duplicated, it indicates that the turbocharger
has been distorted in installation. In this event, the air ducts should
be removed and eye clearance rechecked. If turbocharger is still
distorted the turbocharger mounting bolts must be loosened and
the turbocharger realigned so that no stresses or distortion are
introduced during installation.
7. Install air inlet assembly on turbocharger and apply speed pickup
and cable. Tighten pickup into inlet housing snugly, using care to
avoid overtightening. Check for interference between speed pickup
and impeller by rotating impeller by hand.
8. Install the air duct assembly to air inlet on turbocharger.
9. Replace decking and panels.
1. Perform engine prelube, and make sure soak back oil pump is
2. Make the necessary preparations and start the engine.
3. Perform load test to qualify engine for service.
The exhaust gases from the engine cylinders are discharged from the
cylinder heads into the exhaust manifold, Figure 3-92, and to the
turbocharger turbine. Going through the turbine, the gases expand to
atmospheric pressure, pass through the turbocharger ducting, and are
then expelled from the engine.
The adapter assembly contains a trap type screen to prevent the entry
of foreign objects into the turbocharger. A trap box is attached to the
outer body which collects small debris.
Remove inspection plate and inspect the adapter and screen assembly
between rear expansion joint and chamber assembly for condition of
screen. If foreign material is present in the exhaust manifold, it is
recommended that the screen be MagnafluxTM inspected. Install new
gasket and reapply inspection plate. Torque bolts to specified value.
The trap type screen must be inspected and cleaned as specified in
the Scheduled Maintenance Program.
1. Using wire snips; cut the stainless steel lockwire at each location
or remove retaining springs depending on which application was
used. At this point, the insulation components will be supported at
the base and held in place by the bolt and nut atop the exhaust
2. Starting at the left bank rear end of engine (closest to turbo,
opposite of inspection port), remove the bolt and nut while holding
the left and right insulation assembly in place. A clamp can be
used to hold parts in place during this step. Replace the nut and
bolt to support the insulation assembly on the reverse side you are
working. Remove the insulation assembly closest to you from the
engine, being careful not to puncture the assembly.
If the nut and bolt is not replaced, the insulation on the reverse
side will fall off the engine.
Should it be necessary to remove one or more manifold sections, the
following procedure should be followed after the insulating blankets
are removed:
1. Remove all bolts retaining the flexible expansion joints between
manifold sections, marking for proper re-installation. At this time,
the expansion joint should be thoroughly inspected for cracks,
burn holes, or other physical damage and replaced if required.
2. Remove the 5/8”-18 base bolts from the manifold section(s) and
remove spacer tubes and washers.
3. Attach a suitable lifting fixture to the top of the manifold
section(s) and lift off of the engine taking care not to damage the
top deck covers or camshaft housings.
4. Inspect manifold section(s) for damage and warp, repairing or
replacing as required.
5. Remove the gasket(s) and thoroughly clean the top of the
crankcase and base of manifold(s).
6. After the gaskets have been applied, and the bolt and spacer
assemblies torqued on the second pass at 130 ft-lbs (176 Nm), they
must be retorqued to 130 ft-lbs (176 Nm) after a ten (10) minute
waiting period, but before the engine is run. (A single pass for the
retorquing is sufficient.)
ENGINE 3-111
7. After the engine is run for the first time after re-gasketing (Engine
test or Load Box test), the bolt and spacer assemblies must be
retorqued a second (final) time at 130 ft-lbs (176 Nm).
When retorquing, it is not necessary to remove the heat shields, if
the torque tool set is used.
When assembling the expansion joints, the welded end of the
interior liner should be facing toward the front of the engine (away
from the turbocharger). This weldment will not be visible from the
exterior of the expansion joint.
In bolting the expansion joints to the chamber assemblies, it is
recommended that one flange or the expansion joint be securely
bolted to the chamber assembly before attempting to bolt the other
flange. If the holes of the second flange do not align with the
flange of the turbocharger inlet scroll, do not pry into alignment.
This will result in undue stress being placed on the expansion joint
and will also reduce the internal liner clearance required for
trouble-free operation. If alignment cannot be acquired through
repositioning the expansion joint, enlarge the holes in the flange
until bolts can be freely inserted and tightened.
1. Using Figure 3-94, page 3-113, organize the insulation around the
engine according to the proper position. If any parts are punctured,
they should not be used. If parts are bent or depressed, the parts are
still usable as long as they can fit onto the exhaust manifold.
2. Starting from the inspection port, place the two bottom tabs of the
insulation piece into the clips of the exhaust chamber. Push the
insulation so the top tab of the insulation rests against the center
tab of the exhaust manifold. Align the bolt hole of the insulation
with the manifold hole. Refer to Figure 3-95, page 3-113 to see
which bolt hole aligns with the manifold. Using a clamp or vice
grips, hold the insulation in place at the top tab.
3. Moving from left to right, secure the second insulation piece in
place. Again, use a clamp to hold the insulation in place. Continue
this for the entire bank of the engine. When this step is completed,
four insulation pieces on the right bank will be in place and held
down by a clamp or vice grips.
4. Go to the other side of the engine, start from the accessory end.
This continues the left to right movement. Place the lower tabs into
the exhaust manifold clips. As you bring the top tab into position,
hold both the right bank and left bank insulation parts with one
hand while removing the clamp. Re-apply the clamp when the
holes in the top tabs align. Use a bolt, nut and two washers (as
called out on the print) to secure the parts in place. Remove the
5. Moving from left to right, complete the mounting of the remaining
blankets according to the procedure set in the previous step.
6. When all the insulation parts are in place, torque the bolts to
35 ft-lbs (47 Nm).
7. Apply springs P/N 40154472 to connect adjacent insulation
components (only where specified). Details of how to connect
springs to the capstans together are shown in Figure 3-96.
ENGINE 3-113
Not all locations need to have springs applied. Check the
application print for details on spring locations.
Figure 3-97. Bolt Torque Sequence of the Gasket Joint On Top Deck of the Crankcase
8. After the gaskets have been applied, and the bolt and spacer
assemblies must be torqued on the second pass at 130 ft-lbs
(176 Nm), they must be retorqued in an X pattern to 130 ft-lbs
(176 Nm) after a ten (10) minute waiting period, but before the
engine is run. (A single pass for the retorquing is sufficient).
Refer to Figure 3-97.
9. Torque the expansion joint bolts to 90 ft-lbs (122 Nm), in a
rotating X pattern. Refer to Figure 3-98.
10. Run the engine in load test or on a load box until the engine
temperature stabilizes or at least one cooling fan is running.
11. After the engine is run for the first time after re-gasketing
(Engine Test or Load Box), the bolt and spacer assemblies and
expansion joints must be torqued a third and final time.
ENGINE 3-115
Allow the engine to cool down until the manifold sections are
safe to be touched with your hand. Torque the manifold base bolts
in an X pattern at 130 ft-lbs (176 Nm). Figure 3-97.
12. Torque the expansion joint bolt P/N 8287827 and nut P/N
9338626 to in a rotating X pattern to 90 ft-lbs (122 Nm). Refer
to Figure 3-98.
Figure 3-98. Bolt Torque Sequence for Gasket Joint Between the Barrel Flanges
Crankcase Main Bearing Steel Bore
Alignment Qualification .........................................................M.I. 100
Alignment Of Locomotive
Rotating Equipment ...............................................................M.I.1753
Inspection & Qualification Guide -
Engine Main & Connecting Rod Bearings ........................ MM003003
EMDEC Operating and Troubleshooting Guide .................. N00012EP
Flexible Coupling -
Crankshaft pilot diameter -Max. .......................8.0025" (203.264 mm)
Mounting bolt hole diameter -Max. ......................1.780" (45.212 mm)
Thickness at mounting bolt holes -Min. .................6875" (17.462 mm)
Clearance between coupling discs at rim bolts,
after bolts are torqued -Min. .................................. .0015" (0.038 mm)
ENGINE 3-117
Coupling face runout -Max................................015" (0.38 mm) T.I.R.
Gear Backlash
Gear Train
Thrust clearance -
Min. .......................................................................... .045" (1.14 mm)
Max. ........................................................................... .091"(2.31 mm)
ENGINE 3-119
Due to carbon buildup on both the fireface of the cylinder head
and the crown of the piston during service life, lead wire readings
should not be used as a basis for power assembly changeout. Lead
wire readings may continue to be used to indicate wear trends.
Any significant clearance increases should be investigated as
possible component failures.
Carrier to piston snap ring clearance that exceeds the maximum
of .042" (1.07 mm) should also not be used as a basis for power
assembly changeout.
Figure 3-99. Aftercooler Duct-To-Turbocharger Joint Flange Hole Location (All Turbochargers)
Figure 3-100. Aftercooler Duct-To-Crankcase Spacer & Long Bolt Application (All Turbochargers)
ENGINE 3-121
Aftercooler To Turbocharger Air Duct Bolt Application (for bolt
locations, see Figure 3-99.)
Left Bank -
(2) 7/16"-14 x 1-7/8" bolts - (locations #3 & 5)
(2) 7/16" hardened washers - (locations #3 & 5)
(6) 7/16"-14 x 2-1/2" bolts - (locations #1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8)
(6) 7/16" x 1/2” thick spacers - (locations #1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8)
Right Bank -
(2) 7/16"-14 x 1-7/8" bolts - (locations #3 & 5)
(2) 7/16" hardened washers - (locations #3 & 5)
(6) 7/16"-14 x 2-1/2" bolts - (locations #1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8)
(6) 7/16"x 1/2" thick spacers - (locations #1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8)
ENGINE 3-123
(Short, w/ “Tame” wrench) ................................................... 40077260
Main bearing bolt socket
(Long, w/ “Tame” wrench) ................................................... 40077261
Main bearing bolt socket
(Short, w/ “Sweeny” wrench) ............................................... 40080595
Main bearing bolt socket
(Long, w/ “Sweeny” wrench) ............................................... 40080594
Head frame gasket adhesive,
Loctite No. 3025 “Hi-Tack” -16 oz. spray can ...................... 40086713
Feeler gauge set ......................................................................8067337
Piston cooling pipe cleaning tool ............................................8087086
Torque wrench, - 3/4" (19.05 mm)
drive 0-300 ft-lbs (0-407 Nm) ................................................8157121
Snap ring remover ..................................................................8171633
Torque wrench extension
(used with torque wrench 8157121)........................................8210136
Wire holder
(has contour of piston crown to hold lengths
of lead wire for piston to head clearance check) .....................8243220
Wire, lead - 1/8" (3.18 mm) dia., used with holder ................8243220
or alone, 5 lb (2.27 kg) spool ..................................................8243661
Upper main bearing shell remover ..........................................8055837
Gasket sealing compound - 1 pt. (0.47 liter ) ..........................8178639
Thread lubricant, Texaco Threadtex No. 2303
- approx. 5 gal. (18.93 liter)....................................................8307731
Upper main bearing removal tool ......................................... 40004154
Serration gauge..................................................................... 40038306
Gasket sealant, RTV
0.6 pt. (300 ml) container................................................ 40048258
2.9 oz. (85 gram) container ............................................. 40048259
1. On newly assembled engine, clean and remove oil from crab bolts,
nuts, and the plate crab top surface.
2. Using chalk, or a white marking pencil, mark crab bolts, nuts, and
plate crab in a line at the 12 o’clock position from the top of the
crab bolt and nut to the plate crab, as shown in Figure 3-101,
page 3-125.
ENGINE 3-125
6. Measure the angle of nut rotation from the line on the plate crab
and bolt to the line marked on the nut using the special protractor
as depicted in angle “A,” Figure 3-102. on page 3-126. Align the
protractor “0” degree mark to the 12 o’clock position, then
measure the angle of degrees to the line marked on the crab nut in
the counter-clockwise direction.
Protractor, shown in Figure 3-103, can be duplicated for use in the
nut-rotation measurement. Copy sample exactly as shown (100%),
preferably on clear (transparency) film, then cut out center circle to
position protractor over crab bolt.
• The required nut rotation for all standard intermediate plate crabs is
245° ± 60°.
• The required nut rotation for all end position plate crabs (1, 4, 5, 8,
9, 12, 13, and 16), or when heavy plate crabs are used at
intermediate positions, is 200° ± 50°.
ENGINE 3-127
3-128 GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
4.1 DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................................................4-3
4.2 FUEL STORAGE TANK ...........................................................................................................4-4
4.2.1 FUEL TANK FILLING .........................................................................................................4-4
4.2.2 DRAINING FUEL TANK CONDENSATE ...........................................................................4-5
4.2.3 EMERGENCY FUEL CUTOFF SWITCHES (EFCO) .........................................................4-6
4.3 FUEL SUCTION STRAINER ....................................................................................................4-7
4.3.1 SUCTION STRAINER MAINTENANCE .............................................................................4-8
4.4 FUEL PUMP AND MOTOR ......................................................................................................4-8
4.4.1 FUEL PUMP MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................4-8
4.5 PRIMARY FUEL FILTER .........................................................................................................4-9
4.5.1 PRIMARY FILTER CHANGE-OUT PROCEDURE ...........................................................4-10
4.6 FUEL PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE SENSORS MAINTENANCE ..............................4-10
4.7 ELECTRONIC FUEL INJECTORS (EUI) ...............................................................................4-11
4.7.1 EUI MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................4-13
4.8 EMDEC CONTROL SYSTEM ................................................................................................4-16
4.8.1 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................4-16
4.8.2 SETTING SRS AND TRS SENSORS ..............................................................................4-17
4.9 SERVICE DATA - FUEL SYSTEM .........................................................................................4-20
4.9.1 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................4-20
As shown in Figure 4-1, an AC fuel pump draws fuel from the fuel
tank through a fuel suction strainer. The pump forces fuel to the
primary fuel filter. A 275.8 kPa (40 psi) bypass valve connects across
the primary filter. If the primary filter becomes plugged, fuel bypasses
and imposes the total filtering load on the engine mounted fuel filter
assembly. From the fuel filter assembly, the fuel is directed to the
diesel engine.
The fuel flows through injector supply manifolds that extend along
both banks of the engine. The fuel pump delivers more fuel than is
required by the injectors. This excess fuel volume provides injector
cooling and lubrication.
Return fuel from the injectors flows from the return piping to a back
pressure valve. This valve imposes a nominal back pressure on the
system, thereby maintaining a positive supply of fuel for the injectors.
The basic filler cap assembly is equipped with a strainer. The filler cap
gasket and strainer should be periodically inspected, and replaced if
The fuel filler comes equipped with a locking fuel filler cap. The
handle in the center of the cap can be locked with a pad lock.
Once the lock is removed, the handle can be lifted then twisted to
the side to be removed.
Remove the pipe plug and slowly open the drain valve, refer to Figure 4-
3, on the rear end of the fuel tank. Observe the flow of condensate and
fuel, and continue to drain slowly until all traces of free water in the fuel
have been purged. Close the drain valve and re-apply the pipe plug.
Following this procedure will enable thorough draining with minimal fuel
The EFCO switch located in the cab has a safety latch to “LOCK
OUT” the switch and prevent accidental starting. This added safety
feature should be “LOCKED OUT” any time any work is being done
with the engine stopped.
Operating any of the EFCO pushbutton switches, even momentarily,
opens the line feeding both the EM2000 NOEFCO input channel and
the EFCO relay coil terminal Y.
EFCO relay dropout causes immediate dropout of fuel pump relay
FPR. This starts the engine shutdown process.
