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If a series of very wide, shallow rectangular beams were placed side by side and connected
transversely such that it was possible to share the load between adjacent beams, the combination
of beams would act as a slab (Fig. 1)

Reinforced concrete slabs are used to form a variety of elements in building structures such as
floors, roofs, staircases, foundations and some types of walls (Fig. 2).
Since these elements can be modelled as a set of transversely connected beams, it follows that
the design of slabs is similar, in principle, to that for beams. The major difference is that in slab
design the serviceability limit state of deflection is normally critical, rather than the ultimate
limit states of bending and shear.

Slabs may be solid, ribbed, precast or in-situ and if in-situ they may span two-ways. In practice,
the choice of slab for a particular structure will largely depend upon economy, buildability, the
loading conditions and the length of the span. Thus for short spans, generally less than 5 m, the
most economical solution is to provide a solid slab of constant thickness over the complete span
(Fig 3).

With medium size spans from 5 to 9 m it is more economical to provide flat slabs since they are
generally easier to construct (Fig.4).
The ease of construction chiefly arises from the fact that the floor has a flat soffit. This avoids
having to erect complicated shuttering, thereby making possible speedier and cheaper
construction. The use of flat slab construction offers a number of other advantages, absent from
other flooring systems, including reduced storey heights, no restrictions on the positioning of
partitions, windows can extend up to the underside of the slab and ease of installation of
horizontal services. The main drawbacks with flat slabs are that they may deflect excessively and
are vulnerable to punching failure. Excessive deflection can be avoided by deepening slabs or by
thickening the slab near the columns, using drop panels. Punching failure arises from the fact
that high live loads results in high shear stresses at the supports which may allow the columns to
punch through the slab unless appropriate steps are taken. Using deep slabs with large diameter
columns, providing drop panels and/or flaring column heads (Fig. 3.53), can avoid this problem.
However, all these methods have drawbacks, and research effort has therefore been directed at
finding alternative solutions. The use of shear hoops, ACI shear stirrups, shear ladders and stud
rails are just a few of the solutions that have been proposed over recent years. All are designed to
overcome the problem of fixing individual shear links, which is both labour intensive and a
practical difficulty. Shear hoops are prefabricated cages of shear
reinforcement which are attached to the main steel. They are available in a range of diameters
and are
suitable for use with internal and edge columns. Although superficially attractive, use of this
has declined significantly over recent years. The use of ACI shear stirrups is potentially the
simplest and cheapest method of preventing punching shear in flat slabs. The shear stirrups are
arrangements of conventional straight bars and links that form a ‘ ’, ‘T’ or ‘L’ shape for an


The general procedure to be adopted for slab design is as follows:

1. Determine a suitable depth of slab.

2. Calculate main and secondary reinforcement areas.
3. Check critical shear stresses.
4. Check detailing requirements.

Depth of slab (clause 3.5.7, BS 8110)

Solid slabs are designed as if they consist of a series of beams of l metre width. The effective
span of the slab is taken as the smaller of

(a) the distance between centers of bearings, A, or

(b) the clear distance between supports, D, plus the effective depth, d, of the slab .

The deflection requirements for slabs, which are the same as those for beams, will often control
the depth of slab needed. The minimum effective depth of slab, dmin, can be calculated using



The basic (span/effective depth) ratios are given in Table 3.9(previous notes). The modification
factor is a function of the amount of reinforcement in the slab which is itself a function of the
effective depth of the slab. Therefore, in order to make a first estimate of the effective depth,
dmin, of the slab, a value of (say) 1.4 is assumed for the modification factor. The main steel
areas can then be calculated, and used to determine the actual value of the modification factor. If
the assumed value is slightly greater than the actual value, the depth of the slab will satisfy the
deflection requirements in BS 8110. Otherwise, the calculation must be repeated using a revised
value of the modification factor.

Steel areas (clause 3.5.4, BS 8110)

The overall depth of slab, h, is determined by adding allowances for cover (Table 3.4) and half
the (assumed) main steel bar diameter to the effective depth. The self-weight of the slab together
with the dead and live loads are used to calculate the design moment, M. The ultimate moment of
resistance of the slab, Mu, is calculated using equation (previous notes).

