2022 Mhasibu Loan Form
2022 Mhasibu Loan Form
2022 Mhasibu Loan Form
☐ ID/Passport ☐ ID/Passport ☐ Original documents; -logbook/title deed/MHCL certificate
☐ PIN certificate ☐ PIN certificate ☐ Copy of car insurance sticker
☐ Referee & Guarantors IDs/Passports ☐ Referee IDs ☐ Unit trust statement
☐ Certified Bank statements for the last 12 months for registered business ☐ Guarantors IDs / Passports ☐ Original Insurance policy
☐ Certified Bank statement for the last 2years for unregistered business ☐ Pay slips for the last 3 months (certified by employer) ☐ MICL pledge letter
☐ Authority to use Bank statement by the other directors/Partners ☐ Certified Bank statements for the last 3 months (salary A/C) ☐ CHS Birth certificate & Endorsement Letter
☐ Certificate of Incorporation /Registration & Business permit ☐ Self guaranteed to provide either of statements or payslips ☐ Signed guarantorship forms and ID copies
☐ CR 12 for limited companies /Partnership
☐ Declaration of Income and Expenditure for one year
*Please complete this form in block capitals, also note Incomplete forms will be returned unconsidered.
☐ Normal ☐ Gold ☐ Top-up ☐ Swift ☐ Asset ☐ Plot Buying ☐ Self-Guaranteed Loan ☐ Short term Loan
Repayment period .......................................... Offset existing Loans (Specify) ......................................................................................
Purpose of the loan ….............................................................................................................................................. Code .............................
4. MODE OF PAYMENT: ☐ Check off ☐ Direct Debit ☐ Standing Order ☐ Mpesa ☐ Others (Specify) ....................................
5. SECURITY OFFERED FOR THE LOAN (Attach Original Document (s) where applicable)
☐ Deposit 100% ☐ Logbook (10 years) ☐ NSE Shares 50% ☐ Children Scheme 100% ☐ MHCL Title/Completion Certificate
☐ Other Titles (Urban) 80%, (Rural) 60% ☐ Unit Trust 100% ☐ Fixed Deposit 100% ☐ Insurance Life Policy 100%
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Name of employer......................................................................... No. of years with Employer: ....................................................................
Department................................................................................... Position......................................................................................................
Work physical address.................................................................. Telephone (Work) .....................................................................................
Name of the Financial Institution Principal Amount Installment Amount (per Month) Current Balance
Complete this part in block capitals: Guarantors' name should be written in full.
Incase of default the communication to the guarantor and the Applicant will be as follows;
i) First month notification will be by Email to the loan Applicant.
ii) Second month notification will be to both the Applicant and the guarantors through an Email.
iii) Third month default will be communicated through email to member and guarantors.
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I understand that the basic rules applicable to this application are as Listed and understand the loan will be granted only according to these rules.
i) Members are limited to four times (or as may be prescribed) the sum of shares and deposit held, but subject to availability of funds.
For self-guaranteed loans only, uncommitted deposits shall be considered.
ii) 2/3 rule shall apply in the loan appraisal.
iii) A member will be required to maintain a monthly deposit contribution depending on loan repayment period and amount
contribution subject to the current requirements based on loan applied for as shown below:
Loans Amount (Kshs) Up to 48 Months Beyond 48 Months
Minimum Contribution (Kshs) Minimum Contribution (Kshs)
Up to 500,000 1,600 2,000
500,001 - 1,000,000 1,600 4,000
1,000,001 - 1,500,000 2,000 5,000
1,500,001 - 2,000,000 3,000 7,500
2,000,001 - 3,000,000 6,000 10,000
3,000,001 - 4,000,000 10,000 15,000
4,000,001 - 50,000,000 15,000 20,000
iv) Outstanding loans must have been cleared/ offset before a new loan is granted OR the member allows the Sacco to offset the
outstanding loans as per the standing policy guiding respective loan products.
v) Members must have contributed for a minimum period of six consecutive months having a minimum share/deposit contribution
vi) The guarantors must be members of the society, one can guarantee a maximum of 7 loans including theirs.
vii) Lumpsum contribution for the purpose of securing a loan can be considered only if such money remains in the Society for at least six
months, OR subject to a commission between 10% to 40% commission on the lumpsum for members in good standing.
viii) In case of default in payment the entire balance of the loan will immediately become due and payable at the discretion of the Board
and all deposits owned by the member and held by the member and any interest and deposits due to the member will be set against
the owed amount. The member will also be liable for any costs incurred in the agencies so appointed for the loan balance and
accumulated interest. Any remaining balance will be deducted from the member's salary and or terminal benefits and the employer is
authorized to make all necessary deduction by authority of the member's signature appended below.
ix) Members shall be required to provide email address of their bank for validation of bank statements for loans of KES. 1 million and
x) All loan applicants of amounts KES. 200,000 and above will be expected to sign a direct debit Authority Form for payment.
i) Notwithstanding the credit facility. I/We understand that Mhasibu Sacco Society Ltd shall obtain credit report from Credit
Reference Bureau (CRB) as may be required in certain circumstances at the discretion of the Board and share my loan
performances with the CRB.
ii) I hereby declare that the foregoing is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I agree to abide by the by laws of the
society, the credit policy and any variations by the board in respect to above sections. l/we further confirm that, l/we understand
that in case of default, the defaults information will be furnished to a CREDIT REFERENCE BUREAU, ICPAK, KASNEB,
Other relevant bodies/institutions/persons without prior written consent.*
*Mhasibu Sacco lists all loans with CRBs, non-performing loans will be listed as loans in default.
