Curling v. Raffensperger Transcript, Volume 6A
Curling v. Raffensperger Transcript, Volume 6A
Curling v. Raffensperger Transcript, Volume 6A
line number, only after the Court Reporter has filed the
(404) 215-1383
1 A P P E A R A N C E S O F C O U N S E L
25 (...CONT'D....)
1 (...CONT'D....)
1 I N D E X T O P R O C E E D I N G S
6 By Mr. Oles 12
8 Cross-Examination
By Mr. McGuire 39
9 Cross-Examination
By Mr. Fisher 96
10 Cross-Examination
By Mr. Oles 99
11 Direct Examination
By Mr. Boyle 101
Direct Examination
14 By Mr. Fisher 104
Direct Examination
15 By Mr. Brown 215
16 By Mr. Boyle 218
Redirect Examination
17 By Mr. Fisher 224
Redirect Examination
18 By Mr. Brown 225
25 (...CONT'D....)
1 (...CONT'D....)
4 By Mr. Brown 227
5 By Mr. Oles 264
Direct Examination
6 By Mr. Tyson 264
7 By The Court 269
Redirect Examination
8 By Mr. Tyson 273
9 By The Court 274
* * *
1 P R O C E E D I N G S
10 clarify when Mr. Sterling took the stand this morning, the
14 Mr. Sterling asked what they were. I took them and gave them
16 with that.
20 just wanted to flag we will want to talk about how we are going
23 stand.
25 that Mr. Cross cannot be here and that there was some personal
1 emergency.
8 you're authorized to --
11 behalf --
19 have not talked to Ms. Kaiser about this yet. I'm just looking
2 wanted to flag that for the Court as well. That was of larger
5 on that, Your Honor. You may recall, I think there were about
8 okay.
10 sorry. I'm just trying to catch up with what you are saying.
20 we still have six will call witnesses after the witnesses for
22 about are all of those will calls being called or are some not
1 ahead.
6 Ms. Johnston, Dr. Shamos, and Dr. Gilbert. Those were not
17 reached.
19 stipulation, yeah.
1 are saying.
3 this.
5 Mr. Oles, but for the -- some of the issues that one
8 communication from you that you were late or that there was a
9 problem sent to the Court. And, you know, Mr. Martin is always
13 know, Mr. Favorito is here every day to give you notes and to
14 consult with you, apparently, but your client hasn't been here,
15 your actual client, for days on end. And Mr. Favorito is not
16 your client.
13 admittedly, is complex and has been ongoing for six years, and
24 attorney-client privilege, but you may reply upon the fact that
10 Whereupon,
13 follows:
18 back today.
19 A. Of course.
21 correctly.
25 A. Yes.
4 A. The one that -- are you referring to the one that's at the
8 Q. Yes.
11 there --
12 Q. Okay.
20 there.
8 reorganization.
13 A. Yes, sir.
14 Q. Okay.
23 A. Yes, sir.
3 we know with 100 percent certainty that the ballots were not
6 A. I don't see it, but I know I have said that before. I'm
10 correct?
14 Q. Just a moment.
17 Mr. Rossi that there was 100 percent certainty that ballots had
19 A. Yes.
20 Q. Okay.
1 document which would be anything from Mr. Rossi. Mr. Oles has
4 to.
10 louder.
20 was from.
6 first time without their having even been shown to the other
10 entered that were not part of the pretrial order for purposes
11 of cross-examination.
14 Court's ruling.
16 mean, there have been several ones because they were used for
20 new counsel on behalf of Mr. Davis, and there are some degree
22 it is a difficult situation.
9 with your -- with the other plaintiffs, that they can indicate
10 whether they have a concern about your use of it, whether it,
17 be in. I don't really have any idea. Because I'm not sure it
3 two months.
5 A. Yes.
7 A. Yes.
8 Q. Okay.
12 question.
16 me the document?
22 in Number 3 and 4.
8 known, no.
14 which the Secretary does not run, and also to the -- you are
21 these are issues that Mr. Rossi had raised that went to the
24 A. I don't know --
4 Q. You are saying that the -- that Mr. Kemp was not Governor
5 at the time?
6 A. No, sir.
16 cross-examination.
4 Mr. Rossi.
10 know?
19 Board to do something.
24 to this 40-page --
1 timeline Mr. Rossi started emailing our office -- I'm not sure
2 when. After the -- not too long after the election, not too
3 long after the certification, and not too long after the hand
9 referring to --
22 hearing?
24 this.
11 seen it, but not in the context of being aware it was coming up
23 exhibit.
3 the --
5 or not?
10 pretrial order.
16 this and where Mr. Oles is going with it. But we don't, I
19 We're not certain what the relevance is, and so we would object
23 foundation is.
10 Q. Okay.
20 me on February 26th.
8 appear to be.
13 me, Judge.
18 as an exhibit?
24 that refresh -- well, I'll pose you the same question again.
25 Did you subsequently change the answer that you had given
4 available, yes, I did change that because Fulton did not give
15 Q. 26th, yes.
17 correct.
18 Q. Thank you.
19 Are you not aware that the tally -- that tally sheets
23 A. No, sir.
25 evidence.
9 single ballot.
23 Q. Mr. Sterling, are you aware as you are sitting here today
25 was this -- do you recall whether this was the entirety of the
8 question.
6 I believe, Mr. Rossi had about how audits work, and the
15 sort of baked into the cake, for lack of a better word, which
22 were doing this, and let's remember the environment we were in.
25 And one of the things that Mr. Rossi views as issues, and
2 raw -- the raw tally sheets. That was the intention we had was
7 beings doing these tallies. You can expect the biggest number
14 think they were only off less than two percent overall, and it
18 manifest, doing your batches that way. There were some issues
20 software where you can't name the same thing twice. And that
22 And yes, this is the first time they are doing it. It was
24 issues with this. And people stacking one count one way, some
1 an entire section and do all Trump ballots and put those into a
2 batch and all Biden ballots and put those into a batch.
11 and that showed us that the machines did correctly count the
12 ballots as presented.
16 And if you go back to, quote-unquote, correct the work, you are
19 didn't you just have them aggregate the amount -- the tallies
20 as they went.
3 the second scan done due to the re-count that was requested by
4 President Trump.
15 this?
24 And would you agree with me that this Mr. Rossi's inquiry
2 error that occurred in Fulton County for the reasons that you
3 have articulated?
5 at this point, Mr. Sterling has testified that the audit was
11 this election system that the State has mandated that the
12 counties purchase and implement and use. And they don't have
20 the point.
23 one of the State, and not -- and the counties are no longer
24 here. Not only would you then have a relevance problem, you
10 other discovery.
21 Mr. Davis but believe that this has gone far enough.
1 bench trial, I will see whether they can connect anything up.
12 he has elicited it, but whether it has any weight under the
24 plaintiffs have made clear that they are not here to determine
4 sequence that has been elicited about the audits and correction
8 witness at all?
23 plaintiffs was -- and I've got an email that I can present the
3 nature.
12 hand.
13 (Witness sworn)
15 would, state your name and spell your complete name for the
16 record.
19 M-A-T-T-H-E-W, M-A-S-H-B-U-R-N.
20 Whereupon,
1 A. Good morning.
4 lawsuit.
10 A. Correct.
12 Board?
13 A. Correct.
15 A. I don't know.
17 A. No.
20 2020.
9 that would have been at the meeting, so I think you are right.
12 A. Correct.
18 A. Correct.
1 A. Oh, I don't know about that, but thank you for the nice
5 testify?
7 very equal, and so the -- I didn't give the chairman any great
11 experienced people.
13 chair?
14 A. Yes.
17 A. Correct.
19 right?
20 A. Correct.
1 matter. The chair will make a ruling on that, and the members
2 can vote to overrule the chair, question the chair, but the
4 The chair sets the agenda. The chair gives most of the
14 about?
15 A. No.
16 Q. Now, you and the State Election Board oppose the relief
18 A. Yes.
19 Q. And is that because you and the SEB believe the State of
23 Q. Do you oppose the relief requested because you and the SEB
1 A. Yes.
3 state law?
4 A. Yes.
5 Q. Now, I'm not -- I'm going to ask you a few questions about
6 Georgia law. And for the record, I'm not asking for a formal
8 A. Sounds fair.
10 the statute, just let me know. We'll try and show it to you.
14 that up.
17 A. Yes, sir.
19 Section 21-2-300.
23 A. Yes, sir.
2 same. I agree.
4 A. Fair enough.
6 A. Yes, sir.
8 (a)(2), please.
14 that fair?
15 A. Let's see.
17 Q. I'm sorry.
21 scanners.
24 Q. Right.
2 to get law in front of the Court. There are other ways to get
9 the outset.
12 this process.
15 THE COURT: All right. Well, how many are you going
16 to be showing him?
24 authorized by law.
2 Q. And that section also says that BMDs shall produce paper
11 The bottom of that page, that first page there, do you see
12 Subsection (c)?
13 A. Yep.
19 on election day, then you have to use them for early voting in
20 person also.
3 law; right?
4 A. Sure. Yeah.
6 BMDs; right?
11 thing.
14 A. Sure.
16 laws about BMDs, you would say that is the reason why you --
17 why the State and the State Election Board opposes what the
20 Q. Well, you said that the State opposes the relief the
1 true.
2 Q. And the reason the State opposes that is because the State
6 conclusions.
13 Q. Let me show you one more, and I'll be done with the
14 statutes.
1 person can see or know any other elector's votes except when he
4 sorry. My bad.
25 you would agree with me that the State shouldn't pick and
7 A. Sure.
10 secret ballot?
13 legal conclusion.
15 it says.
19 that?
22 right?
23 A. Sure.
25 A. Sure.
1 Q. And the Help America Vote Act requires that all voting
13 Q. I'm sorry.
16 right?
23 elections.
13 Q. And you would agree that providing the processes that the
16 sure.
18 intimidation?
19 A. Oh, yes.
21 coercion?
22 A. Yes.
24 fraud?
1 Q. Yes.
4 fraud, yes.
7 A. Yeah, sure.
17 election outcomes?
20 State legislature and the Governor will pick and choose what
22 pass rules.
1 keeping voters from being able to read the votes that they are
2 actually casting?
5 in keeping voters from being able to read the votes that they
7 A. No. We ask the voters to read the votes that they are
10 voters to review the ballots and to make sure they did that
12 Q. And --
16 A. What gets printed out and before they scan it, yeah.
21 capture what you voted and make sure you look at that.
23 A. I'm sorry?
25 A. Pretty raw?
1 Q. Broad.
2 A. Broad. Broad.
4 authority, and there are other things that we don't have any
8 within what the General Assembly gives us. And sometimes they
11 louder.
12 A. Much better.
18 Q. Yeah, of course.
24 A. Yeah.
2 A. Yeah.
4 A. Yes.
6 election law?
7 A. Yes.
9 by violators?
10 A. Yes.
12 A. Yes.
14 A. Yes.
15 Q. And you have the power to issue a complaint and have the
19 one.
21 superintendents; right?
23 Q. The SEB has full power to subpoena persons and papers and
2 contempt; right?
15 I don't have that memorized, but the first part, I'm very
21 of State?
23 lately.
2 A. That is true.
5 A. I don't recall.
8 A. I don't recall.
12 Q. Not specifically?
15 it is not 2019?
17 Q. Well, since --
19 those were -- that was the first election on the new BMDs, and
22 elections.
1 has it?
11 Q. And a new audit law, SEB 129, was adopted last year.
13 A. No.
15 last year?
17 Q. Do you -- are you aware that an audit law was passed last
18 year?
20 Q. Has the SEB -- since BMDs came into -- came into use, has
1 County?
2 A. Yes.
6 right?
10 was doing.
14 particular.
24 that, just see what it is. Let me know when you are ready.
3 2020-005.
6 right?
8 Q. Okay.
15 statements in it.
17 the case.
5 proceed.
7 Q. So, Mr. Mashburn, when the State Election Board found out
8 that Athens-Clarke County was not using BMDs for early voting,
10 A. I don't know that I agree with all the lead-up to it, but
12 deciding they wanted to run the election their own way rather
13 than the way everybody else was doing it, so we had a hearing.
19 recall.
21 election; correct?
22 A. I don't recall.
23 Q. Okay.
25 them they -- the question came up, how fast can you change back
1 and put in place what you are supposed to do? And they said
2 the next day. And we said, the next day? They said, yeah, the
3 next day.
15 clearly now offering the transcript for the truth, and that
19 truth of what the SEB did, what it shows the SEB did. We're
22 SEB did.
24 the hearing?
13 anything.
21 but the question came up, how fast can you go back to what you
24 I remember that.
2 A. That's correct.
4 A. Well, they did do it the next day, so there was never any
5 penalty assessed.
10 do this? And the county attorney goes, no, no, the news
13 cases that linger for -- we had one from Sparta that lasted
17 response; right?
19 I agree.
23 work very hard to clear the backlog. But there's some cases
1 caught up, but there's some cases that just still -- still
2 there.
4 when cases languish, that reflects the fact that the SEB
20 a case or not.
5 so, but I know each member of the board has been very concerned
6 about it.
16 it.
18 A. Yeah. Correct.
2 A. Yes, sir.
13 that anything had ever -- I don't think they have any proof
19 acronym.
21 Q. Yeah, it is CISA.
22 A. Okay. Yeah.
10 place?
17 reader and switching out cards. And I'm like, okay, so how is
24 serious concerns?
2 a different question.
3 For example, the one that I'm talking about, about the
7 practical is that?
9 in a card reader, and he's got to switch the cards in and out
15 vulnerability?
19 A. Correct.
23 that you're dealing with more than one machine and one precinct
25 would worry about it, yeah. But once I read it and got away
1 from what the press reports were and actually read it, I was
6 everything else that we're doing and deal with this because I
15 concerned about the voters who used that BMD being deprived of
17 A. Yeah. And our -- the board has always been very harsh
10 the list. But not very frequently. I think she's got three or
17 A. Yes.
18 Q. And has the SEB ever adopted any of those rules proposals?
22 proposed.
25 A. Yes.
8 doesn't -- the State doesn't just have to identify it, but the
15 of Georgia?
23 proposals that deal with that the State Election Board has
24 handled.
13 evidence.
17 Q. Yes.
19 three pages?
20 A. Yeah.
22 A. Yes.
24 Dufort --
1 Q. Sure.
4 script signature.
8 signature --
16 by which the board sent it, but this is the board's letter.
19 A. Yes. Yes.
21 this letter?
8 the exact days. I got sworn in, I think, like February 1st
19 table the first one, and then we rejected all the other ones
23 So I think David got one tabled, and then the rest of them
5 A. I don't recall.
8 other petition?
10 Q. Do you see where you say -- I'm going to ask you to turn
17 genuine sentiment?
19 Q. And then down there under the Petition 2, it says the same
23 always most concerned, she's probably the number one for logic
1 even gone and witnessed some because I wanted to see it. I'm
16 A. Absolutely.
18 A. Before when?
20 October 2020 order that dealt with logic and accuracy testing
23 read it.
6 A. No.
15 modifications?
16 A. Yeah. Yeah.
21 Your Honor.
23 asking what he -- what the board has done to follow the Court's
24 directives.
6 2020?
13 Q. If that is, in fact, what you -- what your rules call for,
15 ballot be enough?
23 that the vote count was -- correctly identified the person who
1 Q. Well, let me --
5 ballot, that doesn't tell you anything about the other races on
17 remember.
20 audits?
24 up.
2 precertification audits?
4 Q. Precertification.
7 ways as they want to. If they want to use an abacus, they can
11 their deadlines.
14 merrier.
17 A. Sorry?
18 Q. But they are not required to audit more than one race on
19 the ballot?
22 Bartow County, the Director Kirk, he has been very good about
24 showed up to the first one and there was nothing wrong, and
25 then they checked again, and now there's three people that show
1 up.
10 sleepovers.
12 A. No.
14 A. No.
9 Q. Do you --
13 equipment?
18 polling places?
20 don't recall them saying those particular words. But I'm not
1 believe you.
3 A. I don't remember.
5 in Muscogee County?
7 Q. Let me see.
13 A. Yes.
21 and so hopefully the word has gotten out that to the extent
24 right?
25 A. Anything is possible.
6 A. That has been -- that has been a nice byproduct that we've
9 byproduct.
7 that.
10 A. I don't know.
12 election?
13 A. I don't know.
16 A. No.
20 a lot of cases.
24 A. Yeah. Yeah.
4 A. No.
6 this case?
7 A. No.
14 A. Okay.
21 A. No.
25 order.
1 Q. And so fair to say you didn't know before you read it any
4 it.
8 quickly as I could.
15 A. Well --
18 say you would have read it as soon as possible after that, you
20 being released?
1 imaged.
5 yeah.
7 that what happened in Coffee County would not prompt the SEB to
10 A. I don't know what was put on the air, but my context for
20 A. They should --
23 don't know.
5 out of the ballot after you do the touch screen, when you
16 their number, but I'm going to give the number for the record.
17 But --
18 A. Okay.
3 Go ahead.
5 are trying to get it done exactly precisely the way it was done
17 code?
24 re-count.
7 want to clarify.
11 run it through the machines the same way you did it on election
12 night.
14 readable text?
15 A. Right.
18 Q. And for the record, I'm asking about SEB rule for the
19 audits 183-1-15-.04(2)(4).
20 And I think you said the SEB hadn't adopted any rules on
23 haven't.
24 Q. Okay.
1 Your Honor.
3 questions?
22 Q. But no action --
25 Q. Thank you.
1 A. Sure.
3 question.
7 A. I'm sorry?
11 A. Thank you.
22 A. To what?
24 here in Georgia?
25 A. No.
2 A. No.
4 place; correct?
20 One of the very first cases that I did when I became the
22 County Courthouse, and I came across a lady and she was sitting
24 herself.
25 And I said, what are you doing? She says, well, I'm
3 said, well, she's gone to the bathroom, but I want to get done.
4 And I said, well, why don't we wait until she gets back? She
6 And I said, well, what are all these ballots over here?
7 What are these? And she said, oh, those are the ones I've
9 the burn bag? And she goes, well, I was just accumulating
10 them, and I was going to put them in the burn bag all at one
11 time. I said, well, why don't we put them in the burn bag now?
4 that.
13 Q. Thank you.
16 SEB 2023-025 and the complainant was Mr. Joseph Rossi and a
21 board?
22 A. I believe so.
24 Sound right?
25 A. Whatever you say. You have done the math. I believe that
8 Q. Does that help you recall the complaint that I'm referring
9 to?
13 Q. You said, sir, that you did -- you do recall the complaint
20 A. I don't know.
22 Are you aware that there are presently pending before the
1 that are complete, there are some that are still going, yeah.
6 Q. Okay.
9 counsel?
18 A. Absolutely.
20 acting chair?
21 A. Oh, absolutely.
23 Election Board?
24 A. Yes, sir.
3 the tempest that has swirled around us and tried to reach fair
5 difficult and the times where emotions are really, really high
9 Q. Thank you.
14 recall?
7 Thank you.
21 to look at this?
1 hand.
2 (Witness sworn)
4 seat.
8 Whereupon,
14 A. Good afternoon.
17 A. No, sir.
19 A. No, sir.
21 A. Yes, sir.
2 A. Yes, sir.
3 Q. Where?
5 Q. What is SullivanStrickler?
7 Atlanta.
15 A. Yes, sir.
17 County, Georgia?
18 A. Yes, sir.
23 Q. Sidney Powell.
1 Q. Okay. Do you know anything else about her at the time she
2 hired you?
9 A. Yes, sir.
10 Q. Where is she?
15 A. Yes, sir.
16 Q. -- and go to Tab 1?
19 A. Okay.
2 Q. Okay. And he says that he's connecting you with the lead
5 A. Yes, sir.
9 Q. Nevada.
11 A. Yes, sir.
14 A. No, sir.
15 Q. Okay. I believe you said Jim -- what did you know about
19 place of work.
25 Q. Okay.
4 A. I cannot recall.
6 in --
8 computers; correct.
19 in?
9 A. Yes, sir.
16 A. Yes, sir.
19 A. Yes, sir.
25 case.
8 A. Okay.
10 A. Yes, sir.
13 A. That is correct.
18 Q. Okay. And the Nevada work you referenced was Las Vegas?
19 A. Yes, sir.
21 A. No, sir.
1 A. No, sir.
3 A. Yes, sir.
10 collect there?
19 A. Yes.
24 Why not?
2 was. And while we were about to, there was conversations and
3 either -- I'm not sure of all the legal details behind it. But
5 collection.
7 of just seeing a lot of the equipment and how it was set up and
9 Nevada.
10 Q. Okay.
18 it is relevant or not.
20 Q. You said that you saw how the election equipment in Nevada
21 worked.
25 polling pad is. This is where the -- the information was kept.
1 These are thumb drives that it was collected to, that type of
2 information.
4 A. No, sir.
6 equipment?
8 about that.
10 Coffee County?
13 Q. Okay. Well, didn't you think that you did need a court
19 that point.
21 computer, we don't go and look for the legal order to say, hey,
2 A. I do not know.
4 conclusion.
20 A. Yes, sir.
2 A. Yes, sir.
4 A. Yes, sir.
5 Q. All right. Take a look at that first message from you and
9 A. Yes, sir.
9 A. No, sir.
11 A. No, sir.
13 A. No, sir.
17 Q. All right. Was it Bryan -- I'll find his last name for
18 you in a second.
20 A. No, sir.
21 Q. Okay. Well, let me ask you this, Mr. Maggio. Who were
22 your clients?
24 Q. Yes.
5 Q. Doug Logan?
11 Q. Okay. Is he a lawyer?
14 A. Yes, sir.
17 corner group.
19 A. Yes, sir.
20 Q. Where did you work with Doug Logan prior to Coffee County?
24 So did Doug Logan tell you that you could access the
2 it was one of those -- those two were our main contacts and we
3 were given the approval to go here and then we were given the
8 A. Yes, sir.
10 County?
11 A. It more would have been along the lines of, you're allowed
13 Q. Got it.
15 back to Tab 1.
22 A. Yes, sir.
14 then the comma, that page number, that's what I'm referring to.
18 A. Yes, sir.
22 A. No, sir.
4 to. I'm assuming you have that invoice somewhere in this book.
10 A. Yes, sir.
17 Michigan?
20 was possible. There would have been thumb drives and the like.
9 County, the engagement for Coffee County and how that was
13 deciding what the Coffee County story says about the burden on
22 If we're talking about an hour, then you can just ask the
23 questions.
15 Q. Okay. Do you know which devices you did not succeed with?
16 A. No, sir.
18 A. Yes, sir.
1 A. Correct.
4 collection in Michigan.
5 Q. Okay.
16 this agreement?
17 A. Antrim County.
22 A. Yes, sir.
1 A. Yes, sir.
3 A. December 6, 2020.
7 Nevada?
12 device there?
17 A. Yes, sir.
19 A. Correct.
22 with us.
23 Q. This was before they told you that you had access in
25 A. Yes, sir.
1 Q. Okay. And when they told you you had access in Coffee
6 Q. When they told you that you were going to have access in
9 A. No, sir.
12 data in Arizona.
20 A. Yes, sir.
21 Q. Where in Arizona?
23 Q. Okay. And you are in the election office and then -- walk
10 access.
12 A. Jim Penrose.
13 Q. Doug Logan?
15 Q. Just --
17 Q. Okay. And you said you were like escorted into the
18 office?
19 A. Yes, sir.
20 Q. By whom?
21 A. I do not recall.
22 Q. Okay.
25 Washington, D.C., area, and he's the one who signed our first
1 statement of work.
11 A. Sidney Powell.
13 equipment in Nevada?
18 A. That is Nevada.
20 A. Okay. My misunderstanding.
22 Q. Okay.
24 County.
5 A. Yes, sir.
7 A. Arizona.
12 A. Yes, sir.
14 A. Yes, sir.
16 A. Doug Logan.
20 A. I do not know.
23 the collection work and payment for that work that you either
12 it.
13 Q. Sorry.
16 communications as well.
17 Q. Got it.
20 A. Yes, sir.
4 significance.
9 such.
11 we're at.
16 were the services, the specific services that you were engaged
20 election office.
23 at a high level?
1 a later date.
3 A. Yes, sir.
5 collection work?
6 A. The goal was not to. But obviously there's records about
12 A. Yes, sir.
20 Q. Which part?
22 Q. Okay. And when you are doing that, you can't see what
5 A. Three others.
8 Q. Okay.
19 collection, no.
25 A. Doug Logan.
1 Q. Thank you.
4 Q. And what does she do? What are her roles and
5 responsibilities?
9 A. Yes, sir.
16 collected.
19 A. That is correct.
21 email?
22 A. Correct.
3 A. Yes, sir.
5 A. Yes, sir.
7 roles?
8 A. Yes, sir.
15 Go back. Perfect.
18 How do you --
19 A. Naik.
20 Q. Naik. Okay.
25 in charge of?
3 So -- but it would have ranged from the thumb drives to the EMS
8 A. Him and Karuna did basically the same items. Karuna was
10 Q. Sorry. I didn't hear that last part. What did you say?
16 Q. How did you guys get from Atlanta or where the lab is down
17 to Coffee County?