As soon as the push button is released, the EFCO relay remains
de-energized and the locomotive computer recognizes that the
NOEFCO input is absent, provided that the LOCAL CONTROL
breaker is closed (RUN or ISOLATE computer input is high). Once
the computer recognizes that the NOEFCO input is missing, it
continues the NOEFCO relay dropout functions, even if the
pushbutton is released, thus completing the engine shutdown.
When the computer recognizes that the NOEFCO input is missing, it
performs the following actions (EM2000 software activated):
• Picks up turbo lube pump relay TLPR , causing the pump to operate
for a period of time;
• Picks up alarm relay AR (if the isolation switch is left in the RUN
position) to ring the alarm bell and energize trainline 2T, provided
that the computer is receiving the ER SW input (ENGINE RUN
switch up or trainline 16T energized); and
until next time that Fuel Prime/Engine Start switch is activated.
To reset the EFCO relay (running the fuel pump only), the EFCO
RESET BUTTON, or the ENGINE START BUTTON will need to be
If the fuel pump RUN option is only needed to test the fuel
system or to charge the fuel system in the event the fuel filters
have been changed out, press the EFCO RESET button. This will
energize the EFCO relay and allow the running of the fuel pump.
The GT46AC locomotive is equipped with the Automatic Engine
Start/Stop System (AESS). When the AESS is properly set up
(locomotive not in active service, etc.), it automatically stops the
diesel engine in order to save diesel fuel and to reduce noise and
Always DISABLE the AESS before performing any work on the
diesel engine or on related electrical and mechanical equipment. To
disable the AESS, press the EMERGENCY FUEL CUT OFF &
ENGINE STOP push-button and, if required by railroad rules, lock
it down.
Failure to disable the AESS may result in unexpected engine start-
up or shutdown with risk of personnel injury or death.
6. Remove filter element and put it into empty container set aside for
that purpose.
7. Using only clean bound-edge towels, wipe out filter housing
interior thoroughly. Clean up drain pan and surrounding area.
8. Insert new filter elements. Make certain that the element is fully
seated over the standpipe in housing. (Use only approved
replacement element).
9. Replace O-ring in circular groove in the housing.
10. Replace cover and rotate until lugs are fully below the retaining
11. Tighten retaining nuts.
12. Close filter drain valve and vent valve.
13. Check filter cover, drain valve, and vent valve for leakage.
The external working parts of the EUI injector are lubricated by oil
from the end of the injector rocker arm adjusting screw. The internal
working parts are lubricated and cooled by the flow of fuel oil through
the injector.
The functions of the EUI injector are both electrical and mechanical.
The metering and timing of the fuel supply is done electrically, while
the pressurizing and atomizing of the fuel are done mechanically.
The metering and timing functions are controlled by the EMDEC
system Electronic Control Modules (ECM) based on inputs received
• The locomotive control computer through an interface.
• Temperature and pressure sensors mounted on the engine and
support systems.
• Timing and reference sensors reading crankshaft position and speed
(SRS and TRS).
When injection is desired, the ECM energizes the injector solenoid to
control operation of the poppet valve, refer to Figure 4-10. This valve
controls operation of the injectors high pressure pump. When
energized, the fuel is pressurized for injection. When de-energized,
fuel in the pump chamber is bypassed to the fuel return passage.
Refer to the EMDEC Operating & Troubleshooting Guide (Document
No. N00012EP) for detailed information on the operation of the
electronic fuel injector.
6. Install rocker arm shaft and rocker arms. Loosen injector rocker
arm locknut and back off on adjusting screw before tightening
rocker arm shaft nuts. Torque initially to 203 Nm (150 ft-lbs) then
to 407 Nm (300 ft-lbs) for final torque.
When performing the injector replacement procedure, it is
imperative that the proper setting procedure for the exhaust
valves is completed before the engine is started. Also check for
evidence of collapsed lash adjusters, worn valve bridge buttons,
signs of dropping valves, etc.
7. Reapply rocker oil line assembly. Verify oil line gasket is properly
orientated so as to not restrict oil flow. Torque mounting bolts to
9 Nm (7 ft-lbs).
8. Reconnect the two wires with eyelet terminals to the injector and
apply the cable tie and bracket to the cylinder head (if removed).
Injector is now ready for timing.
4-14 GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
The EMDEC system is an electronic engine control system. It is
designed to provide optimal control of critical turbocharged engine
functions which affect fuel economy, performance, and emissions. The
system also provides the capability to protect the engine from serious
damage resulting from extreme operating conditions, such as high
engine temperatures or low oil pressure.
Note that on the GT46AC locomotive, the ECMs and power supply are
located in the Electrical locker, refer to Figure 4-12, and not on the
engine as on previous locomotive models.
3. Rotate the crankshaft until the SRS sensor is aligned with the SRS
target, as shown in Figure 4-17, and verify that the air gap is
1.27 mm /+0.51 mm /-0.25 mm (0.050" /+0.020" /-0.010").
If the gap is incorrect, repeat the setting procedure.
5.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................5-3
5.1.1 OIL LEVEL GAUGE (DIPSTICK).........................................................................................5-3
5.2 SCAVENGING OIL SYSTEM....................................................................................................5-4
5.2.1 DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................5-4
5.2.2 OIL STRAINER HOUSING ..................................................................................................5-4
5.2.3 SCAVENGING OIL PUMP ..................................................................................................5-8
5.2.4 OIL FILTER INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE...............................................................5-9
5.2.5 LUBE OIL COOLER ..........................................................................................................5-13
5.3 MAIN LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM .......................................................................................5-15
5.3.1 MAIN LUBE OIL AND PISTON COOLING OIL PUMPS ...................................................5-17
5.3.2 MAIN LUBE OIL AND PISTON COOLING OIL MANIFOLD..............................................5-19
5.3.3 LUBE OIL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE............................................................................5-19
5.3.4 TURBOCHARGER OIL FILTER ........................................................................................5-20
5.3.6 MAIN LUBRICATING OIL PRESSURE .............................................................................5-21
5.4 PISTON COOLING OIL SYSTEM...........................................................................................5-23
5.4.1 PISTON COOLING OIL PRESSURE ................................................................................5-24
5.4.2 PISTON COOLING PIPE ALIGNMENT AND INSPECTION .............................................5-24
5.5 TURBO LUBE (SOAK BACK) OIL SYSTEM .........................................................................5-25
5.5.1 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION ...................................................................................5-25
5.5.2 TURBOCHARGER LUBE PUMP CIRCUIT.......................................................................5-26
5.5.3 TURBO LUBE (SOAKBACK) MAINTENANCE .................................................................5-29
5.6 LUBE OIL SEPARATOR ........................................................................................................5-30
5.6.1 DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................5-30
5.6.2 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................5-31
5.7 GENERAL MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES .........................................................................5-32
5.7.1 OIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS ......................................................................................5-32
5.7.2 CHECKING OIL VISCOSITY.............................................................................................5-33
5.7.3 CHANGING OIL ................................................................................................................5-33
5.7.4 FILLING SYSTEM OR ADDING OIL .................................................................................5-34
5.7.5 PRELUBRICATION OF ENGINES ....................................................................................5-35
5.7.6 OIL SYSTEM INFORMATION ...........................................................................................5-36
5.8 SERVICE DATA - LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEMS.................................................................5-37
5.8.1 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................5-37
5.8.2 SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................5-37
The pressurized engine lubricating oil system incorporates three
positive displacement gear type pumps. Two pumps are combined into
a single assembly, separated by a metal plate. The main lube oil pump
delivers lubricating oil to the moving components found in the engine.
The piston cooling oil pump supplies oil to manifolds and detachable
pipes that direct oil across the underside of the pistons. A common
suction pipe supplies oil to both pumps through the pressurized side of
the oil strainer housing.
The third pump, referred to as the scavenging oil pump, is used to both
filter and cool the engine lube oil prior to its use in the engine. The oil
is drawn from the center of the engine oil pan, through the non-
pressurized side of the lube oil strainer housing, pumped through a
shell and tube oil cooler, a five element, full flow type filter, and
returned to the pressurized side of the strainer housing. A relief valve
protects the oil cooler.
The scavenging oil system, refer to Figure 5-2, takes oil through a
scavenging oil strainer from the oil pan sump (reservoir). A pump then
forces the oil through the oil filters and oil cooler which are located
near the engine. Oil then returns to the engine to supply the main lube
oil and piston cooling oil systems with cooled and filtered oil. The oil
passes through the strainer housing to the main lube oil and piston
cooling oil pumps. Excess oil spills over a dam in the strainer housing
and returns to the oil pan.
The oil strainer housing, refer to Figure 5-3, is a large box-shaped cast
aluminum housing which is mounted on the right front side of the
engine on the accessory drive cover. It contains independent strainers
for the main oil pump supply and scavenging oil pump. There are two
strainers for the main lube pump oil and one strainer screen for
scavenging pump oil, with a separate oil inlet and discharge for each
of the systems.
The two main lube oil pump strainers, refer to Figure 5-4, each
consists of a replaceable element of a pleated perforated metal core
covered with mesh screening, and a metal cylinder which encloses the
element. The cylinder prevents collapse of the element in the event of
a high pressure drop.
plate 12639
All lube oil strainers should be removed at each oil change, and
strainers and housings thoroughly cleaned using a petroleum solvent.
As previously described, the engine lube oil strainers used in the
strainer housing box have a seal of oil under pressure in addition to the
seal rings. The oil under pressure will leak out under the strainer
flanges if the seal rings are not seated properly or are damaged. When
strainers are replaced, care should be taken to see that the sealing
surfaces are free from nicks and scratches and seal rings are in good
condition. Also, ensure that the oil passages to the seals are open and
The pressure oil seal may be checked, with the engine at idle speed, by
loosening the large handwheel until the seal ring of the strainer
furthest from the engine is free of the housing. Oil should leak out
around the strainer flange. If no oil appears, the engine should be shut
down and the oil supply passages inspected and cleaned.
Any air which might enter system at this location will be discharged
with the lubricating oil and may cause damage, even though normal
oil pressure is indicated.
When replacing the scavenging strainer, be sure the strainer is seated
properly or the scavenging pump will lose suction causing a loss of
lube oil pressure.
plate 30044
3. After enough time has elapsed to allow adequate drainage and easy
filter handling, slightly loosen filter housing cover nuts. Oil
remaining at the bottom of housing will leak into drain pan. From
there it will flow to engineroom drain sump.
4. After oil has stopped draining from under flat filter housing cover,
loosen retaining nuts and swing hinge bolts clear of cover. Swing
cover open. Remove and quickly dispose of used filter elements.
5. Using only clean bound-edge towels, clean out interior of filter
housing. Clean drain pan and surrounding area.
6. Insert set of ten new filter elements. Make sure that new filter
elements are fully seated over standpipes.
Approved pleated paper elements have a red casing. Use only
approved elements.
Coolant returning from the radiators flows into the rear connection,
and exits by a flange connection out to the water pump inlet.
Lubricating oil from the scavenging pump is brought into the outer
housing and directed around the tubes of the core by internal baffles.
Cooled lube oil flows to the filter housing. Note that the cooler is
equipped with an external bypass valve mounted on the lube oil filter
Do not perform major oil cooler service, except for the following
• Operation is unsatisfactory.
• Oil cooler core leak(s) suspected.
• Cooling water/ engine lube oil temperature differential is too great
(contact service representative for limits).
After determining that hot oil has caused an engine shutdown,
make no further engineroom inspections until engine has
cooled sufficiently to prevent any possibility of igniting hot oil
vapors. Allow at least two hours for an adequate cool down of the
When a low oil shutdown occurs, always make sure there is an
adequate supply of water and oil before attempting to restart the
engine. Check engine water temperature. Do not add cold water
to an overheated engine.
The EMDEC service tool kit will enable you to verify oil
pressure, water pressure, and oil temperature simultaneously.
Anytime there is a problem encountered, a fault will be logged in
the EMDEC fault archive. Experience has shown that EMDEC
equipped engines with hot oil shutdown faults, require thorough
inspection of the cooling system for signs of overheat and/or
water pump failure.
crankshaft. Leak-off oil from the adjacent main bearings lubricates the
crankshaft thrust bearings.
Oil from the main lube oil manifold enters the gear train at the rear of
the engine, at the idler gear stubshaft bracket. Oil passages in the
stubshaft bracket distribute the oil. One passage conducts oil to both
the right and left bank camshaft drive gear stubshaft brackets, and to a
manifold connected to the turbocharger oil filter. After passing
through the filter, the oil enters the return line in the manifold and
flows back to the idler gear stubshaft. A passage in the idler gear
stubshaft bracket directs lube oil to the upper and lower stubshaft
bearings. Filtered oil enters the turbocharger oil system from the upper
idler gear stubshaft.
An oil passage in the turbocharger filter head, parallel to the filter
output line, is connected to a passage in the turbocharger oil manifold.
On EMDEC controlled engines, oil pressure is sensed directly at the
manifold passage.
Oil enters the hollow bore camshafts from the camshaft drive
stubshafts. Radial holes in the camshaft conduct oil to each camshaft
bearing. An oil line from one camshaft bearing at each cylinder
supplies oil to the rocker arm shaft, rocker arm cam follower
assemblies, hydraulic lash adjusters, and the injector rocker arm
button. Leak-off oil returns to the oil pan through passages between
the top deck and the oil pan. Passages in the turbocharger conduct oil
to the turbocharger bearings, idler gear, planet gear assembly, and
auxiliary drive bore.
Figure 5-10. Main Lubricating Oil System (Engine Internal Oil Flows)
Considerable heat will remain in the metal parts of the turbine when
the engine is shut down. If the oil supply to the turbocharger was shut
off suddenly, this heat would penetrate the turbocharger bearing area.
To prevent possible overheating of the turbocharger, oil is
automatically supplied to the turbocharger by the Turbo Lube
(Soakback) System after stopping the engine.
Protection is provided against a hot oil condition by an oil temperature
sensor located at the left front corner of the engine.
ref #10442
Figure 5-12. Main Lube Oil And Piston Cooling Oil Pumps INSTALLATION
When installing relief valve on engine, make sure that the bypass port
is positioned in the downward direction. Refer to Figure 5-13.
The filter head contains two check valves one to prevent lube oil from
the soak back system from going into the turbocharger filter during
soak back pump operation and the other to prevent lube oil from the
turbocharger filter from entering the soak back system when the
engine is running. Note that the oil pressure sensor is also located in
this filter head housing. MAINTENANCE
The turbocharger filter should be serviced as specified in the
Scheduled Maintenance Program or more frequently if experience
indicates it is necessary. To replace the “spin-on” filter, unscrew
element by hand to disengage it from the filter head adapter and
discard. Fill replacement element housing with clean oil and apply a
film of oil to the gasket. Apply new filter to adapter and turn by hand
until gasket seats, then tighten it another half-turn ONLY.
Whenever oil is detected coming from the camshaft bearings with
the engine shut down and the soak back pump running, the turbo
filter outlet check valve should be inspected. If the turbo filter
mounting housing shows signs of cracks or studs breaking, the
turbocharger itself should be check for signs of blade damage
which lead to the vibration induced problems.
The turbocharger lube oil pump draws oil from the oil pan sump.
Discharge oil from the pump is then filtered and fed into the head
assembly of the main turbocharger oil filter. This head assembly
contains the check valves required for proper lube oil flow. Oil from
the filter head assembly is then directed to the turbocharger.
