Youth Livelihood Programme Uganda
Youth Livelihood Programme Uganda
Youth Livelihood Programme Uganda
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... i
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................ iv
CHAPTER 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER 3 .............................................................................................................................................. 11
(ii) Transparency, Accountability And Anti - Corruption ................................................................ 13
CHAPTER 4 .............................................................................................................................................. 15
CHAPTER 5 .............................................................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER 6 .............................................................................................................................................. 28
CHAPTER 7 .............................................................................................................................................. 30
CHAPTER 8 .............................................................................................................................................. 32
CHAPTER 9 .............................................................................................................................................. 34
ANNEXES ................................................................................................................................................. 38
ACDO Assistant Community Development Officer
AU African Union
BoU Bank of Uganda
CAO Chief Administrative Officer
CBO Community Based Organisation
CDD Community Demand-Driven Development
CDO Community Development Officer
CSO Civil Society Organisation
DEC District Executive Committee
DTPC District Technical Planning Committee
ESMF Environmental and Social Management Framework
EPRA Extended Participatory Rural Appraisal
GoU Government of Uganda
IEC Information Education and Communication
IGA Income Generating Activities
IS Institutional Support Component
LC Local Council
LG Local Government
LS Livelihoods Support Component
MFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development
MGLSD Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
MIS Management Information System
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
NTWC National Technical Working Committee
NYPC National Youth Policy Committee
PIS Programme Implementation Support
PMA Programme for Modernisation of Agriculture
PS Permanent Secretary
RDC Resident District Commissioner
RPF Resettlement Policy Framework
SAC Social Accountability Committee
SC Sub- County
SCC Sub-County Chief
SD Skills Development Component
SDIP Social Development Investment Plan
STPC Sub-county Technical Planning Committee
TAAC Transparency, Accountability and Anti-corruption
TST Technical Support Team
TV Television
UBOS Uganda Bureau of Statistics
UGS Uganda Shillings
UN United Nations
USD United States Dollars
YF Youth Facilitator
YIG Youth Interest Group
YLP Youth Livelihoods Programme
YPMC Youth Project Management Committee
YPC Youth Procurement Committee
The Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (1995), defines a youth as a person between
the age of 18 and 30 years. The population of the youth in Uganda is estimated at 6.5
million, representing 21.3% of the total population of the country. With an annual
average population growth rate of 3.2% (1.3 million people), the youth population in the
country is projected to hit 7.7 million by 2015. The major demographic issues in Uganda
arise from the age structure of the population rather than the overall size of the
population. Uganda has a very young population which represents a major challenge in
the short and medium term if not well planned and provided for.
Increasing employment rates and reduction of poverty among the youth, is a major
challenge and a high priority for the Government of Uganda (GoU). Uganda Vision 2040
recognizes that Uganda has a labour force that is largely under or unemployed due to
inappropriate skills and slow labour absorptive capacity of the economy; as a result, a
large number of unemployed youth are becoming a social and economic threat. The
National Development Plan (2010/11 to 2014/15), identifies promotion of non-formal
skills and promotion of start-ups and youth entrepreneurship as part of Government
strategies to address the challenges of labour and employment in the country.
Youth unemployment is more pronounced in urban areas than in rural areas, as a result of
rural –urban migration. It is estimated that 67% of the youth get engaged in some form of
employment by the age of 18 years. This large number of youth that enter the labour
market at an early age is associated with the high school dropout rates.
(i) The overall economic goal of the Government of Uganda is to transform the country from
a peasant into a middle income economy by 2025. The country has had an impressive and
stable economic recovery with the growth rate averaging 6.5% over the past fifteen years.
In order to achieve this, Government has been implementing various programmes to
alleviate poverty among its population which have yielded a wide national and
international support and recognition. Despite these programmes, there are still gaps
characterized by persistent existence of extremely poor and marginalized groups.
(ii) Uganda’s rapidly growing population has exacerbated the high levels of unemployment
especially among the youth and this has exerted extreme pressure on the available
resources and job opportunities. Some of the existing job opportunities, particularly in
subsistence and the informal sector, require semi-skilled labour, which are of low
economic value and pay. There is a mismatch between the rate at which jobs are created
and entrants in the labour market most of whom are youth. There is therefore need for
pragmatic, integrated and comprehensive interventions that could empower young people
with opportunities for creation of their own enterprises thus contributing to the social
economic transformation of the country.
(iii)The Government is implementing the Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal
Secondary Education (USE) Programmes that provide knowledge and contribute to
increased literacy levels. Furthermore, the tertiary institutions provide skills through
programmes such as Business Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(BTVET) which have made significant contribution to alleviating unemployment
problems among the youth. The Youth Livelihoods Programme will build on the gains of
these programmes, while taking into account the needs of the youth that have not had the
opportunity to enroll for formal education. YLP takes cognizance of the fact that an
increase in the number of people that have attained higher education does not necessarily
result in more or better employment nor does it guarantee jobs. Youth require relevant
skills to keep abreast with the ever - changing demands of the labour market. There are
a lot of unemployed, energetic and enthusiastic youth in the country who if not gainfully
engaged could pose socio – economic, political and security challenges to the nation.
