Group 06 Final Report
Group 06 Final Report
Group 06 Final Report
Submitted By
Name of the students Student ID
Munem Shahriar 190011105
Shabab Zulkar Nayn 190011115
Nazmus Shameer Islam 190011122
Md. Ar Rafi Bin Arif 190011123
Labib Ahmed Shezan 190011124
Abdul Malek Thabet 190011137
Supervised By
A Capstone Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
This is to certify that the work presented in this report, titled, “Design and Fabrication of a
Surveillance Drone”, is the outcome of the fabrication and research carried out by us for the
Capstone Design project under the supervision of Dr. Md. Monjurul Ehsan, Associate
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Islamic University of
Name of the students Signature and Date
Munem Shahriar
The project titled “Design and Fabrication of a Surveillance Drone” submitted by Munem
Shahriar, Student No.: 190011105, Shabab Zulkar Nayn, Student No.: 190011115, Nazmus
Shameer Islam, Student No.: 190011122, Md. Ar Rafi Bin Arif, Student No.: 190011123, Labib
Ahmed Shezan, Student No.: 190011124, Abdul Malek Thabet, Student No.: 190011137 has
been accepted as satisfactory in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of B Sc.
in Mechanical Engineering on 1st December, 2023.
1. -------------------------------------
Name (Supervisor)
MPE Dept., IUT, Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh.
2. -------------------------------------
Name (Co-Supervisor)
MPE Dept., IUT, Board Bazar, Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh.
We express our deepest acknowledgement to “Project Altair” and “Formula IUT” for helping
us throughout this project by providing us with necessary components and tools for fabrication
and assembly. We are also thankful to Mr. Raian E Rabbani and Mr. Abdullah Abrar for helping
us design the circuit diagrams and testing the electronic components.
In a time of rapid technological development, having reliable monitoring systems has become
more and more important. This project focuses on the design and construction of a quadcopter-
based surveillance system in response to the increasing need for adaptable and affordable
surveillance solutions. The main goal is to create an aerial platform that is easy to use and
accessible and has a surveillance camera that can be remotely controlled for effective
monitoring applications. The design of the quadcopter places a strong emphasis on ease of use,
stability, and simplicity. The mechanical framework prioritizes agility while upholding
structural integrity by using lightweight and durable materials. The addition of a surveillance
camera improves the functionality of the system by giving monitoring and surveillance users
access to an aerial perspective in real time. The surveillance drone's camera and receiver
guarantee thorough and instantaneous data collection in a variety of environmental settings.
The quadcopter is operated by a remote controller, providing users with an easy-to-use and
responsive interface. Precise control during surveillance operations is made possible by the
seamless management of flight parameters and navigation. In order to guarantee dependable
and secure operation, the project also investigates the integration of fundamental safety features
and emergency protocols. The real time data transfer between the drone and the ground control
station is also made smooth via a smart phone. A complex flight controller configuration has
been built to enable user-friendly operations. Drone controls are enhanced by a self-levelling
mechanism, which allow the drone to be more stable while flying. Applications for the
surveillance system are sought after in fields like search and rescue, event planning, and
security monitoring. This project aims to offer an affordable aerial surveillance solution that
meets a variety of user needs by utilizing the versatility of a surveillance camera and the ease
of use of a quadcopter design.
Complex Engineering Problem
• Design of the Drone Chassis (A1): The 3D model of the drone was created in
SolidWorks software. Three different models were made and one design was selected
by taking in consideration the weight and portability of the drone.
• Structural and Aerodynamic Analysis (A2): The structural analysis of the drone
chassis was performed in ANSYS Structural to find out the load capacity of the chassis
and its crash resistance. The thrust force of the designed propellers was calculated in
ANSYS Fluent to find if the thrust force was enough to lift the overall weight of the
• Flight Controller Setup (A3): Setting up the KK 2.1.5 flight controller with proper
orientation. The roll, pitch, yaw and thrust values were calibrated according to the trial-
and-error process. The ACC calibration was done based on the surface orientation. The
self-controlling function was configured for better stability of the drone.