The soakback pump draws oil from the oil pan sump. Soakback pump
output is filtered and fed into the main turbocharger oil filter head
assembly inlet. The head assembly contains check valves that direct
lube oil flow in the proper directions. Oil from the main turbocharger
filter head assembly outlet flows to the turbocharger.
Figure 5-20. Soak Back Oil Pump, Motor, And Filter Installation (Pump Shown W/ AC Electric Motor)
If the soak back pump should fail to operate when the engine is
shut down, restart the engine immediately and allow it to run for
15 minutes at idle speed with no load, to prevent damage to the
If engine is not restarted within two minutes of shutdown, do not
restart the engine until soak back pump operation is restored and
the engine has been allowed to cool down.
A pressure relief valve, refer to Figure 5-20, set at 221 kPa (32 psi), is
located in the head of the soak back filter assembly. When the engine
starts, and the motor driven soak back pump is still running, main lube
oil pressure from the engine driven pump becomes greater than the
motor driven soak back pump pressure. As there is no outlet for the
lower pressure oil, the relief valve will open when the pressure builds
up to 221 kPa (32 psi), and the oil will return to the engine oil pan
through a passage in the filter head mounting flange. Also located in
the filter head is a bypass valve, Figure 5-20, set at 483 kPa (70 psi).
This valve will open to permit motor driven soak back pump pressure
to bypass a plugged soak back filter element so that lubrication can
continue to be supplied to the turbocharger (through the turbocharger
filter) in order to prevent turbo damage.
To remove the element from the soak back filter, refer to Figure 5-21,
remove the spin-on filter element dispose of in accordance with
railroad instructions.
To apply the replacement element, fill the element with clean oil and
lightly coat the O-Ring seal with oil. Thread the new element onto the
housing and turn until the seal contacts the housing. Tighten the
element an additional one half turn only. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN!
The oil separator, refer to Figure 5-22, is an elbow-shaped housing
containing a securely held wire mesh screen element. It is mounted on
the turbocharger housing. An ejector assembly, mounted on the
separator cover, is connected to the inner and outer eductor tubes in
the exhaust stack by a flanged pipe elbow and flexible tube assembly.
Air under pressure passing through the ejector assembly creates a
suction which draws up engine oil vapors through the screen element.
In addition, the eductor tube inserted into the turbine exhaust also
creates a suction on the oil vapors. The oil collects on the screen
element and drains back into the engine. The remaining gaseous vapor
is discharged into the exhaust stack and vented to the atmosphere.
The screen should be removed from the oil separator and cleaned at
the interval specified in the Scheduled Maintenance Program.
1. Shut down the engine and disable the Auto Start system. To disable
the Auto Start system, press the EMERGENCY FUEL CUT OFF
& ENGINE STOP push-button and, if required by railroad rules,
lock it down.
2. Disconnect the flexible air line at the ejector and remove the bolts
from the separator cover.
3. Unbolt the flexible tube and elbow assembly from the exhaust
stack. Remove the separator cover, ejector, flexible tube and elbow
as an assembly.
4. Remove eductor assembly tubes from the stack.
5. Separate inner eductor tube from outer tube by inserting a
screwdriver at the top of the eductor flanges.
With exhaust stack connected to the silencer, viewing down the stack
to inspect the turbocharger diffuser is prevented. This inspection can
be performed instead by using a light and mirror through the eductor
tube connection when eductor assembly is removed for cleaning.
6. Clean carbon deposits from the inside and outside of both eductor
7. Remove screen element from separator cover and wash in
petroleum solvent. Rinse element in hot water and blow dry with
compressed air.
8. Insert inner tube into outer tube with hole in inner tube flange
aligned with pin in outer tube flange.
9. Place eductor assembly into stack with the word TOP, stamped on
the inner tube flange, facing upward.
10. Replace the element and cover, ejector, flexible tube and elbow
assembly. Verify the element is not installed upside down as this
will cause low vacuum problems
11. Connect the flexible air line to the ejector. Blow out this line
before application to verify there are no obstructions or
For lube oil separator to operate properly, crankcase suction needs to
be in a range of from 50.8 mm (2") H2O to 203 mm (8") H2O. If
crankcase suction falls outside of this range after engine maintenance
work, a thorough engine inspection should be performed to determine
the cause. If no obvious cause is found, crankcase suction can be
brought back into range by substituting a different size air ejector
nozzle. See Service Data for listing of available nozzles.
Crankcase suction can be measured by connecting a U-tube
manometer to an oil dipstick tube. Measurement should be taken at
full load and speed, preferably after at least one hour of running time
as crankcase suction tends to decrease as the engine temperature
4. Remove pipe plug from oil drain valve and open valve to drain
all the oil from the engine oil pan sump.
5. Remove pump strainer(s) from strainer housing, and remove
the oil filters from the filter housing(s).
6. Remove the turbo lube and soakback filters.
7. Clean the strainers using a suitable cleaner, and rinse thoroughly.
8. Wash down top deck, oil pan, and filter housings using fuel oil
or kerosene. Drain off cleaning fluid and wipe areas free of
excess fluid, using bound edge absorbent towels.
9. Replace pipe plugs in drain lines, where required, and close
valve. Where necessary, renew gaskets.
10. Install clean strainers and/or screens. Install new elements in
filter housing(s) and replace turbo lube and soakback filters.
Prepare system to receive new oil.
If the system has not been drained, oil may be added to the strainer
housing with the engine running or stopped.
Pour a liberal quantity of oil over cylinder heads and top deck
components before starting.
Inspect engine prior to starting, then start engine. Check oil level with
engine at idle speed. If oil level is not to “full” mark on gauge, add oil
to bring level to “full” mark, with engine at idle speed and with hot
Under some conditions the oil level may be above the bottom of
the oil pan handholes, so care must be taken when the oil pan
handhole covers are removed.
2. While oil pressure is being applied, open the cylinder test valves
and bar the engine over one complete revolution. Check all
bearings at the crankshaft, camshafts, rocker arms, and at the rear
gear train for oil flow. Also check for restrictions and excessive oil
flow. If fluid discharge is observed from any cylinder test valve,
find the cause and make the necessary repairs.
3. On new or overhauled engines, remove the pipe plug at the piston
cooling oil pump discharge elbow and connect the external oil
source at that opening. Check for unrestricted oil flow at each
piston cooling oil pipe.
4. Disconnect the external oil source and replace the pipe plugs at the
pump discharge elbows. Close the cylinder test valves.
5. Pour a liberal quantity of oil over the cylinder (valve) mechanisms
of each bank.
6. Check oil level in strainer housing and, if required, add oil to
strainer housing until it overflows into the oil pan.
7. Replace and securely close all handhole covers and engine top
deck covers.
When an engine is replaced due to mechanical breakdown, it is
important that the entire oil system, such as oil coolers, filters,
and strainers, be thoroughly cleaned before a replacement engine
or the reconditioned engine is put in service. A recurrence of
trouble may be experienced in the clean engine if other system
components have been neglected.
In some cases engines have been removed from service and stored in
the “as is” condition by draining and applying antirust compound.
When these engines are returned to service, care must be taken to see
that any loose deposits are flushed out before adding a new oil charge.
The entire engine should be sprayed with fuel to break up any sludge
deposits, and then drained, being careful that the drains are not
plugged. Fuel should not be sprayed directly on the valve mechanism
or bearings, as lubrication will be removed or dirt forced into these
areas. The surfaces should then be wiped dry before new oil is added
to the engine.
Description or Title Pub No.
Lube Oil Filters ......................................................................M.I. 926
Flushing Diesel Engine Lubricating Oil System ................... M.I. 1757
Lubricant Specifications ...................................................... M.I. 1756
Lubricating Oil for Domestic Locomotive Engines............... M.I. 1752
EMDEC Operating/ Troubleshooting Guide ...................... N00012EP
Clearance and dimensional limits listed below are defined as follows:
Minimum, maximum, and tolerance measurements are provided as
service limits for requalified parts. At time of engine overhaul or any
time unscheduled maintenance is performed, the service limits should
not be exceeded. Engine components within these limits may be
reused with the assurance that they will perform satisfactorily until the
next scheduled overhaul. These limits are NOT intended to be used as
a basis for component change-out on a running engine.
6.1 COOLING SYSTEM DESCRIPTION.........................................................................................6-3
6.1.1 MAIN COOLING CIRCUIT...................................................................................................6-3
6.1.2 AFTERCOOLER CIRCUIT ..................................................................................................6-4
6.1.3 TEMPERATURE CONTROL ...............................................................................................6-5
6.2 COOLING WATER TANK.........................................................................................................6-6
6.2.1 ENGINE COOLANT SOLUTION .........................................................................................6-7
6.2.2 OBTAINING ENGINE WATER SAMPLE.............................................................................6-7
6.3 COOLING SYSTEM FILLING AND DRAINING........................................................................6-8
6.3.1 NORMAL FILLING...............................................................................................................6-8
6.3.2 FILLING DRY (OR NEARLY DRY) SYSTEM ......................................................................6-8
6.3.3 DRAINING THE COOLING SYSTEM..................................................................................6-9
6.4 COOLING SYSTEM PRESSURE TEST ...................................................................................6-9
6.4.1 WATER LEAKS ...................................................................................................................6-9
6.5 WATER PUMPS .....................................................................................................................6-13
6.5.1 MAINTENANCE ................................................................................................................6-14
6.6 RADIATORS ...........................................................................................................................6-16
6.6.1 INSPECTION AND CLEANING OF RADIATORS.............................................................6-17
6.6.2 INSPECTION AND CLEANING OF RADIATOR INLET SCREENS..................................6-17
6.7 RADIATOR COOLING FAN MOTORS...................................................................................6-18
6.7.1 RADIATOR COOLING FAN MOTOR MAINTENANCE.....................................................6-18
6.7.2 COOLING FAN CONTROL ...............................................................................................6-19
6.8 COOLING SYSTEM PIPING ...................................................................................................6-23
6.8.1 WATER MANIFOLDS AND LINER INLET JUMPERS ......................................................6-23
6.9 AFTERCOOLER .....................................................................................................................6-25
6.9.1 AFTERCOOLER INSPECTION.........................................................................................6-25
6.9.2 AFTERCOOLER REMOVAL .............................................................................................6-26
6.9.3 CLEANING .......................................................................................................................6-27
6.9.4 AFTERCOOLER REPLACEMENT....................................................................................6-27
6.10 DRAINING THE COOLING SYSTEM .....................................................................................6-27
6.11 SERVICE DATA - COOLING SYSTEM ..................................................................................6-28
6.11.1 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................6-28
6.11.2 SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................6-28
The crankcase has two “built-in” siphon tubes inside the water
discharge manifold. One is located at the second cylinder from the rear
end on the right bank, and the other at the second cylinder from the
front end on the left bank. When engine water is drained, this will
provide for engine cooling water draining in the event the engine is
not level.
The heated water leaves the engine and flows through the engine
cooling water only portion of the radiator assemblies where it is
cooled. The cooled water then returns by way of the engine lube oil
cooler to repeat the cycle.
Part of the water from the main engine cooling water pump is piped to
the air compressor and fuel pre-heater. There are no valves in this line;
therefore, air compressor cooling and fuel pre-heat is provided
whenever the engine is running.
If all probes fail, the computer system sets the engine temperature
value at 32°C (90°F) and forces the engine speed to throttle 2. Water
temperature, as measured by each temperature probe, can be displayed
on the display screens, by selecting any display screen menu which
includes the four water temperatures.
5. Turn off coolant water supply when level reaches the top of the
sight glass.
Do not overfill tank. Overfilling may create personnel hazard.
6. Run engine with filler cap removed or fill/ relief valve opened
to eliminate air pockets in system.
7. Check water level. If necessary, add more water to system.
8. When filling operation is complete, remove coolant water
supply hose from filler neck, hold fill/ relief valve open, and
replace pressure cap.
The GT46AC locomotive is equipped with the Automatic Engine
Start/Stop System (AESS). When the AESS is properly set up
locomotive not in active service, etc.), it automatically stops the
diesel engine in order to save diesel fuel and to reduce noise and
Always DISABLE the AESS before performing any work on the
diesel engine or on related electrical and mechanical equipment.
To disable the AESS, press the EMERGENCY FUEL CUT OFF
& ENGINE STOP push-button and, if required by railroad rules,
lock it down.
Failure to disable the AESS may result in unexpected engine
start-up or shutdown with risk of personnel injury or death.
1. Drain engine oil pan.
2. Remove all oil pan handhole covers.
3. Remove all air boxes covers.
4. Open top deck covers.
5. Open all cylinder test cock.
6. Drain engine water system.
7. Remove jacket water pump inlet pipe and apply blanking plate
to pump.
8. Remove Y engine water outlet and apply blanking plate. Open
valve for air bleed during engine fill.
9. Remove feed line to air compressor coolant circuit from jacket
cooling pump. Apply blanking as required.
1. Connect shop hot water supply hose to the right hand water
pump blanking plate valve.
2. Fill engine until the water leak by the Y engine water outlet
valve, close the valve and close shop water supply valve at
water pump blanking plate.
3. Connect shop air supply to the air regulator and open valve.
Gradually raise the air pressure to 620.5 (90 psi) while
observing for any major leak.
4. Check for engine water leaks at the following locations:
• Water discharge elbow on the cylinder head from either the
head to elbow O-ring or the elbow to engine block O-rings.
• Core plugs on the top of the cylinder heads.
• Cylinder head lifting holes (normally full of engine lube oil).
• Under the injector, which could indicate a crack in the injector
• Broken head to liner studs (nut missing or water oozing out).
• The area on top of each cylinder head under the upper left
hand crab for cracks, water, or buildup of dried cooling water
inhibitor which indicates a crack and leak underneath.
The engine cooling water pump(s), refer to Figure 6-5, are self-
draining centrifugal type pumps which rotate in the opposite direction
of the engine crankshaft.
The pumps used on the 710G3C-ES with a separate aftercooling water
system include one high capacity pump (right bank), which supplies
the engine jacket water cooling system, and one standard capacity (left
bank) pump which supplies the aftercooling water system.
The pump drive shaft is supported in the main pump housing by two
ball bearings separated by a steel spacer. The bearings are grease
lubricated and permanently sealed. The outer bearing adjoins a water
slinger which bears against a shoulder on the shaft. The inner bearing
is held in place by a retainer and snap rings to absorb any thrust in the
shaft. The pump drive gear is keyed to the pump shaft abutting the
inner bearing, and is held on the shaft by a washer and nut.
The stationary bushing, is applied into the drive shaft support housing.
The carbon inner seal of the seal assembly, faces against the smooth
inner surface and is held by a spring. Any water leakage past the seal
is indicated at a telltale drain in the drive shaft support housing which
permits runoff, and prevents water from reaching the engine side of
the pump.
The impeller is keyed to the pump shaft and is secured to the shaft by a
washer and nut. It is enclosed by the impeller housing, which is
assembled to the main pump housing by eight bolts (or studs and nuts).
Figure 6-7. Setting Up Dial Indicator With Mag Mount Base On Pump Inlet Flange
Figure 6-8. Placing Dial Indicator Plunger On Flat-Machined Surface of Backlash Tool Measuring Stem
During circulation through the diesel engine, air compressor, and oil
cooler, the coolant picks up heat which must be dissipated. Water
temperature is controlled by means of radiator banks, and AC motor-
driven cooling fans.
The radiators are located in a hatch at the top of the long hood end of
the locomotive. The hatch contains the radiator assemblies, which are
grouped in two banks. Each radiator bank consists of two double
length radiator core assemblies, installed end-to-end. Headers are
mounted on the radiator core to form the inlet and outlet ends of the
radiator assembly. Vent lines are located between the outlet of both
radiator banks and the water expansion tank.