(iv) The Government of Uganda has in the past undertaken a number of programs intended
to address the problem of un-employment and poverty among the youth including:
Northern Uganda Social Action Plan (NUSAF2), Skilling Uganda, Youth Enterprise
Scheme, Youth Venture Capital Fund, and various programmes under the different
Government Ministries and Development Partners’ Initiatives. The Youth Livelihoods
Programme is complementary to all these interventions and will seek to strengthen the
participation of the youth by addressing the following key challenges faced by most of
the youth programmes implemented in the country: (a) poor mobilization and
sensitization, (b) inappropriate targeting, (c) poor beneficiary selection mechanism, (d)
mismatch of skills with market demand, and (e) poor mind-set of the youth, among
others. The design of the proposed Youth Livelihoods Programme draws lessons from the
experience gained under these programs especially NUSAF2.
The YLP is also guided by the Millennium Development Goals that commit Member
States to vigorously promote human development as the key to sustaining social and
economic progress in all countries.
Uganda as a member state of the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), and the
Commonwealth, is obliged to implement youth programmes as stipulated in the UN
Actions on Youth, the African Youth Charter, and Commonwealth Action Plan for
Youth. Uganda is also a signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948,
which guarantees everyone the right to social security in the event of unemployment or
lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his/her control. At the regional level, Uganda
has endorsed the Livingstone Call to Action, 2006, which obliges African states to put in
place costed plans for the implementation of direct income support programmes
especially to marginalized groups.
The YLP in addition, is guided by the National Employment Policy, the National Gender
Policy, Decentralization Policy, the Uganda National Culture Policy, Basic Education
Policy for Disadvantaged Groups, the Programme for Modernization of Agriculture
(PMA), the National Child Labour Policy and National Policy for Persons with
2.1 Introduction
Specific Objectives
(i) To provide youth with marketable vocational skills and tool kits for self-
employment and job creation.
(ii) To provide financial support to enable the youth establish Income Generating
Activities (IGAs).
(iii) To Provide the youth with entrepreneurship and life skills as an integral part of
their livelihoods.
(iv) To provide youth with relevant knowledge and information for attitudinal change
(positive mind set change).
Special consideration will be accorded to the female youth who should constitute at least
30% of the participants to be selected under the Programme. Deliberate and specific
efforts will be made to offer targeted support to Special Interest Groups youth with
disabilities and University Graduates.
The targeting methodology will involve a combination of the following approaches; (i)
geographical targeting by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development
(MGLSD); based on existing data including poverty, youth population, unemployment
etc.; and (ii) community based targeting; based on the socio-economic status of the
individual youth e.g. present income source, period out of employment, number of
children, etc.
The Youth Livelihoods Programme will be implemented starting in the Financial Year
2013/2014 in all the current 112 districts (including Kampala City) of the Republic of
(a) Demand Driven:-The youth will be responsible for initiating the requests for the
livelihood support and vocational skills training in accordance with their needs and
(b) Active Youth Participation and Ownership:-The youth shall participate in the
entire planning and implementation process of the programme and be accountable
for the results.
(g) Environmental Integrity: -All YLP interventions shall ensure preservation and
sustainability of sound environmental conditions.
(i) Provision for Youth with Special Needs:-The Programme interventions will be
sensitive to and have special considerations for the Youth with Disabilities
(YWD) as much as possible.
(j) Cultural Sensitivity:-All interventions shall consider and build on the positive
cultural norms of the beneficiary Communities (do-no harm/respect).
(l) Direct Flow of Funds to the Individual Youth Group Projects:-Funds will be
disbursed directly to the individual Youth Interest Groups Bank Accounts, in
Commercial Banks nearest to them.
(n) Revolving Support: - The grants to the communities will the administered in form
of revolving funds among the target Youth Interest Groups. This way, beneficiary
outreach will be expanded and the sense of commitment will be instilled in the
beneficiaries, while promoting sustainability of the Programme.
The District and Sub County resource allocation for the Livelihoods Support Component
and Skills Development Fund will be based on three weighted parameters as follows:
Project Grants
This refers to the Programme funds that will be used to finance approved youth projects
under the Livelihood Support and Skills Development Components. Funds will cover the
cost of inputs and project specific trainings.
Each Youth Interest Group Project under both the Livelihood Support and Skills
Development Components will be financed to a maximum of UGX 12.5 million and will
be approved by the District Technical Planning Committee (DTPC). The amount to be
approved for each Youth Interest Group will depend on the group size, type of enterprise
and cost of the inputs.
Any Project whose value is in excess of this amount, which is deemed absolutely
necessary and justifiable, will be recommended by the DTPC and District Executive
Committee (DEC) for the approval of the National Technical Working Committee
(NTWC). Such projects will be subject to an absolute cap of UGX 25.0 million. 5%
Service fee will be levied on the project grants whose re-payment goes beyond one year.
