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Student Examination Detail 8. . The closest meeting position to the 16.

st meeting position to the 16.The following vessels are all required to make and the middle one a diamond. Diamond
target ship or a ship whose bow crosses the same sound signal when in or near an shape
Examination Code : ANT III ours is known as ? area of restricted visibility: a vessel not
under command; a vessel restricted in her 22.When a vessel is transiting a canal with locks
Question List and Student Answered! b. Closest point approach or CPA ability to manoeuvre; a vessel constrained and intense bridge activities over many
by her draught / a sailing vessel; a vessel hours, what management issues should the
1.What the meaning of Safe Speed on COLREG 9. If the bows of the two ships of power cross Master consider?
engaged in towing or pushing another
?b. When you can take appropriate action to each other, How do you know there is a risk vessel. What is that signal?
avoid a collision and can be stopped within of a collision? a. All of these answers
a distance appropriate to the circumstances a. One prolonged blast, followed by two short
and conditions. b. If the bearing on the approaching ship, blasts, at intervals of not more than two 23.The vessel is to anchor with Pilot onboard.
does not change. minutes Which of the suggested answers most
2. Crossing situation on COLREG is ?c. A accurately define the main duties of the
situation where if a ship sees the other ship 10. Section I Part B COLREG discusses ? 17.You are in open water and clear conditions. Officer of the Watch on bridge?
directly and almost directly ahead of him & You are approaching the pilot station when
at night he can see the mast lights of the c. Action of the ship in every condition of a. Assist the Master and pilot and monitor the
you hear this signal from a vessel ahead of
other ship in line and or both sidelights and sight ships position.
you. What does it signify?
during the day see the same aspect of the
ship. 11. The angle of view of the light on the mast 24.A vessel not under command sounds the
a. That the vessel is operating astern propulsion
isb. 225° same fog signal as a vessel ?
3. A power-driven vessel underway must to
avoid the passage of:b. Vessels not d. All of the above
undercommand or restricted in their ability to 18.Under what circumstances would an
12. What is correct SUNSET in this example? 25. When vessels are in sight of one another, two
manoeuvre overtaking vessel sound a whistle signal of
Approx. UTC : 09.50. Zone Time +8. short blasts from one of the vessels means?
two prolonged followed by one short blast?
4. While sailing in a narrow channel you hear
c. 17.50 b. "I am altering my course to port"
the signal “▬ ▬ ▪▪” (2 long blast – two b. When overtaking in a narrow channel
short blast) from the stern. what does this
13.According to rule 13 of the International 26.Which vessel would NOT sound a fog signal
signal mean and what do you do?b. the ship 19. What is the crucial aspect in executing a
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at of one prolonged and two short blasts?
behind our ship wants to overtake past the voyage in a safe and efficient way?
Sea, what is the definition of "an overtaking
portside of our ship.
vessel"? a. An effective detailed passage plan fully c. A vessel being towed
5. While sailing in a narrow channel you hear understood and followed by a competent
a. When coming up with another vessel from a 27.You are on a power-driven vessel underway
the signal “▬ ▬ ▪” (2 long blast – a short bridge team.
direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her in open water. You observe this vessel,
blast) from the stern. what does this signal
beam 20. Can the OOW be the sole lookout? directly ahead, on a steady bearing, with the
mean and what do you do?
distance closing steadily. What can you tell
14.When steering by autopilot, how often should a. During daylight when visibility and traffic about this vessel from the lights it is
a. The ship behind our ship wants to overtake
manual steering be checked? allows displaying?
past the starboard side of our ship.
a. At least once a watch 21.You are on a tug and are towing an a. This vessel is not under command and is not
6. Lighting and figure objects are included in
unmanned barge. You are restricted in your making way through the water. I cannot tell
the COLREG section ? 15.You are proceeding along a narrow channel
ability to manoeuvre. The total length of the its aspect.
behind another vessel. You have a higher
c. Part C tow is 219 metres. What daylight signals are
speed and have signalled your intention to 28. You are a Senior Officer of the Watch on
required by the International Regulations for
the vessel ahead that you intend to overtake vessel "MV.Surf Perdana" and are passing
7. Conduct of vessels in sight of one another Preventing Collisions at Sea?
him on his port side. The vessel responds through the Straits of Gibraltar. The vessel's
is regulated in COLREG in part?
with this sound signal. What does it mean? a. A diamond shape, where it can best be seen speed is 18 knots and your vessel is
c. Section II of Part B P2TL shall be displayed on the tug and the tow. overtaking several other vessels, when the
a. That the vessel is indicating her agreement visibility reduces down to about 2 nm. What
Three shapes shall also be displayed in a
with my proposed manoeuvre. aspects would you consider when
vertical line, the upper and lower being balls
establishing a "safe speed" for your vessel?
a. Deciding safe speed consider: 2 miles 35. Rule 12 of the International Collision c. is altering course to port 3. . What flag would you hoist if Man
visibility; traffic density; manoeuvrability of Regulations prescribes the action to be Overboard ?
vessel, effectiveness of navigational taken by a sailing vessel when meeting 42. What are the immediate duties of the bridge
equipment (ARPA etc); state of sea and another sailing vessel. This depends on the Officer of the Watch when the ship suddenly a. Mark "O"
currents and navigational hazards. direction of the wind relative to each vessel. runs into a fog bank?
In the situation shown here, which sailing 4. Abnormal conditions that have the potential to
vessel (A or B) must keep out of the way of a. Commence sounding the fog signal, engines endanger human life, property, and the
the other? on standby, call the Master and lookout, if environment where the ship is located is the
29.You intend to overtake a vessel in a narrow not already on duty definition of
channel, and you intend to pass along the a. Sailing vessel A must keep out of the way of
vessel's port side. How should you signal sailing vessel 43. What lighting is shown by Vessels not c. Emergency Situation
your intention? undercommand or restricted in their ability to
36. What actions must be taken before entering manoeuvre at night ? 5. On a fire plan, what does this symbol
d. Two prolonged followed by two short blasts the TSS (Traffic Separation Scheme) ? mean ?
a. At night shows 2 red lights in a straight line and
30.Vessel "MV.Surf Perdana" is overtaking a. Using a small-scale map side lights and aft lights.
vessel "MV.Surf Lestari" on open waters
and will pass without changing course. 44. What lighting is shown by sailing vessel
Vessel "MV.Surf Perdana"? underway at night?
37. What signal may be given by sound and by c. Fire control plan
d. will not sound any whistle signals light to indicate that a vessel fails to c. At night shows 2 mast light and the day does
understand the intentions or actions of not show the figure of the object 6. On the ship's fire plan, what information
31. Two prolonged blasts followed by one short another vessel, or is in doubt that sufficient was found?
blast on the whistle is a signal which could action is being taken by the other to avoid 45. What the meaning of Navigation Light on
be sounded by a collision? COLREG? a. The locations of various fire fighting appliances
and equipment.
d. vessel overtaking another in a narrow channel a. Five short and rapid blasts (flashes) c. Lighting or lights that must be shown at night
or when the ship is visible is limited when the 7. When man overboard situation, which of these
32. You are close to the entrance to a port in thick 38. What is the situation of this vessel? ship is navigating or sailing which consists actions would be correct?
fog. You hear the following signal. What of mast lights, side lights and stern lights.
does it mean? c. This vessel is not under command and c. Alter course towards the same side the man has
stopped in the water Student Examination Detail fallen
c. That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity
39. If the bows of the two ships of power cross Examination Code : ANT III 8. Barges being towed at night
33. A ship is being overtaken by another ship each other. what action should be taken?
while proceeding along a river. What should a. must be lighted at all times
be the required procedure? a. In a crossing situation, a ship that sees
another ship on its starboard must crossing Question List and Student Answered! 9. What does this symbol indicate ?
a. The overtaking vessel should request from the other ship
permission from the other ship by sounding 1. Safety massage or news that contains
two prolonged blasts followed by two short 40. What is the colour and characteristic of a information about shipping safety,
blasts on the whistle or by direct VHF "towing light", as defined in the International navigation, and weather news. Begins with
contact Regulations for Preventing Collisions at the word
34. What is happening here? a. securite
a. Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135 degrees
a. These are two vessels engaged in fishing (pair 2. How often should emergency steering
and so arranged as to display 67.5 degrees
trawling), showing the additional volutary drills be carried out?
from right aft on each side of the vessel
signals for hauling nets a. Space protected by drench system.
b. At least every 3 months
41. A vessel sounds two short blasts. This signal
indicates the vessel 10. What is a contingency plan for ships?
a. Plan for safety preparedness by the ship's whistle and the alarm bells. d. stern light a. Contingency Plans
What are you to do?
26.A vessel may exhibit lights other than those 35. Situations that will occur on a passenger ship
a. Go to your lifeboat station (muster station). prescribed by the Rules as long as the during a emergency situation, except
11. The news code on the radio when emergency additional lights __________.
situation that must be addressed d. Passengers stay in the cabin
immediately is a. do not interfere with the keeping of a proper look-
20. According to SOLAS rules, what should be out 36. The following are the steps that must be
b. MAY DAY done when abandon ship drill is carried out on board the ship so that the
27.A vessel is overtaking when she approaches crew of the passenger ship can deal with
12. What kind of a signal is to be sounded with the a. Launching the lifeboat another from more than how many degrees emergency situations that occur on the ship
ship's Bell in case of a fire on the ship? abaft the beam? quickly, safely and under control, except
21.What alarm signal must be sounded by
c. One long followed by seven short sound the alarm bells in case of fire? c. 22.5° c. Familiar with navigation tools and ship
signals. documents
a. The signal which is stated in the muster list 28. What is a Thermal Protective Aid ?
13. In case of a man overboard (stbd side), which 37. “_ _ _” is sounded continuously is a
of the following maneouvers would be 22.You are Sen.Off.Deck / Duty officer onboard c. Special clothes that prevent a survivor from signal if
appropriate? one of the vessels involved in a collision. loosing heat.
What will your actions be following the a. Man overboard
c. Short turn to stbd collision? 29.Which vessel is, by definition, unable to keep
out of the way of another vessel? 38. During emergency situation, the channel that
14. When anchoring a 20-meter vessel at a. Make sure your vessel + crew are safe and can be used to contact the nearest other
night, you must show then offer your assistance to the other b. Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver ship is
a. one all-round white light c. VHF Chanel 70 and channel 16
23.As a probable result of being in collision with
15. When a vessel sounds three short blasts your vessel, the other vessel involved is on 30.For identification purposes at night, U.S. Navy 39. The functions of the Emergency Escape
on the whistle, this indicates that fire? What are your responsibilities to the submarines on the surface may display an Breathing Device are
__________. other vessel? intermittent flashing light of which color?
d. Escape from hazardous atmosphere
b. her engines are going astern a. After checking the extent of the damage and d. Red compartments to provide personnel
welfare of your crew, if possible your vessel respiratory protection
16.The term "power-driven vessel" refers to should standby and offer assistance, until 31. The classification of Type B fires
any vessel __________. being relieved of that obligation by the other includes 40. The following are the main contents of the
vessel Shipboard Emergency Contingency Plan,
c. with propelling machinery in use b. Oil, fuel gas, oil, and alcohol except
24. What type of boat is seen in this picture
17. The lights required by the Rules must be 32. The classification of Type A fires d. Agreement
shown includes

c. ONLY from sunset to sunrise a. Wood, paper, cloth, plastic, rubber.

