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A Practical Research Presented to the Senior High School

Faculty of the Buayan National High school

Purok 1 Buayan, General Santos City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the

Practical Research 1First Semester
SY: 2018-2019

Stephanie T Danan
Mohasar S Usman

Chapter 1



Teenage pregnancy has become a growing concern and therefore various causes of

teen age pregnancy had become identified. Teenage pregnancy refers to the teeenagers

especially to those who had encounter by this situation.

According to Hawkins (2014) national campaign to prevent teen and unplanned

prenancy, nearly 3 in 10 girls will became pregnant before the age of 20. In this

process obtaining abortion are teenagers and their babies. Due to these high numbers,

many people are rightly concerned about the need for education and resources for the

young woman.

In order to help girls by her to opportunity to their school without risks of early

teenage pregnancy and those others are raise the awareness in effects teenage

pregnancy. According to count (2010) adolescent mark the onset of sexual maturity. It

is a period of time for them to show interest of the opposite sex and curiosisty about

much topics if sex fider(2011) the awareness of this process which can prevent of

high rates of teenage pregnancy are assiated with education, income levels, and

childhood environment, and negligence of birth control.

Moreover, parents have a vary important influence on whether their teenagers

became pregnant or not, they are powerful and they can use this in directing their

children. But life in a modern society has a big role to play in occurences of
teenage pregnancies. Gone are those days when parents were so dedicated in the

rising up their children from disgrace and preventing any activity that will destroy their

future? Today, the situation is not the same, as many parents dedicated the greater part

of their day finding money to take care of the home Claire Berman (2005).

Both parent father and the mother have no time in taken care of their children. The

only way they believe the child needs to be taken care of , is being able to provide for

the child financially. For parent who are not able to provide emotional and sex

education for their children, they feel that giving children sex education at an early age is

not proper therefore leaving the children at the mercy of other teenagers to advise.

Parents leave the teaching of sex education and morals to the teachers in the

teenager's school which is not appropriaate. this make the children fail into hands of

men who have difficulty in controlling their libidos, so in the end give these girls help in

exchage for their bodies. The lack of parental duidance and advice results in these

girls living their lives without knowing what it really entails in giving out their bodies in

exchage for money Witte, Hackman, Boleigh, and & Mugoyu, (2015).

Some teenage parents do not have financial resources to cater for their babies; they

usually have have to rely on their families and relatives to assist them. This leads to expulsion

from school and may not have the opportunity to be re-absorbed to the school system.

This break can future development of the child as well as the quality of the

life of the child. Also, sometimes teenage mother are not mature enough to provide the

emotional and social needs of their children. They may feel Isolated and deserted by

their friend who continued with their education, contributing to psuchologycal problems.
According to Carrera (2012) unrestricted interaction with the opposite sex ignite the

sparks of lust in teenagers very easily, especially when alcohol and drugs are involve.

Melissa (2012) unawareness of teenage pregnancy it gives problem by itself of every

one of us having encounter them, noted that teenage pregnancy could lead to

incomplete education, unemployment and other numerous emotional trauman. One of

the consequences of teenage pregnancy is that of adult women in terms of childbearing.

In this study related to all teenagers are belong in this situation especially pregnancy for

the young age of the girls.I want to learn why they drink liquor or use drugs that we

know is dangerous to our health, if may be hobbit, broken hearted, family problem

stress of study, lack of financial back of counseling poverty and etc? Also I want to

explore more related studies that can help me to provide the exactly answer.

Statement of the Problem

This study focus mainly on the awareness of teenage pregnancy among Senior High

School Students on the prevention and reduction of teenage pregnancy: basis for a

proposed school activity,

Specially, the study seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the extent of the awareness of the respondents on the early

teenage pregnancy?

2. What proposed activity be made regarding awareness on teenage

pregnancy cased on the findings of the study?
Significance of the study

This study will benifit to the following individuals who are conserned with the

matter. Priority are the teenagers, since now adays they need to be aware of the

prevalent issue that our society is facing and needs a careful and wise decision

especially whan to say yes or no. To the parents which plays a vital and significant role

to guide their children very well, this is to emphasize that the first learning is done at

home and therefore a family should the an avenue to adress the concerns of their

child. The result of this study may serve as an opener to create and innovate activities

for the school administration especially that students should be aware on this matter. To

the future researchers which may be used to serve as basis for further study on teenage


1. Teenagers

This will help the teenagers now a days to be aware of this study problem.

2. Parents

This study will help the parents to guide the children very well.


The result of this study may serve as an opener to create and innovate

instruction materials and to muse varied and appropriate teaching strategies.