Mu = 0.156fcubd2

If Mu ≥ M, which is the usual condition for slabs, compression reinforcement will not be
required and the area of tensile reinforcement, As, is determined using equation 13 (previous

notes on beams), namely

where z = d[0.5 + (0.25 − K/0.9)] in which K = M/fcubd2.

Secondary or distribution steel is required in the transverse direction and this is usually based on
the minimum percentages of reinforcement (As min) given in Table 3.25 of BS 8110:

As min = 0.24% Ac when fy = 250 N/mm2

As min = 0.13% Ac when fy = 500 N/mm2
where Ac is the total area of concrete.
Shear (clause 3.5.5 of BS 8110)
Shear resistance is generally not a problem in solid slabs subject to uniformly distributed loads
and, in any case, shear reinforcement should not be provided in slabs less than 200 mm deep.

As discussed for beams , the design shear stress, υ, is calculated from


The ultimate shear resistance, υc, is determined using Table 3.8 (previous notes). If υ < υc, no
shear reinforcement is required. Where υ > υc, the form and area of shear reinforcement in solid
slabs should be provided in accordance with the requirements contained in Table 3.7.

Reinforcement details (clause 3.12, BS 8110)

For reasons of durability the code specifies limits in respect of:

1. Minimum percentage of reinforcement

2. Spacing of reinforcement
3. Maximum crack widths.
These are outlined below together with the simplified rules for curtailment of reinforcement.

1. Reinforcement areas (clause 3.12.5, BS 8110).

The area of tension reinforcement, As, should not be less than the following limits:
As ≥ 0.24%Ac when fy = 250 N/mm2
As ≥ 0.13%Ac when fy = 500 N/mm2
where Ac is the total area of concrete.

2. Spacing of reinforcement (clause, BS 8110).

The clear distance between tension bars, sb, should lie within the following limits: hagg + 5 mm
or bar diameter ≤ sb ≤ 3d or 750 mm whichever is the lesser where hagg is the maximum
aggregate size.
(See also below section on crack widths.)
3. Crack width (clause, BS 8110).
Unless the actual crack widths have been checked by direct calculation, the following rules will
ensure that crack widths will not generally exceed 0.3 mm. This limiting crack width is based on
considerations of appearance and durability.
(i) No further check is required on bar spacing if either:
(a) fy = 250 N/mm2 and slab depth ≤ 250 mm, or
(b) fy = 500 N/mm2 and slab depth ≤ 200 mm, or
(c) The reinforcement percentage (100As/bd ) < 0.3%.
(ii) Where none of conditions (a), (b) or (c) apply and the percentage of reinforcement in the slab
exceed 1 per cent, then the maximum clear distance between bars (smax) given in Table 3.28 of
BS 8110 should be used, namely:
smax ≤ 280 mm when fy = 250 N/mm2
smax ≤ 155 mm when fy = 500 N/mm2

Design of a one-way spanning concrete floor (BS 8110)

A reinforced concrete floor subject to an imposed load of 4 kNm−2 spans between brick walls as
shown below. Design the floor with concrete cover of 25mm assuming the following material
fcu = 35 Nmm−2
fy = 500 Nmm−2


Overall depth of slab, h

Minimum effective depth, d-./ =
basic ratio × modification factor

= = 152
20 × 7 891.4

Hence, assume effective depth of slab (d) = 155 mm. Assume diameter of main steel (φ) = 10
cover to all steel = 25 mm.
Overall depth of slab (h) = d + φ/2 + c
= 155 + 10/2 + 25 = 185 mm


Self weight of slab (gk) = 0.185 × 24 kN/m3 = 4.44 kN/m2
Total imposed load (qk) = 4 kN/m2
Ultimate load
For 1 m width of slab total ultimate load, W, is
= (1.4gk + 1.6qk) width of slab × span
= (1.4 × 4.44 + 1.6 × 4)1 × 4.25 = 53.62 kN

;< 53.62 × 4.25

Design moment
= = = 28.5@A
8 8
Ultimate moment

MB = 0.156fCB bdD

= 0.156 × 35 × 10E × 155D

= 131.2 × 10F = 131.2@A

Since M < Mu, no compression reinforcement is required.

