PRC 210 Calculationmethodsforstructuralfireprotectionv 1
PRC 210 Calculationmethodsforstructuralfireprotectionv 1
PRC 210 Calculationmethodsforstructuralfireprotectionv 1
A Publication of AXA XL Risk Consulting
Building codes require walls and structural elements to have a fire resistance rating for hazard
separation, occupancy separation, heights and areas increases, and reduced distances to property
lines. When the building is being built, obtaining fire resistance rating is easy since the plans and
information are readily available. To determine the fire resistance rating of an assembly after the
building had been built can be done in a few different ways. One way is to make an exemplar of the
assembly and test it to a fire endurance test such as ASTM E119, ISO 834-1, EN 1363-1, and AS/NZ
1530. Another way is to determine the materials used and calculate the fire resistance rating.
The methods covered here are only a part of ASCE 29, to calculate the assemblies not covered here
please refer to ASCE 29. Other manuals such Chapter 2 in Section 19 of the NFPA Handbook covers
calculating the fire resistive rating of various materials.
Plain or reinforced concrete
These calculations apply to concrete walls made with cementitious materials, aggregate, and
admixtures such as accelerators, retarders, air entrainments, plasticizers, pigments, corrosion
inhibitors, and bonding agents as permitted by ACI 318. The specific strength of the concrete does
not exceed 10,000 psi (69 MPa). The walls are either cast in place with a non-composite steel form or
tilt-up panels. The walls can be either load bearing or non-load bearing.
There are different types of aggregate that are used to make concrete. The main types used for
construction are carbonate, lightweight, sand-lightweight, and siliceous.
Carbonate aggregate – mainly consisting of calcium or magnesium carbonate such as limestone
or dolomite.
Lightweight aggregate – mainly consisting of expanded clay, shale, slag, or slate with a dry
weight between 85 to 115 lb per ft³ (1362 to 1842 kg/m³).
Sand-lightweight aggregate – mainly consisting of sand and lightweight aggregate. The dry
weight is between 105 and 120 lb per ft³ (1682 to 1922 kg/m³).
Siliceous aggregate - mainly consisting of silica.
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The fire resistance rating of a concrete wall is based on the wall thickness and type of aggregate in
the concrete. The equivalent thickness of the wall is determined by the profile of the wall. If the wall is
solid and flat, then the equivalent thickness is the minimum thickness of the wall.
If the concrete wall is a flat, hollow core wall the equivalent thickness equals the net cross section
divided by the panel width (see Figure 1). If the hollow core is filled with loose fill such as expanded
clay, sand, shale, slag, slate, perlite, vermiculate, or grout then the equivalent thickness is calculated
as if the wall were a solid wall. The equivalent thickness will be the minimum thickness of the wall.
For example: If the panel is constructed of siliceous concrete measuring 10 ft wide by 8 in. thick (3 m
wide by 200 mm thick) and the core opening is 9 ½ ft by 1#/4 in. (2.9 m by 45 mm), the net cross
sectional area is 732 in.² (455,000 mm²). The equivalent thickness is 760.5/120 = 6.3 in.
(469,500/3000 = 156.5 mm). From Table 1 the equivalent thickness for a siliceous aggregate with a
3 h fire resistance rating is 6.1 in. (155 mm), this wall would be a minimum 3 h fire wall.
10 ft
For flanged wall panels the equivalent thickness is the thickness measured at the point on the taper
equal to either two times the minimum thickness or 6 in. (152 mm) whichever is smaller (see Figure
2). If A is less than 3 in. (75 mm) then measure the thickness at 2A in from the edge otherwise
measure the thickness 6 in. (150 mm) in from the edge.
For ribbed or undulating concrete panels the equivalent thickness is determined based on the
distances between ribs or undulations (see Figure 3). Where the distance between ribs or undulations
is equal to or greater than four time the minimum thickness of the panel, the equivalent thickness is
the minimum thickness of the panel. Where the distance between ribs or undulations is equal to or
less than two times the minimum thickness, the equivalent thickness equals the net cross-sectional
area divided by the panel width.
s t
Where the distance between ribs or undulations exceeds two time the thickness but is less than four
times the thickness the equivalent thickness is calculated using the following formula:
Te = t + [((4t s ) − 1)(t e − t )]
t = minimum thickness
s = distance between ribs or undulations
te = net cross-sectional area / panel width
For example: In Figure 3, a siliceous concrete panel has a minimum thickness (t) of 4 in. (100 mm), a
width of 10 ft (3 m), and a net cross-sectional area of 600 in.² (387,000 mm²).
