Tendernotice 1

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(Short Term)

MHDJ/e-NIT 181 of 2023-24 Dated: 21.11.2023

Due : 04.12.2023

On behalf of the Presi dent of India , e-tenders in two cover system on turnkey basis are invited from
registered/reputed firms having sufficient relevant experience for the work mentioned below:

S. Description of work Project Estt AAA/ Earnest Cost of tender Time of Eligibility
No Authority TS Money document completio
Criterion of
Deposit n
1 Design, Supply, Installation, Principal 18.00 ACCORDED Rs.36,000.00 Rs 1000.00 in 90 OEM/Authorized
GMC & in the Shape of the shape of
Testing and Commissioning LACS CDR/FDR/TDR
days /Registered &
of one No. 08 passenger Associated valid for 12
Challan through Reputed firms
Hospital J&K Govt.
(544 kg) Stainless Steel months having sufficient
Jammu pledged to the Treasury
moon light finish/ hair line indicating experience as per
finish/ moon rock finish Engineer MH Treasury Voucher Annexure “C”
Elevator of machine room Division Jammu No. & date and Similar nature
type for construction of also indicating of work
Auditorium and Cafeteria the name of work
including parking, store lifts duly credited to
and Ramps etc.at Govt. 0059-PWD
(Revenue) and
Chest Diseases Hospital,
uploading a copy
Jammu. of treasury
challan / receipt
on e-tendering
The bidder may
deposit tender
fee in the shape
of e-Challan
through Account
2163 in the
name of
Mechanical &
Division Jammu
Name of Bank:
J&K Bank Town
Hall Jammu
IFSC code:


Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division


General Terms and Conditions

Name of Work: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of one No. 08 passenger (544 kg) Stainless
Steel moon light finish/ hair line finish/ moon rock finish Elevator of machine room type for construction of Auditorium
and Cafeteria including parking, store lifts and Ramps etc.at Govt. Chest Diseases Hospital, Jammu.

The Bids shall be deposited in electronic format on the J&K Govt. website www.jktenders.gov.in

1. The hard copies of original documents along with Bid security Declaration should be submitted only by the bidder
who is declared as L1 after opening of financial bids in the office of Executive Engineer Mechanical & Hospital
Division Jammu

2. The complete bidding process will be online.

3. The Technical bids shall be opened online in the Office of Executive Executive Engineer Mechanical &
Hospital Division Jammu

4. In case of holidays/office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the bids, bids will be opened
on the next working day at the same time and venue.

5. The Financial bids o f q u a l i f y i n g p a r t i c i p a n t s / t e n d e r e r s shall be opened online in the

Office of Executive Engineer Mechanical & Hospital Division Jammu

6. Technical Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender document in shape of challan
through J&K Govt. Treasury indicating Treasury Voucher No. & date and also indicating the
name of work duly credited to 0059-PWD (Revenue).

7. It is presumed that bidder is agreed upon all the terms and conditions of e-NIT and also
thoroughly read the scope of work / Technical Specifications and has accepted all in total
and is well versed with the state’s Laws / Rules of e-tendering.
8. The bids for the work shall remain valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of bids.
9. The Bid shall be cancelled:-
a) Any bidder/ tenderer withdraws his bid/ tender during the period of bid validity or makes any
Modifications in the terms and conditions of the bid.
b) In case contractor fails to execute the agreement within 05 days after fixation of contract
10. Instruction to bidders regarding e-tendering process:
a) Bidders are advised to download bid submission manual from the "Downloads" option as well as
from "Bidders Manual Kit" on website www.jktenders.gov.in to acquaint w i t h bid submission
b) To participate in bidding process, bidders have to get 'Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)' as
per Information Technology Act-2000. Bidders can get digital certificate from any approved
c) The bidders have to submit their bids online in electronic format with Digital
Signature. No Financial bid will be accepted in physical form.
d) List of documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of bid submission i.e.:
i) Cost of Tender document in shape of challan through J&K Govt. Treasury indicating
Treasury Voucher No. & date and also indicating the name of work duly crediting to
0059-PWD (Revenue) and uploading a copy of treasury challan / receipt.
a. Earnest Money Deposit/Bid security in shape of CDR/FDR/TDR valid for 12 months or
more pledged to Executive Engineer Mechanical & Hospital Division Jammu.
ii) Other documents comprising of copies of PAN card, Latest income tax Clearance
Certificate/return, GST Registration Certificate, and Completion Certificate
iii) Technical specifications as per Annexure “A”.
Note: The above documents are to be uploaded on the website before opening of
technical bid
a. The bidders are advised to accept and sign each leaf of the tender document with stamp/seal
before uploading on the portal.