• Material and Camera Selection (A4): Fiberglass and Polyamide Nylon was chosen
for the chassis of the drone due to its crash resistance capacity and high durability. For
the surveillance part MICRO 1/4 CMOS 700TVL FPV camera was chosen for better
clarity of the surveillance footage within the budget constraints.
• Assembly of the Drone (A5): The components were assembled keeping the Flight
Controller on top of the chassis and the Li-Po battery in the middle. A circuit diagram
was prepared for connecting all the components and the connections were provided
• Software and Computer Engineering (K4): Proficiency in SolidWorks for design and
3D modelling and ANSYS for the simulation of different parts of the drone.
• Safety, Risk, and Reliability (K5): Knowledge of safety standards, risk assessment
methodologies, and reliability engineering principles. This is essential for ensuring the
drone operates safely, reliably, and conforms to regulatory standards.
These knowledge profiles encompass a range of disciplines and skills necessary for the design
and fabrication of a surveillance drone, aligning with the educational objectives outlined by the
Washington Accord for engineering programs.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ..................................................................................................................... iv
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... v
Challenges and Future Directions: ............................................................................. 4
4.3.3 Simulation and Calculation on the NACA-2412 based designed propeller: 23
4.3.4 NACA-4412 based designed propeller: ....................................................... 24
4.3.5 Thrust calculation NACA-4412 based designed propeller: ......................... 24
References ............................................................................................................................... 35
List of Tables
Table 1: Table for different parts and mechanisms of the model .............................................. 6
Table 2: Materials needed for different parts. ........................................................................... 7
Table 3: Video Frame Rate of the Surveillance Camera ......................................................... 10
Table 4: Simulation Parameters and Values ............................................................................ 21
Table 5: Direction of Translational and Rotational Motion..................................................... 26
List of Figures
Figure 35: Orientation of Roll, Pitch, Yaw and Thrust ........................................................... 28
Figure 36: Finalized Concept Design...................................................................................... 30
Figure 37: Finalized Look of the Drone .................................................................................. 30
Figure 38: Analysis of the propeller on ANSYS....................................................................... 31
Figure 39: Structural Analysis of the frame on ANSYS ........................................................... 31
Figure 40: (a) Drone At ground (b) Drone at Flight (c) Surveillance Picture ....................... 32
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background:
Multi-rotor drones are one of the latest innovations in the aircrafts industry and their use has
increased in recent years [1]. In a time of rapid technological advancement, there is a greater
need than ever for effective and widely available surveillance systems. This project aims to
design and build a quadcopter-based surveillance system in response to the need for an
affordable and adaptable aerial surveillance platform. By fusing a surveillance camera's
functionality with a quadcopter's agility, this project seeks to offer a solution that can be
adjusted to different monitoring situations.
1.2 Objective:
Developing a user-friendly, remotely controlled quadcopter with a security camera is the main
goal of this project.
1. Functionality: The primary objective is to design and build drones that fulfill their
intended purpose of surveillance effectively. This involves ensuring that the drones
have the necessary sensors, cameras, and other equipment to gather data accurately and
transmit it in real-time.
2. Durability and Reliability: Fabrication aims at creating drones that are durable and
reliable in various environmental conditions. This includes designing sturdy structures
and selecting materials capable of withstanding unprecedented crashes.
Overall, these objectives aim to create a surveillance drone that is not only technologically
advanced but also cost efficient, and capable of performing their surveillance tasks efficiently
and responsibly.
1.3 Motivation:
The motivation behind this project is to develop a surveillance tool that strikes a balance
between usability and simplicity. This project aims to provide a substitute for more
sophisticated UAVs in situations where the ease of operation of a quadcopter and a surveillance
camera are adequate.
