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CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ‘©Copyright 1990 UNZ & CO. ‘The undersigned MT! Corporation (Girne, Agent or Company) for MTI Corporation 860 $ 19TH ST, Richmond, CA 94804, USA declares (Name and aderess of shipper) that the following mentioned goods shipped on S/S onthe date of 5/2/20 are the product of the United States of America. No.of KGS, MARKS AND NUMBERS BOXES oR" |WEIGHTIN KILOS DESCRIPTION cases | Gross | Net 7 9 2 15 [1700°C Compact Muffle Furnace KSL-1500K5 2 7 45 | 40 | 6-Position Programmable Desktop Dip Coater with Heating Chamber for 6 Samples Multilayer Coating - PTL- ‘over 3 7 70 ‘& [Compact Two Channel Trace Gas Mixer (16-160 mim) -EO- iCGM-2F a 8 6 __|High Speed Diamond Cut-off Saw with related accessories 5 z 6 6 [Auto Vacuum Desiccators with builtin Pump 6 6 3 2 [Material powders for material research 7 a 2 TS _ [Crystal substrates for material research e INiTT Invoice # 51960 ‘Sworn to before me this fete of ore 2 recognizes Chamber of Commerce under the Stae of The Richmond Chamber of Commerce has examined the manufacturer's invoice or shippers affidavit concerning ing to the best ofits knowledge and belief, finds that the products named originated in the United States of North America. 13033263-2 United States of America AC) ad DEPARTMENT OF STATE To all to whom these presents shall come, Greetings: 1 Certify That the document hereunto annexed is under the Seal of the State(s) of California, and that such Seal(s) is/are entitled to full faith and credit.* *For the contents of the annexed documentthe Department assumes no responsiblity This certificate is not valid if itis removed or altered in any way whatsoever r Be 29 Hite usr | ty | | In testimony whereof, I, John F. Kerry. Secretary 0} hereunto caused the seal of the Department of State to be affixed and my name subscribed by the Assistant Authentication Officer, of the said Department, at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, this twenty-second day of May, 2013. Issued pursuant to CHXIV, State of Sept. 15, 1789, 1 Stal, 68-69: 22 USC 2657; 22USC 2651a; 5 USC B 301; 28 USC 1733 ex. seq: 8 USC BY. 14430); RULE 44 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Secretary of State ssistani Authentication Officer, Department of State | SECRETARY OF STATE |, DEBRA BOWEN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: That, Abigail Ehrenfried was, on May 07, 2013, a duly commissioned, qualified and acting NOTARY PUBLIC, in the State of California, empowered to act as such Notary in any part of this State and authorized to take the acknowledgment or proof of powers of attorney, mortgages, deeds, grants, transfers, and other instruments of writing executed by any person, and to take depositions and affidavits and administer oaths and affirmations in all matters incident to the duties of the office or to be used before any court, judge, officer, or board. | FURTHER CERTIFY that the seal affixed or impressed on the attached document is the official seal of said Notary Public and it appears that the name subscribed thereon is the genuine signature of the person aforesaid, his (or her) signature being of record in this office. In Witness Whereof, | execute this certificate and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this 10th day of May 2013. SEALY Debs | Beaten. Secretary of State Sate of Califomia county of 1 personally known to me X proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be the person(s) whose name(s) islene subscribed to the within insiument ard 2 ie, Oa Per acknowledged tome that helshadtey executed wo Naty Waco the same in his/heritheie authorized z cio ken capacity(ies), and that by his/hersheue signature(s) on te instrument the person(a) er ‘the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the inerument WITN 3S my hand and official seal, hig Wi J yee Poe Noy Sat toe v Sora Ry a tured by lan. may prove valable fo persons relying on the document ‘ne cou prevent raucklont removal and reatachmert oft fom teenie aoe, Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: & Document Date: = Signers) Other Than Named Above: eee Capacity(ios) Claimed by Signer =~ Signers Name: inv 1 Corporate Ofer — Tey : G Perner—C Lined = Gane | & Atomey in Fact, y © Trustee we Guardian or Conservator

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