41. One of the rules for implementing emergency
18. Frequency and channel used by international 33. Which vessel would be required to show a drills according to SOLAS is
shipping for distress calls, safety of white light from a lantern exhibited in
navigation, and regular calls on the VHF sufficient time to prevent collision?
a. Fast rescue boat. c. A 6-meter motorboat
c. 156.8 MHz (channel 16)
25. As defined in the Rules, a towing light is a 34. Alternative actions that are prepared when
19. An alarm signal consisting of seven short yellow light having the same characteristics the main planned action fails is the meaning
blasts followed by one long blast is sounded as a(n)__________. of
c. On board passenger ships lifeboat and fire d. A panama lead is non-roller type fairlead 11. For medical advice, which of the a. Listen out on VHF channel 16
drills must be carried out once a week or following two digits codes is used to obtain? 24. What should you do if you receive a
immediately after leaving the last port. d. 32 distress alert on HF Radio?
12. For medical assistance, which of the a. Wait three minutes and if no
42. What action should be taken by the Officer of following two digits codes is used to obtain: acknowledgement is heard from a coast
the Watch in the event of fire being reported c. 38 station you should relay the alert.
to the bridge during the 00.00 to 04.00 13. How many channels should have 25. This 121,5 MHz Frequency is used for :
watch? portable VHF stations (portable-two way a. SARSAT-COSPAS EPIRBS
VHF) for use in lifeboats/life rafts.? 26. Which of frequencies is in accordance
a. Sound the Fire Alarm d. Mandatory channel 16 and one extra. with the present recommendations “a ship in
14. The emergency channel on VHF is ? distress should transmit the appropriate
43. What type of message would you broadcast
a. Channel 16 alarm signal followed by the distress calland
in case of a main engine failure?
mounted at the ship's side and enclosed so 15. For the case of emergency flooding, message on one or all of the international
that mooring lines may be led to shore with OOW on the bridge must have available? distress frequencies”?
c. Urgency
equal facility either above or below the b. Plan of the vessel premises, showing the a. 500 kHz, 2182 kHz and 156.8 MHz
44. The news code on the radio when urgency horizontal. boundaries of the watertight compartments, 27. What mode must be used on the MF/HF
situation that must be addressed 3. When a vessel arrives at a port to pick up the openings therein, the means of closing transmission, when transmitting a
immediately is a pilot and enter harbour, there should be them and management posts. telexmessage:
someone required to stand by the anchor 16. " On area A4 the function "" a. F1B/J2B
a. PAN PAN forward. Who has have responsibility to do Transmission and reception of signals for 28. The aeronautical distress frequencies is
that ? locating "" is mainly based on:" all designated SAR aircraft and civil aircraft
45. What should be prepared at bunkering, to b. Boatswain a. The use of SART transponders carry equipment operating on the
handle in the event of a small oil spill on the 4. A distress-call, onboard via RCC, What is 17. The duties of the "Standby Watch international aeronautical distress
deck? RCC: keeper" when he is not on the bridge is ? frequencies (amplitude modulation).what is
a. Rescue Coordination Centre b. Patrol the ship and report anything the frequencies?
a. SOPEP unusual to the bridge a. 121.5 MHz and/or 243.0 MHz
5. " On area A3 the function "" Transmission
and reception of signals for locating "" is 18.What is the correct understanding of the 29. On your VHF DSC equipment, how will
1. Kode berita dalam radio ketika terjadi situasi term "accommodation ladder"? you start a cancelling message after you
mainly based on:"
darurat yang segera harus ditangani yaitu d. The accommodation ladders can be send by mistake a distress call ?
b. the use of MF and/or VHF R/T.
6."" Transmission of ship to shore distress mounted parallel or perpendicular to the a. "All Stations - This is ""SAINT-
a. PAN PAN ship's board. ROMAIN""""
alerts"" " On area A1 the function”” is mainly
based on: 19. If in a station announces the safety
3. Kode untuk berita bahaya dalam radio
a. The use of VHF DSC message, that is : 30. " Transmission of ship to shore distress
a. Will relay a message concerning an alerts" " On area A4 the function " " is mainly
7. In case of an emergency and immediately important navigational or meteorological based on:"
after a corresponding signal is given by the warning a. The use of HF DSC and COSPAS
b. MAY DAY ship, what is the next thing you need to do 20. You wish to send a message with the SARSAT Epirbs
as a chief officer on watch? Inmarsat-A fax-installation to an Inmarsat-C 31. MMSI is?
c. To use the internal speaker system to installation. This is: b. a ship identity number.
inform the crew and passengers of the a. not possible 32. MMSI of the vessel can be found in
Student Examination Detail reason for the signal. 21 To make a “call-request” one should? the….
Examination Code : ANT III 8. Which word will precede an emergency a. select the telex in on-line position c. The ITU List of Ship Stations.
message ? 22. How often must inspection of proper 33. You have received a nine-digit MMSI of
Question List and Student Answered d. MAYDAY working of the EPIRB ‘s and SART ’s take the vessel on your DSC equipment. In what
1. What does this flag mean? 9. In area A2 the Transmission and place onboard? Once per? publication you will find the name of the
reception of signals for locating is based b. month ship?
mainly on the 23. The DSC-controller display the a. The ITU List of Call signs and Numerical
b. Yes (affirmative). b. the use of transponders SART. following: DOO: 244562000 CH16 ; S Identities of Stations used by the Maritime
2. What is the correct understanding of the 10. What is the general emergency signal ? distresssinking After receiving this DSC Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite
term "PANAMA LEAD"? b. Seven short beep followed by one long. message the following is done immediately? Services.
34. Which channel is used for VHF DSC 44. After leaving a ship in distress, the 6. When a vessel is to experience a long tow a. All of the suggested answers
distress calls. survival crafts shall across an ocean, what would be the best 13.What will have a major effect on the
a. 70 system of connecting the tow? performance of a tug when used to assist in
35. Things that must be done when the shipa. stay together in the area of the disaster. a. Wire from a deep sea tug connected to the
is experiencing a situation outside of normal the ship's anchor chain manoeuvring of a large vessel?
circumstances that have a high degree of 45. What ship’s course shall be kept during 7. A tug is connected by a line to the bow of c. The use of the tug's wire instead of the
tendency will be able to harm the ship and helicopter evacuation? a ship. Will the bollard pull exerted by the tug ship's towing spring
its cargo is… be the same at any speed? 14. A ship is steaming at "Full Ahead" when
a. In accordance with the instructions
b. shipboard contingency plan a. No, when the ship's speed exceeds about the engines are changed to "Full Astern".
received from the pilot of the helicopter.
36. Things to consider in the Shipboard 5 knots it will be expected that there will be Would this reversal of engines produce the
Contingency Plan are: a reduced pull exerted by the tug same results in deep water as in shallow
d. Methods of communication used on board 8. A tug is moving towards the bow of the water (where the under keel clearance is
Student Examination Detail
37. Distress alerts sent by Inmarsat to the ship to make fast and is in the vicinity of the equal to about half the draught)?
Examination Code : ANT III
RCC are sent through: ship's shoulder, as illustrated. What specific a. The effectiveness of the rudder and
b. MES danger should be considered when making propeller are greatly reduced and therefore
Question List and Student Answered
this approach to the bow? the results will be considerably different
1. Explain what is likely to happen if two
38. News sent from ship to ship that wants a. The tug may be turned across the bow of 15. A large vessel is coming alongside a pier
ships travelling in opposite directions are to
to deliver important news about the weather, the ship and also suffer a lose of stability with two tugs assisting and there is little wind
pass each other in a narrow river ?
etc. called? with a danger of being turned over if touched or current affecting the vessel. What would
c. As they approach, rudder should be
by the ship be considered the best use of the tugs and
a. Urgency message applied quickly to avoid sheering into the
9. What depth of water would be considered at which position?
path of each other. Then as they are
as "Shallow Water" in relationship to a a. Pushing on the ship's side and made fast
39. Channel 13 on VHF was also authorized alongside they will be attracted and finally
change of the ships manoeuvring in case the vessel's movement towards the
to.. repel each other as they pass clear
characteristics? berth requires reducing by the tug pulling off.
2. The bridge is informed by an eye-witness
a. When the "Under Keel Clearance" is less 16.Ships vary considerably in design and
a. Lock & bridge communication that a man has just fallen overboar which of
than 50% of the draught of the ship underwater shape, but does the ship's trim
the following manoeuvers is the most
40. DSC is acronym of …. 10.A large vessel develops a sudden sheer ever have any influence on its steering
appropriate action when the person is still
when it stops moving through the water, abilities?
close to the vessel?
a. Digital Selective Calling having been steaming through a shallow a. Yes, the ship often steers better if trimmed
b. Scharnow Turn
water channel for several miles. The sheer by the stern
3. How can the effects of Squat be
41. The muster list must be posted in may be strong and unexpected and is due to 17.Two vessels are meeting each other in
minimized, when a ship is proceeding in
conspicuous locations and signed by the what reason? confined waters. What would be the effects
shallow water?
a. The large volume of water dragged of
a. Maintain a slow speed just sufficient to
c. Master. behind the vessel continues to move interaction between the two vessels as they
maintain steerage
forward and cause a strong turning moment approach each other?
4. The ship is berthed in a steady offshore
on the stern of the vessel a. The bows of the ships will be pushed
beam wind of 30 knots which suddenly
11.The ship's engine is going astern and the away from each other
42. How many radar transponders (SART) increases to 60 knots. What will be the
ship is picking up sternway. The rudder is 18.The ship is starting to slow down after
shall be fitted on a ship, which will be used change of force exerted on the ship driving
amidships and the ship has a single, right- steaming at full ahead speed. What will
in lifeboats/life rafts? it off the jetty?
handed, fixed pitch propeller. What would be happen to the position of the "pivot point"?
c. The force will be Doubled
expected to happen? a. It will move aft as the ship slows down
a. One on each side of the ship. 5. When a vessel is moving in shallow water
a. The ship will probably start to change 19.A balanced rudder has some of the
it will experience an effect known as
heading to starboard and stern speed will rudder area forward of the rudder axis.
43. As per SOLAS, what is the number of "Squat". Which of the following statements
increase About how much area should this be to call
TPA (thermal protective aids) to be carried most accurately specify the results of squat
12.The ship is approaching shallow water it a balanced rudder?
into a open type lifeboat? on the vessel?
where the Under Keel Clearance will reduce a. It should be about 20%
a. There will be a reduction of the vessel's
a. One for each member of the crew who to about 0.25 of the ship's draught. Which of 20.The ship has completed a 360 degree
underkeel clearance and a possible change
does not have an immersion suits the following answers most accurately turn at full speed in deep water. The ship is
of trim
summarizes the aspects to be considered now to repeat the turn at full speed in
when deciding a suitable speed?
shallow water. What will be the difference in with the rudder hard to starboard. What 40. Means of processing ship motion are all d. Yes, within thirty (30) minutes
the turning circle diameter? effect will this have on the ship's progress? equipment on board that can be used to 5. Which areas is plastic material accepted
a. The turning diameter will be increased in a. This will give the stern a lift force to process ship motion according to what is for overboard disposal?
shallow water starboard desired. The ship's maneuvering facilities b. Not permissible any where
21.Which type of vessel suffers from the 30.In shallow water a ship will experience include: 6. What does the term DISCHARGE mean,
greatest squat effects? "Squat". What are the principle reasons a. Driving force according Oil Pollution Regulations?
a. Vessel with a high Block Coefficient creating the effects of squat? 41. To reduce the influence of Squat when a. All the other alternatives
22.Where would the "pivot point" be a. There is an increase in the water velocity the ship sails in narrow waters, the 7. When a pollution incident occurs there is
considered to be located when the ship is and a decrease of water pressure around appropriate action is a plan for actions to be undertaken. State
proceeding at full speed ahead and there is the ship's hull a. Reduce Speed which of following priority sequences to be
no wind or current? 31. One test that a ship must meet in 42. The influence of these water conditions considered:
a. At about 1/6 of the ship's length from the determining its maneuverability during on the ship's motion is: a. Stop pumps - report - clean up?
bow voyage is c. A and B are correct 8. For a ship operating or calling in US
23.A large vessel is proceeding slowly up a b. Turning Circle Test 43. The term "Squat" in exercise means waters, COTP can request (OPA-90)
narrow channel, using its own engines and a. Reduction of the space below the keel of d. Unannounced drills at any time
assisted by the use of one tug. Where 32. Which of the following is the simplest method of the ship to the seabed
should the tug be connected to assist the locating a ship's position? 44. How is the effect of shallow water felt by 9.What kind of equipment is required in this
ship in maintaining its course in the centre of ships? connection if any ship of 10.000 tons gross
the channel?V c. Using the bearing and scale on the radar c. The ship becomes sluggish in responding tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-
a. Made fast on a line through the centre to the rudder. water separating equipment for the control
33. The ropes are removed, leaving 1 tros and 1
lead astern. 45. Internal factors that affect the ship's of machinery space bilges.?
spring, front and stern, known as
24.A ship normally turns (swings) around a maneuvering except a. Either Oil fitting equipment , or Oily-water
point which is not the centre of gravity. What d. Current separating equipment , or combination of
c. Single up
is this point normally called? both
a. Pivot Point 34. In exercising, trim is one thing that is 10. What will be the correct procedures in
25.Which of the following hull shapes would very considered. What is meant by trim? Student Examination Detail this connection when your vessel sailed
normally provide a directionally stable ship? a. Difference between front draft and back Examination Code : ANT III from Bahrain heading for Singapore. 2 days
a. A long ship with a narrow beam draft after departure, you would like to empty your
26.On the figure there are four (4) possible 35. When the ship is free from the groove Question List and Student Answered machinery space bilges.?
definitions of the term "AIR DRAUGHT" and out into the open sea, the captain 1. When you vessel 10 nautical miles off the a. Call the bridge and request for position
given. Which one is the correct one? instructs full away. The term Full Away coast of Nigeria, West Africa. are you and permission to discharge overboard
means allowed to dump empty glass bottles through oily water separating and filtering
d. Ship sailing at full turn overboard ? equipment