This fee will cater for the cost of inflation in the course of implementation of the
a. The beneficiaries fall within the youth age bracket (18-30 years). Evidence may be
sought through relevant documents (e.g. birth certificates, baptismal tickets and
immunization cards, as applicable) or testimonies of peers, elders and opinion
leaders within the communities where the youth ordinarily reside.
b. All the members of the Youth Interest Group are bona fide residents of the location
(village) under which the Project is being approved.
d. Evidence that the members of the Youth Interest Group fully participated in the
identification and planning processes for the Project and group formulation shall be
voluntary. There should be evidence that the enterprise selected has undergone
adequate viability and sustainability analyses guided by the Technical Experts, with
a clear Business Plan and Repayment Plan for the Revolving Fund.
e. Evidence that the Enterprise selected has undergone the full generation process
including appraisal and approval by the Sub-county and District Local Governments
respectively, based on the Programme Guidelines.
f. The enterprise must have a clear physical address/location. Where the enterprise
requires land, the ownership and legal status of the land should be established
through a valid land agreement/or land title.
g. The enterprise should have a reasonable maturity period that permits re-payment of
the Interest-free Revolving Fund within a time period of one (1) year. Service fee of
5% shall be levied on all repayments that exceed 1 year
i. At least eighty-percent (80%) of the budget for the enterprise should go into the core
inputs of the enterprise as opposed to essential and non-core inputs and
administration expenses.
2.10 Sustainability
The revolving nature of the Youth Livelihood Programme will ensure sustainability
through the cash and in-kind refunds and re-disbursement.
(i) The implementation of the YLP is mainstreamed in the Government structures and
systems at both the national and local government levels.
(ii) The YLP has adopted the CDD model that ensures effective participation of the
target youth population and all key stakeholders from the community to the
national level in decision making in the realization of their preferred choices. The
youth projects will be generated in a “bottom-up” approach.
(iii) The YLP uses a community targeting mechanism to ensure that beneficiary
selection is conducted in an open and transparent manner.
(iv) YLP focuses on marketable vocational skills and viable income generating
activities for the target youth irrespective of the levels of education
(v) The YLP support will be administered in form of revolving funds. This serves as
an in-built mechanism for Programme sustainability and a guarantee for longer
term benefit to the target population The revolving funds are interest free and do
not require any collateral to access. The Programme relies on intra and inter-group
peer pressure as a means of ensuring compliance by all beneficiary groups.
The YLP has three components namely:
(a) Skills Development (SD) Component
(b) Livelihoods Support (LS) Component
(c) Institutional Support (IS) Component
Entrepreneurship/Business skills and life skills will be integral parts of the Vocational
Skills Trainings. Appropriate follow-up support will be provided to the Youth by the
relevant subject matter specialists at the District level. The skills training will be
undertaken by selected competent master craftsmen or training institutions with tailor-
made training modules to be developed.
3.2 Livelihood Support (LS) Component
The Livelihood Support (LS) Component is intended to finance productive assets for
income generating activities initiated by the youth. All the beneficiaries under the LS
Component will receive basic training in Entrepreneurship/Business skills and life skills
and appropriate follow-up support by the relevant subject matter specialists.
(i) Programme Implementation Support (PIS) sub-component that will help strengthen the
capacities of the various implementers at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social
Development, Local Governments and Community levels to ensure efficient and effective
implementation, supervision, monitoring and evaluation of Programme activities.
The Programme will set up a lean Technical Support Team (TST), to complement and help
strengthen the capacity of the MGLSD to implement the Programme in a more efficient
manner. The TST will be headed by a Programme Manager and will comprise of skilled
experts in fields such as livelihoods, skills training, monitoring and evaluation,
communication, and management information systems. The TST will be sourced through a
competitive process. The TST will work with the existing staff in MGLSD and the Local
Governments to ensure a quick roll-out of Programme implementation in all the districts.
a) Develop Programme Component Handbooks, User Guides and Training Modules, based
on the Programme Operations Manual.
b) Provide day-to-day technical implementation support, monitoring and evaluation at the
national, local government and community levels.
c) Prepare Programme Annual Workplans and Budgets
d) Receive, review for compliance, and recommend youth project proposals for financing.
e) Work with Districts in the development and review of Programme delivery benchmarks
and facilitate the decentralized management of YLP activities.
f) Prepare Quarterly and Annual Programme Implementation Progress and Financial
g) Document achievements, best practices, lessons and challenges to inform local
government and national planning processes.
h) Based on lessons learnt from similar Programmes, the TST will be critical in supporting
the mainstream staff in the MGLSD and the Local Governments to ensure effective
Programme roll-out, coordination, provision of technical support, monitoring and
financial management.
