Research Proposal

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Research Proposal


Emotional Brand Marketing is a strategy aimed at evoking consumers' emotions to establish a

strong connection between the brand or product and the consumer. This approach allows brands
to imbue their products with a human touch, fostering deeper connections with customers,
ultimately leading to increased loyalty and sales. There are eight primary emotions that brands
can tap into: Joy, Trust, Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust, Anger, and Anticipation. This
research paper aims to explore the concept of emotional branding, the strategies it encompasses,
and its application within the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector for cultivating
brand loyalty. Additionally, the paper will delve into the consumer decision-making framework
and assess the effectiveness of emotional branding in influencing consumer choices.

Table of Contents

Abstract 2
1. Introduction 4
2. Background and related research 5
4. Aim and Objectives 6
5. Research Methodology 8
6. Expected Outcomes 10
7. Requirements / resources 11
8. Research Plan 12
References 13

1. Introduction

"Individuals make purchases based on their emotions and subsequently rationalize them
with logical reasoning."

Every company recognizes the significance of branding for the prosperity of their products.
Branding aids customers in becoming acquainted with the brand or product and distinguishing
it from competitors. The achievements of these brands extend far beyond mere logos; they hinge
on the relationship established between them and their customers. Emotional branding is a
valuable technique that enables brands to forge emotional connections with their customer base.

Emotionally driven marketing can tap into individuals' innate desires for love, power, emotional
stability, and ego gratification, all of which operate at a subconscious level. However, it's worth
noting that a non-emotionally personalized advertisement can be significantly more effective,
surpassing the success rate of this approach by over 50%. The effectiveness of emotional
branding isn't solely an art of marketing; it's also substantiated by scientific findings. Several
psychological studies have revealed the following facts that support this notion:
• Approximately 90% of purchasing decisions are made without conscious deliberation.
• Humans process visual information, such as images, a remarkable 60,000 times faster
than textual content.
• Emotions play a pivotal role, accounting for a substantial 50% of a brand's overall
customer experience.

Emotional branding offers several advantages as a marketing strategy:

• Distinctive Branding: It aids in setting the brand apart from competitors, fostering a
unique identity in the market.
• Emotional Engagement: It enables the establishment of deep emotional connections
with customers, contributing to positive brand recognition.
• Enhanced Brand Loyalty: Emotional branding cultivates stronger brand loyalty, leading
to sustained customer retention over the long term.
• Improved Targeting: This approach facilitates more precise targeting of the audience,
ultimately leading to higher Return on Investment (ROI).

2. Background and related research

Emotional branding plays a pivotal role in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry
by significantly enhancing customer loyalty. It is a marketing technique designed to establish a
deep emotional connection between customers and a product or brand by tapping into their
emotions. This concept, introduced by Marc Gobe more than two decades ago, revolves around
creating content that resonates with customers' emotional states, ego, desires, and expectations.

The relevance of emotional branding in the FMCG sector lies in its ability to foster a strong
bond between the brand and its consumers. This connection transcends the rational attributes
of a product and delves into the realm of emotions. It operates on a subconscious level, invoking
psychological responses rather than intellectual ones. The impact of these emotional
relationships on a company can be profound.
Here are some key reasons why emotional branding is crucial in increasing customer loyalty in
the FMCG industry:
1. Creating Lasting Impressions: Emotional branding helps FMCG brands create lasting
impressions in customers' minds. When consumers have an emotional attachment to a
brand, they are more likely to remember it and remain loyal over time.
2. Enhancing Customer Trust: Brands that resonate with customers on an emotional
level are often trusted more. Trust is a fundamental factor in building long-term loyalty.
3. Building Customer Advocacy: Customers who feel emotionally connected to a brand
are more likely to become advocates and recommend the product to others. They
become loyal promoters of the brand.
4. Increasing Customer Engagement: Emotional branding encourages customers to
engage with the brand on a deeper level. This engagement can lead to higher customer
retention rates.
5. Differentiating from Competitors: In a crowded FMCG market, emotional branding
helps brands stand out. It allows them to differentiate themselves based on the emotional
experiences they offer.
6. Resilience Against Price Sensitivity: When customers have a strong emotional
connection with a brand, they may be less sensitive to price changes. They are willing
to pay a premium for the emotional value the brand provides.
7. Creating Consistency: Emotional branding helps maintain consistency in the brand's
messaging and customer experience, reinforcing the emotional connection.

