11 Investment Inflation and Economic Gro

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011

Investment, Inflation and Economic Growth: Empirical

Evidence from Nigeria
Taiwo Muritala
Department of Economics & Financial Studies Fountain University Osogbo Nigeria
Tel: +2348034730332; +2347054979206 E-mail: muritaiwo@yahoo.com
This paper attempts to empirically examine the impact of investment and inflation on economic growth
performance as well as showing the trend analysis between inflation and investment in Nigeria from 1981 to
2006 using econometrics model with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. In an attempt to establish long-
run relationship between investment, inflation and economic growth, the result of the regression reveals that the
coefficient of inflation is negative and significant at 10% while that of Gross capital formation (GCF) is positive
and significant at 1%. It implies that I per cent increase in inflation will result in 0.09 decreases in economic
performance (RGDP). There is therefore a negative relationship between inflation and RGDP. A positive
relationship also exists between investment (GCF) and RGDP (economic performance), of which 1 per cent
change in investment (GCF) will bring about 0.3 per cent unit increases in economic performance. Increased
investment would lead to increase consumption, also increase labour, increase productivity, increase output
therefore improve the economic performance because there would be reduction in capital flight. It could
therefore be recommended that both supply-side policies and demand management policies such as a reduction
in real broad money supply should be adopted to reduce inflation in the short-run and in the long-run.

Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment; inflation; economic growth.

1. Introduction
One of the greatest problems facing Nigerian economy today is inflation which is persistently a complex,
economic and social problem of the economy. Government’s inability to provide a lasting solution to this
aroused a universal conviction that inflation is inevitable and created pessimism that government has no power
to bring rising price (inflation) trend to an end. Inflation is not only a serious problem but also has a disquieting
effect on the economic life, political system and the society as a whole. Inflation in Nigeria could be traced to
1950 despite the fact that is not prevalent then. A situation where the value of money continues to depreciate in
terms of value, there is the tendency for rising prices for available goods and services generally and such
situation is being referred to as inflation. Inflation can be defined as continuous rise in prices of goods and
services. Inflation simply means too-much money chasing few goods. Inflation in the country has become a
threat to the Nigerian economy particularly to workers as their standard of living gradually fell. The inflationary
trend dragged on till 1979 when few months to the end of the military government in Nigeria headed by General
Olusegun Obasanjo, prices of petrol went up from 9.5k per litre to 15.4k per litre. This increase in the price of
petrol led to increase in the price of transport fares, foodstuffs, building materials, rents and goods and services.
The inflation was further aggravated by the increase in the price of petrol. Today the price of petrol is N75.00
per litre which makes the price of goods and services to skyrocket.

In most economies however, domestic private investment has proven to be insufficient in giving the economy
the required boost to enable it meet its growth target because of the mismatch between their capital requirements
and saving capacity. Foreign private investment, thus, augments domestic resources to enable the country carry
out effectively her development programmes and raise the standard of living of her people. Though foreign
private investment is made up of Foreign Direct Investment and Foreign Portfolio Investment, Foreign Direct
Investment is often preferred as a means of boosting the economy. This is because FDI disseminates advanced
technological and managerial practices through the host country and thereby exhibits greater positive
externalities compared with Foreign Portfolio investment which may not involve positive transfers, just being a
change in ownership. In addition, available data suggest that FDI flows tend to be more stable compared to
Foreign Portfolio Investment (Lipsey, 1999). This is because of the liquidity of Foreign Portfolio Investment and
the short time horizon associated with such investments. Also, FDI inflows can be less affected by change in
national exchange rates as compared to Foreign Portfolio Investment. However, a balanced combination of the
two, taking into consideration the unique characteristics of the recipient economy will bring about the required
effects on the economy. The benefits of Foreign Private investment include transfer of technology, higher

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011
productivity, higher incomes, more revenue for government through taxes, enhancement of balance of payments
ability, employment generation, diversification of the industrial base and expansion, modernization and
development of related industries. According to Feldstein (2000), first, international flows of capital reduce the
risk faced by owners of capital by allowing them to diversify their lending and investment. Second, the global
integration of capital markets can contribute to the spread of best practices in corporate governance, accounting
rules, and legal traditions. Third, the global mobility of capital limits the ability of governments to pursue bad
policies. Four, Foreign investment through FDI allows for the transfer of technology - particularly in the form of
new varieties of capital inputs - that cannot be achieved through financial investments or trade in goods and
services. Foreign investment through FDI can also promote competition in the domestic input market. Five,
recipients of FDI often gain employee training in the course of operating the new businesses, which contributes
to human development in the host country. Lastly, profits generated by Foreign Investments contribute to
corporate tax revenues in the host country.

