Muftah and El-Hassi 2022 - Man & Karst 2022
Muftah and El-Hassi 2022 - Man & Karst 2022
Muftah and El-Hassi 2022 - Man & Karst 2022
Edited by
Rosario Ruggieri
Published by
Back cover:
Glimpse of the coastal plain of Custonaci with the Grotta Mangiapane
on the right side and Mount Cofano in the background.
Photo by:
R. Ruggieri
Printed by:
Barone e Bella
Ragusa, October 2023
Centro Ibleo di Ricerche
Comune di Custonaci
Proceedings of
edited by
Rosario Ruggieri
Institutional Patronages
Municipality of Custonaci
Regione Siciliana - Assessorato Beni Culturali e dell’Identità Siciliana
ARS - Assemblea Regionale Siciliana
Parrocchia Santuario Maria SS. di Custonaci
Cultural Patronages
SGI - Società Geologica Italiana
ORGS - Ordine Regionale Geologi di Sicilia
UIS - International Union of Speleology
FSE - European Speleological Federation - Projects ESP 2022-10”
SSI - Società Speleologica Italiana
FSRS - Federazione Speleologica Regionale Siciliana
ASC - Speleological Center of Armenia
PELA - GeoEnvironmental
CAI - Regione Sicilia Onlus
Parco Archeologico di Segesta - Regione Sicilia
Riserva Naturale Orientata dello Zingaro - Regione Sicilia
Organizing Committee
CIRS - Hyblean Center of Speleo-Hydrogeological Research, Italy
Rosario Ruggieri, Davide Messina Panfalone, Gianbattista Mazzara, Paolo Vultaggio, Andrea Barone,
Iolanda Galletti, Janet Fox Vharambek, Caterina Pampalone, Maria Buffa, Giovanni Gianninoto,
Antonello Ingallinera, Claudio Tornello, Roberto Sammito, Marco Dipasquale, Antonio Bambina.
Scientific Committee
Chiara Calligaris, Awad A. Bilal, Avi Burg, Serafina Carbone, Rosolino Cirrincione,
Giorgio De Guidi, Pietro Di Stefano, Ferdinando Didonna, Abdelsalam S. Elshaafi, Furio Finocchiaro,
Philippe Fleury, Martin Knez, Robert Lončarić, Antonella Cinzia Marra, Peter Malik,
Francesco Maurano, Saša Milanovic, Carmelo Monaco, Ahmed M. Muftah, Mario Parise, Metka Petrič,
Giovanna Pappalardo, Rosalda Punturo, Rosario Ruggieri, Giovanni Scicchitano, Tadej Slabe,
Zoran Stevanovic, Maša Surić, Luca Zini.
Marra Antonella Cinzia University of Messina Messina, Italy
Mari László Eotvos Universisty Budapest, Hungary
Markić Nicola Public Institution Plitvice Lakes National Park Plitvice, Croatia
Maurano Francesco Tetide APS Camerota, Italy
Mazzara Antonino Mazzara Marmi (Sponsor) Custonaci, Italy
Mazzara Giambattista CIRS Ragusa Custonaci, Italy
Meaški Hrvoje University of Zagreb Zagreb, Croatia
Messana Vincenza Riserva Natutale Grotta di Entella - CAI Sicilia Entella, Italy
Messina Panfalone Davide CIRS Ragusa Custonaci, Italy
Metushaj Mirela University Aleksander Moisiu Durres, Albania
Modica Loredana A.C.N.D srl (sponsor) Ragusa, Italy
Monaco Carmelo University of Catania Catania, Italy
Morreale Gabriele University of Catania Catania, Italy
Mostafa Mostafa University Bright Star Al Brega, Libya
Muftah Ahmed University of Benghazi Benghazi, Libya
Nagy Balázs Eotvos Lorand University Budapest, Hungary
Nicotra Camillo Participant Catania, Italy
Pagano Mario University of Catania Catania, Italy
Pampalone Caterina CIRS Ragusa Custonaci, Italy
Pappalardo Giovanna University of Catania Catania, Italy
Parise Mario Unversity of Bari Bari, Italy
Petrič Metka Karst Research Institute Postojna, Slovenia
Petrović Branislav University of Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia
Pintar Kristian Univesrity of Zadar Zadar, Croatia
Pizzorusso Ann Twittando Da Vinci (Sponsor) U.S.A.