Cooling water from the engine is piped to the inlet headers of each
front radiator bank. Cooling water from the aftercoolers is piped to
separate lines at the inlet header of each rear radiator bank. The engine
cooling water discharge from the radiators enters the oil cooler. From
there, the engine cooling water returns to the engine cooling water
pump for recirculation. The aftercooler cooling water discharge from
the radiators goes directly to the aftercooler cooling water pump for
It is not necessary to drain the engine coolant to service the inlet
With the engine shut down and the pressure released from the cooling
system, remove the bolts holding the inlet pipe flanges to the main
radiator header flange. Loosen all clamps on the flexible pipe between
the engine discharge and the radiator, in order to drop the inlet pipe
clear of the flange.
Always DISABLE the Auto Start system before performing any
work on the diesel engine or on related electrical and mechanical
To disable the Auto Start system, press the EMERGENCY FUEL
CUT OFF & ENGINE STOP push-button and, if required by
railroad rules, lock it down.
Failure to disable the Auto Start system may result in unexpected
engine start-up or shutdown with risk of personnel injury or death.
Remove the bolts that hold the radiator inlet flange to the radiator
header and remove the flange. Withdraw the inlet screen for cleaning
and inspection.
Thoroughly clean the screen, inspect, and replace the screen if damaged.
Replace the screen by reversing the above steps, using new gaskets. Run
the engine to normal operating temperature and inspect for leaks.
To prevent hot oil vapor ignition, allow sufficient time for the
engine to cool down.
Do not, under any circumstance, remove engine oil pan covers,
air box covers, or open the top deck, for at least two hours
following an emergency engine shutdown.
An aftercooler, refer to Figure 6-14, is located on each side of the
turbocharger to cool the air entering the air box for each bank of the
engine. Cooling the air compressed in the turbocharger reduces the
temperature of the air, which increases air density and improves
engine operating efficiency.
Do not use a caustic cleaner, as aluminum core fins will be damaged.
Engine Water Treatment ....................................................... M.I. 1748
Cooling System Radiators ......................................................M.I. 549
Guru-Style Drain Valves ..................................................... M.I. 20001
Maximum allowable pressure differential
across aftercooler
Core (engine at full speed) ................................... 635 mm (25") H2O
W/ new or cleaned aftercooler............................... 381 mm (15") H2O
7.1 INTRODUCTION\ ......................................................................................................................7-4
7.2 INERTIAL FILTER SYSTEM.....................................................................................................7-4
7.2.1 INERTIAL FILTERS SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ...................................................................7-5
7.2.2 INSPECTION OF INERTIAL FILTER BLOWER OPERATION ...........................................7-6
7.2.3 INSPECTION OF INERTIAL FILTERS................................................................................7-6
7.2.4 CLEANING THE INERTIAL AIR FILTER.............................................................................7-7
7.3 ENGINE INTAKE AIR FILTERS ...............................................................................................7-7
7.4 ASPIRATOR..............................................................................................................................7-9
7.4.1 ASPIRATOR INSPECTION .................................................................................................7-9
7.5 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SWITCHES ................................................................................7-9
7.5.1 CHECKING AND ADJUSTING FVS AND EFS .................................................................7-10
7.6 BLOWER MOTORS ................................................................................................................7-12
7.6.1 BLOWER INVERTER FAN CONTROL .............................................................................7-13
7.6.2 NO. 1 TRUCK/EQUIPMENT BLOWER .............................................................................7-13
7.6.3 NO. 2 TRUCK BLOWER ...................................................................................................7-14
7.6.4 TRUCK BLOWER MOTOR PROBLEMS ..........................................................................7-15
7.6.5 TRUCK 2 BLOWER MOTOR ............................................................................................7-15
7.7 ELECTRICAL LOCKER/ DUST BIN BLOWER......................................................................7-15
7.8 GENERATOR/ALTERNATOR BLOWER ...............................................................................7-16
7.9 DYNAMIC BRAKE GRID BLOWER MOTOR.........................................................................7-17
7.9.1 DYNAMIC BRAKE GRID BLOWER MOTOR INSPECTION .............................................7-17
7.9.2 BRUSH INSPECTION AND RENEWAL............................................................................7-18
7.9.3 DYNAMIC BRAKE BLOWER MOTOR RENEWAL ...........................................................7-18
7.10 HEATING, VENTILATION AND AIR CONDITION UNIT (HVAC) ..........................................7-18
Always DISABLE the Auto Start system before performing any
work on the diesel engine or on related electrical and mechanical
To disable the Auto Start system, press the EMERGENCY FUEL
CUT OFF & ENGINE STOP push-button and, if required by
railroad rules, lock it down.
Failure to disable the Auto Start system may result in unexpected
engine start-up or shutdown with risk of personnel injury or death.
An aspirator in the inertial filter compartment expels any liquid that
accumulates at the lowest point in the compartment. Refer to Figure 7-
4. Air driven by the truck/equipment blower blows down through the
underframe, drawing liquid with it.
Pick Up CA30821
5. Put free end of short tube in mouth, and apply low air pressure.
6. Note manometer reading when voltmeter indication goes to zero
(at switch closure). If manometer reading is within limits given in
switch trip value table, switch is operating normally.
7. If switch does not operate within trip value table limits, adjust
switch to trip within ± 0.5" H2O of basic trip point given in table:
turn calibration screw clockwise to increase trip value, or counter
clockwise to decrease value. Refer to Figure 7-6.
Before installing new fuses, ensure that the locomotive is shut down
and isolated properly to prevent electrical shock to the maintenance
personnel. Inspect the blower motor and circuits looking for reason of
fuse failure.
7-14 GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual
8.1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................8-3
8.2 AIR COMPRESSOR..................................................................................................................8-4
8.2.1 AIR COMPRESSOR MAINTENANCE.................................................................................8-5
8.2.2 AIR COMPRESSOR CONTROL .........................................................................................8-8
8.2.3 MV-CC MAGNET VALVE MAINTENANCE.......................................................................8-10
8.2.4 PRESSURE TRANSDUCER .............................................................................................8-10
8.2.5 TRANSDUCER MAINTENANCE.......................................................................................8-11
8.3 MAIN RESERVOIR SYSTEM..................................................................................................8-11
8.3.1 AIR FILTER DRYER ASSEMBLY .....................................................................................8-13
8.3.2 MAIN RESERVOIR SYSTEM SAFETY VALVE ................................................................8-17
8.3.3 MAIN RESERVOIR CHECK VALVE APPLICATION.........................................................8-18
8.3.4 MAIN RESERVOIR FINAL AIR FILTERS..........................................................................8-19
8.3.5 MAIN RESERVOIR DRAIN VALVES ................................................................................8-21
8.4 CCBII BRAKE AIR BRAKE EQUIPMENT .........................................................................8-23
8.4.1 ELECTRONIC BRAKE VALVE (EBV) ...............................................................................8-23
8.4.2 ELECTRO PNEUMATIC CONTROL UNIT (EPCU) ..........................................................8-27
8.4.3 VENT VALVES ..................................................................................................................8-30
8.4.4 BRAKE CYLINDER ASSEMBLY (LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE).............................................8-31
8.5 SANDING SYSTEM ................................................................................................................8-32
8.5.1 MANUALLY INITIATED SANDING....................................................................................8-32
8.5.2 AUTOMATIC SANDING ....................................................................................................8-33
8.5.3 EMERGENCY SANDING ..................................................................................................8-33
8.5.4 SANDING SYSTEM MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................8-33
8.6 DIRECT AIR BRAKE EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................8-35
8.7 EMERGENCY BRAKE VALVE...............................................................................................8-36
8.8 MISCELLANEOUS COMPRESSED AIR EQUIPMENT .........................................................8-37
8.8.1 WINDSHIELD WIPER ASSEMBLIES................................................................................8-37
8.8.2 AIR HORN .........................................................................................................................8-38
8.8.3 RADAR AIR WIPE SYSTEM .............................................................................................8-39
8.8.4 RAIL CONDITIONER ........................................................................................................8-40
8.9 SERVICE DATA - COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM ..................................................................8-42
8.9.1 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................8-42
8.9.2 SPECIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................8-42
The GT46AC locomotive is equipped with a 3-cylinder, Gardner-
Denver WLN water-cooled Air Compressor, which is directly driven
by the diesel engine. The compressor pressurizes air in two main
reservoir tanks. The Compressor Main Reservoir safety valve is set at
1034 kPa (150 psi). System control is based on pressure transducer
feedback and is included with microprocessor control. Compressed air
from the reservoirs operates locomotive air brakes, and auxiliary
equipment such as sanders, horn, and wipers.
The compressor is always in operation (although not always
compressing air) whenever the engine is running. An unloader piston,
in each high and low pressure cylinder head, serves to cut out the
compressing action.
Compressed air must be handled with caution. Before attempting
to service any device in the compressed air system, isolate the
device by closing the appropriate cutout valves. Vent air pressure
from the device and piping connected to it before breaking
connections or seals.
For detailed information on the Air Compressor, refer to the
appropriate WLN Gardner-Denver Manual.
The air system piping diagram, Figure 8-20, page 8-43, is
provided as a fold-out page at the end of this chapter.
The compressor assembly includes a gear type lube oil pump and
pressure lubricating system. With the engine running, the oil level in
the compressor crankcase can be checked with the dipstick-type
gauge. At idle speed, with the lubricating oil at operating temperature,
compressor oil pressure should be should be approximately 124-172
kPa (18-25 psi ).
A plugged pipe opening in the compressor oil relief valve block
provides for a pressure gauge connection. In some cases a male quick
disconnect fitting substitutes for the plugged pipe opening, which
enables a pressure testing apparatus to be connected.
The compressor has two low pressure cylinders, and one high pressure
cylinder. A common crankshaft drives all three pistons. Two low
pressure cylinders are set at an angle to the high pressure cylinder. Air
from low pressure cylinders flows through engine-water-cooled
intercooler passages before entering the high pressure cylinder. The
intercooler has a relief valve and a plugged opening for pressure gauge
The compressor is equipped with two cylindrical dry air filters. Each
filter has a replaceable element.
Do not put a locomotive into service with a pressure gauge at the test
opening. Failure of the gauge can bring about serious compressor and
engine damage. Change the compressor air inlet filter elements at the
interval specified in the Scheduled Maintenance Program.
7. Install both inspection plates with new gaskets. Apply and torque
the bolts to 31-34 Nm (23-25 ft-lbs).
8. Remove air compressor lube oil filter.
9. Apply new air compressor lube oil filter as per the instructions
printed on the filter housing.
10. Close the air compressor drain valve.
11. Install the 1" NPT drain pipe hex pipe plug and tighten securely.
12. Fill air compressor crankcase with the recommended oil and to the
dipstick full mark.
13. Apply a lube oil pressure gauge on the air compressor lube oil
pump relief valve.
14. Close the battery knife switch and start engine, check the air
compressor lube oil pressure, it should be approximately 124 to
172 kPa (18 to 25 psi) at normal operating temperature.
15. Recheck the air compressor oil level and add oil as necessary.
16. Stop engine and remove lube oil pressure gauge. GENERAL
The air compressor is coupled to the diesel engine through a flexible
coupling shaft. The diesel engine drives (rotates) the air compressor
whenever it is running.
An air-operated unloader assembly is mounted on each compressor
cylinder. When activated, an unloader assembly blocks open the
cylinder’s intake valves. Activating the compressor unloaders
prevents the compressor from compressing air.
The following list describes the duties of compressor electrical/
electronic control devices:
• Main Reservoir Pressure Transducer MRPT:
Monitors #1 main reservoir air pressure and provides EM2000 with
an analog feedback corresponding to reservoir pressure. This 0-15
VDC input signal (MRPS) is routed to the ADA module. EM2000
uses this signal to determine compressor cut-in and cut-out.
• Compressor Control Magnet Valve MV-CC:
When energized, applies compressed air to compressor unloaders,
unloading compressor. When de-energized, exhausts pressure from
compressor unloaders, loading compressor (provided that engine is
driving compressor). The EM2000 output signal is MV-CC.
• Locomotive Computer:
Monitors MRPT and (on fully-synchronized systems) monitors
trainline T22, the compressor load request line. EM2000 controls
MV-CC based on inputs from MRPT and T22.
Main reservoir pressure is maintained by EM2000 with compressor
cut-in normally set for 896.3 kPa (130 psi), cut-out at 965.3 kPa
(140 psi). Note that in certain situations, as determined by the
software, EM2000 may request an engine speed increase to boost
compressor output. When the main reservoir pressure is between
827.37 and 861.84 kPa (120 and 125 psi), EM2000 sets the engine
speed to Throttle 1. If main reservoir pressure is at, or below,
827.37 kPa (120 psi), engine speed will be raised to Throttle 2. The
devices listed above are interconnected for full synchronization of
compressors within a locomotive consist.
The main reservoir final air filters are mounted next to the # 2 Main
On the manual and automatic type valves, lubricate seals and pistons
with a good grade of air brake grease (see Service Data Section).
Manual Valve Removal Procedure (with air supply drained):
1. Open manual drain valve to assure that the air pressure is
vented from the main reservoirs.
2. Remove drain line compression fitting.
3. Unscrew and remove drain valve hex nuts.
4. Remove drain valve.
5. Remove and discard gasket.
Manual Valve Installation Procedure:
1. Ensure mating surfaces are clean.
2. Install new gasket.
3. Install new or rebuilt manual drain valve, tighten hex nuts
4. Attach drain line compression fitting.
5. Close drain valve.
6. At normal operating air pressure, check for air leak and valve
Figure 8-10. EBV Engineers Control Stand, Electronic Brake Valve (EBV)
Figure 8-16. Direct Air Brake Handle & Control Stand Mounted Direct Air Gauge
Both the control pressure and the DAB trainline pressure are shown on
the duplex air gauge in the locomotive cab. The white needle indicates
control pressure, which is a small volume and charges quickly. The red
needle indicates DAB trainline pressure, which will equal the control
pressure, but may take longer to charge, depending on how many rail
cars are attached.
"Stop" to ""Stop" angle is maximum mechanical motor shaft
movement. Angle is determined without air applied to the motor and
without wiper arm and blade attached.
The motor assembly is to operate at 69-73 C.P.M. with 2.6 Nm (23 in.-
lbs) torque load and 690 kPa (100 psi) air pressure.
1. Unscrew and remove (4) 1/2 -13 nuts with lock washers.
2. Remove horn assembly.
3. Remove gasket and clean mating surface between horn and
2. Self test should run for 60 seconds upon being initiated. During
this time, air will be blown through both Snow Blaster nozzles.
The following crew message will be displayed:
3. Check that both snow blaster nozzles are aimed at the rail.
4. Check that air is being blown out of both snow blaster nozzles.
5. When completed - set the Snow Removal status to "AUTO"
using the FIRE softkey.