This strand of literature highlights various channels through which inflation can affect economic growth in non
linear fashion and investment might be considered as an important channel. Investment, inflation and economic
growth non linear nexus can be explained by using financial market development. A predictable increase in the
rate of inflation can slow down financial market development. Non linearity between inflation and finance is
well documented in literature (Boyd and Smith, 1998; Huybens and Smith, 1998, 1999; Boyd et al. 2001; Khan
et al, 2001). Investment is most important channel through which financial market affects economic growth (Li,
2006). Inflation, a tax on real balance, reduces real returns to savings which in turn causes an informational
friction afflicting the financial system. These financial market frictions results in credit rationing and thus limit
the availability of investment and finally this reduction in investment adversely impacts economic growth. Choi
et al. (1996) explains nonlinear effects of inflation on economic growth by saying that credit market frictions are
potentially innocuous at low rates of inflation. Thus, in low inflationary environments, credit rationing might not
emerge at all, and the negative link between inflation and capital accumulation vanishes. In such a case, higher
inflation reduces the rate of return received by savers in all financial markets and consequently increases capital
accumulation (Li, 2006).

The preference for FDI stems from its acknowledged advantages (Sjoholm, 1999; Obwona, 2001, 2004). The
effort by several African countries to improve their business climate stems from the desire to attract FDI. In fact,
one of the pillars on which the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) was launched was to
increase available capital to US$64 billion through a combination of reforms, resource mobilization and a
conducive environment for FDI (Funke and Nsouli, 2003). Unfortunately, the efforts of most countries in Africa
to attract FDI have been futile. This is in spite of the perceived and obvious need for FDI in the continent. The
development is disturbing, sending very little hope of economic development and growth for these countries.
Further, the pattern of the FDI that does exist is often skewed towards extractive industries, meaning that the
differential rate of FDI inflow into sub-Saharan African countries has been adduced to be due to natural
resources, although the size of the local market may also be a consideration (Morriset 2000; Asiedu, 2001).

The results of studies carried out on the linkage between FDI and economic growth in Nigeria are not
unanimous in their submissions. A closer examination of these previous studies reveals that conscious effort was
not made to take care of the fact that more than 60% of the FDI inflows into Nigeria is made into the extractive
(oil) industry. Hence, these studies actually modeled the influence of natural resources on Nigeria’s economic
growth. In addition, the impact of FDI on economic growth is more contentious in empirical than theoretical
studies, hence the need to examine the relationship between FDI and growth in different economic
dispensations. There is the further problem of endogeneity, which has not been consciously tackled in previous
studies in Nigeria. FDI may have a positive impact on economic growth leading to an enlarged market size,
which in turn attracts further FDI. Finally, there is an increasing resistance to further liberalization within the
economy. This limits the options available to the government to source funds for development purposes and
makes the option of seeking FDI much more critical. This study contributes to the literature by examining the
relationship between FDI inflows, inflation and Nigeria’s economic growth, hence addressing the country’s
specific dimension to the FDI growth debate. The study is different from previous studies in scope (number of
years considered is longer). In addition, the effect of the major components of FDI on economic growth is
examined, thereby offering the opportunity to assess the differential impact of oil FDI and non-oil FDI on
Nigeria’s economic growth. The study made conscious effort to address the endogeneity issue, and provide
justification for the unrelenting efforts of the government to attract FDI, which are being misunderstood and
resisted by the Nigerian populace.

However, the arguments against foreign private investment are that it may cause capital flight which may lead to
net capital outflow and thus create balance of payment difficulties; it also creates income distribution problems

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011
when it competes with home investment. Foreign Private investments may also actually be capital intensive,
which may not fit in the factor proportions of the recipient country. Since the 1980s, flows of investment have
increased dramatically the world over. Despite the increased flow of investment to developing countries in
particular, Sub-Sahara African (SSA) countries are still characterized by low per capita income, high
unemployment rates and low and falling growth rates of GDP, problems which foreign private investment are
theoretically supposed to solve. Nigeria, being one of the top three countries that consistently received FDI in
the last decade (Ayanwale, 2007) is not exempted from this category. The Nigerian Government is putting so
much effort into attracting foreign investors and yet the economy is still dwindling.

