Animal Behaviour - Part 2
Animal Behaviour - Part 2
Animal Behaviour - Part 2
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Birds Distinctive Features
y who take more than 10,000 naps a day, with each nap lasting an
average of four seconds.
y "micronaps" lasting 4 seconds.
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y Flamingos are famous for their bright pink feathers, stilt-like legs,
and S-shaped neck.
y Its food includes shrimp, snails, and plantlike water organisms called
y They are able to "run" on water, thanks to their webbed feet, to gain
speed before lifting up into the sky.
y Flamingo young are born white, with soft, downy feathers and a
straight bill. The bill gradually curves downward as the flamingo
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y Indian peafowl are a species in a group of birds called pheasants.
○ The males are called peacocks, while the females are called
y Peafowl are among the largest of all birds that fly.
○ Ostriches, emus, and other such birds are bigger, but cannot fly.
y The beautiful feathers that cover the tails of a peacock are 5 feet (1.5
meters) long. These long feathers actually grow from the bird's back
not the tail.
y Peahens are more drab than their male counterparts, with mostly
brown on their back with a white belly. Females don't have long
tail feathers, but they do have a crest on their head and green neck
Indian peafowl
y Outside the nest, the brood (group of ducklings) sticks close by the
mother for safety, often following behind her in a neat, single-file
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y The mockingbird can imitate many sounds, including the chirps of
some 35 different bird species
○ Scientists think they produce these copycat calls to show off for
potential mates
y It lives across the United States and in parts of Canada and Mexico.
y They’re commonly found on tall shrubs or tree branches on the edges
of forests, in backyards, or in parks.
y It is a large black bird with white on each side of its neck and a red
crest on its head. When it flies, white flashes are visible under its
Pileated wings.
y They drum to attract mates and to establish the boundaries of their
territory—warning other males away.
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y Bird flaps its wings during the rising phase, then glides as it descends
into the valley of the wave.
y They use their beaks to peck and dig under bark to find carpenter ants,
beetle larvae, and other insects and will often dig large, rectangular
holes in trees to uncover their meals.
y The birds also strip pieces of bark from trees looking for food.
y The red-tailed hawk is a top predator. The hawks use tall perches to
spot their prey in the open spaces next to highways.
y Red-tailed hawks hunt from perches and from the air.
y When a red-tailed hawk spots a rodent, rabbit, lizard, or other prey
scurrying, it swoops down and grabs its meal in its talons—the big
claws on its feet. Once the hawk grabs its prey, it usually flies back
up to its perch to eat it.
Red-tailed hawk
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y These large owls mainly live in the Arctic in open, treeless areas
called tundra. Snowy owls perch on the ground or on short posts.
y Snowy owls have excellent eyesight and hearing
y In flight, snowy owls generally cruise low to the ground
y Most owls sleep during the day and hunt at night, but the snowy owl
is active during the day, especially in the summertime. They tend to
be most active at dawn and dusk.
Snowy Owl
y These noisy birds are often recognizable by their distinctive, loud cry,
called a caw.
y Crows are considered to be very intelligent birds.
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