 28.5 × 10J
Main steel
G= = = 0.0339
 D 35 × 10E × 155D

 =  K0.5 + M0.25 − O
= 155 K0.5 + M0.25 − O
155 × 0.96 ≤ 0.95 7= 1479

 28.5 × 10F
Hence z = 147mm
 = = = 446D / S ℎ  <

0.87  0.87 × 500 × 147

For detailing purposes this area of steel has to be transposed into bars of a given diameter and
spacing Thus from provide 10 mm diameter bars spaced at 150 mm, i.e. Y10 at 150 centres (As =

Actual modification factor

The actual value of the modification can now be calculated using equations

5fX AW,Z[\
Design service stress, fW =

5 × 500 × 446
= 266.5A`D
8 × 523

7477 −  9
      = 0.55 + ≤ 2.0

12070.9 + D

7477 − 266.59
0.55 + ≤ 2.0
28.5 × 10J
12070.9 + E
10 × 155D

AaS  = = 153 <  ca  = 155
20 × 1.39

  = 0.13%
ℎ = 0.13% × 10E × 185 = 241D / < 
Minimum area of reinforcement, As min, is equal to

Therefore take d = 155 mm and provide Y10 at 150 mm centres as main steel.


Based on minimum steel area = 241 mm2/m. provide8 at 200 mm centres (As = 252 mm2/m).

Design shear stress, υ

Since slab is symmetrically loaded

RA = RB = W/2 = 26.8 kN
Ultimate shear force (V ) = 26.8 kN and design shear stress, υ, is

 26.8 × 10E
υ= = E = 0.17A/D

 10 × 155
Design concrete shear stress, υc

100 100 × 262

Assuming that 50 per cent of main steel is curtailed at the supports, As = 523/2 = 262 mm2/m
= E = 0.169

 10 × 155
From Table 3.11, design concrete shear stress for grade 25 concrete is 0.44 N/mm2. Hence
g g
HI E 35 E
υH = e f ×       = e f × 0.44 = 0.52A/D
25 25

Since υ < υc, no shear reinforcement is required.

The design of continuous one-way spanning slabs is similar to that outlined above for single-span
slabs. The main differences are that (a) several loading arrangements may need to be considered
and (b) such slabs are not statically determinate.
Methods such as moment distribution can be used to determine the design moments and shear
forces in the slab as discussed in section
However, where the following conditions are met, the moments and shear forces can be calculated
using the coefficients in Table 3.12 of BS 8110, part of which is reproduced here as Table

1. There are three or more spans of approximately equal length.

2. The area of each bay exceeds 30 m2 (Fig. 3.62).
3. The ratio of the characteristic imposed load to the characteristic dead load does not exceed 1.25.
4. The characteristic imposed load does not exceed
5 kN/m2 excluding partitions.

A typical floor plan of a small building structure is shown in Fig. 3.41. Design continuous beams 3A/D and
B1/5 assuming the slab supports an imposed load of 4 kN/m2 and finishes of 1.5 kN/m2. The overall sizes
of the beams and slab are indicated on the drawing. The columns are 400 ⋅ 400 mm. The characteristic
strength of the concrete is 35 N/mm2 and of the steel reinforcement is 500 N/mm2. The cover to all
reinforcement may be assumed to be 30 mm.

Design the continuous one-way spanning slab

Assuming the cover to the reinforcement is 25 mm
Solid Slabs Spanning in Two Directions
When a slab is supported on all four of its sides it effectively spans in both directions.
and it is sometimes more economical to design the slab on this basis. The amount of bending in each direction will
depend on the ratio of the two spans and the conditions of restraint at each support. If the slab is square and the
restraints are similar along the four sides then the load will span equally in both directions. If the slab is rectangular
then more than one—half of the load will be carried in the stiffer, shorter direction and less in the
longer direction. If one span is much longer than the other, a large proportion of the load will be carried in the short
direction and the slab may as well be designed as spanning in only one direction.