Nigeria has been noted for her average and marginal propensity to import goods and services. And through
much importation, inflation is imported too. Since most of the imported items does not carry generous subsidies
in their home of manufacture, it is well known in economic theory that when demands are elastic, producers can
pass on increases in cost of production to consumer. The Udoji awards of 1975, which was made to alleviate the
problems of workers by increasing their wages, salaries and arrears was source inflation as trade union and other
associations increased the prices of goods and services rendering the Udoji’s salary increase award useless. The
rate and nature of inflation differ from economy to economy depending on among other factors like the level of
economic development, the structure of production and the efficiency of resources utilization. In view of this
there is a compelling need for more empirical studies on inflation in diverse direction. Such studies will unravel
new facts on the causes, nature and consequences of inflation for control policy formulation.

Nigeria has been noted for her average and marginal propensity to import goods and services. And through
much importation, inflation is imported too. Since most of the imported items does not carry generous subsidies
in their home of manufacture, it is well known in economic theory that when demands are elastic, producers can
pass on increases in cost of production to consumer. The Udoji awards of 1975, which was made to alleviate the
problems of workers by increasing their wages, salaries and arrears was source inflation as trade union and other
associations increased the prices of goods and services rendering the Udoji’s salary increase award useless. The
rate and nature of inflation differ from economy to economy depending on among other factors like the level of
economic development, the structure of production and the efficiency of resources utilization. In view of this
there is a compelling need for more empirical studies on inflation in diverse direction. Such studies will unravel
new facts on the causes, nature and consequences of inflation for control policy formulation. This research
works on the results of empirical analysis undertaken to test the applicability to the developing nation of Nigeria
of conflicting hypotheses on the relationship between growth, investment and inflation. Several studies of such
relationships, undertaken on data from both developed and developing economies, have found contradictory

2. Literature Review
The contribution of Foreign Private Investment to the economy has been debated extensively over the years.
This debate covers both the developed and developing economies. However, a lot more focus has been put into
the study of Foreign Direct Investment since it is seen to have a larger impact on the economy. In the developed
world, it is agreed that foreign private investment generally play a positive role in the economy, although it
varies from county to country and depends on country characteristics, policy environment and sectors.
Blomström and Kokko (1997) reviewed the empirical evidence on host country effects of foreign direct
investment. They conclude that MNCs may play an important role for productivity and export growth in their
host countries, but that the exact nature of the impact of FDI varies between industries and countries, depending
on country characteristics and the policy environment. Alfaro (2003) in an empirical analysis using cross-
country data for the period 1981-1999 suggests that total FDI exerts an ambiguous effect on growth. From the
results, foreign direct investments in the primary sector tend to have a negative effect on growth, while
investment in manufacturing a positive one. Evidence from the service sector is ambiguous.

2.1 Review of Empirical LiteratureI

Understanding the relationship between inflation and real growth has all along been a key concern in macro-
economic research. Kumar and Pradhan (2002) analyze the relationship between FDI, growth and domestic
investment for a sample of 107 developing countries for the 1980-99 periods. Their model uses flow of output as
the dependent variable and domestic and foreign owned capital stock, labor, human skills capital stock and total
factor productivity as their independent variables. Their results show that panel data estimations in a production
function framework suggest a positive effect of FDI on growth and although FDI appears to crowd-out domestic
investments in net terms, in general, some countries have had favourable effect of FDI on domestic investments
in net terms suggesting a role for host country policies. Aitkin and Harrison (1999) in testing if domestic firms

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011
benefit from direct foreign investment in Venezuela used panel data on Venezuelan plants, and found that
foreign equity participation is positively correlated with plant productivity, but this relationship was only robust
for small enterprises. They concluded that foreign investment negatively affects the productivity of domestically
owned plants. The net impact of foreign investment, taking into account these two offsetting effects, is quite

Weeks (2001) investigates the relationship between FDI and domestic investment: that foreign direct investment
may ‘crowd-in’ or ‘crowd out’ domestic investors using 18 countries in Latin America. He incorporates real
export growth and elasticity of domestic and foreign investment into his model and concludes that the stimulant
effect foreign direct investment varies considerably across Latin American countries. This suggests that
purposeful policy can increase the benefits of foreign investment inflows.