Note: - Scan all the documents on 100 dpi with black and white option.

11. The department will not be responsible for delay in online submission due to any reasons.

12.Bidders may contact office of the Executive Engineer Mechanical & Hospital Division Jammu for any
guidance for getting DSC or any other relevant details in respect of e- tendering process trough
email or in writing during office hrs on working days only(email for enquiry
13. Bidders are advised not to make any change in BOQ (Bill of Quantities) contents. In no case they
should attempt to create similar BOQ manually. The BOQ downloaded should be used for filling the
rate inclusive of all taxes and it should be saved/uploaded with the same name as it contains.

14. The rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidder entirely in Indian Rupees and the rates quoted
shall be deemed to include price escalation and all taxes upto completion of the work unless
otherwise, specified.

15. Bidders are advised to use "My Documents" area in their user on J&K Govt. E-Tendering portal
i.e. www.jktenders.gov.in to store such documents as is required.

1. Scheme of bidding process: The bid submitted by the Bidder shall be in two
separate parts.
A) PART I: This shall be named technical Bid and shall comprise of:
i) Scanned copies of all documents listed in 10 (d) of SBD (Hard copies only to
be submitted only after the bidder is declared L1)
B) PART II: It shall be named Financial Bid and shall comprise of:
i) Item rates price offer as specified in subject matter—the financial bid (i.e.
rates offered in the BOQ) shall be submitted & opened online only. (No
hard copy of Price BOQ shall be submitted
16. Terms and Conditions:
a) The detailed terms & conditions of the NIT are laid down in Annexure “B” of this tender
b) The intending bidders are advised to visit the site to ascertain the exact quantum of work before
quoting their rates.

17. Bid Prices:

i) The Contract for the work shall be as described in NIT.
ii) The Bidder shall quote for the mentioned job in bid form.
iii) The prices to be quoted by the intending tenderer shall include the supply and installation
of all equipment at site, ancillary material and other items whatsoever required for carrying
out the job to fulfill the intent and purpose as laid down in the specifications
whether specifically mentioned or not. The prices/rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes,
duties, packing, forwarding, freight, transit insurance and all other levies as applicable by the
Central as well as UT Government including the WCT as applicable in the J & K UT Govt. on
work contracts for the completion of the work. The successful tenderer/ contractor, on
completion of the contract/work, shall be issued a certificate on prescribed format from the
Executive Engineer Mechanical & Hospital Division Jammu for the purpose of proof of
payment of such tax. Failure to include all other taxes and duties will not entitle the
contractor to any extra claims from the Department. The contractor’s rates shall remain firm
and fixed during the currency of the contract.
iv) The rates and prices quoted by the Bidder shall remain fixed for the duration of the contract
and shall not be subject to adjustment on any account.

18. Bid Validity:

i) Bids shall remain valid for a period of 180 days after the deadline date for bid submission. A
bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Department as non-responsive.
ii) In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Department may
request the bidder to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The
request and the bidder’s responses shall be made in writing. A bidder may refuse the request
without forfeiting his earnest money. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or
permitted to modify his bid, but will be required to extend the validity of his earnest money
for a period of the extension.

19. Preparation of Bids:

i) Language of Bid is English.
ii) All documents relating to the Bid shall be in the language specified in the tender document.

20. Format and Signing of Bid:

i) The bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by a person or persons
duly authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder. All pages of the Bid shall be signed by the
person or persons signing the Bid.
ii) The Bid shall contain no overwriting, alterations or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by the Departments, or as necessary to correct errors made by the
Bidder. In that case such corrections shall be made by scoring out the cancelled portion,
writing the correction and initialing and dating it by the person or persons signing the Bid.

1. Submission of Bids:
i) The Department may extend the deadline for submission of bids online by issuing an
amendment, in which case all rights and obligations of the Department and the bidders
previously subject to the original deadline will then be subject to the new deadline.

a) The bid submitted shall be out rightly

i) If the scanned copy of cost of tender document (non-refundable) in the shape of Challan
through J&K Govt. treasury is not uploaded.
ii) Earnest Money Deposit in shape of CDR/FDR/TDR valid for 12 months or more pledged to
Executive Engineer Mechanical & Hospital Division Jammu is not uploaded.
iii) If bidder submit/upload the copy of price bid / BOQ in cover-1st.
iv) If the bidder does not provide an undertaking in shape of Affidavit (Notary Attested) for
Rs 100/- of currency of tender dates on non Judicial stamp paper as per Format
Enclosed at Annexure “D”. The Stamp paper should also have clearly mentioned the 1st
party name as contractor/ Firm name and 2nd party name as Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division Jammu along with reference of e-Nit no.