6. Recheck for fuel, oil and water leaks. Repair all leaks.
Air Compressor Maintenance ...............................................M.I. 1144
Compressor lube oil must be SAE 20 weight turbine type oil
containing antitrust, anti-oxidation, and anti-foam inhibitors, and
should contain the following properties:
Viscosity-Saybolt Universal (ASTM D88 or D2161):
@ 38°C (100°F ) seconds 130 to 180
@ 99°C (210°F) seconds 42 to 45
Pour Point (ASTM D97 Degrees Minimum) -18°C (0°F)
Rust-Distilled Water (ASTM D665) No Rust
9.1 DESCRIPTION .........................................................................................................................9-3
9.2 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ......................................................................9-7
9.2.1 LUBRICATION ...................................................................................................................9-7
9.2.2 TRUCK CLEANING ............................................................................................................9-9
9.2.3 TRUCK FRAME ..................................................................................................................9-9
9.2.4 CARBODY LINKAGE .......................................................................................................9-10
9.2.5 JOURNAL BEARING ........................................................................................................9-11
9.2.6 HELICAL COIL SPRINGS ................................................................................................9-15
9.2.7 DAMPERS (SHOCK ABSORBERS) ................................................................................9-15
9.2.8 RUBBER (SECONDARY) SPRINGS ...............................................................................9-18
9.3 WHEEL AND AXLE INSPECTION ........................................................................................9-20
9.3.1 GENERAL INSPECTION .................................................................................................9-20
9.3.2 WHEEL DEFECTS ...........................................................................................................9-20
9.3.3 HOW TO READ A TYPICAL WHEEL GAUGE .................................................................9-21
9.3.4 WHEEL TRUING ..............................................................................................................9-27
9.4 TRACTION MOTOR (S) .........................................................................................................9-29
AND CARBODY BOOTS ..................................................................................................9-29
(MOTOR REMOVED) .......................................................................................................9-30
BEARING ASSEMBLY RENEWAL ..................................................................................9-30
9.4.4 TRACTION MOTOR ELECTRICAL TESTING (MOTOR IN PLACE) ...............................9-30
MOTOR CIRCUITS ABOARD LOCOMOTIVE .................................................................9-30
9.4.6 GEAR CASE .....................................................................................................................9-31
9.5 TRUCK REMOVAL ................................................................................................................9-33
The GT46AC locomotive is equipped with two GFC truck assembly’s,
which support the weight of the locomotive and provides the means
for transmission of power to the rails.
The rigid steel fabricated frame, utilizes a bolsterless secondary
suspension system into which the traction motors and wheel sets are
mounted. All longitudinal traction and braking loads generated are
transferred from the bogie assembly to the locomotive under frame
through the carbody linkage system.
The bogie is designed to provide high reliability, long overhaul cycle
and extended maintenance intervals. Nose link (rod) assemblies
support the three AC traction motors fitted to the bogie.
The journal bearings transmit the vertical load from the springs to the
axles. The three traction motors are supported on their respective drive
axles and at motor nose link assemblies attached to the truck frame. A
main feature of the GFC truck design is the orientation of the traction
motors in one direction. This arrangement provides good motor
accessibility and good adhesion characteristics.
Unitized tread brakes acting on one composition brake shoe per wheel
provide the braking power for the locomotive. The tread brake units
utilize integrated slack adjusters that compensate the full amount of
wheel wear as well as the brake shoe wear. Refer to " BRAKE
RIGGING," page 9-20.
Periodic lubrication on the truck assembly is not required. However,
depending on the type of traction motor gear and axle assemblies used,
"Table 9-1. Traction Motor Gear and Axle Lubrication" lists the
lubrication intervals required for their maintenance.
In addition, if brake slack adjusters are found to be dirty, they should
be cleaned.
Special care should be taken with the rubber thrust pads on the
journal adapters, the nylon wear plates on the truck frame and brake
levers, and the rubber compression spring assemblies, in order to
keep them free of oil or grease.
Traction Motor
Lubrication Interval
Gear/Axle Assembly
Roller support bearings (BTR),
First wheel change
grease lubricated
92 days, or as required by
Oil lubricated gear case
locomotive service demands.
Find the greasing points for the roller support bearings on the bearing
housing. Refer to Figure 9-6. Remove the cap on the pinion end roller
bearing grease fitting. With a grease gun, apply 312 g of Timkin
Premium grease, then replace the cap on the fitting. Remove the cap
on the non-drive end roller bearing grease fitting. With a grease gun,
apply 227 g of Timkin Premium grease, then replace the cap on the
Figure 9-6. Greasing Points for Traction Motor Roller Support Bearing
When using this method, run the diesel engine to supply air under
pressure to the traction motors. Set diesel engine speed at about 450
RPM throttle #3. At that engine speed, the companion alternator drives
the traction motor blowers fast enough to keep water and moisture out
of the traction motor interiors.
Using a wetting agent and an alkaline solution cleaner, spray the truck,
being careful to direct the spray away from any motor openings.
Let the cleaning solution remain on the truck for 10 to 15 minutes.
Then, using steam and an alkaline solution in a mixing gun,
thoroughly spray the truck assembly.
The truck may now be rinsed, using hot water if desired; however,
rinsing is not generally required.
When the truck assembly is removed from the locomotive, the traction
motors, wheels, gears, axles, journal boxes, rubber compression spring
assemblies, yaw dampers, all rubber deflection pads, and nylon wear
plates should be removed if the truck is to be immersed in a cleaning
tank containing an alkaline solution.
After removal of the above components, the truck may be immersed in
the cleaning solution. After allowing sufficient time to assure removal
of all foreign material, the assemblies should be removed and rinsed
with hot water.
In the event that one or more cap screws are found to be loose or
missing from the bearing - the wheel, gear, axle, and journal adapter
assembly should be removed from the truck. The bearing should then
be removed from the axle and a full inspection made to determine the
cause and possible resultant damage.
A small amount of grease leakage around the seals may be expected
during an initial run-in period. This leakage will eventually be reduced
to normal weeping. However, if a bearing appears to be leaking
excessively, check for loose seals.
Distorted, cracked, or damaged axle end caps should be replaced, and
the damaged caps should be scrapped.
When locomotives equipped with cartridge-type roller bearings are
placed in storage, the hand brake should be set or the wheels chocked
to prevent the equipment from moving. It is not necessary to
periodically move the locomotive to distribute lubricant over the
bearing surfaces.
Clearance limits between these lateral wear surfaces are such that, in
normal operation, the clearance will not exceed the maximum in the
period between truck reconditioning. If the clearances are beyond the
maximum limit, at any time during a routine inspection, the wear
plates and deflection pads must be replaced.
The wear plates must be given a visual inspection for possible cracks
or excessive wear, if they are to be reused.
The clearance between the lateral thrust pad and the non-metallic pad
bolted to a support on the truck frame can be measured using feeler
gauges. Feeler gauges should be approximately 25.4 mm wide and 305
mm long. Make certain the gauge is inserted adequately into the
clearance at the wearing area so a true reading is obtained. All
measurements should be taken with the journal bearings in the
position they are in when the locomotive is stopped.
No attempt should be made to shift the journal bearings on the axle
while the weight of the locomotive is supported by the bearings.
1. Measure the clearance between the lateral thrust pad on the journal
bearing adapter and the non metallic wear plate on the truck frame
on the right side.
2. Repeat for the left side. Add the two measurements together. If the
total clearance exceeds the maximum allowable (3 mm), shimming
is required.
3. Loosen the bolts that secure the lateral thrust pad to the journal
bearing adapter on both sides of the truck.
TRUCK - GFC 9-13
4. Add an equal number of 1 mm shims (PN 40165090) behind the
lateral thrust pad on the journal bearing adapter on both sides of
the truck to bring the clearance within tolerance.
5. Torque lateral thrust pad bolts to 74 Nm and recheck thrust
1. Measure the clearance between the lateral thrust pad on the journal
bearing adapter and the non metallic wear plate on the truck frame
on the right side.
2. Repeat for the left side. Add the two measurements together. If the
total clearance exceeds the maximum allowable, (30 mm)
shimming is required.
3. Loosen the bolts that secure the lateral thrust pad to the journal
bearing adapter on both sides of the truck.
4. Add an equal number of 1 mm shims (PN 40132499) behind the
lateral thrust pad on the journal bearing adapter on both sides of
the truck to bring the clearance within tolerance (28 - 30 mm).
5. Torque lateral thrust pad bolts to 74 Nm and recheck thrust
1. Check for leaking fluid. Make certain that oil has not been
deposited from some other source before condemning.
2. Perform manual qualification tests to detect gross loss of control.
3. Inspect bushing integrity. Bushings should not permit uncontrolled
vertical or lateral movements of the damper.
a. If a failed lateral secondary yaw damper is detected, check the
items noted in the above steps, as well as carbody linkage
assembly and traction rod assembly bearings and bushings, and
the four rubber compression spring assemblies.
This is a quick and easy test that can be performed without completely
removing the yaw damper from the locomotive. One end of the yaw
damper is unbolted and the yaw damper is stroked manually. If there is
a force output in both compression and rebound, the yaw damper is
acceptable. If control is gone in either direction, replace with a
qualified yaw damper. If there is indication of internal looseness,
replace regardless of control.
The dust cover, which has the larger outer diameter, has a label
indicating the correct orientation of the damper, refer to Figure 9-13.
Failure to apply the damper correctly will cause it to malfunction and
not provide the proper dampening forces.
The following procedure is an additional check that should be
conducted in conjunction with normal truck inspection as outlined in
model specific maintenance instructions.
1. Verify damper is applied correctly. The dust cover end of the
damper, which has the larger OD, should be connected to the
underframe. The damper body, which has the smaller OD,
should be connected to the truck frame.
2. The orientation sticker stating “this side down” on the damper
body should face the direction indicated. If the damper has
been applied incorrectly, it must be reapplied in the correct
There are six brake units per truck, two of which are equipped with the
spring actuated parking brake. The parking brake equipped brake
blocks are at the center axle position on each truck.
The vertical flange check is made with the wheel gauge positioned as
illustrated in both Figure 9-22, and Figure 9-23. The gauge is
positioned with the bottom of the gauge resting on the tread and the
rounded part held flush against the flange Figure 9-22, illustrates a
gauge in place against a wheel with a good flange. Notice that while
point B is touching the tread, the notch at point A is not touching the
flange. This is a good flange.
Notice that in Figure 9-22, the gauge touches the tread at point B and
the flange at the notch (point A). When a wheel has a contour similar
to that in Figure 9-23, that is, when the gauge touches the wheel at
both points A and B, the wheel has a 25.4 mm (1") vertical flange and
must be condemned.
Before truing a wheel with a flat spot, it must first be determined if the
flat spot is condemning. Any flat spot over 63.5 mm (2-1/2") is
condemning and the wheel must be trued. Two more adjoining flat
spots, each 50.8 mm (2") or more in length is also condemning. In
order to determine how much tread must be removed to restore wheel
contour, pick the largest flat spot on the wheel.
Place the gauge as you would to measure flange height, however, be
sure to position the gauge in the center of the flat spot. A gauge
reading 6.35 mm (1/4") smaller than on a non-flat area indicates that a
minimum of 6.35 mm (1/4") tread must be removed from the wheel to
restore contour. It should be remembered that this reading will only
supply you with the minimum of tread that must be removed.
As a general rule, more tread will have to be removed than the gauge
would indicate. This is due to hard spots, which usually develop in the
flat spot when a wheel is slid flat. When truing the wheel, the hard
spot may shell out, making it necessary for more tread to be removed.
The gauge provides only an approximation of the amount of tread that
must be removed.
Connect the megger lead to the desired traction motor leads. Test at
1000 V. If a problem is not evident, you may increase the voltage
range to 2500 V, then 5000 V. These tests check carbody cabling as
well as traction motor circuits.
The results from any tested motor circuit should be the same at all
three test voltages. If any traction motor circuit produces lower
resistance to ground as megger test voltage increases, the motor is
defective: insulation breakdown and/or tracking to ground. The worst
reading for any motor circuit tested should be at least 2 megohms. If
test results are unsatisfactory, remove the traction motor for further
testing and repair.
3. Remove the retainer bar from the bottom of the journal bearing
4. Disconnect all electrical cables and any other hardware
attached to the motor-wheelset or truck/truck frame that could
interfere with the removal. This includes, but is not limited to,
the wheel flange lubrication nozzles and the sanding nozzles.
5. Back the brake shoes away from the wheels. In some instances,
complete removal of the brake shoes may be required. Secure
all cables and hardware in a manner, which places them safely
out of the way of the removal process.
6. Pull the nose link (dogbone) away from the traction motor-
wheelset assembly.
7. Lift the locomotive or lower the drop table, rolling the traction
motor in a manner that will disengage the motor assembly from
the truck/truck frame limit stops. Move the motor-wheelset out
from beneath the locomotive.
8. Replace the traction motor-wheelset under the locomotive.
Reconnect all hardware and lower the locomotive or raise the
drop table. Readjust the brake slack adjusters.
When lifting or jacking a locomotive to remove one or both
trucks, all four corners of the unit should be raised equally to a
height which will permit end removal (roll out) of the complete
truck. The locomotive should be supported on solid blocking
located under center sills near the jacking pads, if it is to be held
in a raised position for any period of time.
10.1 INTRODUCTION AND THEORY OF OPERATION ................................................................10-3
10.1.1 ROTATING ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT OPERATING SEQUENCE ...............................10-5
10.2 TRACTION ALTERNATOR /COMPANION ALTERNATOR ..................................................10-6
10.2.1 TRACTION ALTERNATOR FRAME AND STATOR .........................................................10-7
10.2.2 TRACTION ALTERNATOR ROTOR .................................................................................10-7
10.2.4 MAIN ALTERNATOR ASSEMBLY MAINTENANCE .........................................................10-8
10.2.6 TRACTION ALTERNATOR LOAD TESTING..................................................................10-15
10.2.7 COMPANION ALTERNATOR .........................................................................................10-15
10.2.8 THE AUXILIARY POWER CONVERTER........................................................................10-18
10.2.9 THE TRACTION ALTERNATOR FIELD SUPPLY CHOPPER........................................10-29
10.2.10 THE GROUND RELAY PROTECTION SYSTEM ...........................................................10-36
When performing these maintenance operations, be extremely
careful about personal safety, and follow manufacturers and rail
safety precautions about using tools, materials, and equipment.
Figure 10-4. Typical Main Alternator Assembly Brush Holder and Slip Ring Assemblies
When inspecting the Main Alternator Assembly brush holders and slip
ring assemblies, check for the following defects:
• Oil on slip ring surface.
• Brush holder loose.
• Damaged brush holder or brush holder spring.
• Slip rings not running concentric with shaft.
• Rough or pitted slip ring surface caused by arcing brushes.
• Short brushes.
1. If slip ring surfaces are oily, wipe them off with clean, dry, bound-
edge cloth, and do the same for the brushes.
2. Check all brush holder mounting bolts. (Check gap of brush holder
to slip ring.) Refer to Figure 10-5. Adjust brush holders by rotating
them on insulated brush holder studs to get 1/8" ± 1/32" (3 mm±
0.8 mm) clearance over slip rings. Adjust and tighten any that are
3. Make sure all brushes can move up and down in their slots,
make sure each brush is centered within 1/16" (1.6 mm) over the
contact surface of the mating slip ring.
Renew or machine (grind) any such slip ring. Pitted/rough slip ring
surfaces will drastically reduce brush life and cause loading
5. Check lateral runout of each slip ring. If runout on any slip ring
exceeds 0.8 mm (1/32"), renew the slip ring.
6. Wipe off insulation between slip rings with clean, dry, bound-edge
Any brushes that do not have contoured faces must be seated. Use the
following procedure to sand in brushes.
1. Refer to Figure 10-6. Lift the brush and put a piece of No. 00
grade sandpaper between the brush and the slip ring, sand side
to brush.
