1 s2.0 S0301479723016791 Main
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1 s2.0 S0301479723016791 Main
Research article
Handling editor: Lixiao Zhang Over the last two decades, the non-financial disclosure requirement has become a major concern for companies,
consumers, governments, and policymakers. While compelling evidence has accumulated over time on the
Keywords: positive effect that moving away from disclosing non-financial information within mandatory financial state
Integrated reporting ments, conflicting findings have emerged on the relative merits that choice of non-financial reporting format, in
Sustainability reporting
particular between sustainability and integrated reporting, can have on analysts’ forecast accuracy. In addition,
ESG disclosure
recent evidence from a non-voluntary setting has suggested that such choice could influence the effect of ESG
Forecast accuracy
Corporate social responsibility disclosure and consequently reduce information asymmetry. Aiming to shed some light on these propositions
within a voluntary setting, we conducted an empirical study focusing on a representative sample of listed Eu
ropean companies. We retrieved and analysed the last ten years (2012–2021) of publicly available financial
information about the top 600 companies listed in the Eurostoxx. Our findings indicate that both a sustainability
and an integrated report are significantly associated with improved forecast accuracy, relative to an annual
report. We also find that ESG disclosure is significantly moderated by such choice. The environmental pillar score
was found to strongly and positively affect forecast error, independently from other controls including the social
and governance pillars. For companies opting to disclose non-financial information within an annual report,
alternative forms of communication will therefore become critical to ensure that financial analysts, and ulti
mately investors, are informed about the company’s sustainability-related activities and plans. Future research
should be directed at examining the magnitude and direction of these effects among small and medium-size listed
companies and in other decision-making settings to test the generalisability of these findings.
1. Introduction (SR) and integrated report (IR) have therefore been put forward.
Sustainability reporting standards typically focus on addressing non-
Traditional financial reporting has been recognized as not being fully financial disclosure only, being separate reports from those required
suitable to accommodate the increasing financial and non-financial in under financial reporting regulations (Global Reporting Initiative,
formation needs and expectations from multiple stakeholders, with 2021). Such feature of SR has been criticised by some scholars in that
doubts about its usefulness raised from scholars and practitioners (Lev they would fail to integrate financial and non-financial information, and
and Gu, 2016). Suggestions about the adoption of alternative forms of therefore drivers of value creation, hence limiting investors and ana
reporting formats capable of efficiently accommodating environmental, lysts’ ability to adequately interpret the financial implications of the
social and governance-related information, namely sustainability report latter. Consequently, IR was introduced to address this limitation
In addition, research has suggested that, under an assumption that ESG disclosure can affect forecast accuracy and consequently future financial disclosure, a shift
in reporting format can influence stakeholders’ understanding of the firm and its future, and therefore ESG disclosure and consequently reduce information
asymmetry (Bernardi and Stark, 2018). While providing an important contribution to the non-financial reporting literature, those findings might not be readily
generalised to different study settings due to limitations acknowledged by the authors. Bernardi and Stark (2018) focused their investigation on the South African
context where a mandatory IR regime has been in place since 2010. The final sample consisted of 41 firms with 5 years of consecutive observations from more than a
decade years ago, limiting the external validity of the results accordingly. However, that study provides a research opportunity to examine whether choice of
non-financial reporting format can affect the a priori assumed positive association between ESG disclosure and forecast accuracy in voluntary settings.
* Corresponding author. Via Vigilio Inama 5, 38122, Trento, TN, Italy.
E-mail address: paolo.candio@unitn.it (P. Candio).
Received 27 April 2023; Received in revised form 2 August 2023; Accepted 27 August 2023
Available online 31 August 2023
0301-4797/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
P. Rossi and P. Candio Journal of Environmental Management 345 (2023) 118891
(International Integrated Reporting Council [IIRC], 2013) by linking can estimate earnings more accurately if they have better-quality in
material quantitative and qualitative information from sustainability formation, via voluntary disclosure (Lang and Lundholm, 1996, Hope
and intangibles reports, as well as financial statements, within a concise et al., 2016). In this context, financial analysts are intermediaries be
and self-contained document. Supporters of IR argue that, by adopting a tween firms and investors who gather, process and analyse financial
multi-capital perspective, IR offers a more comprehensive understand information. When analysts’ predictions are more accurate, investors
ing of an organization’s value creation process (Stubbs and Higgins, can more effectively allocate their capital, which has beneficial effects
2018) and ultimately lead to improved decision-making and more effi on the capital market. The usefulness of voluntary disclosure to financial
cient allocation of funds. However, the debate on the relative merits and analysts can be assessed by examining the relationships between choice
usefulness of the two alternative reporting forms is still open, especially of reporting framework and the precision of financial analysts’ forecasts.