• If the spacing (s) between ribs is 36 in. (915 mm) (s is > 4t or 16 in. (400 mm)) then the
equivalent thickness is 4 in. (100 mm) and from Table 1 the fire resistance rating is 1 h.
• If the spacing (s) between ribs is 6 in. (150 mm) (s is < 2t or 8 in. (200 mm)) then the
equivalent thickness is 5 in. (125 mm) and from Table 1 the fire resistance rating is 2 h.
• If the spacing (s) between ribs is 12 in. (300 mm) (s is > 2t but <4t ) then the equivalent
thickness is 4.45 in. (109.67 mm) and from Table 1 the fire resistance rating is 1½ h as derived
by the formula.
Te = t + [((4t s ) − 1)(t e − t )]
The fire resistance rating of the concrete wall is shown in Table 1 depending on the aggregate and
the equivalent thickness
Fire Resistance of Concrete Walls, Floors, and Roofs
Equivalent Thickness (in.)
Aggregate 1h 1½h 2h 3h 4h
Carbonate 3.2 4.0 4.6 5.7 6.6
Lightweight 2.5 3.1 3.6 4.4 5.1
Sand-Lightweight 2.7 3.3 3.8 4.6 5.4
Siliceous 3.5 4.3 5.0 6.2 7.0
SI Units: 1 in. = 25 mm
Joints are required between panels for expansion and earthquake protection and are typically #/8 in.
(10 mm) to 1 in. (25 mm) wide. Include joints between panels in the calculation for the fire resistance
rating. Unprotected joints on exterior walls are to be included in the calculation of allowable openings
per the building codes. Do not include the area of a protected joints in interior walls in the maximum
wall opening calculations. Protected joints are those joints between #/8 in. (10 mm) and 1 in. (25 mm)
wide filled with mineral wool insulation material to the thickness from Figure 4. The mineral wool
insulation material is made of alumina-silica fibers and having a density of 4 lb per ft³ to 8 lb per ft³
(5 kg per m³ to 130 kg per m³). For joints widths between the #/8 in. (10 mm) and 1 in. (25 mm),
interpolate the required insulation thickness from the two curves.
Joint Width
mm mm
75 100 125 150 175 200 75 100 125 150 175 200
4 100 4 100
Thickness of Insulation Material in.
2 50 2 50
1 25 1 25
1h 2h
0 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8
Panel Thickness in. Panel Thickness in.
1 in. (25 mm) Joint Width
Carbonate or Siliceous Sand-Lightweight or Lightweight
Aggregate Aggregate
mm mm
Thickness of Insulation Material in.
75 100 125 150 175 200 75 100 125 150 175 200
3 75 3 75
2 50 2 50
1 25 1 25
3h 4h
2h 1h 3h 4h
1h 2h
0 0
3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8
Panel Thickness in. Panel Thickness in.
Carbonate or Siliceous 3/8 in. (10 mm) Joint Width Sand-Lightweight or Lightweight
Aggregate Aggregate
Figure 4: Joint Thickness
For example, siliceous concrete panels have a thickness (t) of 5 in. (125 mm), a width of 10 ft (3 m),
and 1 in. (25 mm) wide joints with 3 in. (75 mm) thick insulation in the joints, fire resistant rating would
be 2 hr.
If there are multiple wythe (multiple layers), calculate the fire resistance rating based on the following:
R = R10.59 + R20.59 + R30.59 + ..... + Rn0.59 )
R = fire resistance rating of total wall assembly
R1, R2, Rn = fire resistance rating of each wall
Floor/Ceiling and Roof Systems
Determine the fire resistance rating of floor/ceiling and roof panels the same as wall panels. If the
floor/ceiling or roof panel is covered with at least 1 in. (25 mm) of concrete, the joints between panels
can be ignored. If the panels are not covered or covered with less than 1 in. (25 mm) of concrete the
joint need to be grouted to at least !/3 the panel thickness but not less that 1 in. (25 mm) or a listed
joint assembly is used.