Priolo Giuseppe Gruppo Grotte Catania CAI Catania, Italy
Punturo Rosalda University of Catania Catania, Italy
Radišić Maja University of Rijeka Rijeka, Croatia
Rosano Enza Participant Catania, Italy
Ruggieri Maria Rita CIRS Ragusa Ragusa, Italy
Ruggieri Rosario CIRS Ragusa Ragusa, Italy
Rubinić Josip University of Rijeka Rijeka, Croatia
Scheuerle Wieland Landesverband fur Hohlen Germany
Scheuerle Sibylle Landesverband fur Hohlen Germany
Scicchitano Giovanni University of Bari Bari, Italy
Shahinyan Samvel NUACA, University Everan, Armenia
Shkurti Fatlinda University o Vlora Vlora, Albania
Sinani Albina University of Gjirokastra Gjirokastra, Albania
Simeunovic Larisa Grcic University of Zadar Zadar, Croatia
Slabe Tadej Karst Research Institute Postojna, Slovenia
Stevanović Zoran University of Belgrade Belgrade, Serbia
Stevanović Aleksandra Natural History Museam Belgrade, Serbia
Sudar Natalija Bastinik - Society for promotion of natural and cultural heritage Croatia
Šulc Ivan University of Zagreb Zagreb, Croatia
Surić Maša University of Zadar Zadar, Croatia
Telbisz Tamás Eotvos Lorand University Budapest, Hungary
Termine Michele Journalist - Argos Sciacca, Italy
Terzić Josip Groatian Geological Survey Zagreb, Croatia
Tornello Claudio CIRS Ragusa Ragusa, Italy
Tornello Giuseppe CIRS Ragusa Ragusa, Italy
Valentić Lara Karst Research Institute Postojna, Slovenia
Verdet Jean-marc Commission Scientifique - French Fedartion of Speleology France
Verdet Martine Commission Scientifique - French Fedartion of Speleology France
Vultaggio Paolo CIRS Ragusa Custonaci, Italy
Žalac Sanja Public Institution Plitvice Lakes National Park Croatia
Zini Luca University of Trieste Trieste, Italy
Zupanc Hrastar Suzana Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning Slovenia
As promised, but not without having had to face and overcome the usual difficulties, economic and other-
wise, inherent in the production of conference proceedings, here we are with this volume, just one year after
Man and Karst 2022, to honor a commitment, with the participants and even more with the speakers, which is
to have written-paper memory of the reports presented, both to remember the socio-cultural context and that
of the scientific contents.
This commitment is even more heartfelt due to the still incomprehensible story of the failure to print the
proceedings of Man and Karst 2019, which, having been placed in another editorial circuit, were not suc-
cessful to our great disappointment and I think even more than those who had participated and who understan-
dably counted on the publication of their work.
But by spreading a pitiful veil over what happened (but it would be better to say it didn’t happen), and
having personally taken on us this time with burdens, and hopefully honors too, in the printing of this volume
included in the Speleologia Iblea series of the CIRS Ragusa, now allow me to briefly introduce below, even
for those who were not present at the event, the context of Man and Karst 2022 and its exciting results.
Organized by CIRS Ragusa, with the patronage of the Municipality of Custonaci, the Unesco Chair and
Karst Education, research institutions and numerous Italian and foreign universities, the second edition of the
Man and Karst International Scientific Conference was held in Custonaci (Trapani Province, Sicily) from 12
to 17 September 2022.
The event, in the same way as the previous past edition held in Ragusa in 2019, receiving considerable
appreciation for participation (more than one hundred subscribers) and scientific contents, intended to give a
contribution to the knowledge, enhancement and protection of the karst and its caves , often in a conflictual
relationship with the activities of the resident populations, in the hope that scientific research in the field of
speleological sciences can give its own original contribution in the resolution or mitigation of specific pro-
blems of social interest, including: the contamination of groundwater from wastewater and microplastics, the
risk of collapse in urban contexts due to the presence of karst voids, just to mention some of the most evident
in the relationship between man and the karst.