after the implementation of the European Non-financial Directive which Within the broader context of corporate social responsibility (CSR), a
requires large companies in Europe to produce annual corporate reports large body of empirical studies have examined the impact of that non-
including information on their social, environment, human rights and financial disclosure, has on information asymmetry, measured either
anti-corruption policies, risks and disclosure (European Union, 2014). as forecast errors or forecast dispersion. Plumlee et al. (2015) and
From a theoretical standpoint, the release of non-financial informa Matsumura et al. (2014) investigated disclosures relating to the specific
tion would reduce information asymmetry, and therefore influence activities, i.e., environmental activities, while Dhaliwal et al. (2011,
investor judgement and behaviour, by providing better quality and 2012) analysed the impact of standalone CSR reports, which include SR,
relevant information, which would in turn positively impact financial report on all CSR activities. Dhaliwal et al. (2011) found that firms
analysts’ ability to predict future earnings accurately (Verrecchia, 1983, initiating CSR reports have a lower cost of equity capital and smaller
2001). A currently limited number of empirical studies have examined analyst forecast errors, when the disclosures could be supported by su
the effect that either SR (Dhaliwal et al., 2011, Dhaliwal et al., 2012, perior CSR activities. Similarly, Dhaliwal et al. (2012), who analysed a
Matsumura et al., 2014, Muslu et al., 2019; Schiemann and Sakhel, sample of firms from 31 countries, found that the impact of the issuance
2019; Plumlee et al., 2015) or IR (Bernardi and Stark, 2018; Caglio et al., of a standalone SR on information asymmetry was stronger in more
2020; Flores et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2017; Rossignoli et al., 2022; Wahl stakeholder-oriented countries. More recently, Schiemann and Sakhel
et al., 2020; Zhou et al., 2017) individually have on forecast accuracy – (2019) who focused their investigation on climate-related physical risk
measured as forecast error or dispersion – relative to annual reporting. reporting, observed a decrease in information asymmetry for companies
Another stream of research for which a growing body of evidence that disclosed more (or more serious) physical risks in high
currently exists has focussed on how ESG scores attributed by rating carbon-emitting sectors. Muslu et al. (2019) developed a scoring system
agencies, such as Bloomberg – which are partly based on what is dis based on the quality of ESG-related disclosure in CSR standalone reports
closed by a given company regarding non-financial information – affect via textual analysis. This analysis examined the effects of different levels
forecast accuracy (Bernardi and Stark, 2018; Dhaliwal et al., 2012; of ESG disclosure on information asymmetry, providing evidence for
Muslu et al., 2019; Schiemann and Sakhel, 2019). Conflicting results more substantial content leading to lower forecast error. Overall,
have emerged however and to date no definitive conclusions can be therefore, the findings of this part of literature indicated that choice of
drawn on relative merits of SR or IR in improving forecast accuracy. standalone CSR reporting, including SR was positively associated with
Against this backdrop, the aim of this study was therefore to shed forecast accuracy, compared to non-standalone forms of non-financial
some light on the influence that choice of non-financial reporting format disclosure reporting.