(a) The MGLSD will work in collaboration with the Inspectorate of Government in the
implementation of the Transparency, Accountability and Anticorruption sub-
(b) The Programme will have strong Grievances Handling and Feedback Mechanism.
The Sub-county Chiefs, Chief Administrative Officers, Resident District
Commissioners, Principal Inspectorate Officers (IGG-Regional Offices) and the
Permanent Secretary, MGLSD will be the grievance focal points. Grievance reporting
and feedback mechanisms will be disseminated through stakeholders’ mobilization
and sensitization programmes, and IEC messages.
(c) The Information, Education and Communications programme will be tailored to
promote positive mind-set and attitude change among the youth, as a cross-cutting
issue in all the Components of the Programme.
(d) Transparency, Accountability and Anti-Corruption (TAAC) sub- component is
intended to promote good governance at all levels of Programme implementation.
The TAAC sub-component will be implemented in collaboration with the
Inspectorate of Government. The main focus will be on the preventive measures
rather than investigation and prosecution.
(e) The Strategies for TAAC Program will include:
(f) Sanctions
Under the TAAC, sanctions will be instituted for any violation of guidelines in the
implementation of the programme. These will include:
(g) Rewards
The Youth Livelihoods Programme (YLP) implementation will be based on the following
(iii) The Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development will sign MoUs with
implementing District Local Governments. The MoUs will clearly stipulate
the roles, responsibilities and obligations of the parties involved. The
Districts will in turn sign Financing Agreements with each Youth Interest
Group approved for funding under the Programme.
(iv) Support to the youth under YLP will be accessed through Youth Interest
Groups (YIGs). YIP will have 10-15 members for ease of management and
maintenance of group cohesion, while at the same ensuring wider coverage of
the deserving youth. In exceptional circumstances a youth group that does not
conform to the prescribed group size may be considered in its own special
merit by the National Technical Working Committee and PS/MGLSD.
(v) While the support will be accessed by the youth through their YIGs, at the
group level, 2 scenarios will arise due to the varying nature of the enterprises
and inputs to be financed, namely: (i) enterprises that can best be managed as
a group e.g. metal fabrication, carpentry, hair-dressing, shoe making, fish
farming, value addition/agro-processing etc., and (ii) enterprises that by
nature of their inputs can best be managed at individual level e.g. dairy cattle,
goat rearing, piggery, tailoring, bicycle repair, etc. For scenario (i) the
enterprises will be managed as a group, while for scenario (ii), the productive
assets will be shared equally by the individual beneficiaries after procurement,
to allow them manage their mini-enterprises at individual level. However, in
scenario (ii) arrangements must be made to ensure that some activities such as
meetings, monitoring of individual members’ investments, savings, trainings,
repayment of the revolving fund etc., are maintained at the group level.
(vii) Youth Projects Implementation will be done by the beneficiary youth groups
themselves, spearheaded by their Youth Interest Group Committees namely:
the Youth Project Management Committee (YPMC) and Youth Procurement
Committee (YPC) closely monitored by the Social Accountability Committee
(SAC). The Projects implementation will receive technical support and
guidance from the relevant sector experts at every stage of implementation.
(viii) The YPMC, YPC and SAC will receive basic training in Project
implementation and management including: records keeping, procurement,
financial management, reporting and accountability, monitoring and
(x) All the beneficiaries will receive training in their respective project specific
skills e.g. Animal Health Management, Apiary Management and Value
Addition etc.
(xii) Fund disbursements for the approved Youth Projects will be done directly into
the individual Youth Interest Groups Accounts in any Commercial Bank of
their choice within the District. The Youth Interest Group Project Accounts
will be managed by the Youth Project Management Committee (YPMC).
(xiv) Each withdrawal or payment of funds from the Youth Interest Group
Accounts shall be based on activity plans and budgets approved by the
Group backed by minutes of the Group meetings. The Chief Administrative
Officer (or a person designated by the CAO) shall issue clearance to the
Commercial Banks for payments to be effected.
(xv) For any further payment to be made from the Youth Accounts Interest Group
Account, the group should present accountability for funds drawn/paid in the
previous withdrawals.
(xvi) Each district will open two separate accounts for YLP funds i.e. YLP Youth
Grants Account and YLP District Operations Account. The YLP Youth
Grants Account will transmit funds directly to the approved Youth Interest
Groups Accounts, while the YLP District Operations Account will finance
administration expenses at the district and sub-county levels.
(xix) The Programme will have strong Grievances Handling and Feedback
Mechanism. The Sub-county Chiefs, Chief Administrative Officers,
Resident District Commissioner, Principal Inspectorate Officers (IGG-
Regional Offices) and the Permanent Secretary, MGLSD will be the grievance
focal points. Grievance reporting and feedback mechanisms will be
disseminated through stakeholders’ mobilization and sensitization
programmes, and IEC messages.