As regards the results of Man and Karst 2022, some significant data regarding the participants, the reports
presented and the activities carried out are reported below.
Number of participants: more than one hundred participants of which about 60% came from abroad (Cro-
atia, Libya, Slovenia, Albania, Serbia, Hungary, France, Israel, Germany, Armenia, USA, Austria, Slovakia) re-
presenting Universities, Research Institutes, Park Authorities, Geological Surveys, etc. As regards Italy, we had
the presence of professors from the University of Catania, from the University of Trieste, from the University
of Bari, Directors of Natural Reserves (Entella, Santa Ninfa and Sant’Angelo Muxaro), the Superintendence
of Agrigento, 4 speleological associations, three representatives of the Italian Speleological Society, including
the vice president, and the president of the Tetide Aps Association who presented the SpeleoMedit exhibition
on the karst of Mediterranean coastal countries, for which CIRS edited the posters of Libya, Egypt and Syria.
Scientific sessions: 55 reports were presented divided into 6 sessions (Karst Geomorphology, Speleology
and cave conservation, Karst hydrogeology and water protection, Archaeology and paleontology in karst and
artificial caves, Vulnerability, protection and fruition of karst landscapes and caves, Karst hazards, geological
and geophysical investigations) and 11 presentations in the poster session. The scientific part, held in the first
three half days, was followed by the part dedicated to afternoon excursions (from 12 to 14), respectively with a
field trip around the Monte Cofano Reserve, a field trip on the ridge of Monte Sparagio to discover the Karren
of C.da Noce, of the Stone Forest of Piano delle Ferle, of the Megalodon still visible in the Cocuccio quarries
and the Polje of Purgatory, and in the magnificent Grotta della Clava of the Geosite currently being established
“Karst and Speleological Park of Piano Zubbia “.
Post-conference excursions of 15-16-17, respectively: on Mount Kronio in the vaporous caves of the San
Calogero stoves (in place of the excursion to the islands due to prohibitive weather and sea conditions), in the
sulphurous springs of Sciacca, with the coastal field trip in the magical Zingaro Nature Reserve and on the
17th, with a guided tour of the Archaeological Park of Segesta, a bath in the Segesta thermal baths and at the
end of the intense day with a visit to the surreal landscape of the Culcasi salt pans at sunset.
Having said that, and hoping for a new exciting meeting with the friends of Man and Karst in Sicily,
perhaps on the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of CIRS, with Man and Karst 2024, we thank those who
have affectionately followed us up to now, leaving you to read the scientific reports received and published
Rosario Ruggieri
President of CIRS Ragusa
International Scientific Conference
Speleologia Ragusa
Man and Karst 2022 Vol. XVII pp. 269 - 276
Iblea 2023
September 12th / 17th 2022 Custonaci, Italy
Faculty of Engineering Sciences, Department of Geological Engineering, University of Bright Star, Brega, Libya
Several important karst features “dolines, caves and water springs” are well developed in the northeastern part of Cyre-
naica in Libya. Adequate studies have been published concerning their distribution and genesis in northeastern Libya.
However, none of these studies have appointed their importance as an economic resource to the country and their con-
servation from destruction.
This study describes the most important karstic geosites and highlights how to protect them from the effect of natural and
human processes, in the following geo-sites:
i. Mark cave and Apollo spring with their religious values.
ii. Ad Dabbousyyiah, Al Barradah, and Al Hufrah, Astawa springs are potable water resources for cities, towns and
villages in the surround.
iii. Fteah Cave, is a karstic cave with scientific values, it was once occupied by prehistoric settlers, as evidenced by the
later stone artifacts. The Fteah cave contains a long cultural Paleolithic sequences. Other karst landscapes such as
dolines have geo-tourism and educational values.