4. Future researcher

The result of this study can serve as basis for further study on teaching learning

Activities and students awareness n teenage pregnancy.

Scope and Delimitation

The study will be limited only to the Senior High School Students of Buayan

National High School during the academic year 2017-2018. This study focus on

awareness may to find out the awareness on teenage pregnancy of Senior High School

Students. The information and conclusion drawn from this study will be obtained only to

this particular group of Students. the information and conclusion drawn from this study

will be obtained only to this particular group of students.

Chapter II


This chapter presents a review of related literature studies which are found useful

in the development of this study.

Globally, there is growing concern today about the alarming rate of teenage

pregnancies and the consequences that these pose for parents, children and the

society as a whole. Devenish and Greathead (1992) view teenage pregnancies as a

catastrophe for an individual, her family and society. teenage pregnancies in developed

countries is usually outside of marriage and caries a social stigma in many countries

and cultures (Swarts, 2004). Therefore this chapter will review the literature and

debates issues surrounding pregnancies. Initially there is an attemp to define and

explain what is meant by the terms teenage pregnancy and adolescent. Furthermore,

the background of teenage pregnancies in south africa the relationsip between

HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancies causes and consequences of teenage pregnancies

will be describe lastly the role of social workers and teenage pregnancy prevention

will be explored.

Defining and contextualizing teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy can be defined as an under aged girl becoming pregnant

(Macleod,1999). Kail & Cavanaug, (1996), supports this view when explaining that the

United Kingdom has adopted a legal definition whereby a woman is considered to be a

pregnant teenager if she becames [regnant before her18th birthday. This correlates

with the new Dictionary of Social Work (1995, p.65) where teenage pregnancy is

defined as a "pregnancy of unmarried female person under 18 years of age".

in general adolescent are referred to as teenagers. When the definition of

adolescent is explored it seems that period in human development

That indicates the beginning of puberty and ends in adulthood ( Collins, 2003). it is very

important to understand adolescent in relation to their development stage. The

characteristic of this stage of development are that of experimenting different of

life such as seaxual activities. it us also noted that adolescent is a period of life whene

teenagers are faced with ambiguity bacause they have to decide where they are going

and shaping their lives. Adolescent is a period when their behavior might became out

of control and they might became involve in illegal grud use violence suicide risk

taking and lack of moral standards. This is a very challenging period for an adolescent

(Marcia, 2001).

According to the ecosystem perspective the person and his/her environment

are dependent on one another. Therefore this perspective brings an understanding of

various ways a person may adopt to an changing environment in order to cope and

survive (Shearfor&Horesji, 2008). The ecosystem perspective argues that the

behaviour of an individual always occurs within a particular environment. Children today

are feaced with many challenge that might be overwhelming and their limited coping

skills may prevent them from dealing with deficult situation effective. these

adolescent migth end up engaging in unprotected sex in order to survive. The

ecosystems perspective also implies that the actions pf every individual and group

affect every person and groups in society This could be linked to teenage pregnancies

in that it does not only affect the concerned person, became hence the society as a whole even
the tax payers are also affected negatively. Therefore it is clear that teenage

pregnancies have for reaching consequences

Clarke (2005) considers the costs of teenage pregnancies as overwhelming in

South africa and globally. He is of the opinion that teenage mothers are less likely to get

married and more likely to go on welfare for financial support Clake's point of view is

supported by the above healthStatistics (2007) in South Africa which reflectthe

soaring number number of pregnant teenagers.

Teenagers who fall pregnant are alaso less likly to complete their high school

education. This seems to be one of the major obstacle in the educational development

os young women in south africa.Therefore the odds are stacked agains the children of

teen parents from the minutethey born the perception is that whene a teenager has

a baby it will destroy her chance of getting an education and may even affect her

health therefore, there is a concern for the health of the baby and for the depency

burdenon the family and social welfare.

Causes of teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancies have been associated with a number of cuases and it is

perceuved as a social problem However the gap is that hardly any attention is paid to

the driving forces or multiple reason contrubuting to teenage pregnancy. Teenage

pregnancy migth also be associated with gang activity coercion substabce abuse as

well as night parties in addition peer pressure and the media influece adolescents

and challenges them to take all kinds of risk to be part of the group Socio economic

factors such as poverty and domestic violence also have an influence on the escalating
high rate of teenage pregnancy Due to the fact that many parents spend most of their

time at work and chilhood re often left without sipervision during the day and/ or after

school the lack of proper parental supervision al creates an opportunity for adolescent

to get involve in sexual activities according to burger (1999) there is

consederable khowledge about practices of adolescent in general and the outcomes of

their pregnancies but limited understanding of factors that place particular adloescent

at inreased risk of teenage pregnancy. The most prominent sauses will be highlighted.