can have on forecast accuracy and its moderating role on ESG disclosure. By contrast, the results of empirical studies focusing on choice of IR
To this end, we analyse a sample of the top 600 companies listed in the vs any other form of reporting and forecast accuracy indicate a positive
Eurostoxx for the period 2012–2021 and estimate levels of forecast ac association favouring IR in mandatory settings. Zhou et al. (2017)
curacy – measured both in terms of forecast accuracy and forecast analysed a sample of companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Ex
dispersion – associated with publication of an annual report (AR), a SR change during the period 2009–2012 and found that companies pub
and an IR. Furthermore, we examine if ESG disclosure is moderated by lishing IR in accordance with the IIR Framework (International
choice of non-financial reporting format. Our results show that both the Integrated Reporting Council, 2021) had significantly lower forecast
two latter forms of reporting are associated with improved forecast ac errors. Comparable results were found by Bernardi and Stark (2018)
curacy, relative to AR, and that this choice can independently influence who investigated the effect of choice of IR on analyst forecast error,
the effect that ESG disclosure has on forecast accuracy. Our study con concentrating on the transition to the new reporting system in South
tributes to the literature review in different ways. Firstly, it is the first Africa. These authors also provided evidence for the level of ESG
study that investigates whether any of the two main forms of non- disclosure, in particular environmental disclosure, being associated with
financial reporting, SR and IR, is superior in supporting financial ana improved forecast accuracy, after the introduction of the mandatory IR
lysts predict future disclosure accurately, compared to AR. Secondly, we regime. Caglio et al. (2020) analysing a sample companies listed in the
examine the role of reporting choice on the effect that ESG disclosure has Johannesburg Stock Exchange during the period 2011–2016, found that
on forecast accuracy. The remainder of this manuscript is organised as the assured IR decreased forecast dispersion significantly.
follows: section 2 provides a literature review on the association be Studies instead based in voluntary settings have showed somewhat
tween SR, IR and forecast accuracy and posit two hypotheses. Section 3 mixed results. Kim et al. (2017), examined 156 IR adopters from 18
describes the research design and methodology followed to test our countries in 2014 and 2015 and showed that adoption of IR decreased
hypotheses. Section 4 presents the empirical results. Section 5 provides a forecast dispersion. Flores et al. (2019) compared continental European
discussion of the study findings, placing them in the relevant policy and North American IR adopters with non-adopters and found a positive
context and scientific literature, concluding with some final remarks. effect of voluntary IR publication on forecast errors. This effect was
stronger in America, which the authors attributed to a stronger share
1.1. Literature review and hypothesis development holder orientation. Contrary to these results, however, Wahl et al.
(2020) found no significant association between adoption of the IR and
1.1.1. Non-financial reporting format and forecast accuracy forecast errors, whereas Rossignoli et al. (2022) confirmed that a
The voluntary disclosure theory proposes that sharing private in voluntary release of IR increases forecast accuracy, but they also indi
formation with investors can improve the effectiveness of resource cated that this association depends on the institutional characteristics of
allocation, decreasing information asymmetry (Healy and Palepu, country. Only the study of Permatasari and Narsa (2022) specifically
2001). The extant literature proposes theoretically (Diamond and Ver compared SR vs IR and found that SR had a higher value-relevance to
recchia, 1991; Lambert et al., 2007) and finds empirically that analysts investors than IR. This review of the literature showed that, except for
P. Rossi and P. Candio Journal of Environmental Management 345 (2023) 118891
the latter study, SR and IR have not been directly compared to one regards to SR, we conducted a manual search by reviewing the organi
another in terms their influence on forecast accuracy. Given the current sations’ official websites. We extracted company-level financial state
evidence base, we posit that SR and IR both improve forecast accuracy, ment and market data from the Refinitiv Eikon database (Eikon, 2022)
relative to AR and test their relative effectiveness. Hence, we
2.2. Variables
H1. Choice for a SR or a IR reporting format increases forecast accu
racy relative to an AR. Information asymmetry, as proxied by forecast accuracy, was the
outcome under study, which was measured as forecast error (FE, the
1.1.2. ESG disclosure, non-financial reporting format and forecast primary dependent variable) and forecast dispersion (FD). Following the
accuracy approach used by Dhaliwal et al. (2012), Zhou et al. (2017), FEs were
Theoretical and empirical evidence supports the argument that there computed as the absolute difference between the company’s actual
is a positive association between level of ESG disclosure, measured as earnings and the analysts’ typical earnings forecasts for the year, as
ESG disclosure score and forecast accuracy. In their meta-analyses, follows:
Orlitzky et al. (2003) and Margolis and Walsh (2003) showed that ⃒ ⃒
⃒EPSi,t − Forecast EPSi,t ⃒
CSR activities enhance brand reputation (Brown and Dacin, 1997; Lev FEi,t =
et al., 2010), attract and motivate employees (Waddock and Graves, Pi,t
1997; Roberts and Dowling, 2002; Edmans, 2011); improve relationship
where EPSi.t are the realized earnings per share for company i, in year t,
with regulators and customers (Cheng et al., 2011; Goss and Roberts,
Forecast EPSi.t,j is the median EPS consensus forecast for a company i for
2011) and mitigate regulatory and operational risk (Starks, 2009). In
year t, and Pi,t is the mean stock price for company i, in year t. Forecast
line with these findings, Cho et al. (2013) examined whether ESG
dispersion was calculated as the standard deviation of the FEs for the last
disclosure measured as from KLD STAT (KLD Research and Analytics,
five years. The key explanatory variable was reporting choice, a nominal
2022) has a beneficial impact on information asymmetry and found
variable which was is equal to 0, 1 or 2, depending on whether the
evidence for a positive association. More recently, Rossignoli et al.
