Luksong Tinik
Luksong Tinik
Luksong Tinik
1. What are the equipment needed?
There is no required equipment for this game because you only need your hands and
your feet.
2. What are the elements of health-related and skill-related fitness required for this
The element of health-related and skill-related fitness required for this game is power.
3. How do you play this game?
Luksong Tinik
1) The first team decides among themselves who will play first and who will be the
two who will act as the “thorns” in the game. Thorns have a very important as
well as difficult task in the game. Jumpers take turns passing the levels. The
jumpers form a queue and the thorns take their position.
2) The “thorns” A sit, facing each other with the soles of their feet touching. This is
the first level that jumpers must successfully jump through without touching any
of their body parts with those of the thorns’ body parts.
3) Next level the two thorns must adjust their distance a bit towards each other so
they can comfortably and successfully create level 2, where one of “thorn A’s”
foot is used as base, and another of “thorn B’s” foot as the second level above the
4) Then it is thorn A’s foot as base, thorn B’s foot as second layer of base then thorn
A’s other foot as 3rd level.
5) Then is both A and B’s feet alternating to create level 4. Then it is all four feet
plus thorn A’s hand: Level 5. A & B’s feet and one hand each: Level 6. A& B’s
feet and two of A’s hands and B’s one hand: Level 7. Finally Level 8 has all four
hands and feet alternating.
6) Successful jumpers are cleared and pass on to the next level. The group decides
how many tries will be given for each attempt. For example, you get one more try.
So if you were unsuccessful the first attempt, you step aside and wait till everyone
has their turn jumping over the “thorns”. After this, all the unsuccessful ones take
their second attempt. If you still did not clear that level, you are out of the game
and spend the remaining time watching the rest of the kids complete all the
rounds. Then you are candidate for the thorns so that the thorns of the current
game can take their turn as jumpers in the next game.
Luksong Tinik
Luksong Tinik