Never use carborundum, emery cloth, or emery paper to seat-in new
Companion Alternator
Connections Box
As stated earlier, the CA9 output terminals 7-8-9 provide the three-
phase AC input to the APC. Each phase is protected by an 800-amp
fuse, which is bolted to standoff insulators located below the APC in
the inverter compartment.
If testing or measurements of the inputs to the APC are required, test
points TP7, TP8, and TP9, located in the electrical locker near the
EM2000 computer chassis, are convenient points to connect to.
From the Fuses the CA9 output is then applied to the APC Module.
The APC first rectifies the three-phase power providing a raw non-
filtered DC voltage between 90 and 320 VDC (varies with CA9
output). This DC voltage output is then regulated using solid-state
devices that are controlled via PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)
technology. The APC sets the duty cycle at a fixed frequency of 1000
hz in order to maintain control of the required 74 VDC regardless of
engine speed or voltage input from the CA9 alternator. The APC,
PWM control allows precise regulation of the 74 VDC battery circuit
with a higher Kw power output capability than the auxiliary generator
Binary Numeric
Displayed Signals Value Value APC Status
Figure 10-14. APC Circuit - EM2000 APC Inhibit and Reset Channels
wave rectifier assembly. The rectifier assembly output will vary (90 to
300 VDC) as the AC input voltage changes. The DC is filtered and
smoothed by a 4400 µF capacitor connected across the rectifier
assembly output. This DC is applied to IGBT #1 (Insulated Gated
Bipolar Transistor) switching device and when turned on, will allow
current flow through the MG field circuit.
A resistor RE-MGf1 connected across the MG field allows the TA to
unload quickly by providing a discharge circuit when the GFD
contactor drops out
Feedbacks are used to control the main generator field current which
is provided by a transducer called - MGFLD. This device produces an
output current feedback proportional to the main generator field
current. The output of the transducer is fed to the ADA module where
the analog signal is converted to digital signal and passed on to the
EM2000. This feedback signal along with other signals is computed
by EM2000 and a frequency output is sent to the CCM module to
control the PWM signal used to switch the IGBT #1 device.
The Ground Relay/Generator Fault Protection System functions to
protect the Traction Alternator (Main Generator), Traction Motors,
and high voltage wiring. It accomplishes this by removing excitation
from the Traction Alternator field whenever a ground, or certain other
faults occur in the high voltage system.
On the GT46AC locomotives, the Ground Relay circuit hardware has
been modified to handle salient differences in operation. Filter
capacitors are installed around the Ground Relay Diode Bridge in
order to shunt away Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM) ground currents
which are a normal part of three-phase locomotive operation.
When a fault occurs, current flows through one of the GRT control
windings. Approximately 200 mA through a GRT control winding
saturates the GRT core, lowering the inductance of the GRT output
windings. As shown in Figure 10-21, GRT output windings are
connected in series with primary windings of transformer T GR. Each
T GR primary winding has approximately a 4:1 turns ratio with
respect to the T GR secondary winding. Lowering GRT output
winding inductance allows the Companion Alternator output to be
impressed across the T GR primary windings.
Output current from T GR will be approximately four times the input
current. T GR output is rectified and flows through the GR pickup coil
from terminal N to terminal P. A current level of 750 to 825 mA
through the GR pickup coil picks up GR.
Figure 10-23. GR Fault Current Flow - Right Bank Phase A - Open Circuit
Figure 10-24. GR Fault Detection AC Current Flow - Ground in “Right” Stator Phase A
11.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................11-3
11.2 THEORY OF OPERATION .....................................................................................................11-3
11.2.1 LOW VOLTAGE OPERATIONAL SEQUENCE.................................................................11-4
LOW VOLTAGE DC SOURCES AND BC, BP, AND BTP STRINGS................................11-5
LOCAL CONTROL BREAKER AND PA STRING .............................................................11-6
AND 13T STRING .............................................................................................................11-6
11.3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION AND MAINTENANCE (GENERAL) ........................................11-7
11.3.1 COMPUTER COMPARTMENT .........................................................................................11-8
11.3.2 ELECTRICAL CONTROL CABINET - BACK/SIDE WALLS............................................11-10
11.3.3 ELECTRICAL CONTROL CABINET - RELAYS ..............................................................11-13
11.3.4 ENGINE CONTROL CABINET - CIRCUIT BREAKER PANEL .......................................11-17
11.3.5 ELECTRICAL CONTROL CABINET - ENGINE CONTROL PANEL ...............................11-22
11.3.8 ELECTRICAL CONTROL CABINET - INVERTER CONTROL .......................................11-40
11.3.9 JUNCTION BOX ..............................................................................................................11-47
11.3.10 BATTERY KNIFE SWITCH BOX.....................................................................................11-47
11.3.11 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRICAL CABINET EQUIPMENT ............................................11-49
11.4 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT .........................................................................................11-53
11.4.1 AIR DRYER .....................................................................................................................11-53
11.4.2 AFTERCOOLER WATER TEMPERATURE SENSOR (AWT) ........................................11-53
11.4.3 ANTENNAE .....................................................................................................................11-53
11.4.4 BATTERIES.....................................................................................................................11-53
11.4.5 BATTERY BOX TEMPERATURE SENSOR (BTA).........................................................11-54
11.4.6 BELL (ELECTRONIC) .....................................................................................................11-54
11.4.7 DYNAMIC BRAKE RESISTOR GRIDS (RE GRID__).....................................................11-54
11.4.8 DYNAMIC BRAKE GRID INSPECTION PROCEDURE ..................................................11-54
11.4.9 DYNAMIC BRAKE CABLE INSPECTION PROCEDURE ...............................................11-54
11.4.10 EMDEC SENSORS .........................................................................................................11-55
11.4.11 ENGINE FUEL CUTOFF SWITCHES (EFCO)................................................................11-55
11.4.12 ENGINE START WARNING (ESW) SIREN ....................................................................11-56
11.4.13 ENGINE STARTER MOTORS (ST 1, ST 2)....................................................................11-56
11.4.14 ENGINE STARTER MOTOR MAINTENANCE................................................................11-56
11.4.15 ENGINE WATER TEMPERATURE SENSORS (ETP1, ETP2, ETPWD)........................11-57
11.4.16 MAIN GENERATOR CURRENT TRANSFORMERS (CTA, CTB, CTC) .........................11-57
11.4.17 MAGNET VALVES (MV__) .............................................................................................11-57
11.4.18 RADAR TRANSCEIVER..................................................................................................11-58
11.4.19 TRACTION MOTOR SPEED SENSORS ........................................................................11-59
11.4.20 TURBO SPEED SENSOR (TPU RPM) ...........................................................................11-59
11.4.21 TURBO SPEED SENSOR MAINTENANCE....................................................................11-60
11.5 SERVICE DATA ....................................................................................................................11-61
11.5.1 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................11-61
The coverage in this section includes theory of operation, equipment
description, maintenance procedures, and troubleshooting
Figure 11-2. Low Voltage DC Sources and BC, BP, and BTP Strings Flowchart
This device, mounted on the back wall of the electrical cabinet above
the ground relay panel, is a pressure transducer that senses the air
pressure in the cabinet. The air pressure signal is sent to the ADA
module (EM2000). The ASC module provides 5 VDC operating power
to the barometer.
The circuit breakers can be operated as switches, but also will trip
open automatically if an electrical overload occurs. Circuit breakers
that have black-background/ white-lettering nameplates must be
On (lever Up) to operate the locomotive.
To avoid causing EM2000 locomotive computer nuisance problems
when operating circuit breakers:
At engine startup:
This circuit breaker supplies operating power to the front and rear
This circuit breaker supplies operating power to the locomotive lights,
including class lights, cab lights, engine room lights, and walkway
This circuit breaker supplies operating power to the Operator's and
helper's cab fans.
This circuit breaker supplies operating power to the toilet system
This circuit breaker supplies operating power to the electronic air
dryer, which removes the moisture from the compressed air.
When toggled, this momentary switch forces a reset of a ground relay
lockout by turning on the EM2000 Ground Relay Lockout Reset
(GRLORS) DIO input channel.
The engine control panel is on the front wall of the electrical cabinet,
which is also the back wall of the locomotive cab. The following
devices are located on the engine control panel, and are accessible
from within the cab.
There are is a triband antenna mounted on the cab roof for the Global
Positioning System (GPS). The GPS antenna is connected to the FIRE
The locomotive has ten NiCad batteries, connected in series, providing
64 volts. The battery box is below the underframe of the locomotive,
just in front of the fuel tank.
• Front Horn (MV HORN #1): Controlled by the Front Horn switch,
directs compressed air to the front (cab end) horn.
• Rear Horn (MV HORN #2): Controlled by the Rear Horn switch,
directs compressed air to the rear (long hood end) horn.
• Radar Blowdown (MV RB): Controlled by EM2000, directs
compressed air to the radar wipe nozzle. This nozzle directs the
blast of compressed air across the face of the radar transceiver to
keep it clean.
• Rail Conditioner (MV RC): Controlled by EM2000, directs
compressed air to the rails in front of the #1 axle to clear debris
from the rails.
Refer to "SECTION 8. COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM," page 8-1 for
detailed magnet valve service information.
Motor Operated Transfer Switch - Switch Module.............M.I. 5421-1
Motor Operated Transfer Switch - Motor Module..............M.I. 5421-2
Power Contactors ................................................................. M.I. 5424
Transfer Switches ................................................................. M.I. 5426
12.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................12-3
12.2 OVERHEAD Mounted EQUIPMENT .....................................................................................12-3
12.2.1 WINDOW WIPER CONTROLS ........................................................................................12-3
12.2.2 CAB LIGHTS ....................................................................................................................12-3
12.2.3 CONDUCTORS HORN SWITCH .....................................................................................12-4
12.3 OPERATOR'S CONTROL STAND ........................................................................................12-4
12.3.1 ALERTER RESET SWITCH .............................................................................................12-5
12.3.2 ATTENDANT CALL SWITCH ...........................................................................................12-6
12.3.3 BELL SWITCH ..................................................................................................................12-6
12.3.4 CAB HEATER SWITCHES ...............................................................................................12-6
12.3.5 CRASH HARDENED MEMORY (CHM) ...........................................................................12-7
12.3.6 DIRECT AIR GAUGE .......................................................................................................12-7
12.3.7 DIRECT AIR BRAKE HANDLE .........................................................................................12-8
12.3.8 DYNAMIC BRAKE CIRCUIT BREAKER ..........................................................................12-9
12.3.9 ELECTRONIC AIR BRAKE CONTROL ............................................................................12-9
12.3.10 ENGINE RUN SWITCH ....................................................................................................12-9
12.3.11 EVENT RECORDER DOWNLOAD PORT .......................................................................12-9
12.3.12 FIRE DISPLAY PANEL ..................................................................................................12-10
12.3.13 FUEL PUMP SWITCH ....................................................................................................12-10
12.3.14 GAUGE LIGHT SWITCH & DIMMER RHEOSTAT ........................................................12-10
12.3.15 GENERATOR FIELD (GEN FLD) SWITCH ....................................................................12-11
12.3.16 HEADLIGHTS ROTARY SWITCHES, FRONT AND REAR ...........................................12-11
12.3.17 HORN SWITCHES, FRONT AND REAR .......................................................................12-11
12.3.18 LOCOMOTIVE CONTROLLER ......................................................................................12-11
12.3.19 PARKING BRAKE VALVE ..............................................................................................12-14
12.3.20 EMERGENCY BRAKE VALVE .......................................................................................12-14
12.3.21 PC CARD READER .......................................................................................................12-15
12.3.22 SANDING SWITCH - LEAD TRUCK ..............................................................................12-15
12.3.23 SANDING SWITCH - MANUAL ......................................................................................12-15
12.3.24 WALKWAY LIGHTS SWITCH ........................................................................................12-16
12.4 ELECTRICAL CONTROL CABINET ...................................................................................12-16
12.4.1 ELECTRICAL CONTROL CABINET - ENGINE CONTROL PANEL ..............................12-16
12.5 SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS ..................................................................12-21
This section describes controls and indicating devices used by the
locomotive operating crew in the locomotive cab.
From inside the cab, remove the screws that retain the sliding
window upper tracks, then lift the upper tracks off the two
sliding windows.
a. Slightly tilt the upper part of the broken window inward, then
lift it off the lower track.
b. If rubber glazing, rubber bumper, or other glazing material
appears to be damaged, replace it.
c. Set the new window into the lower track.
d. Re-install the upper track.
4. Replace any broken right or left side cab windows:
a. From outside the cab, remove the screws that retain the win-
dow frame, then remove the window frame.
b. Carefully push the window outward from inside the cab.
c. If rubber glazing, adhesive foam tape, or other glazing mate-
rial appears to be damaged, replace it.
d. Replace the window, then replace the window frame and re-
install the screws that hold the window frame in place.
5. Replace any broken rear cab windows:
a. Turn OFF the control valve for the wiper air motor on that
windshield. Remove the windshield wiper arm.
b. Using a fiberglass prybar, pry the window out of the rubber
c. Pry the rubber seal apart and install the new window.
d. Reinstall the wiper arm.
F. Check Windshield Wipers Condition & Wiper Motor
1. Check all wiper blades for wear and damage.
2. Replace any worn or damaged blades.
3. With the wiper control valves, turn on each wiper air motor
(one at a time) to confirm that it operates, then turn it off.
4. Replace failed air motor(s).
G. Check Cab Lighting
1. Close the battery knife switch and the LIGHTS breaker in the
electrical control cabinet.
2. Switch ON the operator’s and helper's reading lights and verify
that the lights are ON. Replace lamps if necessary.
Test the crew alerter system by releasing the air brakes and
allowing the alerter to time out (do not use the ALERTER
RESET switch). Ensure a penalty brake application is
automatically activated.
Switch Operation
1. With the engine idling, press the red EMERGENCY FUEL
CUT OFF & ENGINE STOP button on the engine control
panel for at least a second, then release it.
13.1 UNDERFRAME ......................................................................................................................13-3
13.2 LIGHTING ...............................................................................................................................13-3
13.3 AIR INLET SCREENS ............................................................................................................13-3
13.3.1 MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................................................13-3
13.3.2 ENGINE HOOD ROOF DOORS AND TURBO HATCH ...................................................13-4
13.3.3 GENERATOR HOOD .......................................................................................................13-5
13.3.4 COOLING HOOD .............................................................................................................13-5
13.3.5 CARBODY SIDE DOORS ................................................................................................13-5
13.3.6 HANDRAILS .....................................................................................................................13-6
13.3.7 STEPS ..............................................................................................................................13-6
13.3.8 WALKWAY .......................................................................................................................13-6
13.3.9 GRAB IRONS ...................................................................................................................13-6
13.4 COUPLER & DRAFT GEAR SYSTEM ..................................................................................13-7
13.4.1 OPERATION ....................................................................................................................13-7
13.4.2 COUPLER AND DRAFT GEAR MAINTENANCE ............................................................13-8
13.4.3 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................13-16
The all-welded construction underframe is the main structural support
for the locomotive and is structurally sound to ensure maximum
strength, integrity, and durability. The underframe is a type design that
serves as the main load carrying member for all above deck mounted
equipment and bolt on fuel tank & battery box.
Pivot pins are welded to the front and rear underframe to engage with
the truck pivot assemblies. Two side sills and center sills support the
narrow walkways alongside the carbody. Front collision posts are
welded directly to the underframe. The reinforced short hood and
anticlimbers are standard. Floor plates for end platforms and
walkways have anti-skid surfaces and are welded to the frame.
