USA………………………………………… United state of America
DGS………………………………………..Development goals
MOE………………………………………. Ministry of education
Bodaboda…………………………………Motorcycle riders
MSI…………………………………………….Marie stops international
PPI……………………………………………Pre primary one
NCPD…………………………………………National council for population and development
Teenagers ……………………young people who have been pregnanted
Society………………………..this is a largest group of people who lieve together with some
common aspects
Pregnancy……………………this is to undergo the stage of conception
Teenage is an issue that is giving many people including parents and the girls themselves
sleepless nights because of the high the high rates of pregnancy in Kenya.
This issue is killing dreams of our young girls in school . it is a perndemic that seems not to
end very soon if the current measures are not discovered of stopping it. Our young
teenagers seems to utilize the little freedom they get when the schools are closed and the
little break they get they use it without wondering waried of the feature. They are like
scientist who are using every single minute in discovering a vaccine foraperticular varus for
HIV. Teenagers are using more of rtheir time in sex more than any other thing during
When the school are open several girls came back when they are pregnancy . our youyhs
are getting sexual activity at an early age as early as a year of which even 9 years old girl get
pregnant our teenagers lack proper guidance by the community but nowdays a child
belongs to the parents only that even teachers are not allowed to punish them hence leads
to moral decay and early pregnancy each month and single days. The youth are growing up
with less respect to the elders hence doing their wish without any fear
Theresa Brained indicate that teenage pregnancy is a challenge that requires more support
and education encourage girls to avoid early pregnancy intil it is the right time . however
this is not happening now because the parents have neglected their duties and had offered
unlimited freedom to their teenagers . the level of structure of regulation and rules and
farimly nolonger exist.
No one to guide children and put rules to follow at home parents are busy not like long time
ago.ther is know engagement in the family in the issue of love affairs between adolescents
is not there any more teenagers enter into a relationship without guidance from their
parents who cannot tell them what is rong and what is right because of relationshipand sex.
They do not know how to handle it the teenagers of today grow up naïve of sexual dangour
and benefit. Their parents are not willing to discouse with them freely about assues relating
to sexuality this makes our teenagers to be curriors to know more about sex by
experimenting it and hence to know more about sex by experimenting it and hence leading
to teachering attitude they have towardssex.