The bid submitted shall be liable to be rejected:-
If the bidder does not upload all the documents as stipulated in the bid document.
If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of submission
of bid and hard copies of L1 bidder (declared after technical and commercial evaluation as per
Annexure “A”) submitted physically after opening of the financial bid in the office of tender
opening authority.
2. Fundamental breach of contract will include:
i) Continuous stoppage of work for a period of 03 days without authorization of
ii) Contractor is declared bankrupt.
iii) Any evidence of involvement of contractor in corrupt practices.
iv) Contractor delays the completion of work beyond stipulated time of completion.
v) Pursuant to the process of termination of defaulted contract, the Department reserves the
right to invite fresh tender for the balance work at the risk and cost of defaulter

3. Major labour laws applicable to e stablishment engaged in building and other construction
i) Compliance with Labour Regulation Laws of U.T.
ii) Specification/Quality Control: All items of works shall conform to specifications as per

latest IS specifications/ any other relevant prescribed specifications.
iii) Insurance: Insurance cover to Labour / Machinery / Work / Plant material / Equipment by
the contractor shall be mandatory and is sole responsibility of contractor.
iv) Laws Governing the Contract:-The contract shall be governed by Laws of the land.
v) Labour Laws applicable as enforced in the U.T of Jammu and Kashmir

Earnest Money:
i) The earnest money amount shall be in the form of CDR/FDR/TDR of a
nationalized/scheduled bank having branch in Jammu issued in favour of Executive
Engineer Mechanical & Hospital Division Jammu. The CDR/FDR shall be valid for 12 months
or more after the last date of receipt of bids or after the submission of performance security
whichever is later.
ii) The Bid not accompanied by an Earnest Money shall be out-rightly rejected.
iii) If i n case contractor failed to start /complete the work, within the stipulated time
period, his CDR/Earnest Money shall be forfeited after termination of the contract. Besides,
defaulting contractor shall be debarred from taking works in the Department at least for one
iv) Earnest money deposit shall be released after successful completion of the work and
verification by the competent authority. However, the earnest money of unsuccessful
tenderers shall be released after finalization of the tender.

(Er. Vishal Mahajan)
Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division



MHDJ/e-NIT 181 of 2023-24 Dated: 21.11.2023

Due : 04.12.2023

Name of Work: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of one No. 08 passenger (544 kg) Stainless
Steel moon light finish/ hair line finish/ moon rock finish Elevator of machine room type for construction of Auditorium
and Cafeteria including parking, store lifts and Ramps etc.at Govt. Chest Diseases Hospital, Jammu

S.NO Description of work QTY

1 Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of one No. 08 passenger (544 kg) Stainless 01 JOB
Steel moon light finish/ hair line finish/ moon rock finish Elevator of machine room type with following
Make: ThyssenKrupp/Kone/OTIS/Mitsubishi/Fujitec India/Schindler/Hitachi/ or equivalent
Operation/Control: Microprocessor based simplex selective Collective with / without attendant.

Travel: 3 stops & 3 openings (G+2)

Speed: 1 m/s
Bottom Pit Depth: 1600 mm (approx)
Controller: Micro-Processer based AC variable voltage & variable frequency drive (AC VVVF)

Car/Doors: Stainless Steel Scratch proof with hair line finish with fire rating and side opening doors.

Door opening: 800 mm (width) x 2000mm (height) with fire rating as per recommended norms.

Machine: Gearless type.

Car size: 1100mm (wide) x 1300mm(deep)x 2200mm (high)
Hoist way/Lift Well Size:
Available: 1880 mm(wide)x 1800 mm(deep)
Leveling: A separate level device for automatic leveling with leveling accuracy of ± 2 mm shall be
Power Supply: 415 ± 1 % volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz
Accessories: Automatic Rescue device (ARD), During event of power failure or blackout in building, this
device automatically moves and stops at the nearest floor or door then open to ensure any onboard
passenger safety.
Digital LED displays, Alarm should be battery operated, automatic operation for car fan, adjustable door
open time, anti-nuisance (empty car), anti-nuisance (car call cancellation at direction reversal), blower
fan in car for ventilation, braille on push buttons, VF regenerative (closed loop), traction media: coated
steel belt/roop, door closing retries, door nudging, emergency light, infra-red screen for car door,
Intercom, Jammed landing operating panel call button by-pass, motor overheat protection, overload
function with audio-visual indication in car operating panel, phase failure and phase reversal protection,
attendant control, fireman control, fireman emergency return, lift announcement system.
Car Enclosure: Constructed out of Stainless-Steel hairline scratch proof finish.