1.4 Scope:
This project's scope includes developing an intuitive remote-control interface, integrating a
surveillance camera, and designing the quadcopter's mechanical layout. The system will be
optimized for stability during flight, and a focus will be on making sure that control is
responsive and easy to use. Applications for the surveillance system include security
surveillance, event monitoring, and improving situational awareness from the air.
1.5 Significance
This project is important because it has the potential to provide an easy-to-use aerial
surveillance solution. We want to increase the accessibility of aerial surveillance technology
by reducing the complexity of the conventional UAV model to a quadcopter that is controlled
by a remote. This project has potential for a variety of uses where an efficient and useful
surveillance system is necessary.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Drones are among the most beneficial and emerging technologies, with a wide range of
applications that can support the sustainability concerns of human lifestyle [2].
Flying drones with a variety of capabilities are becoming more and more needed for both
military and civilian uses. A lot of interest can be seen in creating new drones that can fly on
their own in various conditions and do a variety of tasks. The wide range of uses for these
drones have drawn great attention in the last 10 years, surveillance among which is one of the
most popular [3].
Systematically search on the Web of Science and Scopus were done for journal articles and
conference papers written in English. Findings showed that surveillance drones were used in
seven distinct research fields (transportation, environment, infrastructure, object or people
detection, disaster management, data collection, and other applications). The ability of multi-
rotor drones to quickly change flight regime and the improved handling have increased their
use for applications like rescue, agriculture, security, filming, site inspections, transportation
and medicine [4]
Due to the increasing capability of drones and requirements to monitor remote areas, drone
surveillance is becoming popular [5]. Surveillance drones are used in different military and
civilian purposes. During the Second World War, landmines were primarily utilized to build
defensive and tactical barriers. They were present in great numbers in places like Afghanistan
and Korea. Many of these land mines continue to go undiscovered, increasing the death toll
and devastating the environment. Surveillance drones can help find a landmine. A quadcopter
with a mine detector mounted on it can do the job in this regard [3].
In case of natural disaster, it can scan the wide affected-area quickly and make the search and
rescue (SAR) faster to save more human lives. A lot of researches are going on currently
regarding the development of surveillance drones which are durable, have longer battery life,
can provide great resolution surveillance footages, etc.
Drones can be very first responders during rescue operations or natural calamities. These first
responders can be used to locate and rescue the casualties, monitor pollution level in the
atmosphere, surveillance and many more.
There are both autonomous and remote-controlled drones. Autonomous drones take a lot of
time to be built from scratch and as a group with not too much experience in this field, the team
didn’t want to proceed with autonomous drones. The team in this project completely focused
on fabricating a drone that will be able to fly and can help in surveilling areas of necessity.
After success in making the drone fly manually is achieved, plans are there to make it
autonomous. As it is hard to find components, decision on sticking to a quadcopter design for
the drone was taken. Parts are components of quadcopters are more available to us compared
to other multi-rotor drones.
Quadcopter Technology:
An important aspect of this research is a look at quadcopter technology. Quadcopters are drones
with four rotors that have attracted attention due to their remarkable stability and agility,
making them good options for surveillance missions. Scholarly discussions on this topic
explore the nuances of motor configurations, propeller dynamics, and frame materials, all of
which have an impact on achieving the best possible flight performance.
Integration of Surveillance Camera:
The incorporation of surveillance cameras is a fundamental aspect of the development of
quadcopter surveillance systems. Understanding the weight, resolution, and stabilization
mechanisms of cameras appropriate for this application receives a lot of attention in scholarly
discussions. The development of miniature camera technology is noteworthy since it makes
data collection and real-time monitoring possible, increasing the effectiveness of aerial
User-Friendly Remote-Control Interfaces:
The ease of use of remote-control interfaces is critical to the operational success of quadcopter
surveillance systems. The design principles that govern these interfaces are examined through
an academic lens, taking into account factors like ergonomics, feedback mechanisms, and ease
of use. It is suggested that one of the primary factors affecting the accessibility and usability of
the entire surveillance system is the remote-control interface's inherent efficacy.