4.2 Youth Interest Group (YIG)
A Youth Interest Group (YIG) refers to a voluntary group of individual youth that
come together in pursuit of solutions to their common needs. All the support to the
youth under the YLP will be accessed through YIGs. The recommended size of a
YIG is 10-15 members, a size that is small enough and within the capacity of the
group to self-manage and realize meaningful impact. Each YIG will have at least
30% female youth.
Each YIG will elect 3 committees among themselves to handle the day-to-day
running of their group activities. The 3 committees include the Youth Project
Management Committee (YPMC), Youth Procurement Committee (YPC) and
Social Accountability Committee (SAC). All the YIG members are entitled to equal
benefits under the Programme.
The mobilization and formation of the YIGs will be facilitated by the Sub-county
Community Development Officers (CDOs) and Assistant Community Development
Officers (ACDOs). The CDOs and ACDOs will also be responsible for providing
technical support to the YIGs and coordination of technical support to be provided
to the YIGs by the various sector experts and subject matter specialists at the Local
Government level.
The YIGs will be encouraged and supported to grow into community savings
schemes such as SACCOs, marketing associations and other forms of
community/sub-county/district economic federations.
The major role of the Recommenders is to (i) certify that the youth selected are bona
fide residents of their respective areas; (ii) ensure that the funds provided to YIG are
used for the purpose for which they are approved; (iii) report any potential violation
of YLP guidelines by individual youth or YIG in the course of implementation of
their Projects; and (iv) work with the Programme Management to ensure that the
beneficiary YIGs meet their obligations of repayment of the revolving fund.
4.4 Project Implementation by Youth Programme Management Committee
The responsibility of implementation of Youth Projects under YLP rests on the
YIGs. The Youth Project Management Committee (YPMC) will have a delegated
authority to manage the project implementation processes on behalf of the group.
The YPMC will convene YIG meetings on regular basis (at least once every month)
to approve activity plans, budgets, procurement plans, report progress, present
accountability and seek concurrence of the members on issues of Project
Appropriate Information, Education and Communication (IEC) and training for the
YPMCs will be undertaken to enhance their capacity to implement the projects
efficiently and effectively. The District and Sub-county Local Government technical
staff will provide the necessary technical guidance to the YPMCs in the course of
implementation of their Projects.
The capacity enhancement effort for the YPMCs and beneficiary groups will focus
mainly on the following areas:
a) General project management
b) Group dynamics and group cohesion
c) Communication skills
d) Leadership skills
e) Planning skills
f) Organization skills
g) Basic records management
h) Basic financial management
i) Community Procurement Procedures
j) Reporting and Accountability
k) Basic business development skills
l) Project–specific skills
The inability of the youth group to cope with or demonstrate project management
capacity as stated above will not be a deterrent for such a group to access funding.
The capacity of the group to implement the project through its YPMC will be
determined during the youth action planning process where youth capacity gaps will
be identified and appropriate action to overcome the deficiency are planned.
Note: Where it is confirmed that the capacity of a YIG is so limited that it will not
be able to implement the Project through its YPMC, the Sub-county will agree with
such a YIG to work out an arrangement to support them in implementation through
the Sub-county Local Government or a Competent NGO/ CBO/CSO, with a known
good track record.
4.5 Beneficiary Selection
The selection of the youth to benefit under YLP will be done in a transparent
manner, through community participatory mechanisms facilitated by the Sub-
county CDO and ACDO at the community level.
There shall be a selection committee composed of the Sub-County Chief as the
Chairperson and; other members shall include the Chair of the Sub-County Youth
Council, Community Development Officer, LC I Chairperson and a prominent
member of the Community.
The Chairperson of the Youth Council within the communities and the Chairperson
LC1 will confirm that the selected youth are bona fide Ugandans who reside within
the respective communities. The selection process will take into account the target
beneficiaries, access criteria, local knowledge on the socio-economic status of
individual youth e.g. present income source, period out of employment, number of
children, any other support that the youth may have received under other existing
programmes etc. All the youth selected must be bona fide residents of the areas
where the process is being conducted.
The youth selected through the community process will constitute the Youth
Interest Group that will be facilitated further by the CDO and relevant sector
experts to identify potential projects, undertake viability assessments and generate
the most suitable Project Proposal for funding.
The names, particulars and passport-size photographs of the beneficiaries selected
will be submitted to the Sub-county Chief as part and parcel of the Project Proposal
file for desk and field appraisal by the Sub-county Technical Planning Committee
(STPC). For purposes of continuous involvement of the Youth and ensuring their
representation in Programme processes, the Sub-county Youth Council Chairperson
will be co-opted into the STPC during the appraisal of the Project Proposals.
The STPC will recommend the approved Youth Project Proposals (including the
beneficiaries) to the Sub-county Executive Committee for endorsement, before
submission to the District for approval.
The funds from the District Youth Projects Account will be disbursed directly to the
individual Youth Interest Group Projects Accounts for implementation of the
approved Youth Projects, while the funds from the District Operations Account will
be used to finance Project related administrative expenses at the District and Sub-
county/Municipality Division levels and the funds from the MGLSD Institutional
Support Account will finance operations expenses at the national level.