company released an annual report, SR or an IR, respectively. The ESG
(2022) found that the level of governance-related disclosure is nega
disclosure was measured by ESG score, a ratio scale variable which was
tively associated with forecast errors, while social domain is not
treated as continuous. The ESG score is a weighted average of the three
consistently associated with forecast accuracy. A study by Bernardi and
index constituents or pillars, that is environmental, social and gover
Stark (2018) investigated whether a change to a IR format had any ef
nance. Based on a total of ten subcategories which are aimed to reflect
ficacy on the negative association between ESG disclosure and infor
the company’s ESG disclosure, commitment and effectiveness based on
mation asymmetry. These authors found that the introduction of a IR
publicly reported information, within Refinitiv Eikon the three pillars
mandatory non-financial reporting regime in South Africa improved
are each assigned a score ranging between 0 (worst) and 100 (best) that
forecast accuracy, with this effect being mediated by an improvement in
are then approximately weighted as follows: environmental 0.44, social
ESG disclosure. In particular, they found level of environment-related
0.31 and 0.25 (Eikon, 2022). The three pillar scores were each sepa
disclosure being more strongly and positively associated with forecast
rately considered for sensitivity analysis.
accuracy, compared to the social and governance domains.
Based on the extant literature on the determinants of analysts’
However, the study by Bernardi and Stark (2018) was conducted in a
forecast accuracy (e.g., Duru and Reeb, 2002; Lang and Lundholm,
mandatory setting and analysed a relatively small number of companies
1996; Lehavy and Li, 2009) we identified the following set of contextual
(n = 41) from observations from 2018 to 2012. As acknowledged by
and financial control variables which may impact the investigated as
their authors, the limited number of company-years observations
sociations. In terms of the former group, financial year, the company’s
considered and the setting in which that research was conducted limited
main industry and country of domain. Financial control domains were
the generalisability of those findings. In particular, no previous research
(Refinitiv code):
study has assessed the effect that choice of non-financial reporting
format can have in a voluntary setting, such as that of the European
• size, measured by the firm’s market value of equity (MV), based on
market, and directly compared the relative merits of SR, IR and AR in
studies documenting that analysts’ errors are smaller for larger firms
their ability to influence the presumed positive association between ESG
(e.g., Lang and Lundholm, 1996; Lehavy et al., 2011);
disclosure and forecast accuracy. Based on our review of the literature,
• beta, a measure of stock volatility of returns relative to the reference
we therefore formulate the following hypothesis:
market (BETA), which is likely to be negatively associated with
H2. Choice of non-financial reporting format moderates the positive forecast accuracy (Takamatsu and Lopes Fávero, 2019);market-to-
association between ESG disclosure and forecast accuracy. book value, to control for the firm’s growth prospects (MVBV). The
variable is computed as the firm’s market value of equity divided by
2. Materials and methods its book value. Evidence shows that abnormally high growth pros
pects can decrease forecast accuracy (Ayres et al., 2017). Also, it can
2.1. Sample and data collection be the case that high-growth firms tend to attract a larger analyst
following, prompting greater demand for private information about
To investigate the company’s choice of reporting framework (annual these companies and, thereby, improved forecast accuracy (Lang and
report, sustainability report and integrated report), we focused on the Lundholm, 1996; Barth. et al., 2001);
sample of public companies currently listed in the Eurostoxx 600 for the • leverage may also affect analysts’ accuracy since it can induce higher
last decade of available data at the time of writing, that is 2012–2021. levels of earnings volatility by increasing a firm’s financial risk
The initial sample was therefore composed by 6600 company-year ob (Parkash. et al., 1995). Leverage was measured using the ratio be
servations. Appendix I breaks down the initial sample by country, in tween total debt and total capital (LEV 1).