36. The first correction for trim at draft a. Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are 11.What the term OIL mean, according Oil
survey is ground so that the resulting particles can Pollution Regulations?
d. positive or negative, but always greater pass through a screen with 25 mm openings a. All of the mentioned
a. Air draught is given by C on the figure 2. . What is the main issue for the 12.Which of the following would be
than the second.
27.The ship's rudder is full over when the introduction of the act , In US waters "Oil considered pollution, when discharged
37. In determining the quantity of cargo by
ship's engines are full ahead. Will the turning Pollution Act of 1990" was activated in overboard, under the
the ship's draught, the first correction for trim
effect (lift force) of the rudder be changed August 1993 ? US water pollution laws?
reflects the fact that
when the engine is stopped? d. To prevent oil spills in US waters? d. All of the mentioned
b. the Centre of area of the waterline is
a. Yes, the lift force will be dramatically 3. You are onboard a vessel off the West 13. What is the alcohol content in the blood
usually not in the middle of the ship.
reduced when the engines are stopped African coast. You want to dump a mixture permissible under US legislation before it is
38. Trim by the stern mean ?
28.What would be the correct understanding of food waste, glass bottles and floating defined as intoxication?
a. mean draught of stern greater than that of
of the term "a ship is directionally unstable"? packing materials. Is this allowed? and if so, c. 0,04 %
the bow.
b. When the rudder is kept amidships, the 39. What is meant by the term UKC (Under how far off the coast would you have to be? 14.How many annexes do we find in
ship will continue on a straight course Keel Clearance) d. 12 nautical miles off the coast MARPOL and what is the content of annex
29.The engines are going astern and the a. The safe distance between the keel of the 4. Do you always have to notify the National 1?
ship is making sternway of about 1.5 knots ship and the seabed Response Center (OPA-90), In case of
pollution in US waters ?
b. We find 6 annexes in MARPOL and 26 What would the chemicals do If use c. special areas such as: the Red Sea; The 44. In which areas can plastics be disposed
annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the Black Sea; The Gulf of Mexico; Antarctica, overboard ?
of water? etc. b. Nowhere is permitted.
pollution by oil a. Disperse or dissolve the oil into the water 35. MARPOL Convention concerning the 45. With respect to "existing ship" Chapter 4
15.For which ships is the SOLAS convention 27. Who shall notify the cleaning up carriage of packaged dangerous goods in ? of annex VI of the MARPOL 73/78 required
applicable? contractor (OPA-90), In case of a pollution in b. Annex III. d. The ship's management plan for energy
a. For all vessels. US waters ? 36. What seas are special areas in the efficiency.
16. According for MARPOL Annex 1, What c. Qualified Individual Annex II of MARPOL.
is definition on clean ballast as ? 28. In the approved, in accordance with b. Antarctic sea – south off 60S.
b. Ballast with an oil content of less than 15 Annex I of MARPOL, by Administration 37. Under MARPOL Annex II, guide for Student Examination Detail
ppm "Shipboards Oil Pollution Emergency Plans ship's officers on chemical tankers, for Examination Code : ANT III
17.OPA-90 is referring to a Qualified -SOPEP": operating procedures and relevant facilities
Individual (QI) c. the master is obliged to submit shall be in:
a. QI is an authorised individual, situated in amendments to the relevant sections. c. Procedures and Arrangements Manual(P Question List and Student Answered
the US, and contracted by the owner or . and A Manual) 1. On container ships, The main function of
operator of the vessel 38. Under MARPOL Annex II, the the buttress is
18.Acronym of SOPEP is ? 29. What kind of action would be appropriate Government shall appoint a Terminal a. To support container stacks in a non-
a. A Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency to take according to MARPOL - Annex IV. surveyor on chemical tanker terminal ? cellular cargo hold
Plan When your ship has in operation an a. for the control of technological processing 2. How should lashing belts be stowed on
approved sewage treatment plant certified on chemical tankers, such as a PSC officer. board a RoRo vessel?
19.Most oil spills are caused by: by the Administration. During discharge, He/She must submit entries in the Cargo a. According to their Safe Working Load
b. Human error while vessel is awaiting pilot off Cape Henry, Record Book. (SWL)
20.What you do with the ashes from your USA, the surrounding water is iscoloured.? 3. The most effective sector search is
vessels incinerator which had burned c. Stop discharge 39. According to MARPOL Annex II, a. Position of the search object is accurately
garbage containing plastics? 30.New MARPOL regulations came into discharge of cargo residues from ships, known
a. Discharge to a shore facility only effect from July 93 stating that the oily water chemical tankers is subject to the following 4. What special requirements applies to fire
21.New MARPOL regulations came into separator which was previously certified for conditions: alarm signalling systems in passenger ships
effect from July 93 stating that the previous 100 ppm be changed to:z d. 15 ppm a. Ship is proceeding en route at a speed of a. Fail safe, Centralized in a continuously
instantaneous rate of discharge of oil 31. MARPOL Annex I. Discharge of oil from at least 7 knots; Discharge below the manned control station, Remote control of
content (60 litters per nautical mile) was the Engine room (E.R.). Which answer is waterline; Ship is > 12 nm from nearest fire
changed to: true? land and 4. Depth of water is >25m. doors, Indication of open or closed fire
c. 30 litters per nautical mile b. Bilge water from the E.R. may be 40. What does the term “Attained EEDI” in doors, Reactivation of ventilation, Detector
22. Which of the following ships, is the discharged through oily/water separator to MARPOL Annex VI mean? status, Back up powered
MARPOL convention applicable? guarantee that the oil in the effluent does not c. The attained constructive energy 5. Fast rescue boats construction should be:
a. For all listed vessels. exceed 15 ppm. efficiency index of a ship, calculated in a. Rigid, inflated or rigid / inflated
23. The rules of annex VI to MARPOL 73/78 32. Waste water, which is not from the accordance with a special Guide on IMO. 6. when is Parallel sweep search in a
refer to prevent? collection tank, could be disposed of in 41. If the vessel violates the requirements of coordinated way achieved?
c. air pollution from ships. accordance with MARPOL Annex IV, the MARPOL, on the territory of another a. All facilities proceed with same speed
24. What will be the nearest distance to land subject to the following conditions. party of the Convention, the penalties shall 7. On passenger ships on short international
for disposal into the sea of these materials b. The discharge is carried out in an be determined by the? voyages, What is the adequate marking of
According to MARPOL - Annex V. Disposal approved processing unit, the test results d. the legislation of the country where the liferafts?
of garbage outside "Special Areas". After are recorded in ISPPC and there are no infringement was committed. a. SOLAS B PACK
unpacking spares, you are left with a limited visible solids and coloring of the water. 42. What new journal introduces the 8. on passenger ships of 500 GRT and on
amount of packing materials. Is this 33. MARPOL Annex I controls include ? MARPOL Annex VI. it,How many fast rescue boats should be
prohibited, if not,? a. measurements, such as the ullage of b. Ozone-depleting substances record transported?
a. This is prohibited sludge tank. book. a. At least one of the rescue boats shall be
25. These any exceptions from OPA-90 ? 34. "Special zones" in rule I-10 on MARPOL 43. Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78 apply to a fast rescue boat
c. Yes, transit passage through US waters 73/78 means ? d. ships flying the flag of a State party to 9. All RoRo passenger ships are divided into
to a non US port MARPOL Annex VI or visiting the ports of vertical 'zones', why is that?
such a State.
a. Vertical zones are fire zones which can be d. Cross flooding arrangement a. Boundaries of the watertight 41. In accordance with the requirements of
divided from each other with fire doors. In 19. For what and where are rubber mats compartments for decks and holds. Position IACS the work of the loading computer
case of fire, all fire doors in front and aft of used on board a pure RoRo car carrier? of controls for opening and closing of system
the fire will be closed to prevent spreading a. Under the loading ramp flap to prevent watertight compartments. Arrangement for c. should be tested annually and
of vehicle damage correction of list due to flooding. documented by the master with or without
smoke/fire 20. When applied to ships, What is the 30. On container vessels, what is the the presence of a classification survey.
10. What is the best way to ensure that all correct understanding of the term "Bending purpose of the dovetail foundation ? 42. Computer and software for cargo
passengers are aware of the situation If the moments"? a. Act as a sliding base for twistlocks calculations
general alarm is sounding and evacuation of c. The longitudinal Bending Moment at any 31. Which Convention regulates the
the ship is required section within the ship is the total moments requirements for IGS (inert gas systems). b. are subject to approval and certifications
a. Inform the passengers through Public tending to alter the longitudinal shape of the c. SOLAS by classification society.
Address system. Crew with designated ship 43. The planning of the Enhanced
emergency duties should proceed to their 21. From the Curve of Statical Stability (GZ 32. In cargo operations with shipboards inspection on the Rez. 1049 (ESP Code)
cabin section and search all cabins. Guide curve), how can an approximate value of the cranes, the ship without visible reason gets shall be carried out periodically by the
and evacuate passengers. If the area is initial transverse Metacentric Height (GM) a big heel towards the pier. This may be a c. from the inspecting authorities, from class
inaccessible report to their superior or the be found from the Curve of Statical Stability sign of? society, and from Sipping company, through
bridge. (GZ curve)? b. negative GM. the records from the Owner's Inspection
11.With reference to container ships, “TEU” a. Drawing a tangent to the curve through 33. Which factor has a major impact on the Report s by resolution A.866.
refers to the origin and erecting a perpendicular size of the correction of GM for free 44. Who will usually carry out statutory
a. Twenty foot equivalent unit through the angle of heel of 57.3 degrees surfaces? surveys and certifications?
12.Fast rescue boats shall be capable of 22.What are the ideal conditions required to c. The width of the tank. d. The ship's classification society
carrying: satisfactorily conduct an Inclining 34. Does water displacement (Δ) depend 45. A vessel has sustained damage in a
a. At least 5 seated persons and a person Experiment, except ? from the density of sea water? collision with another vessel. It is necessary
lying down a. Cone-based lashing systems are more d. Does not depend on the density of sea to have a Seaworthy Certificate before the
13. how to treat the surface of the deck and prone to failure than twistlocks water. vessel sails. Who will issue this certificate?
ramps vehicle ro-ro? 23. On container vessels, twist locks are 35. Permissible metacentric height GMperm a. Classification Society.
a. With non-skid paints preferred over cone-based lashing systems is ?
14. From which position can the centre of because c. equal to or greater than the minimum GM.
gravity of the weight be considered to act, a. Cone-based lashing systems are more 36. Which is an advantage of using Student Examination Detail
when a ships derrick or crane lifts a weight prone to failure than twistlock watertight longitudinal divisions in double Examination Code : ANT III
off the deck of a ship,? 24. where is the best place to find bottom tanks?
b. From the head of the derrick or crane information on loading ramp limitations, On a. Cuts down free surface effect. Question List and Student Answered
15. The normal procedure for the vessel, if a RoRo vessel? 37. A continual worsening of the list or trim 1. By according to their physical state,
oIf container lashings fail at sea, would be to c. In the loading ramp manual indicates extinguishing agents may be classified in to:
? 25. what could help in reducing acceleration d. progressive flooding. a. Solid, liquid and gases
d. Enter the number and type of failed forces, when cargo has shifted at sea? 38. What parameter has no effect on the 2. What precautions should be taken, If you
equipment into the lashing equipment file on a. Operating anti-heeling devices size of the correction of GM for the presence have to carry out hot work close to a smoke
board 26.According to SOLAS a fast rescue boats of free surfaces? detector in the engine room ?
16. What means can we monitor and control shall be capable of: d. The maximum capacity of the tank. a. Notify Master, Deck officer and Engineer
the integrity of the hull? d. Manoeuvring for at least 4 hrs at a speed 39. According to ICLL, 2003 damage in charge.The loop for this special sensor to
b. Automatic detection systems, television of 20 knots in calm water stability norms are the following. be switched off and take normal precautions
surveillance and patrolling 27. What is the function of the scrubber b. Static list to 150, the residual arm GZ > for hot work.
17. The new stability problems would be within an Inert Gas system is: 0,1m, residual area >1.0 m. degr 3. The components of the personal
caused by having deep double bottom tanks a. To quench, cool and clean the flue gas. (0.0175m.rad.) equipment of the fireman's outfit are
on double hull oil tankers is ? 28.How much rescue boats should be 40. As per the amendments ICLL '66 in force a. All the items mentioned
a. The Metacentric Height (GM) would have provided on passenger ships of 500 gross by 2005, for ships with L >100m, hatch 4. Give the meaning of the following symbol
to be considered tons and above? covers in the area 1 -conditional load 1.75
18.Which arrangement may be installed in b. Two, one on each side of the ship t/m2 shall now be designed for
passenger ships to reduce unsymmetrical 29. In a damage control plan, what is the c. 5 to 6,8 t/m2
flooding in damaged condition? main elements?
a. Regularly check your pressure gauge and 37. Which one of the listed requirements
note how much air you used to reach your regarding abandon ship and fire drills do not
work area. Start to return when you have correspond to present regulations?
this amount left plus a reasonable reserve b. On all short international voyages, muster
14. According to (SOLAS II-2/2.2.3), type of of passengers shall take place as soon as
b. Flame detector
construction material should be avoided possible
c. Powder handgun 26. What is the minimum flash point of an oil
regarding fire protection purposes is ? 38. Referring to the SOLAS convention, how
5. Identify this symbol: used as a liquid fuel on board, according the
b. All combustible materials often should a crew member on a cargo ship
15. Why we must clean the spots of oil on participate in one abandon ship drill and one
b. 60ºC
hot surfaces: fire drill:
27. What is the value commonly recognised
a. all the answers are correct c. Monthly
as the maximum concentration of oil
16. To extinguish a flammable liquid of the 39. What types of fire extinguishers shall be
vapours allowed in the breathing air of a
same kind as alcohol, we can use: used in the engine room ?
breathing apparatus?
d. Gas detector a. Anti-alcohol foam b. Fire extinguishers equipped for Powder or
a. 5mg/m3
6. What action should you take, you 17.Which of the following statements CO2 only
28. The flashpoint of an oil or liquefied gas
discover that the bilges in the engine room applies to fire doors in main vertical zone 40. What class of fire is a smoldering fire of
have a large quantity of oil residues floating bulkheads and stairway enclosures in wood, textiles, paper and other
