LRP Action Plan

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL


Child protection policy is the cornerstone of our school’s
commitment to ensure our learners' safety, well-being,
holistic development. As such, the Department of
Education (DepEd) issued DO 40, s. 2012 which
mandates the Department
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

to provide special protection to all learners against all

forms of abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination,
bullying, and
other forms of abuse. Furthermore, the DepEd issued DO
31 s. 2022, otherwise known as Child Rights Policy:
Adopting the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic

Education. This is to guide the DepEd and other
stakeholders on the
duty to respect, protect, fulfill, and promote all children’s
rights to and in education. Hence, the Balubad Integrated
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

crafted its Learners’ Rights and Protection plan which

shall as guide of our institution to ensure the safety and
well-being of
II. General Objectives:
1. To create a safe and supportive environment for all
learners, prevent child abuse, and respond effectively if
abuse is
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

suspected or reported.
2. To protect the learners from all forms of violence
including bullying.
3. To ensure that the learners are provided with
protections in the school and in the community.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Child protection policy is the cornerstone of our school’s

commitment to ensure our learners' safety, well-being,
holistic development. As such, the Department of
Education (DepEd) issued DO 40, s. 2012 which
mandates the Department
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

to provide special protection to all learners against all

forms of abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination,
bullying, and
other forms of abuse. Furthermore, the DepEd issued DO
31 s. 2022, otherwise known as Child Rights Policy:
Adopting the
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

Rights-Based Education Framework in Philippine Basic

Education. This is to guide the DepEd and other
stakeholders on the
duty to respect, protect, fulfill, and promote all children’s
rights to and in education. Hence, the Balubad Integrated
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

crafted its Learners’ Rights and Protection plan which

shall as guide of our institution to ensure the safety and
well-being of
II. General Objectives:
1. To create a safe and supportive environment for all
learners, prevent child abuse, and respond effectively if
abuse is
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

suspected or reported.
2. To protect the learners from all forms of violence
including bullying.
3. To ensure that the learners are provided with
protections in the sch
Description of the Program Remarks/Success
and Objectives
Activities Timeline Deliverables
Project SANGGALANG- • Establish a September • Child Protection Policy Committee on Learner’s
SANGga at GAbay LAban sa Pang- Learner’s Rights 2023 • Learner’s Rights and Protection Rights and Protection is
aabusoNG Pang-mag-aaral. and Protection Committee established
Objectives: anchored on CPP
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

• Enable the September • Narrative/Pictorial/Accomplishment Teaching and non-

• Create a safe and supportive teaching and non- 2023 Report teaching personnel,
environment for all learners. teaching • Attendance Sheet parents and members of
• Protect learners from all forms of personnel, parents • SLAC Proposal CPP and LRP
violence including bullying. and members of • Flyers committees are
• Ensure that all learners are CPP and LRP capacitated
provided with protection in school committees on
their roles and
and in the community.
responsibilities in
children’s rights
conferences and
• Orient the learners September • Lesson Plan/DLL The information are
on their rights 2023 • Video clips widely and clearly
through integration • Flyers disseminated to the
in lessons on ESP • Accomplishment Report learners
and RBB and in
other learning
areas possible.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

• Revisit the Child September- • Child Protection Policy The guidance

Protection Policy June 2023 • Evaluation/Narrative Report advocates, designates
for the proper and school head are
procedures in aware of the proper
handling cases of procedures in
child abuse
handling cases of
child abuse and
• Strengthen the September- • Sch-based Report on Incidents Records are properly
record keeping of June 2024 of Bullying kept for accuracy,
bullying and child • Sch-based Report on Incidents consistency and
abuses of Child Abuse confidentiality of data
• Report on CAR and information.
• Report on CICL
• others

Prepared By:

Guidance Designate
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
REGION __________________
SCHOOLS DIVISION OF ______________________________
____________________________ELEMENTARY SCHOOL


School Head/CPP Chairperson

Date: ________________

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