Environmental deterioration of the dolines and caves due to human activity has been noticed, this destruction includes;
using them as garbage dumping sites, animal hangars, random burial, land clearance, destruction, and quarries. There-
fore, attention must be paid to building up the essential components of infrastructure and rehabilitating them to upraise
geotourism and nominate possible geoparks. Furthermore, this study strongly encourages the creation of legislation that
prosecutes aggressors on those sites and the prohibition of private property, as well as spread of culture, knowledge, and
awareness among local people. This helps to conserve the priceless natural heritage. The expected hazards at these tourist
sites are also specified as in the case of rock falls, and water pollutions.
Fig. 1: Location of geosites in Cyrenaica region NE Libya
Location of geosites
1 - Determine intensity of deterioration of the dolines and It is also named Haua Fteah Cave is located west of
caves due to human activities. Susa town (ancient name: Apollonia) about 8.5 km, at the
2 - Nominate geomorphological “karst phenomena” and intersection of Latitude 32˚ 54’ 01.3” N and Longitude
other geological features “fossils sites, lithological 22˚03’05.2”. The cave is encompassed in the first escarp-
sites” for preservation and conservation protections. mental face about 0.5 km south of coastal highway and at
3 - Outline potential risks of geological and geomorpho- an elevation of 63m with a mouth about 80m wide and
logical geohazards about 20m high (Inglis et al. 2017). The Haua Fteah is a
legendary cave with a scientific value as it containing the
longest Paleolithic civilization sequences in North Afri-
Methods ca (Fig. 2a). This sequence has been retrieved from a
14 meters excavated pit in three stepped trenches (Upper
According to the scientific value obtained from the trench “ground – 2m”, middle trench “2-7m”, and deep
Brilha (2016) method, the geosites is classified as i) geo- sounding “7-14m”) in the center of the cave by Cam-
diversity sites if SVW = 200; ii) geosites of national rel- bridge University archeologists team in year 2017, this
evance if SVW = 201-300; and iii) geosites of interna- sequence represents a valuable archaeological, environ-
mental and climatic records for the period from middle
to later stone ages “after ca. 50,000 years BP = ca. 50 ka”
(Inglis et al. 2017). The Fteah Cave is highly nominated
as an educational cave from historical and speleological
tasks. It witnessed many scientific researches McBurney
et al. (1953), McBurney (1967) and Inglis et al. (2017)
(Fig. 2b). Unfortunately, the cave now is being used as
animal shelter (Fig. 2c), hence, this attitude (localization
of livestock inside such historical caves) must be denied
and terminated immediately, because it harm and deterio-
rate the historical values of such sites.
Mark Cave
Lithology geo-sites
Fig. 7: Ras al-Mingar Doline with domestic black waters and
fuel wastes from Bregah oil Tanks.
Industrial wastes
Fig. 9: Rock fall at one side of Wadi al Bacur road cut. (Note Fig. 11. Apollo spring in ancient city of Cyrene
the iron fence).
Protection of the karstic landforms “caves, dolines
and springs” as well as the important lithological “type
Fig. 10: Iron fence to prevent rock fall at the nature reserve of
localities” or paleontological “unique fossils” exposures
Monte Cofano in Custonaci (TP) Italy. (snapped by Telbisz Tamàs). is of priority due to its high educational and tourist bene-
fit. For example, the National Park Service (NPS) policy
to protect cave karst parks was found in this link (https://
cliff-failure types in Al Jabal al Akhdar. It is important to
reduce the risks of this geologic hazard type on living and The studied sites are set into three categories;
traveling through this terrain. This can be performed by i) Archeological Geo-sites: Fteah Cave and Mark
educating people for better understand from rockfalls, the Cave, both are moderately deteriorated
specialists can produce rockfall hazard maps of public use ii) Lithological Geo-sites: this is includes rare expo-
visited areas. Constructing fencing at the dangerous cliffs sures of type location sections: Ras Al Hilal sea-cliff sec-
will reduce the risk, as seen in Wadi al Bakur. A good ex- tion is severely deteriorated.
ample is an iron fixing to prevent a huge rock that will iii) Fossils Geosite: as the in-situ buildup growth of
almost fall if it is not fixed with an iron fence at the nature coral reef outcrop, the burrowed trace fossil assortment,
reserve of Monte Cofano in Custonaci, Italy (Fig. 10). and the accumulations of Nummulites gizehensis in Dar-
nah Formation.