dustry and respective number of companies and company-years • profitability, measured in terms of absolute difference between cur
observations. In line with the previous literature review (Kim et al., rent and previous financial year, scaled by total assets, as it can be
2017; Melloni et al., 2017; Kiliç and Kuzey, 2018; Flores et al., 2019; expected that abnormal earnings may be associated with less accu
Girella et al., 2019; Rossignoli et al., 2022), we assigned the companies rate analysts’ forecasts (e.g., Lang and Lundholm, 1996; Duru and
to the IR category based on whether they employed the reporting Reeb, 2002); whether the company reported a negative profit (loss);
framework proposed by the International IR Council (IIRC, 2013). With and return of assets.
P. Rossi and P. Candio Journal of Environmental Management 345 (2023) 118891
In addition, as supplementary analysis we tested for the inclusion of were not significantly different from one another in the way those di
analyst coverage (Number of Analysts) and earnings volatility (Earning mensions could affect information asymmetry. Fig. 1 illustrates the
Volatility) in the statistical models, which are intrinsic to the measure trend in choice of non-financial reporting format by the Eurostoxx 600
ment of forecast accuracy, and therefore endogenous. Analyst coverage listed companies over time. This chart shows a marked proportional
was measured as the number of analysts issuing a forecast for the firm at decrease in the release of an AR, relative to either a SR or an IR, starting
the beginning of the year of forecasts. Previous research found that at a 32.8% of all companies and steadily decreasing at an average annual
higher firm’s following increases the accuracy of earnings forecasts 3.2% to reach a 4.2% in 2021, that is reducing to a 12.8% of the original
(Lang and Lundholm, 1996; Hong and Kacperczyk, 2010). Earnings 2012 value.
volatility is likely to be associated with lower analysts’ accuracy (e.g., In parallel with this effect, relatively steady upward trends in both
Lang and Lundholm, 1996), as given the effect of more imprecise EPS the overall ESG and its three pillar scores characterised the studied time
predictions. The standard deviation of return on assets (ROA) computed period (Fig. 2). Starting at a 61.1%, a substantial 13.7% improvement in
over the five years prior to the EPS forecast was used to measure earn the medial score was observed in 2021, with comparable effects esti
ings volatility. Finally, we also tested whether the choice of using the mated for the environmental, social and governance pillars. Further
Global Reporting Initiative format – a prominent SR standard – had any more, the ESG score distributions showed a marked shift toward the
moderating effect on the investigated associations. ESG disclosure was right-hand side of the x-axis, indicating that over time comparatively
proxied by the ESG disclosure score, following the approach used by fewer companies reported low scores, as indicated by a first decile score
Bernardi and Stark (2018). standing at 27.8% in 2012 to shift to more than double that value
(57.6%) after eight years.
2.3. Empirical strategy
Two sets of linear regression models (ordinary least square) were 3.2. Regression results
estimated based on the respective hypotheses. In our first set of models,
we assessed the relationship between choice of reporting framework and Table 1 shows that choice of either sustainability or IR is consistently
forecast accuracy: associated with improved forecast accuracy (smaller forecast error),
compared to AR, after controlling for contextual and financial factors.
Forecast accuracyit = β0 + β1 Reportingit + β2 Contextual controlsit While the country of domain appeared to significantly affect forecast
+ Financial controlsit + εit accuracy when contextual factors only where considered, this was no
(1) longer the case after including financial covariates.
The other control variables did not make any significant difference in
In the second set of models, we tested for the moderating role of adjusting for any of the effects observed between the key explanatory
reporting choice on the association between the ESG disclosure and variable and forecast error. Appendix III shows the distribution of the
forecast accuracy, using the following equation: company-year observations by model specification. Similar results were
Forecast accuracyit = β0 + β1 Reportingit + β2 ESGit + β3 Reportingit estimated when FD was considered the dependent variable (Appendix
∗ ESGit + β4 Contextual controlsit
Table 2 shows that the company’s ESG score significantly moderates
+ β5 Financial controlsit + εit (2) the effect that choice of reporting framework has on forecast accuracy.
