What Is A Petition?: Legal Writing Put Up Petition

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What is a Petition?

A formal written request to a court for an order of the court. It is distinguished from a c

omplaint in a lawsuit which asks for damages and/or performance by the opposing party

. Petitions include demands for writs, orders to show cause, modifications of prior order

s, continuances, dismissal of a case, reduction of bail in criminal cases, a decree of distr

ibution of an estate, appointment of a guardian, and a host of other matters arising in leg

al actions.

2) a general term for a writing signed by a number of people asking for a particular resu

lt from a private governing body (such as a homeowner’s association, a political party,

or a club).

3) in public law a petition may be required to place a proposition or ordinance on the ba

llot, nominate a person for public office, or demand a recall election. Such petitions for

official action must be signed by a specified number of registered voters (such as five p


4) making a formal request of a court, presenting a written request to an organization's g

overning body signed by one or more members.

5) in some states a suit for divorce is entitled a petition, and the parties are called petitio

ner and respondent. (See: motion, writ, divorce, petitioner)



Put up means to place before or to offer for some purpose.

 Under the law if any person commits a crime and thereafter, if he is arrested by

police then that person is required to be produced before the Court within 24

hours of arrest excluding the time of journey under Article 22 (2) of the


 The accused is produced before the Court for further remand in judicial custody

in jail. Section 167 Cr.PC. provides that the Magistrate may remand the accused

to the police custody for the first 15 days of his arrest.

 After the first 15 days remand the accused will again produced before the Court

and this remand by Magistrate or Court will go on till the end of investigation or

submission of charge sheet or trial or till the accused is release on bail.

 If any necessity arises for the accused or the prosecution to move the Court

within the remand date of accused for any matter like, petition for bail, any other

petition with or in connection with the particular case, then a petition is required

to be made before the Court to hear the matter before date of production of

accused or before the fixed date in this particular case.

 This petition is generally termed as put up petition.

 This put up petition is made before the Court along with the original petition for

 The function of put up petition is to put up the record, i.e., judicial record or file

of a particular case and nothing else.

Example: Mr. B is arrested with the stolen cycle by the police and Mr. B was produced

before the Court on 01.09.2020 and the Court has remanded the accused to judicial

custody rejecting the prayer of Bail. Fixing 14.09.2020 for production. The accused will

not be produced before the Court before any date from 2.09.2020 to 13.09.2020.

Suppose the defence wants to move the petition for bail on 5.09.2020. In order to move

the bail petition the defence/accused has to make a put up petition or petition for

placing the record for hearing the bail petition. This petition is termed or known as “Put

Up” petition.

 Generally put up petition is filed along with the bail petition.

 On any urgent matter this type of petition may be made in civil suit also.


Case No: ……………

(Name of the Court)

Plaintiff: ……………… Mr X (PLAINTIFF)


Defendant: ……………..Mr Y (DEFENDANT)

Application U/S 151 of CPC.

In this applicant- plaintiff begs to apply as under:

For the reasons stated in the accompanying affidavit, in the ends of justice, the top

noted case which is posted on ……..may kindly be taken on today’s board and

necessary orders may be passed.



Adv., for plf/ Def


1. Name of the Court and place

After leaving proper vacant space at the top and at the left side of the paper name

of the Court is written along with the place of sitting

Example: “In the Court of Learned……………..at…………………….”

2. Case reference with sections

The case number is given in the left side of the paper along with the sections of

the offences alleged in the case.

Example: Ref: CR. Case


G.R. Case no………….of…………….u/s…………………..of IPC

3. Name of the Parties






4. Head line of the Petition

As it is a put – up petition the headline is as under “Put – up Petition”.

5. Opening submission

Before starting body of the petition the opening prayer or submission is written as


Example: “The above named accused prays as follows……….”

6. Body of the petition

 Firstly the next date is mentioned and the purpose of filing this put up petition is

given in the petition.

 In order to have a favourable order from the Court the grounds along with the

urgency of facts should be stated in brief.

7. Prayer
Lastly the prayer is made for passing a suitable order for putting the record today or on

a fixed date.

8. Signature of the party and the Lawyer


In the Court of Learned C.J.M. at…………………………….

Ref: G.R. no………of…………. u/s 379 IPC




Put up petition

The above named accused prays as follows:

1. That your honour has been pleased to reject the bail petition fixing……for

production of accused on date.

2. That on the ground of illness of his mother the accused wants to move the bail

petition today.
3. That for the ends of justice the record be put up today.

As such it is prayed that your honour would be graciously pleased to allow the put

up of record today.

And for this act of kindness the accused as in duty bound shall ever pray.

Written by


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