18 A. We drove.
19 Q. So you, Ms. Naik, Mr. Nelson, and Ms. Jackson drive down
23 arrival with?
24 A. Cathy Latham.
1 A. She was the name we were given as a person who was from
5 with.
6 Q. Okay. Did they say she was from the elections office?
7 A. I do not recall.
11 election office.
12 Q. Got it.
22 responsible.
24 office or --
2 A. Yes, sir.
6 office?
12 there?
23 Q. Who is that?
5 Q. Okay. Is that the door that you remember going into that
6 day as well?
7 A. Yes, sir.
10 Q. Okay.
16 A. Yes, sir.
1 Q. Great.
6 elections office?
12 you're done.
14 Correct.
18 Q. So at this point when Ms. Latham opens the door for you,
19 literally opens the door for you, at that point was it your
22 letting us in.
24 A. Yes, sir.
2 to coordinate with. And the fact that she let us in. And then
4 the office. Here's where you're going to come in. So she was
7 A. No, sir.
8 Q. Did you ever ask Scott Hall what his role was?
9 A. No, sir.
10 Q. Okay.
2 A. Yes, we did.
7 heard a lot of names. I know I'm shaking his hand right now.
9 Q. That's fine.
12 Q. Okay. What did you think -- why did you think he was
13 there?
21 equipment?
22 A. It did not cross my mind that these two people had nothing
1 A. Correct.
3 elections office?
4 A. Yes, sir.
6 this video?
8 name either.
10 elections office?
11 A. Yes, sir.
15 people's roles were when you -- did you know that when you
16 showed up?
17 A. No, sir.
18 Q. Okay.
20 or is this it?
5 elections office.
6 Q. Got it.
10 be her office.
23 Q. Okay.
7 election equipment.
17 on our computers.
18 Q. Got it.
24 thumb drive, our own thumb drive, our own computers. We would
25 plug into their computer and then initiate a command that would
1 not impact the host computer and the host hard drive, and we
5 You mentioned that you use your own drive that you plug
16 that you plug in, is that something you would have brought with
17 you?
18 A. Yes, sir.
20 collections?
22 Q. Okay. And then the computer that we're talking about that
23 you plug that first drive into, is that something that you
25 Coffee County?
2 Q. Yeah.
3 What do you plug that drive that we're talking about into?
11 A. Correct.
14 with you?
15 A. Yes, sir.
17 A. Yes, sir.
23 A. No, sir.
25 A. Yes, sir.
5 that gets plugged into the host computer was used in Michigan?
6 A. I do not know.
9 collection?
10 A. I do not know.
17 A. Yes, sir.
3 left.
4 Q. Okay.
13 up then.
15 Coffee County?
16 A. No, sir.
18 A. No, sir.
1 A. Correct.
3 malware?
6 Q. Go ahead.
9 and you plug it into your laptop right now and you're running a
12 uses?
14 Q. Do you --
17 Q. Neither could I.
18 Any others?
24 this.
6 before.
9 dog's name.
20 is he showing you?
24 office?
4 Q. Okay.
8 little bit?
9 That is good.
13 Q. Where is she?
14 A. She's the lady wearing the light blue shirt with the
20 Q. Okay. And do you know what she was showing you about that
21 polling pad?
24 was occurring?
25 A. Approximately 12:34.
2 A. Yes, sir.
3 Q. Okay.
11 A. No, sir.
16 A. Cathy Latham.
18 A. No, I do not.
19 Q. Okay.
24 A. No, sir.
25 Q. Okay.
4 table there?
6 Yes, sir.
10 elections office?
11 A. I do not know.
12 Q. Okay.
16 witness's testimony?
21 Q. Okay. Great.
3 A. Yes, sir.
6 arrow is.
13 Q. Okay. Do you know who the man in the back wearing the
15 A. I do not recall.
17 happening at?
18 A. At 1:49 P.M.
21 A. Correct.
23 video?
4 A. No, I do not.
5 Q. Okay.
8 A. That is correct.
9 Q. Did she ever -- you have no idea what she's doing right
10 now?
13 A. No, sir.
16 Q. Okay.
18 Press play.
22 Q. So first, where did this -- you don't know who this person
23 is; right?
1 video?
3 Q. Okay.
8 A. No, I do not.
17 Q. Let me ask you this: Did you ever see any ballots on that
19 A. Yes, sir.
23 A. Yes, sir.
9 ballot?
10 A. Since I was in the room when this was happening, then yes,
13 elections office?
14 A. I do not know.
20 Q. All right.
22 10 for a second.
12 heard the witness say that he did know the person's identity,
13 but has forgotten, but rather maybe he never knew the witness's
23 right now.
1 Q. Got it.
6 2:43 P.M.
8 A. Yes, sir.
12 elections office?
14 Q. Three hours.
21 Q. Okay. And do you know why she was cutting a tie off a
3 A. Correct.
5 ground there. She went in and cut the tags on every single one
6 of them?
7 A. Yes, sir.
10 A. Okay.
16 phone.
19 USB ports, and I would plug in through the USB port to the
23 Q. Okay.
4 Q. Great. Okay.
10 A. That is correct.
12 A. Yes, sir.
15 Q. Okay.
23 Q. Okay.
3 A. No.
6 Q. Okay. Do you know -- did you see the Poll Pads ever get
11 A. Yes, sir.
14 Q. Okay.
19 A. 3:59.
24 A. Yes, sir.
2 can't tell who is in the blue and -- blue top and the shorts.
5 video?
7 computer.
10 Q. Do you know -- you don't know what they were doing on this
11 computer?
13 Q. Okay. Did you ever figure out what this person that you
15 A. No, sir.
16 Q. Okay.
18 one in the --
25 A. It is 4:35.
3 recall.
5 identify earlier?
6 A. Yes, sir.
8 saw?
9 A. That is correct.
11 laptop?
12 A. No, sir.
19 A. No, sir.
21 A. Yes, sir.
1 an assumption or a guess.
3 County?
4 A. No.
6 in Coffee County?
9 doing it.
11 ballot-marking device?
14 collection.
18 application, but more or less would have been like you saw in
22 collect it.
24 device?
2 A. Yes, sir.
3 Q. Okay.
8 A. It is 4:36 P.M.
9 Q. And is this in the same room that we were just looking at?
20 A. No, sir.
22 A. No, sir.
3 A. 5:48 P.M.
7 Q. Who is in it?
15 Q. Is he imaging anything?
18 A. No, sir.
24 Q. Okay.
3 A. Yes, sir.
8 Q. And do you know where you were when all of this was
9 happening?
10 A. I think I just gave her that bag two -- about five seconds
11 ago.
13 A. It looks like some more hard drives and some more labels.
17 Q. Okay. After you handed her the bag, did you walk away?
18 A. Yes.
21 Q. Okay. Did you watch her build the log step by step?
22 A. No, sir.
23 Q. Okay.
25 21.
3 A. 7:06 P.M.
7 and then the two individuals that, even though I met them on
11 Chaney.
12 Q. Got it.
21 Q. All right. At this point in the day, 7:06 P.M., had you
1 A. No, sir.
4 have been the one that would have imaged it. If it was to be
6 don't recall.
14 A. With me?
15 Q. Yes.
16 A. With me where?
18 you take anything with you that you didn't bring in?
20 brought out. And we brought in. We did not take anything that
22 Q. Okay. Do you know why Misty was holding that thumb drive?
23 A. No, I do not.
24 Q. Okay.
6 to identify; right?
7 A. That is correct.
9 individual?
7 A. 7:42 P.M.
8 Q. Okay.
12 him?
13 A. Yes, sir.
15 name was?
16 A. I do not recall.
18 this person?
19 A. A closeup image?
20 Yes.
24 of refreshing recollection.
3 A. These two are the same people. I do not know his name.
7 Q. Okay.
14 A. 7:42 P.M.
16 elections office?
22 is the time.
2 person is, will it help if I gave you this to identify him, the
12 Why don't you just take a spin through these photos here
15 at?
22 Coffee County?
23 A. Yes, sir.
7 precincts.
13 Q. Okay. And how did you learn what was on these compact
14 flash drives?
16 Q. Sorry. That day how did you learn what was on these
17 particular things?
19 Hampton.
1 on to a destination drive.
3 A. Yes, sir.
5 A. Yes, sir.
7 collection?
8 A. Yes, sir.
10 drives?
14 A. Yes, sir.
16 from?
19 A. No, I do not.
21 A. Karuna Naik would have been the primary person. But Jim
24 when we're talking about labels, are we talking about the ones
25 that say -- that are in small boxes or are we talking about the
9 A. Yes, sir.
14 A. Correct.
16 team did?
17 A. That is correct.
20 A. CF 14.
21 Q. Okay.
24 A. Okay.
1 A. CF 18.
5 Q. Okay. Did you image compact flash drives beyond what you
14 A. Okay.
16 you imaged?
19 A. Okay.
20 Yes, sir.
22 list; right?
25 A. It is possible.
7 there that day worked for the county elections office; right?
8 A. That is correct.
9 Q. So do you know if people who did not work for the county
11 your team?
12 A. I do not know.
14 Tab 8.
15 A. Okay.
19 A. Yes, sir.
20 Q. And how did you know you needed to image these thumb
21 drives?
24 Q. Okay. Do you know if people who did not work for the
25 county elections office and who are not part of your team had
2 A. No, I do not.
6 A. Yes, I do.
8 down?
12 install, but I'm not sure. And ICX probably refers to either
13 the system or the name of the box or the other -- that this
17 right now.
21 A. No, sir.
4 drives.
7 drives?
8 A. No, I do not.
14 A. Yes, sir.
16 A. No, sir.
19 A. Yes, sir.
24 A. Yes, sir.
1 A. No, sir.
4 A. Yes, sir.
6 A. No, sir.
9 Thank you.
18 A. Yes, sir.
22 other.
23 A. Okay.
2 A. Yes, sir.
5 A. Yes, sir.
7 A. I do not recall.
13 Q. Who did?
15 Q. Okay. And they didn't explain to you what it was you were
17 A. They most likely did. Either I was not in the room when
20 it?
24 Q. Okay. And how did you know that you needed to image the
6 day on January 7?
7 A. No, sir.
10 A. Yes.
11 Q. What is that?
13 Q. Okay.
23 command that would have made a forensic image of the local hard
2 A. Yes, sir.
3 Q. And what is that device? Is that the thumb drive you were
4 referencing --
7 collections?
8 A. Yes, sir.
9 Q. Okay. Who told you that this was something that needed to
10 be imaged?
17 A. Yes, sir.
21 A. No, sir.
24 January 7?
25 A. No, sir.
3 A. Yes, sir.
6 Dell computer.
11 located?
16 That's good.
19 A. Okay. The --
23 that -- and right inside there would have been Misty's office.
25 there, if you were to turn left -- I'm sorry, if you would have
7 at right now is --
8 A. 12:34.
9 Q. Okay.
11 were on?
12 Thank you.
15 A. No, sir.
16 Q. Who did?
19 many people did you see go through that door and into the room
22 that.
4 that would have made a forensic image of the local hard drives
6 hard drive.
7 Q. Okay. When we're talking about the word server, how many
10 addition to that?
22 Thank you.
25 A. Yes, sir.
4 Answer: Yes.
6 wrong, sir?
24 it.
6 plug one of the devices that you were using to image election
14 Q. Okay.
18 Q. Okay. So you don't know exactly how you guys imaged the
19 EMS?
20 A. That is correct.
22 A. On --
23 Q. On --
12 A. The top.
19 EMO that is on Page 13. That would be the only way I could
22 recollection of when they imaged the EMS or how they imaged the
23 EMS?
24 A. I know how they -- they imaged the EMS by the way they are
25 doing right now, that thumb drive that is plugged in right now.
3 above it.
9 am making the assumption that this is the EMS server and they
10 are imaging the hard drive with an EMS server right now.
11 Q. Okay.
15 A. No, sir.
1 A. That is correct.
3 the elections office or your team had access to the EMS on that
4 day?
9 the -- it's that room back there. Everybody was in and out of
15 A. Yes, sir.
16 Q. What is it?
19 A. Correct.
1 Q. Okay. Where did you find this Post-it note containing two
2 passwords?
3 A. I do not know.
5 A. No, sir.
7 A. Yes, sir.
9 A. Misty Hampton.
10 Q. Do you know if she wrote these passwords down for you guys
12 passwords?
13 A. I do not know.
19 Q. Okay.
23 A. A computer.
25 A. Yes, sir.
2 Q. I think you want -- why don't you take a look at Page 13.
5 Q. Was this Post-it note taped in that way when you arrived?
10 is. Yep.
12 A. Correct.
13 Q. Okay.
18 A. Yes, sir.
19 Q. Okay. And did you produce all of the data that you
24 Did you produce the data that you collected from Coffee
1 A. Yes, sir.
2 Q. All of it?
3 A. Yes, sir.
7 A. Yes, sir.
8 Q. That is the day after you went to Coffee County and took
10 A. That is correct.
11 Q. All right. In this email you tell Ms. Powell that you're
13 secure site.
15 A. Yes, sir.
20 A. ShareFile.
22 ShareFile site?
25 ShareFile?
11 A. That is correct.
13 A. That is correct.
15 provided?
18 Q. Okay.
21 application via web browser. And they would have been asked to
25 ShareFile site?
3 A. Just a link.
4 Q. Got it.
7 Q. Yep.
15 A. Yes, sir.
16 Q. What is this?
20 Q. Okay.
6 A. That is correct.
12 A. That is correct.
2 A. Yes, sir.
9 subpoena?
17 A. Yes, sir.
21 August 15th.
3 So does this log show everyone who accessed the data you
5 A. Yes, sir.
8 clients; correct?
9 A. That is correct.
16 Q. Okay. Can you tell if they shared that data with others?
18 Q. Okay. And can you tell whether the people that they
19 shared the data with shared the data with more people?
2 Q. Do you know how many people have access to the data you
4 A. No, sir.
6 A. No, sir.
7 Q. Now, did you also provide the data you collected in hard
8 copy form?
9 A. No, sir.
10 Q. Why don't we --
15 binder.
17 A. Yes, sir.
18 Q. What is it?
24 drive to her.
25 Q. And is this FedEx label the label that was used to ship
2 A. We sent her two hard drives. We sent her one for the
3 Michigan data and one the Coffee County data. I would have to
4 go back and look at the emails to see when the request came in.
8 Page 4.
9 A. I see it.
11 A. That is correct.
15 email?
20 forensic -- this FedEx label was the label used to ship the
4 A. No, I do not.
6 A. No, I do not.
8 A. No, I do not.
10 A. Or copied?
11 Q. Or copied it.
12 A. No, I do not.
15 A. No, sir.
4 Q. Let's go to Page 3.
8 A. Yes, sir.
11 A. No, sir.
15 another contract?
18 A. In Coffee County.
20 A. No, sir.
21 Q. Okay.
25 A. No, sir.
3 Q. Did your clients -- did your clients tell you that they
5 A. No, sir.
7 to Page 33.
9 A. Correct.
15 Bates number.
19 A. That's correct.
22 A. Yes, sir.
7 One more.
8 There we go.
12 to 186.
25 McClain?
3 A. He had called.
5 A. Our office.
6 That is correct.
8 County?
13 THE COURT: All right. Can you tell me where you are
6 not.
8 A. Yes, sir.
17 office --
20 county?
4 phones. We gave him a statement of work quote and that was the
7 A. I do not recall.
9 Honor.
13 A. No, sir.
14 Q. Okay.
15 Sir, did anybody from the -- have you ever -- strike that.
18 A. No, sir.
20 A. No, sir.
21 Q. What about Frances Watson? Did you ever talk to her about
22 Coffee County?
23 A. I'm not sure who Frances Watson is. So not that I recall.
25 of State's office? Did you ever talk to them about the work
3 Q. What about anybody from the State Election Board? Did you
4 ever speak with anybody from there about your work in Coffee
5 County?
6 A. No, sir.
12 Q. On that day, on January 7, did his name ever come up? Did
15 Q. Robert Sinners.
22 agreement?
1 engagement letter.
2 THE COURT: Just not the top one. Are you doing
4 well?
6 can ensure that the copy the Court receives when it is admitted
16 have one -- we can have one copy of this. And maybe we can
21 there on January 7.
22 Do you know if anybody who you met that day has faced
4 A. Let's see.
8 A. Yes, sir.
20 A. That is correct.
23 A. Okay.
24 Q. There we go.
3 A. Okay.
7 A. Yes, sir.
11 in Coffee County?
12 A. Yes, sir.
14 Coffee County?
15 A. Yes, sir.
23 evidence.
25 A. Okay.
1 Q. Do you see this email -- you said this email was from Jim
2 Penrose?
4 Q. Correct.
6 A. Yes, sir.
7 Q. All right. And you see he asked you, can you please FedEx
12 A. Yes, sir.
14 A. Yes, sir.
15 Q. Okay.
21 computers.
1 A. Good afternoon.
3 Coffee County work that you did from anyone outside your
6 items?
7 Q. Yes, sir.
8 A. Yes, I can.
16 A. I'm not entirely sure with the dates, sir. But I do know
19 correct?
24 correct?
25 A. That is correct.
3 January 7 activities?
6 A. No, sir.
7 Q. Tony Rowell?
8 A. I do not recall.
11 County?
12 A. No, sir.
14 A. Bob Cheeley?
15 Q. Cheeley, C-H-E-E-L-E-Y.
16 A. I do not recall.
18 Haliburton?
22 name, sir.
23 Q. Did you speak with Mr. Haliburton about the work that you
25 A. No, sir.
2 A. No, sir.
11 in recess.
19 A. Good afternoon.
23 A. No, sir.
1 A. No, sir.
3 outset of your initial testimony, you said that when you were
5 putting a tape around the scene, is that the phrase you used?
6 A. Yes, sir.
12 A. That is correct.
13 Q. Okay. And is that what you believe your team did when you
15 A. Yes, sir.
21 since --
3 A. No, sir.
6 A. Yes, sir.
10 A. That is correct.
12 A. Yes, sir.
14 A. Yes, sir.
16 SullivanStrickler generated?
22 A. That is correct.
25 upload; right?
1 A. That is correct.
5 A. That's the email address for the user, yes, sir. And
11 Q. Okay.
20 A. Yes, sir.
22 contact.
2 the GBI was about the -- these images. And while they had the
5 collection.
7 A. I was not.
9 A. No, sir.
13 A. Yes, sir.
24 proceeding?
25 A. No, sir.
5 A. Yes, sir.
6 Q. At the time you were there, did you know that there was a
8 A. No, sir.
10 today?
11 A. Yes, sir.
18 timestamps.
21 A. Yes, sir.
23 A. Yes, sir.
6 A. No, sir.
7 Q. Or SullivanStrickler?
8 A. No, sir.
11 A. No, sir.
14 A. No, sir.
16 on client's equipment?
17 A. No, sir.
24 A. Hello again.
1 says company?
2 A. Yes, sir.
4 A. That refers to the company that the user entered when they
15 his answer.
20 A. Yes, sir.
24 incomplete.
1 A. Yes, sir.
5 Q. Okay. The same thing that you had many months before
7 A. Yes, sir.
14 complete images.
16 A. No, sir.
22 line has, I'm reading this right, both ASOG and then also
23 SullivanStrickler.
12 Joshua Blanchard.
14 hand.
15 (Witness sworn)
21 Whereupon,
3 A. Yes, sir.
6 State's office.
8 A. Investigator.
10 the --
11 A. Since 2017.
12 Q. 2017.
15 A. Yes, sir.
16 Q. You need to -- hang on. I'm sorry. But you need to wait
18 appreciate it.
20 of State.
21 A. Yes, sir.
4 A. Yes, sir.
5 Q. And going back to the 2020 time frame, to whom did you
6 report?
14 A. Yes, sir.
21 A. Yes, sir.
2 Q. I see.
3 And then Ms. Watson, when did she leave, to the best of
4 your recollection?
9 Q. And was there someone in between Ms. Watson and Ms. Koth?
12 A. K-O-T-H, Koth.
19 I believe they have the ability to call in via phone and also
25 us.
3 A. Yes.
10 tracking system?
12 for State Election Board, and then the first four digits are
13 the year. So for this year it would be 2024. And then the
20 Q. Okay. Let's shift gears a little bit and ask you some
1 define the phrase January 2021 Coffee County breaches, and what
2 I'm referring to are three separate things. The first was what
4 January 7, 2021. The next was by Doug Logan and Mr. Lenberg on
8 but they are all a part of what I'm going to call the
11 A. Yes, sir.
12 Q. When did you first learn anything about the January 2021
17 Q. And had you not heard about anything about any of these
24 newspaper?
23 2022, when you first learned of the Coffee County breaches, who
1 Q. And did Mr. Archie describe to you what you were supposed
2 to do?
8 server and you doing your normal investigative work? Why did
14 2022?
16 investigation.
23 Koth.
25 A. I do not.
9 into evidence. But I'm going to go ahead and start asking him
15 A. That is correct.
19 A. No, sir.
21 breaches were originally put into this or put under this matter
25 was then later reopened and that allegation was -- was put
2 Q. And do you know why it was put into a case number that had
4 A. I do not.
6 correct?
7 A. That's correct.
10 Q. And this reflects the work and the investigation that you
12 A. Yes, sir.
16 cases.
20 A. I do.
21 Q. And when you went to Coffee County, you met with Misty
22 Hampton; correct?
23 A. That's correct.
25 meeting then?
6 A. Yes, sir.
7 Q. And then another complaint was that Ms. Hampton had posted
9 A. Yes, sir.
12 credible?
15 A. Yes, sir.
18 A. Yes, sir.
19 Q. And then when was the next time you went to Coffee County?
23 respondents.
3 County breaches?
4 A. No, sir.
5 Q. And do you recall the -- you have a good memory for the
6 case numbers.
19 A. I have not.
22 Q. And do you see the date stamp there January 26, 2021?
23 A. I do.
6 A. That is me.
8 A. That is.
9 Q. Okay.
16 Q. Do you see the man that came out of that room right after
18 A. I do.
20 A. No, I don't.
21 Q. Well, let me ask it two ways just to make sure. Did you
23 A. No, sir.
1 up.
6 sure on that.
8 Q. Sure. But did you speak to him when you were down there?
11 office, did you ask either him or Misty Hampton what the man
13 A. No.
22 are saying?
23 A. No, I'm not saying I did not see him. I just don't recall
1 you might not have. You don't recall speaking with him. You
7 Q. Okay. And do you recall asking Ms. Hampton who the man
9 A. I do not.
12 A. No, sir.
14 A. Yes, sir.
15 Q. And the office that you go into was where the EMS server
16 is; correct?
18 Q. And you are familiar with the office because this is part
22 in the EMS server room when there was no election going on and
1 server.
6 already in evidence.
7 A. Yes, sir.
11 May 2021?
12 A. No, sir.
21 145 are two overlapping emails, if you get what I'm saying.
22 A. Yes, sir.
24 first. Okay?
25 A. Yes, sir.
3 A. Yes, sir.
7 A. I do.
10 A. That's correct.
13 Dominion email.
15 A. Yes, sir.
19 there is any basis to tie these two for this witness in the
20 exhibits at least.
23 see whether --
25 Q. Mr. Blanchard --
5 A. Now that I see that, yes. I see what you are -- what you
8 to?
15 correct?
16 A. Yes, sir.
20 A. Yes, sir.
22 A. That's correct.
25 A. That's correct.
2 email and the Cyber Ninjas business card, emails Chris Harvey;
3 right?
4 A. That's correct.
7 correct?
8 A. That's correct.
13 A. No, sir.
15 supposed to do?
20 read what I --
21 Q. You may.
23 he and his board have not been able to locate anything showing
6 slower.
9 board have not been able to locate anything showing where Cyber
10 Ninjas did any consulting for Coffee County. Mr. Barnes said
16 hour.
18 A. I did.
23 Q. Did you know about this business card or this issue prior
25 A. I did not.
2 you know, I have spoken to the board and they didn't hire these
4 A. Yes, sir.
6 in Coffee County and had a contract with the county, on the one
12 Q. What did you think -- you were given a task to find out
13 more. And did you believe that you were looking for authorized
19 you say that you talked to the board. They didn't know
20 anything. And then Mr. Barnes said he was going to contact the
24 A. I do.
25 Q. And did Mr. Barnes ever follow up with you to let you know
2 A. No, sir.
5 department?
6 A. No, sir.
14 A. That's correct.
22 quickly, right?
24 there is any basis for how -- what the speed of the overwrite
11 to -- back to Ms. Jones, give her the report that you have
12 read; right?
14 thanks; correct?
15 A. Correct.
17 A. Yes, sir.
22 A. No, sir.
25 or resigned?
2 told.
6 sure.
12 A. Before 2021?
13 Q. Yes.
16 several weeks after the inquiry into the Cyber Ninjas card in
2 Secretary of State?
9 question?
17 A. I've heard the name. I never had any dealings with him.
19 Exhibit 45?
20 you; right?
22 Q. Right.
24 A. I do not.
3 this?
9 remember that.
17 A. Yes, sir.
23 this.
1 way, if I might.