Applications in Surveillance:
Beyond the technical details, identifying the various uses for quadcopter surveillance systems
is an important aspect of academic research. This covers a wide range of interdisciplinary
fields, including disaster relief, agriculture, and security. Scholarly investigation reveals the
deliberate use of these systems for border security, improving situational awareness, and crop
health monitoring in areas devastated by disasters.
Challenges and Future Directions:
There are obstacles in the way of this review because quadcopter surveillance systems are still
in their infancy. Among these difficulties are notable restrictions on flight duration, payload
capacity, and the regulatory environment. Scholarly discussion examines these issues and
speculates about potential solutions, seeing developments in battery science, lightweight
materials, and laws as key components in getting past current constraints.
As a summary of this scholarly investigation, the literature review advances a thorough
comprehension of quadcopter surveillance systems. It presents a tableau of possibilities by
illuminating the subtleties related to camera integration, UIs, and apps. Obstacles faced during
this academic journey invite more research and development, creating an environment in the
future where the airspace is still accessible to academic study and technological progress.
Chapter 3: Description of the Components used in the Model
To build the drone, a thorough research has been done which has been demonstrated in the
literature review. The selected components along with their Description is provided below:
3.1. Selected Components and the Materials:
Each of the components had to be sourced from different places in order to match the
requirements of the projects. The selected components along with their functionality and
mechanism used are shown below:
Table 1: Table for different parts and mechanisms of the model
Table 2: Materials needed for different parts.
Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of KK 2.1.5 Flight Controller [7]
For the quadcopter drone that has been built on this project, the materials chosen for the chassis
were Fiber Glass and Polyamide Nylon. Integrated PCB connections for direct soldering of the
ESCs. Pre-threaded brass sleeves for all of the frame bolts were made. Arms were colored for
orientation to keep flying in the right direction.
The width and height of the drone is 450mm and 55mm respectively and the arm length size
is 21.5*4*5cm. The overall weight of the frame is 280g.
Drone Propellers:
The propellers of the drones come in different sizes. And depending upon the size, the thrust
calculation also changes. Because the thrust generated by a propeller bigger in size is higher
than the thrust generated by a propeller smaller. For the drone that has been built for this project,
a propeller of size 6 inches has been utilized. Even though compromise has been made in the
thrust section, using a smaller sized propeller makes it easier to fly the drone.
The propellers are very strong and are of light weight. They are long lasting and are easy to
install. The material for the propeller is polycarbonate and Fiber. The screw pitch is 4.5 inches
and the center hole diameter is 5 mm. The overall weight of the drone is 5g.
Radio Systems:
For the Radio Communication, “FlySky FS-CT6B 2.4GHz 6CH Transmitter with Receiver FS-
R6B Mode 2” has been selected. It is a digital radio transceiver.
The transmitter is a Mode 2: Left Hand Side Throttle according to the orientation that we have
planned. It has 6 different channels for commands. The RF Range is 2.40-2.48 GHz (RF Power
< 20DB) and the Bandwidth is 500 Hz (Band – 160). The Wireless Connection is a 2.4G system
(AFHDS) and the code type is GFSK. The sensitivity of the transmitter is 1024 and provides a
low voltage warning if provided with less than 9V. The power is 12V and the ANT length is
26 mm. Charging Port and DSC ports are available.
Surveillance Camera:
A normal FPV camera has been selected for the surveillance section. The image of the camera
is shown below:
The surveillance camera chosen was a 720-pixel aerial run camera whose focal length is
2.1MM- 2.5MM-2.8MM-3.6MM-6MM-8MM-12MM optional. It had a PAL/NSTC signal
system and a minimum illumination of 0.1 LUX (Color) and no LUX on black and white (IR
on). White balance for this camera is turned on automatically. The video frame rate is given
Table 3: Video Frame Rate of the Surveillance Camera
The camera has an internal synchronization and has an option to back light compensation. The
power consumed by the camera is 70 mA and the operating temperature is 20°C-60℃.