Moments in each direction of span are generally calculated using coefficients which are tabulated in the codes of
practice. Areas of reinforcement to resist the moments are determined independently for each direction of span. The
slab is reinforced with bars in both directions parallel to the spans with the steel for the shorter span placed furthest
from the neutral axis to give it the greater effective depth. The span-effective depth ratios are based on the shorter
span and the percentage of reinforcement in that direction.
With a uniformly distributed load the loads on the supporting beams may fully be apportioned as shown in figure
above .

Simply Supported Slab Spanning in Two Directions

A slab simply supported on its four sides will deflect about both axes under load the corners will tend to lift , and curl
up from the supports, causing torsional moments •. When no provision has been made to prevent this lifting or to
resist the Torsion then the moment coefficients of table 8.2 may be used and the maximum moments are given by

MWh = αWh nlh D in direction of span lh


MWX = αWX nlh D in direction of span lX

Where Msx and Msy are the moments at mid span on strips of unit width with spans lx and ly respectively, and

n = 71.4g k + 1.6qk 9, that is the total ultimate load per unit area

lX = the length of the longer side

lh = the length of the shorter side
and αWh and αWX are the moment coefficients from table 8.2
The area of reinforcement in directions lh and lX respectively are
AWh = per meter width
0.87fX z

AWX = per meter width
0.87fX z

The slab should be reinforced uniformly across the full width, in each direction.The effective depth d used in
calculating Asy should be less than that for ASx because of the different depths of the two layers of reinforcement.

At least 40 per cent of the mid-span reinforcement should extend to the supports and the remaining 60 per cent
should extend to within 0.1lx or O. l ly of the appropriate support.


Design the Reinforcement for a Simply Supported Slab 220 mm thick and Spanning in Two Directions
The effective span in each direction is 4.5m and 6.3 m and the slab supports a live load of 10 kN/m2 • The
characteristic material strengths are fcu= 30 N/mm2 and fy =460 N/mm2.

< 6.3
= = 1.4
<q 4.5

<a 8.2, rq = 0.099   r = 0.051

a<Sa sℎ  <

= 220 × 24 × 10`E = 5.3@A/D

c< a < = 1.4st + 1.6ut

1.4 × 5.3 + 1.6 × 10 = 23.4@A/D

vwxyzx{ − |}~€ |‚x

S ℎ  < aƒ ca     @a  = 185.

q = rq <q D = 0.099 × 23.4 × 4.5D

q 46.9 × 10F
@= = = 0.046

D HI 1000 × 185D × 30

 =  „0.5 + …70.25 − @/0.99†

 = 185 „0.5 + …70.25 − 0.046/0.99† = 176

q 46.9 × 10F

 = = = 609.8D /
0.95  0.95 × 460 × 176

Provide T12 at 150mm centers, As=754mm2/m

q 46.9 × 10F

Span effective depth ratio
= = 1.37

D 1000 × 185D

From table 6.7, for fs =288N/mm2 the span effective depth modification factor=1.25

<   s = 20 × 1.25 = 25
aa  ‡a aℎ

 c< = = 24.3
aa  ‡a aℎ 185
Thus d=185mm is adequate.
Bending Long Span

 = r <q D = 0.051 × 23.4 × 4.5D

24.2 @A. 
Since reinforcement for this span will have a reduced effective depth, take

Z= 176 – 12 = 164mm.Therefore

 24.2 × 10F

 = = = 369.8D /
0.95  0.95 × 460 × 164

Provide T10 at 200mm centers, As = 393.8D /

100 100 × 393

= = 0.18

ℎ 1000 × 220

Which is greater than 0.13, the minimum for transverse steel.