The narrow, long carbody promotes heat dispersal and provides a
service walkway on either side. The carbody is bolted to the deck to
allow removal, and provides ease of access for maintenance. The
carbody also supports lighting fixtures and lights.
To expedite routine maintenance and component replacement, each
major component is accessible through a removable hatch. Side access
doors are equipped with heavy-duty hinges and latches. Lifting eyes
are located on all hatches for ease of removal.
A jacking pad is located at each side sill near each truck pivot pin.
Platform mounting steps are located at each corner of the locomotive.
Grab irons are provided for personnel exiting and boarding the
The locomotive is protected from rust and corrosion with an undercoat
and paint.
Carbody lighting includes twin sealed-beam headlights (front and
rear), platform lights, step lights, engine compartment lights, inertial
compartment lights and cooling hood compartment lights.
All carbody lights are activated when the BATT. SW. is closed, the
LIGHTS and HEADLIGHTS circuit breakers are ON, and the
appropriate light control switches located in the cab, on the control
stand and engine control panel, are in the ON position.
All air inlet screens should be kept clear of any foreign material to
avoid restricting air flow. Remove foreign material from air inlet
screens whenever it is observed. MAINTENANCE
Lubricate the hood roof door hinges and latches with oil at the interval
specified in the Scheduled Maintenance M.I. Check all latches for
proper operation and replace any latches found defective. Check all
hood roof doors for cracked or broken hinges. Any broken hinges will
need to be cut off and a new hinge welded in place. Paint the repaired
area to prevent rust from forming. MAINTENANCE
The hatch should be periodically checked for securement and sealing. The
edge gasket material should be renewed if there is any evidence of air or
water infiltration, or at time of hood removal for component servicing. MAINTENANCE
The hatch should be periodically checked for securement and sealing.
Check for cracked welds or loose components. Re-weld any damaged
structure and tighten or replace fasteners as required. Check all
electrical and piping clamps for securement. MAINTENANCE
Lubricate the carbody side door hinges and latches with oil at the
interval specified in the Scheduled Maintenance M.I. Check all latches
for proper operation and replace any latches found defective. Check
all carbody side doors for cracked or broken hinges. Any broken
hinges will need to be cut off and a new hinge welded in place. Paint
the repaired area to prevent rust from forming.
Handrails are provided on each side of the locomotive as a safety
feature to support personnel on the walkways and steps. MAINTENANCE
Handrails are to be maintained in good order. Check all handrails for
bent or broken sections, chipped paint, and loose/missing bolts. Bent
handrails may be heated and straightened, but cracked or broken
handrails must be changed as a complete section as welding on them is
not permitted. Areas of loose or chipped paint are to be sanded down
and re-painted. Tighten all loose bolts and replace missing bolts with
bolts of the correct grade.
13.3.7 STEPS
Steps are provided at each corner of the locomotive for boarding and
exiting the locomotive. MAINTENANCE
Check all steps for damage or loose bolts. Damaged steps must be
replaced as welding or straightening is not permitted. Tighten all loose
13.3.8 WALKWAY
A diamond-plated walkway, located on each side of the locomotive,
provides a platform for accessing the locomotive compartments. MAINTENANCE
Check for cracked welds or loose tread plates. Re-weld any loose
plates. Tread plate sections that have been worn smooth can be cut out
and a new section welded in. Any areas that have been cut or welded
should be repainted. MAINTENANCE
Check all grab irons for damage or loose bolts. Damaged grab irons
may be straightening but welding is not permitted. Paint grab irons
after straightening. Tighten all loose bolts. Areas of loose or chipped
paint are to be sanded down and re-painted.
The coupler and draft gear system provides a means of coupling
locomotives and cars in a train. The tractive effort exerted by the
locomotive to pull its train is applied through the draft gear assembly
and coupler of the locomotive. The draft gear withstands the entire
pulling force of the locomotive and absorbs the impact shock during
coupling, starting, and run in /run out during train operation.
The draft gear assembly consists of the draft gear and its yoke to
which the coupler is pinned. When the locomotive is exerting force,
the force is transmitted through the draft gear pocket to the draft gear,
then through the yoke to the coupler. The draft gear is located between
the draft gear pocket, which is an integral part of the locomotive
underframe, and the yoke which is connected to the locomotive
F47120 YOKE
The yoke houses the draft gear and provides for coupler attachment.
C. The E-type coupler is fully locked when the lock rests on the
shelf of the knuckle tail as illustrated in
Figure 13-4, page 13-9.
D. If lock does not drop freely, check operating parts for
E. If parts are not bent or distorted, clean functioning surfaces in
the coupler head, the knuckle and parts to obtain satisfactory
F. Bent or distorted components must be replaced.
3. Verify the knuckle, coupler, and draft gear are secure.
2. Measure the distance between the coupler horn and striker face
(larger measurement).
3. Bar the coupler and draft gear assembly “in” as far as it will go.
4. Measure the distance between the same points as used in step 2
(smaller measurement).
5. Subtract the smaller measurement (step 4) from the larger (step
2). The difference is the amount of free slack present.
6. If the amount of free slack exceeds 1/2":
A. Using a pry bar, force the draft gear forward as far as possible
to determine if free slack is a result of permanent set in the
gear. If the slack is result of the gear, the gear must be removed
for reclamation. Report condition to supervision for heavy
maintenance instructions.
B. If the slack is not attributed to the gear:
1. Remove the coupler (
2. Inspect and repair the coupler (
3. Install a qualified coupler (
Exercise extreme caution and refer to railroad and manufacturers’
safety rules relating to the use of tools, materials, equipment, and
personal safety in the performance of these procedures.
The following paragraphs describe the procedures to remove and
install the coupler.
14.1 EM2000 OVERVIEW ...............................................................................................................14-3
14.1.1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................14-3
14.1.2 HANDLING ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - GENERAL .....................................................14-3
14.2 SPECIFIC HANDLING PRECAUTIONS .................................................................................14-4
14.3 HOW TO USE ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE PROTECTION ITEMS ...............................14-5
14.4 EM2000 MODULES AND CONTROL.....................................................................................14-6
14.4.1 LOCOMOTIVE CONTROL SIGNALS................................................................................14-7
14.4.2 EM2000 HARDWARE .......................................................................................................14-7
14.4.3 COMPUTER FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................14-9
14.5 EM2000 MODULES CHASSIS ...............................................................................................14-9
14.5.1 CPM500 CENTRAL PROCESSING \ MEMORY MODULE ............................................14-10
14.5.2 DIO300 DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT MODULE .................................................................14-11
14.5.3 ADA305 ANALOG TO DIGITAL TO ANALOG MODULE ................................................14-19
14.5.4 MPU400 MODULE ..........................................................................................................14-20
14.6 PANEL MOUNTED MODULES ............................................................................................14-21
14.6.1 ASC300 ANALOG SIGNAL CONDITIONER MODULE...................................................14-21
14.6.2 TLF300 TRAINLINE FILTER MODULE...........................................................................14-22
14.6.3 VAM300 VOLTAGE AMPLIFYING MODULE..................................................................14-23
14.7 POWER CHASSIS MODULES .............................................................................................14-23
14.7.1 PRG301 POWER SUPPLY REGULATOR......................................................................14-24
14.7.2 PSM305 POWER SUPPLY MODULE.............................................................................14-25
14.7.3 PSM312 POWER SUPPLY MODULE.............................................................................14-25
14.7.4 PSM315 POWER SUPPLY MODULE.............................................................................14-25
14.7.5 PSM MODULE TEST POINTS AND LEDS .....................................................................14-26
14.8 DOWNLOADING INFORMATION FROM EM2000 ..............................................................14-26
ARCHIVE USING FREE TERMINAL EMULATOR...............................................................14-26
14.9.1 PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................14-26
The EM2000 Microprocessor has greatly reduced the number of
“Modules” in the control system, and it provides significantly better
fault detection of components and/or systems. It also contains “Self-
Tests” to aid in troubleshooting locomotive faults.
This Section covers the EM2000 Locomotive Computer System, and
the Computer Modules that are used on the GT46AC locomotives.
Information contained within the CPM memory is locomotive
specific, therefore, CPM modules can not be freely swapped
between locomotives while troubleshooting.
Do not use 74 VDC test lights, bell ringers, or analog meters to
directly check the function of output channels. The rush of
current through the channel to such devices could damage or
destroy the module. The use of a digital voltmeter is strongly
Multiplexing is a process through which several inputs may be
monitored through the use of only one input channel. In simple terms,
selective monitoring makes this possible. In other words, not all inputs
need to be monitored constantly, just periodically. After gathering
these inputs in groups of 5, the CPU looks at the first signal for 10
milliseconds, the second for 10 milliseconds, and so on until it has
seen all 5 inputs from the group. Once all five inputs have been
checked, the CPU looks at the first signal again and repeats the loop.
One very important fact must be understood. Output channels have
always been used in only one capacity on locomotives in the past. This
was to drive devices such as relays and pilot coils. Now, six output
channels are used for completing paths to negative through input
channels. Figure 14-9 shows a typical method of monitoring the status
of a device (energized/de-energized, or ON/OFF) via an interlock of
the device. In this example, once the interlock has closed, current
flows through the input channel and completes its path to negative.
Figure 14-9. Standard Input Method
Input Groups
• 9-17
• 18
• 19
• 20
• 21-22
• 23-24
The schematic does not in any way indicate the shared +15 VDC.
Dotted lines represent the shared 74 volt negative feeds.
21 22 23 24 25 26
DIO #1 Start MXOF03
INPUT 4 B1 B2 B3 B4
EngHrn GFldSw CndHrn MXOF08
DIO #2 3 ChpFCO ChpFC Isolat Run DBOnly
2 STE ESWarn ACCntl
Before one can proceed a Programming Cable/Interface Box is
Serial upload of EM2000 software may take anywhere between 30 –
60 minutes depending on the file size.
15.1 INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................15-3
15.2 FIRE SYSTEM.........................................................................................................................15-3
15.3 FUNCTIONAL SUBSYSTEMS................................................................................................15-4
15.3.1 AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION (AEI) TAG ................................................15-4
15.3.2 ALERTER ..........................................................................................................................15-4
15.3.3 ELECTRONIC AIR BRAKE (EAB).....................................................................................15-5
15.3.4 ELECTRONIC THROTTLE CONTROLLER ......................................................................15-5
15.3.5 EVENT RECORDER .........................................................................................................15-5
15.3.6 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) .........................................................................15-6
15.3.7 OVERSPEED WARNING SYSTEM ..................................................................................15-6
15.4 FIRE SYSTEM COMPONENTS ..............................................................................................15-6
15.4.1 FIRE COMPUTER (FC).....................................................................................................15-6
15.4.2 FIRE COMPUTER POWER SUPPLY ...............................................................................15-7
15.4.3 CONTROLLER AREA NETWORK BUS (CAN).................................................................15-7
15.5 FIRE DISPLAY ........................................................................................................................15-7
15.6 FIRE MAIN MENU.................................................................................................................15-16
15.6.1 LOCOMOTIVE DATA ......................................................................................................15-18
15.6.2 OPERATORS CONTROLS .............................................................................................15-31
15.6.3 SPEED CONTROL ..........................................................................................................15-33
15.6.4 AIR BRAKES ...................................................................................................................15-39
15.6.5 EVENT INFO ...................................................................................................................15-41
15.6.6 LOCOMOTIVE MONITOR...............................................................................................15-49
15.6.7 MAINTENANCE MODE...................................................................................................15-53
15.6.8 CREW MESSAGES ........................................................................................................15-65
15.7 ALERTER SYSTEM OPERATION........................................................................................15-66
15.8 AUTOMATIC ENGINE START/STOP SYSTEM (AESS)......................................................15-67
15.8.2 AESS (AUTO-START) SET-UP VERIFICATION ............................................................15-68
15.8.3 AUTOMATIC ENGINE SHUTDOWN...............................................................................15-68
15.8.4 AUTOMATIC ENGINE SHUTDOWN SEQUENCE .........................................................15-69
15.8.5 MANUAL OR ENGINE PROTECTION SHUTDOWN IN AUTO START .........................15-69
15.8.6 AUTOMATIC ENGINE RESTART CONDITIONS ...........................................................15-70
15.8.7 OPERATOR-INITIATED AUTOMATIC ENGINE RESTART ...........................................15-71
15.8.8 MANUAL ENGINE START ..............................................................................................15-71
15.8.9 AESS (AUTO-START) INHIBIT CONDITIONS ...............................................................15-71
15.9 DOWNLOADING THE FIRE EVENT RECORDER...............................................................15-72
15.9.1 EVENT RECORDER PCMCIA CARD DOWNLOAD PROCEDURE...............................15-72
15.9.2 EVENT RECORDER - LAPTOP SERIAL DOWNLOAD PROCEDURE..........................15-73
This section serves to familiarize locomotive maintenance personnel
• The FIRE computer/display system.
• The EM2000 diagnostic system.
15.3.2 ALERTER
The integrated Alerter function monitors the actions of the locomotive
operator and assists in keeping the operator alert. If the operator does
not perform an action to indicate that he is physically capable of
operating the locomotive for a specified time period, visual and
audible warnings are activated. If an appropriate action is still not
detected, the Alerter function indicates a penalty brake condition to
FIRE. For detailed information on the Alerter Subsystem refer to
"15.7 ALERTER SYSTEM OPERATION," page 15-66.
Figure 15-1. GT46AC FIRE System Block Diagram and Controller Area Network (CAN)
• Equalizing Res -
Equalizing reservoir air pressure, in kPa (psi).
Data updates once per second.
• Brake Pipe -
Brake pipe air pressure at locomotive, in kPa (psi).
Data updates once per second.
• BC - Brake cylinder pressure, in kPa (psi)
Data updates once per second.
• Main - Main reservoir air pressure, in kPa (psi)
Data updates once per second.
• Flow - Air flow through brake pipe, in Litres/minute (CFM).
Data updates once per second.
This area, refer to Figure 15-6, includes the locomotive speedometer,
consisting of an oval gauge and the corresponding digital locomotive
speed display. Speedometer indicates locomotive speed in km/h,
updated every half second. Scale divisions are 10 km/h apart.
The scale above the overspeed limit (penalty brake zone) is red; the
warning speed zone (below penalty brake zone) is yellow. When the
overspeed detection system is disabled, the entire scale is white.
Any WHEEL SLIP indicator on a trainlined locomotive also
lights this locomotive's FIRE screen WHEEL SLIP indicator, and
displays a message indicating that another locomotive is
originating the WHEEL SLIP indication.
Four conditions can cause the WHEEL SLIP indicator on the FIRE
screen to light. One condition, LOCKED WHEEL, is possibly a
dangerous fault requiring immediate crew action. The other three,
require immediate crew action.
1. Locked Wheel Condition
Refer to, and follow railroad regulations concerning Locked
Wheel faults.
Any or all of the icons appearing next can appear on the right central
part of the screen.
This yellow icon appears whenever the EM2000 locomotive
computer is activating the sanding magnet valves, manual sand
switch operation, automatic wheel slip control, automatic wheel creep
control, or emergency braking.
This indicator illuminates whenever the parking brake is applied
on the locomotive.
Pressing the More Choices key on page 1 of the FIRE Main Menu,
refer to Figure 15-11, causes FIRE Main Menu page 2 keys to appear,
refer to Figure 15-12. Similarly, pressing More Choices on page 2,
will cause FIRE Main Menu page 3 to appear, refer to Figure 15-13.