If the floor/ceiling panels are covered with terrazzo, the thickness of the terrazzo need to be
converted to an equivalent thickness. The equivalent thickness depends on the thickness of the
terrazzo and the type of concrete. If the terrazzo covers a siliceous or carbonate concrete, the
equivalent thickness is the thickness of the terrazzo. If the terrazzo covers a sand-lightweight or
lightweight concrete, the equivalent thickness is ¾ the thickness of the terrazzo. The fire resistance
rating is the based on the equivalent thickness of the concrete plus the equivalent thickness of the
If the roof panels are covered with gypsum board, the thickness of the gypsum board need to be
converted to an equivalent thickness. The equivalent thickness depends on the thickness of the
gypsum board and the type of concrete. If the gypsum board covers a siliceous or carbonate
concrete, the equivalent thickness is three (3) times the thickness of the gypsum board. If the gypsum
board covers a sand-lightweight or lightweight concrete, the equivalent thickness is two and a quarter
(2 ¼) times the thickness of the gypsum board. The fire resistance rating is the based on the
equivalent thickness of the concrete plus the equivalent thickness of the gypsum board.
If the roof panels are covered with an insulating concrete such as cellular, perlite, or vermiculite
concrete or mineral or glass fiber boards consult the curves in ASCE 29.
Masonry walls
This section will cover the two types of masonry units, clay masonry and units concrete masonry
units. Clay masonry units are larger than a brick and made of either clay or shale. Clay units are
categorized by grade either NW, MW or SW and type FBA, FBS and FBX. Concrete masonry units
vary in size from 2 in. (50 mm) deep by 8 in. (200 mm) high by 16 in. (400 mm) wide to 14 in.
(350 mm) deep 8 in. (200 mm) high by 16 in. (400 mm) wide made of different aggregate. Typical
aggregate includes calcareous gravel, cinders, expanded clay, expanded slag, limestone, pumice,
shale, slag, slate, and siliceous gravel. The walls can be either load bearing or non-load bearing.
Determine the fire resistance rating of masonry block based on the aggregate type, equivalent
thickness and cavity fill. The equivalent thickness of the masonry unit is determined by dividing the
net volume by the surface area of the unit. With the equivalent thickness use Table 2 to determine the
fire resistance rating.
Te = Vn LH
For example, if a block is 8 in. (200 mm) x 8 in. (200 mm) x 16 in. (400 mm) made of calcareous
gravel and the volume of the voids in the block is 346 in³ (5,671 cm³) the fire resistance rating would
be 3 h.
Vgross = 8 x 8 x 16 = 1024 in.³ (200 x 200 x 400 = 16,000 cm³)
Vn = 1024 – 346 = 678 in.³ (16,000 – 5671 = 10,329 cm³)
Te = 678 / (8)(16) = 5.3 in. (10,329,000 / (200)(400) = 129.1 mm)
Fire Resistance of Masonry Units
Equivalent Thickness (in.)
Concrete Masonry Aggregate 1h 1½h 2h 3h 4h
Calcareous or siliceous gravel 2.8 3.6 4.2 5.3 6.2
Expanded clay, shale or slate 2.6 3.3 3.6 4.4 5.1
Expanded slag or pumice 2.1 2.7 3.2 4.0 4.7
Limestone, cinders or slag 2.7 3.4 4.0 5.0 5.9
Clay Masonry
Clay or shale – unfilled 2.3 2.85 3.4 4.3 5.0
Clay or shale – filled with expanded
shale, perlite, or vermiculite 3.0 3.7 4.4 5.5 6.6
SI Units: 1 in. = 25 mm
Linear interpolation between hours based on the equivalent thickness of the same a masonry unit
type is allowed. For example if the equivalent thickness of a calcareous gravel masonry unit is
4.475 in. (111.875 mm) the rating would be 2¼ h.
If the masonry unit is filled with sand, pea stone, crushed stone, slag, pumice, expanded shale,
expanded clay, expanded slate, expanded slag, cinders, perlite or vermiculite the equivalent
thickness is the thickness of the unit.
If there are multiple wythe (multiple layers), calculate the fire resistance rating based on the following:
R = R10.59 + R20.59 + R30.59 + ..... + Rn0.59 )
R = fire resistance rating of total wall assembly
R1, R2, Rn = fire resistance rating of each wall
If the wythe are of different material such as concrete and concrete masonry, determine the of each
material then calculate the rating.
Structural steel
Unprotected normal weight structural steel has only a few minutes of fire resistance. Large, heavy
unprotected structural steel can display some fire resistance depending on the size of the column. To
determine the fire resistance rating of unprotected structural steel use the following formula
depending on the W/D of the column.