Chapter 4: Computational Methodology
4.1. 3D Modelling of the Concept Design of the Drone:
4.1.1. 2D Drawing of the 1st Drone Model:
Initialization of the modelling was started by looking into different drone designs on the
internet and decision were made to model two different drones for analysis. The parts of the
drones were designed and assembled in SolidWorks.
The spider arms in this particular drone are foldable which makes it very convenient to carry
from one place to another. If portability was the main priority of the project, then this would
have been the option to go with. But looking further into the fabrication of this type of drones,
the fabrication complexities this model would bring made the group shift into the decision of
modelling another drone.
4.1.2. 3D Modelling of the 1st Drone:
4.1.4. Rendered Model of the 1st Drone:
Designing another drone was necessary to analyze and decide upon a model taking the
fabrication feasibility into consideration. Initially the 1st model was designed taking portability
and the size into consideration.
4.1.5 Drawing of 2nd Drone Model:
For this particular drone, the spider base, top and arms are separated. The electrical wirings are
not inside the chassis like the first designed model.
For the first drone that was designed, it can be seen that the chassis structure includes
everything inside it which makes it more compact and also was able to keep room for the
surveillance camera section. But upon further research and discussion, it can be understood that
it would be very complicated to fabricate the chassis section.
4.1.6 3D Modelling of 2nd Drone (Without Camera and Stand)
Figure 12: High Pressure Below and Low Pressure Above (Flow Trajectories)
4.1.8 Render of 2nd Drone (Without Camera and Stand)
This design is the base structure for the drone without the camera and the stand. The analysis
was started based on improving the infrastructure of this drone.
4.1.9 Decision taken on the Concept Design of the Drone:
The main goal for this capstone project was to make this drone fly along with having high
quality surveillance footages. And as this is the first time for this group making a drone, it was
not convenient to include complicated fabrication procedures for the model. The first drone
that was designed has its advantages but would cause a lot of difficulties during the fabrication
So, decision was made to stick with the second drone model. The anatomy of the concept design
is shown below:
After choosing the drone model, decision was made to work on improving the performance of
the drone by doing structural and fluid mechanics analysis on different components
The surveillance camera was not put initially without finalizing the chassis design. So, initially
analysis was started by doing the structural analysis for the chassis.
4.2 Structural Analysis of the Chassis of the Drone:
It had to be ensured that the chassis that we built is firm enough to take all the load of the drone
along with the load of the surveillance camera. To ensure this, the structural analysis of the
drone was done in Ansys Structural. The calculation and location of the position for the
Maximum and Minimum Deformation, Stress and Strain was figured out.
4.2.1 Total Deformation Analysis
Here, it can be seen that the maximum Deformation occurs at the tail of the spider arms. And
the minimum Deformation can be observed in the center position of the drone.
4.2.2 Equivalent Stress Analysis
Here, it can be seen that the maximum stress occurs at the junction of the spider arms with the
spider base and top. The color bar can be used as a reference to see the maximum and the
minimum stress. The blue region is where the stress is the minimum.
4.2.3 Equivalent Strain Analysis
Here, it can be seen that the maximum strain also occurs at the junction of the spider arms with
the spider base and top. Guidance was taken from an article published in “International
Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology” named “Design and
Analysis of 3D Printed Quadrotor”. The validation of the results was done from the reference
paper given and similarities were found close enough to proceed further with the design.
4.3 Selection of Propeller:
The development of drone technology currently is heading towards two main problems, namely
improve battery life and increase payload. To solve these issues, it is possible to create
propellers that guarantee greater thrust and efficiency. The propellers if designed properly
would make the drone reach the hovering regime sooner than the ones that are already on the
market, thus avoiding waste of energy. It would also make the drone capable enough of
carrying more weights. By continuous improvements drones can be more suitable for shipping
applications and, in the future, can replace helicopters in rescue missions.
To fabricate the drone, plans were there to use 3D printers as making it using molds would be
very expensive. This additive manufacturing process has found several successful applications.