15 Coffee County?
17 Q. Okay.
4 supervisor?
6 Q. Did you ever talk to Deborah Cox about the election office
7 in Coffee County, about what they were doing, the problems they
8 had encountered?
14 Exhibit 148?
16 called SharePoint.
19 business?
20 A. Yes, sir.
1 not. So I'm just -- for now I'm going to admit it. And we'll
6 relevance.
8 Q. Mr. Blanchard, do you see that the last row on this page
12 Q. And that was the new case number in which the 2021 Coffee
14 A. That's correct.
16 as open; correct?
17 A. Yes, sir.
19 correct?
20 A. No, sir.
21 Q. And then just for the record, right up from there we see
23 still open.
25 A. Yes, sir.
3 A. No, sir.
6 A. That is correct.
18 A. Yes, sir.
19 Q. Okay. But, you know, why -- I'm not sure this matters.
21 A. To my understanding, it is closed.
4 A. Okay.
6 A. Yes, sir.
14 correct?
15 A. Yes, sir.
18 A. Yes, sir.
21 A. Yes, sir.
24 on it?
3 Coffee County?
7 investigation.
15 privilege over what Mr. Blanchard did. I think given the fact
18 with that.
12 A. No, sir.
13 Q. Okay. So --
17 Apologies.
19 investigation?
23 the GBI?
7 actively investigated.
9 investigated it?
10 A. Yes, sir.
11 Q. Okay. Thanks.
14 breaches?
18 after September.
21 Q. Okay.
5 in recess.
13 the email from James Barnes to Mr. Blanchard dated August 24,
14 2021, that contains the memo from James Barnes about the
12 exactly sure.
15 Your Honor.
4 if I may.
14 general election?
17 A. No, sir.
19 A. No, sir.
25 patience. I know this is the second day you have been here
4 A. Yes.
10 A. I am.
13 Q. You were asked about some phone calls related to the Cyber
14 Ninjas card.
17 Q. Yes.
18 A. Yes, sir.
21 investigation?
4 A. I do.
6 you first learned about the Cyber Ninjas business card, was
7 there anything that alerted you to the idea that there might
9 system?
10 A. No, sir.
14 election system?
15 A. No, sir.
21 to do.
5 A. No, sir.
9 Can you just walk the Court through what the sequence of
10 events was with the case numbers from when you first learned
16 which was SEB 2022-207. And that -- I don't exactly recall who
19 was not the start of an investigation but was the date of the
1 timeline.
3 A. I do.
8 know if CES was involved with that or not. I'm not sure.
16 A. Yes.
10 you recall?
22 Q. Mr. Blanchard, did you know who the Cyber Ninjas were --
23 A. No, ma'am.
1 Q. Did you have any idea that they were associated with
10 information about what was the story with the Cyber Ninjas card
11 being found.
12 And -- but you didn't even know what the Ninjas was when
15 Q. But business card for something you knew nothing about the
16 business about?
17 A. I did not.
20 Q. And did you find -- make any inquiries as to did this have
24 Ms. Watson?
25 Isn't Ms. Watson head of the unit that you reported to?
2 Q. Yes.
3 And you didn't ask your supervisor to help you find out
6 Q. And were you aware in any way that there had been also a
21 Mr. Barnes?
2 recently?
10 Q. Okay. And the last thing that we see here in this chain
14 there was any contact. But as far as they can tell so far,
16 But you knew as well that Mr. Barnes said he was going to
22 A. I'm sorry?
3 asked me to.
10 May 11th, 2021, then you wrote -- she wrote to Ms. Watson and
13 expressed?
14 A. I did not follow up. I'm not sure if anybody else did.
21 up with Mr. Barnes after the county IT was going to look into
24 A. I do.
3 A. I would have.
13 Q. Did you ever put that together in your own mind, maybe I
17 Q. When you talked to Mr. Barnes, did you ask him what he
25 A. I didn't.
2 sir.
7 THE COURT: You are excused. Thank you very much for
14 call?
19 MR. BROWN: And then the next witness after that will
5 moment?
10 security issue.
12 at 5:37 PM.)
1 C E R T I F I C A T E
16 ________________________________
251/21 252/3 253/25 255/21 256/3 40/22 46/10 46/15 46/18 46/20 49/11
257/10 261/22 261/25 262/2 262/8 50/14 52/19 61/16 62/18 63/4 64/23
BY MR. BOYLE: [3] 101/11 218/16
262/21 262/24 263/6 263/13 263/25 65/2 65/10 65/12 70/4 74/14 74/20
269/18 275/5 275/15 275/19 276/7 74/25 75/4 80/22 89/1 91/24 92/12 93/1
BY MR. BROWN: [29] 215/24 225/17
MR. FISHER: [130] 96/2 96/18 99/5 95/2 95/6 96/13 96/16 99/6 101/8
227/25 235/5 235/11 238/15 238/21
103/5 103/12 103/17 103/24 109/20 102/11 102/13 102/18 102/20 102/24
239/12 239/15 240/7 240/17 241/6
112/15 114/5 114/22 118/16 118/25 103/2 103/4 103/6 103/10 103/14
242/4 242/19 243/24 244/2 246/13
119/10 119/13 120/6 121/5 121/24 103/19 104/22 109/22 110/1 110/4
247/11 249/8 251/11 252/18 254/2
122/2 122/22 123/6 129/21 132/9 114/6 115/25 118/18 118/24 119/1
254/21 256/7 257/12 259/21 261/1
133/24 134/9 134/13 135/5 137/19 119/9 119/11 119/15 121/19 122/1
262/22 262/25
138/11 138/13 138/17 139/15 140/11 122/20 122/23 123/7 123/11 125/4
BY MR. FISHER: [107] 96/5 96/19
140/15 140/18 142/19 142/22 143/17 126/23 130/1 130/7 134/11 158/9
104/12 104/23 110/5 112/19 113/24
143/24 149/21 149/23 150/1 150/11 158/16 163/17 166/12 171/18 171/21
114/14 114/23 116/3 118/19 119/2
150/17 151/5 151/7 152/4 152/6 152/20 172/22 172/25 173/19 173/21 173/25
119/16 120/7 122/3 122/24 123/14
153/1 153/13 153/17 153/22 153/24 175/1 176/23 182/8 182/12 188/19
125/5 127/2 130/5 130/13 132/13
154/24 155/17 155/20 156/4 156/11 188/21 189/18 199/1 199/14 199/17
133/25 134/16 135/6 137/22 138/4
157/21 157/24 158/8 159/2 159/15 199/20 203/24 204/18 204/23 205/2
138/14 138/18 139/17 140/13 140/20
159/23 160/24 161/5 161/7 161/16 207/13 207/16 208/13 209/1 209/10
142/23 143/20 143/25 150/2 150/13
161/18 161/24 162/15 162/20 163/21 209/18 210/10 211/18 212/2 212/8
150/18 151/10 152/7 152/22 153/2
166/4 166/14 166/23 167/9 167/11 212/11 212/18 214/18 215/17 215/22
153/18 153/25 155/2 155/21 156/6
167/25 168/24 169/13 169/15 170/7 218/4 218/8 218/13 219/17 219/22
156/12 157/25 158/19 159/4 159/17
170/25 171/3 171/20 172/3 172/9 225/13 226/18 226/21 227/1 227/4
160/1 161/1 161/8 161/19 162/1 162/17
172/21 173/8 173/20 174/9 174/16 227/7 235/1 235/4 241/3 242/3 242/18
162/22 163/23 166/6 166/16 166/25
174/18 174/24 177/2 178/11 186/14 243/21 244/1 245/25 246/3 246/5 249/2
167/12 167/20 168/1 169/1 169/16
187/10 188/20 189/14 191/1 192/12 249/5 252/15 253/24 254/18 255/25
170/9 171/4 171/22 172/5 172/10 173/1
194/20 195/14 198/21 199/13 200/25 256/4 257/8 257/11 259/10 260/14
173/10 174/10 174/20 175/2 177/6
203/22 205/22 206/14 207/6 207/10 260/18 260/22 261/24 262/1 262/7
178/12 182/14 186/17 187/13 188/23
208/10 208/15 208/22 209/9 209/14 262/17 263/7 263/9 263/17 264/5
189/25 191/2 192/13 194/21 195/15
211/23 212/5 212/10 212/15 213/14 266/23 268/19 268/22 269/19 273/15
199/4 199/23 201/1 202/1 203/25 205/3
214/16 214/19 215/16 225/6 225/11 273/17 275/1 275/7 275/12 275/18
205/23 206/17 207/18 209/3 209/15
227/6 275/21 276/2 276/8
209/22 210/11 212/19 213/16 214/21
MR. McGUIRE: [43] 16/23 24/9 24/15 THE WITNESS: [76] 6/5 12/8 14/4
224/22 225/7
24/18 24/22 24/25 25/6 25/8 37/15 16/19 19/24 22/11 22/15 22/25 23/11
BY MR. MCGUIRE: [22] 39/24 40/8
37/17 38/15 40/5 44/13 45/7 46/13 26/19 34/10 34/16 38/12 38/14 39/17
40/24 44/15 45/9 46/21 49/12 49/17
46/17 46/19 49/7 49/15 50/9 50/21 40/23 49/16 51/16 52/25 61/17 65/1
50/22 51/17 53/2 61/18 63/6 65/15
51/14 52/24 61/15 62/9 62/25 64/18 70/6 75/6 75/8 80/25 91/22 91/25 93/4
70/21 75/10 81/4 89/2 92/1 92/13 93/14
64/25 65/6 65/11 65/14 74/4 74/18 95/10 102/19 102/23 104/7 112/17
74/21 75/3 75/5 75/7 88/25 92/10 94/25 113/16 116/2 126/24 140/16 154/25
BY MR. OLES: [15] 12/15 14/9 14/21
95/4 95/8 102/12 159/24 163/19 166/13 177/3 182/11
18/24 20/4 26/3 26/13 26/21 27/22
MR. OLES: [38] 10/19 10/22 11/1 11/5 182/13 189/19 200/24 204/20 205/1
29/22 31/1 34/19 99/9 100/7 264/7
11/9 11/22 12/3 14/15 14/19 15/21 16/5 207/9 209/21 215/18 224/20 226/19
BY MR. TYSON: [6] 264/23 266/2
16/24 18/14 18/21 19/11 19/18 21/12 226/24 227/3 227/10 227/19 235/3
266/25 268/24 269/7 273/19
21/23 23/23 24/1 25/25 26/2 26/11 27/1 240/3 241/4 246/2 246/4 246/7 249/4
BY THE COURT: [2] 269/21 274/6
27/9 27/12 27/19 29/19 30/15 30/18 249/6 251/10 254/20 259/12 260/16
30/23 35/9 36/22 96/14 99/7 100/6 260/20 260/24 263/8 263/11 266/24
101/7 264/3 269/17 275/11
39/11 39/14 103/25 104/3 227/13
MR. SPARKS: [1] 275/23
227/16 $
MR. TYSON: [28] 6/8 6/18 7/18 8/16
9/2 9/18 102/15 240/14 243/18 247/9 $5000 [1] 66/1
[4] 103/8 173/23 218/10 262/4
248/23 251/6 251/22 252/12 253/21
MR. BELINFANTE: [15] 15/23 17/8
255/22 259/13 263/16 264/21 265/25
25/18 28/24 29/2 30/12 30/17 30/19 '21 [2] 216/14 216/15
268/21 268/23 269/4 269/12 273/16
30/24 35/4 35/21 38/9 38/17 39/7 103/3 '21 through [1] 216/14
274/4 275/6 276/6
MR. BOYLE: [53] 45/25 49/5 50/7
MS. KAISER: [16] 7/2 7/9 7/12 7/17 8/4 '22 [5] 216/14 216/20 233/3 260/15
51/12 52/17 62/10 64/14 74/1 80/20 261/19
8/13 9/15 9/20 9/24 10/2 16/7 16/11
91/21 92/8 92/24 102/10 103/22 109/23 '22 and [1] 216/14
16/15 21/7 25/14 27/2
110/3 112/11 113/15 114/3 114/13
THE COURT: [236] 6/3 6/7 6/17 6/24 '23 [2] 216/14 222/21
120/24 123/8 125/3 129/23 130/12 '23 as [1] 222/21
7/5 7/10 7/13 8/9 8/15 8/25 9/22 9/25
134/12 158/10 171/16 172/23 174/14
10/4 10/21 10/25 11/4 11/8 11/20 12/1
174/17 174/19 174/25 189/9 198/22
12/4 12/6 14/3 14/16 16/6 16/9 16/14
199/16 199/19 201/25 203/23 206/12 -- in [1] 13/13
16/16 16/21 16/25 17/15 18/15 18/22
206/16 207/11 207/14 208/11 208/20
19/9 19/13 19/20 21/21 22/5 22/14 .
210/8 214/17 218/6 218/9 219/20
22/22 23/10 23/12 23/25 24/4 24/13
219/24 224/18 225/12 ...CONT'D [4] 2/25 3/1 4/25 5/1
24/16 24/20 24/24 25/4 25/7 25/12
MR. BROWN: [39] 36/5 103/1 153/14 .0099 [1] 33/10
25/22 26/1 26/12 26/18 26/24 27/11
200/23 218/3 225/14 226/17 227/11 .0099 percent [1] 33/10
27/14 27/21 29/1 29/3 29/21 30/21
235/8 238/11 238/14 238/20 239/10 .031 [1] 92/19
30/25 34/8 34/12 34/18 36/3 36/24
239/14 242/2 242/15 249/1 249/7 251/8
37/16 37/19 38/11 38/13 39/5 39/8 40/7 .04 [1] 94/19
A 202/7 206/21 207/21 210/3 214/5 anybody [17] 55/18 98/24 98/25
226/22 230/19 237/2 242/16 242/17 151/18 185/22 204/5 204/7 210/6
all [216] 6/13 6/17 7/20 8/7 8/9 8/15
250/21 252/16 256/22 260/2 267/24 210/15 210/16 210/24 211/3 211/4
8/16 8/22 8/25 10/25 11/4 12/1 12/1
271/6 212/22 222/8 222/23 273/14
17/5 18/22 19/1 19/13 21/13 22/5 23/10
alter [1] 192/22 anymore [1] 229/17
23/25 24/24 25/22 28/3 28/5 29/7 29/21
altered [1] 192/20 anyone [17] 29/11 102/22 173/21
33/1 33/2 34/18 36/24 37/8 38/8 38/11
Although [2] 14/6 29/14 181/5 189/23 193/2 209/16 216/3
39/9 40/7 42/12 43/7 46/15 49/11 50/13
always [13] 7/5 10/9 42/6 48/7 72/17 216/22 217/1 217/9 218/24 261/12
51/2 52/1 56/5 62/16 62/20 63/4 63/10
72/19 72/21 73/2 78/23 82/23 97/18 269/8 270/18 272/6 275/9
65/11 66/14 67/14 71/11 73/6 74/12
97/18 256/4 anything [55] 16/1 36/4 37/1 42/21
74/16 74/20 74/25 76/17 77/19 80/13
am [9] 30/6 46/13 69/11 188/15 192/2 65/13 69/13 70/1 80/4 82/5 83/8 86/25
83/23 88/22 89/13 94/4 95/6 97/23 98/6
192/9 220/8 230/11 265/10 88/1 89/15 90/3 93/7 98/25 103/2 106/1
98/10 98/15 99/19 101/7 102/18 103/6
amendments [1] 67/17 107/17 111/22 127/14 147/24 167/15
103/8 103/19 103/20 104/3 105/19
America [3] 51/24 52/1 277/3 170/13 170/18 170/19 170/20 189/14
106/17 107/6 108/21 109/4 109/17
among [1] 12/23 192/20 192/22 197/23 216/22 225/13
110/6 110/9 110/11 110/24 112/3
amount [1] 33/19 225/23 232/12 232/17 236/13 238/2
113/18 113/18 114/6 115/5 115/23
amounts [2] 214/8 214/9 241/25 245/23 246/9 246/20 247/20
116/5 116/17 117/9 118/14 120/11
AMY [1] 1/11 249/18 250/22 252/2 260/15 266/7
121/5 121/10 121/19 122/19 122/23
analysis [1] 82/11 266/17 271/13 271/15 271/18 274/16
124/4 124/10 125/4 126/1 128/1 128/13
analyst [1] 234/5 275/22 276/4
128/21 129/5 129/11 129/21 130/6
analyzing [3] 234/6 234/7 268/7 anyway [1] 38/1
130/14 130/18 132/14 133/2 133/20
Anderson [1] 49/8 anywhere [2] 110/20 124/5
134/13 135/5 135/12 138/11 139/15
Anderson-Burdick [1] 49/8 Apologies [3] 10/2 16/11 260/17
140/21 142/14 142/22 143/17 147/25
ANDREU [1] 2/10 apologize [8] 7/18 9/10 30/6 56/14
149/23 150/11 151/2 153/24 155/11
ANDREU-VON [1] 2/10 114/25 127/25 246/2 259/12
157/20 159/2 159/5 159/9 159/15
another [26] 27/5 29/19 33/18 37/13 apparently [4] 6/12 10/14 251/25
164/20 168/8 169/13 169/21 172/3
47/14 72/22 86/4 107/7 122/25 132/1 272/13
173/8 173/13 173/15 173/18 173/23
136/18 145/11 145/14 146/9 147/7 appear [1] 27/8
174/11 174/24 175/10 177/23 177/25
150/3 165/21 166/18 185/5 187/2 appearance [1] 17/19
178/8 179/1 179/13 180/22 182/12
205/15 207/15 208/23 237/7 253/25 appears [2] 21/9 46/1
182/21 184/1 186/14 189/18 190/10
254/11 Apple [1] 160/15
191/5 192/14 195/19 196/2 196/4
answer [13] 19/24 20/3 27/25 28/6 application [5] 165/18 197/21 198/10
196/11 196/12 197/12 198/5 198/24
33/8 57/24 76/2 114/15 189/4 225/15 198/19 220/18
199/16 199/19 199/20 200/22 201/10
228/17 251/8 259/22 apply [2] 48/5 51/2
203/16 208/13 209/10 212/11 212/18
answered [1] 81/25 appointed [2] 40/18 40/19
214/2 215/7 215/8 218/3 218/10 219/17
answering [1] 259/9 appointing [1] 41/2
219/24 222/4 222/14 224/18 225/6
answers [3] 19/25 20/1 22/22 appointment [2] 41/1 41/1
226/21 232/8 237/25 246/1 246/3
anticipate [1] 31/17 appreciate [5] 42/2 82/3 228/18 264/1
248/17 249/16 252/15 260/22 261/24
anticipated [4] 17/17 17/24 32/5 32/23 269/16
262/4 264/20 269/12 269/14 271/4
antivirus [2] 149/10 149/11 approach [11] 14/15 26/11 61/15 75/3
274/10 274/12 275/1 275/18 275/21
Antrim [4] 123/17 123/21 124/2 124/6 88/25 100/6 158/8 171/20 172/21
any [145] 1/8 11/20 15/13 16/6 16/8 188/20 242/2
allegation [1] 235/25
16/12 16/21 18/17 21/8 23/13 35/13 appropriate [1] 252/17
allegations [4] 101/3 231/4 233/10
37/12 41/13 42/7 42/9 50/1 56/4 59/24 approval [1] 118/3
60/4 60/21 62/12 64/20 64/21 66/4 approvals [1] 113/18
allegedly [1] 264/13
67/16 67/21 67/21 68/7 68/10 68/19 approximately [8] 139/5 139/7 151/23
alleging [2] 100/17 100/23
68/22 68/24 69/3 69/5 69/13 73/18 81/5 151/25 153/19 154/16 162/12 216/13
allocation [1] 8/23
82/18 86/14 87/16 88/1 89/8 89/11 90/1 April [20] 203/10 215/3 232/16 232/18
allow [8] 16/25 18/16 37/19 74/25
90/11 91/8 91/17 94/20 94/22 95/2 233/3 233/22 233/22 234/13 258/7
113/11 122/14 180/20 263/18
95/16 95/23 95/24 95/24 100/12 101/3 258/11 258/13 260/15 267/7 267/11
allowed [7] 17/19 112/4 113/17 115/18
101/5 101/8 102/25 109/22 109/24 267/12 267/23 267/25 268/6 268/11
118/11 125/18 126/6
111/15 112/4 112/6 112/8 112/11 113/3 269/9
allowing [1] 123/12
114/1 115/21 121/4 125/10 125/11 April 2022 [6] 258/11 258/13 267/7
ALLOY [1] 3/5
125/11 125/14 126/5 128/3 131/4 131/8 267/11 267/25 268/11
almost [2] 79/2 121/25
131/9 136/19 141/16 147/25 149/4 April 22nd [2] 203/10 215/3
alone [1] 20/1
149/18 150/5 152/23 156/17 158/17 Archie [7] 229/19 229/20 229/22
along [4] 72/18 118/11 134/23 181/3
190/15 199/15 204/22 216/21 218/5 233/25 234/1 234/19 234/22
alongside [1] 186/24
218/25 219/11 222/10 223/9 223/12 archive [2] 105/6 105/12
already [24] 21/18 21/18 36/7 36/13
223/14 224/10 224/10 224/12 224/12 Ardalyst [2] 32/16 32/19
70/9 75/12 80/12 80/12 80/14 81/2
232/17 239/3 241/23 243/16 243/19 are [245] 1/7 6/20 7/14 7/24 8/9 8/10
123/11 204/17 208/16 214/22 225/25
243/22 244/3 245/18 245/24 246/10 8/11 8/22 8/22 9/22 10/1 12/7 13/4 13/7
230/1 233/7 235/8 236/3 242/6 246/19
246/12 247/10 247/16 247/22 248/8 17/20 18/4 18/20 19/9 20/14 20/21 21/4
246/21 247/1 254/16
248/24 248/25 249/19 249/23 250/10 21/15 21/21 21/22 24/13 24/14 28/19
also [44] 7/7 8/12 8/19 17/7 20/14 24/6
251/7 251/12 251/16 251/17 251/23 29/6 29/23 29/23 30/7 32/22 33/13
28/20 37/13 40/11 47/2 47/20 51/5 58/6
260/4 260/11 260/15 260/18 268/4 33/16 34/6 34/9 34/10 34/14 34/21
58/24 72/22 86/18 103/12 105/11
268/5 270/1 270/20 271/6 271/19 34/21 35/23 36/11 37/24 38/7 38/15
105/13 109/23 124/8 135/9 136/14
271/22 272/5 272/6 272/14 272/18 40/14 41/9 41/13 41/23 43/9 43/10
136/15 144/5 144/16 146/16 155/7
273/7 274/21 43/17 46/2 46/15 47/3 48/12 48/21
A Barnes' [5] 243/11 243/22 244/4 39/22 41/5 41/9 41/14 50/14 62/12 68/1
251/23 252/9 68/5 68/10 68/19 72/17 83/22 85/2 87/6
authentication... [1] 197/9
Bartow [1] 83/22 87/6 87/7 87/8 90/25 96/17 99/23
authority [2] 56/4 56/5
based [9] 20/1 46/13 62/12 135/12 100/25 101/14 102/6 104/10 106/6
authorize [2] 54/21 58/12
199/22 221/12 266/5 266/16 272/11 118/11 120/18 120/19 120/20 141/19
authorized [4] 7/8 46/24 58/18 247/13
basic [1] 144/21 147/20 147/22 148/1 148/2 148/7 148/8
automatically [2] 197/16 198/10
basically [10] 29/5 31/16 45/19 125/15 148/12 150/10 165/18 165/23 167/6
available [11] 19/2 28/4 39/2 97/7
131/25 135/8 147/12 148/9 260/9 168/6 170/4 176/21 177/3 177/5 180/14
106/7 111/21 130/19 176/12 179/23
271/12 186/23 187/2 193/25 195/8 197/3