3. Aim and Objectives

The primary goal of this study is to develop a model that demonstrates how businesses utilize
emotional branding to appeal to their target audience. Emotional branding encompasses several
key elements:

Ethos: Appeal to Credibility and Ethics - Businesses often use ethos to establish credibility
and ethics in their marketing efforts. This involves leveraging endorsements from professionals
or influencers in a particular industry, citing reputable sources, showcasing customer
testimonials, and presenting case studies. By appealing to ethos, a business enhances its
authority in the field, fostering trust and a positive reputation.

Pathos: Appeal to Empathy - Pathos is employed to evoke empathy in customers, motivating

them to take action. It can create a sense of urgency, fear of missing out, a feeling of belonging,
and other emotional responses when managed effectively. Non-profit organizations often use
pathos to enhance empathy and strengthen their branding strategies.

Logos: Appeal to Logic and Reason - Aristotle's Logos, the most persuasive of the three
appeals, relies on the foundation of ethos and pathos. While presenting facts, statistics, or
product attributes is important, it is equally crucial to demonstrate how a brand can benefit
customers and connect with their emotions. Not every situation requires the use of all three of
Aristotle's appeals but keeping them in mind when crafting an emotional branding strategy can
enhance persuasiveness and foster brand loyalty.

Another objective of this research is to discuss various techniques and tactics used in Emotional
Branding. Brands employ different strategies to target specific emotional aspects of their
customers, aiming for various emotional responses:

Happiness encourages sharing: When a brand evokes feelings of happiness, it generates

positive associations that prompt customers to share their experiences with others.

Sadness fosters empathy and connection: Associating a brand with sadness can create a sense
of empathy, making customers feel a stronger connection to the product.

Surprise and fear create comfort: Contrary to common belief, using surprise and even fear in
branding can have a positive impact. These emotions can make customers feel more attached
to what is familiar and comfortable.

Anger and passion result in determination: Anger and passion can trigger adrenaline and a
sense of urgency in customers, making them more determined and motivated.

4. Research Methodology: Literature Review, Survey

1. "An Emerging Consumer Experience: Emotional Branding" delves into a deeper

exploration of the realm of emotions and their role in building strong connections between
customers and companies. This article also strives to analyse the precursors of concepts related
to emotional branding, including emotional loyalty and emotional attachment. It suggests that
businesses falling into categories such as hedonic and symbolic products are more likely to
cultivate brand affinity.

2. Anshuman Singh conducts an examination of numerous ICT trends in "Influence of ICT on

Emotional Branding in Adolescents." These trends are poised to have a significant positive
impact on the emotional branding of various products and services among the youth,
particularly in metropolitan areas of India. The study reveals that ICT platforms contribute
positively to brand development. However, the study also posits that more targeted and relevant
content in advertisements could provide companies with an additional edge in terms of
engagement and consistency. This, in turn, can aid in capturing the attention of young
consumers and fostering their loyalty.

3. In "Managing Loyalty via Brand Image, Judgment, and Feelings for Leveraging Power
Companies," the aim is to establish a connection between consumer loyalty and related
attributes like brand image, judgment, and emotional connections in the context of powerful
brands. The research identifies a robust correlation between a company's commitment to
managing customer loyalty and the success of power brands. The loyalty of consumers also
influences their tolerance for pricing, which power brands can capitalize on.

4. "Flagship Stores for FMCG National Brands: Do They Improve Brand Perceptions
and Elicit Favourable Consumer Responses?" explores the impact of flagship stores on
various brand-related factors such as brand equity, brand attachment, brand experience, and
brand loyalty. This research also sheds light on the role of flagship stores in enhancing future
brand purchases, particularly through word of mouth, driven by customer experiences that have
a lasting impact on brand attachment.

5. "Behavioural Perspectives of Customer Engagement: An Exploratory Study of

Customer Engagement with Three Swiss FMCG Brands" adopts a behavioural perspective
to delve into the various ways in which brands interact with customers to engage them. The

study highlights that customers are less likely to engage with FMCG brands unless they
perceive a unique value proposition. Consequently, FMCG brands should explore innovative
customer engagement strategies to ensure long-term customer loyalty.