Poverty and child headed households

Poverty and child headed households are identified be Elkind (1984) as the

major contributors to teenage pregnancies As a result of poor or parental duidance

and control children engage in sexual activities at a very young age. This is confirmed

by Mfono (2003) who conducted a study on teenage pregnancy and his result revealed

that teenage pregnancy is high among child headed households. The teenagers in

those households often engage in several activities in exchage for money to assist

them to survive there is defined a link between teenage pregnancy and poverty as Mfono

(2003) revealed in his study that these is high rate of teenage pregnancy among

black poor teenagers Due to poverty a big number of black teenagers get imvolve is

unprotected sexual activities as a means to survive their cercumtances this study also

confirmed that economically poor counries have more teenage mothers as compared

with economically rich counries and poverty has a role in perpetuating

teenage pregnancy. Teenage engage in unproted sex in exchage for money to

survive and ignore the possible risks.


The mass media with its sexualized content is onother contrinuting factor that

perpetuates teenage pregnancies as it gives teenagers easy acces to pornographic,

adult television programs and multimedia text messages. It seems that many societies

are going through high moral degeneration as pornographic information is accessible

free of charge via devices such as computers and cell phones. Free access to

pornographic material on the internet is also likely to influence teenagers minds.

Therefore ir is recommended that there should be strict restrictions in assessing

pornographic material taking into consideration that internet shoul be a learning device

for young people (David, 2001).

Permissive sexual behaviour

According to Holtage (2006) many unplanned births occur bacuase of the

increased and widespread sexual activity among the young. The study of sexual

behaviour conducted by holtage found that about 40% of boys and 80% of girls aged as

young as fifteen had some experience of sexual intercourse the study further added

that although most of these young people had some knowledge of birth control most of

them never took any precaution to prevent conception. The girls relied interely on boys

to use contraceptives and because of this, 50% of these sexual active teenagers were

at high risk to fall pregnant It is clear that sexual activities among the youth is seen as

common and it is likely that with such permissive attitudes towards sexual behaviour a

high proportion of young people are sexually active and therefore at risk. A high degree

of ignorance contributes to the failure in the prevention of teenage pregnancy. This

should be seen in the context of teenagers seeking to meet their sexual needs not

understanding or bieng mindful abount the consequences of their sexual activities

Because of the permissive attitude among the youth they do not want to postpone

sexual activities untik they get married the healt statistics (2007) shows that most

girls fall pregnant at the age of 16 with girls as 11 more often found tobe

pregnant. On the other hand well (1992) describes teenage pregnancy as a social

issue which does not only affect the concerned teenager but has a negative contribution

of the society as large because these children are psychologically and financially

unstable. The provision of social security to pregnant teenagers is viewed as a burden

to the state and according to Makhethe (1996) the escalation of social grant recipients

harm the country's economy it laso places a huge burden particularly on the tax payers

who have to continously contribute to the well being of these recipients. A high degree

of ignorance contributes to the failure in the prevention of teenagepregnancy. This

should be seen in the context of teenagers seeking to meet their sexual activities.

because of the permissive attitude among the youth they do not want to postpone

sexual activities until they get married

Consequences of teebage preganancy

Teenage pregnancies have for reaching consequences for the child the mother

the father of the child but also for the family and society in general the main

consequences will be discussed in our society teenage pregnancy is generally

considered as inappropriate and there is a large bady of writing which discusses the

potential hazard of pregnany to both mother and child as one might expect many
unplanned children may be loved while others may be rejected prior to thier birth or

soon after thier birth in the medical literature teenage pregnancy has been associated

with medical problems such as high infant and maternity mortality abortion delivery

complications and low infant birth weigth (Dickson,2002).

According to macleod (1999) babies born by young mothers have a higher risk of

serious health problems which can be physical and mental birth defects some of the

defects are immature organ system brain lungs and hearth being underweight at

birth and the difficulty in controlling body temperature and blood sugar levels of these

babies Marule (2008) suggest thet mental retardation neonatal deaths and infant

deaths are much higher among the babies of teenagers therefore it is clear that there

is a set of interrelated factors that might influence the child's development

should these children have these complications It becomes the government's

duty to take care of thier health macleod (1999) also percieves the soaring rate of

teenagers having babies as a national and social problem which on a nacro level has a

negative effect on both economic and social development this is also likely to create a

cycle and pr maintain a cycle poverty within the family as the teenage mother

remains financiallly dependent on her family and / or on welfare

Furthermore it cal be argued that bacause of immaturity and in experiece

adolescent mothers often lack the knowledge and capacity to adequately respond to the

needs of thier children(Cunning & Boult,1996) this is supported by mkhize (1995) who

found that teenage mothers could not cope with parenting and that they lacked
Parenting skills young mothers have limited knowledge and are often immature and

socially in experienced and they become the role models for their children.