Empirical evidence from the Czech Republic points to a mixed experience for the impact of foreign investment
on domestic firms. Based on firm-level data from the period 1994-1998, an industry-wide inverse relationship
was detected between the extent of foreign investment and the turnover of domestic firms (Djankov and
Hoekman, 2000). This finding was similar to that of a study focusing on regional effects (1993-1998) which
indicated that the productivity of domestic Firms had declined in proportion to the level of foreign investment
(Torah, 2004) in a given industry. However, these negative or neutral findings stand in contrast to those of other
studies that have detected positive effects. For instance, the introduction of foreign investment was found to
have a positive effect on the entry rates of domestic firms at intra- and inter-industry level (Ayyagari and
Kosova, 2006), across all industries, during the period 1994-2000.

Ewe-Ghee Lim (2001) summarizes recent arguments/findings on FDI and its correlation with economic growth
focusing on literature regarding spillovers from FDI and finds that while substantial support exists for positive
spillovers from FDI, there is no consensus on causality.

Mishara and Mody (2001) observed that foreign private investment has been associated with higher growth in
some advanced countries. Within the LDCs, however, foreign private investment is associated with high
incidence of crises. The hypotheses which have been advanced to explain the effects of inflation on economic
growth fall into two basic categories. In the first are the Phillips Curve and the neo-Keynesian approaches of
such economists as Akerloff, Dickens and Perry, who have found Phillips Curve-like tradeoffs between growth
and inflation at low levels of unemployment. In the opposing camp are the advocates of the efficient firm
hypothesis, such as Rudebusch and Wilcox, who have found inverse correlations between inflation and growth.
Empirical studies by Fischer, Barro, De Gregorio and others support the Rudebusch-Wilcox view, as doe’s
previous work by the author of this paper, although results vary by region and stage of economic development.
The robustness of these relationships is, in turn, challenged by Levine, Renelt, Bruno and Easterly, who find that
the growth inflation correlations reported by other researchers are fragile and tend to be influenced unduly by
outlying observations.

The effect of macroeconomic instability on growth comes largely from the effect of uncertainty on private
investment. Multi-country panel data studies on investment report that measures of macroeconomic instability,
like the variability in the real exchange rate or the rate of inflation, have an adverse impact on investment
(Serven and Solimano 1992). In a study of 17 countries, Cordon (1990) finds that although there are outliers,
evidence generally supports the view that high growth is associated with low inflation. This is suggested both
by cross-country evidence and comparison over time for countries where the rate of growth has fallen in relation
to an increased as the rate of inflation. Fischer (1993) examines the role of macroeconomic factors in growth.
He found evidence that growth is negatively associated with inflation and positively associated with good fiscal
performance and undistorted foreign exchange markets. Growth may be linked to uncertainty and
macroeconomic instability where temporary uncertainty about the macro economy causes potential investors to
wait for its resolution, thereby reducing the investment rate (Pindyck and Solimano 1993). Uncertainty and
macroeconomic stability are, however, difficult to quantify. Fischer suggests that, since there are no good
arguments for very high rates of inflation, a government that is producing high inflation is a government that has
lost control. The inflation rate thus serves as an indicator of macroeconomic stability and the overall ability of
the government to manage the economy.

Fischer finds support for the view that a stable macroeconomic environment, meaning a reasonably low rate of
inflation, a small budget deficit and an undistorted foreign exchange market, is conducive to sustained economic
growth. He presents a growth accounting framework in which he identifies the main channels through which
inflation reduces growth. He suggests that the variability of inflation might serve as a more direct indicator of
the uncertainty of the macroeconomic environment. However, he finds it difficult to separate the level of

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011
inflation from the uncertainty about inflation, in terms of their effect on growth. This is because the inflation
rate and its variance are highly correlated in cross-country data. Evidence is in favour of the view that
macroeconomic stability, as measured by the inverse of the inflation rate and the indicators of macroeconomic
trends, is associated with higher growth.

3. Research Methodology and Data Presentation and Analysis

Data used for this study was obtained from Central Bank statistical bulletin (2008). The type of data to be used
is secondary and includes data on Gross Domestic Production (RGDP) which is the proxy for economic growth,
Gross capital formation (GCF) proxy for investment and consumer price index (CPI) proxy for inflation .The
ordinary least square method of econometric approach was used in estimation.

