Automatic Water Level Controller

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GROUP: Automatic Water Level Controller for Overhead Tank

1. IZUDDIN BIN AZMI 17006018
2. JUAN LUBON 17006661
3. HARIS ZULFIKRI 16000863
5. JULIO LING 25028

SUBMISSION DATE: 3rd April 2020



1.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................4

2.0 OBJECTIVE............................................................................................................................4

3.0 THEORY AND WORKING PRINCIPLES..........................................................................5

3.1 Ultrasonic Sensor.................................................................................................................5

3.2 Solenoid Switch....................................................................................................................6

4.0 MODEL DESIGN....................................................................................................................7

4.1 Arduino Uno.........................................................................................................................9

4.2 Ultrasonic Sensor.................................................................................................................9

4.3 Relay Module.....................................................................................................................10

4.4 Connection Wires...............................................................................................................10



The purpose for this project is to construct a system related to mechatronic elements.
An automatic water level controller for the overhead tank will be the main focus of this
project. Detail selection for the water sensor, feedback and amplifier element will be carried
out. Environment consideration will be implemented which the overhead tank usually located
at tall construct for creating high pressure to other areas. Analysis of the feedback response
for behaviour of water level by using an open-source microcontroller which is Arduino Uno
will be carried out. The results revealed the ultrasonic sensor will be the proper choice.
Ultrasonic sensors have better accuracy, faster response and send data to the feedback
whether to close the valve or not. This report will also describe the mechanical behaviour of
the system that corresponds to the output signal received from the sensor.

Ultrasound is a sound wave with high frequency that is higher than the limitation of
human beings to listen. Ultrasound sensor is based on a transmitter and receiver and mainly
used to determine the distance from the target object. The time taken to send and receive
waves will determine the distance of the water to from the sensor. Ultrasonic waves do not do
any damage and provide high accuracy and precise information. Other applications of
ultrasound will be ultrasound-based diagnostic medical imaging techniques used to visualize
babies inside the mother's womb. Ultrasonic waves however require an amplifier to amplify
the frequency of the sound wave because the size of the tank is large. An amplifier is an
electronic device that improves the previous output by amplifying them for the purpose of
getting better data.

To receive and process these digital inputs require Arduino Uno. Arduino Uno is an
open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATMEGA328P microcontroller
and developed by The board is equipped with sets of digital and analogy
input/output pins that may be interfaced to various expansion boards and other circuits.
Arduino Uno will produce a variety output to the overhead tank such as turn on led indicator,
close valve etc.


3.1 Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensors work by computing the distance to a target based on the timespan
between an emitted signal and the receiving echo. Ultrasonic sensors emit short, high-
frequency sound pulses at regular intervals. These travel through the air at the velocity of
sound. If they strike an object, then they are reflected as echo signals to the sensor.

Signal Echo

Timespan between signal and echo

3.2 Solenoid Switch

Solenoid is a coil of wire used as an electromagnet. It converts electrical energy to

mechanical energy. The device creates a magnetic field from electric current and uses the
magnetic field to create linear motion. A magnetic field is created when electric current
passes through a wire. Electromagnets can be switched on and off by the application or
removal of the electric current, which is what makes them useful as switches and valves and
allows them to be entirely automated.

The magnetic field of an activated solenoid has positive and negative poles that will
attract or repel material sensitive to magnets. In a solenoid, the electromagnetic field causes
the piston to either move backward or forward, which is how motion is created by a solenoid
coil. In a direct-acting valve, electric current activates the solenoid, which in turn pulls a
piston or plunger that would otherwise block air or fluid from flowing. In pilot-operated
valves, a solenoid moves the plunger, which creates a small opening, and pressure through
the opening is what operates the valve seal. In both types, solenoid valves require a constant
flow of electrical current to remain open because once the current is stopped, the
electromagnetic field and the valve returns to its original closed position.


To get the distance from the sensor to the water surface, the speed of sound is around
340 m/s. Thus, this formula can estimate the distance:

Distance= ( Travel2 time )∗speed of sound

After calculating the distance, the water level can be measure. Then the total length of
the water tank needs to be estimated so that to we can determine the water level by
subtracting the resulting distance coming from ultrasonic from the total length of the tank.

When the level falls below the required water level, it will send a signal to the control
circuit (Arduino Uno) to close the solenoid valve. The tank level then rises until it reaches the
high-level limit. At that point the high-level switch sends a signal to the control circuit
(Arduino Uno), causing it to open the solenoid valve and allow the tank level to fall. Thus,
the cycle repeats. Diagram 1 and 2 shows the schematic diagram of the system.
Figure 1 Diagram 1 of the Schematic Diagram

Figure 2 Diagram 2 of the Schematic Diagram

4.1 Arduino Uno

Arduino UNO has the micro-controller ATMEGA328 inside it. It has 14 digital I / O
pins with 6 providing PWR output. It's an open source and offers space for prototyping. It
also features a 16MHX crystal oscillator. Among the features above, it also has a USB
interface, a power jack, an ICSP, header and reset button.

Arduino Uno

4.2 Ultrasonic Sensor

It is essentially a distance sensor and used with SONAR system to detect distance.
This has two ultrasonic transmitters, the receiver and the control circuit, respectively. The
transmitter emits a high frequency ultrasonic sound wave that bounces off any solid object
and it is received as an echo by the receiver. Instead, the control circuit measures the echo to
measure the time and the difference between the transmitter and the receiver signal. This time
will then be used to measure the distance between the sensor and the object being reflected. It
has an ultrasonic frequency of 4 MHz, and range is nearest to 0.3 cm.

Ultrasonic Sensor
4.3 Relay Module

The Single Channel Relay Module is a versatile board that can be used for high
voltage, high current loads such as engine, solenoid valves, lamps, and AC load power. It is
intended to communicate with microcontrollers like Arduino, PIC and so on. Terminal relays
(COM, NO and NC) are carried out with terminal screw. It also comes with an LED showing
relay status.

Relay Module

4.4 Connection Wires

The conductive connections between the elements in contact are in any electronic
circuitry wires. They are technically zero-resistant and have ideal links. They look like bright
colored jumper wires on breadboard.

Connection Wires

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