Figure 18:Comparison between the predicted and measured thrust as a function of rotation speed [4]
Figure 19: Comparison between the 3D printed propeller and commercial ones [4]
It can be seen that the 3D printed models even though do no perform as well as the ones in the
market, it is good enough to work with for this project.
4.3.1 Simulation and Calculation Procedures:
The set-up of the simulation is shown in the following table:
Table 4: Simulation Parameters and Values
For the simulation, time has to be transient with time steps for a definite size. The viscous
model is k-epsilon (realizable). Near wall is treated as a scalable wall function. The flying
medium is ‘air’ whose density is 1.225 kg/m3. The inlet velocity, V is taken to be 0.5 m/s. The
viscosity of fluid is taken to be 1.7894e-05 and the flow is considered to be turbulent [12].
4.3.2 Simulation and Calculation on the primary designed propeller:
Figure 21: Pressure contour of initially designed propeller
It can be seen from the graphs that the propeller that was initially designed does not provide
enough thrust. So, it was decided to study different NACA profiles to figure out a design that
will help achieve better thrust.
4.3.3 Simulation and Calculation on the NACA-2412 based designed propeller:
4.3.4 NACA-4412 based designed propeller:
For this propeller, it can be seen that the thrust that was achieved so far is the maximum. All
the calculations are verified from the reference article [4]. So, finally, the team decided upon
using NACA- 4412 based designed propeller for the drone.
4.4 Finalized Propeller Design (Render):
4.5.1 Development of Algorithm
A quadcopter has 4 motors for a system which has to encounter 6 degrees of freedom i.e., it is
as underactuated system.
Table 5: Direction of Translational and Rotational Motion
Translational Motion
Up/Down Left/Right Forward/Backward
Rotational Motion
Roll Pitch Yaw
But quadcopter developers settled on a configuration with opposing motors spinning in the
same direction. It is because of how yaw or flat spinning motion interacts with roll and pitch.
To yaw, yaw torque is needed. To roll, decrease in one of the To pitch, one of the fronts or
It can be created by slowing left right pairs has to be done the back pair has to increased
two motors down that are and increase in the other two and the other has to decrease.
running in the same direction has to be done which will cause This will generate a pitching
and speed the other two up. The a rolling torque. The total thrust torque. Even though the total
total thrust Afterall remains the remains the same but the total thrust remains the same, due
same but the total torque is not torque here also is not zero so to variation in torque, the done
zero so the drone will spin the drone will spin about the z- will spin about x-axis for
about the vertical y-axis. axis. pitch.
Figure 31: Orientation of Roll, Pitch, Yaw and Thrust
4.7 Flight Controller Programming:
The flight controller was programmed according to the orientation that has been planned. The
following things were done while programming the flight controller:
❑ The flight controller was reset to its original position
❑ Settings for the quadcopter set-up was provided as command to the flight controller
❑ ACC Calibration was done initially to check if the flight controller can detect the
❑ Using the PI Editor, the aileron, rudder, pitch and elevator values were programmed.
❑ After finally programming the drone, receiver test was performed and the values were
set to 0 to bring it to a stable condition.
❑ Optimizations were made upon flight testing
❑ In order to improve the stability of the drone, self-levelling wire was attached.
Chapter 5: Results and Discussion
5.1 Finalized Concept Design
This is the finalized concept design with improvements brought in the overall model.
After assembling all the components this is how the drone looks now. The flight controller is
kept on the top part of the drone chassis and the battery has been kept in the middle. The camera
is set in the front part of the drone.
5.3 Propeller Analysis
The thrust for each of the propeller was around 0.5kg which was good enough for the drone to
fly with all the components since the overall weight of the drone is around 1.5kg and the total
force produced by 4 propellers is 2kg approx.
5.4 Structural Analysis
From the structural analysis of the frame in ANSYS it was found out that the frame is durable
enough to resist damage from crashes. The maximum deformation is found on the edge of the
frame arms which is well within the elastic deformation range.