Selecting the More Choices Option on Main Menu page 3 causes Main
Menu page 1 to appear.
By using the up and down arrow keys the driver may select the desired
test, and run that test by pressing the select key. On screen instructions
will guide the user through proper set-up and test conditions.
To manually log a fault the engineer must press the “Continue” soft-
key. The continue key will be disabled for five seconds before the
engineer can manually log another fault. When the “Exit” softkey is
pressed, FIRE returns to the previous menu.
This option allows the operator to bypass the locked wheel detection
system in the event of a faulty wheel speed sensor.
page 15-12.
Pressing the Operator Controls key on page 1 of the FIRE Main Menu, refer
to Figure 15-11, page 15-17, brings up the Operator Controls menu. Refer to
Figure 15-31.
The Operator Controls menu selections are:
The profile selected sets up the following formats on all FIRE display
• Language
• Date
• Time
• Time Zone
• Units of Measure (Example - mph vs. km/h)
• Decimal Symbol
• Digit Grouping Symbol
• Negative Sign
• List Separator
All formats listed above are set at the same time. No single format
listed above can be changed by itself through the Profile Selection
Press the arrow keys to highlight the desired profile, then press the
Select key to activate it. Pressing the Default key immediately activates
the default display profile. Pressing the Exit key returns the display to
the Display Setup screen.
3. Press the Speed Control key and Speed Control menu displays.
Refer to Figure 15-35.
Power Speed Control operation does not apply dynamic or air
braking to maintain Set Speed.
12. To exit Power Speed Control, push the End Speed Control key
at the screen. It is only possible to end speed control operation
if the throttle is in IDLE. In all other throttle positions, the
option to end speed control will not be available. Upon ending
speed control, the Speed Control screen will appear.
If any of the entry conditions are not met, such as moving the
reverser to either forward or reverse, the condition that is not met
will be highlighted in yellow and a message will appear indicating
that not all entry conditions are met. The “Start” button will not be
available until all of the entry conditions are met. Refer to Figure 15-
38. Correct the condition(s) until the “Start” option is available.
There are other conditions that the system assumes are met such
as PCS cleared and the Isolation Switch in the RUN position. If
any of these assumed conditions are not met, a crew message will
appear and speed control will be exited.
The EM2000 initially makes the Set Speed equal to actual speed. It
will only read zero if speed control is entered at standstill. Use the
“Speed Up” and “Speed Down” buttons on the FIRE screen to increase
or decrease the Set Speed until the desired level is reached.
1. Leave the DB handle in SET-UP.
2. Release the air brakes if they haven’t already been released.
3. To exit Dynamic Brake Speed Control, choose “End Speed
Control.” The Speed Control screen appears.
4. Choose “Exit” when the Speed Control screen appears, refer to
Figure 15-35, to return back to the FIRE Main Menu screen.
5. Press Cut In/Cut Out key to select CUT IN. (Cuts in automatic
brake valve.)
Cut In/Cut Out key is only available if LEAD has been selected.
Fault Information
Every archived fault contains the following information:
1. Fault Name.
2. Unit Number - the locomotive’s railroad number from the
battery backed-up memory.
3. Time and Date - date and time that fault occurred.
4. Faults in a 24/hour period.
5. Fault Code - Number.
6. Status - active or inactive.
7. Software - part number or version.
Data Pack
If a data pack is stored with the fault message, it can be accessed by
pressing the More Details softkey.
Fault Recurrence
In order to conserve memory storage, on some faults only one
occurrence of the fault per day is actually recorded and stored. The
second occurrence of the same fault is not stored, but does actuate a
counter which can display the total number of fault occurrences (up to
999) for that day. (A day starts at midnight.)
Software ID
Each stored fault includes the EMD production part number for the
software in use at that time and also the version.
Event Archive
Pressing the Event Archive key will display a list of the active and
inactive faults in the archive.
The active faults highlighted in RED are events that are presently
active, and depending on the type of fault can be causing the
locomotive to be inactive preventing normal operation.
Inactive faults regardless of the type and severity will not prevent
locomotive operation. However, severe repetitive faults require some
diagnostics to determine the cause in order to prevent any future
Serious problems do not disappear and must be addressed
immediately by technical support. A road failure is immanent if
not fixed.
Acknowledge Faults
When a fault occurs it is stored in memory and a pop-up crew message
will provide relative information to the operator. Some faults are
temporary and are automatically reset need no operator invention.
However, because this fault is stored in memory until the fault has
been acknowledged by the operator or technician the fault pop-up
menu relative to this fault will continue to be displayed on the FIRE
Acknowledging the fault will prevent any further pop-up on this fault
issue from being displayed on the screen.
Clearing Annunciator
The annunciator acts as a bookmark in the fault archive. It provides
maintenance personnel the option to view only faults that have been
archived since the annunciator was last reset. Pressing the Reset key
sets the annunciator to the current date and time.
The health classification or status displays are also color coded. For
instance, Failed is red, limited yellow, attention green, and OK or no
report is white. As well, the system also provides a “Detail Health”
key which, when any of the subsystems on the FIRE screen are
highlighted, (by use of the arrow keys at the bottom of the screen), and
the detail health key is activated, jumps the user into the archive menu
screen for detailed fault messages, fault codes and other pertinent
Pressing the exit key will return to the Locomotive Monitor screen.
• “Reset” This key will shutdown and restart the FIRE computer
display automatically.
• “Shutdown” This key will completely shutdown the FIRE computer
display and it will not restart unless the Cab Display circuit breaker
is cycled.
• “Cancel” This key will exit out of the Reset menu and return back to
the Locomotive Monitor menu (or the previous menu screen).
Shutting down the system will cause a penalty or emergency
brake application!
If anything causes the test to abort, the screen reverts to the test
entry conditions screen.
5. When the penalty brake condition is successfully reached, the
yellow PENALTY BRAKE TEST IN PROGRESS message is replaced
with the green PENALTY BRAKE TEST PASSED message, and the
yellow instruction message, PUT AUTOMATIC BRAKE INTO
SUPPRESSION displays below that.
If the test fails, the screen is the same as except the green PENALTY
BRAKE TEST PASSED message is replaced with the red PENALTY
6. When test has completed (PASSED or FAILED), press the Exit
key. The screen returns to the Departure Test menu.
If the test fails, the screen is the same, except the green
OVERSPEED TEST PASSED message is replaced with the red
6. When test has completed (OVERSPEED TEST PASSED or
FAILED), press the Exit key. The screen returns to the Departure
Test menu. Refer to Figure 15-62.
The Start Test key and the End Test key appear. (Pressing Exit key
returns screen to Departure Test menu. Refer to Figure 15-62.)
Also available is the ability to change time and/or date. Since FIRE
has an internal GPS capability, the operator will only be able to set the
time / date when FIRE has deemed that the GPS input is not valid. If
FIRE deems that the GPS input is valid, the Set Time and Set Date
keys will be disabled and not illuminated. If the keys are illuminated,
FIRE will allow a manual input to these functions. The Change Time
Zones key, Figure 15-69, page 15-62 enables the operator to select a
different time zone. A screen with available time zones will be
displayed; once a new time zone is selected, the Enter key must be
pressed or the new selection will be ignored. Refer to Figure 15-67
and Figure 15-68.
The Set Time and Set Date functions are similar in operation; the keys
used to input time and date increment each time pressed and roll over
to zero if the maximum value is passed. If FIRE deems that an
incorrect value is set, the Enter key will be extinguished. When the
new value has been set, the Enter key must be pressed. Once Enter is
pressed, the new value will be distributed as necessary. The Cancel
key will return the user to the previous menu.
Refer to Figure 15-74. Upon entering the Self Test mode, the summary
screen will be displayed. This screen includes date, test results and a
status of the last self test performed on each subsystem. The user can
scroll to highlight one of several self tests available. After scrolling to
the desired function, pressing the Start Test key initiates the test for
the selected subsystem. Pressing the cancel key in any self test returns
the user to the main menu. The Detailed Info key will display
information about the highlighted subsystem. This can be useful in the
troubleshooting process, as reasons for test failure would be noted.
Download Procedure:
Event recorder playback and download is performed using Wabtec
software for FIRE integrated event recorders:
• Wabtec Train Trax Data Downloaded (WPN 17517 Version 3.5.1)
• Wabtec Event Recorder Data Analysis (WPN 17561 Version
EMD does not provide this software. The customer must obtain
software direct from Wabtec.
Load Tests enable the operator to test the power of the engine and
main generator without having to run down a track (the power to the
traction motors is bypassed to the dynamic brake grids). Load test has
two levels: Load Test 1, and Load Test 2. Load Test 1 will request a
normal amount of excitation for the requested throttle position. In
Load Test 2, proper operation of the EMDEC/load regulator system is
verified by testing engine capability.
This function offers the user a means of testing various locomotive
control subsystems. Once selected, these tests will run automatically
with little or no user interaction. All results will be displayed in an
easy to understand format. For protection of equipment, the control
system will verify that certain conditions are met before any test is
The load test function allows the engine/generator performance to be
tested at standstill. Instead of supplying the AC traction inverters with
main generator output, the main generator power is dissipated as heat
in resistor grids. This allows most of the standard power functions to
be tested without moving the locomotive. A special mode of load test,
(Load Test 2), allows the maximum engine/generator output and the
load ratio function to be checked by raising the nominal electrical
There are two types of load test: self load test and external load test. In
self load test, the main generator output is automatically connected to
the locomotive dynamic brake grids. No external circuitry is needed to
perform this test.
To perform an external load test, the main generator output must be
manually connected to a load box or external grid hatch.
This Section provides an overview of the Self Load Test function.
8. All timed tests (and contactor tests) have an ending message screen
which states if the test was successful or failed. This provides the
user with a yes/no failure status.
The following conditions, which can enable or inhibit a self test, must
be checked for prior to and during certain self tests that require these
checks. The following Crew Messages (which are also archived) are
unique to self tests they are not used for any other function. Since the
display drives the self tests, these messages are defined as follows:
This Crew Message will result if the engine speed (based on the
traction alternator frequency) is greater than 150 rpm, meaning
that the engine is running.
This Crew Message will result if the engine speed (based on the
alternator frequency) is less than 150 rpm, meaning that the
engine is not running.
This Crew Message will result if the highest engine temperature
probe reading is greater than 190°F (87.8°C), or if the lowest
engine temperature probe reading is less than 120°F (48.9°C).
This Crew Message will result if both engine temperature probes
have been determined to be failed.
This Crew Message will result if the GF REQ input is high.
This Crew Message will result if the TH IDL input is low.
This Message will result if RHSW-F and RHSW-R inputs are not
both low.
This crew message will result if the locomotive speed is greater
than 0.5 mph (0.8 km/h).
This Crew Message will result if the ISOLAT input is high.
This Crew Message will result if the Engine run switch input is
This crew message will result if the throttle handle switch inputs
do not indicate that the throttle is in position 1.
If the engine cannot produce full power in Load Test 1 throttle 8, the
EMDEC system advances fueling to full-fuel level, causing the load
regulator to back off from 100% MAXIMUM.
The user can select load test 2, any meter screen, or the entry
screen. It does not matter if the unit is idle or any throttle position.
When the appropriate function key is pressed the “LT 2” indication
changes to “LT 1” to indicate that the user has transferred into
Load Test 2.
By pressing the LT1 Key, you can switch back to Load Test 1
operation whenever you choose. You can switch back to Load
Test 2 whenever you need to, by pressing LT 2 again.
When a drop load test fault occurs, the display goes to the Crew
Message mode, but load test is still the controlling mode of
operation. The user must exit the Crew Message mode in order to
do anything further.
Upon exiting the Crew Message mode, the display returns to the
Load Test Entry Condition screen.
Since the “EXIT” key is available at all times during load test, it is
possible that the user could try to get out of load test while the
throttle is out of IDLE. If the throttle is in IDLE the display
removes the load test request and the Self Test Menu is displayed.
6. From the EMDEC Data Meter Menu Screen, Select EMDEC Load
Data to bring up the EMDEC Load Data Screen. Read ATEgIM
(Air Temperature, Engine Intake Manifold) data from this Screen.
7. From the EMDEC Data Meter Menu Screen, Select EMDEC
Sensor Data to bring up the EMDEC Sensor Data Screen. Read the
following from this Screen:
• ATEgI - (Air Temperature Engine - In) data.
• OTEgI - (Oil Temperature Engine - In) data from this Screen.
8. Make certain that the Air Compressor will not load, and be sure
that the Parking Brake is set.
9. Perform engine prestart inspections, then, start the engine.
10. Make sure that all of the following conditions have been met:
• Engine oil pressure is SATISFACTORY.
• Throttle in IDLE position.
• Reverser CENTERED.
• Isolation switch in RUN.
• Generator Field switch UP.
• Engine Run switch DOWN on all units in consist, or M.U. cables
disconnected on adjacent units.
• Ground Relay NOT CUT OUT.
• Air Brakes APPLIED.
• NO Active D.B. Grid Lockout Faults.
• Black Panel Area Circuit Breakers ALL ON.
11. Bring up the Main Menu Screen on the FIRE Display. Select Self
Tests. (Move cursor to Self Tests with arrow Keys, then press
SELECT function Key) to bring up the Self Test Menu Screen.
12. Select Cooling Fans from Self Test Menu screen. This will bring
forward the Cooling Fan Test Menu.
17. Press SELECT Key under Cooling Fan Test Screen. The Fan
Function screen appears, and the test starts.
When the user presses the function key the display will then look
at the characterized number and type of cooling fans and put up the
appropriate test screen. Each fan test has a 60 second time delay
prior to picking up the first fan. This time delay gives the user a
chance to observe the fans and allows enough wind-down time
from any fan that was running to stop.
Once the SELECT Key has been pressed, there will be a 1 minute
pause before the test starts. There will then be a 20 second pause
between tests.
Test sequence can be stopped at any time by pressing EXIT Key.
Upon successful completion of the “Test All Fans”, the display will
go to the Cooling Fan Test Completion Screen.
While running the fan test, if one of the initial conditions becomes
invalid, or another condition occurs that would abort the test, the test
is to be stopped, the fans are to be turned off, and the corresponding
message will appear on the Cooling Fan Test Completion Screen -
”Test Abort due to a Drop Test Fault”.
The user has two choices at this point:
• Fix the condition the fault message is stating, if possible,
until no more fault messages are active. When no fault
messages are active the test returns to the entry conditions
screen to allow the user the option of restarting or exiting.
• Press the “EXIT” key and return to the entry conditions screen.
EVENT RECORDER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-5 GROUND RELAY OIL STRAINER HOUSING . . . . . . . . . 5-4
EXHAUST VALVE PROTECTION SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . 10-37 OIL SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
BRIDGE ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-70 GRT - GROUND RELAY MAIN LUBRICATING . . . . . . . . 5-14
TRANSDUCTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-45 PISTON COOLING . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
F SCAVENGING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
UNIT ALARM INDICATOR . . . . . . . . 15-14
VALVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BYPASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
MV-CC MAGNET . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-10
SANDING MAGNET . . . . . . . . . 8-32
VENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-29
VALVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
VALVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AUTOMATIC DRAIN . . . . . . . . . 8-21
MANUAL DRAIN . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-20
VAM300 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-23
WALKWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-6
WATER PUMPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13
WATER TANK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
COOLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6
WEIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
WHEEL SLIP INDICATOR . . . . . . . . 15-13
YOKE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-8
iv GT46AC Locomotive Running Maintenance Manual