a. The flashpoint for an oil or liquefied gas is
around the sea? passenger ships, Except? carbonaceous materials?
the temperature at which it is possible to
a. Notify Chief Engineer, find cause of a. They shall be go to enclosed closed from a. Class A
ignite the vapour above the liquid
leakage, remedy the leakage and then a main deck 41. "A" Class divisions in ships are
29. Where would you expect to find a
immediately start to clean the bilges 18.Which one of the following is a limitation constructed so that they are capable of
portable fire extinguisher in any space?
7. What class of fire is a smouldering fire of on the use of chemical powders, except ? preventing the passage of smoke and flame
c. Near the entrance to the space
Metal materials? a. All answer is incorrect to the end of a standard fire test held for how
30.What would you choose to put out an
d. Class D 19. The most common fixed fire fighting many minutes?
electrical fire?
8. CO2 have effectiveness of extinguishing extinguishing system fitted in an engine c. 60 minutes
a. Dry extinguishing remedy.
agent is based on: room is
31. How many fireman's outfits are to be
a. Combustion suppression c. A carbon dioxide (CO2) system 42. "B" Class divisions in ships are
carried by tankers? (SOLAS II-2/
20.A fire bulkhead of the "C" class must be constructed so that they are capable of
d. At least four sets
9. Accommodation spaces separated from constructed of: preventing the passage of smoke and flame
32. The temperature at the place where the
the remainder of the ship by thermal and c. Non-combustible material to the end of a standard fire test held for how
fire extinguisher is installed must not exceed
structural boundaries, Why? 21. which of the following actions is the first many minutes?
b. 39 °
a. To provide means of escape for the to be taken, if you detect a fire on board the d. 30 minutes
33. The elements of the fire triangle include,
passenger and crew ship, dependent on the situation ? 43. A self contained Breathing Apparatus
10.Why are the presence of smoke c. Raise the fire alarm should contain at least 1200 litters of air.
d. Carbon Dioxide (Carbon Dioxide)
represents one of the greatest dangers in 22.Which of the following is a combustion How long should this last a normal person
34. "A" class (fire) divisions are those
the fire fighting? reaction, except? who is not carrying out hard work?
divisions formed by bulkheads and decks.
c. It reduces the visibility, provokes panic, is a. Closest fire d. 30 minutes
Which of the following requirements do not
irritating and may be toxic. 23. The factor that makes the difference 44. Which of the following are frequent
comply with the rules? (SOLAS II-2/3.3)
11. If Lift be considered as an escape route between a deflagrating and a detonating causes of fires in accommodation?
d. Insulated on both sides with approved
from the engine room, could that ? Explosion is ? c. Smoking in bed. Covering of electric fires
non-combustible material
b. No a. The speed of the shock wave created by with blankets. Overloading electric plugs.
35. "C" class (fire) divisions shall meet one
12. What other colour is frequently used for the initial combustion 45. Where on board would you find out
of the listed requirements: (SOLAS II-2/3.5)
a CO2 extinguisher, except red? 24. In the breathing air of a breathing which fire sections are enclosed by "A" or
c. Constructed of non-combustible material
b. Black apparatus, what is the value commonly "B" class divisions?
36. Pump rooms on oil tankers shall be
13. At what stage should you start to make recognised as the maximum concentration a. On the fire control plan
provided with a fixed fire-extinguishing
your way out of the compartment when you of CO allowed?
system. Which of the following systems is
are carrying out a search in a smoke filled a. 20ppm
in accordance with present regulations?
compartment wearing a breathing 25. Give the meaning of the following Student Examination Detail
(SOLAS II-2/63)
apparatus.? symbol Examination Code : ANT III
a. Fixed CO2 fire-extinguisher system
Question List and Student Answered a. 2 sponges 34. The Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU)
1. How much water per person is provided 23. In most cases, which of the following must release the Liferaft:
in a liferaft equipped with a desalting actions should you generally take, when you d. From 1.5 to 3.5 meters. under the water
apparatus? have abandoned ship in a liferaft.,? level
a. 1 litre a. Organise a lookout system. Join up with 35. What is the amount of the pyrotechnical
2. What is immersion suit: other survival craft if possible. Stream the equipment in the Life Boat?
a. Lifebuoy with light
a. Not allowing undue ingress of water after sea d. 6 ps. Hand flares, 4 ps. Parachute
12.Which of air and water is the fluid that
a jump from a height of not less than 4.5 m . 30 metres rockets, 2 ps. Buoyant smoke signals
transfers the greatest amount of heat during
into the water 25.What is the greatest interest of the "help" 36. Every line-throwing appliance shall™ be
the same time, given that the fluid is not
3. Which is the best way to board a liferaft position ? capable of throwing a line:
flowing along the immersed body?
which is floating close to the ship, when a. It lessens the survivor's heat escape b. At a distance of at least 230 m in calm
a. Water
conditions permit? 26. Which equipment is provided in a liferaft weather;
13. A water for person is provided in a liferaft
c. Use a rope ladder close to the raft to climb to help you keep warm in cold weather? 37. What shall the capacity of passenger
not equipped with a desalting apparatus?
down and board a. The floor of the raft has a second layer ship lifeboats be?
c. 1,5 litres
4. One of the following requirements which can be inflated to help insulation, c. The boats of each board should take 50%
regarding lifebuoys corresponds to present inaddition to the thermal protective aids of all persons on boards the ship.
14.In which way shall a survivor be hauled
SOLAS regulations are ? (10% of complement, minimum 2) 38. Life-jacket, when properly dressed,
out of the sea?
a. not less than half the total number of 27. The wearer of a lifejacket can jump into enables safe jumping into the water
b. None of the mentioned
lifebuoys shall be provided with self-ignition the water without injury and without a. from a height of up to 4, 5m.
15. The listed requirements regarding
lights. damaging the jacket from a height of at 39. As per SOLAS III/13 after sounding the
inflatable liferafts corresponds to present
5. A Immersion suit must not sustain burning least: emergency signal a lifeboat prepared by 2
regulations? Every liferaft shall be so
or continue melting after being totally d. 4,50 m men should be ready to launch in
constructed that:
enveloped in a fire for a period of: 28.How should the hook be released from a b. no more than 5 minutes.
a. be prevented from pressure exceeding
a. 2 sec davit lowered liferaft? 40. The Muster list should determine
twice the working pressure, either by relief
6. The meaning of this symbol ? a. Just prior to reaching the water, the a. the General emergency signal and the
valves or by limited gas supply
lanyard should be pulled. This sets the hook actions of the crew and passengers.
16. An immersion suit is constructed such
which will automatically release once the 41. What amount of water will you hand out
that it can be unpacked and donned within:
raft is waterborne to each person as Commander of a life boat
a. 2 min
29. Where is the best stowing position for A with which you left the ship?
17. The davit-launched liferaft on board a
6-men inflatable liferaft shall be carried as c. During the first 24 hours no water, then
ship is so arranged to be boarded by its full
far forward as is reasonable and 1/2 liter per day (more in the tropics).
complement of persons in less than:
b. Lifejacket practicable.: 42. Which is the best way to board a life raft
a. 3 min
7. Under a strain, the weak link of a float-free a. Aft of the forecastle when the conditions allow ?
18.According SOLAS B PACK , how much
arrangement for liferafts must break are: 30.The breaking strength of the painter in a b. To use storm ladder in order to descend
food per person is supplied on a liferaft?
b. 2,2 kN ± 0,4 kN liferaft permitted to accommodate 15 to the raft and then board it.
c. Not less than 10000 kJ
8. Container for an inflatable liferafts shall be persons is at least: 43. The ship is equipped with davit-launched
19. Lifejacket has sufficient buoyancy and
made from : d. 10 kN life rafts. At what intervals should drills on
stability to lift the mouth of an unconscious
a. watertight, as far as possible,except for their usage be carried out including inflating
person at a minimum of:
drain holes in the container bottom 31. Which are the Survival Craft (Common and lowering of the life rafts when
a. 120 mm above the water (in calm water)
9. How many hand held distress flares are used equipment) according to SOLAS? practicable?
carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack? a. Life Boats, Life Rafts, Rescue Boats;
20. Main buoyancy chamber of an inflatable
b. 6 32. The Liferafts shall survive without b. every 4 months.
liferaft must be divided into:
10.What part on the float free arrangement damage if thrown in the water from a height 44. Which of the following PPE (personal
c. 2 compartments
for inflatable liferafts is made to provide a of: protective equipment) are mandatory during
21. in order to assist a survivor, What shall
connection between the ship and the d. Up to 18 meters. bunkering operation
a rescue person use if he has to jump into
liferaft? 33. The launching appliances of the Life b. Shoes with protective toe-cap, helmet,
the water ?
b. the painter Boat must be capable of operating at List safety glasses.
d. Survival suit and lifeline
and Trim of: 45. Chapter III of SOLAS requires ships
22. Which item among those below is
11. What the meaning of this symbol: c. List 20° and trim 10°; longer than 100 meters to have an additional
included in the normal equipment of every
Liferaft :
life raft on the forecastle. Should this life raft a. Recognize its components. 15 Which of the following principles is 23. Which of the following types of
be equipped with a hydrostatic release unit? important to follow when searching for information is considered sensitive?
b. No, this life raft is for intentional throwing 8. crew, visitors and contractors have equal explosives?
overboard only. potential for ? a. Voyage itinerary and departure and
a. Do not touch any suspicious packages arrival times.
b. They all have opportunity to smuggle
Student Examination Detail drugs. 16. What equipment can be used to detect 24. Shipboard personnel, as part of day to
explosives? day operation of the ship, should be
Examination Code : ANT III 9. Emergency Steering Gear must be tested expected to correct non-conformities
every ? and how is this information recorded a. Particulate detector whenever possible. In this respect,
in OLB?
17. The Ship Security Plan is an what are “Non-Conformities"
Question List and Student Answered a. Every three months. Details of test with international rule that aims to ?
signatures of Master and witness b. Any one these
1. Which Security Levels requires the a. Protect your ship from risks posed by
highest security alert? 10. The criteria for determining Choices and security threats or incidents. 25. the stated requirements regarding the
the level of detail to aid introduction to new service and maintenance of life-saving
a. Security Level 3 or newly commissioned crew members are 18. the general emergency alarm system equipment in accordance with current
? should be tested every ? regulations are ?
2. Which of these actions should crew take
if a suspicious object that may be a bomb is d. The individual experience with the new a. Every week b. At least one member of the crew shall
located during a search? assignment and job hold a repairman certificate for life-saving
19. objective evidence is required to confirm equipment
a. Confirm with their search partner that the responsibilities conformance with established maintenance
object found is suspicious. requirements inclusive 26. The Company should have procedures
11. What detector testing and inspection established for corrective action. Corrective
3. What are the proportional steps for requirements must be observed on all UMS c. of documented procedures and actions involves solutions which
embarkation stairs to use? operated ships as well as on most other instructions for the onboard work routines
ships, engine room equipped with fire and verification of their implementation by c. may reduce or prevent occurrence of a
a. length = 480 mm, breadth = 115 mm, detectors? the appropriate personnel non-conformity.
depth = 25 mm
a. All the mentioned alternatives. 20. What is an indication that someone may 27. The distance of the embarkation stairs
4. The Master will review the Safety be a drug smuggler? used in accordance with the provisions is ?
Management System and report to the 12. Weapons that are widely and publicly
Company when ? available in the community are? d. The individual wears bulky or out of a. Equally spaced and not less than 300 mm
season clothing. or more than 380 mm
b. The Company should set a standard a. Gun
interval for such reviews 21. Precautions to be taken During testing 28. which are the following restricted areas
13. The requirements listed regarding life- and/or maintenance work on the CO2 except ?
5. A device that can detect drug packages in saving equipment in accordance with system affecting the exhaust system and
a large shipping ship shop is ? current regulations are ? precautions to ensure that gas is not a. Messroom
released into the engine compartment due
a. Pallet scanner a. All prescribed life-saving appliances shall to faults must be ensured are 29. The documents used to describe and
be made of non-combustible or fire retardant implement the SMS may be referred to as
6. which indicates that a suspicious package material a. The main supply line to be blanked off the
? prior to the work.
14. What are the safe actions when handling a. Ship Management Manual
a. "The parcel is addressed to no one in drugs? 22. fallen lifeboat cables must be rewinded
particular, arrives unexpectedly and seems and updated regularly checked every ? 30. Is a repairman not comprised by the
heavy for its size." a. Wear skin protection and a facemask. specification of crew under obligation to
c. Turned at intervals of not more than 30 public supervision of maritime service?
7. The best way to identify an IED is to? months and renewed every 5 years
a. Yes, if engaged by the owner. d. Not less than 10000 kJ 45. On-board training in the use of davit- 12. What is the called of a reference for
launched liferafts (including inflation and target bearings is provided by a line on the
31. How many Radar Transponders (SART) 39. What is the meaning of this symbol ? lowering whenever practicable) must take radar screen ?
are required to be carried onboard a ship for place a. heading marker
use in survival crafts? 13.What is the main component in the
a. every 4 months display unit ?
d. Two on each side of the ship b. cathode ray unit
14. Which of these glues only a bearing and
32. The mandatory color of a hand flare is:
not a range?
Student Examination Detail
c. Ramark
c. Liferaft Examination Code : ANT III
15.Why should Ground Stabilised True
Motion display mode be avoided when using
40. What is the meaning of this symbol ? Question List and Student Answered
the Arpa for anti-collision purposes
1. Where shall the warning signals be
a. The collision regulations are based on
placed if a work is performed on the radar
ship courses through the water.
16. What are such areas known as target
d. Warning plates fastened to the mast and
detection ranges are considerably reduced
each radar
due to shipboard structures like the Samson
a. Red 2. What is the acronym PPI?
posts etc.?
a. Plan position indicator
a. Blind sectors
3. Acronym of EBL ?
a. Lower lifeboat to water 17.How can an ARPA assist the ship to
a. Electronic Bearing Line
33. What is the minimum number of channels steer a suitable course to make good the
4. What is the meaning closest point of
required for the portable two-way VHF's for 41. The Muster List shall show the duties entrance to a channel?
approach ?
survival craft? assigned to members of the crew. Which of a. Select ground stabilised true motion
a. the closest two ships will pass each other