Witnessed by:
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IRREVOCABLE INSTRUCTIONS (For members’ deductions through employer’s payroll)
With effect from ...................20...............to...............20................ to be paid to Mhasibu Sacco Limited and that in the event of my leaving the
institution, my terminal dues equivalent to outstanding loan balance be withheld until a letter of clearance is received from Mhasibu Sacco
Limited. These instructions shall be terminated or amended only with knowledge and written approval of the Board of Mhasibu Sacco limited.
Designation .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Received By:
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Mhasibu Sacco Society Limited,
Market Street, Barclays Plaza, 8th Floor,
P.O. Box 31295, 00600, Nairobi Kenya
Tel: +254 020-5141900
Email: info@mhasibusacco.com.
Website: https:/www.mhasibusacco.com
I/We hereby request, instruct and authorize you to draw against my/ our account with the above mentioned bank or any other bank or branch
to which I/ We may transfer my/ our account the sum of Kshs ………………… (amounts in words) ………………………………………..
…………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……
the amounts necessary for payment of the monthly installment/premium due in respect of the above-mentioned agreement/Sacco on the ……
day of each month commencing on ……………… and continuing (as the case may be). All such withdrawals from my/our account by you
shall be treated as though they have been signed by me/us personally.
The amounts are variable and may be debited on various dates. I/We understand that you may change the amount and dates only after giving
me/us prior notice.
I /We understand that the withdrawals hereby authorized will be processed by Direct Debit transfers and I /We also understand that details of
each withdrawals will be printed on my bank statement or an accompanying voucher. I/we agree to pay any bank charges relating to this
This authority may be cancelled by me /us giving you 30 (thirty) days’ notice in writing, sent by prepaid registered post or delivered to the
offices of the above mentioned company/ association but I /We understand that I /We shall not be entitled to any amounts which you have
already withdrawn while this authority was in force if such amounts were legally owing to you.
Receipt of this Authority by you shall be regarded as receipt thereof by my/ our bank (whichever it is or will be). I/ We understand that if any
Direct Debit Transfer is paid which breaks the terms of this authority, you will make a refund upon application.
(Member’s Signature as used for signing cheques) Witnessed By…………………………………….. (MHASIBU SACCO STAFF)
Date Stamp:
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1100 Crop Farming 4100 Education and related services
1110 Tea 4110 School fees for primary and secondary schools including shopping
1120 Coffee 4120 College fees, University fees, training fees, seminar fees
1130 Sugarcane 4130 Research and scientific activities etc
1140 Others, cotton, sisal etc HUMAN HEALTH
1150 Cereals such as maize, wheat, sorghum. Millet etc 5100 Human health and related services
1160 Legumes such as beans, peas, snow peas, cow peas, french
5110 Medical Bills, purchase of medicine
1170 Horticulture crops such as vegetables, fruits, flowers 5120 Maternity Bills and expenses
1180 Roots & tubers such as Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes and
1200 Animal Production 6100 Land
1210 Dairy farming 6110 Purchase of plots
1220 Beef Production 6120 Land purchase services such as surveying and valuation
1230 Poultry Farming 6200 Housing
1240 Bee keeping 6210 Construction of multiple residential buildings
1250 Rabbit Farming 6220 Construction of commercial buildings
1260 Sheep and Goat Rearing 6230 Construction of single residential dwelling units
1270 Pig Farming 6240 Renovations of the buildings
1300 Agricultural supporting services 7100 Microfinance
1310 Agricultural machinery such as truck, tractors and other tools 7110 Payment to microfinance loans
1320 Water, Irrigation and supporting services 7200 Commercial Banks
1330 Veterinary and related services 7210 Payment to Commercial bank loans
1400 Agribusiness 7300 Mortgage Finance
7310 Purchase of residential property/payments to mortgage loans in
1410 Agricultural equipment and accessories
other financial institutions
1420 Dealers in agro-chemicals, seeds and other farm inputs 7400 Insurance
1430 Distribution of farm produce 7410 Payment to insurance policies
1500 Forestry and Logging 7500 Investments
1510 Agro-forestry 7510 Buying of Sacco shares
7520 purchase of quote shares, unquoted shares, treasury bills & bonds,
TRADE 2110 Wholesale 2120 Retail
commercial papers, unit trusts and other quoted public funds
2200 Transport 7530 Paying personal debts to non-registered institutions
2210 Public service transport CONSUMPTION AND SOCIAL SERVICES
2220 Purchase of motorvehicle accessories 8100 Utilities
8110 Expenses incurred relating to car and electronic repairs, bills like
2230 Transportation of goods
electricity, sewer, water, telephone, decoder, personal debts to family
2300 Hospitality 8200 Utilities
2310 Accomodation, restaurants, conference facilities, event 8210 Household necessities like food, beverages and basic household
planning & outside catering, theme parks (wedding and others) products.
2320 Schools and kindergartens 8300 Consumer Durables
8310 Goods that do not wear out quickly like automobiles(cars), books,
2330 Medical clinics and equipment
household(home appliances, consumer electronics, furniture, tools etc)
2400 Foreign Trade 8400 Social and communal expenses
2410 Import 8410 Burial expenses, wedding expenses, rites of passage expenses.
2420 Export 3200 Servicing Industry
3100 Cottage Industry 3220 Professional services such as Barber shops
3110 Jua kali Industry 3230 Working capital for learning institutions, churches & businesses
3120 Small scale Agricultural Produce processing 3240 Promotion of local tourism
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