Economic performance is proxy by real GDP. This is because the real GDP show the monetary value of goods
and services excluding inflation. Inflation on the other hand will be proxy by consumer price index (CPI), which
measures price level, while investment is proxy by Gross capital formation. The model could therefore be
specified as follows:

Model 1:
Model specification is a mathematical expression used to measure the economic relationship existing between
economic variables (dependent and independent).
RGDP = F (CPI, GCF)..................................................................... (1)
RGDP = Real Gross Domestic Product
CPI = Consumer Price Index
GCF = Gross Capital Formation
Β0, β1, β2, µ = parameters and stochastic error term
For this analysis, the model is specified thus;
Y = βo + β1X1 + β2X2
Model 1 shows the relationship between economic performance, (RGDP), inflation and investment (GCF)

3.1 Presentation of Result

Dependent Variable: LOG(RGDP)

Method: Least Squares
Sample: 1981 2006
Included observations: 26
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
LOG(GCF) 0.295522 0.052650 5.612906 0.0000
LOG(INF) -0.087750 0.048597 -1.805667 0.0841
C 9.440840 0.472433 19.98343 0.0000
R-squared 0.923367 Mean dependent var 12.57309
Adjusted R-squared 0.916703 S.D. dependent var 0.345093
S.E. of regression 0.099598 F-statistic 138.5653
Sum squared resid 0.228155 Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Log likelihood 24.67334
Durbin-Watson stat 0.484626

LOGRGDP = 9.44 + LOG0.30GCF – LOG0.09INF +µ

The equation is a DOUBLE LOG equation. The regression analysis above indicates that the coefficient of
inflation is negative and significant at 10% while that of Gross capital formation (GCF) is positive and
significant at 1%. It implies that I per cent increase in inflation will result in 0.09 decreases in economic
performance (RGDP). There is therefore a negative relationship between inflation and RGDP. That is, an
increase in inflation will result in a decrease in economic performance. An increase in inflation means increase
in general price level and will result to money illusion because what money can buy is lower compared to the

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011
previous period. A positive relationship also exists between investment (GCF) and RGDP (economic
performance), of which 1 per cent change in investment (GCF) will bring about 0.3 per cent unit increases in
economic performance. Increased investment would lead to increase consumption, also increase labour, increase
productivity, increase output therefore improve the economic performance because there would be reduction in
capital flight.
The intercept βo (9.440840) shows the value of the GDP when the values of the independent variables are
indeterminate or when they are zero.
From the regression analysis, the value of the R2 is 0.923367 suggests that a 92% of change in RGD in Nigeria
can be explained or caused by changes in the independent variable (inflation rate and investment)
F-statistics (0.000) shows that even at 1%, the overall fitness of the model is good which implies the model is
well specified.

The graph in figure 1 shows the trend analysis of growth rate in inflation. It could be deduced that the growth
rate of inflation had been fluctuating over time. An outlier (sharp increase) occurred in 1988 whereby growth
rate of inflation rose from 9.77% in 1987 to 61.02% and later became negative (-9.09%) in 1990. The inflation
rate rose to 64.88% in 1994 and decreases marginal afterwards. This implies that its favourable to the economic
performance of Nigeria because a decrease in growth rate of inflation rate though its increasing at a decreasing
rate shows a better performance in economic growth of Nigeria.
While the graph in figure 2 shows the trend analysis of growth rate in gross capital formation. It could be
deduced that from 1981 -1985 that GCF was negative. An outlier however occurred in 2002 whereby
growth rate of GCF rose from -4.37% in 1999 to 42.91%.

4. Conclusion and Policy Recommendation

Investment has increased dramatically since 1980s. Furthermore, many countries have offered special tax
incentives and subsidies to attract foreign capital. An influential economic rationale for treating foreign capital
favourably is that investment and portfolio inflows encourages technology transfers that accelerate overall
economic growth in recipients countries. While micro-economics studies generally, though not uniformly, shed
pessimistic evidence on the growth effects on foreign capital. Many macro-economic studies find a positive link
between investment and economic growth.