the following duties shall be included display and alter course so that own ships
if both ships maintain course and speed
c. Channels 6, 13 & 16 according to present regulations? true vector passes through the middle of the
5. What is function of the waueguide :
entrance to the channel.
34. Give the meaning of the following c. conduct pulses to and from the scanner
a. Manning of fire parties assigned to deal 18.The targets echoes appear along a line
symbol 6. The advantages of a GPS satellite system
with fires. called:
compared to other navigational aids is?
b. timebase
42. In a distress situation, how many times a. The GPS system gives information about
19. Where shall the warning signals be
or for how long should the emergency alarm position, speed and time continuously world
placed if a work is performed on the radar
signal be sounded? wide.
7. The quantity s, in the equation d = (t x s)
d. Warning plates fastened to the mast and
b. 3 times r2, is :
each radar
a. The speed of the radar waves
20. The officer in charge of a navigational
d. Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals 8. Target ranges are obtained from:
watch must ?
a. the range marker
a. be physically present on the bridge.
35. For how long and at what speed is a fully 43. How is the painter released from the 9 uses pulse in radar transmission in order
. .
loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm lifeboat, once the boat is waterborne and to:
21.What is the name of rate at which two
weather ? ready to leave? c. detect close range targets
moving objects approach or separate from
10. What is the suggested navigational
each other called?
a. 6 knots for 24 hours a. Remove the toggle which will release the systems is a "Hyperbolic" navigational
c. Relative speed
painter system and has hyperbolae as position
36. How many hand held distress flares are 22. Control the amplification of echoes
carried in each lifeboat? 44. Which item among those below is received is used to?
a. Loran C
included in the normal equipment of every a. Gain
11. What is used to warn the observer if any
d. 6 lifeboat? 23. The transmitter is have a main
distinguishable target closes to a range or
component, what is the:
transits a zone chosen by the observer?
38. How much food per person is supplied d. A VHF transceiver c. agnetron
d. Guard rings and zones
in a lifeboat?
24 What is the vector mode selected on the 37. What is the function of a corner reflector c. A waypoint is a position where the chart (ENC) by ECDIS for appropriate use,
Arpa when the ship is navigating in dense : ships course is to be changed the updates to the ENC by appropriate
fog where the visibility is less than one mile. d. Increase the detectability of small targets means, and the additional data added by
The Arpa radar is set on a range 12 miles on 38. How often should anchor bearings be 3. What GPS reception must provide when the mariner, is called the ?
a course of 314 degrees and own ship has taken, while as vessel is at anchorage? failure warning and status indication ?
a vector as shown.? b. At least every hour c. system electronic navigational chart
a. True vectors 39. The critical time while anchoring in a b. An alarm if a new position has not been
25.What is the two of most important input strong current and narrow channel is? calculated within the last two seconds 12. When navigating, large-scale maps are used
information required to operate the ARPA c. When the ship stops in the water before because ?
4. Who has the authority to take over and make
accurately? the anchor is dropped
the right decisions in case of an emergency c. More accurate information.
c. Speed and heading 40. What is the requirements for using radar
the ship crossing the Suez Canal ?
26. Which of these is a result of true motion for collision advance are described in :
13. The information needed in ecdis is ?
display? a. International Regulations for Prevention
a. Zues Canal Authority
a. CPA and time directly obtained of Collisions at Sea c. Hydrographic data
27. Where will you find the number of the 41. The best land target to use for a radar 5. All of the following must be able to
chart? bearing is perform of ECDIS except ? 14. How long the ECDIS ability have to preserve
b. Always outside the right hand margin. :d. a coastal indentation the previous track record ?
28. The PPI known as the ability of a radar 42. If possible, when choosing objects for b. Determine the deviation of the magnetic
set to clearly distinguish two targets, on the position fixing by radar ranges you should compass c. 12 hours
same range and slightly different bearings, , to avoid :
as two separate targets on? c. sloping land features 6. What is meant by bearing in determining 15. Features in GPS when set to zero have an
c. Bearing discrimination 43. What is the signal from a racon : the position of the ship ? accuracy equivalent to that of the Accurate
29. What would be the most probable cause b. enables the beacon to be identified Positioning Service receiver is ?
of the error, when using the echo sounder in 44. To carry out a Trial manoeuver, Which c. The paths of intended travel between
a river the soundings indicated may be of these input information is not required? three or more points b. Selective Availability
incorrect,? a. A delay
7. The level of database information which 16. A conversion table for converting the charted
c. Shallow water effects 45. To warn the observer if any
cannot be removed from the ECDIS display depth in meters to feet can be found at ?
30. The international nautical mile is : distinguishable target closes to a range
b. 1852 meters or transits a zone chosen by the observer, it and consists of information which is required
at all times in all geographic areas and b. in Bowditch Vol. II
31. The echo presentation have factors is used?
govern, What is the factors? d. Guard rings and zones under all circumstances is the?
17.Which of the following must the electronic
c. Characteristics of the receiver
d. chart display information chart of an ECDIS display, as required by
32. Radars 10 cm also called ? IMO/IHO?
c. S band
8. The Digital Chart Data Formats incorporated
33. Unwanted radial lines that sometimes Student Examination Detail d. All of the above
by ECDIS are
appear on the radar screen, the name given
is. Examination Code : ANT III 18. Which data must ECDIS be able to
c. vector and raster
b. Spoking record at one-minute intervals?
34. Which of these factors does bearing 9. Digital Chart Data Formats incorporating
resolution depend on ? ECDIS Units include a. Course made good history
Question List and Student Answered
d. HBW
35. What is the vertical beam must be wide c. vector and raster
1. What the meaning of Raster-scan chart ?
enough to allow for :
b. rolling and pitching of the ship 10. The things that don't to be checked before 19. A typical ECDIS “base display” shows
d. a digitized "picture" of a chart in one format and
using the programmed ECDIS route are the following information?
one layer
36. which affects the strength rather than the
d. Check input log and gyro a. Coastline, seamarks and traffic
direction of the reflected 2. What the meaning of waypoint in the separation schemes
radar energy, what the factor is: passage plan ?
c. target surface texture 11. The database resulting from the
transformation of the electronic navigational 20. What is the IMO definition of ECDIS?
c. A system that display hydrographic b. International Hydrographic a. DGPS, within a coverage area b. Four
information in order to assist the Safe Organization
navigation 37. What shall the OOW do if the visibility
29. When handing over the con of a vessel to a conditions are fast deteriorating?
21. What is the purpose of the “off track” pilot, should the Master insist in discussing Student Examination Detail
limit? the passage plan with the pilot while he is c. Call the Master Examination Code : ANT III
there to use his local knowledge and advice
b. Assist in controlling the ship track on the navigation of the ship? 38. Which form of navigation may be suspended Question List and Student Answered
from planned track without notice under defense planning? 1. Tanker ship loads the following cargoes,
a. A passage plan should be discussed between except.
the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in b. electronic d. Coal
the same way as discussed with the bridge 2. Vessel is heeling over dangerously to port
22. What does a navigator who uses an 39. When proceeding along a narrow
team when deep sea side; cargo will be put overboard to stop
ECDIS require? channel a vessel should :
30. With respect to failure warnings and status c. “I have a dangerous list to port; I will put
a. Good navigational knowledge and a b. Keep to the outer limit which lies on her own
indications, GPS receivers should provide, cargo over board to stop listing”.
professional job attitude starboard side.
at a minimum? 3. The word "pirates" it mean?
40. Which data must ECDIS be able to a. Pirates are persons who attempt to board
23. An ECDIS is required to display which b. an alarm if a new position has not been
record at one-minute intervals? and take over a ship at sea
information? calculated within the last two seconds 4. The term "fumigation" means?
a. Soundings a. Course made good history a. decontamination of the cargo using
31. When a vessel is transiting a canal with locks
gaseous insecticides.
and intense bridge activities over many
24. When the route planning process is 41. When the specified deviation limit from the 5. OHN is acronym from ?
hours what management issues should the
completed, what should then be done? planned route is exceeded, the ECDIS b. One hour notice
Master consider?
response is 6. Where is the "Starboard Bow", in the
d. Validate and check all route data figure?
b. Lack of sleep and fatigue of bridge
b. By the alarm
25. Which of the following data layer categories
is NOT displayed on ECDIS? 42. The database information that should be shown
32. As a licensed Merchant Marine Officer
when a chart is first displayed on ECDIS is
you are expected to
d. Hydrographic Office data the
c. Starboard Bow is A, in the figure
d. All of the above 7. The meaning of "Let go the tug" is?
26. Vector chart can? b. standard display information
a. Let go the tug means: to cast off the lines
33. Which of the following data layer categories is that secure the tug to the ship
d. Can be displayed with any direction 43. Which data must ECDIS be able to
NOT displayed on ECDIS? 8. Where is the "BRIDGE", in the figure?
up record at one-minute intervals?
c. Ship hydrodynamic information
27. A coastal passage or voyage plan should d. All of the above
indicate the appropriate methods of
34. ECDIS must give an alarm for which of
determining positions and include which of 44. A vessel shall so far is practicable, avoid
the following cases?
the following? crossing traffic separation lanes. But if
obliged to do so shall cross the general a. The Bridge is A, in the figure
a. If the ship is going to reach a critical point on the 9. SMCP is acronym from ?
a. All of these suggested answers direction of traffic flow....
planned route c. Standard Maritime Communication
28. Chart information details to be used in ECDIS c. On a heading as nearly as practicable at right Phrase
35. An ECDIS is required to display which
should be the latest edition of information angles. 10.What would you do if you saw a person
originated by a government-authorized falling overboard?
hydrographic office and conform to the 45. Which theoretical minimum number of a. If I saw a person falling overboard I would
d. Depth contours
standards of the ? measurements from satellites does a GPS shout repeatedly, "Man overboard"
36. The highest level of commercial receiver need in order to provide an exact
navigational accuracy is provided by ? three-dimensional position?
11. What is the fundamental requirement 21. Where does the deck officers keep on 31. The term "angle of flooding" in the code a. A mooring line is a thick rope used to
relating to the older ships, which are still in watch when during cargo operation on for the carriage of grain in bulk (Int. Grain moor the ship
service? tanker ship? Code) means 44. What is name of the machine shown,
a. The older ships must be in good c. In CCR b. angle of heel at which openings in the hull, used to heave on the ropes during
condition. superstructures, which do not closed mooring and unmooring?
12. The daytime signal to be shown when 22.In the figure, which letter indicates what weathertight, are immersed in the water.
the vessel is at anchor are ? is known as "mooring bits"?
a. A black ball forward where it can best be 32. According to the recommendations of
seen IMO in case of fumigation of cargo in transit
13. The merchant navy have the objective, it safety procedures are performed
is ? c. from fumigator-in charge or trained
a. To safely transport goods by sea a. The mooring bits are indicated by D, in the representatives of master.
14.Where is the "FORECASTLE", in the figure 33. What does the term BAPLIE mean?
figure? 23. The lists called that give the position and d. Message for occupied and empty
task during a lifeboat drill for all persons on locations on container carrier c. Windlass
board the ship is? 34. What does the term “Attained EEDI”? 45. What is the name of the portable
a. The Muster List c. The attained constructive energy walkway or access between ship and
24. What is understood by the term, "The efficiency index of a ship, calculated in
b. The Forecastle is indicated by A, in the accordance with a special Guide on IMO. shore?
Lee Side"?
figure 35. The term INTACT STABILITY means?
a. Lee Side is the side that faces away from
15. Traffic must proceed carefully. It means b. stability to ship undamaged. a. Gangway
the wind
…. 36. The most popular and accessible means
25.The meant by the term "Single up" when
d. “You must navigate with carefully” of firefighting on ships is?
a vessel is preparing to leave the jetty to
16.In the diagram, which letter is pointing at b. water.
which it was moored? Student Examination Detail
the area known as the "BOW" of the ship? 37. You approach the shore with a lifeboat,
a. Single up is the term used to describe the
process of letting go most of the moorings when you see a guy waving a white flag Examination Code : ANT III
lines and just leaving sufficient lines to stay vertically. What does this mean?
a. The Bow is indicated by B, in the figure safely alongside. a. This is the best place for going ashore
17.Which is the "PANAMA LEAD", in the 26. The master said,’ I have sent the telex’. 38. You approach the shore with a lifeboat,
figure? The reported speech of the sentence is: when you see a guy waving horizontally a Question List and Student Answered
b. The Master said that he has sent the white flag. What does this mean?
telex. c. Going ashore here is very dangerous. 1. The following instructions provide the correct
27. the meaning of the term "Make Fast", 39. What does the abbreviation IAMSAR azimuth bearing signal.
when mooring the ship is? mean ?
a. Make Fast means secure the ropes to the b. International Aeronautical and Maritime a. “A 035” = “ The bearing shows 035°
bits Search and Rescue Manual.
40. What does the abbreviation SOLAS 2. Signal code indicates the latitude of a place is
28.What is "DRAUGHT", in the figure?
mean ? expressed by 4 numbers starting with the
a. International Convention for the Safety of letter ?
Lives at Sea.
a. The Panama Lead is indicated by C, in d. L
41. By the term "deratization" means the
the figure a. Draught is D, in the figure
operation for?
18. The normal name given to the fuel oil 29. “Vessel needs helicopter for medical 3. Signal code indicates the Longitude of a place
c. destruction of rodents on boards.
used for the ship's main engines is? assistance.” It means.. is expressed by 4 numbers or if deemed
42. The deformation of the ship's hull called
a. Bunkers c. “I require helicopter with doctor” necessary 5 numbers, starting with the letter
Sagging under Draught Survey means
19.What is the meaning of : Secure the tug? 30. The normal name of the special ?
d. increased draught in the middle
a. Secure the tug means: to make fast the wire/rope on board the ship used to make a
compared to the ends. d. G
tug tug fast?
20. What is the meaning of "SWL" ? a. Towing spring
43. What is a mooring line? 4. Signal code indicates distance expressed in
a. Safe working load
miles starting with the letter ?
b. R 12.Which flag means? "No ( negative )." 18.Which flag means? "I require a medical surveying ?