YIG Project Accounts
(i) Fund disbursements for the approved Youth Projects will be done directly into
the individual Youth Interest Groups Accounts in Commercial Banks through
the District. The Youth Interest Group Project Accounts will be managed by
the Youth Project Management Committee (YPMC).
(ii) The Chairperson of the Youth Interest Group, Sub-County Treasurer (Sub-
Accountant) and Sub-County Chief shall be the signatories to the Bank
Account. The CAO will not be a signatory to the Youth Group Accounts, but
shall have express powers to access information on the operations of the
accounts when and where necessary. In case of Kampala Capital City
Authority and Municipalities, the Signatories will be the Chairperson of the
Youth Interest Group, the Division Town Clerk and or the Division Treasurer
Fig 1: Funds Flow from National to Youth Interest Groups Level
Disbursement to
Districts for Projects &
–4.8 Monitoring and Evaluation
(a) Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) will be achieved through harmonization of
the existing M&E sub-systems and linking them to the Social Development
Sector M&E Framework. The Youth Livelihoods Programme monitoring and
Evaluation system will take cognizance of the National Integrated Monitoring
and Evaluation Strategy. A functional database/statistics will be created and
the capacity of the Ministry Staff and District Focal Point officers will be built
in M&E.
(b) At the end of two and half years, a mid-term evaluation of the programme will
be conducted to assess the performance of the programme, review lessons
learned, establish best practices and determine the level of returns from the
revolving funds. The following will be used assess performance:
The YLP has two pre-project cycle stages and 8 project-cycle as follows:
Prior to, and throughout Programme implementation, the MGLSD will consult
with and receive guidance from the sector/line ministries in matters including,
policy, sector priorities, sector standards and norms, and enterprise selection.
At this stage, MGLSD and Local Governments (LGs) will undertake awareness
creation among the key stakeholders of the Programme at national, district,
sub-county and community levels. This will help create a good understanding
of the Development Objectives, access criteria, implementation modalities and
inspire stakeholders to actively participate in Programme implementation.
The awareness creation will be done through electronic, print and traditional
media, workshops, seminars and community meetings as an ongoing
undertaking. The sensitization and mobilization campaigns are expected to
initially stimulate community interest in the YLP support as well as promote
effective stakeholder participation, transparency and accountability in
Programme implementation throughout the cycle.
The Youth will express their interest in YLP support in form of Project Interest
Forms (PIFs) that shall be distributed free of charge. The distribution of PIFs
will be the responsibility of the Sub-County Chief and Community
Development Officers (YLP Focal Persons designated by the Sub-county
Chief). The interested Youth will receive the PIFs from their respective Sub-
county Headquarters where a Register shall be maintained to record
distributions and submissions of the PIFs.
5.2 Project Cycle Stages
Table 3: Project Cycle Benchmarks
Stage Key Tasks Responsibility Centre/Key Max.
Participants Duration
1.Sensitisation & - Clarifying objectives, investment options, - Youth MPs Ongoing
Mobilisation target population, access criteria & - National Youth Council
implementation modalities Executive Committee
- Encouraging stakeholder participation - Statehouse Youth Desk
- Inspiring & creating determination among - PS/MGLSD
the target population - RDCs
- Issuing and Receipt of Project Interest - District Councils
Forms by the Sub-county CDO - District Youth Councils
- CAOs
- Sub-county Chiefs
- CDOs
- Youth/Communities
2.Identification & - Identifying & prioritizing investments areas - CDOs Within 7 days
Preparation that create self-employment and income - District/SC Sector
generation opportunities by the youth Experts
- Selecting beneficiaries - Sub-county Youth
- Preparing subproject proposals and business Chairpersons
plans - Youth/Communities
3.Desk Appraisal - Checking completeness of documentation - Sub-county Chiefs Within 7 days
- Reviewing Project generation process - Sub-county Technical
- Checking conformity with sector standards Planning Committee
& norms (STPC)
- Checking conformity with YLP guidelines - Sub-county Youth
- Checking appropriates of budgets/business Chairpersons
plans - CDOs
4.Field Appraisal - Verifying information on proposal file - Sub-county Chief Within 7 days
- Checking appropriateness of targeting - Sub-county Technical
- Confirming existence of youth selected Planning Committee
- Confirming participation of the youth in (STPC)
planning - Sub-county Youth
- Recommending youth projects for approval
- CDOs
5.Project Approval - Reviewing Youth Projects documentation - CAO Within 7 days
- Reviewing Project generation and appraisal - District Technical
process Planning Committee
- Ascertaining conformity with sector norms (DTPC)
& standards - Chairperson District
- Ascertaining compliance with YLP Youth Council
guidelines - District Executive
- Recommending Youth Projects for funding Committee
- Communicating approvals to the - PS/MGLSD
6.Fund Disbursement - Reviewing Project funding requests & - PS/MGLSD Within 21 days
approval process - Commissioner
- Checking compliance with Project financial Youth/MGLSD
guidelines - YLP/TST
- Ascertaining that Financing
agreements/MoUs have been signed
Stage Key Tasks Responsibility Centre/Key Max.