181/3 190/10
basis [12] 27/3 31/7 91/12 91/13 91/14 197/19 197/21 198/23 210/16 216/14
average [2] 71/4 71/5
91/15 243/19 247/10 248/24 251/7 222/10 227/23 229/11 229/22 232/25
aware [23] 24/10 24/11 28/19 29/23
251/22 251/23 233/2 233/8 233/17 233/25 234/18
43/9 51/8 51/14 52/6 52/8 60/14 60/17
basketball [3] 84/23 85/2 85/5 236/3 237/20 241/20 242/13 243/17
68/25 69/7 100/22 188/13 195/16 217/9
batch [2] 33/2 33/2 245/23 246/9 247/7 248/12 249/24
250/15 261/15 268/4 269/25 271/6
batches [4] 28/16 32/18 32/25 33/15 250/20 252/16 255/1 256/18 259/10
Bates [1] 206/15 259/16 260/24 261/17 263/11 264/13
awareness [2] 59/9 267/7
bathroom [1] 98/3 264/16 264/25 265/11 266/8 268/18
away [6] 63/16 71/25 83/21 168/17
be [176] 1/2 1/3 6/6 6/15 6/19 6/25 7/4 269/1 271/6 272/5
172/14 212/7
7/14 7/16 8/12 8/23 11/12 11/17 11/25 before [69] 1/11 6/22 14/3 14/4 15/6
AZ [2] 128/3 128/6
13/10 13/16 14/17 15/7 16/1 16/2 17/1 15/11 17/24 18/5 18/16 21/7 27/17
B 18/17 18/21 20/18 20/22 21/9 21/20 37/22 50/15 52/4 55/16 59/18 59/18
B-L-A-N-C-H-A-R-D [1] 227/20 22/2 25/21 27/8 28/7 29/13 29/15 30/6 61/25 79/17 79/18 80/9 81/10 82/15
back [62] 12/18 33/16 59/3 63/25 65/19 32/5 32/23 33/14 34/20 35/7 38/7 38/24 84/17 84/18 89/20 90/1 99/20 100/22
65/21 66/1 66/3 66/21 75/9 76/2 88/11 39/1 40/6 42/3 44/18 45/1 45/12 46/16 104/16 107/13 107/16 109/11 115/23
89/12 98/4 107/1 118/15 120/5 129/1 47/15 48/9 48/24 49/13 49/19 50/18 121/7 124/23 127/3 138/8 138/9 139/23
131/10 132/15 134/15 140/3 143/16 51/9 52/2 54/13 55/19 58/1 61/25 62/16 146/21 147/16 147/21 148/2 148/14
144/13 153/17 154/13 157/21 161/9 62/23 66/8 66/22 72/14 74/16 75/2 76/7 150/6 176/6 177/5 193/24 193/25
162/2 162/7 164/16 170/25 177/10 76/9 76/10 80/8 81/2 81/15 82/7 82/8 194/18 203/17 215/9 218/1 218/7 223/9
177/11 177/23 179/1 182/8 186/15 87/2 88/6 88/11 92/20 92/21 93/7 97/12 226/5 228/17 230/5 232/18 233/2
186/24 187/10 193/9 195/1 196/4 197/6 97/16 98/5 98/12 100/2 102/11 102/13 238/18 241/20 242/8 250/10 250/12
200/22 201/2 203/4 204/16 211/18 102/21 103/5 103/10 103/12 103/15 269/9 273/8 277/10
211/20 213/17 214/2 214/22 229/5 103/17 105/11 106/13 108/14 111/9 beforehand [1] 102/25
231/23 238/20 239/25 249/11 258/5 112/16 113/7 118/23 119/4 120/22 begin [3] 10/7 218/7 265/2
262/20 272/1 274/2 121/17 122/9 124/16 128/19 130/3 beginning [1] 46/6
background [3] 136/20 260/1 271/13 130/25 139/10 141/8 141/8 143/2 behalf [6] 2/22 7/11 17/20 73/15
backlog [3] 66/20 66/22 66/23 143/10 145/9 145/13 146/20 149/5 152/23 218/22
bad [1] 50/4 149/7 153/8 156/14 158/14 158/25 behind [9] 112/3 131/4 132/2 138/21
bag [7] 98/9 98/10 98/11 168/10 164/25 168/14 168/15 169/10 170/3 143/8 143/12 158/7 172/11 203/6
168/12 168/14 168/17 170/4 171/15 173/17 174/8 179/2 being [32] 7/23 8/22 19/23 24/11 25/20
baked [1] 31/15 184/16 185/10 187/25 189/13 191/19 29/18 31/3 32/3 55/1 55/5 72/15 73/20
balance [1] 243/4 195/22 196/18 198/11 209/12 211/23 85/3 88/17 90/20 93/23 96/10 104/15
balancing [1] 49/8 212/13 215/20 223/20 227/5 231/5 131/13 131/14 131/15 183/19 236/13
ballot [36] 29/9 32/17 45/13 48/7 49/19 231/6 231/8 231/13 235/8 237/10 239/2 240/24 241/23 246/24 251/24 254/7
50/8 50/10 51/10 52/4 52/4 55/15 55/20 240/16 241/21 241/25 248/7 251/4 254/14 256/5 267/8 270/11
60/8 77/16 78/4 78/13 81/11 81/14 253/19 255/23 258/12 258/12 259/14 beings [1] 32/7
81/15 82/5 82/6 83/16 83/19 92/4 92/5 259/17 260/14 262/2 262/9 266/13 believe [74] 7/5 8/16 16/7 20/7 21/1
92/6 122/7 157/9 157/11 165/2 165/5 267/21 269/4 275/8 275/16 275/16 21/2 22/25 24/10 24/18 25/8 31/6 36/21
165/11 165/16 165/23 237/4 238/1 275/17 275/20 37/9 43/19 43/24 51/18 59/14 74/10
ballot-marking [8] 45/13 92/4 122/7 Beaver [2] 7/22 14/5 84/2 86/1 86/14 87/1 87/16 89/9 89/10
165/2 165/5 165/11 165/16 165/23 became [1] 97/20 98/20 98/20 99/22 99/25 102/15 107/15
ballots [39] 15/3 15/17 28/20 29/8 because [58] 6/24 9/13 14/7 15/4 143/9 158/11 198/23 204/17 219/2
31/13 31/18 33/1 33/2 33/7 33/9 33/12 17/16 17/24 17/24 18/17 20/9 20/12 219/4 219/13 225/21 229/11 229/23
45/12 45/20 47/3 55/10 55/14 61/5 22/6 23/13 28/4 29/4 29/10 29/14 30/16 229/24 230/5 230/19 230/22 232/14
61/12 63/18 92/4 92/6 92/21 93/15 31/4 33/5 33/21 34/21 36/8 37/2 37/21 232/16 233/11 234/5 234/6 235/16
96/20 97/9 97/23 98/1 98/6 98/15 98/16 43/19 43/23 49/2 58/19 59/18 61/4 61/5 235/24 237/1 238/8 240/14 241/17
156/17 156/20 156/21 156/22 157/1 63/24 69/16 70/11 72/6 73/4 75/1 77/20 241/24 242/20 243/16 246/21 247/9
157/2 157/4 239/1 264/12 79/1 83/21 102/20 119/24 121/20 143/4 247/13 250/1 250/1 250/4 250/24
Barnes [48] 13/10 13/14 13/17 243/5 148/9 184/1 192/6 192/24 195/6 226/21 251/23 254/10 254/13 254/20 258/1
243/8 244/17 245/1 245/16 245/22 241/18 245/1 245/12 248/21 267/22 258/2 267/21 267/22
246/8 246/10 246/19 247/1 247/18 270/21 270/23 271/7 believing [1] 84/6
247/20 247/25 248/3 250/5 250/24 become [3] 77/6 106/7 271/10 BELINFANTE [3] 3/4 3/5 6/6
251/1 251/20 252/7 252/11 253/6 becomes [2] 34/23 110/2 bell [3] 80/10 80/11 116/19
253/14 254/3 254/18 255/10 262/13 BEDARD [1] 3/5 BEN [1] 2/6
262/14 262/19 263/7 263/19 265/2 been [127] 8/7 10/14 10/24 11/8 11/13 bench [3] 1/10 11/1 37/1
265/3 265/6 265/7 270/9 270/9 271/21 11/16 12/12 14/4 14/5 15/18 17/6 17/9 bending [1] 36/16
272/7 272/16 273/2 273/5 273/12 17/9 17/16 18/2 18/3 18/11 19/1 19/21 benefit [1] 82/10
273/21 274/1 274/17 23/18 24/2 24/20 26/25 27/5 27/17 28/3 besides [2] 48/9 141/15
28/21 28/22 32/19 36/7 37/22 38/4 best [12] 20/3 34/16 78/6 89/13 98/5
C 67/25 68/3 68/8 72/20 81/10 81/11 credentials [2] 196/24 241/23
81/14 83/22 84/25 85/15 85/23 86/5 credible [3] 237/11 237/12 237/14
correct... [58] 216/20 216/24 216/25
86/12 86/15 87/18 87/24 91/7 93/10 criminal [5] 171/17 212/23 213/7
219/12 220/8 220/10 220/17 220/22
97/22 100/18 103/16 103/18 105/17 222/10 259/8
221/1 229/24 231/2 233/20 235/14
110/22 110/23 110/25 112/1 113/9 critical [5] 53/4 53/5 53/14 84/7 236/13
235/15 235/18 236/6 236/7 236/8
113/10 113/12 114/1 115/16 116/23 cross [24] 2/4 4/5 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/15 5/3
236/11 236/22 236/23 237/8 237/17
117/18 117/20 117/25 118/4 118/10 5/4 6/25 12/14 17/11 21/16 39/23 96/4
239/1 239/5 239/7 241/13 241/16
118/12 119/5 119/21 120/1 120/8 121/6 96/15 99/8 141/18 141/22 199/22 218/7
241/17 241/19 243/2 243/10 244/15
121/7 121/9 121/9 121/11 121/13 218/15 219/20 227/24 264/6
244/21 244/22 244/24 244/25 245/4
123/17 123/21 124/2 124/5 124/6 cross-examination [18] 4/5 4/8 4/9
245/7 245/8 245/10 248/14 248/18
124/24 125/2 125/7 125/22 127/4 4/10 4/15 5/3 5/4 12/14 17/11 21/16
249/14 249/15 250/21 253/16 254/5
127/24 130/14 130/17 130/19 131/11 39/23 96/4 99/8 199/22 218/15 219/20
256/13 256/14 256/16 256/19 257/2
131/17 132/4 132/17 132/18 133/8 227/24 264/6
257/6 258/14 258/17 258/20 267/13
133/10 135/17 136/2 145/25 146/22 crossing [1] 240/18
corrected [1] 32/19
147/2 147/8 147/16 148/15 159/11 CRR [3] 1/23 277/6 277/16
correction [2] 38/4 202/11
165/3 165/6 165/16 170/17 173/5 Cruce [1] 172/1
correctly [11] 12/21 32/10 33/11 47/5
174/22 175/12 176/6 178/3 179/7 179/9 CURLING [10] 1/4 2/2 7/10 25/12
49/23 50/3 77/18 77/24 81/23 92/23
179/25 181/6 183/4 183/9 184/4 185/1 37/18 38/22 61/19 119/13 235/6 255/13
187/18 195/21 196/8 199/11 201/24 current [3] 41/16 42/9 82/13
correspondence [5] 211/19 246/12
202/3 203/3 203/17 203/21 205/10 currently [9] 40/11 41/15 57/20 66/20
247/22 272/18 273/7
205/18 205/19 206/21 206/23 206/25 81/9 99/20 105/1 228/4 259/5
cost [1] 82/10
207/2 207/23 208/8 208/15 208/18 cursory [2] 272/21 272/24
costs [1] 57/13
208/24 209/5 209/7 209/19 209/20 customer [1] 133/6
could [63] 6/8 7/7 10/17 11/6 24/7
210/17 210/19 210/22 211/1 211/5 customers [1] 250/8
26/22 30/13 45/7 48/9 61/11 65/18
211/8 212/23 213/12 214/11 214/14 cut [3] 27/5 159/25 160/5
69/17 71/22 71/22 71/24 78/1 80/8 82/7
215/8 216/3 216/4 216/17 217/11 cutting [2] 159/19 159/21
82/8 88/11 90/8 90/13 90/21 90/22
217/24 218/21 218/25 219/14 221/19 CV [1] 1/6
97/12 97/16 98/17 107/21 108/1 117/24
222/4 222/12 222/15 223/3 223/14 Cyber [22] 240/5 244/10 244/14 245/2
120/3 120/19 122/9 149/17 157/21
224/9 224/10 229/1 231/21 232/1 232/9 245/24 246/9 247/5 249/19 249/20
176/22 179/5 180/14 184/2 191/19
232/13 233/6 233/20 233/23 234/6 249/20 250/16 251/5 251/12 265/13
197/3 209/18 210/2 218/6 220/4 228/13
235/18 235/20 236/18 236/21 237/17 266/6 266/13 266/16 269/22 270/10
228/19 230/16 231/6 231/7 238/20
237/19 238/3 238/17 238/25 241/11 271/8 274/20 274/24
239/14 239/25 239/25 246/20 252/13
244/18 244/19 245/24 246/10 246/11 cybersecurity [10] 12/23 13/3 13/9
253/19 257/8 258/12 263/11 263/23
247/6 247/6 247/21 248/4 249/21 13/15 13/18 14/5 68/3 69/7 69/8 251/15
265/23 273/16
250/18 253/20 254/4 254/15 255/1
couldn't [8] 19/25 34/17 113/7 132/2 D
255/3 255/7 256/13 257/2 258/5 258/20
149/16 164/4 217/21 250/25
259/3 259/24 261/3 261/13 262/15 D.C [1] 126/25
counsel [23] 17/20 21/19 23/20 25/12
264/16 265/8 266/8 267/4 267/7 267/25 danger [1] 250/8
36/3 37/8 38/22 46/1 46/8 64/14 95/2
268/11 268/14 269/1 269/9 272/17 DANIEL [1] 3/8
98/14 101/9 103/20 121/2 158/14 174/1
273/5 273/21 273/25 274/9 DANIELLE [1] 3/8
174/14 176/23 199/3 218/17 242/15
County's [4] 61/4 90/25 195/25 217/2 dark [1] 186/22
couple [8] 6/8 74/22 132/14 160/18 data [30] 105/6 105/12 122/9 125/12
count [31] 28/12 30/5 31/19 31/20
244/23 252/3 264/3 264/10 125/13 127/12 146/7 175/25 176/15
32/13 32/24 33/9 33/11 33/22 34/3
course [9] 12/19 56/18 85/15 109/18 195/19 195/24 196/12 196/18 197/10
81/20 81/21 81/23 83/6 83/21 83/21
129/19 134/6 218/8 255/18 263/14 199/11 201/3 201/11 201/12 201/15
92/6 92/7 92/22 93/4 93/12 93/12 93/18
court [59] 1/3 1/6 1/9 1/1 1/23 5/7 5/9 201/16 201/19 201/19 201/24 202/2
93/19 93/20 93/24 94/1 94/8 94/8 101/3
7/21 8/2 8/19 9/25 10/9 14/18 24/9 202/7 202/22 203/3 203/3 203/21 221/8
36/20 38/24 41/24 46/2 46/3 53/3 53/14 date [15] 66/21 131/1 141/20 196/6
counted [7] 31/13 52/4 92/6 92/21
57/16 74/7 74/9 74/11 79/4 79/19 81/3 200/3 200/6 203/10 222/20 224/13
92/21 93/13 93/23
84/23 85/3 90/17 91/15 91/16 91/17 225/10 238/22 257/23 261/17 267/18
counter [2] 9/8 9/13
95/12 95/20 97/5 101/25 113/5 113/9 267/19
counter-designations [2] 9/8 9/13
113/13 114/16 115/8 115/10 115/13 dated [7] 100/10 119/25 119/25 215/3
counterclockwise [1] 169/6
115/22 121/12 212/6 217/10 218/10 250/7 257/22 262/13
counterfeit [1] 264/12
221/21 251/24 262/4 267/9 277/6 277/7 dates [4] 59/13 90/14 90/16 216/16
counterpart [1] 98/2
277/10 277/17 277/17 DAVID [9] 2/4 2/23 2/24 12/16 77/18
counties [19] 33/14 35/12 35/23 36/1
Court's [9] 17/14 64/16 79/14 80/18 77/18 77/23 99/10 264/8
55/9 68/20 68/23 82/14 83/6 85/16
80/19 80/23 81/1 95/17 95/20 DAVIS [19] 2/19 2/21 2/22 11/5 11/6
86/18 86/20 86/23 87/10 92/9 205/24
courtesy [1] 173/25 11/11 12/17 15/22 17/20 23/12 26/15
206/1 206/4 208/19
COURTHOUSE [2] 1/24 97/22 26/25 30/21 30/22 36/21 36/23 99/11
counting [5] 35/1 93/15 93/16 94/3
courtroom [2] 6/13 56/14 100/10 264/9
courts [2] 91/13 93/9 Davis 3 [1] 23/12
counts [9] 60/22 83/23 84/2 84/3 92/9
cover [1] 110/14 Davis 7 [1] 100/10
92/20 94/9 100/18 100/24
covered [1] 195/7 Davis' [1] 37/8
county [240] 6/2 28/20 29/7 32/1 32/6
COVID [2] 31/23 56/7 day [36] 7/4 10/13 47/19 64/2 64/2 64/3
32/11 33/6 35/2 35/6 35/6 35/22 35/22
Cox [2] 255/3 255/6 66/1 66/4 105/10 105/10 115/24 123/19
45/12 45/19 57/20 60/24 61/1 61/8 62/2
create [2] 178/21 197/22 137/17 138/6 141/1 151/23 156/18
62/5 63/3 63/8 63/11 63/11 65/18 66/8
created [9] 134/4 134/6 196/23 197/17 157/17 163/14 169/21 171/11 174/21
66/9 66/10 66/16 67/15 67/18 67/24
198/18 198/19 207/3 225/5 233/11 175/16 179/7 183/9 184/6 187/18
E entries [2] 7/24 226/24 93/12 93/20 94/1 164/16 176/11 190/18
entry [1] 1/5 219/10 223/15 263/12 267/16
email [81] 14/10 15/2 15/9 15/16 18/25
environment [3] 13/19 31/22 140/5 examination [38] 4/5 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11
20/25 26/4 26/17 26/19 27/4 27/6 27/11
equal [1] 42/7 4/13 4/14 4/15 4/16 4/17 5/3 5/4 5/5 5/6
27/23 28/2 28/10 28/13 28/21 38/23
equally [1] 50/13 5/7 6/21 12/14 17/11 21/16 36/18 38/9
106/20 106/25 107/1 107/10 108/21
equipment [60] 84/13 84/16 84/23 85/2 39/23 40/6 96/4 99/8 101/10 104/11
108/22 116/6 116/15 118/21 128/2
85/7 85/7 85/13 85/17 88/2 88/3 88/5 199/22 215/23 218/15 219/20 224/21
128/21 128/22 129/11 129/14 129/18
88/8 111/13 111/15 111/17 112/1 112/7 225/16 227/24 264/6 264/22 269/20
133/18 133/21 134/10 196/6 196/11
112/20 113/3 113/6 115/16 117/25 273/18
197/1 197/19 197/20 198/9 198/11
120/16 121/7 125/14 125/18 127/13 examining [1] 38/7
200/7 203/6 203/7 203/12 203/15
130/19 131/19 141/21 143/11 143/14 example [4] 29/8 71/3 115/22 145/11
211/24 211/25 212/9 212/17 215/1
143/22 144/2 144/6 144/7 144/21 except [3] 50/1 250/22 262/10
215/1 215/3 221/3 221/5 230/18 243/1
144/22 147/19 148/24 160/12 184/2 excessive [1] 114/7
243/1 243/5 243/12 243/13 244/6 244/9
185/20 187/3 187/5 190/7 195/20 exchange [1] 14/25
244/12 245/2 246/14 247/18 250/7
195/25 196/9 208/23 217/10 224/10 exchanges [1] 14/11
251/20 251/25 252/19 252/21 262/13
224/13 224/16 249/21 250/9 250/11 excitement [2] 6/4 6/5
265/16 265/24 266/5 271/23 272/3
268/14 269/2 272/7 excuse [7] 15/24 121/19 166/12 175/4
Eric [5] 158/21 158/24 158/25 163/1 180/18 205/19 276/3
emailing [2] 10/10 23/1
169/10 excused [6] 102/11 121/18 227/5
emails [17] 30/16 30/17 203/4 212/14
error [2] 35/2 82/9 275/4 275/7 276/8
242/21 243/8 245/2 245/6 246/12
errors [4] 31/14 32/5 33/14 82/7 executed [2] 207/15 208/12
247/21 248/1 271/19 272/11 272/18
escorted [1] 126/17 executive [1] 73/12
273/6 273/22 274/1
especially [5] 78/21 86/15 87/2 101/25 exercise [1] 32/23
embedded [1] 79/22
109/12 exhibit [42] 15/22 24/14 24/21 24/23
emergency [8] 7/1 91/8 91/11 91/12
essentially [10] 31/11 31/14 33/7 26/15 26/25 27/18 30/21 30/22 34/8
91/14 91/15 97/3 97/7
91/18 144/23 145/2 160/13 186/8 37/2 37/14 37/18 61/20 75/12 75/16
EMO [1] 191/19
226/10 270/7 78/6 79/9 109/5 110/9 118/17 119/12
emotions [1] 102/5
establish [1] 209/2 119/13 123/9 224/25 235/7 235/12
employed [2] 105/1 228/4
established [1] 38/6 236/8 242/16 242/23 243/1 244/12
empty [1] 241/13
esteem [1] 42/8 249/9 251/19 255/14 257/13 262/12
EMS [28] 135/3 143/15 187/3 187/14
ET [2] 1/4 1/6 263/3 265/23 266/3 266/19 267/18
187/24 188/5 189/1 189/22 190/19
EUW [1] 2/10 Exhibit 1 [1] 110/9
191/9 191/18 191/20 191/22 191/23
evaluated [1] 148/21 Exhibit 114 [3] 118/17 119/12 119/13
191/24 192/1 192/6 192/9 192/10 193/3
even [26] 17/2 17/6 32/11 32/17 33/6 Exhibit 115 [1] 224/25
193/7 193/8 195/4 241/15 241/22
35/15 35/16 78/11 78/25 79/1 87/23 Exhibit 145 [4] 242/23 243/1 265/23
241/25 250/17 255/11
120/22 123/9 124/13 125/16 148/2 266/19
encounter [2] 219/9 238/12
149/16 169/7 174/5 198/25 207/15 Exhibit 148 [2] 255/14 267/18
encountered [1] 255/8
217/21 270/12 272/24 274/8 274/22 Exhibit 1569 [1] 37/14
encouraged [1] 84/4
events [2] 216/17 267/10 Exhibit 208 [1] 37/18
end [10] 7/5 10/15 33/8 170/12 174/5
eventually [2] 20/9 230/8 Exhibit 3 [4] 15/22 30/21 34/8 37/2
230/5 244/23 244/23 273/11 275/23
ever [45] 57/18 69/13 69/17 73/18 Exhibit 321 [1] 109/5
ended [2] 7/23 112/6
73/20 104/18 105/16 107/13 140/6 Exhibit 40 [4] 235/7 235/12 236/8
ends [1] 115/1
140/8 155/9 156/17 157/8 162/6 163/13 257/13
energy [1] 29/15
165/8 206/23 210/15 210/16 210/19 Exhibit 45 [4] 249/9 251/19 262/12
eNet [2] 260/3 260/7
210/21 210/25 211/4 211/7 211/10 263/3
enforced [1] 60/4
211/12 211/13 217/13 217/17 218/24 Exhibit 5 [3] 26/15 26/25 30/22
enforcement [8] 50/11 60/25 87/13
221/18 223/9 223/22 233/12 233/16 Exhibit 525 [1] 61/20
265/9 265/11 266/11 269/15 272/23
241/4 247/25 248/3 251/16 253/1 Exhibit 59 [4] 75/12 75/16 78/6 79/9
enforcing [1] 74/12
253/13 255/6 255/12 271/22 274/13 Exhibit 78 [2] 242/16 244/12
engaged [8] 11/11 105/20 105/21
every [11] 10/13 29/8 55/11 80/13 exhibits [2] 25/1 243/20
128/24 129/10 130/16 130/18 251/14
87/17 87/23 122/17 124/11 160/5 162/9 existed [1] 193/24
engagement [20] 109/11 109/15
231/15 existing [3] 109/13 193/25 254/16
109/17 110/14 110/24 121/9 122/25
everybody [9] 61/9 63/13 78/25 112/23 expect [3] 32/7 40/6 102/17
123/2 123/3 205/5 205/9 207/2 207/5
179/6 187/21 193/6 193/9 193/12 expectation [1] 31/10
207/19 207/24 208/1 208/4 211/21
everyone [7] 7/6 21/17 63/15 201/3 expected [2] 274/1 274/15
212/1 212/10
201/6 276/3 276/8 expecting [1] 8/3
engagements [1] 121/10
everything [15] 32/4 71/13 71/14 72/6 expeditiously [2] 80/8 80/14
ENGLISH [1] 3/9
72/11 122/11 123/12 131/8 133/14 experience [4] 98/13 135/2 231/23
enjoin [1] 43/10