5. Signal code indicates GMT time is expressed

by 4 numbers, starting with the letter ?
assistance." c. Flag
a. Z 3

6. The following instructions provide the correct c. Flag 1 c. Day signal B

speed in miles/hour signal
13.How can an azimuth or bearing be indicated 19.What type of vessel is this? 24.Which flag means ? ""This ship is under
d. S 24 = “Ships speed 24 mil/hours” by signal flags? quarantine."

7. The following instructions provide the correct a. The letter A + three numerals
14. Which flag means ? "Man overboard."
d. “G14535E” = “Longitude 145 35’ East”
a. A trawler
8. Flag code for "You are running into clanger."
20. What sort of vessel would display this day
Is ? c. Flag 4
signal ?
a. U. 25. What type of vessel shows these shapes?

9. Which flag means ? "I am disabled. c. Flag 2

Communicate with me."
15.Which is the correct day signal for a vessel
with situation “Stay away from me, I'm
caught in a trawl net (dogol)”
a. A sailing vessel which is aground
b. Day signal T
21.What is the phonetic word for this flag d. A tug and tow where the length of
16. Which flag means ? "I wish to communicate
with you." tow exceeds 200m
a. Flag 1
26.What is the phonetic word for this flag ?
10. Which flag means?"' am altering my course c. Yankee
to port."

b. 2 22.Which flag means?"' I am dragging my

d. Flag 2
17.What is the phonetic word for this flag c. Tango
11. Which flag means ? "I am operating astern
propulsion." 27.Which flag group means "My vessel is
stopped and making no way through the

c. Quebec
a. Flag 2

23. Which is the correct day signal for a vessel

a. Flag 4 engaged in hydrographic
c. 4

28.Mat is the phonetic word for this flag ?

b. S - I am operating astern propulsion

35. What is the phonetic word for this flag d. Flag 1

42. What is the phonetic word for this flag

b. Echo Student Examination Detail

29.What is the phonetic word for this flag ?

Examination Code : ANT III

d. November

36. The following instructions provide the correct

b. Echo
LATITUDE signal.
a. Golf 43. The following instructions provide the correct
c. “L6950S” = “Latitude 69°50’ South” Question List and Student Answered
speed in Kilometers/hour signal
30. Which code for "I am going to communicate
with your station by 37. Which flag means?"' am dragging my 1. Ventilation in the cargo hold is very important
a. V 12 = “Ships speed 12 Kilometers/hours
anchor." to prevent
means of the International Code of Signals” ? 44. Which flag means? "I require a pilot.
d. all the above
When made byfishing vessels
b. YQ
2. a low angle of rest indicates when carrying
operating in close proximity on the fishing
31. A three-letter flag signal code, beginning with dry bulk cargo, indicating that?
grounds it means: I am hauling nets."
the letter “M ”, is reserved for
a. The cargo is more liable to shift than cargo
c. medical/health section with a high angle of repose
c. Flag 2
32. What does this flag mean? 3. Cargo that contains a risk to the safety of
38. Signal code indicates speed in miles/hour
starting with the letter ? human life, ships, and the cargo itself is the
meaning of ?
a. S d. Flag 1
b. Dangerous cargo
39. Signal code indicates speed in 45. Which flag means ? "I require a tug.
kilometers/hour starting with the letter ? When made by fishing vessels 4. During cargo operations, the most important
b. Yes (affirmative).have a thing to note is SWL. What does the
c. V operating in close proximity on the fishing abbreviation "SWL" mean?
33. The following instructions provide the correct grounds, it means: am shooting
ships heading signal. 40. Signal code indicates local time is expressed a. Safe Working Load.
by 4 numbers, starting with the letter ? my nets."
c. “C 035” = “ The heading shows 035° 5. Cleaning the residual salt water after washing
d. T the cargo hold is very important for?
34. What letter is represented by this flag and
what is it's meaning when displayed by a 41. Which flag means? "I have a pilot on board."
a. Salt encourages the corrosion of steelwork.
vessel in port?

d. Flag 3
6. One of the cargo documents is the manifest. 14. What should be checked before starting a. Receipt of cargo on board a. Risk Assessment, Permit to work /enter and
What is meant by manifest ? ballasting on a bulk carrier in very cold tool-box talk.
conditions is 22. Small-sized loads that can be arranged or
a. List of cargo that has been loaded on board placed between other large loads or as insertion 31. What is meant by Limber boards in
c. All ice accretion on the main deck and loads are called Permanent dunnage ?
7. What should be checked after completion of associated structures is removed.
cleaning and testing of the bilge spaces in a d. Cargo Fillers b. Fixed application mounted above hatch
cargo hold of a bulk carrier? 15. MV. INTAN DAYA 8 which loaded coal gutters
departed from Balikpapan to Surabaya. The 23.The main problem when a dry bulk cargo
c. Bilge space has been completely sealed off temperature of the bulk coal cargo during the develops a flow state is that 32. The application of permanent (permanent
with a strong sealant. voyage was recorded above 55 degrees Celsius, dunnage) installed on the bottom of the hatch
d. The cargo may block up bilges leading to balk or above the ship's tank top is
8. The most important monitoring when The recommended procedure is to flow of water into the hold spac
carrying refrigerated cargo is?b. daily checks on b. floor ceiling
cargo pckaging c. Notify the ship owner and/or charterer and 24. What is the definition of a hatch list?
open the hatch covers to cool the cargo 33. Which of the following is not a primary
9. Cleaning the cargo area is very important d. List of cargoes in the relevant hold. purpose for using dunnage?
before washing for ? 16. If the cargo area is centered on the top of
25. In loading, Over stowage means d. To provide ventilation circulation
the ship it will have a negative GM. The impact
a. Cargo residues will not clog the bilge lines and of negative GM is
b. Loads that should be unloaded at a 34.What should you know about the emergency
associated suctions and valves.
destination port but are carried to the next port stops on deck?
a. The ship will capsize if it gets a force from
10. Usual practice to carry out fresh water outside
26. The most important act before entering a a. Where they are located and how to operate
washing after sea water washing before loading
enclosed space and checking the cargo space is them.
cargo of steel products for ? 17. MARPOL classified the used dunnage of a
bulk carrier as ?
a. Remove all traces of salt that could possibly 35. What must be ensured Before starting the
a. The necessary permits, based on valid ballasting of the double bottom tank with
contaminate the steel cargo. a. Garbage
atmospheric and other applicable tests. seawater is ?
11. Which must be ensured after completing 18. The precautions to be taken for the safety of
27. What the meaning of Chafage ? a. Correct valves have been opened, air
ballast operations on bulk carriers are personnel when very dusty Cargo is to be loaded
in bulk on your ship are ventilators are open and ballasting plan has
c. Damage to the load due to moving or shifting
a. All valves have been closed, tank ventilators been agreed.
from its place
are in open position and sounding pipe c. Ensure that no personnel are allowed on the
capscreplaced. ships deck during the loading. 36. The effect of coal with a high sulfur content
28. The factors causing the occurrence of is?
broken stowage as below are, except
12. which must be inspected after completion of 19. When the longitudinal distribution of cargo
removing coal with high sulfur content in cargo is concentrated in the middle, then the d. Evolution of methane gases resulting in fire
a. Loading time
hold condition of the ship is called and explosion

29. The things that required under International

d. Areas where cargo may be sticking to the d. Sagging
regulations during cargo watch keeping on a
walls of the hold, prior to water washing.
bulk carrier 37. A material that is placed between cargoes,
20. Which cargo is most likely to melt due to
13. The recommended position of storing steel compression and/or vibration when carried in or between cargo and the floor/wall of the
b. The quantity of cargo loaded or discharged
wire rod coils on bulk carriers is ? bulk is ship's hatch, which functions as a support for
must be recorded at hourly intervals.
cargo to protect the cargo is ?
a. With their cores aligned fore and aft d. Urea
30. What the officer in charge should do before
c. Dunnage
commencing hold-cleaning operations on a bulk
21. Mate receipt document in loading means ?
carrier ? 38. The weight a vessel can carry is called the:
b. Deadweight b. The buoyancy provided by all spaces above a. distance between the surface of the load and
the waterline the roof of the tank (Top Tank)
39.What do you understand by the term
"Hoist"? 7. In transporting wood pellets in bulk, what 16. Determination of embossed gastric
hazards are involved? markings placed on the right and left sides of
c. Hoisting a load the
Student Examination Detail c. Spontaneous combustion and self-heating
40. What is the first action to be taken when a middle of the ship (amidship), must be in
port temperature test reveals a fire in a waiting Examination Code : ANT III 8. what gas concentration is measured when accordance with
room filled with coal? loading Coal bulk cargo in cargo?
c. LLC 1966
c. Open the hatches and cover the top of the a. The gases specified in all of these answers
cargo by foam 17. Sinkage remaining to maximum draft A bulk
9. What should the Master make sure when a carrier that must complete loading at a draft of
Question List and Student Answered
41. When on a ship the longitudinal distribution bulk cargo of steel coils is loaded and the 10 meters. The current midline draft of the
of cargo is concentrated at the fore and aft 1. a special list of cargo loaded on a ship that number of rolls recorded by the Chief Officer is vessel is 9.96 meters (left side) and 9.98 meters
ends. This condition is known as? needs to be prepared for reporting and other rusty? (right side). Is?
administrative purposes is called ?
c. Hogging a. Clause the Bill of Lading with the reference a. 0.03 metres
a. Manifest numbers of the rusty coils and so make the Bill
42. Dangerous cargo on a pallet should be 18. Coal to be loaded in Balikpapan for China is
stowed: 2. What the meaning of "Fresh Water declared to have a high moisture content (but
Allowance"? less than the Transportable Moisture Limit
a. on deck 10. Cargo hold ventilator grill works for ? (TML)); what should the Master make sure?
a. The number of millimetres by which a vessel's
43. Containers on Deck are secured: a. Prevent any sparks from entering the hold
True Mean Draught changes when she passes c. All cargo hold bilges are sounded daily and the
from salt water to fresh water, or vica versa amount of water logged; the bilges can then be
c. with twistlocks, rods and chains
pumped out
11.How much liferaft capacity should be
44. What crane operators must ensure during 3. One of the efforts to avoid rusting on the
provided on a conventional cargo ship of more
walls of the loading tank or 19. The main concerns when steel cargo is
cargo operations ? than 85 meters in length ?
transported in bulk carriers are?
a. Crane controls are operational, limit switches ballast are:
a. 100% of the complement if it can be readily
c. Bending moments being greatly exceeded in
are functioning properly and weights to be lifted launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot
d. All wrong the seagoing condition
are within the SWL of the crane
4. Facilities for providing individual control 12. Which includes the principle of loading,
20. A ship that is in a Stiff condition has the
45. Full reference and details relating to except:
measures for certain work-related tasks that fall characteristics of
dangerous goods will be found in which
under the ISM Code are
document? c. watch over pirates a. Weight on the bottom
a. The Permit to Work system
d. IMDG Code 13. What is meant by bulk Grain load having a
21. what is meant by "over stowage cargo"?
5. The criteria that must be met when loading low angle of repose is
cement bulk cargo, specific gravity and flow b. the situation in which a cargo will be
a. Liable to shift
characteristics are unloaded is at the bottom of the next port cargo