Flooring: Platform lined with anti-skid flooring.

Lighting & Electric work : Job includes providing and fitting of 10W LED Bulk Head Fitting and 16 A
Power Socket at every 10 ft throughout the shaft. Ceiling fan, exhaust fan and lighting in control room
along with Required Size of Distribution Board and Incomer,Outgoing MCb's.
Civil Work: Job includes all kind of minor civil works required for installation of lift. Cleaning of
site/debris before and after execution of work.

Supply Cable: Providing, laying, testing and commissioning of aluminium armored cable PVC insulated
50m(approx.) length of suitable size as per the recommendation of lift manufacturer confirming to
relevant IS code 7098 Part-1 with Latest amendment up to date of some standard ISI mark from main
electric panel to lift control room at top level. Complete job including labour, taxes, transportation etc.

Earthing:- Suitable chemical earthing to the lift motor & panel by way of excavation of pit of proper size
upto a depth of 03 meter, copper electrode in hard and soft soil followed by filling of required quantity of
earthing chemical for each electrode. Job includes filling of pit with excavated soil and fitment of copper
electrode with copper strips.(02 Nos)
Any work/items not mentioned in the scope of work but deemed necessary for completion
and commissioning of this project shall deemed to be included in the scope of work.

NOTE: - 1.) The bidders are requested to visit the site to get acquainted with the nature and quantum of job
2. License for erection and operation / maintenance from competent Authority, However successful
bidder has to obtain the License for erection and operation/maintenance from local authority i.e
Chief Lift Inspector, Jammu also before the commissioning of work, failing which testing,
commissioning shall not be made to the firm.

Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division


Annexure “B”


The tenderers should bear in mind and comply with the following instructions and terms & conditions
while tendering for the work/contract on turnkey basis as per scope of work and terms and
conditions of the detailed tender document:
1. The tenderer should inspect the site of the proposed work and fully acquaint himself with the
working conditions before quoting their rates as the job is of turnkey basis. It will be construed that
the tenderer has studied the site conditions completely and satisfied him with respect to the same.
2. Definitions: In constructing the terms and conditions of this tender document or of the documents
forming part thereof, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions
shall have the meanings hereinafter assigned to them.
i) “Department” shall mean Hospital Division GMCH , Jammu represented by The Executive Engineer ,
Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu and/or his authorized representative.
ii) “Engineer-in-charge” shall mean Executive Engineer , Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu and/or
his authorized representative.
iii) “Contractor” shall mean the tenderer whose tender has been accepted and who is authorized to
enter into an agreement with the Department for execution and completion of the works tendered
for by him.
iv) “Works” shall mean all works to be executed by the contractor in accordance with the specifications
and scope of work as specified in the tender document.
v) Notice in writing or written Notice shall mean a notice or a communication in writing, typed or
printed, sent either under registered post, ordinary post or electronic form to the last known private
or business address or delivered personally by hand to the contractor.
vi) Words incorporating the singular only also include the plural and vice versa.
viii) The Marginal Headings and notes shall not be deemed to be part of this contract or taken into
consideration in the interpretation or construction of this contract.
3. Rates: The rates quoted shall be FOR site, which will include the cost of transportation of materials
to the site, storage at site, all handling at site and incidental expenses, all taxes such as GST, entry
tax, toll tax at Lakhanpur and octroi etc. and the fixing in position for which the items of work is
intended to be operated.
4. Price Escalation: No cost escalation on any account shall be entertained in the quoted rates and
the rates quoted shall be firm & final and shall remain valid till the completion of the contract
5. Tender Acceptance: The acceptance / approval of the tender will rest with the Executive Engineer ,
Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu who does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and
reserves to himself the authority to reject any or all of the tenders received without assigning any
reason(s). Conditional tenders shall be out rightly rejected.
Executive Engineer , Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu also reserves the right of accepting the
whole or any part of the tenders received and the tenderers shall be bound to perform the same at
the quoted rates.
6. GST: GST as applicable under law.
7. Commencement of work: The contractor shall commence work on site within 03 days from
the date of issue of work order/letter of intent
8. Site Supervision: The work shall be carried out under the direction and supervision of the
Engineer- in-charge or his representative at site. The contractor shall intimate the name of their
accredited representative who would be supervising the installation and would be responsible for
taking instructions for carrying out the work on day to day basis.
9. Quality: The decision of the Engineer-in-charge with regard to the quality of the material and
workmanship will be final and binding and the material/equipment rejected by the Department shall
be immediately removed by the contractor from the site.

