High Speed Current Feedback Op Amps
High Speed Current Feedback Op Amps
High Speed Current Feedback Op Amps
We will now examine in more detail the current feedback (CFB) op amp topology which is very
popular in high speed op amps. As mentioned previously, the circuit concepts were introduced
decades ago, however modern high speed complementary bipolar processes are required to take
full advantage of the architecture.
It has long been known that in bipolar transistor circuits, currents can be switched faster than
voltages, other things being equal. This forms the basis of non-saturating emitter-coupled logic
(ECL) and devices such as current-output DACs. Maintaining low impedances at the current
switching nodes helps to minimize the effects of stray capacitance, one of the largest detriments
to high speed operation. The current mirror is a good example of how currents can be switched
with a minimum amount of delay.
Q1 i
+ -
Q2 i
The current feedback op amp topology is simply an application of these fundamental principles
of current steering. A simplified CFB op amp is shown in Figure 1 above. The non-inverting
input is high impedance and is buffered directly to the inverting input through the
complementary emitter follower buffers Q1 and Q2. Note that the inverting input impedance is
very low (typically 10 to 100 Ω), because of the low emitter resistance (ideally, would be zero).
This is a fundamental difference between a CFB and a VFB op amp, and also a feature that gives
the CFB op amp some unique advantages.
The collector outputs of Q1 and Q2 drive current mirrors, which mirror the inverting input
current to the high impedance node, modeled by RT and CP. The high impedance node is
buffered by a complementary unity gain emitter follower. Feedback from the output to the
inverting input acts to force the inverting input current to zero, hence the term Current
Feedback. Note that in a ideal case, for zero inverting input impedance, no small signal voltage
can exist at this node, only small-signal current.
Now, consider a positive step voltage applied to the non-inverting input of the CFB op amp. Q1
immediately sources a proportional current into the external feedback resistors creating an error
current, which is mirrored to the high impedance node by Q3. The voltage developed at the high
impedance node is equal to this current multiplied by the equivalent impedance. This is where
the term transimpedance op amp originated, since the transfer function is an impedance, rather
than a unitless voltage ratio as in a traditional VFB op amp.
Note also that the error current delivered to the high impedance node is not limited by the input
stage tail current. In other words, unlike a conventional VFB op amp, there is no slew-rate
limitation in an ideal CFB op amp. The current mirrors supply current-on-demand from the
power supplies. The negative feedback loop then forces the output voltage to a value that reduces
the inverting input error current to zero.
The model for a CFB op amp is shown in Figure 2, along with the corresponding Bode plot. The
Bode plot is plotted on a log-log scale, and the open-loop gain is expressed as a transimpedance,
T(s), with units of ohms.
R1 R2
2πR2CP ( 1 + R2O + R1
|T(s)| 1
(Ω )
fCL 2πR2CP RO << R1
RO << R2
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The finite output impedance of the input buffer is modeled by RO. The input error current is i. By
applying the principles of negative feedback, we can derive the expression for the op amp
transfer function:
v out R1
= . Eq. 1
v in ⎛ Ro Ro ⎞
1 + jωC P R 2⎜1 + + ⎟
⎝ R 2 R1 ⎠
⎛ Ro Ro ⎞
2πf cl C P R 2⎜1 + + ⎟ = 1. Eq. 2
⎝ R 2 R1 ⎠
Solving for fcl:
f cl = . Eq. 3
⎛ Ro Ro ⎞
2 πC P R 2 ⎜ 1 + + ⎟
⎝ R 2 R1 ⎠
For the condition RO << R2 and R1, the equation simply reduces to:
f cl = . Eq. 4
2πC P R 2
Examination of this equation quickly reveals that the closed-loop bandwidth of a CFB op amp is
determined by the internal dominant pole capacitor, CP, and the external feedback resistor R2,
and is independent of the gain-setting resistor, R1. This ability to maintain constant bandwidth
independent of gain makes CFB op amps ideally suited for wideband programmable gain
Because the closed-loop bandwidth is inversely proportional to the external feedback resistor,
R2, a CFB op amp is usually optimized for a specific R2. Increasing R2 from its optimum value
lowers the bandwidth, and decreasing it may lead to oscillation and instability because of high
frequency parasitic poles.
The frequency response of the AD8011 CFB op amp is shown in Figure 3 for various closed-
loop values of gain (+1, +2, and +10). Note that even at a gain of +10, the closed-loop bandwidth
is still greater than 100 MHz. The peaking which occurs at a gain of +1 is typical of wideband
CFB op amps used in the non-inverting mode, and is due primarily to stray capacitance at the
inverting input. This peaking can be reduced by sacrificing bandwidth, by using a slightly larger
feedback resistor.
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The AD8011 CFB op amp (introduced in 1995) still represents state-of-the-art performance, and
key specifications are shown in Figure 4 below.
1mA Power Supply Current (+5V or ±5V)
300MHz Bandwidth (G = +1)
2000 V/µs Slew Rate
29ns Settling Time to 0.1%
Video Specifications (G = +2)
Differential Gain Error 0.02%
Differential Phase Error 0.06°
25MHz 0.1dB Bandwidth
–70dBc @ 5MHz
–62dBc @ 20MHz
Fully Specified for ±5V or +5V Operation
Traditional current feedback op amps have been limited to a single gain stage, using current-
mirrors. The AD8011 (and also others in this family) unlike traditional CFB op amps, use a two-
stage gain configuration, as shown in Figure 5 below.
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+ - X1
-V S
Until the advent of the AD8011, fully complementary two-gain stage CFB op amps had been
impractical because of their high power dissipation. The AD8011 employs a patented second
gain stage consisting of a pair of complementary amplifiers (Q3 and Q4). Note that they are not
connected as current mirrors but as grounded-emitter gain stages. The detailed design of current
sources (I1 and I2), and their respective bias circuits are the key to the success of the two-stage
CFB circuit; they keep the amplifier's quiescent power low, yet are capable of supplying current-
on-demand for wide current excursions required during fast slewing. A further advantage of the
two-stage amplifier is the higher overall bandwidth (for the same power), which means lower
signal distortion and the ability to drive heavier external loads.
A brief summary of some popular current feedback op amps is given in Figure 6. The parts are
listed in order of decreasing power supply current.
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1. Hank Zumbahlen, Basic Linear Design, Analog Devices, 2006, ISBN: 0-915550-28-1. Also available as
Linear Circuit Design Handbook, Elsevier-Newnes, 2008, ISBN-10: 0750687037, ISBN-13: 978-
0750687034. Chapter 1.
2. Walter G. Jung, Op Amp Applications, Analog Devices, 2002, ISBN 0-916550-26-5, Also available as Op
Amp Applications Handbook, Elsevier/Newnes, 2005, ISBN 0-7506-7844-5. Chapter 1.
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