14.When loading coal on a Bulk Carrier, the

c. They are fixed and the cargo has a stowage 22. The following are the requirements for ships
vessel should be provided with
factor of 0.5 cubic metres/tone that will carry chemical cargo, except

a. Means for measuring cargo temperatures

6. What the meaning of Reserve Buoyancy ? b. Special ballasting system

15. What does ullage mean?

23. which can damage the hydraulic system of b. To prevent small particles of cargo draining d. The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargo 1. To protect yourself against all bloodborne
the hatch cover of the bulk carrier ? into the bilges Code diseases:
c. wear gloves or use other barriers when
a. Dust and cargo particles around the piston 32. The meaning of the Hatch List is 40.The drain pipe covers fitted on the hatch blood or body fluid is present
seals coamings of a bulk carrier are secured 2. As with heat burns the damage of frostbite
a. A list of items in each hold /hypothermia may be either superficial or
24.TPC is acronym from ? a. In the event of a cargo hold fire deep,and the affected tissues may be
33. During the passage of methane gas and destroyed. What kind of first aid should be
d. Tonnes per Centimetre carbon monoxide from bulk coal cargoes are 41.A bulk cargo declaration shows that the iron given a person with frostbite ?
measured by ore to be loaded has an angle of repose of 45 a. Hand or body heat the affected parts skin-
25. what the Master should do when A bulk degrees; what does this indicate?c. The cargo to-skin (e.g. frozen hand in persons opposite
cargo of heavy metal concentrate has a d. Using the approved sampling ports fitted on pile is stable and unlikely to shift armpit...)
moisture content of 16 and a transportable each hatch coaming 3. How human body absorb toxicants?
humidity limit of 18 ? 42. Cargo disposal system in bulk cement carrier a. The human body absorb toxicants
34. Which are the main hazards associated with is through respiration, skin and the aliment
b. Refuse to load the cargo as the moisture the transportation of bulk salt cargo on the Bulk channel
content is outside acceptable limits Carrier are ? a. Using its own pumping system and 4. How to break the current safely, The
equipment passage of electrical current through the
26. What is not included in the contents of the a. The only possible hazard is associated with body may result in severe and sometimes
IMDG-Code Supplement book ? ingress of water into the hold and a loss of 43.What is this? fatal injuries. You are witness to man getting
stability electric current through his body and is stuck
d. AIS to the dangerous area. It is impossible to
35. Common background colors used on switch off the current by any main switch.
27. A tank used for ship ballast where the tank warning signs that require certain "mandatory" a. Stand on dry insulating material and pull
is completely separated from the cargo tanks actions, such as actions that may require the person away with isolating material.
and fuel system on board the ship is… wearing a seat belt during certain work tasks are 5. A person slowly feels more sleepy and
? thirsty. The skin and slimhinner become
b. Segregated ballast tanks very dry and there is a sweet taste of the
a. The United Nations Packaging symbol used breath. The glucose reaction shows
d. Blue
28. A bulk cargo is loaded and the shore cargo for Dangerous Goods positive. What kind of medicine will the
figure is 10 000 tonnes; the chief officer 36. Pertamax is a type of cargo that is person need as soon as possible?
calculates 9 500 tonnes have been loaded; what 44. FEU is acronym from ? b. Insulin.
flammable, so in the IMDG-code it is included
should the Master do?b. Inform Designated in…… 6. What do you call the method used for
b. Fourtyfoot equivalent units\
Person Ashore( DPA) bone-soft part injuries?
b. class 3 c. ICE-method.
45. A container lashing device that functions to
29. A condition when the total concentration of 7. How to prevent anyone from fainting
prevent containers from one another in the top
cargo weight is concentrated at the ends of the 37. In general, the hatch opening/closing when a faint is a brief loss of consciousness
tier from moving away from each other of no more than momentary duration caused
ship (bow and stern) is called system is viewed from the way it works
transversely is called by a temporary reduction in the flow of blood
b. Hogging The system is divided into: to the brain.?
b. Lashing Rod a. Tell the person to sit down and lean
30.What is meant by the term "segregation"? d. Everything is correct forward with the head between the knees
taking deep breaths.
a. The planned, separated stowage of cargoes 38. Before entering the enclosed space, there
that may react dangerously with each other in are several things that must be considered, 8. To control severe bleeding?
the event of leakage or other damage namely: a. put a tourniquet above the wound
Student Examination Detail
9. In which way may intake of poisoning
Examination Code : ANT III
31.The perforated plate cover of the cargo d. Everything is correct material occur?
hatch bilges are normally covered with burlap, a. By inhaling, skin penetrating, skin
Question List and Student Answered
so as 39. IMSBC Code is acronym from ? absorbing and swallowing
10.Severe pains in the chest occur when the 19.What is ABC mean in first aid? 29. What is the rate of inflations given until d. check for blood-saturated clothing or
coronary arteries, which supply blood to the b. Air, Breathing, Circulation. natural breathing is restored, after checked blood pooled under the body
heart, become too narrow for sufficient 20. How to perform this technique when for open airway, given the first two inflations 43. A small amount of carbon dioxide will
oxygenated blood to reach the muscles of abdominal Thrust is the name on a and checked the pulse to make sure that the quickly result in:
the heart. Normally these attacks only last a technique which involves applying a series heart is beating,? d. unconsciousness and death
few minutes, and the pain stops if the of thrusts to the upper abdomen in an b. 12 - 16 times per minute 44. A typical phenomenon of carbon
casualty rests. What kind of medicine to be attempt to force air out of a choking 30.It is important that a compress is done poisoning is the …………. color of the skin.
taken when an Angina Pectoris attack casualty's lungs.? correctly. One of the alternative signs , after d. red
occurs? a. Stand behind the casualty. Clench your completed compress bandage, shows that 45. Use a barrier device when giving rescue
a. Nitro glycerine tablets. fist with the tumb inwards in the center of the bandage may be to tight. Which one? breaths to:
11. The purpose of a Medico Message is ? upper abdomen. Grasp your fist with your a. Swelling below the bandage and heavy
a. Call an hospital for professional medical other hand and pull quickly inwards. pain. b. prevent transmission of infections
assistance by radio when needed. 21. How you serve seafarers who has been 31. If a person has a seizure you should
12. What is the symptoms and signs if a exposed to cold? d. put a soft object between the victim’s
severe blow to or a heavy fall on the upper c. Warm nutritious drinks teeth
part of the abdomen can upset the regularity 22. Why is this position so important when 32. When do you automatically have the
of breathing.? unconscious casualties who are breathing consent of a victim to give first aid?
a. Difficulty in breathing in and the casualty and whose hearts are beating should be b. an unresponsive adult
may be unable to speak. placed in the Recovery Position? 33. How long should you flush a victim’s eye
13. How to remove the insect, If a. The position ensures that an open airway with water if a chemical splashes in it?
unfortunately an insect has become lodged is maintained. d. until help arrives
in the ear.? 23. How you serve seafarers who have been 34. Warm a victim of hypothermia by:
a. Gently flood the casualty's ear with terpid exposed to heat? b. giving the victim a hot bath
water so that the insect will float out. b. Cold drinks and salt 35. First aid for a serious burn includes:
14. what of the following is the correct thing 24.What is the muscle which the most c. pulling away burned clothing stuck to the
of you to do, If a person is in a state of shock persevering one in the body? skin
? c. The heart. 36. For giving CPR, an adult is defined as
c. Treat and reassure the casualty and stay 25. The first sign and symptom of a Cardiac someone over the age of:
with the person at all times. Infarction is ? d. 12 years
15.What will you do to treat a seasick a. Sudden crushing, vice-like pain in the 37. The hand position for chest
person? centre of the chest. compressions in CPR for an adult is:
a. Leave him in bed or request him to have 26. What is the treatment of electrical burns a. on the lower half of the breastbone Student Examination Detail
some fresh air. when a burn may occur when electricity of midway between nipples Examination Code : ANT
16.What kind of medicine will the person high current and voltage passes through the 38. The depth of chest compressions in
need as soon as possible when a diabetic body. Most damage occurs at the points of CPR for an adult is: Question List and Student Answered
has eaten too little food and the person may entry and exit of electricity ? b. 4-5 см 1. "Service on board a ship which gives the
feel dizzy and lightheaded. The skin b. Place sterile dressing over the burn and 39. What is the correct ratio of compressions knowledge, insight and skills required for the
becomes pale, with profuse sweathing. secure with a bandage. to breaths in CPR? issue of a certificate or other document
Limbs may begin to tremble and pulse 27. What is the highest temperature the d. 30 to 2 referred to in these regulations "Which of the
becomes rapid.The urine glucose reaction is Water Jel carpet is resistant against? 40. In CPR, give chest compressions at a word(s) is defined as follows:
negative. What kind of medicine will the a. 1530 C rate of: c. Seagoing service
person need as soon as possible? 28.If Mouth - to - Mouth (M-T-M) ventilation c. 100 compressions per minute 2. The rights and obligations of the Maritime
a. Sugar lump, sugar drink or something by itself is unsuccessful and the casualty's 41. An AED should be used on a Administration of the Republic of Bulgaria
sweet. heart stops, or has stopped beating, you nonbreathing victim seen to collapse arise from ?
17. In case of suspected injury to the spine, must perform External Chest Compression suddenly: b. The Merchant Shipping Code of Bulgaria.
the injured person shall be placed? (ECC) in conjunction with M-T-M. What is b. as soon as possible 3. Will the individual contract of engagement
c. Leave it motionless without moving the complete rate when performing ECC? 42. To check a victim for life-threatening for service on NIS ships be legally
c. Complete 30 compressions at the rate of bleeding in the initial assessment: accepted?
18. What is RICE an abbreviation for? 100 compressions per minute d. Yes, provided it appears, amongst others,
d. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation the wages and overtimepay and that it is
subject to Norwegian laws and courts, but 13. Recognition of a seafarer’s certificate of 23.Can an agreement of employment for 32. The minimum number and the
may be brought before a court in the competence , issued by another Flag State service on a NIS ship be verbal or has it to qualifications of the crew of the ship is
employee's country of residence Administration is done by: be confirmed in writing? evidenced by
4. The Safety Management Certificate have b. a certificate confirmation (endorsement). a. The company has to ensure that an c. Safe Manning document issued by the
period of validity of? 14. The duties of a master if he has to leave agreement is always confirmed in writing administration of the flag State.
a. 5 years a sick or injured seafarer behind in a foreign 24. "The contract is subject to Norwegian 33. Priority objectives of the ISM Code are
5. Any shipmaster who refuses to provide port is ? laws and Norwegian courts, but cases d. safe operation of the ship and avoid
any person carried on the ship with anything b. Notify nearest Norwegian Consulate concerning the employee's service on the inflicting damage to the environment.
which he is entitled to receive in such 15.Anyone who violates the provisions of ship may be brought against the owner 34. The rights and obligations of the
capacity, or who permits such refusal, shall Norwegian law or the provisions of before Maritime Administration of the Republic of
be liable to: regulations laid down by virtue of Norwegian d. To individual employment agreements for Bulgaria arise from…
a. Fines or imprisonment for a term not law, relating to contract of engagements and service on NIS ships b. The Merchant Shipping Code of Bulgaria.
exceeding 6 months, but not exceeding 1 account book, to notification to, appearance 25. What must the master ensure that is 35. The master of the vessel shall submit a
year if there are especially aggravating before, or to the taking of evidence, shall be carried onboard when provisions sea protest in cases where..
circumstances. liable to: concerning holidays ? d. as a result of force majeure or other
6. Using chemicals on an oil-spill on the c. Fines or imprisonment for a term not b. The Act relating to holydays and conditions which affect or might affect the
water, what is the disadvantage ? exceeding three months Regulations relating to holydays for interests of the ship owner
d. The chemicals make it difficult to remove 16. What is the signal letters states that the employees on ships. 36. The Executive Director of the Maritime
the oil from the water ship is registered in NIS? 26. The supervision of maritime service of Administration may limit the right of the
7. Who issues a Continuous Synopsis a. LAPQ4 seafarers is ? seafarer to perform a specific function of the
Record.? 17. To have participated in emergency b. Control by the master/employer and vessel ?
c. The administration of the flag State. preparedness training on a NIS cargo ship, public supervisory authority that the b. if proven guilty of the accident caused,
8. Which organization or administration is who are required? requirements of law or agreement emergency accident or pollution of the
responsible for examinations and d. All members of the crew both master and concerning the employee's service on board environment.
inspections of ships and the issue of a shipping company are satisfied 37. "The Administration" may allow the
"Safety certificate of equipment and the 18. To public supervision of maritime certified seafarer to occupy a higher position
supply of cargo ship"? service, Is a repairman not comprised by the 27. Is that possible if any ground be given for a period of up to..
a. Government Authorities of the Flag State. specification of crew under obligation ? for dismissing a seafarer? a. 3 months.
9. What is a "non-conformity", according a. Yes, if engaged by the owner. a. No, only those listed in the Seamen's Act 38. What are the levels of responsibility as
ISM? 19. Which documentation must the master as dereliction of duty. per the STCW Convention?
a. An observed situation where objective have at hand if the subject is subject to 28. Is that possible if regulations on the b. Management, operational, and support
evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a manning control,? scope of the Seamen's Act apply: level..
specified requirement. b. Master's record and Documentation file c. to both passengers and cargo ships? Yes. 39. Oil, chemical and gas tankers over
10. that every seafarer should bring with him 20. What will you do when you are taking 29.How should you, methodically speaking, 10,000 GT and other ships above 70,000
a valid health certificate issued as per fuel on your vessel in the US when you get to know and to find relevant provisions GT, the main steering gear shall comprise :
Norwegian provisions? notice oil on the water around your vessel.: in the book "Excerpts from the Norwegian b. Two or more identical power units
c. Yes a. Notify the US Coast Guard Passenger and Cargo Ship Legislation, etc" 40. When is a work considered “working
11.Are there any restrictions about how 21. To have a right to leave service on board ? aloft”..
much sludge we can pump overboard on the for special reasons, What should the c. By help of the Headword Register, the a. When done at a height of over 2 meters.
sea voyage? seafarer do? Chronological Register, the table of 41. The Load Line Convention applies to
c. Maximum is 30 litre pr nautical mile and a. if the ship, for example, is not in a contents, the tables of contents in the which ships ?
total is 1/10000 part of full cargo on the seaworthy condition for the voyage and the respective provisions, the Preface, etc. c. For all vessels over 24m in the
ballast master fails to take steps to remedy the 30.Exemption to serve as master on board international voyage.
voyage. defects a NIS ship for Non Norwegian citizens 42. The rules of the Convention SOLAS,
12.What of entries shall the master make in 22. When a seafarer is seriously injured on needs to be given by: unless otherwise stated, do not apply to
the sea service book or record of service in board, how shall the Norwegian Maritime c. The Norwegian Maritime Directorate vessels with a size less than
connection with supervision of maritime Directorate be informed? 31. The validity of the shipping documents b. 500 GТ
service? c. By a telecom report followed by a report can be extended by the Administration to 43. The hull and the machinery of a cargo
b. Entries regarding the seafarer's service on a personal injury report form b. 3 months. ship are subject of certification over a period
time, vacation days due etc.
of time established by the Administration, 7. the ship's documents including Crew a. The Ship's emergency contingency reason and have dignity in the form of
but not more than.. Passports and CDC on board a vessel, manual creative abilities, sense of initiative and high
d. 5 years. Where will you normally find it? 21.What is be reported to a company on the dignity and faith are called
44. In case of an alchohol abuse for the first d. Ship's Office emergency phone? a. Dignity
time, the Executive Director of the Maritime 8. What is the best describes to the leader- a. All accidents where crew are injured or 33. In general, the word management refers
administration may suspend a seafarer’s follower relationship? killed to
certificate of competence for: c. Leadership and followership merge and 22.The post-heroic leadership theory is ? d. Which settings should and need to be
b. for 6 months. are linked concepts a. A theory looking beyond current acted upon
45. Who is responsible for not violating the 9. What signs do we see when identifying leadership styles to new, more creative 34. Human resources to crew the ship must
strength of the ship? effective team decision making, when ways of leading. be prepared with good planning, therefore it
b. The master. observing how teams communicate? b. A theory which states that there is too is necessary
a. Two people always seem to make the much emphasis on leaders and more a. On-board training
decisions attention should be placed on followers. 35. A person's ability to influence others is a
10.The Responsibilities and Roles of a team 23. In every Vessel Master of must be skill of a:
includes: provide by: a. Leader
c. Quality Management a. A link between the shipboard training 36. The implementation of the policy
11.The Proper and The accurate inventory officer and the company training officer depends on the commitment of the decision
of stores should be maintained in order to: ashorec maker. Without a commitment, the efforts
a. Control the ship's budget made will be in vain. The way to do this is
12. If Master finds reason to doubt whether through easy-to-accept communication,
the agent is giving the vessel's interest full 24. If master finds reason to doubt whether including:
and proper attention he should: the agent is giving the vessels interest full a. Subordinates work by letter
Student Examination Detail d. Investigate the matter carefully and report andproper attention he should?: 37. Managerial is a blend of art and science,
Examination Code : ANT III the findings to the company c. Investigate the matter carefully and report the meaning of the word is
13. The necessary information for the next the findings to the company. d. Managers must be creative
Question List and Student Answered port of call should be: 25. Who are responsible for safety at work 38. With the ISM Code for seafarers, one of
1. Conventional distinctions made between b. Procured before departure from a port on the ship? the advantages is:
managers and leaders are. 14.Who is have a responsible person for c. The captain, Chief Engineer, Ch. Officer. a. Making ships a safe place to work for
d. Managers inspire while leaders develop maintaining budget on board normally is: 26. We must organised Onboard training seafarers
2. The first report you make, when the Crew a. Master becauset: 39. The majority of conventions adopted
of a foreign ship with a D-1 permit leaves the 15. What we would need to help turn an a. It is an integral part of the overall training under the auspices of IMO fall into three
ship in a foreign port and fails to return. individual into becoming a Team Player plan main categories:
b. Immigration Service c. Monitor their individual performance 27. What is the Following is not a Type of a. Maritime Safety, Marine Pollution
3. The necessary information for the next 16.The Disadvantage of Teamwork is ? Team? Prevention, Liability and Compensation
port of call should be: c. More time is taken to perform the tasks d. Individual 40. Checks carried out systematically into
a. Procured before departure from a port 17. If we want to be an effective 28. Who is responsible for not exceeding the the organization and stand alone to
4. the best possible treatment to communicator in a team maximum working hours? determine whether the activities of the
representative of the port authorities should c. Never Listen by yourself a. The master and the commanders of the Safety Management System are functioning
always receive: 18. Which legal document requires departments. properly and in accordance with what is
a. For ship's clearance to take place quickly specialized training for teamwork and 29. Who bares the overall responsibility for expected are
and without complications leadership skills ? a fire fighting operation onboard? a. Internal audit
5. it is important to have good relationship c. STCW d. The Master 41. Courage to make quick, precise,
on-board a vessel, why? 19.The social construction of leadership is ? 30.Which of these is not a principle of great practical and rational decisions and take
b. It leads to better work performance and c. What counts as good leadership is a man theory? responsibility for the consequences and
positive atmosphere among the crew construction of the perceptions of the c. A great leader is only great in certain risks that arise as a consequence of the
6. What Group or Individual behaviours followers. situations decisions taken, is the definition of ?:
might lead to an effective Team? 20. We can be found the office phone, fax, 31. "Abandon ship" command is given by: a. Leadership approach based on
d. Able to listen to feedback telex and after office hours telephone a. The Master of the ship only; leadership goals
numbers in: 32. The noble position of humans over 42. The function of the skipper is responsible
God's creatures because humans have for carrying ships sailing from one port to
another or from one place to another safely, Examination Code : ANT III 10. Electronic devices on board that can be a. The collision regulations are based on ship
safely to their destination for passengers used to pick up the bearing of an object are courses through the water
and all their cargo, as follows:
b. Ship leader c. RADAR ARPA 21. In which source could you find the
43. Which of the following factors is not an Question List and Student Answered number of a chart for a certain geographic
ideal type of team? 11. We get the deviation value of the Magnetic area?
1. Calculate the following latitude Compass at
d. Individualist
conversion 11250''N ? b. Catalog of Charts
44. Courage to make quick, precise,
a. Deviation list ( Map room)
practical and rational decisions and take
d. 03°07'30'' N 22. The position accuracy of Loran-C degrades
responsibility for the consequences and
12. In the following conversion what is the with increasing distance from the
risks that arise as a consequence of the 2. The layer of gas that surrounds the planet, and value of 2 Cables = m ? transmitting stations as
decisions taken, is the definition of ?: is held in place by the gravity of the
a. Leadership approach based on planetary body is d. 370.4 m b. a result of variation in propagation
leadership goals
a. Atmosfhere 13. Variation values can be seen on the map
45. A process or a number of continuous in section 23. Which of the following methods do you think
and interconnected activities that involve 3. Which is not a layer of the atmosphere? will give the most accurate ship position?
humans, technology, methods, and capital c. Compass rose
to achieve an organizational goal in the c. Trophopause d. A three point bearing
operation of ships. 14. AIS is an acronym for
b. Ship management 4. The following types of low clouds, except 24. The equation of time is 8m 40s. The apparent
d. Automatic Identification System Sun is ahead of the mean Sun. If you are on
d. Altocumulus
the central meridian of your time zone, the
15. The tool used to find GMT time on board
apparent Sun will cross your meridian at
5. A cloud with the characteristics of being thin, is
hairy, and composed entirely of ice crystals
a. 11-51-20 ZT
25. The line that divides the northern and
a. Cirrus Clouds 16. The function of AIS on board is
southern hemispheres is
6. The temperature of the hottest month with the a. Detect and provide information from other
b. Equator
temperature of the coldest month in a year ships
has a difference value is called 26. During the month of October the Sun's
17. The button on the GPS that functions to
declination is
a. Annual temperature amplitude cancel the currently displayed route is
c. south and increasing
7. Which of the following layers of the atmosphere b. Go to
is closest to the earth? 27. A navigator must rely on the position of
18. The function of the Range Selector on
the beacon to navigate when ?
b. Troposphere RADAR is
d. Only if the tool remains unavailable
8. Clouds that are shaped like cauliflower and occur a. Describes places detected by radar.
due to the convection process are 28. The distance between two successive
19. The function of the Echo Sounder on
crests or troughs of a wave is the meaning
c. Cumulus Cloud board is
9. Low cloud clusters have a height of less b. Detects into the water from the keel to the
d. Wavelength
than… seabed.
29. PSV. Surf Perdana covered the distance for
c. 2 km 20. Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion
3 consecutive days was 320, 315 and 320
Student Examination Detail display mode be avoided when using the
Arpa for anti-collision purposes
nautical miles. Find the daily average a. A large HDOP value is displayed on the a. The GPS system gives information about
running speed if each day is 24 hours long screen position, speed and time continuously world
d. 318.3 nautical miles 38.What is understood by the term "Dew
point" of the air?
30. PSV. Surf Perdana departs from Balikpapan
to Batam with a total distance of 2500 nm. a. The temperature at which
planned to arrive 10 days later. What is the condensation in the air forms into water
average hourly speed to arrive on time? droplets