10. Time of completion: (90) NINETY days from the date of issue of work order/letter of intent

11. Extension in time: If the contractor shall desire an extension in time for completion of the works
on the grounds of his having been un-avoidably hindered in its execution or on any reasonable
ground certified as such by the Engineer-in-charge, he shall apply to the Executive Engineer ,
Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu within 02 days of the date of such event. The Executive
Engineer Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu, Government Medical College & Hospital, Jammu
may on reasonable grounds therefore authorize such extension as in his opinion is necessary for
completion of the works in its entirety.
12. Penalty: In the event of contractors failure, neglecting declining or delaying the supplies /
installation or in the event of any damage occurring or being caused or in the event of any default or
failure in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contract, the govt. shall with or
without prejudice any other remedy available to it under any law for the time being in force in the
a. Terminate the contract after 30 days notice.
b. Recover the amount of loss caused by damage failure or default including the consequential
damage as may be determined by the department and /or
c. Recover the extra cost, if any, involved in allotting the contract to other party and/or.
d. Impose a penalty in form of liquidated damages on accounts of delay beyond the scheduled
delivery period subject to 0.1% value of the contract per day and not exceeding 10%
value of the contract and /or.
e. Forfeiture of earnest money/security deposit.
13. Defects Liability Period: The firm shall be bound for a period of 24 months from the date of
commissioning of job for satisfactory operation of the same and shall furnish a guarantee to this
effect to the department/ Government. Any defects found in equipment or any part thereof, which
may be caused by bad workmanship, use of inferior material or otherwise, or if in the opinion of the
department, any repairs / replacement are required to be made to the equipment the firm shall be
liable to remove the defect/ or conduct repairs at his own cost and expenses within a period of 03
days of the receipt of the notice from the department. In the event of failure on the part of the firm
to remove these defects or make repairs within the stipulated period, the department may get the
defects removed or repairs made by any other agency and the cost thereof shall be recovered from
the firm.
14. Addition/Alteration in work contract: No addition/alteration in the work shall be allowed without
prior approval from the competent authority i.e Executive Engineer , Mechanical & Hospital Division,
Jammu. However, any addition/ alteration exceeding 2% of the value of contract value that
improves the overall performance of the system shall be allowed at L.M.R. subject to approval from
Chief Engineer.
15. Contract Signing: After acceptance of the contract the tenderer shall sign the necessary contract
papers/agreement within 05 days of the intimation. Expenses for the agreement including
cost of stamp papers etc. shall be borne by the contractor. The delay or failure to execute the
agreement shall in no way affect the time of completion of work which will be reckoned from the
date of placement of supply order/ work order/ letter of intent.
16. Employee State Insurance: ESI charges, if applicable on the workforce employed, shall be borne
by the contractor.
All payments will be made in Indian Currency and will be subject to deduction of Income tax, and
J&K Service Tax at source, on the rates as are in vogue at the time of release of payment.

a) 70% of against safe delivery of material/equipment in full at site and Rest of payment shall be
released after installation, testing & successful commissioning of the all the equipment at site.
However, 10 % payment shall be kept as deposit & shall be released after successful completion
of the warranty period or against bank guarantee of equivalent amount i.e. 10 % of the contract
value from nationalized/reputed bank
18. Earnest Money:
i) The earnest money amounting shall be in the form of CDR/FDR/TDR of a
nationalized/scheduled bank having branch in Jammu issued in favour of Executive Engineer
, Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu . The CDR/FDR/TDR shall be valid for 12 months or
more after the last date of receipt of bids or after the submission of performance
security whichever is later.
ii) The Bid not accompanied by an Earnest Money shall be out-rightly rejected.

