A. Content Standard
B. Performance Standard
At the end of this module, you are expected to:
C. Learning Competency/ 1. explain how your learning style affects your study habits;
Objectives (Write the LC code for 2. assess your study skills needed in effective facilitation of learning; and
3. cite ways on how to strengthen your effective study habits.
A. References
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous The pandemic situation that all of us are facing at the moment may change how you learn but it will not hold back your education in any way. You will continue to gain
lesson or presenting the knowledge and acquire skills, perhaps in an unconventional method and environment, but you can still learn.
As a learner, you will get to see the significant connection between your learning style and your study habits. You will also be more deeply aware of your study habits by
new lesson
answering a Study Skills Questionnaire that will help you assess the level of your study skills. You know by now that developing effective study habits is one great way
of ensuring academic achievement.
Suggested Time Allotment: 5 minutes
1. Think of one activity that you wanted to do by yourself for a long time now.
2. On a clean sheet of paper/bond paper, try to convey the idea through drawing.
3. It is all right if you need additional time to translate your idea through drawing.
Remember that your creativity is limitless.
B. Establishing a purpose 4. Below your drawing, write your answers to the processing questions.
for the lesson
Processing Questions:
1. What activity did you draw? Why?
2. Was it easy to translate your idea into drawing?
In the past eight years of your student life, try to analyze yourself in terms of the senses you usually used to learn.
C. Presenting
In a scale of 1 to 5, 1 as the lowest and 5 as the highest, rank your most used senses during learning session.
examples/Instances of the
new lesson
Processing Questions:
1. What have you noticed with your answers?
2. What convinced you to have such answers?
3. Could you recall the most recent experience where your rank 1 was
D. Discussing new Suggested Time Allotment: 20 Minutes
concepts and practicing
new skills # 1 The activity showed seven (7) different types of learners and while most of you have a combination of different learning styles, you can say that you have a preferred
method of processing information. Each learner has a dominant learning style. Since you are presently learning from home and not attending face-to-face classes, it
is all the more important for you to get acquainted with the different learning styles, strengthen your dominant or preferred learning style, and cultivate good study habits
connected to the said learning styles.
There are many types of learning styles. It would help if you can identify yours so you can be mindful
how you learn best.
l Visual is a learning style where students acquire knowledge when the lessons are presented in
pictures, images, directions and diagrams. This is often called as spatial learning style.
l Auditory is a learning style where students learn best when audio, music or sounds are being
employed in the learning session.
Kinesthetic is a learning style where students are keen on utilizing their sense of
touch and hands to learn well. Kinesthetic learners learn most when they move.
l Logical is a learning style where students use reasoning, logic and systems as they gain skills and
l Verbal is a learning style where students learn well through the use of words in writing and speech.
l Social is a learning style where students are inclined to learn with other people or in groups.
Understanding the learning styles should not be confined in the four corners of the classroom. By knowing which style is suited to which learner can surprisingly impact
how lessons are comprehended and how teaching is ascertained.
The term learning style speaks to the understanding that every student learns differently. Technically, an individual’s learning style refers to the preferential way in
which the student absorbs, processes, comprehends, and retains information.
Your learning style should fit or match your study habit so that you can continue to create an effective learning environment for yourself, mainly since you will be
learning from home for now. If you know your preferred learning style, then you can be particular on the
strategies to incorporate in your study habits. However, bear in mind that learners possess multiple learning styles or a combination of different learning styles. With
this, there is no single type of learning strategy that you can use to learn effectively because everyone has
multiple learning styles.
Additionally, here are good study habits for students that you can use, especially at this time of pandemic, to enhance your study habit practices.
If this statement happens to be true sometimes for you, place a check (/) on your clean sheet of paper/bond paper as shown in the appropriate column (which is
“sometimes”). At the end of the questionnaire, you will have a chance to self-score the results. Give
it a try! Remember…Applying what you learn from this questionnaire is the real key.
Scoring: Rarely = 0 Sometimes = 5 Often = 10
After you have answered all the items, copy this scoring on your paper and put your score for each question on the
appropriate blank and add your total score for each area.
For the scoring, a total score of 31-50 shows that this study skills area seems solid for you while a total score of 0-30
shows that this study skills area may need some improvement.
G. Finding practical
application of concepts and
What did you feel after taking the Study Skill Questionnaire? In what areas did you scored 31 to 50? That means
skills in daily living
that this study skills area seems solid for you or that you already have established good study habits. How about
those areas that you scored 30 and below? That means that in these study skills area you may need some
improvement on your study habits. You don’t have to worry if you scored in some areas with 30 and below because
it is never too late to develop your study skills to better improve your academic performance.
Suggested Time Allotment: 5 Minutes
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the
What are the things that you learned about yourself after answering the Study Skill Questionnaire?
J. Additional activities for Write a “target goal” to help you maintain your Study Habits Version 4.0.
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other