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R3.4 Expressing Concentrations in Terms

Other Than Conversion
As we shall see later in the book, there are some instances in which it is much
more convenient to work in terms of the number of moles ( N A , N B ) or molar
flow rates ( F A , F B , etc.) rather than conversion. Membrane reactors and
gas-phase multiple reactions are two such cases where molar flow rates rather
than conversion are preferred. Consequently, the concentrations in the rate
laws need to be expressed in terms of the molar flow rates. We start by recall-
ing and combining Equations (3-40) and (3-41):
FT 0 P0
C T 0  -------
-  --------------- (3-40)
v0 Z 0 RT 0

Used for: ⎛ v0 ⎞ P T
• Multiple rxns v  ⎜ -------
-⎟ F T -----0 ----- (3-41)
• Membranes ⎝ T 0⎠
F P T0
• Unsteady state
to give for the case of an ideal gas (Z  1),
F T P0 T
v  -------- ----- ----- (R 1-1)
CT 0 P T 0
the concentration species A is
C A  ------A
Substituting for v gives

C A  C T 0 ------A ----- -----0 (R 1-2)
F T P0 T

In general ( j  A, B, C, D, I)

C j  C T 0 ------j ----- -----0 (3-45)
F T P0 T

with the total molar flow rate given as the sum of the flow rates of the individ-
ual species:
FT  FA  FB  FC  FD  FI (R3.1-3)
The molar flow rate of each species Fj is obtained from a mole balance on
each species.
68 Chap.

Example R3–1 PFR Mole Balances in Terms of Molar Flow Rates

Reconsider the elementary gas reaction discussed in Example 3-5.

⎯⎯→ 2NO
N2O4 ←⎯⎯ 2
⎯⎯→ 2B
A ←⎯⎯
The reaction is to be carried out isothermally ( T  T 0 ) and isobarically ( P  P0 ) in
a PFR. Express the rate law and mole balances in terms of the molar flow rates.

dF A
Mole balance: ----------  r A (RE3-1.1)

dF B
---------  r B (RE3-1.2)

Rate law: r A  k A C A  ------B- (RE3-1.3)

rA r
Stoichiometry: -  ----B-
1 2
r B  2r A (RE3-1.4)

Using Equation (3-45) to substitute for the concentrations of A and B when T  T 0
and P  P0 , Equation (E3-9.3) becomes

⎛F ⎞ CT 0 2
⎛ F B⎞ 2
r A  k A C T 0 ⎜ ------A⎟  -------- ⎜ ------⎟ (RE3-1.5)
⎝ FT ⎠ K C ⎝FT⎠

where the total molar flow rate is just the sum of the flow rates of A and B:
FT  FA  FB (RE3-1.6)

and the total concentration of the entrance to the reactor (P0 , T 0 ) is calculated from
the equation
C T 0  --------- (RE3-1.7)
RT 0

Combining Equations (E3-9.5) and (E3-9.6), we obtain

CT 0 ⎛ FB ⎞
----------  r A  k AC T 0 -------------------
- -------- ⎜ --------------------⎟ (RE3-1.8)
dV F A  F B K C ⎝ F A  F B⎠
Sec. R3.1 Expressing Concentrations in Terms Other Than Conversion 69

and combining Equations (RE3-1.2), (RE3-1.4), and (RE3-1.8) gives

CT 0 ⎛ FB ⎞
---------  r B  2r A  2k AC T 0 -------------------
- -------- ⎜ --------------------⎟ (RE3-1.9)
dV F A  F B K C ⎝ F A  F B⎠

Equations (RE3-1.8) and (RE3-1.9) can now be solved numerically, preferably by a

software package such as Polymath or Matlab. (See Chapter 4.)
Polymath will combine all these equations for us and insert the parameter
values in the appropriate spots. The Polymath program and outputs are shown
in Table PRS3D-1 and Figure PRS 3D-1.

Calculated values of the DEQ variables

Variable initial value minimal value maximal value final value

V 0 0 80 80
Fa 0.72 0.4211651 0.72 0.4211651
Fb 0 0 0.5976697 0.5976697
Kc 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06
Cao 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Cto 0.072 0.072 0.072 0.072
Ft 0.72 0.72 1.0188349 1.0188349
ka 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
Cb 0 0 0.0422367 0.0422367
Ca 0.072 0.0297633 0.072 0.0297633
ra -0.0288 -0.0288 -1.24E-05 -1.24E-05
rb 0.0576 2.479E-05 0.0576 2.479E-05
rate 0.0288 1.24E-05 0.0288 1.24E-05

ODE Report (RKF45)

Differential equations as entered by the user

[1] d(Fa)/d(V) = ra
[2] d(Fb)/d(V) = rb

Explicit equations as entered by the user

[1] Kc= 0.06
[2] Cao = 0.072
[3] Cto = Cao
[4] Ft = Fa + Fb
[5] ka = 0.4
[6] Cb = Cto*(Fb/Ft)
[7] Ca = Cto*(Fa/Ft)
[8] ra = -ka*(Ca-Cb^2/Kc)
[9] rb = -2*ra
[10] rate = -ra

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