304 Cheat Sheet

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Chapter 2: Values and Attitudes & Ethics

- Schwartz’s Value Theory: 2 dimensions: own interest’s vs general welfare, independence vs

- Personal values represent global beliefs, attitudes affect behavior via intentions:
- Attitudes: our feelings or opinions about people, places, and objects, and range from positive to
- Cognitive Dissonance: commonly held opposing ideas, values, or attitudes/ Reduce it by:
o Change your attitude or behavior or both.
o Belittle the importance of the inconsistent behavior.
o Find consonant elements that outweigh dissonant ones.
- Azjen’s Theory of Planned Behavior: Three key general motives that lead to intention then behavior:
- Attitude toward the behavior, Subjective norm, Perceived behavioral control.
- According to the Ajzen model, someone’s intention to engage in a given behavior is a strong
predictor of that behavior.
Chapter 5: Motivation
- Extrinsic (external rewards like money) & Intrinsic(internal, emotional rewards)
- Content Theories: Identify what motivates
- McGrergor’s Theory: employees perform better under the assumption that they are inherently
motivated without using carrots and sticks.
- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, self actualization
- McClelland’s Acquired needs theory: need for achievement, affiliation, power. Often 1 need
dominates other two
- Self-determination theory: need for competence, autonomy, relatedness
- Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory: satisfaction comes from motivating factors while
dissatisfaction comes from hygiene factors. Hygiene: supervision, salary, working conditions,
company policy, etc. Motivator: achievement, recognition, responsibility.
- Process Theories: process by which internal & situational factors influence motivation.
- Equity Theory: model of motivation for fairness and justice in give and take
- Expectancy Theory: people are motivated to behave in ways that produced desired combinations of
expected outcomes
- Goal setting theory and goal specificity: ex: increasing your score by 10% instead of getting just a
better grade
- Top down vs bottom up company design (employee is told what to do vs employee can redesign own
jobs to boost motivation)
- Job Characteristics model

Chapter 6: Performance Management
- 4 steps: defining performance, monitoring&evaluate, reviewing, providing consequences
- 3 uses: employee related decisions, guide development, signal desired behavior
- Performance vs learning goals
- Goal setting: Set SMART Goals, Promote
- Perceptual errors that hamper performance evalutations of meeting a goal: Halo effect, Leniency,
Central tendency, Recency effect, contrast effect
- Skinner’s Operant Theory: contingent consequences control behavior through: positive/negative
reinforcement(increase desired behaviors), punishment, extinction(decrease undesired)
- Reinforcement schedules (ex: every time(freq can be varied) you work, you get paid. Work = pay):
fixed/variable ratio, Fixed/variable interval

Chapter 11: Perception & Decision Making

- Bounded rationality: we make rational decisions but within informational and mental capacity limits
- System 1 vs System 2 thinking
- Rational model of decision making (Identify problem, generate other solutions, select solution,
implement & evaluate)
- Opportunity(results that exceed goals are possible) & Optimizing(finding best possible solution based
on conditions)
- Nonrational models: Simon’s Normative model: “satisfactory is good enough”, Intuition model: “it
just feels right”
- Explicit vs Tacit knowledge(experiential information difficult to describe)
- Judgemental jeuristics/biases: Confirmation Bias, Overconfidence Bias, Availability Bias,
Representativness Bias, Anchoring Bias, Hindsight Bias, Framing Bias, Cost sunk effect
- Planning fallacy, endowment effect(more value to things you own), ikea effect(value self made
Chapter 12: Power, Politics & Influence
- Power: Legitimate(formal authority), Reward(obtaining compliance by presenting rewards),
Coercive(threatens punishment), Expert(valued knowledge), Referent(personal characteristics &
social relationships get people to comply)
- Influence tactics: rational persuasion, inspirational appeals, consultation, ingratiation, personal
appeals, exchange, coalition, pressure, legitimating tactics
- Cialdini’s principles of persuasion: Liking, reciprocity, social proof, consistency, authority, scarcity
- 3 levels of political action: individual, coaltion, network
Chapter 3: Personality and Emotions
Chapter 10: Managing Conflict and Negotiations
- Communication = Sender, receiver, inference of meaning
- Media Richness measures capacity of communication medium to convey information: speed of
feedback, channel, type, language source
- Causes of conflict: incompatible values or personalities, overlapping job boundaries, competition for
resources, unreasonable or unclear policies, organizational complexity, interdependent tasks
- Conflict handling: integrating style, obliging style, dominating style, avoiding style, compromising

- Bargaining Zone Model

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