Participants Duration
- Ascertaining that the required beneficiary
accounts have been duly opened
- Transferring funds to approved beneficiary
Youth Group Accounts
- Communicating disbursements to the
7.Implementation - Project launch and respective community - Youth Project Within 270
site Management Committees days (9
- Start of physical implementation of Project (YPMC) months)
activities by the Youth. - STPC/DTPC
- Provision of technical support to the youth
by Sector Experts
- Periodic reporting on progress in
8.Monitoring & - Field visits to Project sites - PS/MGLSD/TST Ongoing
Evaluation - Providing technical support & guidance to - RDCs
implementers - CAOs/District Planner
- Tracking progress towards meeting the - SCCs/CDOs
Project objectives - Chairs of District, Sub-
County Youth Councils
9.Commissioning - Issuing Project completion certificates to - District Chairpersons Within 7 days
the youth - RDCs
- Formal handover of Project assets to the - CAO
beneficiaries - District and Sub-County
- Inspiring beneficiaries to better their lives Youth Chairpersons
Figure 2: Project Cycle
- Project launch at the Youth project site 4. FIELD APPRAISAL
- Physical Implementation of approved project activities - Verifying information on proposal file
- Provision of technical support to youth - Checking appropriateness of targeting
- Confirming existence of youth selected
- Confirming participation of the youth in planning
- Reviewing project funding requests & approval process 5. APPROVAL
- Checking compliance with project financial guidelines
- Ascertaining that Financing agreements/MoUs have been signed
- Reviewing project documentation
- Reviewing project generation and appraisal process
- Ascertaining that the required beneficiary accounts have been duly
- Ascertaining conformity with sector norms & standards
- Ascertaining compliance with Project guidelines
- Transferring funds to approved beneficiary accounts
The Youth Grants under YLP will be administered as Interest-free Revolving Funds to
ensure sustainability of the Programme. The grace period and repayment period will
depend on the nature of the enterprise. Any repayment that goes beyond one year will
attract a Service fee of 5% to cater for inflation. Overall, the Principal and Service fee will
be paid within a period not exceeding 3 years.
(iv) Where repayments are made in kind, arrangements shall be made to have a relevant
sector expert inspect the inputs being used for repayment to ensure that they meet the
agreed standard specifications. The inputs will be passed on to a new YIG which will
have chosen a similar enterprise and has been prepared well enough to participate in
programme implementation
(vi) With the approval of the Accountant General, Each District will open a special
Collection Account for the YLP Revolving Fund (separate from the Account handling
direct Grant Disbursements from MGLSD.
(vii) All YIGs will deposit their repayments into the District Collection Account for the
Revolving Fund and receive a receipt from the District for every instalment made.
(viii) The District shall maintain a ledger for each YIG for purposes of monitoring and
reporting on the repayments.
(ix) MGLSD will open a National Revolving Fund Collection Account in Bank of Uganda
to receive the repayments from the District Collection Accounts. This arrangement
will permit proper planning and coordination in the re-ploughing of the
revolving funds to new Youth Interest Groups. Its usage will be authorized by
the PS/MGLSD with the approval of the Accountant General.
(x) Funds in the District Collection Account shall not be used for any other purpose other
than financing approved Projects for new Youth Interest Groups. These funds
shall be remitted to Bank of Uganda Collection Account unless authorized by the
Accountant General to be used at Source as a Non Tax Revenue.
(xi) Effort will be made to reward good performing districts in terms of recovery of the
Revolving Funds by re-ploughing more of the funds to such districts.
(xii) The Districts shall submit financial reports on the status of recoveries of the
Revolving Fund to PS/MGLSD on monthly basis from the start of repayments.
The Programme will use the existing accounting staff at MGLSD headed by the
Principal Accountant and supported by the Accounts Team (additional staff may be
provided under the TST depending on the workload). A computerized accounting
system will be established at national and district levels to capture and track
transactions. A paper based system will be used to track the inflows and outflows at
community level.
Fund disbursement for approved Youth Projects will be made by MGLSD upon
receipt of:
(i) Requests for funds from the district including a letter from the CAO and
approved consolidated schedule of Project requests with particulars of each
(ii) Minutes of DEC and DTPC approval meetings and;
(iii) Evidence of fulfillment of fiduciary requirements by the District
The disbursement of operations funds to the Districts and Sub Counties will be done
on quarterly basis based on:
The District Internal Auditors and the MGLSD Internal Auditors will undertake
quarterly audits and day-to-day pre-audits of Programme activities, while the
independent external audits will be undertaken by the Auditor General to assess the
adequacy of, and compliance with, the established controls, policies and procedures.