iii) If i n case contractor failed to start /complete the work, within the stipulated time period, his
CDR/Earnest Money shall be forfeited after termination of the contract. Besides, defaulting
contractor shall be debarred from taking works in the Department at least for one year.
iv) Earnest money deposit shall be released after successful completion of the work
and verification by the Concerned AEE. However, the earnest money of unsuccessful
tenderers shall be released after finalization of the tender..
19. Watch and ward of equipment/material: The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and
ward of his equipment / materials at site till the completion of work/handing over to the department
In case of any loss or damage to the said equipment / material etc. on any account, the contractor
shall make good the loss or replace the deteriorated material at his cost and expenses and the
Department shall in no case be liable to pay any compensation
20. Currency of bid and payment: The rates and prices shall be quoted by the bidders entirely in
Indian Rupees. Accordingly, all payments shall be made in Indian Rupees.
21. Indemnity:
The contractor shall make the Department harmless and shall settle all compensation claims arising
as a result of accidents etc. aforesaid during the execution of the works at his own cost.
22. Damage to works during or after execution: If the contractor or his workers break, deface,
injure or destroy any part of the structure or other property in the vicinity of the works belonging to
any person in or on which they may be working, such structure, road kerbs, embankments, fence
enclosure, water pipes, cables, drains, electrical or telephone posts, or wares, trees, grass or
grassland or cultivated ground contiguous to the premises on which the work or any part of it is
being executed shall make the same good at his own cost and in default, the Engineer-in-charge
shall cause the same to be made good and deduct the cost thereof from any sums that may due to
the contractor under this contract or from his security deposit for other works under the
23. Materials, Plants & appliances: The contractor shall arrange at his cost all materials, plants,
tools, appliances and temporary works required for the execution of the works.
24. Force Majeure: Any failure or omission to carry out the provisions of the contract shall not give rise
to any claim by the department or the approved supplier/contractor one against the other if such
failure or omission arises from an “Act of God” which shall include all natural calamities such as fires,
earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, strikes, riots, embargoes or from any political or other reasons
beyond the control of parties including war, whether declared or not, civil war or a state of
25. Decision of the Executive Engineer to be final: Except where otherwise specified in the contract,
the decision of the Executive Engineer , Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu, shall be final,
conclusive and binding upon the contractor on all questions relating to the meaning specifications,
design, drawings, the instructions mentioned and the quality of workmanship or
materials/equipment used for the works.
26. Subletting: The contractor shall not assign or sublet the works in whole or part without the written
permission from the competent authority & incase the contractor assign or sublet the contract or
attempt to do so. The contract will be terminated and actions as deemed fit shall be taken by the
27. Warranty Period: The overall job shall be guaranteed for a period of 24 months.
28. Jurisdiction of Court: For any dispute arising out of this contract the Hon’ble High Court of Jammu
&d Kashmir at Jammu only shall have jurisdiction.
29. All other terms and conditions shall be governed by PWD Form No. 25 of J&K Government.
30. All other terms and conditions as reflected in NIT shall also be applicable.
31. ARBITRATION CLAUSE: If any question, dispute or difference whatsoever, arises between the
firm & the Department/Government in relation to or in connection with this contract either of the
parties may give notice in writing of such questions, dispute or difference and the same be referred
to the arbitration of a person to be mutually agreed upon or failing such agreement within thirty
days of receipt of such notice of person appointed by the Jammu & Kashmir government. This
submission shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Jammu &
Kashmir Arbitration Act. In witness thereof the parties hereto have signed this agreement on the
dates respectively mentioned against their signatures. The provision of J&K Arbitration Act Samvat
2002 and of the rules there under and statutory modification thereof shall be deemed to apply to the
arbitration disputes if any regarding reference to courts shall be subject to jurisdiction of J&K courts
32. The hard copies of original documents along with EMD in the shape of CDR/FDR/TDR should be
submitted only by the bidder who is declared as L1 after opening of financial bids in the office of XEN ,

Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu, Jammu within seven (07) days, failing which bid liable to
be rejected

33. The complete bidding process will be online.

34. If any item is not mentioned / incorporated in scope of work of NIT, but necessary for successful
commissioning of the job, it shall be deemed to have been incorporated for which no extra cost shall
be paid by the Department.

35. Cancellation: The Department reserves the right to cancel the order in case of fault on the part of
the contracting agency and also prior to the receipt of the intimation regarding taking in hand
execution of work against the order. No, claim whatsoever, shall be tenable against the department
on this account.
36. Overall lowest bidder shall be treated as “L1”.