Restrained Slab Spanning in Two Directions

When the slabs have fixity at the supports and reinforcement is added to resist torsion and to prevent the corners of
the slab from lifting then the maximum moments per unit width are given by

MWh = βWh nlh D in direction of span lh


MWX = βWX nlh D in direction of span lX

where βsx and βsy are the moment coefficients given in table 3.15 of BS 8110 for the specified end conditions,

 ƒ maximum design ultimate moments either over supports or at mid-span on strips of unit width
and span lx (Fig. below)
msy maximum design ultimate moments either over supports or at mid-span on strips of
unit width and span ly
n total design ultimate load per unit area = 1.4gk + 1.6qk

Similarly, the design shear forces at supports in the long span direction, Vsy, and short span direction, Vsx may be
obtained from the following expressions
VWX = β_X n<q

VWh = β_h n<q

These moments and shears are considered to act over the middle three quarters of the panel width.
The remaining edge strips, of width equal to one eight of the panel width, may be provided with
minimum tension reinforcement. In some cases, where there is a significant difference in the support
moments calculated for adjacent panels, it may be necessary to modify the mid-span moments in
accordance with the procedure given in BS 8110.

Design of a two-way spanning restrained slab (BS 8110)

Fig. below shows a part plan of an office floor supported by monolithic concrete beams (not detailed), with individual
slab panels continuous over two or more supports. The floor is to be designed to support an imposed load of 4
kNm−2 and finishes plus ceiling loads of 1.25 kNm−2. The characteristic strength of the concrete is 30 Nmm−2 and
the steel reinforcement is 500 Nmm−2. The cover to steel reinforcement is 25 mm.
assuming the thickness of the floor is 180 mm.

(a) Design the steel reinforcement for panel BC2/3 (shown hatched) and check the adequacy of the slab in
terms of shear resistance and deflection. Illustrate the reinforcement details on plan and elevation views of
the panel.

Design load n

Total dead load,st =  ℎa a . + a< Sa sℎ  <

= 1.25 + 0.180 × 24 = 5.57 @A/D
Imposed load,ut = 4@A/D
Design Load, n= 1.4st +1.6ut = 1.4 × 5.57 + 1.6 × 4 = 14.2@A/D

Design moment

< 7
By inspection, panel BC2/3 is an interior panel.
= = 1.4
<q 5

From Table 3.14,

short span coefficient for negative (i.e. hogging) moment at continuous edge, βsx,n = 0.05
short span coefficient for positive (i.e. sagging) moment at mid-span, βsx,p = 0.037
long span coefficient for negative moment at continuous edge, βsy,n = 0.032 and
long span coefficient for positive moment at mid-span, βsy,p = 0.024

Hence negative moment at continuous edge in the short span,

MWh,/ = βWh,/ nlh D = 0.05 × 14.2 × 5D = 17.8@A

positive moment at mid-span in the short span,

MWh,] = βWh,] nlh D = 0.037 × 14.2 × 5D = 13.1@A

negative moment at continuous edge in the long span,

MWX,/ = βWX,/ nlh D = 0.032 × 14.2 × 5D = 11.4@A

and positive moment at mid-span in the long span,

MWX,] = βWX,] nlh D = 0.024 × 14.2 × 5D = 8.5@A

Steel reinforcement

Continuous supports
At continuous supports the slab resists hogging moments in both the short-span and long-span directions. Therefore
two layers of reinforcement will be needed in the top face of the slab. Comparison of design moments shows that the
moment in the short span (17.8 kNm) is greater than the moment in the long span (11.4 kNm) and it is appropriate
therefore that the steel in the short span direction (i.e. main steel) be placed at a greater effective depth than the
steel in the long-span direction (i.e. secondary steel) as shown.