Appendix V shows the distribution of the company-year observations
2.4. Statistical analysis by model specification. In particular, a company with a median ESG
score (66.6), both sustainability and IR are associated with smaller
Summary statistics were used to describe trends in choice of forecast error, compared to those who chose to publish an annual report.
reporting framework and ESG score over time. Pearson’s pairwise cor This meant that for companies publishing an annual report, the ESG
relations were computed for each of the identified variables. A forward score showed to have a significantly larger role in terms improved
stepwise approach for model specification was employed, with three forecast accuracy, compared to other forms of reporting. Similar to what
regression models being built progressively. Specification 1 included was found in Table 1, while not being statistically significant, there
only the key independent variables of interest (i.e., reporting choice and seemed to be a difference in effect magnitude between integrating
ESG score), as appropriate. Specification 2 included specification 1 reporting and SR, whereby the companies adopting the latter appeared
variables and contextual controls, that is financial year, industry and
country. Finally, model specification was further augmented with the
inclusion of financial controls (specification 3). Among this set of con
trols, selection between alternative measures of domain was based on
significance level and effect magnitude, in priority order. Interaction
terms were used to evaluate the presence of effect modification. Wald
tests were performed to assess between-category differences. Signifi
cance level was set at p < 0.05. All analyses were performed using
STATA 16 software (StataCorp, 2019).
3. Results
P. Rossi and P. Candio Journal of Environmental Management 345 (2023) 118891
to be slightly more sensitive to the ESG score, in comparative terms. As non-financial disclosure report, although we observed a non-significant
with Table 1, the other control variables did not make any significant difference in the magnitude of effects in favour of IR. These findings
difference in adjusting for any of the effects observed between the key were robust and consistent across statistical tests and analyses, starting
explanatory variables and forecast error. from pairwise correlations to multivariable regression models control
Sensitivity analyses indicated that these results were overall robust ling for several contextual and financial factors. We conducted sensi
to variations to the ESG pillar score considered with choice of non- tivity analyses by testing this hypothesis using two alternative proxy
financial reporting format alternative to an AR playing a moderating measures of information asymmetry, namely, forecast error and forecast
role in reducing information asymmetry. Score (Appendix VI). Further dispersion.
testing revealed that the governance pillar score (− 0.157, p = 0.022), Within a relatively limited body of studies, while these findings align
and in particular the environmental score (− 0.209, p = 0.006) positively with part of the existing literature (Higgins and Walker, 2012; Flower,
and independently affected forecast accuracy when measured as FE, but 2015; Rowbottom and Locke, 2016; Lai et al., 2017, 2018), they also
not as FD (Table A, Appendix VI). When analysing FD as the dependent stand in opposition to what was recently found within the study by
variable, comparable estimates were generated, with the exception that Permatasari and Narsa (2022). These authors examined which of the
both the environmental and social showed to be associated with a larger two types of non-financial disclosure reports – sustainability or IR – were
moderating effect than the governance pillar (Appendix VII). more valued by capital market investors and relevant for their decision
Supplementary analysis showed that use of the GRI framework made making. Value-relevance of this reporting choice was evaluated based
no difference to forecast accuracy in univariate analysis., but had a small on whether it could explain stock prices, stock returns or firm value,
significant effect (mean 7.316, standard error 3.482) on forecast error, under the assumption that the information provided by the report will
negatively impacting accuracy. This analysis confirmed the results re be used to inform investors’ investment decisions. They found, in line
ported above regarding the effect of reporting choice and the moder with previous studies (Klerk and Villiers, 2012; Cardamone et al., 2012)
ating role of ESG scores and showed that, in line with our prior that SR would provide better value-relevance than IR, suggesting that
expectation, earnings variability was negatively associated with forecast the market would attach higher value to companies dealing and sepa
error. Furthermore, this analysis revealed that analyst coverage, rately reporting on ethical, economic, environmental, and social issues.
measured as the number of analysts following a company, is a significant Nonetheless, Permatasari and Narsa (2022) also found that IR was
independent predictor of forecast error (mean − 0.513, standard error moderating the value relevance of accounting information in explaining
0.222), with a greater number of analysts comparatively benefiting market value. However, that analysis focused on a limited sample of
more companies opting for an annual report (Appendix VIII). early IR adopters , as acknowledged by the authors, reducing the gen
eralisability of those findings accordingly.