37. Training to the Departmental Staff: The Successful bidder shall provide the necessary training
and orientation to the departmental staff to be deputed by the department after successful testing &
commissioning of the equipment / complete Job. Without any extra cost for training.
38. Inspection & Testing: The complete project shall have to before dispatch of material/ equipments
inspect / certified by third parties viz RRL/CEIL/RITES for its specifications. The payment for the
same shall be borne by the contractor.

39.SCHEDULED SERVICE DURING WARRANTY PERIOD: Contractor / firm shall provide 02 years
complete scheduled services as per OEM manuals after successful completion of the work including
all type of consumables free of cost. The successful tenderer shall intimate the Department
and the Inspecting Agency/Authority in advance regarding the readiness of the equipment
for dispatch, and shall furnish all test certificates for the equipment from the Principal
Manufacturer(s), and all other relevant documents
40. ACCIDENT PROVISIONS :The Contractor shall be responsible for any accident which may occur
during the period of work, to human life. Compensation, as shall be applicable under labour law, or
any other law in vogue, shall be payable to the victim by the Contractor only
41.CLEAN UP: The contractor shall always keep the site clean, devoid of any dirt, dust, surplus
materials as per the instructions of the Departmental Supervisors/workers. The equipment and sites
should be kept neat and clean for the whole period of Contract. No extra payment shall be made by
the Department on this account.

42.STAFF & LABOUR: The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the engagement
of all type of staff/labour for execution of the contract. No workman below the age of 18 years
shall be employed on the works, and the contractor shall comply with the provisions of all labour
laws and rules framed there under in vogue in the State of J&K.

43.Changes: No variation or modification of any of the terms and conditions, or technical specifications
shall be deemed valid unless mutually agreed upon in writing by both the Department and the
contracting agency.

Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division


Annexure “B”-1


The tender shall be complete and include all accessories, even though not specifically mentioned
in these specifications, schedule etc., but are essential for the satisfactory operation of the
equipment as a whole. The bidders shall co-operate fully with suppliers of other related
equipment and supply the information required for the design, manufacture and testing of the
plant and equipment.

All materials and equipment shall comply in all respect with the requirements of the latest edition
of the relevant Indian Standards, or in the absence of requisite Indian Standards, to the
standards of the International Electro Technical Commission, British or American Standard,
except in so far as they are modified in these specifications. Where certain equipment is stated
not to comply with Indian Standards, the salient points of comparison between the standards
adopted and the Indian standards shall be clearly brought out in the tender, making at the same
time necessary corrections for operation under the site conditions specified herein. A complete
set of the adopted standards shall be supplied by the contractor, free of charge, before the
award of the contract. Wherever a standard is specifically mentioned in these specifications, it is
understood that the corresponding standard of standards from amongst the source mentioned
above shall also apply. It is, however, understood that the plant and equipment offered shall
comply with one consistent set of standards except in so far as they are modified by the
requirements of these specifications.
The general principle on which the specifications are drawn up is to permit the adoption of
modern manufacturing standards. The bidders are required to tender for their own standard
equipment as far as possible, provided these comply with the requirements of these
specifications. However, should the contractor wish to depart from the provisions of these
specifications either on account of manufacturing practice or for any other reasons, they shall
draw the attention of the Department, to the proposed point of departure and shall submit such
full information, drawings and specifications as will enable the relative merits on his proposals to
be fully appreciated for consideration.
In the event of these specifications or part thereof and the contractor’s drawings, specifications
forms, tables, etc. being found to disagree during the execution of contract, these
specifications shall be held as binding unless, the departures have been duly approved in
writing by the Department.

All parts shall be made accurately to standard gauge so as to facilitate replacement and
repairs. All corresponding parts of similar material shall be interchangeable.
i. The successful Tenderer shall submit, the drawings etc enumerated below and in various
other sections of the specifications:
ii. General layout and assembly drawings of the equipment tendered for;
iii. Instruction manuals of the equipment

All equipments shall have metal plates fixed in a suitable position with full particulars marked
thereon in accordance with requirements of the standard adopted. The name plate marking shall
be in English language.


The contractor shall, when asked in writing by the purchaser, perform extra work and furnish
extra material not covered by the specifications or included in the schedule or scope but forming
an inseparable part of the work contracted for. The terms of payment for such extra work or
materials shall be mutually agreed upon.