148/22 169/22 179/4 192/18 226/4 266/17
enough [10] 18/8 29/15 36/21 37/7
259/6 experienced [1] 42/11
45/4 81/15 234/12 234/12 238/10 258/3
evidence [17] 28/25 29/1 62/11 63/2 expert [3] 24/19 121/3 251/15
ensure [2] 125/7 212/6
75/13 109/21 118/17 121/16 130/25 expertise [1] 78/22
enter [2] 197/23 197/23
131/9 204/17 212/7 214/23 235/9 242/6 explain [8] 10/18 30/9 31/2 33/3 33/13
entered [3] 7/21 17/10 225/4
262/12 263/14 101/25 183/8 183/15
entire [5] 30/4 33/1 62/11 90/25 189/7
exact [9] 33/4 45/22 77/8 200/6 208/25 explained [4] 12/22 31/7 38/2 183/18
entirely [1] 216/16
225/10 240/4 260/8 261/17 explaining [3] 73/24 130/3 183/11
entirety [1] 29/25
exactly [21] 20/17 37/22 40/23 40/23 explanation [1] 121/2
entitled [3] 74/11 158/16 252/15
50/14 63/18 76/9 76/9 77/9 81/25 93/5 express [2] 10/12 78/3
G 156/4 157/21 157/21 159/2 159/15 gray [5] 138/25 153/3 153/5 154/12
159/23 161/5 161/16 161/24 162/20 174/4
GBI... [3] 260/21 260/23 261/16
167/9 168/19 169/13 170/7 170/25 great [7] 42/7 79/12 139/1 139/10
GE [1] 181/17
172/3 173/8 173/12 173/18 174/11 153/21 161/4 262/2
gears [2] 223/1 231/20
177/7 177/7 177/11 177/23 179/1 greater [2] 30/10 34/5
general [16] 56/8 57/16 58/25 59/9
179/13 180/22 182/7 182/8 182/21 green [1] 151/2
59/25 60/21 82/10 84/24 85/24 108/10
184/8 186/1 186/15 186/21 187/10 Greg [3] 132/16 207/20 226/24
108/11 108/13 108/14 160/12 231/21
187/19 188/18 190/21 192/5 193/7 ground [1] 160/5
193/13 194/14 195/1 196/4 198/13 grounds [2] 36/19 207/11
generally [8] 59/11 61/7 61/7 220/13
200/22 201/2 203/4 203/7 204/16 205/4 group [7] 2/11 117/17 126/1 137/15
228/13 230/16 248/16 263/5
206/6 207/6 207/8 211/18 213/17 137/16 141/14 224/3
generated [7] 197/16 197/17 198/11
213/21 213/22 213/24 214/2 214/22 groups [2] 12/24 126/1
220/16 220/17 231/16 256/18
218/21 235/9 241/15 244/1 245/25 guarantee [1] 53/7
genuine [2] 78/17 78/18
253/5 253/25 262/9 guess [10] 17/15 17/17 25/14 116/6
geographic [2] 228/24 241/19
goal [3] 130/22 130/22 131/6 156/14 156/14 164/25 165/1 252/14
GEORGIA [45] 1/1 1/25 3/2 6/2 35/16
God [1] 79/25 272/11
41/24 42/4 43/20 43/24 44/6 44/7 51/5
goes [6] 66/10 98/9 169/6 208/15 guessing [2] 141/8 259/20
51/8 69/1 74/15 96/24 97/8 97/10
230/21 249/10 guilty [2] 213/3 213/9
105/17 110/12 110/15 111/6 114/1
going [98] 6/20 8/23 10/11 10/18 14/17 guy [3] 150/3 150/19 171/17
123/9 124/5 128/25 129/10 135/15
16/9 17/13 18/4 18/15 23/12 25/2 25/16 guys [5] 135/16 156/20 190/18 194/10
205/6 205/12 205/14 208/19 208/24
33/14 36/13 36/22 36/23 37/10 38/7 197/8
209/16 221/18 228/5 228/22 228/25
38/16 41/25 42/4 44/5 46/15 47/16
229/2 230/20 231/7 270/3 277/4 277/8 H
50/14 50/15 50/18 58/19 61/8 64/4 64/5
69/11 70/18 70/20 72/12 73/1 75/2 hack [2] 71/6 98/17
Georgia's [3] 67/17 79/5 83/1
77/10 78/10 84/18 90/24 92/16 92/19 hacked [2] 97/12 97/17
Germany [1] 68/15
93/7 93/8 93/8 98/10 101/1 102/13 hacking [4] 54/6 97/18 97/19 98/14
get [61] 7/3 8/18 8/21 11/23 29/15 30/7
103/10 103/12 103/15 103/17 106/12 had [133] 6/4 6/5 9/10 10/6 11/14
33/4 33/5 33/23 34/7 39/4 43/7 46/2
112/13 121/16 122/22 123/11 124/16 13/14 15/17 18/25 20/2 20/11 20/12
46/2 48/1 49/11 50/17 65/3 66/7 72/18
125/6 129/1 130/1 130/3 130/7 137/25 20/21 22/15 24/6 27/25 28/6 28/20
74/22 88/19 91/14 93/5 96/13 98/3
138/1 138/5 140/4 142/7 144/12 159/24 28/21 28/22 31/6 31/8 31/23 32/2 32/19
103/11 108/11 111/4 114/12 115/13
160/2 169/5 169/10 170/2 173/19 174/3 42/8 56/7 62/19 63/13 66/13 67/11
115/23 121/20 124/13 125/24 126/9
195/6 208/14 229/5 231/23 231/25 67/19 69/13 76/14 76/25 77/20 79/17
135/16 137/7 139/25 159/25 162/6
232/8 235/6 235/9 241/11 241/22 84/22 85/2 90/25 103/20 107/13 107/22
186/14 190/5 198/9 208/18 231/9
242/16 246/11 247/20 256/1 258/23 111/11 117/18 122/8 122/8 124/23
231/24 240/20 242/20 242/21 246/1
262/23 263/18 272/16 273/5 273/21 125/1 126/7 136/10 136/15 139/21
248/20 250/9 258/5 258/23 262/12
276/3 141/18 141/22 141/23 142/2 142/9
266/1 270/8 270/9 271/22 272/1
gone [8] 13/23 19/15 22/18 36/21 79/1 143/4 143/12 144/5 148/10 150/5
gets [6] 55/16 92/6 98/4 147/5 208/25
98/3 187/1 251/5 150/25 156/21 161/11 169/21 179/10
good [36] 2/13 12/6 12/16 38/11 39/25 179/25 181/6 184/5 185/23 188/14
getting [5] 18/16 87/3 173/12 252/23
40/1 40/3 66/18 66/18 73/13 83/22 189/23 190/4 190/10 190/17 193/3
86/19 88/9 96/6 96/8 96/9 99/3 99/10 207/1 208/1 208/2 208/2 208/3 208/4
Ghazal [1] 78/22
99/12 101/12 101/13 102/7 103/6 219/17 222/2 223/9 225/23 225/25
gift [1] 40/22
104/13 104/14 104/25 151/9 186/16 226/5 228/9 232/17 233/7 233/9 234/22
gigantic [1] 32/23
215/25 216/1 218/19 228/1 238/5 264/8 234/24 236/2 237/7 241/24 244/11
Gilbert [1] 9/6
264/24 275/21 245/18 246/19 246/21 247/6 247/16
give [14] 7/6 10/13 23/19 28/4 42/7
got [48] 22/6 38/23 46/17 58/19 66/16 248/1 248/4 248/12 248/13 249/24
56/9 70/19 77/22 92/16 121/16 158/17
66/25 71/8 71/9 71/25 72/11 72/19 250/10 250/20 251/5 251/14 251/17
188/21 249/11 260/11
72/22 72/24 73/10 76/23 77/8 77/23 253/2 254/18 255/8 259/2 264/18
given [23] 20/22 25/2 27/25 28/6 118/3
81/24 88/5 95/5 98/1 100/10 111/25 266/20 267/4 268/17 268/17 268/25
118/3 124/14 124/16 127/14 127/15
112/4 112/13 116/5 118/13 125/19 269/1 271/6 271/13 272/6 273/25
136/1 136/9 136/18 136/19 137/8 140/1
127/3 129/17 136/12 143/6 144/18 274/12 274/21 275/15 277/9
170/5 198/1 226/6 234/11 247/12
153/9 156/7 159/1 169/12 174/19 195/9 hadn't [3] 94/20 169/23 248/11
258/22 259/15
195/11 198/4 210/12 220/19 234/21 hair [1] 154/10
gives [4] 34/5 43/4 56/3 56/8
236/5 245/25 262/15 272/8 Halderman [13] 6/19 6/21 7/3 69/1
glasses [1] 220/19
gotten [5] 86/21 190/16 263/17 268/17 69/9 70/1 70/5 70/6 70/7 70/16 70/23
Glenn [4] 229/19 233/25 234/18 234/22
268/25 89/15 89/18
go [132] 8/25 25/24 26/1 33/16 46/11
GOVERNANCE [3] 2/13 40/3 73/13 half [3] 32/12 225/9 246/15
46/18 47/10 50/20 65/21 71/5 78/25
governed [1] 92/10 Haliburton [3] 217/18 217/19 217/23
82/23 91/15 92/7 92/12 93/3 98/1 98/8
Governor [16] 20/9 20/22 20/22 21/2 hall [17] 10/23 136/13 136/17 137/8
105/21 106/16 106/17 108/21 109/4
21/3 21/4 21/14 22/1 22/1 22/9 22/16 137/11 140/8 151/19 152/13 152/14
110/6 112/13 113/21 114/21 115/1
40/19 41/2 54/20 56/6 56/7 154/11 185/13 185/16 185/18 185/19
115/18 118/3 118/4 118/12 118/14
Governor's [5] 21/1 23/7 23/8 34/9 213/2 213/3 217/5
118/20 119/25 122/19 126/8 126/11
82/8 Hall's [1] 136/15
128/1 128/1 132/18 134/15 137/17
governs [1] 92/20 HALSEY [1] 2/8
137/20 138/11 138/13 139/11 139/13
GP [1] 181/22 Hampton [25] 143/1 150/15 151/11
139/15 140/18 140/21 143/17 143/18
grand [2] 222/16 222/17 154/22 159/10 164/2 169/6 169/17
149/6 149/21 149/23 150/11 151/5
granting [1] 54/2 175/19 185/12 185/13 185/14 185/15
152/20 153/17 153/22 154/8 155/17
grave [1] 70/19 194/9 213/2 236/22 237/7 237/10 239/7
L 21/18 21/21 21/22 21/23 22/7 22/8 22/8 Logan's [1] 244/14
22/13 22/15 22/16 22/18 22/23 23/8 logged [3] 201/14 201/14 221/14
LAURA [2] 2/13 2/18
30/13 30/20 34/9 73/24 75/21 75/23 logging [2] 133/11 144/15
law [37] 2/15 2/17 2/24 44/3 44/6 44/7
76/12 76/16 76/21 76/24 77/1 78/7 logic [10] 54/14 59/25 60/4 78/20
46/2 46/3 46/24 48/3 49/4 50/2 50/6
85/23 85/25 87/25 109/17 110/14 78/23 79/5 79/20 80/8 95/13 95/17
50/11 50/12 50/24 51/5 51/21 51/24
110/24 205/5 205/9 207/2 207/5 207/19 logistical [3] 6/9 6/18 32/23
52/22 53/1 57/6 58/6 60/11 60/17 74/18
207/24 208/1 208/4 212/1 212/10 logistics [4] 128/22 129/6 129/8
82/13 92/2 93/11 106/4 107/1 113/11
letters [2] 109/11 109/15 131/14
265/9 265/11 266/11 269/15 272/23
letting [2] 139/22 141/14 long [14] 23/2 23/3 23/3 24/2 66/24
laws [14] 48/5 48/16 49/3 50/6 50/13
level [4] 34/22 130/23 144/21 160/13 83/9 83/10 102/6 150/10 161/13 228/9
51/1 51/3 56/20 56/23 57/1 74/12 74/13
levied [1] 61/3 229/20 229/22 265/11
74/16 92/25
liaison [1] 131/15 longer [4] 35/23 41/14 142/19 265/24
lawsuit [3] 40/4 40/14 43/10
lies [1] 13/15 look [58] 20/12 21/20 25/13 31/16 33/8
lawyer [1] 117/11
Lieutenant [2] 40/19 41/2 34/14 49/24 52/5 52/9 55/21 57/22 58/4
lay [5] 50/19 50/20 125/14 199/1
light [2] 17/13 151/14 58/10 60/19 81/12 81/17 82/16 82/22
like [73] 7/16 8/18 15/21 15/22 27/3 82/23 83/20 94/13 94/17 103/21 103/23
lead [6] 63/10 107/2 131/11 131/13
27/4 27/4 43/5 49/24 54/2 66/11 67/25 109/4 113/21 115/5 115/6 119/8 123/23
135/9 268/19
68/3 68/8 69/20 70/13 70/17 71/6 71/8 123/24 129/1 133/17 139/8 139/11
lead-up [1] 63/10
71/11 72/2 77/1 77/8 77/17 79/11 83/23 139/11 141/5 154/25 167/16 174/13
leading [5] 113/15 125/3 201/25
84/18 87/18 87/24 88/9 91/16 94/2 99/3 175/3 178/10 191/4 195/1 195/2 200/11
219/18 219/18
112/16 120/15 120/20 126/3 126/17 202/14 203/4 205/24 220/4 220/7
leaning [1] 154/10
151/17 151/19 159/19 160/15 162/5 230/23 244/12 248/8 254/24 265/20
learn [3] 175/13 175/16 232/12
164/14 165/18 166/10 166/18 167/16 272/24 273/21
learned [8] 90/22 111/11 233/23 251/1
167/22 168/5 168/13 169/5 169/20 looked [4] 37/17 58/22 75/18 191/18
266/6 267/10 268/17 268/25
171/17 171/25 173/12 178/7 184/12 looking [33] 7/19 35/25 44/18 49/16
least [12] 18/7 37/4 38/21 46/7 67/3
184/14 186/5 189/9 194/17 198/17 80/12 92/22 94/5 107/23 134/14 138/2
74/5 143/15 209/12 243/20 256/15
219/4 219/23 231/1 244/9 246/15 153/3 153/5 154/11 154/20 155/1 155/7
259/16 263/22
251/20 260/1 260/10 273/2 274/15 155/11 155/12 163/6 163/8 163/12
leave [6] 114/22 131/4 131/8 225/22
likely [10] 70/19 71/12 72/13 98/20 164/7 166/9 174/14 187/6 203/5 213/5
225/23 230/3
98/21 165/25 183/10 183/17 183/21 221/23 224/4 241/25 247/13 249/9
led [1] 232/3
183/23 272/4
left [17] 84/16 84/23 85/2 86/9 117/16
limited [2] 38/25 209/11 looks [31] 26/17 26/19 27/3 27/3 27/4
137/15 148/3 154/5 162/5 170/17
line [8] 1/6 15/7 15/12 46/1 74/2 188/24 151/17 151/19 153/8 158/21 158/22
186/25 187/1 221/13 229/23 229/25
220/21 226/22 159/19 162/5 164/14 166/10 166/18
230/15 262/16
Line 17 [1] 188/24 167/22 168/5 168/13 169/5 169/20
left-hand [1] 154/5
lines [1] 118/11 171/25 173/12 184/12 184/14 186/5
legal [11] 44/7 46/8 46/10 49/5 51/12
lineup [1] 171/17 194/17 198/17 240/3 244/9 246/15
51/13 80/20 112/3 113/21 114/3 128/9
linger [1] 66/13 251/20
legislature [4] 50/24 54/20 56/3 56/6
link [5] 197/19 198/1 198/2 198/3 lose [2] 12/4 93/8
legitimate [1] 55/4
213/18 lost [2] 19/17 93/6
legitimately [1] 247/5
list [9] 16/14 17/1 73/10 73/11 178/15 lot [27] 11/14 26/9 29/3 33/25 39/8
Lenberg [2] 232/4 232/5
178/22 201/6 201/11 255/15 54/24 58/22 62/14 73/1 76/25 88/19
less [3] 32/14 67/5 165/18
listen [1] 86/20 88/20 91/3 92/15 98/19 98/19 106/6
let [51] 10/11 16/16 22/7 23/17 24/25
listened [1] 38/1 112/7 129/4 141/7 144/11 144/16 174/3
27/14 37/10 44/10 44/13 46/22 47/21
listening [2] 87/10 87/11 219/17 223/2 233/1 234/10
49/13 50/3 50/16 50/19 59/3 61/24
literally [1] 139/19 lots [1] 20/15
67/12 67/15 79/19 82/1 82/3 82/4 86/7
litigation [3] 2/11 18/12 231/22 louder [2] 16/10 56/11
89/12 92/14 100/5 103/23 113/12 114/1
little [20] 12/22 21/19 22/14 37/23 loudly [2] 56/16 227/17
115/20 116/21 140/2 156/17 195/23
56/10 65/7 69/11 69/15 130/15 142/19 Lowndes [1] 255/3
198/6 223/1 239/21 242/5 242/13
151/8 206/14 212/12 223/1 231/20 lunch [1] 103/9
242/23 247/25 253/25 257/10 259/10
237/13 238/20 246/5 260/25 265/12
262/21 262/24 268/13 269/4 271/18 M
LLC [1] 3/5 M-A-S-H-B-U-R-N [1] 39/19
let's [71] 25/22 31/22 41/6 45/10 45/15
LLP [1] 2/7 M-A-T-T-H-E-W [1] 39/19
48/12 50/17 75/1 102/24 105/19 106/17
loadable [1] 148/6 ma'am [29] 16/19 22/25 38/14 116/2
110/6 118/14 121/19 130/6 130/14
lobbied [1] 23/7 163/20 182/13 204/20 205/1 209/21
132/14 137/19 138/11 140/11 143/17
local [2] 184/23 188/4 226/19 227/3 227/10 249/6 254/20
143/24 145/4 146/4 149/21 149/23
locate [4] 245/23 246/9 246/20 260/9 260/16 263/8 269/23 269/25 270/5
150/1 150/17 152/4 152/6 153/1 153/13
located [2] 186/11 271/16 270/14 271/1 271/5 271/9 271/16
153/17 154/8 155/17 156/9 159/2
location [3] 221/7 221/12 221/17 271/23 271/25 272/9 272/20 275/11
160/24 162/15 163/21 166/4 166/23
locations [1] 175/11 machine [7] 71/23 98/2 98/25 112/24
168/24 172/3 174/11 175/3 178/8
locked [2] 6/13 250/24 215/13 215/18 215/20
178/11 179/1 179/13 180/22 182/7
log [9] 167/22 168/15 168/21 178/7 machines [12] 31/12 33/11 71/10 86/9
182/21 184/8 186/1 190/21 193/13
199/5 201/3 220/7 220/17 220/21 94/11 98/23 107/22 114/1 120/14
194/14 194/20 196/4 198/5 198/13
Logan [16] 117/4 117/5 117/6 117/7 127/15 127/16 224/4
200/22 201/2 202/14 204/16 205/4
117/18 117/20 117/24 118/1 124/18 Macon [2] 229/1 229/3
213/4 220/4 220/7 231/20
126/13 126/14 127/6 128/16 132/25 made [26] 37/24 59/24 60/7 60/21
letter [46] 20/12 21/1 21/3 21/12 21/13
137/10 232/4 68/11 68/13 80/8 82/12 111/21 175/21
M 35/8 35/17 36/11 36/14 36/17 36/19 Mr. Maggio's [1] 189/12
36/20 36/21 36/22 37/8 38/10 38/17 Mr. Martin [3] 10/9 188/21 265/25
misname [1] 141/6
39/25 40/9 43/9 46/22 50/23 61/19 63/7 Mr. Mashburn [15] 38/17 39/25 40/9
missed [2] 178/24 199/2
65/16 73/7 75/11 91/6 99/6 99/10 99/14 43/9 46/22 50/23 61/19 63/7 65/16 73/7
MISSETT [3] 2/13 2/19 275/20
99/16 99/17 101/12 102/15 107/12 75/11 99/10 99/14 101/12 102/15
missing [2] 226/12 226/15
107/13 116/21 118/20 119/17 122/4 Mr. McClain [2] 209/19 211/19
mistaken [3] 76/23 88/6 123/8
135/19 153/14 173/25 174/11 175/4 Mr. Montgomery [1] 265/25
Misty [31] 141/16 143/1 150/15 151/11
188/13 188/21 189/12 204/16 206/20 Mr. Nelson [1] 135/19
151/11 154/10 154/22 156/21 157/5
209/19 211/19 211/20 215/25 217/23 Mr. Oles [9] 8/25 10/5 16/1 21/7 25/16
159/10 159/18 164/2 169/6 169/17
218/14 218/17 224/23 225/13 228/1 35/8 36/11 36/20 99/6
170/22 175/18 185/12 185/15 186/12
229/20 229/22 232/4 232/5 234/1 235/6 Mr. Ramsey [1] 153/14
186/13 191/8 194/9 213/2 236/21 239/7
235/12 238/16 240/15 240/15 242/5 Mr. Richards [1] 91/6
240/10 240/11 244/21 249/24 254/5
242/20 243/11 243/22 243/25 244/4 Mr. Rossi [20] 15/9 15/17 16/1 19/14
245/16 245/22 246/8 246/10 246/19 20/2 20/11 20/15 20/21 21/15 21/24
Misty's [9] 156/2 164/16 165/7 186/23
246/22 247/1 247/10 247/18 247/20 22/4 23/1 26/5 26/17 26/19 28/1 31/6
246/12 247/21 248/1 272/17 273/6
247/25 248/3 250/5 250/15 250/24 31/8 31/25 33/3
misunderstanding [3] 31/5 34/1
251/1 251/18 251/23 252/1 252/9 Mr. Rossi's [4] 20/5 31/4 34/11 34/24
252/11 252/13 252/17 252/19 253/14 Mr. Sparks [1] 6/15
mitigate [1] 88/1
254/3 254/18 255/10 255/13 256/2 Mr. Stark [1] 24/21
mitigation [2] 68/2 68/7
256/8 257/13 259/15 262/13 262/19 Mr. Sterling [21] 6/10 6/14 7/23 12/16
moderate [1] 70/12
263/2 263/7 263/19 264/2 264/24 265/9 14/10 14/22 18/25 19/13 19/20 20/5
modification [1] 199/21
265/25 265/25 266/5 267/6 268/25 22/7 26/14 27/23 29/19 29/23 34/20
modifications [2] 80/8 80/15
269/8 269/22 270/8 270/9 270/23 35/5 35/17 36/19 36/22 38/10
moment [14] 8/17 15/14 26/22 30/12
271/20 271/21 272/4 272/16 272/25 Mr. Sterling's [3] 8/6 16/3 21/22
95/5 111/4 117/23 121/20 156/9 177/11
273/5 273/12 273/20 273/21 274/1 Ms. [43] 7/19 9/6 9/10 9/16 73/9 73/12
214/19 214/22 269/4 276/5
274/17 73/15 77/11 99/17 120/9 133/18 134/4
Moncla [3] 99/17 99/17 100/14
Mr. Archie [3] 229/20 229/22 234/1 135/19 135/19 139/2 139/18 142/5
Monday [2] 108/25 206/10
Mr. Barnes [30] 13/14 245/16 245/22 155/7 161/20 178/21 196/11 204/2
monitor [2] 85/17 191/15
246/8 246/10 246/19 247/1 247/18 230/3 230/7 230/9 230/9 230/11 230/15
Montgomery [1] 265/25
247/20 247/25 248/3 250/5 250/24 235/2 237/7 237/10 241/7 249/11 270/9
month [2] 76/13 254/12
251/1 252/11 253/14 254/3 254/18 270/24 270/25 271/20 272/11 272/13
months [8] 19/3 23/7 28/22 90/19
255/10 262/19 263/7 263/19 270/9 273/10 273/22 274/1 275/16
99/23 100/2 226/5 236/14
271/21 272/16 273/5 273/12 273/21 Ms. Frances [1] 275/16
more [45] 8/1 11/14 25/12 25/20 26/8
274/1 274/17 Ms. Hampton [3] 237/7 237/10 241/7
37/10 42/3 46/17 46/19 47/6 47/7 49/13
Mr. Barnes' [5] 243/11 243/22 244/4 Ms. Hampton's [2] 273/22 274/1
50/18 66/25 71/23 83/13 83/13 83/15
251/23 252/9 Ms. Jackson [6] 133/18 134/4 135/19
83/18 84/2 84/2 95/9 106/6 106/7
Mr. Beaver [1] 7/22 155/7 161/20 178/21
108/10 111/9 111/11 111/11 118/11
Mr. Belinfante [1] 6/6 Ms. Jackson's [1] 142/5
150/5 165/18 168/13 168/13 177/8
Mr. Binnall [2] 107/12 107/13 Ms. Johnston [2] 9/6 9/16
180/23 180/24 183/22 193/11 195/22
Mr. Blanchard [28] 228/1 235/6 235/12 Ms. Jones [2] 249/11 272/11
201/19 207/7 215/20 223/17 231/23
238/16 240/15 242/5 242/20 243/25 Ms. Kaiser [2] 7/19 9/10
247/10 250/15 251/18 252/1 252/13 Ms. Koth [2] 230/9 230/11
morning [17] 6/3 6/10 7/20 7/21 12/6
252/17 252/19 255/13 256/8 257/13 Ms. Koth's [1] 235/2
12/16 36/12 38/13 39/25 40/1 99/10
259/15 262/13 263/2 264/2 264/24 Ms. Lambert [1] 204/2
99/12 135/20 135/20 135/21 223/14
