Learning Plan

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Learning Plan

Okanagan College

Nicole Northup

PNSG 212-Profressional Practice

Amelia Chauvette

September 16, 2022

Self-Assessment Learning BCCNM Plan / Resources Timeline (this section will be
Objective/Goal Professional completed in
Standard/Indicato semester 4 after
r & Entry-Level you have completed
Competency your plan)

This semester so far has I will practice 5-10 Standard 1 –  Wake up with time to Now until
been overwhelming for minutes of mindful Responsibility & practice this the end of
me, which is expected breathing every morning Accountability  Use calming music to the
but it has been affecting before school for the help me semester
my concentration in remainder of the  Get in a routine so it but check
Maintains own
lectures and my ability semester to start the day becomes second nature in weekly.
to learn. I know there with a clear, fresh mind.
psychological, and
are things that work for
emotional fitness
me to reduce the stress
to practice.
and overwhelming
feelings that I can
implement in my day-to-
day life. Entry-Level
Competency # 15

I have been working in I will be able to adapt to Standard 2 –  Use critical thinking Now until
long term care for so the faster paced acute Competency Based skills we have been the end of
long that my brain is care setting and the Practice taught while in clinical CPE 3
always in that mode, I higher needs of care with  Practice hard during lab acute care.
think it may be hard for these patients while still classes
Responds and
me to switch to an acute providing quality care  Prepare myself properly
adapts to changes
care mindset. throughout this clinical in the practice ahead of time so I feel
experience. environment confident going into the
Entry-Level hospital
Competency # 46
We have learnt a lot During my clinical Standard 3 – Client  Make sure I have a large Throughout
about how important experience in the Focused Provision amount of knowledge on my clinical
patient teaching is. In hospital, I will ensure I of Service my patients diagnoses experience
my career as a care aide, provide ample teaching  Use the teaching and check
Indicator: Involves
I have done some patient to the patient as well as methods I have learnt in in after
clients in
but not nearly as much their families, so they classes over the last few every
identifying and
as I will as when I am an fully understand their prioritizing their semesters patient
LPN especially in the diagnosis and after care own health goals  Be clear with my teaching.
acute care setting. needs. and learning teaching and make sure
needs. they understand what I
am telling them
Competency # 47

In the acute care setting I will make sure my Standard 4 – Ethical  Provide privacy and Check in
I will see a lot of patients feel respected Practice confidentiality with daily
diversity; I also and dignified by patients during
understand that for these providing genuine care  Ask patients if they have clinical but
Respects and
patients it can be the and realizing the cultural needs that they evaluate at
protects client
worst/scariest days of difference each patient worth, dignity, would like me to be the end.
their lives. I have been will have throughout uniqueness, and aware of
in these situations, so I CPE 3. diversity.  Do my common process
understand how much it each time I enter a
means when the hospital patient’s room
staff treats you with Entry-Level
respect and dignity. Competency # 7

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