R = 10.3 for columns with < 10
R = 8.3 for columns with ≥ 10
SI Units
R = 75.1 for columns with < 171
R = 60.5 for columns with ≥ 171
R = fire resistance period (min)
W = weight per length (lb/ft kg/m)
D = heated perimeter of the wide-flanged columns (in. mm)
Structural steel can be protected in different ways, spray-on fire proofing, encapsulating with
concrete, gypsum, or masonry units or filling the hollow steel columns with concrete. To determine
the rating basic information about the steel is necessary, the weight of the steel (W) usually given in
weight per length, lb/linear ft, or kg/m and the heated perimeter (D) usually given in in. or mm. To
calculate the heated perimeter (D) for various types of protection and columns see Figure 5.
a a a
c b b b
b b
D = 3.14 b D = 4b
Figure 5: D Determination for Columns
Spray-applied materials
To determine the fire resistance rating of a column protected by spay-applied material you need to
know the properties of the spay-applied material and the size and type of the column. The American
Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) conducted a series of tests on both wide-flanged and pipe and tubular
steel columns protected by cementitious material and mineral fiber material. Those tests determined if
the material used is from the UL Design Nos. X701, X704, X722, X723, X801, X807, X818, X821, and
X822 the following formula could be used to determine the rating.
R = [C1 (W D ) + C 2 ]h
R = fire resistance period (min)
C1 and C2 = are material dependent constants determined by the listing of the material
W = weight per length (lb/ft)
D = heated perimeter of the wide-flanged columns (in.)
h = total thickness of the coating (in.)
SI units
R = [0.0672C1 (W D ) + 0.039C 2 ]h
R = fire resistance period (min)
C1 and C2 = are material dependent constants determined by the listing of the material
D = heated perimeter (mm)
W = weight per length (kg/m)
h = total thickness of the coating (mm)
If the spray applied material is a lightweight cementitious material (13 to 15 lb/ft³ (204 to 240 kg/m³))
and in UL Design Nos. X701, X704, X722, or X723 then C1 = 69 and C2 = 31. If the spray applied
material is a lightweight mineral fiber material (13 to 15 lb/ft³ (204 to 240 kg/m³)) and in UL Design
Nos. X801, X807, X818, X821, or X822 then C1 = 63 and C2 = 42.
If the spray-applied insulation has a density (r) range between 20 to 50 lb/ft³ (302 to 800 kg/m³) and is
a mineral fiber, perlite or vermiculite the C2 = 30 and the C1 is calculated using the following formula.
If the material is within the density range and contains cement paste or gypsum C2 = 72 and the C1 is
calculated using the following formula.
C1 = 1200 r
Gypsum wallboard
Determination of the fire resistance rating of a steel column of either wide-flanged, pipe or tubular
steel covered by Type X gypsum wallboard depends W/D ratios of the steel column. The columns
must be covered with Type X gypsum board only, regular gypsum wallboard can not be used. For all
columns with a W/D ratio of 3.65 (0.215) or less the formula is:
W ´= W + 0.3472hD (W ´= W + 0.0008hD)
R = fire resistance in hours
C = 2.17 (1.60)
h = total thickness of the gypsum board, in. (mm)
D = heated perimeter in. (mm)
W´ = total weight of structural steel plus gypsum board in lb/ft (kg/m)
W = weight per length lb/ft (kg/m)
For all W/D ratios greater than 3.65 (0.215), use the properties of a W 14 x 233 (W 360 x 347)
column. The W´ would then be calculated with the following formula:
W ´= 233 + 22.162h (W ´= 347 + 1.2976h)
If there is a single layer of gypsum wallboard there should be no horizontal joints of the wallboard. If
there are multiple layers of wallboard, stagger the joints at least 12 in. (305 mm) and alternate the
seams on the corners. For columns to have a 4 h fire resistance rating, cover the gypsum wallboard
with a 24 ga (0.06 mm) stainless steel covering. Secure the covering with either a snap lock or
Pittsburgh seam. For columns to have a 3 h fire resistance rating, cover the gypsum wallboard with a
24 ga (0.06 mm) galvanized or stainless steel covering. Secure the covering with either a snap lock or
Pittsburgh seam. For columns to have a 2 h or less fire resistance rating, cover the gypsum wallboard
with a 23 ga (0.07 mm) galvanized or stainless steel covering. Secure the covering with lap seam and
the seam secured with ½ in. (12.7 mm) long No. 8 sheet metal screws spaced 12 in. (305 mm) on
Concrete Encased
Determination of the fire resistance rating of a structural steel column that is encased by concrete as
shown in Figure 6 depends on the type of aggregate used, the cross-sectional area of the column, the
flange width and depth of the column.
