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3B Scientific® Physics: Electron Diffraction Tube D 1013885

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Electron Diffraction Tube D 1013885

Instruction sheet
08/22 HJB

1 4-mm sockets
for connecting heater supply
2 2-mm socket
for connecting cathode
3 Internal resistor
4 Filament
5 Cathode
R 6 Anode
7 4-mm plug for connecting anode
8 Focussing electrode
9 Polycrystalline graphite grating
10 Boss
11 Fluorescent screen

1 2 3 45 6 789 10 11

1. Safety instructions When the tube is in operation, the stock of the

tube may get hot.
Hot cathode tubes are thin-walled, highly evacu-  If necessary, allow the tube to cool before dis-
ated glass tubes. Treat them carefully as there is mantling.
a risk of implosion.
 Do not subject the tube to mechanical The compliance with the EC directive on electro-
stresses. magnetic compatibility is only guaranteed when
using the recommended power supplies.
 Do not subject the connection leads to any
 The tube may only be used with tube holder 2. Description
D (1008507).
The electron diffraction tube illustrates the wave
If voltage or current is too high or the cathode is nature of electrons by allowing observation of in-
at the wrong temperature, it can lead to the tube terference caused by a beam of electrons pass-
becoming destroyed. ing through a polycrystalline graphite target on a
fluorescent screen (Debye-Scherrer diffraction).
 Do not exceed the stated operating parame-
The wavelength of the electrons can be calcu-
lated for various anode voltages from the radius
 Only change circuit with power supply equip- of the diffracted rings and the distance between
ment switched off. the crystal layers in the graphite. The tube also
 Only exchange tubes with power supply confirms the de Broglie hypothesis.
equipment switched off. The electron diffraction tube is a highly evacuated
tube with an electron gun consisting of a pure
tungsten heater filament and a cylindrical anode

all contained in a clear glass bulb. The electrons Additionally required:
emitted by the heated cathode are constrained to
To perform experiments using the electron dif-
a narrow beam by an aperture and are then fo-
fraction tube, the following equipment is also re-
cussed by means of an electron-optical system.
The resulting tight, monochromatic beam then
passes through a micro-mesh nickel grating situ- 1 Tube holder D 1008507
ated at the aperture of the gun. Onto this grid, a
thin layer of polycrystalline graphitised carbon 1 High voltage power supply 5 kV (115 V, 50/60 Hz)
has been deposited by vaporisation. This layer 1003309
affects the electrons in the beam much like a dif- or
fraction grating. The result of this diffraction is 1 High voltage power supply 5 kV (230 V, 50/60 Hz)
seen in the form of an image comprising two con- 1003310
centric rings that become visible on the fluores-
cent screen. A spot resulting from the undeflected 2 Pair of Experiment Leads, 75 cm 1002850
electron beam continues to be visible at the cen- 1 Experiment Lead, Plug and Socket 1002838
tre of the rings.
A magnet is also supplied with the tube. This al-
lows the direction of the electron beam to be Additionally recommended:
changed, which may be necessary if the graphite 1 Protective Adapter, 3-Pole 1009960
target has slight damage as a result of the man-
2 Pair of Safety Experiment Leads, 75 cm 1002849
ufacturing process or due to later overheating.
1 Experiment Lead, Safety Plug/Socket 1002839

3. Technical data 4.1 Setting up the tube in the tube holder

 The tube should not be mounted or removed
Filament voltage: ≤ 7,0 V AC/DC
unless all power supplies are disconnected.
Anode voltage: 0 – 5000 V DC
 Push the jaw clamp sliders on the stanchion
Anode current: typ. 0,15 mA of the tube holder right back so that the jaws
at 4000 V DC open.
Lattice constant d10 = 0,213 nm  Push the bosses of the tube into the jaws.
of graphite: d11 = 0,123 nm
 Push the jaw clamps forward on the stan-
Dimensions: chions to secure the tube within the jaws.
Distance graphite target /  If necessary plug the protective adapter onto
fluorescent screen: 125 ± 2 mm approx. the connector sockets for the tube.
Fluorescent screen: 100 mm dia. approx.
4.2 Removing tube from the tube holder
Glass bulb: 130 mm dia. approx.
Total length: 260 mm approx.  To remove the tube, push the jaw clamps
right back again and take the tube out of the
4. Operation
4.3 General instructions
Included in delivery:
The graphite foil on the diffraction grating is only
1 adapter 2-mm with 4mm socket; it is required if a few layers of molecules thick and any current
the protective adapter, 3-pole (1009960) is not greater 0.2 mA can cause its destruction.
used to connect the cathode to the 2mm socket
[(2) in diagram]. Via a safety experiment lead, the The internal resistor is there to prevent damage
connection to the high-voltage power supply unit to the graphite foil.
is realized in this way. The graphite target itself should be monitored
throughout the experiment. If the graphite target
starts to glow, the anode must immediately be
disconnected from its power supply
If the diffraction rings are not satisfactorily visible,
the electron beam can be redirected by a magnet
so that it passes through an undamaged region
of the target.

5. Example experiment a) Bragg equation:   2  d  sin
 = wavelength of the electrones
 Set u the experiment as in Fig. 2. Connect the  = glancing angle of the diffraction ring
negative pole of the anode supply via the 2- d = lattice plane spacing in graphite
mm socket. L = distance between sample and screen
D = diameter D of the diffraction ring
 Apply the heater voltage and wait about 1 mi-
R = radius of the diffraction ring
nute for the heater temperature to achieve
thermal stability D R
tan 2  d 
 Apply an anode voltage of 4 kV. 2L L
 Determine the diameter D of the diffraction b) de-Broglie equation:  
rings. p
h = Planck’s constant
Two diffraction rings appear on the fluorescent p = momentum of the electrones
screen centred on the undeflected beam in the
middle. The two rings correspond to Bragg reflec- p2 h
e U  
tions from atoms in the layers of the graphite 2m 2  m  e U
crystal lattice.
m = electron mas, e = electron charge
Changing the anode voltage causes the rings to
change in diameter. Reducing the voltage makes
the rings wider. This supports de Broglie's postu-
late that the wavelength increases as momentum
is reduced.

Fig. 1 Schematic representation to Debye-Scherrer diffraction


2 3
1 4
0 5


0 ... 5 kV



2 mm

Fig. 2 Circuit of the diffraction tube D

Fig. 3 Circuit of the diffraction tube D with protective adapter, 3-pole (1009960)

3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 20 ▪ 20459 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ www.3bscientific.com

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© Copyright 2022 3B Scientific GmbH

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