DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W7
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W7
DLL - Mathematics 5 - Q2 - W7
E. Discussing new concepts and Give more examples Give more examples Give more examples Give more examples Give more examples
practicing new skills #2
F.Developing Mastery Directions: What compatible numbers Directions: Read the problems carefully Strategy: Practical Inquiry Model Talk on the problem formed by the After the output have been
will help you make an then solve. Activity AICDR pupils. posted, asked each group to
estimate for the following numbers? 1. Our family can consume 0.75 kg of Team 1 How do you know that the do the reporting, explaining how
1). 2.43 ÷ 0.78 rice a day. How many Jun’s monthly electric bills for the arranged sentences formed a they create the problem.
2). 4.31 ÷ 0.53 days will it take us to consume 22.5 kg. past seven months were: correct word problem? The teacher then will ask: How
3). 7.68 ÷ 4.2 of rice? Php1,089.38; Php1,187.86; Talk on the problem formed by the did you create a problem
4). 19.85 ÷ 2.5 2. Mother paid Php300.65 for 3.5 kg of Php1,086.52; Php1,283.27; pupils. similar to the one given?
5). 15.2 ÷ 2.5 fish. How much does Php1,085.64; Php1,187.09 and How do you know that the We familiarized ourselves with
a kilogram of fish cost? Php1,185.43. How much was Jun’s arranged sentences formed a the concept and its application
3. Mr. David bought 6 white T-shirts for average monthly electric bill? correct word problem? to real-life situation.
Php599.70. How Ask How many months were the How many kilograms of foods did We thought of the type of
much was the cost of each T- shirt? given electric bills? he buy? problem we wanted to create.
4. Mang Kanor paid Php689.15 for 5 kg Investigate What is asked in the He also bought 5.6 kg. of rice We read some problems similar
of dried fish. How problem? Godfrey bought 3.5 kg of chicken. to the one given and studied
much was the cost of each kilogram of Create How will you solve the He also bought 5.6 kg. of rice, and the solution.
dried fish? problem? 2.16 kg. of fruits. How many For more practice, let pupils
10. Alex bought a piece of rattan 2.8m Discuss Try to solve the problem. kilograms of foods did he buy? create problems similar to the
long. He cut it into pieces of 0.4 m each. Reflect What is you answer? Page403 given problem provided by the
How many pieces did he make? Team 2 What are the things a problem teacher.(Using Think-Pair and
For the last four weeks, Rica’s mother should have? Share)
recorded the grocery bills as follows: Can you name them? Directions: Fill the blank with a
Php1,427.00; Php1,805.75; How do you know that a question to create problem
Php1,753.25 and Php1,263.50. What problem has the complete using the data given.
was the average bill per week? information? A pharmacist is filling a
Ask How many weeks were the given Can the problem be solved if prescription that call for 0.20
grocery bills? there is a missing fact/information? gram of a vitamin. The vitamin
Investigate What is asked in the So, what are the things needed to is only available in 0.05
problem? create a complete word gram tablets. How many tablets
Create How will you solve the problem? should he put in the con-
problem? We familiarized ourselves with the tainer. If there are 5
Discuss Try to solve the problem. concepts of the four prescriptions,
Reflect What is you answer? operations. __________________?
Team 3 We thought of the type of
Mr. Dionisio commission for the last problem we want to create.
five months were: Php12,089.45; We read some sample problems
Php11,187.80; Php16,686.75; and studied their solutions.
Php18,283.25; Php19,085.70. How Let’s try to create another problem
much was Mr. Dionisio’s average using these information. Be
monthly commission? sure to show the solution for the
Ask How many monthly problem you made.
commissions were the given?
Investigate What is asked in the
Create How will you solve the
Discuss Try to solve the problem.
Reflect What is you answer?
G.Finding Parctical application of Strategy: Group Work- How Fast We Group Work Strategy: Scaffold- Group the pupils into four. Let
concepts and skills in daily living Are? Directions: Read each problem carefully Knowledge Integration each group work collaboratively on
Mechanics: then solve for the Activity: 4A’s the assigned task for them based on
a. Group the pupils into 3. correct answer. Activity I will give you the table
b. Distribute envelopes with activity 1. A group of 5 pupils signed up for a your respective activity sheets to Presented below:
cards. weekend computer work on The table below shows the data of
c. Tell the pupils to estimate the course. They paid a total of Php315.75. Analysis (Pupils will work the vegetables harvested by Gwen,
quotients and write them How much did each pupil pay? on the activity sheets and discussed Godwin and Jim
in the meta cards as fast as they can. 2. In an EPP class, Lance made 8 what to do with their problem.) Group I - Addition of Decimals
d. The group who finishes first wins hamburgers for lunch Abstraction Work with you Directions: Based on the table of
using 1.36 kg of ground beef. How respective teams actively and be sure data presented, create a problem
much ground beef toparticipate with the team’s output. involving addition of decimals.
was used in each hamburger? Application Try to solve your Group II – Subtraction of Decimals
3. Aunt Lucy paid Php258.45 for 9.2 kg problem Directions: Based on the table of
of rice. How Mr. Reyes bought 175 data presented, create a problem
much did a kilogram of rice cost her? hollow blocks at P6.75 per piece and involving subtraction of decimals.