D = 2(bf +d)
Figure 6: Concrete Protected Steel Columns
Use the following formula to determine the fire resistance rating. If lightweight aggregate is used, the
density needs to be a minimum of 110 lb/ft³ (1762 kg/m³).
R = Ro (1 + 0.03m )
R = fire resistance rating at equilibrium moisture conditions in hours
Ro = fire resistance rating at zero moisture conditions in hours
m = equilibrium moisture content of concrete, by volume (%)
Ro = 0.17 + 0.28 × 1 + 26
D ρ c cc (L + h )
ρ c cc
H = 0.11W +
(b f d − As )
Ro = fire resistance rating at zero moisture conditions in hours
W = weight per length lb/ft
D = heated perimeter in.
h = thickness of the concrete, in.
kc = ambient temp. thermal conductivity of concrete Btu/h-ft-°F
H = ambient temp. thermal capacity of steel Btu/h-ft-°F
ρc = density of concrete lb/ft³
cc = ambient temp. specific heat of concrete Btu/lb-°F
L = interior dimension of one side of square concrete protection in. (bf + d)/2
bf = column flange width in.
d = column depth in.
As = cross-sectional area of column in.²
SI Units
h 1.6 H
R o = 1.22 + 0.0027 × 1 + 31,000
ρ c c c (L + h )
ρ c cc
H = 0.46W +
b f d − As )
Ro = fire resistance rating at zero moisture conditions in hours
W = weight per length kg/m
D = heated perimeter mm
h = thickness of the concrete mm
kc = ambient temp. thermal conductivity of concrete W/m-K
H = ambient temp. thermal capacity of steel kJ/m-K
ρc = density of concrete kg/m³
cc = ambient temp. specific heat of concrete kJ/m-K
L = interior dimension of one side of square concrete protection mm (bf + d)/2
bf = column flange width mm
d = column depth mm
As = cross-sectional area of column mm²
The properties of the types of concrete are shown in Table 3.
Properties of Concrete
Carbonate and Siliceous Lightweight and Sand-Lightweight
Aggregate Aggregate
Thermal conductivity, kc 0.95 Btu/h-ft-°F (1.64 W/m-K) 0.35 Btu/h-ft-°F (0.61 W/m-K)
Specific heat, cc 0.20 Btu/lb-°F (0.84 kJ/m-K) 0.20 Btu/lb-°F (0.84 kJ/m-K)
Density, ρc 145 lb/ft³ (2323 kg/m³) 110 lb/ft³ (1762 kg/m³)
Moisture content m 4 5
ρ c cc
H = 0.11W +
(b f d − As )
W/D = 0.67 lb/ft –in.
As = 8.25 in.²
h = 1.5 in.
kc = 0.95 Btu/h-ft-°F
cc = 0.20 Btu/lb-°F
ρc = 145 lb/ft³
L = 7.30 in. (bf + d)/2
bf = 6.535 in.
d = 8.060 in.
145 × 0.2
H = 0.11× 28 + (6.535 × 8.06 − 8.25) = 12.026
Ro = 0.17(0.67 )
+ 0.28 × 1 + 26 = 1.33
Be careful these equations are for the rating expressed in hours. The constants are different for
determining the rating in minutes.
The method for calculating the fire resistance of steel beams is slightly different from columns. The
determination of the D is different from the column since the top side of the beam will be in contact
with the floor/roof assembly. To calculate the heated perimeter (D) for two types of protected beam
see Figure 7.
t d d
w w
D = 3 w+2 d-2t D = w+2d
Figure 7: D Determination for Columns
Beams with larger W/D rations can be substituted for a beam listed in a specific tested covering
without increasing the required thickness. Beams with different W/D ratios can be substituted for a
beam listed in a specific tested covering as long as the thickness of the protection is also adjusted
using the following formula.
W D + 0.6
h1 = 2 2 h2
W1 D1 + 0.6
SI Units
W D + 0.036
h1 = 2 2 h2
W1 D1 + 0.036
W = weight per length (lb/ft kg/m)
D = heated perimeter of the wide-flanged columns (in. mm)
h = total thickness of the coating (in.)
Subscript 1 is the substitute beam properties and the required thickness
Subscript 2 is the properties of the listed beam and the listed protection thickness
However the use of this formula has some limitations. They are:
• The W/D ratio must be equal to or greater than 0.37 (0.022)
• The h thicknesses must be #/8 in. (9.5 mm) or greater
• Both the restrained and unrestrained beam rating must be at least 1 h.