7.2 Procurement
(i) (i) Procurements at the national and district level will be undertaken in line with
the existing PPDA Guidelines and Regulations for Government Institutions,
Agencies and Departments. Youth Interest Group Procurements will
also be guided by the existing PPDA guidelines for Community Procurement)
The Contracts Committee of MGLSD will handle all procurements of
equipment such as vehicles, motorcycles, computers, bicycles and others that
might be required for use at national level and for distribution to the districts
and Sub – Counties.
(iii) Community Procurement. The beneficiaries will be responsible for
procurement of their productive assets and tools by themselves. They will
receive technical support from sector experts at the district and sub-county
level. Simplified guidelines on community procurement under the Programme
will be developed and disseminated before or during implementation.
8.2 District and Sub-county Levels
The CAOs shall be the Accounting Officer for the Programme at the district level. The
CAOs will designate CDO in charge Youth Affairs as the YLP Focal Person. At the Sub-
county level, the Sub-county Chief shall be the Accounting Officer and he/she will
designate the CDO or ACDO as the Focal Person of YLP at the sub-county level.
Dependent on the staffing capacity of the sub-counties, the districts may recruit a
competent team of qualified youth volunteers to work as Youth Facilitators (YFs) who
will be trained in participatory methodologies, entrepreneurship and business
management to support the Sub-county CDOs in the mobilization and facilitation of the
Youth Interest Groups in the generation of viable and fundable enterprises.
The DTPC and STPC will take responsibility to ensure proper coordination is achieved
through wider participation of the various stakeholders in planning, implementation and
monitoring of programmes at the District and Sub-county levels respectively. They will
also ensure that projects meet the sector norms and standards as well as the viability and
sustainability requirements. The Chairpersons of the Youth Councils will participate in
monitoring the implementation of the programme in the respective districts, Sub-counties
and communities.
The MGLSD will develop the Programme Operations Manual and relevant Guidelines. It
will also develop action plans and budget for submission to the relevant government
authorities for approval. The Ministry will ensure equitable distribution of the
opportunities under the programme, taking into account geographical balance, gender
agenda and specific considerations for persons with disability.
Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development shall submit the programme to
Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development for inclusion in the Public
Investment Plan and coding, in order to enable effective programming and adequate
appropriation of funding.
The Local Governments at both the district and sub-county levels will be involved in
mobilisation, selection of the appropriate beneficiaries, approval of projects,
implementation, supervision monitoring and evaluation. It is therefore important that
the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development liaises with Ministry of Local
Government to ensure effective implementation of the YLP in all the districts.
(d) Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs
Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs (MJCA) will ensure that the programme
operates within the legal and constitutional framework provided and does not breach any
legal provisions. The MJCA provides legal guidance at the formulation, implementation
and completion phases of the programme.
(i) Inspector General of Government (IGG)
The Inspector General of government will work with other stakeholders to ensure that the
benefits of the programme go to the intended targets. IGG will also ensure that the
financial management is in compliance with the government rules and regulations. IGG
may take appropriate measures to punish non-compliance.
(l) Parliament
Parliament will approve the programme for further consideration. It is responsible for
mobilisation and appropriation of adequate funds for the programme to ensure
consistency, sustainability and national coverage. The parliament, especially the Youth
Parliamentarians, will play important role in monitoring and evaluation of the project to
ensure compliance with the established rules and procedures. It will undertake regular
political supervision of the programme up to community levels to ensure quality results.
Parliament shall also advocate for increased resources depending on the need and
absorption capacity.
(n) District Authorities
(i) As the political head of the district, the District Chairperson will supervise the
programme to ensure that the intended youth are the actual beneficiaries and not
(iii) The Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) as technical head of the district will be
responsible for the overall technical oversight role of the programme in their
respective districts. The CAOs will submit progress reports to the PS/MGLSD on
quarterly basis.
Table 4: Programme Risks and Mitigation Measures
Risk Rating Mitigation Measures Rating after
1. Over raising expectations H - Provide clear and regular targeted IEC messages on S
of youth and inability to Programme targets, resource allocations and access
meet the demand criteria through the official government
generated amongst the communication channels and the youth leadership
target youth population. structures.
- Provide clear messages on the phases of Programme
implementation, period of engagement selected
under Programme and the exit strategy.
- Institute a well-coordinated mechanism of selection
of youth for various existing youth livelihood
- The Chief Administrative Officers should ensure
effective coordination in the selection of youth for all
related programmes to avoid multiple funding of
some youth at the expense of other equally deserving
- Match the messages provided with actions (walk the
2. Delays in release of funds H - Strong commitment from Ministry of Finance, L
by Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development to avail all
Planning and Economic funds allocated for the Programme on time.
Development resulting in
delayed disbursement to
Youth Interest Groups
3. Low technical capacity H - Establishing a Technical Support Team (TST) with L
for project qualified technical staff to complement the
implementation at various mainstream technical staff in the MGLSD at the
levels national level and the Local Governments.