4. Discussion and conclusions We found that a choice for either SR or IR, relative to AR, favourably
moderates the positive association between ESG score and forecast ac
This study aimed to shed some light on whether non-financial curacy. Similar to what was found for hypothesis one, we did not find
disclosure reporting – either in the form of a SR or an IR - decreases any evidence for any systematic differential effect between the two
information asymmetry between company and financial analysts rela alternative forms of non-financial disclosure reporting. We tested this
tive to AR. Furthermore, we examined the moderating role of ESG scores hypothesis not only by using the two measures of forecast accuracy, but
on those relationships. We found strong evidence for rejecting the null also individually considering the three ESG environmental, social and
hypothesis of there not being any difference between non-financial governance pillar scores. Overall, we found that the environmental
reporting formats, whereby the release of either a SR or an IR was pillar score had an independent and strong effect on forecast accuracy,
significantly associated with improved forecast accuracy. We found no after controlling for relevant covariates and the social and governance
evidence for a systematic differential effect between the two forms of pillar scores. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study
P. Rossi and P. Candio Journal of Environmental Management 345 (2023) 118891
Table 1 Table 2
Hypothesis 1 regression models – forecast error. Hypothesis 2 regression models – forecast error.
VARIABLES specification 1 specification 2 specification 3 VARIABLES specification 1 specification 2 specification 3
P. Rossi and P. Candio Journal of Environmental Management 345 (2023) 118891
settings such as South Africa where listed companies are required to Editing, Visualization, Project administration. Paolo Candio: Concep
submit an IR on a comply or explain basis (Integrated Report Committee tualization, Methodology, Software, Validation, Formal analysis,
of South Africa IRCSA, 2011). Moreover, the companies analysed in this Investigation, Resources, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft,
study were a selective sample of large, mostly public companies who Writing - Review & Editing, Visualization, Project administration.
routinely interact with capital markets and have a non-negligible stake
in ensuring non-financial information quality. In addition, the coeffi Funding
cient of determination of the regression models was low. In terms of
R-squared, a low value indicates that the independent variables The authors have no funding to disclose.
explained only a limited proportion of the variation in forecast accuracy,
and therefore other unidentified factors will have played a major role in
Declaration of competing interest
contributing to the variance. One plausible explanation for the low value
if the marked increase of forecast accuracy derived from the COVID-19
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
pandemic which increased forecast uncertainty across most economic
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
domains and markets in Europe and beyond. We expect the results of the
the work reported in this paper.
presented analysis to be different in a sample of small to medium-size or
not listed companies, such as those that will be impacted by the up
Data availability
coming CSRD. Nonetheless, this limitation is shared with previous
studies on this topic which analysed the adoption of IR (Kim et al., 2017;
Data will be made available upon request.
Melloni et al., 2017; Kiliç and Kuzey, 2018; Flores et al., 2019; Girella
et al., 2019; Rossignoli et al., 2022).
Secondly, we did not control our results for the quality of the in
formation disclosed in the corporate reports, but only for reporting
We thank the reviewers for the valuable comments which helped
format choice. This would have required a qualitative assessment of
improved this article.
6600 reports which was beyond the scope of our study. Future
qualitative-level studies such as those conducted by Zúñiga et al. (2020)
and Leukhardt et al. (2022) could address this limitation by for instance Appendix A. Supplementary data
conducting an analysis on a subsample of European companies and
examine the differences between the quality of information disclosed in Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
the alternative forms of non-financial reporting format. Further, while org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.118891.
we did control for country of domain in our analysis, which may have
captured part of the country-related heterogeneity in reporting customs References
and norms, unlike previous studies such as that by Rossignoli et al.
Ayres, D., Huang, X. (Sharon), Myring, M., 2017. Fair value accounting and analyst
(2022) and by Berg et al. (2022), we did not take into account the forecast accuracy. Adv. Account., Elsevier 37 (C), 58–70. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
heterogeneity in institutional characteristics and settings and other ESG adiac.2016.12.004.
ratings, limiting our analysis as a result. Berg, F., Koelbel, J.F., Rigobon, R., 2022. Aggregate confusion: the divergence of ESG
ratings. Rev. Fin. 26 (6), 1315–1344.
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