Nor Kuhh-1
Nor Kuhh-1
Nor Kuhh-1
st meeting position to the 16.The following vessels are all required to make and the middle one a diamond. Diamond
target ship or a ship whose bow crosses the same sound signal when in or near an shape
Examination Code : ANT III ours is known as ? area of restricted visibility: a vessel not
under command; a vessel restricted in her 22.When a vessel is transiting a canal with locks
Question List and Student Answered! b. Closest point approach or CPA ability to manoeuvre; a vessel constrained and intense bridge activities over many
by her draught / a sailing vessel; a vessel hours, what management issues should the
1.What the meaning of Safe Speed on COLREG 9. If the bows of the two ships of power cross Master consider?
engaged in towing or pushing another
?b. When you can take appropriate action to each other, How do you know there is a risk vessel. What is that signal?
avoid a collision and can be stopped within of a collision? a. All of these answers
a distance appropriate to the circumstances a. One prolonged blast, followed by two short
and conditions. b. If the bearing on the approaching ship, blasts, at intervals of not more than two 23.The vessel is to anchor with Pilot onboard.
does not change. minutes Which of the suggested answers most
2. Crossing situation on COLREG is ?c. A accurately define the main duties of the
situation where if a ship sees the other ship 10. Section I Part B COLREG discusses ? 17.You are in open water and clear conditions. Officer of the Watch on bridge?
directly and almost directly ahead of him & You are approaching the pilot station when
at night he can see the mast lights of the c. Action of the ship in every condition of a. Assist the Master and pilot and monitor the
you hear this signal from a vessel ahead of
other ship in line and or both sidelights and sight ships position.
you. What does it signify?
during the day see the same aspect of the
ship. 11. The angle of view of the light on the mast 24.A vessel not under command sounds the
a. That the vessel is operating astern propulsion
isb. 225° same fog signal as a vessel ?
3. A power-driven vessel underway must to
avoid the passage of:b. Vessels not d. All of the above
undercommand or restricted in their ability to 18.Under what circumstances would an
12. What is correct SUNSET in this example? 25. When vessels are in sight of one another, two
manoeuvre overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of
Approx. UTC : 09.50. Zone Time +8. short blasts from one of the vessels means?
two prolonged followed by one short blast?
4. While sailing in a narrow channel you hear
c. 17.50 b. "I am altering my course to port"
the signal “▬ ▬ ▪▪” (2 long blast – two b. When overtaking in a narrow channel
short blast) from the stern. what does this
13.According to rule 13 of the International 26.Which vessel would NOT sound a fog signal
signal mean and what do you do?b. the ship 19. What is the crucial aspect in executing a
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at of one prolonged and two short blasts?
behind our ship wants to overtake past the voyage in a safe and efficient way?
Sea, what is the definition of "an overtaking
portside of our ship.
vessel"? a. An effective detailed passage plan fully c. A vessel being towed
5. While sailing in a narrow channel you hear understood and followed by a competent
a. When coming up with another vessel from a 27.You are on a power-driven vessel underway
the signal “▬ ▬ ▪” (2 long blast – a short bridge team.
direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her in open water. You observe this vessel,
blast) from the stern. what does this signal
beam 20. Can the OOW be the sole lookout? directly ahead, on a steady bearing, with the
mean and what do you do?
distance closing steadily. What can you tell
14.When steering by autopilot, how often should a. During daylight when visibility and traffic about this vessel from the lights it is
a. The ship behind our ship wants to overtake
manual steering be checked? allows displaying?
past the starboard side of our ship.
a. At least once a watch 21.You are on a tug and are towing an a. This vessel is not under command and is not
6. Lighting and figure objects are included in
unmanned barge. You are restricted in your making way through the water. I cannot tell
the COLREG section ? 15.You are proceeding along a narrow channel
ability to manoeuvre. The total length of the its aspect.
behind another vessel. You have a higher
c. Part C tow is 219 metres. What daylight signals are
speed and have signalled your intention to 28. You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on
required by the International Regulations for
the vessel ahead that you intend to overtake vessel "MV.Surf Perdana" and are passing
7. Conduct of vessels in sight of one another Preventing Collisions at Sea?
him on his port side. The vessel responds through the Straits of Gibraltar. The vessel's
is regulated in COLREG in part?
with this sound signal. What does it mean? a. A diamond shape, where it can best be seen speed is 18 knots and your vessel is
c. Section II of Part B P2TL shall be displayed on the tug and the tow. overtaking several other vessels, when the
a. That the vessel is indicating her agreement visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What
Three shapes shall also be displayed in a
with my proposed manoeuvre. aspects would you consider when
vertical line, the upper and lower being balls
establishing a "safe speed" for your vessel?
a. Deciding safe speed consider: 2 miles 35. Rule 12 of the International Collision c. is altering course to port 3. . What flag would you hoist if Man
visibility; traffic density; manoeuvrability of Regulations prescribes the action to be Overboard ?
vessel, effectiveness of navigational taken by a sailing vessel when meeting 42. What are the immediate duties of the bridge
equipment (ARPA etc); state of sea and another sailing vessel. This depends on the Officer of the Watch when the ship suddenly a. Mark "O"
currents and navigational hazards. direction of the wind relative to each vessel. runs into a fog bank?