The Geo-hazards in the studied sites can be either
Springs naturally occurring such the formation of natural dolines
in areas near highways and intra-city as in many places
Human activities in some areas of Al Jabal al Akhdar within Benghazi City, which have dangerous impact on
have severely contaminated the groundwater and karst human life and properties. Also that formed by human
springs. Water of these resources are containing tox- activities such those result from industry and urban ex-
ic chemicals, worms, algae, bacteria”Cryptosporidium, pansion and associated environmental pollution. Hazards
Giardia and Escherichia” and viruses which are harmful result from industry: this is clearly seen in Ras al-Minqar
to human health. Springs such as Ayn Dabbousyyiah, Al Doline where Bregah Hydrocarbon Marketing Company
Hufra, and Apollo are important water supplies to many draining excess of fuel this led to extreme ground water
domestic areas in Al Jabal al Akhdar. Chemical analysis pollution and doline deterioration.
performed by Shaltami et al. (2017) confirmed that the Urban expansion and associated environmental pollu-
TDS and heavy metals “Fe, Cd and Hg” of the Apollo tion and destruction:
i) In Ras Al-Minqar and Al Coeffiiah area, draining rowed shahhat trace fossils are national relevance geo-
sewage system and rubbish dumping into dolines sites of medium term protection priority; Fteah cave, Al
have led to extreme ground water pollution and doline Hilal Formation type locality, and Al Abraq Fossil coral
deterioration. Ground water in these areas are entirely are international relevance geosite of short term protec-
unusable even for industry or agriculture. tion priority; Al Jabah doline cave is national relevance
ii) In areas of Susah and Shahhat towns, urban expansion geosite of short term protection priority; and Al Marqus
has led to sever destruction of natural topography, de- cave is national relevance geosite of medium term protec-
struction of natural animal’s habitats, and of many ar- tion priority (Table 1).
cheological sites.
Pollution of karst water springs: chemical and biolog-
ical water analysis has proven that water of Apollo Spring Recommendations
is contaminated and unsafe, but Ayn Dabbousyyiah and
Al Hufra springs are uncontaminated and safe. 1 - Government must reactivates and apply all laws, reg-
The studied geosites are classified according to Ro- ulations, and policies that protect archeological sites,
cha et al. (2016a,b) after modification of Brilha (2016) natural animal’s habitats and valuable natural land-
as follows: Ras al Mingar doline, Mirisi doline cave, and scapes such action must include applying prosecution
Gabaili doline are geodiversity relevance of medium term laws against breakers. This is requiring an immediate
protection priority; the Apollo Fountain, and the bur- action to stop the ongoing destruction of geo-sites.
Table. 1: Criteria and numerical parameters of the relevance value of the studied geosites and their protection priority according to
integration of Brilha (2016) and Rocha et al. (2016a,b)
2 - Government must survey geo-sites, categorize ac- El Hassi MF, Muftah AM, (2022). An inventory study of
cording to type, determine their values (historical, the Geosites in the area from Susa to Darnah in Al Jabal al
archeological, educational, etc.); this will assist in es- Akhdar, Libya: A proposed Geopark. Geoheritage 14: 122
tablishment of a platform for geotourism resources,
which will enhance the sustainable development of
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the local community.
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3 - Tourism and geo-tourism as well require a robust
environment in Ras Almingar area, Benghazi-Libya. The
infrastructure and services, these include, hotels and
Libyan Conference on Chemistry and Its Applications
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(LCCA). 29-33.
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Web site:
Assessorato dei Beni Culturali
e dell’Identità Siciliana ASSEMBLEA REGIONALE
Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali SICILIANA
e dell’Identità Siciliana
Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale
EuroSpeleo Projects Regionale Siciliana