RepetMat Kartk Gram Rozsz Czasy Perfekt Mix
RepetMat Kartk Gram Rozsz Czasy Perfekt Mix
RepetMat Kartk Gram Rozsz Czasy Perfekt Mix
1 Janet? Oh, no. I haven’t spoken to her _________ 3 Uzupełnij zdania, wykorzystując wyrazy podane w
nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. Nie zmieniaj
2 At this time tomorrow I’ll ___________ be finishing at kolejności podanych wyrazów, natomiast – jeśli to
the office. konieczne – dodaj inne wyrazy.
3 I’d lived in four different countries __________
deciding I wanted to settle down here. 0 I can return your book on Friday if you really need it
but I won't have finished (will / not / finish) it by then.
4 I can’t say I’ve done much of anything interesting
Can I keep it another week?
__________. Same old, same old.
1 How many emails ____________________________
5 Hello, Jack. What have you been doing __________ we (you / send / today)?
saw you last? 2 Now. Tell me exactly what _____________________
6 No. I have to admit I’d __________ been interested in _____________________ (you / do / since) 3:00 p.m.
meeting her prior until today. this afternoon.
7 Have you finished those reports for me __________? 3 I need that report by midday Friday. _____________
________________________ (you / finish / it) by then?
8 I will have seen that film six times __________ tonight.
4 Can you slow down? How much coffee ___________
__________________________ (have / you / today)?
______ / 8
5 By when ____________________________________
2 Uzupełnij dialog, wstawiając czasowniki w (you / speak / Rob) tomorrow? We can discuss your
nawiasach we właściwych czasach. meeting afterwards if you like.
6 You must be hungry. You ______________________
P – Presenter C – Chris O'Connel ________________ (not / eat / anything) all day and
P: I’m in the studio today with daredevil sky-diver Chris it’s nearly 7:00 p.m.
O’Connel. Tell me Chris, what 0 led (lead) you to take up 7 How many times approximately _________________
such a, if I may be frank, ridiculously dangerous sport? ____________________________ (you / be / France)?
C: Well, I 1 ____________________ (be) interested in all 8 Kevin and I are quite serious about each other now.
kinds of sports before I went to university and it was ____________________________ (I / see / him) again
whilst there that I met a sky-diving fanatic who in half an hour, in fact. I can’t wait!
2 ___________________________ (jump) for years. One 9 _________________________________________
day he asked if I wanted to tag along and give it a go. And (you / ever / consider) becoming a teacher?
I loved it. 10 Really? I ____________________________ (not /
P: And tell me, how many jumps 3 _________________ hear / she / complain) before. Is she so unhappy?
(you / do) so far?
11 I didn’t see her. By the time I arrived at the party,
C: Well, I 4 ________________________ (dive) steadily
Margaret _______________________ (already / leave).
for about five years now and by the end of next month I
12 I’m not surprised she had an accident. She
5 ________________________ (leap) for the 100th time.
P: That’s quite a feat. How 6 ______________________
(not / pay) close attention to the road.
(manage) that in such a short period of time?
______ / 12
C: Quitting my full-time job and getting sponsorship from
a number of sporting firms 7__________________ (help)
– as has having such an understanding family. At first
they 8 ____________________ (be) dead against the
idea of turning professional but they gradually came