In the situation shown here, which sailing 4. Abnormal conditions that have the potential to
vessel (A or B) must keep out of the way of a. Commence sounding the fog signal, engines endanger human life, property, and the
the other? on standby, call the Master and lookout, if environment where the ship is located is the
29.You intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow not already on duty definition of
channel, and you intend to pass along the a. Sailing vessel A must keep out of the way of
vessel's port side. How should you signal sailing vessel 43. What lighting is shown by Vessels not c. Emergency Situation
your intention? undercommand or restricted in their ability to
36. What actions must be taken before entering manoeuvre at night ? 5. On a fire plan, what does this symbol
d. Two prolonged followed by two short blasts the TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme) ? mean ?
a. At night shows 2 red lights in a straight line and
30.Vessel "MV.Surf Perdana" is overtaking a. Using a small-scale map side lights and aft lights.
vessel "MV.Surf Lestari" on open waters
and will pass without changing course. 44. What lighting is shown by sailing vessel
Vessel "MV.Surf Perdana"? underway at night?
37. What signal may be given by sound and by c. Fire control plan
d. will not sound any whistle signals light to indicate that a vessel fails to c. At night shows 2 mast light and the day does
understand the intentions or actions of not show the figure of the object 6. On the ship's fire plan, what information
31. Two prolonged blasts followed by one short another vessel, or is in doubt that sufficient was found?
blast on the whistle is a signal which could action is being taken by the other to avoid 45. What the meaning of Navigation Light on
be sounded by a collision? COLREG? a. The locations of various fire fighting appliances
and equipment.
d. vessel overtaking another in a narrow channel a. Five short and rapid blasts (flashes) c. Lighting or lights that must be shown at night
or when the ship is visible is limited when the 7. When man overboard situation, which of these
32. You are close to the entrance to a port in thick 38. What is the situation of this vessel? ship is navigating or sailing which consists actions would be correct?
fog. You hear the following signal. What of mast lights, side lights and stern lights.
does it mean? c. This vessel is not under command and c. Alter course towards the same side the man has
stopped in the water Student Examination Detail fallen
c. That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity
39. If the bows of the two ships of power cross Examination Code : ANT III 8. Barges being towed at night
33. A ship is being overtaken by another ship each other. what action should be taken?
while proceeding along a river. What should a. must be lighted at all times
be the required procedure? a. In a crossing situation, a ship that sees
another ship on its starboard must crossing Question List and Student Answered! 9. What does this symbol indicate ?
a. The overtaking vessel should request from the other ship
permission from the other ship by sounding 1. Safety massage or news that contains
two prolonged blasts followed by two short 40. What is the colour and characteristic of a information about shipping safety,
blasts on the whistle or by direct VHF "towing light", as defined in the International navigation, and weather news. Begins with
contact Regulations for Preventing Collisions at the word
34. What is happening here? a. securite
a. Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135 degrees
a. These are two vessels engaged in fishing (pair 2. How often should emergency steering
and so arranged as to display 67.5 degrees
trawling), showing the additional volutary drills be carried out?
from right aft on each side of the vessel
signals for hauling nets a. Space protected by drench system.
b. At least every 3 months
41. A vessel sounds two short blasts. This signal
indicates the vessel 10. What is a contingency plan for ships?
a. Plan for safety preparedness by the ship's whistle and the alarm bells. d. stern light a. Contingency Plans
What are you to do?
26.A vessel may exhibit lights other than those 35. Situations that will occur on a passenger ship
a. Go to your lifeboat station (muster station). prescribed by the Rules as long as the during a emergency situation, except
11. The news code on the radio when emergency additional lights __________.
situation that must be addressed d. Passengers stay in the cabin
immediately is a. do not interfere with the keeping of a proper look-
20. According to SOLAS rules, what should be out 36. The following are the steps that must be
b. MAY DAY done when abandon ship drill is carried out on board the ship so that the
27.A vessel is overtaking when she approaches crew of the passenger ship can deal with
12. What kind of a signal is to be sounded with the a. Launching the lifeboat another from more than how many degrees emergency situations that occur on the ship
ship's Bell in case of a fire on the ship? abaft the beam? quickly, safely and under control, except
21.What alarm signal must be sounded by
c. One long followed by seven short sound the alarm bells in case of fire? c. 22.5° c. Familiar with navigation tools and ship
signals. documents
a. The signal which is stated in the muster list 28. What is a Thermal Protective Aid ?
13. In case of a man overboard (stbd side), which 37. “_ _ _” is sounded continuously is a
of the following maneouvers would be 22.You are Sen.Off.Deck / Duty officer onboard c. Special clothes that prevent a survivor from signal if
appropriate? one of the vessels involved in a collision. loosing heat.