265/9 268/25 269/8 269/22 273/20 Ms. Latham [1] 139/18
Mr. Boyle [2] 173/25 218/14 Ms. Marks [4] 73/9 73/12 73/15 77/11
MORRISON [1] 2/7
Mr. Brown [4] 225/13 240/15 256/2 Ms. Moncla [1] 99/17
most [19] 32/13 40/25 41/17 43/4 43/5
267/6 Ms. Naik [2] 135/19 139/2
78/23 79/8 81/24 109/12 135/1 135/2
Mr. Cross [1] 6/25 Ms. Powell [2] 120/9 196/11
165/25 167/6 183/10 183/17 183/21
Mr. Davis [5] 11/5 11/6 11/11 17/20 Ms. Watson [10] 230/3 230/7 230/9
183/23 220/24 248/19
36/21 230/15 270/9 270/24 270/25 271/20
move [8] 15/21 62/9 91/24 112/17
Mr. Davis' [1] 37/8 272/13 273/10
114/7 251/21 255/21 263/13
Mr. Favorito [4] 10/13 10/15 11/10 much [18] 39/6 50/9 56/12 56/14 56/17
moved [5] 61/5 77/18 77/24 85/7 85/7
36/14 65/10 66/22 66/25 72/4 73/4 106/24
moving [2] 14/7 234/15
Mr. Favorito's [1] 36/17 107/17 112/12 112/15 227/9 234/13
Mr [16] 4/6 4/8 4/9 4/10 4/11 4/14 4/15
Mr. Freemeyer [1] 206/20 275/1 275/7
4/16 4/17 4/18 5/4 5/5 5/6 5/8 229/20
Mr. Gabriel [1] 26/4 multicounty [1] 82/19
Mr. Haliburton [1] 217/23 multiple [7] 15/4 15/18 147/13 147/15
Mr. [200] 6/6 6/10 6/14 6/15 6/25 7/22
Mr. Harvey [6] 246/22 266/5 270/8 147/16 215/19 226/10
7/23 8/6 8/25 10/5 10/9 10/13 10/15
271/20 272/4 272/25 Muscogee [1] 86/5
11/5 11/6 11/10 11/11 12/16 13/14
Mr. Harvey's [1] 270/23 must [1] 118/23
14/10 14/22 14/25 15/9 15/17 16/1 16/1
Mr. Joseph [2] 14/25 99/16 my [83] 10/12 11/3 11/5 11/10 11/19
16/3 17/20 18/25 19/13 19/14 19/20
Mr. Kemp [1] 21/4 12/16 13/1 16/24 18/1 19/17 20/20
20/2 20/5 20/5 20/11 20/15 20/21 21/4
Mr. Kevin [1] 99/17 21/15 27/19 30/11 31/2 32/10 39/18
21/7 21/15 21/22 21/24 22/4 22/7 23/1
Mr. Lenberg [2] 232/4 232/5 40/2 42/6 43/8 48/10 50/4 64/16 68/12
24/21 25/16 26/4 26/5 26/14 26/17
Mr. Maggio [12] 116/21 118/20 119/17 73/13 76/2 76/3 76/9 79/7 80/11 80/25
26/19 27/23 28/1 29/19 29/23 31/4 31/6
122/4 174/11 175/4 188/13 204/16 91/10 95/5 95/15 95/19 98/13 99/10
31/8 31/25 33/3 34/11 34/20 34/24 35/5
211/20 215/25 218/17 224/23 101/5 104/7 104/24 113/7 114/17
O Page 33 [2] 206/7 206/13 payment [6] 57/8 115/24 118/14 120/8
Page 4 [2] 203/8 214/24 128/23 129/7
out... [40] 81/19 86/21 88/5 88/8 88/8
Page 5 [4] 118/20 118/25 119/12 payroll [1] 250/1
92/5 97/23 98/16 114/12 115/20 117/3
123/10 PD [1] 157/6
126/24 163/13 170/20 183/21 183/23
Page 7 [1] 128/1 PDF [2] 1/1 157/6
192/12 193/9 193/12 194/20 220/18
pages [11] 8/6 8/11 62/19 75/15 75/19 PDFs [1] 157/7
221/23 225/8 225/22 225/23 226/3
79/11 79/12 100/10 182/7 182/21 277/9 Pelican [1] 144/3
229/3 235/22 237/3 239/16 240/10
Pages 7 [2] 182/7 182/21 penalties [3] 57/3 57/17 61/3
241/8 247/12 247/16 250/24 251/24
paid [2] 118/23 119/5 penalty [2] 65/25 66/5
271/3 272/4 273/2 274/2
Pam [7] 229/7 229/8 229/23 230/5 pending [3] 99/23 100/2 100/22
outcome [4] 31/9 32/15 72/9 73/5
245/22 246/8 266/24 Penrose [24] 106/20 106/22 106/23
outcomes [1] 54/17
Pamela [6] 243/2 245/9 246/14 246/24 107/16 116/5 116/10 116/15 117/2
outset [2] 46/9 219/3
266/24 273/9 117/6 117/8 118/1 124/4 124/18 126/12
outside [7] 112/6 168/20 170/17
paper [11] 32/13 39/8 41/21 47/2 61/5 127/5 132/24 137/10 202/22 203/13
176/17 209/5 216/3 232/20
61/12 63/18 96/20 97/9 97/23 98/15 203/14 204/21 215/2 215/5 216/5
outweighs [1] 49/9
papers [1] 57/23 people [56] 12/24 31/8 32/16 32/24
over [27] 7/24 13/22 19/15 28/20 75/18
Paragraph [3] 16/17 19/1 78/11 32/25 42/11 43/20 51/9 54/24 55/9
86/9 98/6 99/23 117/21 118/7 138/21
Paragraph 4 [1] 19/1 56/14 58/1 68/13 83/23 83/25 84/2 84/6
154/11 157/18 163/6 200/5 230/14
Paragraph 9 [1] 78/11 84/8 84/19 86/22 86/22 87/3 87/11
233/18 243/5 246/4 254/5 259/1 259/11
paraphrase [1] 47/16 92/15 98/23 99/1 99/1 117/2 126/1
259/15 260/21 261/16 262/10 265/12
paraphrasing [1] 45/3 126/1 126/2 131/23 132/14 140/22
overall [4] 32/11 32/14 136/20 226/13
pardon [1] 19/24 141/18 141/22 173/3 179/9 179/24
overlapping [1] 242/21
Park [1] 135/15 184/4 185/11 185/12 185/12 187/19
overnight [1] 84/18
part [44] 9/18 11/21 15/8 17/10 25/1 196/21 201/11 201/18 201/19 201/23
overrule [1] 43/2
27/4 36/16 58/14 58/15 58/17 58/22 202/2 204/13 212/20 212/25 249/20
overruled [1] 93/2
77/6 79/21 85/8 85/11 87/4 92/6 109/14 250/8 250/11
overview [1] 231/24
114/17 121/5 121/10 121/15 128/8 people's [2] 82/12 142/15
overwrite [1] 248/24
130/8 130/21 131/18 131/20 135/10 per [3] 66/1 81/10 81/11
overwrites [1] 248/21
141/14 149/7 155/14 155/15 179/5 perceived [1] 34/21
overwritten [1] 249/3
179/22 179/22 179/25 182/15 184/3 percent [16] 15/3 15/17 31/18 32/12
own [11] 24/5 35/18 61/9 63/12 144/24
224/3 232/8 241/18 248/19 264/13 32/14 33/10 33/10 35/1 47/25 88/4
144/24 145/5 145/8 197/17 236/5
268/4 221/10 226/20 230/6 232/22 238/9
partial [1] 1/8 240/5
owning [1] 149/8
partially [1] 72/23 percolated [1] 36/9
P particular [34] 29/6 36/2 53/10 61/13 Perfect [2] 132/12 134/15
P.M [9] 154/18 159/6 166/8 167/3 61/14 62/18 65/20 69/5 70/15 71/5 perfectly [2] 31/10 53/11
169/3 169/21 172/7 173/14 211/25 74/21 78/21 78/22 80/11 85/20 88/3 perform [11] 105/14 123/15 128/24
package [1] 121/15 88/21 91/3 108/18 122/20 130/14 128/24 129/9 129/10 130/17 133/10
packing [1] 173/12 131/16 131/17 134/24 175/17 185/20 205/17 208/7 208/25
pad [14] 112/25 151/17 151/18 151/21 222/11 223/16 228/24 234/3 234/10 performed [17] 105/16 110/25 120/12
159/20 159/22 159/25 160/2 160/14 235/17 248/25 267/4 127/4 127/5 128/24 129/9 133/11
161/9 161/13 161/22 165/19 165/20 particularly [1] 78/22 134/22 146/21 147/1 205/10 208/17
pads [8] 131/21 150/14 151/3 160/4 parties [5] 16/22 21/13 39/10 56/25 211/1 213/12 214/10 214/13
160/9 160/14 162/6 165/13 98/14 performing [5] 109/11 152/23 205/24
page [61] 1/5 4/3 16/17 21/9 21/21 parts [5] 73/21 77/17 226/11 226/12 206/1 206/4
21/23 22/8 22/24 23/17 23/17 25/13 226/15 perhaps [3] 98/12 207/15 216/15
47/9 47/11 47/11 78/11 106/17 106/18 party [9] 17/7 35/25 36/1 97/21 121/4 period [8] 1/4 60/7 62/20 66/24 84/17
106/21 108/23 108/24 110/7 118/20 196/17 207/15 220/8 269/1 200/5 249/16 254/12
118/24 118/25 119/12 119/14 123/10 pass [1] 54/22 permission [4] 158/8 171/20 172/21
128/1 128/2 177/7 177/11 177/23 passed [2] 60/17 68/1 188/20
177/25 179/13 179/13 180/22 184/8 password [11] 193/17 193/18 193/20 permit [3] 49/25 52/2 189/18
186/1 188/18 188/24 190/21 190/24 194/17 196/23 197/1 197/12 197/14 Persinger [1] 251/15
190/25 191/19 192/8 193/13 194/14 197/17 197/22 197/22 person [44] 41/16 43/11 43/21 43/25
195/2 195/3 196/5 203/8 205/4 206/7 passwords [6] 193/21 193/22 194/2 45/11 45/18 45/19 47/20 48/23 50/1
206/13 207/6 213/21 213/22 214/24 194/4 194/10 194/12 61/11 64/12 71/4 81/23 93/6 97/13
244/12 249/9 256/8 past [1] 240/21 97/17 106/23 131/14 136/1 136/4 140/1
Page 1 [1] 16/17 paths [1] 240/18 142/5 142/24 155/22 157/8 157/17
Page 10 [2] 177/7 177/23 patience [3] 95/8 264/25 275/8 158/2 158/6 158/20 158/21 158/22
Page 11 [3] 190/21 190/24 190/25 PAUL [5] 4/12 103/5 103/24 104/7 163/13 166/19 171/23 171/25 172/18
Page 13 [4] 186/1 191/19 192/8 195/2 104/9 173/4 174/2 176/21 198/10 221/14
Page 15 [4] 106/17 108/23 108/24 pause [27] 12/5 25/11 95/7 138/17 223/25 272/5
184/8 140/15 142/22 143/24 150/1 150/17 person's [2] 158/12 173/2
Page 154 [2] 188/18 188/24 152/6 153/1 153/24 155/20 156/11 personal [1] 6/25
Page 19 [1] 194/14 157/24 159/23 161/7 161/18 167/11 personally [8] 29/14 115/14 131/18
Page 24 [1] 193/13 167/25 169/15 171/3 172/9 186/15 148/17 178/21 184/18 187/14 222/6
Page 26 [1] 180/22 213/15 214/20 269/6 personnel [1] 13/23
Page 3 [3] 78/11 110/7 205/4 pay [1] 41/22 persons [1] 57/23
paying [4] 119/21 119/23 119/24 120/2 perspective [3] 259/20 272/23 272/24
P 152/21 153/23 155/19 156/5 156/10 power [11] 56/19 56/22 56/25 57/8
157/23 159/3 159/16 160/25 161/6 57/11 57/13 57/15 57/20 57/23 57/25
pertaining [2] 212/23 214/6
161/17 161/25 162/16 162/21 163/22 58/20
petition [13] 29/16 76/24 76/25 76/25
166/5 166/15 166/24 167/10 167/19 powers [4] 55/22 55/24 56/10 58/5
77/11 77/16 78/8 78/12 78/19 79/9
169/14 170/8 171/2 172/4 173/9 238/13 practical [5] 71/1 71/7 71/16 72/2 72/3
79/10 79/10 79/15
239/10 239/11 240/2 practicalities [1] 72/22
Petition 2 [1] 78/19
plea [2] 213/6 213/10 practice [4] 109/10 147/18 148/24
petitions [2] 76/14 76/20
please [27] 10/20 13/6 18/8 26/22 192/24
Philip [1] 24/19
39/11 39/14 45/8 45/16 45/25 61/15 practices [2] 58/9 184/20
phone [15] 66/8 104/18 118/7 160/14
83/21 102/21 103/25 104/3 112/11 PRATS [1] 3/4
160/16 209/23 209/25 230/19 260/4
128/2 189/11 203/16 215/7 215/9 pre [1] 83/3
260/10 265/13 268/17 269/8 269/11
222/14 227/7 227/13 227/16 227/18 precedent [1] 17/4
253/5 275/9 precertification [7] 83/2 83/4 83/5 83/6
phones [1] 210/4
pleasure [1] 7/6 83/9 83/23 84/3
photo [3] 175/5 191/5 194/15
pled [2] 213/3 213/9 precinct [2] 32/17 71/23
photocopy [1] 244/14
plenty [1] 142/24 precincts [3] 98/23 175/7 175/9
photos [3] 174/12 223/2 223/9
plug [12] 144/25 145/5 145/16 145/23 precisely [2] 93/5 93/20
phrase [3] 219/4 219/5 232/1
146/3 146/4 146/5 146/10 149/9 160/19 predicted [1] 262/9
physical [8] 13/9 13/18 68/7 76/3 86/4
190/6 190/8 predominantly [3] 133/11 210/3
87/17 112/8 157/2
plugged [8] 146/16 147/5 149/4 165/15 216/10
physically [1] 125/14
165/17 165/19 190/9 191/25 prefer [1] 32/9
pick [4] 50/25 54/19 54/20 149/10
plugging [1] 190/2 preferences [1] 50/24
picked [4] 145/24 148/1 148/2 148/12
PM [4] 173/24 218/12 262/6 276/12 preparation [1] 13/2
picking [1] 50/13
point [28] 7/7 7/14 12/20 18/13 20/7 prepared [5] 11/12 11/17 97/8 125/15
PICO [1] 3/4
33/22 34/20 35/5 35/20 37/7 74/5 82/19 126/5
PICO-PRATS [1] 3/4
89/5 89/23 90/5 108/17 109/20 113/14 prescribed [1] 50/2
picture [21] 121/11 158/7 164/14
113/19 114/11 139/18 139/19 150/22 presence [1] 10/6
164/18 166/18 166/21 168/20 171/14
169/21 216/21 236/5 249/23 258/22 present [4] 11/25 38/23 77/3 275/24
171/25 175/3 177/18 177/19 182/24
points [1] 6/22 presented [4] 29/18 31/13 33/12 71/4
182/25 184/9 186/2 186/4 191/18 192/7
policy [3] 50/23 74/2 82/10 presently [1] 100/22
194/6 223/25
policymakers [1] 54/19 preserve [1] 219/7
pictures [5] 133/14 174/21 178/4 178/6
Poll [6] 150/14 160/9 161/9 161/13 President [1] 34/4
161/22 162/6 President Trump [1] 34/4
piece [2] 144/22 185/20
polling [19] 47/18 84/17 85/18 112/25 presidential [1] 14/12
pieces [3] 9/11 147/19 226/11
131/21 151/3 151/17 151/18 151/21 press [26] 43/5 43/5 71/4 72/1 79/24
pin [1] 47/24
159/20 159/22 159/25 160/2 160/4 91/2 143/18 150/11 151/5 152/20
pink [1] 138/19
160/13 160/14 165/12 165/19 165/20 153/22 154/24 155/18 156/4 159/15
place [20] 47/18 64/1 70/10 70/12 71/1
port [1] 160/19 161/5 161/16 161/24 162/20 166/14
71/24 72/23 84/17 97/4 97/5 97/6 97/10
portion [4] 1/4 55/15 94/4 132/10 167/9 169/13 170/7 171/1 173/8 216/10
100/17 107/19 108/18 108/20 122/9
portions [2] 62/23 129/23 Preston [2] 217/17 217/19
140/14 167/4 197/4
ports [1] 160/19 presumably [1] 93/8
placed [1] 187/20
pose [1] 27/24 Presumes [1] 28/24
places [7] 49/9 85/18 121/7 121/8
posed [2] 19/14 19/23 pretend [1] 48/12
121/10 208/17 270/4
position [8] 18/11 83/5 83/21 101/19 pretrial [12] 9/7 9/12 16/14 17/1 17/10
plaintiff [2] 12/17 275/20
174/7 228/7 228/9 229/22 25/4 25/9 25/10 37/18 38/20 38/25
plaintiffs [33] 1/5 2/2 2/13 2/18 9/5
positions [1] 17/21 62/11
16/6 17/7 17/21 18/9 18/12 37/24 38/15
positive [1] 79/2 pretty [17] 55/22 55/24 55/25 58/16
38/22 38/23 40/3 43/9 43/17 48/18
possibility [2] 81/22 102/20 59/20 66/3 77/13 77/13 77/14 99/3
48/21 91/18 95/2 99/11 103/24 104/25
possible [10] 86/17 86/23 86/25 90/18 110/23 197/7 220/11 221/8 248/21
195/25 216/18 226/6 227/11 228/2
98/21 102/17 120/20 128/18 178/24 272/21 272/23
252/5 264/9 275/13 276/7
178/25 prevent [2] 54/3 54/11
plaintiffs' [17] 4/2 7/10 12/9 23/20 36/3
possibly [3] 29/20 93/7 263/11 preventing [5] 53/17 53/20 53/23
36/17 61/20 75/12 75/16 119/12 119/13
post [11] 83/1 83/3 83/3 171/8 194/1 53/25 54/3
235/7 242/14 251/18 255/13 265/23
194/8 194/11 194/15 194/22 195/5 previous [3] 40/25 76/2 119/24
216/12 previously [2] 12/12 13/14
plan [1] 275/13
Post-it [6] 194/1 194/8 194/11 194/15 PRICE [1] 2/2
planned [1] 275/15
194/22 195/5 primaries [1] 49/19
planning [4] 9/8 11/20 18/6 111/9
posted [3] 32/1 171/13 237/7 Primarily [1] 222/15
play [27] 85/5 137/20 138/13 139/15
posting [1] 14/11 primary [6] 59/20 87/7 131/14 136/14
140/18 142/19 143/18 149/23 150/11
potential [10] 69/12 69/15 69/18 70/9 176/21 186/8
151/5 152/20 153/22 154/24 155/18
70/25 71/14 88/1 228/22 237/22 260/9 print [1] 220/19
156/4 159/15 161/5 161/16 161/24
potentialities [1] 71/1 printed [3] 55/16 177/4 220/18
162/20 166/14 167/9 169/13 170/7
potentially [1] 17/7 printout [3] 92/4 202/12 220/15
170/11 171/1 173/8
Powell [17] 105/22 105/23 105/24 prior [9] 41/2 54/13 117/18 117/20
players [1] 103/16
115/25 116/12 116/25 118/21 119/6 129/3 185/6 187/10 246/23 259/11
playing [42] 137/21 138/3 138/12
120/9 124/4 127/4 127/6 127/11 128/13 prioritizes [1] 67/5
139/16 140/12 140/19 142/21 143/19
196/11 205/16 213/7 pristine [2] 131/2 264/12
149/22 149/25 150/12 151/6 152/5
Powell's [2] 119/19 119/20 privacy [1] 61/5
P providing [3] 53/8 53/13 54/5 quite [6] 10/24 19/11 36/8 66/20
prudent [1] 102/4 106/13 236/15
private [1] 52/2
public [7] 57/5 73/8 73/24 74/3 231/2 quote [3] 33/16 210/4 229/23
privilege [2] 11/24 259/15
231/5 276/11 quote-unquote [1] 33/16
probability [1] 81/19
publicly [2] 20/7 39/2 quoted [1] 16/2
probably [23] 68/14 68/14 68/15 73/9
published [1] 100/18
73/19 78/23 90/9 91/2 116/6 116/16 R
pull [13] 80/2 106/14 137/19 140/11
120/5 132/23 135/1 135/1 143/8 143/9
152/4 153/13 160/24 162/15 163/21 race [6] 14/12 82/4 82/8 82/9 83/16
144/8 169/10 170/3 176/22 180/12
166/4 166/23 168/24 178/11 83/18
232/25 260/24
pulled [1] 56/13 races [2] 82/5 82/7
problem [9] 10/9 16/5 17/19 18/1 32/21
pullover [1] 138/25 RAFFENSPERGER [2] 1/6 41/19
35/24 35/25 103/14 119/10
purchase [1] 35/12 raise [3] 39/11 103/25 227/13
problematic [1] 32/13
purely [4] 24/1 64/21 156/14 181/21 raised [4] 20/11 20/21 21/15 22/3
problems [6] 29/24 31/9 34/22 100/23
purportedly [1] 21/22 RAMSEY [3] 2/5 104/24 153/14
255/7 274/8
purports [2] 47/15 61/25 random [3] 97/13 97/17 122/9
procedure [2] 97/3 149/7
purpose [6] 37/11 63/4 64/21 87/7 range [1] 74/17
proceed [6] 10/11 26/1 50/16 63/5
87/13 87/15 ranged [1] 135/3
122/1 263/25
purposes [4] 11/12 17/10 18/8 174/6 ranked [1] 42/4
proceeding [2] 222/24 275/24
pursuant [5] 104/20 123/15 195/21 ranking [2] 41/24 42/10
proceedings [12] 1/10 1/21 12/5 25/11
199/24 199/25 rapidly [1] 24/8
61/25 95/7 213/15 214/20 222/11 269/6
purview [1] 20/13 rather [5] 61/9 63/12 77/22 158/13
276/11 277/9
put [37] 23/12 33/1 33/2 44/13 45/7 174/4
process [11] 36/1 36/2 46/12 87/8
49/15 64/1 69/25 71/1 71/24 74/6 75/11 rationale [1] 77/25
114/17 160/8 160/11 187/23 187/25
76/5 85/17 88/11 90/11 91/10 97/10 raw [3] 32/2 32/2 55/25
230/18 230/22
98/10 98/11 115/12 132/9 134/13 148/5 re [23] 15/4 30/5 31/20 34/3 38/18
processes [5] 53/6 53/9 53/13 79/6
162/2 162/7 170/10 172/2 197/3 197/10 60/22 62/1 81/20 92/6 92/7 92/9 92/20
217/21 235/21 235/21 235/25 236/2 92/22 93/4 93/12 93/18 93/19 93/20
produce [4] 47/2 195/19 195/24 200/18
245/22 274/13 93/24 94/1 94/8 208/14 263/19
produced [8] 1/22 199/24 200/3 200/8
putting [8] 23/13 23/15 29/10 72/23 re-call [1] 263/19
200/14 200/20 212/17 252/4
158/25 161/9 161/21 219/5 re-clarify [1] 38/18
production [1] 23/14
PX [20] 109/21 119/17 122/19 129/22 re-count [15] 30/5 31/20 34/3 81/20
productive [1] 50/18
133/17 134/9 134/10 174/18 174/24 92/6 92/7 92/22 93/4 93/12 93/18 93/19
profession [1] 40/9
178/11 196/5 198/5 198/13 201/2 93/20 93/24 94/1 94/8
professional [1] 266/17
202/14 203/22 204/16 207/4 214/16 re-counts [3] 60/22 92/9 92/20
Professor [1] 68/25
214/22 re-lay [1] 208/14
proffer [1] 121/16
PX 321 [1] 109/21 re-tally [1] 15/4
profile [3] 158/3 158/6 158/22
reach [4] 33/22 102/3 115/20 274/2
program [11] 147/12 148/9 148/11 Q reached [6] 9/17 38/21 101/2 221/23
148/12 188/3 188/3 255/15 260/2 260/2
QR [7] 55/17 55/18 92/20 92/22 93/16 225/8 273/2
260/8 260/9
93/25 94/9 reaction [1] 80/11
programs [1] 260/7
qualify [1] 24/25 read [53] 21/2 22/15 41/21 46/5 47/5
prohibited [1] 1/7
question [51] 16/19 17/15 19/12 19/21 47/21 49/22 49/23 50/3 51/11 55/1 55/5
project [1] 131/11
19/23 20/20 21/17 22/6 24/12 27/21 55/7 55/18 69/24 70/7 71/25 72/1 77/2
projects [2] 105/11 105/11
27/24 29/20 30/2 30/8 30/14 31/2 33/18 77/4 79/10 79/12 79/13 79/15 79/17
promised [1] 36/11
34/17 35/8 36/7 37/4 43/2 46/13 48/19 79/21 79/23 79/24 80/3 89/18 89/23
prompt [1] 91/7
52/19 62/22 63/25 65/20 65/21 68/21 89/24 90/1 90/3 90/5 90/7 90/9 90/10