Investment augments domestic resources of any economy and enhances the economic development of the
country. With current increased in-flow of foreign capital, Sub-Sahara African (SSA) countries including
Nigeria are still characterized by low per-capita income, high unemployment rates and low and falling growth
rates of GDP. This has stimulated a lot of arguments in the literature. This study therefore examined the issue of
Investment and its impact on the Nigerian Economy. Among the findings was that Investment was non-
stationary while the variables were jointly co integrated. Also, gross capital formation growth was positively
related to GDP growth rate. Based on the above, it can be deduced that though the experience of other
developing countries give contradicting reports on the effect of Investment, the Nigerian case is a bit different in
that Foreign Private Investment has a positive significant effect on GDP growth rate of Nigeria. By implication
issues on Investment should not be ignored in policy decisions aimed at promoting the economic development
of Nigerian. Consequently, steps to attract more Investment should be undertaken by the Nigerian government
as one of the ways of boosting the Nigerian economy.

Broad money supply impacted positively on inflation in the long-run, confirming the theoretically-posited
positive correlation between money supply and inflation as argued by the Monetarists. That import-dependency
ratio had a positive long-run impact on inflation corroborates the view that most of the inflationary trend
experienced in import-dependent developing economies are due to imported inflation. The significant short-run
dynamics of inflation emanate principally from broad money supply and the real exchange rate. This suggests
that controlling inflation in the short-run could only be achieved by demand management policies.
Contemporaneously, there is a negative correlation between capital accumulation and economic growth in the
long-run. This means that increasing investment today may actually lead to economic slowdown today. The
short-run dynamics, however, indicate that investment has a positive impact on economic growth as predicted
by the neoclassical economic growth and development models. The negative impacts of the past levels of
investment and economic growth on their current levels respectively suggest that import dependent developing
economies find it difficult sustaining the level of investment and economic growth. Since these are short-run
phenomena, they cannot be attributed to changes in the business cycle. The difficulty in sustaining economic
growth and investment in import-dependent developing economies could be explained by the fact that these
economies are bombarded continuously by external shocks, notably oil price shocks. This fact is supported by

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011
the empirical evidence that import-dependency ratio depresses economic growth in these economies in the
short-run. Another interesting result is that, though the real exchange rate does not have any significant impact
on inflation, investment and economic growth in the long-run, it does have significant dampening effect on
inflation and expansionary effect on economic growth in the short-run. This is consistent with output gap
theories and competition theories of international trade. Thus, properly realigning the real exchange to reflect
economic fundamentals in the short-run can have desirable impact on inflation and growth in Nigeria.

It is recommended that demand management policies such as a reduction in real broad money supply should be
adopted to reduce inflation in the short-run; both demand management and supply-side policies should be
pursued for the control of the rate of inflation in the long-run; exchange rate policy that ensures international
competitiveness of domestically produced goods should be pursued, while economic openness policy that
ensures availability of critical inputs for industry and agriculture must be adopted for short run economic
growth; and, overreliance on imports should be reduced over the long term through aggressive export promotion
to ensure long-run economic growth.


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Inquiry, Vol.38, No.2, April, 331-344.


Figure 1. Showing Trends Analysis of Growth Rate in Inflation

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Research Journal of Finance and Accounting www.iiste.org
ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)
Vol 2, No 5, 2011
GRGCP 1981

Figure 2. Showing Trends Analysis of Growth Rate on Gross Capital formation

Table 1. Datasheet of Analysis of Real GDP, Inflation and Gross Capital Formation


1981 205222.1 1.03 18220.6
1982 199685.3 1.1 17145.8
1983 185598.1 1.53 13335.3
1984 183563 1.87 9149.8
1985 201036.3 1.89 8799.5
1986 205971.4 2.15 11351.5
1987 204806.5 2.36 15228.6
1988 219875.6 3.8 17562.2 Source: CBN Statistical Bulletin, Golden Jubilee Edition,
1989 236729.6 5.5 26825.5 December 2008 (Financial Statistics; 1981-2006, p. 202,
137, 45.)
1990 267550 5 40121.3
1991 265379.1 7 45190.2
1992 271365.5 10.42 70809.2
1993 274833.3 16.8 96915.5
1994 275450.6 27.7 105575.5
1995 281407.4 45.03 141920.2
1996 293745.4 51.47 204047.6
1997 302022.5 56.73 242899.8
1998 310890.1 63.49 242256.3
1999 312183.5 63.63 231661.7
2000 329178.7 72.87 331056.7
2001 356994.3 84.9 372135.7
2002 433203.5 95.2 499681.5
2003 477533 117.9 865876.5
2004 527576 129.7 863072.6
2005 561931.4 144.7 804400.8
2006 595821.6 157.1 1546526

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