a. 10.41 nautical miles / Hours 39. The position of the ship is found by taking a
series of bearings using a magnetic
31. A relative bearing is always measured compass. How should an error of 5 degrees
from WEST be applied to the compass bearings?

a. The vessel's head a. Subtract 5 degrees to the bearings

40. Winds that blow around curved isobars

without experiencing friction and the earth's
32. The gyro compass can suffer from a surface is ?
compass error and may need to be allowed
for, when steering a course in a dangerous d. Gradient wind
navigational area. What is the probable
cause of the error? 41. Which of the answers best summarises
the information which should be provided for
a. An uncorrected course and speed error the bridge Officers of the Watch within an
effective Voyage plan
33. Calculate the following longitude
conversion 117° 30.5' W = ? a. All of the suggested answers

b. 117 30’30’’ W 42. The climatic conditions formed in the area

between latitudes 23.5º N and 23.5º S are ?
34. What are the required data inputs into most
gyro compasses to reduce any possible b. Tropical
compass error?
43. What is the direction of wind associated with
a. Latitude and Speed an anticyclone (area of high pressure) in the
Northern Hemisphere?
35. A position that is obtained by applying
estimated current and wind to your vessel's a. Clockwise around the high pressure
course and speed is a(n)
44. Winds that blow around curved isobars
b. estimated position without experiencing friction and the earth's
surface is ?
36. The part of a sextant mounted directly
over the pivot of the index arm is the d. Gradient wind

a. index mirror 45. What is the advantages of a GPS satellite

system compared to other navigational
37. When navigating using the GPS, how does
the GPS display indicate when the accuracy
of the displayed position is reduced?

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