6. "Emotional Branding Speaks to the Heart of Consumers: The Case of Fashion Brands"
underscores the significance of emotional branding in the strategies of fashion companies
operating in a dynamic marketplace. Customers seek pleasant experiences, opportunities for
self-expression, a sense of fulfilment from contributing to others, and the chance to collaborate
on designs or ideas with companies. Brands that successfully employ sensory branding and
storytelling to align with these customer needs tend to achieve success.

7. "Corporate Branding, Emotional Attachment, and Brand Loyalty: The Case of Luxury
Fashion Branding" endeavours to establish a framework that incorporates the impact of
corporate branding on customer emotional attachment and brand loyalty. The study identifies
factors such as corporate association and functional benefits as having a significant influence
on emotional attachment.

8. "Role of Emotions in FMCG Branding and Their Impact on Purchase Intentions"

primarily focuses on gaining a deeper understanding of the relationship between emotions and
consumers' purchase intentions, utilizing Plutchik's wheel. The study concludes that emotions
significantly affect consumers' brand choices and purchase intentions in various scenarios.
Various platforms, including social media and technological innovations, can be leveraged to
intensify these emotions, thereby influencing decision-making among both younger and older

Additionally, an in-depth consumer interview and survey will be conducted to comprehend the
consumer decision-making framework and their perceptions of various FMCG brands.

5. Expected Outcomes

1. Companies typically develop their brand marketing campaigns along two primary
approaches: either appealing to consumers emotionally or employing logic by
highlighting features and the value their brand and product offer. This research aims to
investigate which branding method is more effective for FMCG (Fast-Moving
Consumer Goods) companies in terms of increasing sales and enhancing customer
retention through brand loyalty.

2. This research aims to provide insights into the Consumer Decision Making Framework
and address the following key questions:
• Does emotional branding ultimately foster greater consumer loyalty towards a
• Does it also increase customers' inclination to forgive the company in the event
of significant mistakes?
• Does evoking emotions enhance consumer engagement and favourability
towards the brand?

6. Requirements / resources

1. A PC with at least intel i5 processor and 8GB RAM

2. Access to the Internet
3. Google Suite to generate documents, PDFs, surveys and spreadsheets 4. Access to scholarly
articles, blogs & research papers.
6. Additional tools such as Grammarly, Mendeley and Turnitin

7. Research Plan

1. Primary Literature Review- October 2021

2. Topic Submission- 24th August 2023 – Completed
3. Research Proposal Submission- 27th September 2023
4. Research Ethics Form Submission- October 2023
5. In-Depth Literature Review & Survey Preparation- October 2023
6. Draft Submission to Mentor – November 2023
7. Final Thesis Submission- December 2023


• Akgün, A. E., Koçoğlu, İ., & İmamoğlu, S. Z. (2013). An emerging consumer experience:
Emotional branding. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 99, 503-508.

• Singh, A. (2019). Impact of ICT on emotional branding in adolescents. Journal of

Management Research and Analysis, 4(1), 134-141.

• Panda, R., & Kapoor, D. (2016). Managing loyalty through brand image, judgement and
feelings for leveraging power brands. Management & Marketing. Challenges for the
Knowledge Society, 11(4), 624-637.

• Nierobisch, T., Toporowski, W., Dannewald, T., & Jahn, S. (2017). Flagship stores for FMCG
national brands: Do they improve brand cognitions and create favorable consumer reactions?.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 34, 117-137.

• Javornik, A., & Mandelli, A. (2012). Behavioral perspectives of customer engagement: An

exploratory study of customer engagement with three Swiss FMCG brands. Journal of Database
Marketing & Customer Strategy Management, 19(4), 300-310.

• Kim, Y. K., & Sullivan, P. (2019). Emotional branding speaks to consumers’ heart: The case
of fashion brands. Fashion and Textiles, 6(1), 1-16.

• Phau, I., Teah, M., So, J. T., Parsons, A. G., & Yap, S. F. (2013). Corporate branding,
emotional attachment and brand loyalty: the case of luxury fashion branding. Journal of Fashion
Marketing and Management: An International Journal.

• Kagita, N. (2018). Role of emotions in the FMCG branding and their purchase intentions.
Vidwat, 11(1), 24-28.


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