prompting [1] 251/8
71/2 81/25 92/2 92/8 95/9 95/14 95/15 90/12 90/18 90/19 90/21 90/22 90/22
promulgate [1] 58/8
96/3 111/18 125/2 125/4 125/7 146/1 92/23 116/6 174/3 174/3 220/20 245/20
prongs [1] 49/7
150/23 189/1 225/14 228/17 229/12 246/5 249/12 253/18
pronounce [1] 134/17
251/9 252/17 259/22 readable [4] 47/4 55/15 94/4 94/14
proof [1] 69/13
questioning [5] 12/2 46/1 74/2 103/11 reader [5] 70/17 71/9 175/23 175/25
proper [1] 35/25
112/12 176/2
properly [3] 31/13 33/24 147/23
questions [58] 17/3 19/9 19/10 19/14 reading [4] 175/15 189/7 226/22 244/9
proposal [1] 73/23
19/15 19/18 19/19 19/21 20/1 20/2 20/5 ready [5] 61/24 67/8 97/11 173/12
proposals [4] 73/7 73/16 73/18 74/23
20/15 20/16 21/8 23/15 27/14 29/4 31/5 218/14
proposed [3] 67/21 73/22 76/23
34/6 34/8 34/9 34/11 36/15 36/15 36/16 real [8] 62/21 67/24 76/10 87/24 116/6
protect [3] 70/13 71/14 87/8
37/2 37/6 38/2 44/5 74/22 92/25 94/25 116/16 156/22 156/22
protecting [1] 83/1
95/3 99/7 101/8 102/10 103/13 115/21 realistic [3] 71/18 71/20 72/7
protections [2] 70/12 70/14
121/23 125/3 199/3 199/15 218/5 realize [1] 29/13
protocols [1] 7/15
218/20 219/18 219/18 224/18 226/17 really [16] 18/17 18/19 20/20 37/20
proud [3] 101/22 102/1 102/8
231/21 235/10 262/10 264/3 264/10 48/19 50/17 59/16 62/22 66/9 66/24
provide [5] 44/24 93/1 198/8 202/7
264/21 269/5 269/12 269/18 269/19 102/5 102/5 117/3 233/1 259/2 271/13
quibble [2] 69/11 69/15 realtime [1] 72/3
provided [19] 16/21 17/2 22/23 176/9
quick [7] 66/16 90/12 103/23 116/6 reason [21] 22/12 22/13 22/15 48/16
176/11 183/3 193/17 197/15 197/24
116/16 248/21 264/10 49/2 51/18 59/14 86/14 87/1 87/4 87/16
202/11 202/13 204/3 221/24 254/8
quickly [6] 7/24 65/18 66/3 66/6 90/8 89/8 89/10 102/2 110/2 223/12 239/3
259/25 260/3 260/5 271/17 272/12
248/22 241/24 241/24 243/16 263/21
provides [2] 51/9 94/16
quit [1] 258/23 reasonable [1] 102/4
R Redirect [6] 4/16 4/17 5/7 224/21 150/8 150/8 151/23 153/19 157/19
225/16 273/18 165/2 165/5 172/14 173/5 183/11
reasonably [1] 39/2
Reexamination [2] 5/8 274/5 183/19 185/19 196/19 200/5 223/4
reasons [2] 35/2 255/10
refer [7] 92/15 92/19 128/6 178/2 178/7 252/23 252/25 253/6 253/9 254/6 254/7
recall [159] 8/5 14/10 19/20 19/23
215/13 225/3 260/8 268/7 272/3
29/25 53/10 57/18 59/5 59/7 59/8 60/9
reference [6] 108/17 153/14 247/15 remembering [1] 34/14
60/12 60/23 60/25 61/13 61/13 63/19
247/17 254/7 254/10 remind [4] 12/6 126/23 204/18 257/8
63/22 65/25 67/12 67/14 67/14 67/19
referenced [3] 110/18 120/11 274/23 reminded [2] 9/3 55/8
67/23 68/1 68/10 68/24 69/5 73/19
references [3] 214/5 227/2 270/22 reopened [1] 235/25
77/15 77/17 77/18 78/5 79/4 79/7 79/8
referencing [4] 1/5 14/17 185/4 214/10 reorganization [1] 14/8
79/12 81/5 81/7 81/8 81/16 81/16 82/21
referred [2] 210/6 238/7 repeat [2] 114/15 146/1
82/22 82/23 84/4 85/8 85/10 85/12
referring [21] 13/4 13/7 23/9 28/11 repeatedly [1] 148/9
85/14 85/15 85/19 85/20 85/21 85/22
28/13 30/15 100/8 106/13 119/11 rephrase [3] 125/4 219/25 219/25
86/4 88/6 88/15 88/17 88/21 89/5 89/17
119/14 120/3 180/10 181/15 181/20 replaced [8] 229/25 230/7 244/21
91/6 94/22 95/14 95/15 95/16 95/23
181/25 182/5 182/19 207/5 232/2 244/6 250/17 250/20 250/21 250/23 255/11
95/24 99/14 99/17 100/8 100/13 100/16
244/7 replica [1] 33/4
100/21 101/5 102/14 102/17 108/4
refers [3] 180/12 225/4 243/12 reply [1] 11/24
114/16 123/18 123/19 126/21 136/7
reflect [1] 171/24 report [36] 68/25 69/4 69/6 69/8 69/9
150/21 152/9 154/15 155/6 155/24
reflects [2] 67/4 236/10 69/24 70/1 70/4 70/5 70/11 70/23 89/18
164/3 169/8 170/6 170/11 171/11
refresh [23] 27/24 32/10 65/2 88/22 198/17 229/6 229/8 229/10 229/18
172/16 173/6 176/11 179/3 180/16
89/3 114/18 115/7 123/20 123/25 139/8 231/15 231/16 231/19 233/12 233/14
183/7 183/18 189/21 200/3 209/21
141/5 158/2 158/4 158/5 158/20 171/8 233/16 233/19 235/13 236/14 236/17
210/7 210/23 211/2 211/11 211/16
171/12 171/23 171/24 172/17 173/2 245/10 249/11 256/18 257/14 257/16
216/2 216/11 217/8 217/16 226/9
200/7 200/14 257/22 257/23 259/16 264/11
226/15 230/11 232/23 233/5 236/13
refresh -- well [1] 27/24 reported [4] 253/19 268/15 269/3
236/19 237/25 238/5 238/7 240/3 240/9
refreshing [2] 158/11 172/24 270/25
240/18 240/20 240/23 240/25 241/1
regard [4] 14/11 21/14 70/15 81/1 reporter [7] 1/3 1/6 1/23 9/25 90/23
241/2 241/4 241/7 242/10 243/11
regarding [6] 10/6 60/22 221/21 277/6 277/17
250/14 253/1 253/2 253/7 253/7 253/13
266/16 268/5 269/9 reporting [4] 67/24 68/19 68/22 229/13
254/3 254/11 254/24 255/9 255/10
region [1] 229/2 reports [4] 66/11 70/3 70/7 72/1
255/12 261/17 263/3 263/4 263/4
registration [3] 61/4 62/2 138/2 represent [8] 12/17 40/2 43/12 77/10
264/15 265/15 266/3 267/16 268/2
regular [5] 42/12 42/15 113/20 148/10 99/11 194/18 228/2 264/9
269/10 271/19 273/23
148/22 representation [2] 24/6 51/20
recalled [1] 102/21
regularly [1] 148/21 representative [5] 82/9 188/14 189/16
recalling [1] 80/4
regulations [4] 58/8 67/21 92/25 209/7 236/24
recap [1] 244/17
253/16 representatives [1] 82/12
receive [1] 252/11
reject [1] 77/24 represented [2] 30/4 168/7
received [9] 9/4 201/6 216/2 216/18
rejected [1] 77/19 representing [4] 28/20 107/21 117/2
216/20 226/13 252/1 253/22 264/13
rejection [2] 76/13 77/22 215/20
receives [3] 73/7 211/25 212/6
relate [1] 255/1 reprimands [1] 57/5
receiving [7] 242/10 253/7 253/13
related [5] 9/5 67/22 69/5 223/3 265/13 reproduce [1] 81/21
253/18 263/3 263/4 271/19
relates [1] 109/23 request [2] 203/4 218/24
recent [2] 40/25 79/9
relating [2] 222/11 274/8 requested [2] 34/3 43/23
recently [1] 272/2
relation [3] 213/11 234/7 251/12 requesting [2] 43/17 48/21
recess [2] 218/11 262/5
relations [1] 133/6 require [5] 56/25 57/8 57/11 197/8
recognize [7] 14/22 130/8 150/4
relationship [3] 109/13 133/3 272/5 197/9
198/14 202/16 217/21 223/24
relationships [1] 133/7 required [5] 43/10 48/24 83/15 83/18
recognized [1] 53/3
relative [3] 39/1 58/25 174/1 83/20
recognizes [1] 158/18
released [8] 89/19 89/24 90/6 90/7 requirement [2] 52/8 81/17
recollection [34] 30/3 65/3 65/16 80/25
90/12 90/17 90/20 259/16 requirements [2] 49/21 60/5
88/22 89/3 89/11 100/12 114/18 115/7
relevance [12] 16/12 25/15 25/19 requires [6] 44/24 45/11 45/18 52/1
123/20 123/25 139/8 141/5 158/3 158/5
35/24 50/7 52/17 62/16 74/1 121/4 92/3 92/20
158/11 158/20 171/8 171/10 171/12
207/11 255/23 256/6 requiring [11] 43/20 43/25 52/10 52/15
171/23 171/24 172/17 172/24 173/2
relevancy [1] 36/16 56/19 56/22 67/24 68/2 68/7 68/19
191/22 200/7 200/14 223/13 223/15
relevant [14] 16/8 37/7 37/9 37/20 68/22
230/4 253/10 254/22
37/21 50/12 62/16 62/23 110/2 112/18 reserve [2] 36/23 38/9
recommendation [1] 81/1
121/12 129/25 198/24 208/12 resignation [1] 41/6
recommendations [8] 58/24 59/24
reliability [1] 62/21 resigned [1] 249/25
60/7 60/21 74/2 80/18 80/19 90/2
reliable [4] 96/21 96/23 221/8 221/8 resolved [1] 237/5
recommended [1] 91/19
relief [3] 43/16 43/23 48/20 resource [1] 8/23
record [20] 6/9 8/12 15/22 24/10 29/12
reluctant [1] 16/25 respect [6] 9/15 13/1 36/19 36/25
36/6 39/16 44/6 64/21 92/16 94/18
rely [2] 27/9 35/16 55/14 63/2
104/6 114/10 129/22 153/15 153/15
remarkable [1] 246/15 respectable [1] 53/12
174/3 204/18 227/18 256/21
remember [53] 31/22 32/10 64/10 65/4 respond [5] 20/10 21/1 66/15 90/24
records [1] 131/6
65/20 65/24 77/7 77/9 77/24 77/25 236/11
recreate [1] 31/11
82/17 85/19 86/2 86/3 86/12 88/4 91/2 responded [5] 20/9 37/5 140/3 246/14
redact [1] 212/17
91/3 91/4 95/12 95/14 116/16 117/3 246/15
redacted [1] 259/16
117/4 118/1 138/5 141/4 142/7 148/14 Respondent [1] 62/2
R Rossi's [4] 20/5 31/4 34/11 34/24 85/25 204/21 227/1 230/11 240/22
row [1] 256/8 240/23 242/21 244/6
respondents [1] 237/23
Rowell [1] 217/7 says [35] 15/2 44/21 45/1 46/23 47/2
responding [5] 15/9 19/10 19/13 67/10
Roy [6] 207/21 207/22 207/24 209/2 47/18 49/18 49/25 51/15 78/11 78/19
209/4 209/25 97/25 106/13 107/2 108/22 110/11
responds [1] 206/20
rule [16] 68/1 68/1 68/2 68/11 68/19 118/23 121/13 128/2 128/9 180/3
response [20] 15/1 22/8 22/9 22/23
68/22 68/24 73/7 73/23 76/14 76/20 181/12 181/17 181/22 182/2 205/5
23/5 26/6 27/5 30/10 34/25 66/17 66/18
92/11 92/19 92/20 94/16 94/18 206/21 220/23 220/24 221/3 221/7
69/3 69/25 121/14 200/4 200/8 200/15
Rule 183-1-15-.031 [1] 92/19 225/1 249/13 257/25 258/10
200/18 252/5 270/7
rule-making [3] 68/11 76/14 76/20 scalable [3] 72/2 96/21 96/23
responses [6] 16/3 19/21 20/22 21/22
rules [17] 33/17 54/22 58/8 67/16 scale [1] 71/22
23/6 26/9
67/21 69/3 69/5 73/16 73/18 81/5 81/9 scan [4] 34/3 55/16 156/21 157/4
responsibilities [11] 12/23 24/5 42/16
81/13 82/23 92/15 94/20 95/23 228/23 scanned [6] 28/21 92/21 157/1 157/2
105/9 105/10 109/15 109/18 133/5
ruling [6] 17/14 18/23 41/21 43/1 63/3 157/5 157/6
204/25 228/14 228/19
64/16 scanners [3] 45/13 45/21 55/9
responsibility [6] 13/10 13/24 24/6
rulings [2] 42/23 43/3 scanning [2] 45/12 93/16
29/13 35/6 133/6
run [5] 20/14 63/12 85/3 94/11 186/9 scans [1] 94/9
responsible [4] 13/3 13/15 136/22
running [1] 149/9 scenario [1] 116/23
runoffs [1] 80/10 scene [2] 130/24 219/5
rest [3] 27/11 27/12 77/23
runs [1] 136/10 SCHEINMAN [1] 2/7
restates [1] 78/12
RUSSO [1] 3/3 SCHOENBERG [1] 2/3
restitution [1] 57/8
Ryan [1] 68/15 Scott [16] 136/13 136/15 136/17 137/8
restricted [1] 1/3
137/11 140/8 151/19 152/13 152/14
restroom [1] 173/21 S 154/11 185/13 185/16 185/18 185/19
result [7] 9/16 34/2 34/2 204/14 231/16
safe [1] 251/4 213/2 213/3
253/11 254/14
said [75] 13/17 15/6 15/11 18/25 19/6 screen [8] 44/16 92/5 103/12 139/2
resume [1] 102/24
20/12 21/1 22/16 22/17 22/18 28/3 38/1 187/10 191/4 191/13 266/1
retain [1] 254/12
46/6 46/8 48/1 48/20 53/14 54/2 64/1 screens [2] 120/19 122/4
returned [1] 124/15
64/2 64/2 65/23 69/12 69/14 69/17 script [2] 76/2 76/4
reused [2] 121/6 146/19
69/17 70/11 72/20 78/6 84/5 91/12 seals [1] 85/12
revelation [1] 90/25
91/13 94/20 95/18 97/25 98/2 98/3 98/4 search [2] 97/19 260/1
review [13] 16/16 21/10 23/20 26/22
98/5 98/6 98/7 98/8 98/11 98/12 100/13 searches [1] 260/1
55/10 65/5 80/8 200/11 246/12 247/21
107/1 107/15 108/16 111/8 112/20 seat [6] 6/3 39/14 104/4 218/13 227/16
253/2 272/17 273/6
118/9 123/11 126/17 144/9 146/24 262/7
reviewed [6] 22/13 27/23 30/3 78/6
173/13 179/6 185/14 189/16 189/17 SEB [53] 43/19 43/23 55/22 55/24
95/19 248/1
199/5 215/1 219/3 225/21 245/22 246/8 56/19 56/22 57/23 58/1 59/23 60/7
reviewing [3] 80/14 174/6 270/3
246/10 247/1 247/20 252/1 258/13 60/11 60/20 60/21 62/2 63/2 64/11
rewind [1] 151/7
272/16 273/5 274/15 277/10 64/19 64/19 64/22 65/25 66/6 66/20
RICARDO [5] 2/19 2/22 12/17 99/11
sales [1] 133/6 67/4 67/16 68/22 69/3 70/1 73/7 73/18
same [39] 6/21 17/12 25/18 27/24 73/19 73/23 80/7 80/17 81/5 82/25
Rice [1] 31/16
32/20 45/2 45/23 48/8 48/10 69/23 85/22 90/24 91/7 92/9 92/10 92/15
Richards [2] 90/24 91/6
78/19 93/19 94/11 102/16 124/11 125/8 94/16 94/18 94/20 99/16 231/11 233/8
right [292]
127/17 130/1 135/8 163/8 163/9 163/9 235/13 256/9 256/22 257/16 267/13
right-hand [8] 106/11 117/16 117/16
163/9 164/4 166/9 172/23 173/3 173/4 267/16
137/15 137/16 177/22 186/22 187/1
184/20 191/20 195/3 195/9 203/5 SEB's [2] 76/13 81/9
rights [3] 72/16 73/4 87/8
203/17 208/11 208/25 215/9 226/5 second [28] 13/25 34/3 45/11 61/23
ring [3] 80/10 80/11 116/19
263/16 76/22 76/23 76/24 76/24 76/25 103/18
rise [4] 103/8 173/23 218/10 262/4
Sara [4] 78/22 230/8 234/22 235/1 116/18 118/14 143/24 150/17 157/22
RMR [3] 1/23 277/6 277/16
satisfied [1] 23/6 171/1 172/9 180/3 181/22 182/8 186/15
ROBBINS [1] 3/5
satisfy [1] 49/20 188/16 194/20 220/23 225/9 225/9
ROBERT [9] 2/16 2/17 4/4 12/11 40/2
save [1] 262/9 247/18 264/25
211/7 211/10 211/15 211/16
saw [13] 31/19 75/18 112/20 140/17 seconds [1] 168/10
role [14] 14/6 82/19 133/10 133/11
158/6 158/7 164/8 165/18 187/21 193/6 secrecy [7] 49/25 50/8 50/10 60/8
134/21 136/20 140/6 140/8 143/2 143/3
232/23 240/10 240/15 77/16 78/4 78/13
265/19 266/11 266/22 267/2
say [68] 13/6 13/21 18/5 20/17 22/13 secret [1] 51/10
roles [4] 105/8 133/4 134/7 142/15
23/17 34/17 42/23 43/6 43/22 45/22 Secretary [34] 13/2 19/2 20/10 20/14
rolls [1] 77/1
48/16 50/5 51/18 55/14 56/21 60/6 60/9 21/25 22/16 41/19 58/13 58/18 58/20
room [26] 21/17 121/18 127/16 132/1
63/1 67/8 72/8 78/10 82/13 82/25 87/11 59/24 67/6 67/11 82/18 209/16 210/17
157/10 162/5 162/23 162/25 164/13
90/1 90/18 94/22 95/23 99/25 107/20 210/24 216/23 218/22 218/24 228/5
164/16 164/20 166/9 167/5 183/17
108/2 108/5 108/7 113/21 119/12 126/3 228/14 228/19 229/16 230/20 232/15
183/19 183/21 183/23 187/19 191/8
130/7 135/10 136/6 142/14 158/12 233/19 250/17 251/2 251/14 252/4
192/14 193/7 193/8 193/9 193/12
162/13 171/19 174/7 175/10 176/25 255/17 255/18 261/12
239/16 241/22
180/11 183/22 189/19 189/23 193/11 Secretary's [4] 268/4 268/9 268/15
ROSS [1] 3/5
193/22 195/6 206/13 208/2 210/6 221/3 269/14
Rossi [24] 14/11 14/25 15/9 15/17 16/1
222/1 230/14 234/20 239/4 247/19 section [9] 15/15 33/1 44/11 44/19
19/14 20/2 20/11 20/15 20/21 21/15
249/1 256/4 257/1 259/10 261/2 45/5 47/2 47/8 51/8 121/25
21/24 22/4 23/1 26/5 26/17 26/19 28/1
saying [19] 8/10 10/1 20/15 21/4 21/21 Section 1 [1] 51/8
31/6 31/8 31/25 33/3 99/16 100/14
32/16 35/9 58/11 66/9 85/20 85/21 Section 21-2 [1] 44/11
S soon [4] 90/18 90/21 90/21 254/18 standing [5] 130/8 142/25 143/8 143/9
sorry [51] 8/10 9/2 9/24 25/25 26/18 262/17
sitting [6] 29/23 97/22 98/15 131/25
30/12 45/17 48/19 50/4 52/13 55/3 standoffish [1] 237/13
152/8 154/5
55/23 67/12 68/9 68/9 68/21 75/25 stands [3] 107/10 218/10 262/4
situation [7] 17/22 31/23 36/14 97/7
76/10 77/5 83/17 92/7 96/7 97/14 100/4 Stark [3] 24/19 24/21 24/21
102/16 274/19 274/24
115/25 118/24 119/9 120/24 129/13 start [13] 17/5 103/6 126/5 146/4
six [6] 8/20 11/13 18/12 23/19 77/17
135/10 149/16 163/17 168/24 174/14 192/16 228/17 230/13 231/11 235/9
175/16 177/10 186/13 186/25 195/8 246/4 260/18 260/22 267/19
six months [1] 90/19
206/12 208/2 228/16 233/22 235/23 started [6] 14/2 23/1 216/15 229/25
six years [3] 11/13 18/12 23/19
251/10 253/5 255/5 268/12 268/21 243/5 270/7
skills [1] 71/5
272/22 275/23 starting [4] 15/1 188/24 211/24 267/25
sleepover [1] 84/19
sort [17] 31/15 41/21 87/13 92/2 starts [1] 249/10
sleepovers [1] 84/10
111/17 122/8 129/18 138/19 140/23 state [113] 3/2 20/10 20/13 22/2 22/16
sleeve [1] 138/24
144/13 144/19 148/19 153/3 208/17 22/18 22/20 30/20 35/7 35/10 35/11
Slide [2] 132/9 134/13
226/2 241/23 244/17 35/16 35/23 39/15 40/11 41/4 41/13
Slide 34 [2] 132/9 134/13
sorts [1] 17/5 41/24 42/4 43/16 43/19 43/24 44/3
slightly [2] 8/1 144/19
Sound [1] 99/24 44/24 45/11 45/19 47/14 48/2 48/15
slipped [1] 240/21
sounded [2] 54/2 231/1 48/17 48/17 48/20 49/2 49/2 49/4 49/8
slow [2] 22/14 119/9
sounds [2] 44/8 47/17 49/20 50/5 50/11 50/12 50/23 50/25
slower [3] 97/15 245/25 246/6
source [3] 145/3 232/25 244/4 51/2 51/4 51/5 51/21 52/10 52/14 52/21
small [4] 85/16 114/24 176/25 220/19
south [2] 229/1 229/2 52/25 53/9 53/14 53/17 53/20 53/23
Smith [1] 217/5
SOUTHWEST [1] 1/24 54/5 54/10 54/12 54/16 54/18 54/20
smuggle [1] 71/8
space [1] 105/12 54/21 54/25 55/4 57/5 58/5 58/13 58/18
sneak [1] 71/8
Spalding [5] 206/25 207/2 207/23 58/21 59/25 60/4 62/1 62/19 63/7 74/8
so [311]
209/5 209/7 74/12 74/14 74/14 74/23 82/9 82/19
so-called [1] 257/9
span [1] 19/17 84/7 87/16 92/25 97/8 99/15 101/22
software [14] 32/16 32/20 145/9 145/9
SPARKS [2] 2/9 6/15 102/16 104/5 110/11 110/12 205/6
148/10 148/20 149/10 149/11 160/20
Sparta [1] 66/13 205/12 205/14 211/3 216/23 216/23
165/13 165/21 175/24 196/17 220/8
speak [9] 7/10 16/9 145/13 211/4 211/7 218/24 219/8 227/17 228/20 228/23
solution [1] 96/21
217/13 217/23 240/8 261/25 231/7 231/12 232/15 233/19 250/17
some [81] 6/4 6/5 6/21 6/25 8/17 8/21
speaking [5] 11/23 85/19 241/1 253/8 251/2 251/14 252/5 255/17 268/20
8/22 9/4 9/5 10/5 10/24 11/2 13/23 14/7
254/3 276/6
17/20 21/10 27/6 32/18 32/24 34/10
special [1] 222/16 State's [17] 19/2 49/10 67/7 67/11 74/5
37/21 41/21 46/14 56/3 56/10 65/7
specific [17] 22/5 22/11 33/14 33/14 74/6 74/10 121/14 209/16 210/17
65/17 66/7 66/8 66/14 66/23 67/1 67/3
33/15 36/7 59/13 74/19 87/14 111/9 210/25 218/22 228/6 229/17 230/20
73/19 74/13 74/25 79/1 84/9 85/12
111/18 113/7 130/16 145/21 195/22 255/18 261/13
87/20 90/5 100/25 101/1 102/4 102/16
223/14 223/17 State's response [1] 121/14
102/20 103/13 105/8 106/17 110/2
specifically [15] 13/1 13/22 19/25 stated [2] 53/11 277/11
114/18 122/8 122/13 126/6 127/5
20/17 34/11 35/9 38/19 59/12 75/2 statement [12] 20/18 35/17 48/25
137/18 140/21 144/13 145/9 145/9
108/13 131/24 175/10 179/3 181/10 53/12 105/22 127/1 210/4 240/20
147/21 156/21 168/13 168/13 176/22