3 sacks of cement at P235.50 per Group III – Multiplication of
sack. How much did Mr. Reyes Decimals
spend? Directions: Based on the table of
data presented,
create a problem involving
multiplication of
Group IV – Division of Decimals
Directions: Based on the table of
data presented, create a problem
involving division of decimals.
H.Making generalization and How do we estimate decimal How do we solve problems involving How do we solve routine and non- Lead the pupils to generalize How will you create a problem
abstraction about the lesson quotients? division of decimals? routine problems involving division To create a word problem, (with reasonable answers)
with any of the other operations of ● familiarize yourself with the involving multiplication and
decimals including money using concept division or with any of the other
appropriate problem solving ● think of the type of problem to operations and whole numbers
strategies and tools? be created. including money?
a. Consider the character, cite the
situation/setting, data
presented, word problem to be
created and the key
b. Ensure that the word problem is
clearly stated and
Read some sample problems and
study their solutions.
I.Evaluating learning Directions: Estimate each quotient. Directions: Read the problems carefully Directions: Using the data below, Directions: Read the data given.
Letter only. then solve. Analyze and solve the following create a one -step word problem Ask question to create problem
1). 8.9 ÷ 3.2 = 1. Mr. Ramos paid Php323. 75 for 35 involving: involving multiplication and
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 liters of gasoline. How
problems (a) Addition of Decimals division or with any of the other
Albert’s mother gives him Php 50.00
2). 41.96 ÷ 5.9 = much did each liter cost? (b) Subtraction of Decimals operations and whole number
every day. He spends 0.5 of it and
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 2. When a greater number is divided by (c) Multiplication of Decimals including money.
saves the other half. How much
3). 44.3 ÷ 3.8 = a smaller number, (d) Division of Decimals 1. Mrs. Cruz bought 5 mangoes
saving does he have for 5 days?
A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D.12 the quotient is 20. If the smaller number for P45.50. If she has
4). 15.77 ÷ 2.81 = is the tenths digit P136.50,
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8 of 2.5, find the greater number. __________________________
3. A boy bicycles 7.5 km in 40 minutes. ___?
Find his average 2. A 0.60 sac of fertilizer was
speed in kilometer per minute? used equally at 0.12 sack per
4. How many pieces of wire each 2.4 field.
dm long can be cut __________________________
from a roll of wire 15 m long? _________?
5. Ina has Php400 in her pocket. If she 3. Mrs. Roxas had 0.81 metre of
has 8 paper bills, gold ribbon which he cut
what are the possible denominations of Into pieces. If each piece
paper bills she measured 0.09 metre,
has? __________
4. Josie bought and paid P630.00
for 3.5 kilogram of pork,
good for 3 days.
5. At P18.35 a litre, Jun gave the
cashier P200-bill and re-
ceived a change of P34.85.
J.additional activities for application or Directions: Read and analyze the Directions: Solve each problem Directions: Solve the problem below A. Directions: Create a word Directions: Create your own
remediation problem. following the 4-step plan. What will be the total amount of your problem by completing the data problem (with reasonable
1. A newspaper sheet is about 0.68 mm 1. Andy travelled 154.5 km. in savings for one week if you are needed. Supply the data that would answers)
thick. Antonio 3.2 hours. What was his saving 0.25 of Php 60.00 which your complete the involving multiplication and
has a stack of newspaper sheets 34.94 average speed for the journey? mother is giving you everyday? problems below. Then solve for the division or with any of the other
mm high. About how many newspaper 2. 2. An 11-year old boy roller correct answer. operations of whole numbers
sheets are in the stack? skated around a rink two 1. For every that Jonna receives including money
times in 4.14 minutes. What from her mother daily, she saves .
was her average time per lap? How much does she save in a
3. 3. Jose bought 5-metre hose week?
for Php60.55. How much did
each meter of hose cost?
4. 4. Lyn, Beth, and Amy bought
materials for their project
worth ₱276.45. The girls
divided the amount equally
among themselves. How
much is each share?
Puna: N=________ N=________ N=________ N=________ N=________
X=________ X=________ X=________ X=________ X=________
N= X= % of Mastery
% of Mastery____________ % of Mastery____________ % of Mastery____________ % of Mastery____________ % of Mastery____________
Number of students who got 80% in the
Number of students who needs remediation