Assume diameter of main steel, Φ = 10 mm and nominal cover, c = 25 mm. Hence,

Š g‹
Effective depth of main steel,  = ℎ − D − = 180 − D
− 25 = 150

Assume diameter of secondary steel, Φ = 10 mm. Hence,

Š g‹
Effective depth of secondary steel = ℎ − − = 180 − 10 − − 25 = 140

Main steel

q, 17.8 × 10F

G= = = 0.0264
D 30 × 10E × 150D

 =  „0.5 + …70.25 − @/0.99† ≤ 0.95 = 0.95 × 150 = 142.5

 = 150 „0.5 + …70.25 − 0.0264/0.99† = 150 × 0.97 = 146

 17.8 × 10F
 = = = 263D / > 0.13%
ℎ = 234D / @
0.95  0.95 × 500 × 70.95 × 1509

Provide H10 at 250mm centers, As = 314D / in short span direction

Secondary steel

, 11.4 × 10F

G= = = 0.0194
D 30 × 10E × 140D

 =  „0.5 + …70.25 − @/0.99† ≤ 0.95 = 0.95 × 140 = 133 

 = 140 „0.5 + …70.25 − 0.0194/0.99† = 140 × 0.98 = 137

(Note that for slabs generally, z = 0.95d)

 11.4 × 106
 = = = 180.52 / < 0.13%
ℎ = 2342 / A @
0.958  0.95 × 500 × 70.95 × 1409

Use minimum area of reinforcement

Provide H10 at 300mm centers, As = 262D / in long span direction

At mid-span the slab resists sagging moments in both the short-span and long-span directions, necessitating two
layers of reinforcement in the bottom face of the slab too. Comparison of mid-span moments shows that the moment
in the short span (13.1 kNm) is greater than the moment in the long span (8.5 kNm) and it is again appropriate
therefore that the steel in the short span direction (main steel) be placed at a greater effective depth than the steel in
the long span direction (secondary steel) as shown.

Assume diameter of main steel, Φ = 10 mm and nominal cover, c = 25 mm. Hence,

Š g‹
Effective depth of main steel,  = ℎ − D − = 180 − − 25 = 150

Assume diameter of secondary steel, Φ = 10 mm. Hence,

Š g‹
Effective depth of secondary steel = ℎ − − = 180 − 10 − − 25 = 140
Main steel

q, 13.1 × 10F

 = = = 193.5D /
0.95  0.95 × 50070.95 × 1509

 < 0.13%
ℎ = 234D /

Provide H10 at 300mm centers, As = 262D / in short span direction

Secondary steel

, 8.5 × 10F

 = = = 134.5D /
0.95  0.95 × 50070.95 × 1409

 < 0.13%
ℎ = 234D /

Provide H10 at 300mm centers, As = 262D / in short span direction

From Table 3.15 (Bs 8110),
long span coefficient, βvy = 0.33 and
short span shear coefficient, βvx = 0.43

Design load on beams B2/3 and C2/3, vsy = βvyn<q = 0.33 × 14.2 × 5 = 23.4 kNm−1
Design load on beams 2B/C and 3B/C, vsx = βvxn<q = 0.43 × 14.2 × 5 = 30.5 kNm−1 (critical)

Shear stress

q 30.5 × 10E

‡= = = 0.20A`D

 10E × 150

Concrete stress

100 100 × 314

= E = 0.21

 10 × 150

From table 3.11 for fcu=25 ‡H = 0.498 a a< 

For fcu =30

‡H = M
× 0.498 = 0.51 A`D

Since ‡ > ‡ no shear reinforcement is required


For two-way spanning slabs, the deflection check is satisfied provided the span/effective depth ratio in the
shorter span does not exceed the appropriate value in Table 3.14 multiplied by the modification factor
obtained via equations 7 and 8 of Table 3.16
 c< = = = 33.3
aa  ‡a aℎ 150

Service stress,

5 ,‘ 5 211
 =  = × 500 × = 252A`D
8 ,’“ 8 262

477 −  477 − 252

Modification factor = 0.55 + q, = 0.55 + = 1.81
120 ”0.9 + • 13.1 × 10F

D 120 e0.9 + E f
10 × 150D

<a = 26 × 1.81 = 47 >  c< –G
aa  ‡a aℎ
Reinforcement details
Fig. below shows a sketch of the main reinforcement details for panel BC2/3. For reasons of buildability
the actual reinforcement details may well be slightly different.

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