185/19 251/24 253/11 261/5 261/8
198/24 226/12 231/1 231/16 231/20
specifics [1] 34/16 statements [2] 62/15 251/24
236/5 236/17 237/22 258/22 259/25
speculate [1] 156/15 states [8] 1/1 1/12 1/24 129/24 129/25
260/6 262/9 263/5 265/13 267/6 272/25
speculating [2] 253/22 253/22 277/3 277/7 277/17
somebody [14] 55/19 85/5 98/14 116/1
speculation [1] 181/21 statewide [4] 31/20 33/6 33/9 44/25
116/2 117/8 136/4 136/21 170/5 174/4
speech [1] 55/8 statistical [2] 81/19 81/22
201/14 209/5 231/6 251/1
speed [3] 246/14 248/24 261/22 statute [7] 44/9 44/10 46/5 47/7 47/14
somehow [1] 171/14
spell [6] 39/15 104/5 149/16 227/18 49/18 58/22
someone [14] 13/15 13/22 42/3 72/9
235/1 235/2 statutes [2] 46/14 49/14
72/14 136/3 180/20 183/8 183/11
spelling [1] 180/11 Stefanie [4] 202/21 203/19 203/21
186/20 230/9 234/21 267/4 268/13
spend [2] 9/9 9/12 204/19
something [70] 7/16 18/3 22/9 22/17
spin [1] 174/12 STENOGRAPHY [1] 1/21
22/19 36/9 38/18 42/24 42/25 48/9
spoke [2] 245/22 246/8 step [2] 168/21 168/21
50/17 64/4 64/5 66/8 67/8 69/20 72/5
spoken [5] 217/17 234/22 234/24 steps [3] 144/22 268/5 269/2
72/12 72/21 72/24 78/2 84/9 91/14 99/2
246/19 247/2 STERLING [24] 4/4 6/10 6/14 7/23
123/13 141/23 142/2 142/9 145/16
spot [1] 25/18 12/11 12/16 14/10 14/22 18/25 19/13
145/19 145/23 145/24 146/13 146/18
spreadsheet [2] 133/15 134/2 19/20 20/5 22/7 26/14 27/23 29/19
150/19 158/14 168/2 169/17 171/13
squared [1] 212/7 29/23 34/20 35/5 35/17 36/19 36/22
174/6 176/2 176/4 180/7 182/10 185/1
squares [1] 175/5 38/10 210/19
185/9 188/9 189/17 190/8 190/10
SR [1] 2/23 Sterling's [3] 8/6 16/3 21/22
193/23 193/24 197/14 198/18 199/2
SSA [1] 182/16 still [28] 6/12 6/24 8/20 12/7 14/6 29/11
199/21 199/24 220/9 232/21 233/15
stack [1] 160/4 30/19 31/23 67/1 67/1 74/4 77/21 96/15
238/8 247/3 247/7 251/5 255/17 270/15
stacking [1] 32/24 99/20 101/1 129/24 150/4 166/13
270/21 271/12 273/25 274/11
stamp [1] 238/22 166/19 220/4 223/2 233/17 256/15
sometimes [5] 56/8 56/9 66/12 66/12
stand [8] 6/10 6/12 6/23 8/14 38/18 256/23 259/14 268/19 272/13 276/1
122/6 189/17 226/18 stipulation [3] 7/22 9/16 9/19
somewhat [1] 259/4
standard [5] 43/11 109/10 147/18 stop [5] 36/22 43/10 71/13 238/14
somewhere [3] 59/21 120/4 120/22
148/24 149/7 239/14
S 54/11 54/23 55/9 55/10 55/21 59/20 tags [2] 160/5 162/7
76/1 77/13 77/13 77/14 87/4 87/4 93/22 tail [1] 275/23
stopped [1] 91/4
96/1 110/23 112/3 120/21 127/3 147/23 take [44] 11/7 21/20 25/13 31/13 31/21
story [3] 121/11 121/13 270/10
148/21 153/17 158/4 158/11 173/20 32/25 41/19 54/10 61/23 91/8 101/17
straight [1] 77/22
174/8 180/12 180/16 193/8 194/17 101/19 103/23 109/4 115/5 119/8 120/6
strictly [1] 164/25
195/23 197/7 210/23 216/16 222/19 129/2 129/2 133/17 133/24 135/5
strike [5] 129/7 149/20 185/18 210/15
230/6 232/22 238/9 239/21 240/5 240/6 139/11 150/3 157/1 161/13 162/4
240/8 250/6 250/22 256/3 257/19 170/13 170/18 170/20 173/19 174/12
strokes [1] 131/24
262/11 263/12 268/8 273/14 175/3 184/17 189/8 195/2 195/14
struggling [1] 29/4
surrounding [2] 13/9 271/16 202/14 205/22 209/14 225/6 253/4
Student [1] 86/9
surveillance [2] 137/18 223/7 254/4 261/23
studied [2] 70/2 70/3
suspend [1] 57/20 taken [9] 68/7 88/5 88/8 88/8 103/9
study [3] 31/16 78/1 78/3
Sustained [1] 210/10 173/24 218/12 262/6 269/2
stuff [7] 11/3 76/18 127/7 127/8 168/14
sweatshirt [1] 140/23 takes [1] 6/22
260/10 263/5
swirled [1] 102/3 taking [11] 133/14 140/14 164/14
subject [6] 21/15 102/13 130/3 199/20
switch [6] 66/1 67/15 71/9 72/4 72/12 164/18 166/18 166/21 167/4 223/7
230/16 256/5
223/1 223/19 259/11 268/5
subjects [1] 231/22
switched [1] 66/3 talk [22] 6/20 7/7 7/14 8/17 8/21 9/11
submitted [3] 73/15 73/16 235/24
switching [1] 70/17 42/24 42/25 43/6 91/2 105/19 110/6
subpoena [16] 57/23 57/25 58/1
sworn [10] 12/12 39/13 39/22 77/8 115/24 117/23 118/14 130/6 130/14
104/20 195/16 195/21 195/22 199/25
104/2 104/10 227/15 227/23 265/9 132/14 210/21 210/25 217/2 255/6
199/25 200/4 200/9 200/15 200/19
265/11 talked [17] 7/19 68/14 68/14 68/15
216/18 216/20 254/8
system [39] 34/22 35/11 44/25 52/11 90/23 95/12 95/18 104/18 107/18
subsection [10] 44/22 44/24 45/10
52/15 54/6 54/9 54/12 59/4 60/3 61/9 117/21 178/9 210/19 211/17 212/20
45/18 47/9 47/12 47/16 47/18 49/24
61/11 67/17 68/20 68/23 69/1 72/25 247/19 254/19 274/17
84/2 84/6 84/8 90/25 97/12 97/16 97/16 talking [39] 9/22 22/12 24/13 24/14
Subsection 300 [1] 45/10
98/18 99/3 180/13 186/9 188/12 190/11 30/13 30/21 31/17 34/10 35/10 47/23
Subsection 5 [2] 49/24 49/25
190/12 215/19 231/10 248/25 266/9 48/10 55/15 55/17 55/20 62/5 69/23
subsequent [8] 26/4 28/10 36/23
266/14 270/21 270/22 271/7 71/3 74/4 74/16 74/18 91/2 121/21
110/12 205/5 205/12 205/14 205/17
systems [3] 52/2 72/23 189/22 121/21 121/22 121/24 122/20 128/17
subsequently [6] 23/6 26/6 27/25 28/8
128/18 134/2 145/15 145/22 146/3
32/19 35/1 T 147/4 176/24 176/24 176/25 188/7
subset [2] 29/24 30/5
tab [36] 106/16 109/4 114/21 118/15 244/10 263/2
substantial [1] 62/20
119/8 119/17 122/19 123/23 128/1 talks [1] 123/9
substantiated [1] 101/4
133/17 133/23 173/18 174/11 174/16 tallied [2] 15/4 15/18
substantive [1] 209/11
178/13 178/17 178/18 179/1 179/14 tallies [5] 28/1 30/1 31/17 32/7 33/19
succeed [1] 122/15
190/24 190/25 196/4 198/5 198/13 tally [16] 14/11 15/4 19/1 23/4 28/3
succeeded [1] 122/11
201/2 202/14 203/6 204/16 206/6 207/4 28/5 28/6 28/11 28/16 28/19 28/19
successful [1] 165/8
213/17 213/21 214/2 214/22 220/7 31/10 31/24 32/2 32/11 33/22
such [3] 54/13 109/15 130/9
224/25 tampering [2] 54/9 54/11
sued [1] 88/19
Tab 1 [5] 106/16 118/15 128/1 196/4 tampers [1] 98/24
suffice [1] 142/14
213/21 tangentially [1] 37/4
sufficient [2] 70/12 70/14
Tab 10 [2] 202/14 214/22 tape [2] 130/24 219/5
suggesting [1] 158/14
Tab 11 [2] 190/24 207/4 taped [2] 194/22 195/5
SullivanStrickler [33] 105/4 105/5
Tab 12 [1] 123/23 task [1] 247/12
109/10 132/3 132/11 135/12 147/19
Tab 13 [1] 133/17 TAYLOR [1] 3/9
149/11 177/4 177/15 182/20 188/13
Tab 14 [3] 133/23 178/13 178/18 TD [2] 182/8 182/10
195/17 197/8 197/14 197/24 200/1
Tab 2 [2] 109/4 204/16 TD02 [1] 180/4
200/16 200/19 208/20 208/22 208/24
Tab 3 [2] 114/21 206/6 teach [1] 144/21
218/21 218/25 220/9 220/16 221/19
Tab 5 [4] 119/8 119/17 213/17 214/2 team [30] 10/6 13/10 13/18 13/19
222/23 224/7 224/15 226/23 232/3
Tab 6 [1] 122/19 13/21 13/22 115/17 115/18 131/23
Tab 8 [6] 173/18 174/11 174/16 179/1 132/4 132/11 138/15 157/15 157/16
summary [1] 36/9
179/14 190/25 174/21 177/4 177/16 179/11 179/25
summer [1] 263/10
Tab 9 [5] 198/5 198/13 201/2 220/7 180/7 181/1 181/6 184/5 184/18 185/23
superintendents [1] 57/21
224/25 193/3 193/23 219/13 224/12 232/3
supervisor [11] 229/7 229/19 233/25
table [10] 11/18 77/15 77/18 77/19 teams [1] 128/9
255/4 265/7 266/20 266/23 269/3 271/3
77/20 77/22 78/1 97/23 151/2 153/4 technical [4] 85/22 86/8 87/25 92/2
273/2 273/9
tabled [1] 77/23 technology [1] 122/14
supervisors [4] 230/24 231/7 234/18
Tabling [1] 78/2 TED [1] 1/24
tabs [3] 177/3 177/12 220/5 tell [28] 15/12 19/25 47/16 53/15 65/12
supplement [1] 37/3
tabulate [1] 186/9 67/9 72/4 72/19 77/3 82/5 117/24
supplying [1] 36/14
tabulated [3] 45/13 45/20 175/12 154/25 163/2 191/10 191/20 196/11
support [1] 98/18
tabulation [7] 97/21 98/14 98/16 201/12 201/13 201/15 201/16 201/18
supposed [10] 64/1 64/17 65/22 93/12
184/12 184/16 187/4 188/1 206/3 208/13 221/21 234/4 249/2 259/6
98/8 204/24 221/4 234/1 234/4 245/15
tabulator [1] 185/23 272/14
sure [67] 12/20 13/24 15/7 17/12 18/4
tabulators [1] 93/16 telling [4] 81/18 91/6 185/20 271/14
18/17 19/11 20/15 23/1 24/7 27/15 48/4
tag [4] 162/2 168/5 192/4 195/7 tempest [1] 102/3
48/14 51/7 51/23 51/25 53/16 54/7
tagged [1] 195/4 tender [1] 15/22
T 63/12 72/16 83/9 83/11 85/17 87/8 167/11 167/25 169/15 170/21 172/9
92/16 96/23 144/11 144/25 145/6 169/8 175/11 176/13 177/12 179/7 186/22
tenure [1] 41/17
197/17 197/22 198/9 201/14 212/23 186/23 186/25 188/9 188/19 189/2
term [3] 84/11 84/15 84/21
225/5 251/25 189/19 189/21 190/11 191/17 192/5
terminated [1] 249/24
theirs [1] 144/15 192/8 193/9 193/10 195/9 195/9 195/9
terminology [1] 231/25
them [69] 6/11 6/14 6/14 20/3 23/21 195/11 195/11 195/23 197/5 199/21
terms [16] 32/19 63/3 111/12 112/24
33/19 34/14 35/17 47/19 63/25 67/5 201/10 201/23 202/5 203/6 205/12
113/11 115/22 117/10 126/8 131/24
67/8 67/9 77/2 77/4 77/23 80/3 81/8 205/14 206/14 207/8 208/16 209/13
136/19 145/2 175/9 185/11 221/24
84/23 85/19 85/20 85/24 87/19 87/22 211/4 211/19 212/21 213/15 213/24
255/23 263/14
98/10 98/10 98/11 98/24 98/25 101/3 214/20 220/2 223/2 223/6 223/6 228/7
territory [1] 241/19
106/13 106/13 114/9 132/1 132/2 135/1 229/15 230/9 230/10 230/18 231/1
test [6] 49/8 147/19 147/22 147/23
157/5 157/6 160/6 162/7 169/7 175/15 231/4 231/6 233/16 237/1 237/2 237/3
147/24 148/24
176/11 176/17 176/22 181/11 181/12 237/5 237/20 238/14 238/22 239/14
tested [2] 54/13 148/21
190/16 190/17 192/1 192/16 198/1 240/8 240/12 240/16 240/20 240/24
testified [17] 8/14 12/12 35/5 39/22
210/25 219/9 219/11 221/24 222/3 241/8 241/11 241/20 241/21 241/22
65/6 65/16 104/10 148/23 219/2 222/16
223/20 226/4 226/13 230/24 234/7 241/23 241/25 241/25 243/19 246/12
225/18 227/23 235/16 254/3 257/7
246/11 247/21 248/17 260/11 272/17 247/10 247/22 248/10 248/24 251/5
258/7 258/19
273/6 274/21 251/7 251/23 254/10 256/21 257/10
testify [7] 41/20 41/23 42/5 188/14
then [111] 7/16 22/1 22/3 35/24 37/4 259/14 262/15 262/17 263/17 266/7
222/23 263/22 265/1
37/19 37/20 47/19 49/24 50/12 62/23 266/7 267/6 268/17 269/1 269/6 270/21
testifying [4] 6/19 103/15 103/17 266/3
65/4 72/22 77/19 77/23 78/19 79/17 271/6 271/8 271/15 272/4 272/14
testimony [23] 7/23 36/8 36/13 37/6
80/17 83/25 89/20 94/13 103/6 103/19 272/15 272/18 273/6 274/7 276/4
37/11 38/2 38/5 62/12 64/20 80/17 84/9
108/17 113/17 113/17 115/6 118/3 there's [29] 9/2 27/6 31/14 39/8 54/18
101/14 102/21 130/10 153/16 189/5
119/14 121/22 122/1 124/15 124/20 54/23 66/22 66/23 67/1 71/11 83/25
189/5 219/3 223/3 227/7 254/25 275/9
124/21 125/17 125/23 127/23 128/8 94/4 94/4 100/25 102/20 114/24 129/15
130/25 132/15 140/2 144/14 144/16 131/6 133/20 144/19 147/25 154/10
testing [14] 54/14 59/25 60/5 78/20
144/25 145/13 145/22 146/12 148/13 154/22 189/1 189/2 193/20 221/16
78/24 79/6 79/20 80/9 95/13 95/17
156/16 157/6 157/10 163/3 169/7 230/22 259/14
97/10 148/14 148/19 149/2
171/15 175/24 177/23 184/22 186/24 thereafter [1] 260/25
text [5] 94/14 114/18 136/15 206/8
188/2 189/2 197/7 197/16 197/20 198/9 thereby [1] 276/11
199/3 206/20 206/21 210/2 211/25 therefore [1] 35/7
than [38] 8/3 11/14 32/14 41/14 42/4
214/2 216/18 219/24 220/24 221/2 therein [1] 277/11
61/9 63/13 67/5 71/23 77/22 83/15
221/7 222/19 222/20 226/22 229/8 these [70] 9/11 12/4 20/17 20/21 20/23
83/18 103/15 106/3 106/25 113/12
229/10 230/3 230/13 230/23 231/12 30/4 32/7 34/8 36/15 36/16 48/15 49/3
124/5 136/19 150/5 151/22 163/6
231/13 235/22 235/25 236/5 236/25 70/9 83/23 92/24 98/6 98/7 98/23
164/16 164/23 174/4 179/10 181/10
237/7 237/16 237/19 243/22 244/3 103/11 108/2 113/1 132/14 140/22
184/16 204/20 205/19 216/5 221/17
245/5 245/6 245/9 245/17 247/20 141/22 142/14 160/9 162/9 173/3
222/11 223/13 223/17 224/3 265/3
249/13 250/10 256/21 258/22 260/2 174/12 174/21 175/4 175/5 175/6
268/11 276/9
260/15 265/6 267/8 267/15 273/9 175/13 175/16 175/20 175/21 176/9
thank [86] 6/17 7/17 10/4 10/22 12/3
273/10 275/19 176/9 176/15 176/18 176/20 177/8
12/17 14/1 20/19 26/2 26/24 28/18
theory [1] 50/15 177/13 179/2 179/10 179/16 179/17
30/24 34/12 36/24 38/6 38/11 38/12
there [267] 6/22 6/25 8/5 10/7 10/8 179/18 179/20 180/1 180/23 180/25
38/13 39/5 39/6 39/7 39/17 42/1 56/17
12/5 13/11 13/20 13/22 15/17 15/24 181/2 181/3 181/6 181/9 182/15 182/24
61/17 75/5 75/8 76/11 95/8 95/25 96/11
15/25 16/2 17/9 17/16 17/20 21/17 194/10 194/11 219/18 222/2 231/9
96/18 99/5 99/13 99/19 102/9 102/18
24/17 25/11 25/20 26/8 27/4 29/10 232/17 243/19 247/2 249/3 269/24
102/19 102/22 102/23 103/7 103/23
29/15 31/5 31/9 32/5 32/8 32/18 32/23 270/13
110/3 114/13 119/1 119/15 130/12
33/14 34/21 35/1 35/14 35/15 35/18 they [186] 6/14 13/19 17/16 17/18
133/1 174/9 174/17 182/9 187/12
35/22 38/24 41/14 41/21 42/3 44/16 17/18 18/2 18/3 18/9 18/10 20/6 20/7
188/22 199/19 200/25 205/2 212/11
46/2 46/23 46/23 47/10 47/11 49/18 22/2 30/16 32/6 32/14 32/22 32/25
213/14 215/16 215/22 218/4 218/9
49/24 52/17 52/20 55/19 56/4 62/12 33/20 34/10 35/12 36/4 37/1 37/3 37/9
219/24 219/25 224/19 224/20 226/8
62/14 62/23 63/11 65/1 66/4 66/22 67/2 37/24 41/14 42/25 50/24 52/21 54/21
226/17 227/4 227/9 249/7 262/3 262/8
68/19 69/14 70/25 76/5 76/20 77/17 55/1 55/5 55/7 55/10 55/16 56/8 56/9
263/25 264/2 264/20 264/24 268/22
77/21 78/11 78/11 78/19 82/7 82/8 58/1 59/14 61/8 61/8 63/12 63/15 63/16
269/13 269/15 269/16 273/15 274/4
83/24 86/9 86/14 87/1 87/16 88/19 95/7 63/17 63/25 64/1 64/2 65/18 65/23 66/1
275/1 275/7 275/12
95/23 98/15 98/19 98/19 100/17 100/22 66/3 66/4 69/10 69/12 69/13 69/14
thanks [5] 96/10 104/15 206/16 249/14
100/23 101/1 101/8 102/25 105/21 69/17 70/25 71/1 73/6 76/14 83/7 83/7
106/6 106/8 106/17 106/18 106/20 83/7 83/8 83/8 83/9 83/9 83/10 83/10
that [1418]
108/14 110/2 110/9 111/10 111/25 83/12 83/15 83/18 83/20 83/25 85/7
that's [48] 7/2 11/5 11/9 13/4 16/19
112/2 112/4 112/23 112/23 115/3 85/7 85/21 90/21 91/20 91/22 93/7 93/8
21/2 31/18 33/5 43/7 44/21 48/22 52/24
115/18 117/13 120/13 120/20 122/13 93/8 93/9 93/9 94/22 100/16 108/7
66/2 67/13 85/1 85/4 85/6 94/16 99/3
122/17 124/12 125/8 125/10 126/2 108/7 117/10 118/9 121/6 124/21
103/19 114/10 117/9 119/14 122/22
132/11 135/4 137/12 138/2 138/21 124/23 125/1 125/6 131/25 132/1 132/2
141/6 141/9 144/8 145/7 155/11 166/10
139/13 141/13 141/14 141/17 141/19 132/6 136/6 137/13 137/14 137/15
177/2 186/16 206/19 207/17 218/3
142/13 142/22 143/11 143/13 143/15 138/8 141/23 147/20 147/22 147/23
220/17 221/5 236/7 236/23 243/10
143/16 144/2 146/4 148/7 148/8 149/2 163/10 163/12 175/18 176/11 179/22
244/22 244/25 245/4 245/8 248/14
149/5 150/1 150/17 151/1 152/13 153/1 183/15 183/17 183/18 183/19 184/19
252/14 256/14 269/12
153/4 154/11 155/20 156/7 156/11 191/7 191/8 191/9 191/22 191/22
their [25] 7/23 17/6 28/5 32/1 55/9 61/9
157/24 160/4 160/5 160/18 165/7 191/24 191/24 191/24 192/9 192/18
W you [1489]
You'll [1] 96/13
would... [103] 170/5 170/19 171/8
you're [48] 7/8 11/10 14/17 16/9 18/6
171/12 171/14 171/15 172/17 173/17
18/16 28/13 29/10 30/21 32/17 33/4
176/21 176/23 177/3 177/5 178/7 180/7
33/5 33/22 40/9 40/16 41/16 44/11 51/8
180/9 180/20 184/16 184/20 184/21
52/6 55/14 55/17 60/14 68/25 71/23
184/22 184/23 184/25 185/1 186/21
75/1 81/18 84/11 93/12 93/15 93/16
186/23 186/25 187/2 187/25 188/1
94/2 94/3 94/5 118/11 123/24 139/12
188/3 188/4 189/9 189/20 189/23 190/2
140/4 149/9 195/16 196/11 206/10
190/12 190/15 191/11 191/19 193/25
207/17 212/8 212/8 219/7 223/19
194/18 195/8 197/16 197/19 197/20
223/19 271/12
197/21 198/1 198/8 198/8 198/9 198/10
you've [10] 41/19 68/13 71/17 71/17
198/11 198/11 200/7 200/10 201/6
72/11 72/24 75/15 101/14 101/22
203/3 211/23 216/14 216/15 222/1
223/24 227/11 227/17 229/11 231/13
your [358]
231/15 231/19 232/3 232/25 233/2
yourself [3] 61/23 71/17 104/22
233/25 234/18 237/20 238/14 239/10
YouTube [1] 237/8
241/21 246/4 248/7 251/22 253/15
253/18 254/24 255/23 259/17 260/24 Z
261/17 262/2 263/13 263/18 264/16
zeroing [1] 62/18
266/11 267/2 267/21 267/21 267/21
zoom [4] 191/11 192/12 194/20 263/23
268/9 269/2 269/3 274/1 274/3 274/15
zooming [1] 191/10
wouldn't [12] 32/15 42/22 64/9 64/10
64/13 87/25 89/22 90/3 100/3 125/8
195/7 263/24
wrap [1] 50/21
wrapping [1] 169/23
write [1] 249/10
writes [2] 80/1 272/12
writing [5] 80/2 118/5 118/6 253/11
written [7] 59/24 60/7 60/21 176/17
180/7 231/16 235/14
wrong [4] 66/11 83/24 189/6 192/2
wrongdoer [2] 72/24 73/3
wrote [9] 110/16 176/18 193/23 194/10
209/1 270/23 273/8 273/10 273/10
y'all [1] 66/9
yeah [81] 8/4 9/19 10/21 41/10 43/12
48/4 52/25 53/1 53/15 54/7 54/15 54/18
55/16 55/20 56/18 56/24 57/2 58/7
59/16 63/14 64/2 64/7 64/7 65/6 65/20
66/18 66/18 68/18 69/21 69/22 69/24
69/24 71/22 71/24 71/25 72/10 72/10
72/17 73/2 73/6 73/6 73/14 75/15 75/20
76/6 76/6 76/6 76/15 76/22 78/9 78/9
78/15 78/21 80/16 80/16 82/7 82/16
85/24 88/24 88/24 90/3 90/21 91/5
91/17 91/22 93/4 93/18 93/20 95/14
95/15 97/18 100/4 100/15 100/25 101/1
109/1 146/2 186/13 191/16 195/3
year [6] 60/11 60/15 60/18 200/23
231/13 231/13
years [10] 11/13 11/15 18/12 23/19
66/14 66/21 101/15 101/16 157/18
yellow [2] 130/24 168/5
Yep [4] 47/13 162/20 195/10 198/7
yes [350]
yesterday [2] 6/11 12/20
yesterday's [1] 275/24
yet [6] 7/19 16/2 35/18 55/18 118/17
yielded [1] 33/9