What will your actions be following the a. Man overboard
c. Short turn to stbd collision? 29.Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep
out of the way of another vessel? 38. During emergency situation, the channel that
14. When anchoring a 20-meter vessel at a. Make sure your vessel + crew are safe and can be used to contact the nearest other
night, you must show then offer your assistance to the other b. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver ship is
a. one all-round white light c. VHF Chanel 70 and channel 16
23.As a probable result of being in collision with
15. When a vessel sounds three short blasts your vessel, the other vessel involved is on 30.For identification purposes at night, U.S. Navy 39. The functions of the Emergency Escape
on the whistle, this indicates that fire? What are your responsibilities to the submarines on the surface may display an Breathing Device are
__________. other vessel? intermittent flashing light of which color?
d. Escape from hazardous atmosphere
b. her engines are going astern a. After checking the extent of the damage and d. Red compartments to provide personnel
welfare of your crew, if possible your vessel respiratory protection
16.The term "power-driven vessel" refers to should standby and offer assistance, until 31. The classification of Type B fires
any vessel __________. being relieved of that obligation by the other includes 40. The following are the main contents of the
vessel Shipboard Emergency Contingency Plan,
c. with propelling machinery in use b. Oil, fuel gas, oil, and alcohol except
24. What type of boat is seen in this picture
17. The lights required by the Rules must be 32. The classification of Type A fires d. Agreement
shown includes
7. The following instructions provide the correct a. The letter A + three numerals
14. Which flag means ? "Man overboard."
d. “G14535E” = “Longitude 145 35’ East”
a. A trawler
8. Flag code for "You are running into clanger."
20. What sort of vessel would display this day
Is ? c. Flag 4
signal ?
a. U. 25. What type of vessel shows these shapes?
c. Quebec
a. Flag 2
d. Flag 3
6. One of the cargo documents is the manifest. 14. What should be checked before starting a. Receipt of cargo on board a. Risk Assessment, Permit to work /enter and
What is meant by manifest ? ballasting on a bulk carrier in very cold tool-box talk.
conditions is 22. Small-sized loads that can be arranged or
a. List of cargo that has been loaded on board placed between other large loads or as insertion 31. What is meant by Limber boards in
c. All ice accretion on the main deck and loads are called Permanent dunnage ?
7. What should be checked after completion of associated structures is removed.
cleaning and testing of the bilge spaces in a d. Cargo Fillers b. Fixed application mounted above hatch
cargo hold of a bulk carrier? 15. MV. INTAN DAYA 8 which loaded coal gutters
departed from Balikpapan to Surabaya. The 23.The main problem when a dry bulk cargo
c. Bilge space has been completely sealed off temperature of the bulk coal cargo during the develops a flow state is that 32. The application of permanent (permanent
with a strong sealant. voyage was recorded above 55 degrees Celsius, dunnage) installed on the bottom of the hatch
d. The cargo may block up bilges leading to balk or above the ship's tank top is
8. The most important monitoring when The recommended procedure is to flow of water into the hold spac
carrying refrigerated cargo is?b. daily checks on b. floor ceiling
cargo pckaging c. Notify the ship owner and/or charterer and 24. What is the definition of a hatch list?
open the hatch covers to cool the cargo 33. Which of the following is not a primary
9. Cleaning the cargo area is very important d. List of cargoes in the relevant hold. purpose for using dunnage?
before washing for ? 16. If the cargo area is centered on the top of
25. In loading, Over stowage means d. To provide ventilation circulation
the ship it will have a negative GM. The impact
a. Cargo residues will not clog the bilge lines and of negative GM is
b. Loads that should be unloaded at a 34.What should you know about the emergency
associated suctions and valves.
destination port but are carried to the next port stops on deck?
a. The ship will capsize if it gets a force from
10. Usual practice to carry out fresh water outside
26. The most important act before entering a a. Where they are located and how to operate
washing after sea water washing before loading
enclosed space and checking the cargo space is them.
cargo of steel products for ? 17. MARPOL classified the used dunnage of a
bulk carrier as ?
a. Remove all traces of salt that could possibly 35. What must be ensured Before starting the
a. The necessary permits, based on valid ballasting of the double bottom tank with
contaminate the steel cargo. a. Garbage
atmospheric and other applicable tests. seawater is ?
11. Which must be ensured after completing 18. The precautions to be taken for the safety of
27. What the meaning of Chafage ? a. Correct valves have been opened, air
ballast operations on bulk carriers are personnel when very dusty Cargo is to be loaded
in bulk on your ship are ventilators are open and ballasting plan has
c. Damage to the load due to moving or shifting
a. All valves have been closed, tank ventilators been agreed.
from its place
are in open position and sounding pipe c. Ensure that no personnel are allowed on the
capscreplaced. ships deck during the loading. 36. The effect of coal with a high sulfur content
28. The factors causing the occurrence of is?
broken stowage as below are, except
12. which must be inspected after completion of 19. When the longitudinal distribution of cargo
removing coal with high sulfur content in cargo is concentrated in the middle, then the d. Evolution of methane gases resulting in fire
a. Loading time
hold condition of the ship is called and explosion
a. 10.41 nautical miles / Hours 39. The position of the ship is found by taking a
series of bearings using a magnetic
31. A relative bearing is always measured compass. How should an error of 5 degrees
from WEST be applied to the compass bearings?