5.5 Performance Testing
Upon extensive testing, the flight time of the drone was found to be around 7-8 minutes which
can be improved by changing the Li-Po battery capacity. The charging of the Li-Po battery
takes around 3-4 hours. Some of the photos taken while testing are shown below:
Figure 36: (a) Drone At ground (b) Drone at Flight (c) Surveillance Picture
The feed received from the camera was usable for inspection in different industries as it had a
clear view during daylight.
Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Recommendations
6.1 Conclusion
In the culmination of the project “Design and Fabrication of a Surveillance Drone,” a journey
marked by innovation, exploration, and the pursuit of accessible aerial surveillance solution
has been reflected. Through careful design, construction, and testing, the project's main goal
developing a user-friendly quadcopter integrated with a surveillance camera has been achieved.
The project's accomplishments are highlighted by the smooth integration of a surveillance
camera onto a quadcopter, which is operated via a remote interface. Operators have intuitive
control over the surveillance system thanks to the user-friendly remote-control interface and
the lightweight, sturdy mechanical design that guarantees optimal flight stability. A
comprehensive solution has been made possible by the careful consideration of elements like
camera resolution, frame materials, and control responsiveness.
The surveillance system with quadcopters goes beyond what can be done with traditional
UAVs and provides a flexible and affordable substitute. The system's applications meet a
variety of user needs, from improving security monitoring to offering insightful aerial
perspectives for event management, agriculture, and emergency response. The accessibility of
aerial surveillance technology is increased rather than diminished by the design's simplicity.
The project's dedication to user-focused design is fundamental. The goal of the quadcopter's
simplified remote-control interface and integration of a surveillance camera is to democratize
aerial surveillance. The system invites users to investigate the potential of higher perspectives
without the complications connected with conventional UAVs, regardless of whether they are
novice drone operators or seasoned pros.
Looking back, this project is evidence of the harmony between practicality and effectiveness.
Through thinking beyond a quadcopter as a toy and combining it with a security camera, we
have created a tool that breaks down barriers and enables users to think differently about aerial
views. This project has an impact on the democratization of surveillance capabilities in addition
to the domains of innovation and technology.
In closing, the “Design and Fabrication of a Surveillance Drone” is not merely a project but a
step towards a future where aerial surveillance is within reach for all. The journey may
conclude here, but the possibilities, inspired by innovation, are boundless.
6.2 Future Recommendations:
Some of the future recommendations are provided below:
[3] Y. Ganesh, R. Raju, and R. Hegde, “Surveillance Drone for Landmine Detection,”
Proc. - 2015 21st Annu. Int. Conf. Adv. Comput. Commun. ADCOM 2015, pp. 33–38,
2016, doi: 10.1109/ADCOM.2015.13.
[4] G. Andria et al., “Design and performance evaluation of drone propellers,” 5th IEEE
Int. Work. Metrol. AeroSpace, Metroaerosp. 2018 - Proc., pp. 407–412, 2018, doi:
[5] B. Mishra, D. Garg, P. Narang, and V. Mishra, “Drone-surveillance for search and
rescue in natural disaster,” Comput. Commun., vol. 156, no. November 2019, pp. 1–10,
2020, doi: 10.1016/j.comcom.2020.03.012.
[6] P. Issue and R. Bakke, “KK2.1 & KK2.1.5 Instruction Manual,” no. 1.
[7] “KK2.1.5 Multi-rotor LCD Flight Control Board With 6050MPU And Atmel 644PA
Robotics Bangladesh.”
bangladesh.html (accessed Nov. 30, 2023).
Nov. 30, 2023).
[12] M. Faiz Masjan, A. Sapit, and S. Kariem Shater, “Journal of Complex Flow
Aerodynamics Drone Propeller Analysis by using Computational Fluid Dynamics,”
JCF J. Complex Flow, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 12–16, 2021, [Online]. Available: