Spiroid Report
Spiroid Report
Spiroid Report
Bachelor of Technology in
Aeronautical Engineering
I certify that
a. the work contained in this report is original and has been done by me under the
guidance of my supervisor(s).
b. the work has not been submitted to any other Institute for any degree or diploma.
c. I have followed the guidelines provided by the Institute in preparing the report.
d. I have conformed to the norms and guidelines given in the Ethical Code of Conduct of
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e. whenever I have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, figures, and text) from other
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This is to certify that the project phase-I report entitled Improvement in Aircraft
Performance using modified Winglets submitted by Mr. Mohammed Abdul Numaan
to the Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad, in partial fulfilment of the
requirements for the award of the Degree Bachelor of Technology in Aeronautical
Engineering is a bonafide record of work carried out by him/her under my/our guidance
and supervision. In whole or in parts, the contents of this report have not been submitted to
any other institute for the award of any Degree.
Examiner Supervisor
I wish to take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to all those who helped,
encouraged, motivated and have extended their cooperation in various ways during our
project work. It is my pleasure to acknowledge the help of all those individuals responsible
for foreseeing the successful completion of our project.
I want to thank my supervisor Dr. YD Dwivedi, Dr. BDY Sunil (HOD, AE) and express my
gratitude with great admiration to the faculty of Department of Aeronautical Engineering,
for their valuable advice and help throughout the development of this project by providing
required information without whose guidance, cooperation and encouragement, this project
couldn’t have been materialized. And special thanks to my friends for helping me to develop
this project. Last but not least, I would like to thank our principal, Dr. L V Narasimha
Prasad, the management and my parents for extending their help in all circumstances.
Aerodynamic drag force breakdown of a typical transport aircraft shows that lift-induced
drag can amount to as much as 40% of total drag at cruise conditions and 80-90% of the
total drag in take-off configuration. One way of reducing lift-induced drag is by using
wingtip devices. By applying spiroid winglets, which are already used on commercial
Aircrafts, we study their influence on Aircraft performance. Flow Simulation of modified
configuration of winglets is described and Preliminary indications of their aerodynamic
performance are provided. Moreover, using advanced multi-objective design optimization
software an optimal spiroid winglet configuration was determined and compared that
simultaneously minimizes drag and maximizes lift.
DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. 3
CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................... 4
APPROVAL SHEET .......................................................................................................... V
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................... VI
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... VII
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. VIII
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
1.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Theory ......................................................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Aerodynamic Drag .............................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 Types of Drags ..................................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Induced Drag ........................................................................................................ 3
1.2.4 Induced Drag Reduction ...................................................................................... 4
1.2.5 Lift and Drag of Finite Span Wing………………………………………....…...6
3.6 CFD Analysis Software…………………………………………………………13
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION……………….…………….………….………………26
CHAPTER 6 FUTURE WORK…………….…………….………….…………….…27
Fig 4.15: Velocity streamlines at 0° AOA………………...……………………………………………………….23
AR – Aspect ratio
Cl – Lift coefficient
α - Angle of Attack
1.1 Background
Reducing aerodynamic drag is a critical focus in various industries, especially those
involved in transportation and aerospace, as it directly influences fuel efficiency, vehicle
performance, and environmental sustainability. Aerodynamic drag is the force opposing the
relative motion between an object and the fluid through which it moves, and it becomes
particularly pronounced in vehicles navigating through air. This drag force is composed of
different components, including induced drag, parasite drag, skin friction drag and
interference drag, each playing a role in the overall resistance encountered by a moving
In the realm of transportation, such as aerospace industries, the quest for improved fuel
efficiency and performance has intensified the drive to minimize aerodynamic drag.
Vehicles expending energy to overcome drag experience increased fuel consumption,
resulting in economic implications and heightened environmental impact.
The motivation behind the project to reduce aerodynamic drag lies in the recognition of
these challenges and the need for advancements in this critical area. The goal is to contribute
to the ongoing efforts in the industry by developing innovative solutions that surpass the
limitations of existing methods of conventional winglets replacing it with modified
winglets. By doing so, the project aims to make significant strides in improving fuel
efficiency, reducing emissions, and enhancing the overall performance of vehicles.
In the broader context of aerodynamics, the project aligns with the overarching goal of
advancing the understanding and application of principles that govern fluid dynamics. By
addressing the research gap in current approaches to aerodynamic drag reduction, the
project contributes valuable insights that can benefit not only the specific application at
hand but also the broader field of aerodynamics.
The background of the project underscores the importance of addressing aerodynamic drag
in various industries. This project aims to make meaningful contributions to the ongoing
efforts in the field, with the ultimate goal of creating more efficient, sustainable, and high
performing aircrafts by using these modified winglets.
1.2 Theory
Form drag, also known as pressure drag, is a component of aerodynamic drag that
arises from the shape of an object as it moves through a fluid, such as air. This type of drag
is primarily associated with the pressure differences around the object due to its form.
Objects with less streamlined or more irregular shapes experience higher form drag, as the
airflow is disrupted, creating areas of higher pressure in the front and lower pressure behind.
Minimizing form drag is crucial in design, as it directly influences the overall aerodynamic
efficiency of vehicles and structures. Streamlined designs are employed to reduce form
drag, allowing for smoother airflow and consequently decreasing the resistance encountered
by the object, whether it be an aircraft, vehicle, or any other object moving through a fluid
Understanding and managing form drag involve a balance between achieving the
desired shape for the object's purpose and minimizing the associated aerodynamic
resistance. Wind tunnel testing, computational fluid dynamics simulations, and other
techniques are employed to analyze and refine designs, ensuring that form drag is kept to a
minimum. Ultimately, the quest for optimal aerodynamic efficiency relies heavily on
mitigating the effects of form drag to enhance the performance and functionality of objects
moving through fluid mediums.
2 Skin friction drag
Skin friction drag occurs because the air molecules in the boundary layer
exert a resistance to the motion of the object. The roughness or smoothness of the surface
influences the magnitude of skin friction drag; smoother surfaces generally result in lower
skin friction drag. Smoother surface finishes, streamlined shapes, and careful attention to
the surface characteristics of an object are common strategies to reduce skin friction drag,
thereby enhancing overall aerodynamic efficiency and reducing the energy required for an
object to move through the fluid.
pressure differences between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. The interaction of
these vortices with the surrounding air causes a downward and outward flow of air behind
the wing, producing induced drag.
and multifaceted nature of induced drag reduction strategies. The incorporation of active
flow control systems represents a cutting-edge approach to induced drag reduction. These
systems use advanced technologies to actively manipulate airflow over the wing surface,
adapting to changing flight conditions. By dynamically adjusting the aerodynamic
properties of the wing in real-time, these systems offer the potential for significant
reductions in induced drag. Variable geometry wings provide yet another avenue for
induced drag reduction. These wings can be adjusted during flight to optimize lift and
minimize induced drag in different phases of operation. The adaptability of variable
geometry wings allows for improved performance across a range of flight conditions.
1.2.5 Lift and Drag of Finite Span Wing
Finite span wings generate lift due to the pressure imbalance between the bottom surface
(high pressure) and the top surface (low pressure). However, as a byproduct of this pressure
differential, cross flow components of the velocity are generated. The higher-pressure air
under the wing flows around the wingtips and tries to displace the lower pressure air on the
top of the wing. These structures are referred to as wingtip vortices and very high velocities
and low pressure exist at their cores. These vortices induce a downward flow, known as the
downwash and denoted by w. This downwash has the effect of tilting the free-stream
velocity to produce a local relative wind, which reduces the angle of attack(α) that each
wing section effectively sees; moreover, it creates a component of drag, the lift-induced
drag. After having introduced the notion of lift-induced drag, we can now write the equation
for the total drag of a wing as the sum of the parasite drag (which is basically the sum of
the skin friction drag and pressure drag due to flow separation) and the induced drag, or in
non-dimensional form:
CD=CD0+CDind (1)
Where CD0 is the drag coefficient at zero-lift and is known as the parasite drag coefficient,
which is independent of the lift. The second term on the right-hand side of Eq. (1) is the lift-
induced drag coefficient CDind, defined by
In Eq. (2), CL is the wing lift coefficient, AR the wing aspect ratio and e is the Oswald
efficiency factor (which is a correction factor that accounts for the difference between the
actual wing and an ideal wing having the same aspect ratio and an elliptical lift distribution)
or wingspan efficiency. Eq. (2) can be rewritten as,
Where we have replaced 1/πe AR by K, a factor which clearly depends on the wing
geometry. Substituting Eq. (3) in Eq. (1) we obtain,
Wu et al. [1] investigated the aerodynamic impact of winglets added to wingtips. Wind
tunnel tests revealed winglets can decrease drag by up to 4% by delaying boundary layer
separation and vortex shedding. However, stability concerns emerged at high angles of
attack. The study highlights the potential of winglets for fuel efficiency while emphasizing
further research on optimizing their design for specific aircraft and conditions. The study
further emphasized the importance of tailoring winglets to specific tail fin designs and flight
conditions. Different fin shapes and sizes exhibited varying degrees of effectiveness,
suggesting the need for winglets choreography for each aircraft. Optimization through
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations was proposed as a promising tool to refine
winglet designs and unlock their full drag-reduction potential.
W. Gifton Koil et al. [2] stated that wingtip vortices are strongly associated with induced
drag for a three-dimensional wing. So, it is important to neglect the wingtip vortices in order
to reduce the induced drag. The drag breakdown of a typical transport aircraft shows that
the lift-induced drag can amount to as much as 40% of the total drag at cruise conditions
and 80–90% of the total drag in take-off configuration. One way of reducing lift-induced
drag is by using wingtip devices. In this for reducing inducing induced drag spiroid winglet
are used. If lift to drag ratio increases the drag will reduce here in the spiroid winglet the
lift to drag ratio increases than wing without winglet. So, the spiroid winglet reduces the
M. Azlin et al. [3] during the research found that alternatives in the design of winglet from
the conventional designs. An improved winglet design will significantly yield a better
performance of an aircraft and reduce the fuel consumption. By using CFD to predict the
performance of the winglets, huge amount of time and money can be saved before testing
the winglet in the wind tunnel. Modification can also be done at this stage (during
computational), thus shortening the time-cycle before actually coming out with the
optimum design. Despite the benefits of winglets, there are some drawbacks that need to
be addressed. For example, the bending moment at the wing root is higher, and may require
additional structural reinforcement of the wing. Winglets although can produce a low drag
wing, they add to the cost and complexity of construction. They also modify the handling
and stability characteristics. The viscous drag of the winglet can be too big, nullifying the
reduction of the reduction of the induced drag. Winglets have to be carefully designed so
that these and other problems can be overcome.
Nikola et al. [4] during the research pointed the benefits of winglets which includes
Improved generation of lift. CL is higher for the whole lift curve, Total drag reduction,
Improved lift-to-drag ratio: The maximum value increased by up to 15 percent, Delayed
separation of air (wing stall), Significantly increased range, Improved takeoff and landing
performance, shorter climbing time, Reduced engine emissions, meeting operational
constraints for a minimum of added span and reduced turbulence behind aircraft and
reduced the time gap between the landings. Thus, in order to achieve all the abovementioned
benefits in the Pareto sense of best trade-off combinations between benefits and drawbacks,
shape optimization studies are required for every winglet concept.
B. Rasuo et al. [5] during the research found that with the introduction of the winglets the
ratio of lift and drag coefficients increases. Based on the data, the most improvement in
aircraft’s finesse is at the angle of attack of 4deg. Therefore, we can deduce that the increase
of range, while flying at a constant angle of attack of 4 degrees is around 7.5%. This is a
good indication of a positive impact of winglets on aircraft performance.
Antony et al [6] during the research pointed that the study of winglets was further enhanced
to compare the performance of spiroid winglets with the dual feather winglets. In this study
potential of spiroid and dual feather winglets are taken into consideration by using
biomimetic abstraction principle of a bird’s wingtip feathers, study of spiroid and dual
feather winglets which look like extended blended winglets.
2.1 Motivation and Objective
The objective of this study is to develop a parametric model of modified winglets using the
software CATIA V5 and to conduct aerodynamic analysis using ANSYS software. The main
tasks of this project work are:
▪ Examine the potential for extending the operational range of aircraft equipped with
modified winglets.
▪ Investigate the adaptability of modified winglets for a range of aircraft sizes and
3.2 Geometry Parameters
▪ Root chord length: 180mm
The pad tool is used mostly to create extruded features. Wings of all the models were
extruded using pad tool. The winglets were drawn using rib tool, plane definition tool, line
tool, inflation tool, rotate tool, measure tool, and scale tool.
• The coordinates of the wing imported into the Catia from excel.
• Then root and tip airfoils are connected using the command multi section solid.
• The winglet has been drawn by using the rib command in the wing tip.
• Then the surfaces extracted from the solid by using the extract command.
By using Same Software, the modified winglet is designed and Assembled in Assembly
Fig 3.5: Modified Wing Model
Fig 3.6: Domain of plain wing
The dimensions of the modified wing domain of 3000 mm in length and 1000 mm in height.
The winglet height is 60mm. Area of the body of influence is used across the wing.
• Inflation is given for boundary layer and to find out the proper boundary layer
Fig 3.9: inflation around airfoil
4.1 Convergence
In ANSYS, convergence typically refers to the process of iteratively solving a numerical
model until the solution stabilizes or reaches a certain level of accuracy. This is particularly
crucial in finite element analysis (FEA) or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations
where complex physical phenomena are modelled through discretization of the domain into
smaller elements or cells. Below figures is the convergence graph of plain wing and
modified winglet. The solution is converged at 268 and 153 iterations respectively.
Fig 4.1: Convergence graph of plain wing (residuals)
Fig 4.4: pressure contours at 4° AOA
Fig 4.6: pressure contours at 12° AOA
Fig 4.8: pressure contours at 4° AOA
4.2 Velocity Streamlines
Velocity streamlines are a visualization tool used in fluid dynamics to represent the flow
field of a fluid. They are imaginary curves that are tangent to the velocity vector at each
point in the flow field. In other words, they show the direction that a fluid element would
move if it were placed at a particular point in the flow. Below are the velocity streamlines
of the plain wing with varying angle of attacks.
Fig 4.13: Velocity streamlines at 8° AOA
Fig 4.16: Velocity streamlines at 4° AOA
Fig 4.18: Velocity streamlines at 12° AOA
Fig 4.20: Coefficient of drag vs alpha
A Cl/Cd vs. alpha graph, also known as a lift-to-drag ratio vs. angle of attack graph, is a
fundamental tool in aerodynamics used to analyze the performance of an airfoil or a wing
over a range of angles of attack.
In this project, the normal wing with and without spiroid winglet is compared to improve
the performance of the wing. The comparative study on normal wing and other spiroid
winglet is compared and studied in detail at various angles of attack (α= 0˚, 4˚, 8˚ 12˚) by
software analysis using ANSYS 19.1. From the analysis, comparing the CL and CD vs Alpha
values it is proven that the performance of the normal wing with spiroid winglet is better
than normal wing without spiroid winglet.
The trailing vortices from the plain wing contribute aerodynamically by reducing the
performance of the wing and also increases the induced drag. The winglet is used to reduce
the vortex strength and induced drag. The spiroid winglet is dispersed vortices much faster
than plain wing. The performance increase can be seen in the 𝐶𝐿 /𝐶𝐷 graphs,
So, in general, the spiroid winglet can be used for commercial aircrafts which can
significantly improve Aircraft’s overall performance.
Though this project has only partially met its goals, with the following factors, it might be
enhanced even further.
1. In order to make further design alterations, different high lift producing (or comparable)
airfoils can be used. In these situations, performance characteristics can be observed.
2. To draw more accurate conclusions, the analysis of the wing can be tested wind tunnel
3. More optimized spiroid patterns can be used for the winglet designs.
4. These spiroid designs exhibit legitimate outcomes when used practically, but they might
not satisfy the requirements while conducting simulations. To thoroughly analyze the
instances and apply them in the workplace for practical purposes, high level knowledge is
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Airfoil Coordinates
180 0 0
171.0126 0.8514 0
162.027 1.692 0
153.036 2.538 0
144.0432 3.3624 0
135.045 4.1526 0
126.0414 4.8816 0
117.036 5.544 0
108.027 6.1236 0
99.0144 6.606 0
90 6.9804 0
80.9838 7.2252 0
71.9658 7.3188 0
62.9478 7.2198 0
53.9298 6.9822 0
44.9136 6.6006 0
35.8974 6.0606 0
26.8866 5.346 0
17.8794 4.3992 0
13.3776 3.807 0
8.8812 3.0942 0
4.392 2.1744 0
2.1564 1.5462 0
1.2672 1.1952 0
0.8262 0.9756 0
0 0 0
0.9738 -0.7956 0
1.4328 -0.9432 0
2.3436 -1.161 0
4.608 -1.5048 0
9.1188 -1.9566 0
13.6224 -2.2806 0
18.1206 -2.538 0
27.1134 -2.9232 0
36.1026 -3.195 0
45.0864 -3.3786 0
54.0702 -3.483 0
63.0522 -3.5118 0
72.0342 -3.4632 0
81.0162 -3.2832 0
90 -3.0096 0
98.9856 -2.664 0
107.973 -2.268 0
116.964 -1.836 0
125.9586 -1.3824 0
134.955 -0.9306 0
143.9568 -0.4968 0
152.964 -0.1152 0
161.973 0.1692 0
170.9874 0.2862 0
180 0 0
180 0 900
171.0126 0.8514 900
162.027 1.692 900
153.036 2.538 900
144.0432 3.3624 900
135.045 4.1526 900
126.0414 4.8816 900
117.036 5.544 900
108.027 6.1236 900
99.0144 6.606 900
90 6.9804 900
80.9838 7.2252 900
71.9658 7.3188 900
62.9478 7.2198 900
53.9298 6.9822 900
44.9136 6.6006 900
35.8974 6.0606 900
26.8866 5.346 900
17.8794 4.3992 900
13.3776 3.807 900
8.8812 3.0942 900
4.392 2.1744 900
2.1564 1.5462 900
1.2672 1.1952 900
0.8262 0.9756 900
0 0 900
0.9738 -0.7956 900
1.4328 -0.9432 900
2.3436 -1.161 900
4.608 -1.5048 900
9.1188 -1.9566 900
13.6224 -2.2806 900
18.1206 -2.538 900
27.1134 -2.9232 900
36.1026 -3.195 900
45.0864 -3.3786 900
54.0702 -3.483 900
63.0522 -3.5118 900
72.0342 -3.4632 900
81.0162 -3.2832 900
90 -3.0096 900
98.9856 -2.664 900
107.973 -2.268 900
116.964 -1.836 900
125.9586 -1.3824 900
134.955 -0.9306 900
143.9568 -0.4968 900
152.964 -0.1152 900
161.973 0.1692 900
170.9874 0.2862 900
180 0 900