Holtage (2006) argues that the young mothers immaturity social in experienced

and lack of child rearing skills have detremental affect on thier children she and her

children are more likely to became victims of crime e.g incest repe and family violence.

the young mothers and her children are also vulnerable to participating in criminal

activities such asprostitution drug dealing and the illegal sales of alcoholbacause of

limeted financial resources this increases their possibility to be jailed thus leaving the

baby in he care of the family or her children also become young offenders and


the future of the young mothers becomes very dim. according to marule

(2008) two out of three pregnant teenagers drop out of school clarke(2005) sepports

this view when he states that teen mothers are less likely to complete their high school

education due out to limited education the teenage mother will not have the required level

of education or sufficient skills to enter he open labour market and she will remain

dependent both on the state and on her parents this is also likely to create od feed the

existing cycle of poverty within the family as the teenage mother remains financially

dependent on her family and / or welfare (Kaiser,2005).

most literature fails to consider the implications that teenage oregnancy has on
the family of the teen mother and it ignores the fact that if the teenage mother drops out

of school it is going t exacerbate poverty and dependency on the family for financial

support teenage mother might become trapped in a cycle of poverty even if they are

employed at the time of becoming pregnant they are vulnerable to dismissal and to

recieve insufficient meternity benifits to cover their needs (swarts 2004) employers

may also become reluctant to allow pregnant young employees time off to attend

antenatal clinic after giving birth these is often no family member to take care of the

child while they are at work.

Therefore it goes witthout saying that one of the long term implicaion for

teenage mothers is their inability to complete their education that results in long term

unemployement or limited jom options that are poorly paid and insecure bacuase the

teenage mothers choise are restricted this is confermed be Devenish and Greathead


The study be elkind(1984) revealed that early pregnancy hinders educational

attainment the dual role of bieng a mother and learner becomes so stressful to the

teenagers that she ends up quiting the dual role thus impinges on the learners school

achievement school attendanece is also disturbed be baby sitting arrengements and the

health of the child nevertheless it should be noted that although the girls education is

interrupted by thier pregnancies there are still opportubities for those who would go

back to school after giving birth abd they might still bacome more succesful in thier
career sometimes that those who were nor pregnant.

The limited financial resources teenage mothers have create financila pressure

and contributes to stress of not having enough money which often means living in poor

housing and bieng unable to afford adequate health care or even basic nacessities

this tends to ieopardize the health of the teenage mothers (Kaiser 2005) this is

supported by research done by Clarke (2005) who started that these teenagers health is

often poor their cognitive development slower and their behaviour problems are worse

than that of their peers.

The city population management office (2007) sees high teen birth rates as an

important concern because teen mothers and their babies face increased risk to their

health and there by weaking their opportunities of building their future Teenage

pregnancy is a public health concern that poses risk to both that mother and child.

These included being forced to go on welfare leaving school and missing out on

employment opprtunities teenage pregnany has also become a conccern due to its

contribution to the maternal mortality rate which is one of the mellennium develoment

goals that is a focus in philippines (joost 2005) as a matter of fact it could be seen

that teen pregnancies deprive teens and their children of their childhood and their future

as productive adults.

Marule(2008) verifies the above point by highlighting that teenage pregnancy is

likely to force the younger girl to be more dependent on the adult around her possibly

frustating her desire to become more independent and self sufficient. In this regard

sucial abd ecnomic circumtances play a major part. For instance the lack of finance

secure housing love and support may cause the teenagers to become depressed with

limited education and skills the teenage mother may be forced to turn to prostitution in

order to support herself and the child.

The prevention of teenage pregnancies

A study by the medical research Council (2007) recommended sex education at

school before the age of 14 when young people become sexually active this should

include information for teenagers about avoiding teenage early pregnancy at the same

time it should provide detailed information about awareness and its side effects as well

as better management and training of teachers so thay can deal with teenagers

requiring awareness and provide the neccssary information and education in a more

empathetic manner so that teenagers are not afraid to ask for sex this will also assist

in minimizing the stigma attached to teenage pregnancies teenage mothers face

shaming and blaming from other people and are afraid to admit that they are pregnant

which keeps many of them away from the doctor clinic or antenatal class until the

pregnancy is advanced.
Love life (2007) also stressed the role of school in curbing adolescent

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