The contractor shall, at his own cost, make arrangements for proper storage especially towards
Rain and Snow damages of the equipment/ materials at sites till its erection/completion. For
this purpose, the contractor shall, with the approval of Engineer In-charge, construct
temporary storage accommodation for equipment/ material at site for which land shall be
provided by the Department near the site of work.
The contractor shall further make arrangements for watch and ward of the equipment from the
date of supply of the material at site till its erection, testing and handing over of the complete
plant to the Department and/or till the time training is imparted to the Departmental
operational staff for a working Season.
All works shall conform to the rules in force under the Indian Electricity Act as applicable in J&K
and any other applicable legislation.
In order to facilitate identification at site and for erection, the several parts of the plant and
equipment shall be suitably marked and the scheme of marking shall be notified to the
The Department, at all reasonable times, shall have access to the works and to the site and to
all workshops and places where work is being executed and where material/manufactured
articles, and machinery are being obtained, and to inspect and examine materials and
workmanship, and to make tests of the plants during its manufacture from the manner prescribed
in the contract.
The contractor/firm shall be solely responsible for any losses, breakages etc. at loading points
and also for en-route transit losses/shortages/breakages from the loading point(s) upto the
destination /site till final commissioning of the equipment.
The contractor/firm shall dispatch the following documents by speed post/courier to Executive
Engineer, Mechanical and Hospital Division, JAMMU, immediately after dispatch of
materials/consignments to facilitate to process the case in advance so as to make the
payment within the stipulated time.
i. Copies of Test Certificates
ii. Copies of inspection notes
iii. Copies of insurance cover
iv. Copies of packing slips and challans
14. CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN SITE OFFICE : The contractor shall provide and
maintain, at its own cost, a suitable site office at the site of work to which the Department may
send communications/instructions.
15. CLAIMS TO BE PUT IN WRITING : The Department shall not be liable to the Contractor for
any matter or thing arising out of or in connection with the contract or the execution, completion
and maintenance of the work unless the contractor puts a claim in writing in respect thereof
before getting the certificate of final completion.
16. FINAL ACCEPTANCE : The equipment shall be accepted by the Department only after
the system has been tested and has performed satisfactorily in all respects, at site, in accordance
with the provisions of the contract.
17. POWER SUPPLY : The Firm shall on its own arrange 3 phase LT (400 V), 50 Hz. Power
supply at site. However the Contractor/Firm may get power connection from J&K PDD on their
own. At their cost, for all lines, individual power points, etc. to the machinery and plant required
by him for the erection, testing and commissioning of the equipment ordered on him, at his cost.
The Government shall not be responsible, and the contractor shall have no claim whatsoever, for
any interruption in power supply or voltage fluctuation or total cut off at the site. The
contractor/firm must provide an alternative source of power, at his own cost, at the site for
completion of the work.

Each Lift shall have a Fireman switch with glass front for access by the Firemen. The operation
ofthis switch shall cancel all calls to this lift and shall stop at the next nearest landing if traveling
upwards. The doors shall not open at this landing and the lift shall return to the ground floor.
In case the lift is traveling downwards when the fireman's switch is operated it shall go straight to
the ground floor bypassing all calls enroute. The emergency stop button inside the car shall be
rendered inoperative.
The fireman’s switch shall be located adjacent to the lift opening at the terminal floor and shall
be at a height of approximately 2 m above the floor level. For easy identification of firemens lift
which confirm to the local authorities requirements, a red and white diagonal striped backing shall
be provided behind the glass of the firemen’s switch.
A permanent notice of prominent size indicating the floors served shall be provided and
displayed adjacent to the firemen’s lift at the terminal floor. The notice shall be made of
laminated plastic sheet or other approved materials with red letters on white background.
Details of the notice shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for approval prior to fabrication.


The whole of the lift assembly, including the opening and closing of the car and landing doors shall
be quiet in operation and shall be free of rattling or squeaking noises. Lift doors operation shall be
smooth to avoid the transmission of impact noise to the surrounding structure. Noise level resulting
from the operation of the lifts, including direct sound transmission, break out noise and re-radiation
of structure borne noise, shall not exceed the specified noise criteria of the adjacent spaces.
Vibration resulting from operation of lifts of escalators shall not be perceptible in any occupied areas.
General requirements of lifts shall be as follows :
a. Landing doors in lift enclosures shall have a fire resistance of not less than one hour.
b. Lift car door shall have a fire resistance rating of one hour.
c. Grounding switch (es), at ground floor level, shall be provided on all the lifts to enable
the fire services to ground the lifts.
21. Scope:
Based on power requirements of lifts furnished by the lift contractor, power supply for the lift
smachines, terminating in a Switchboard located at a desired location, shall be provided by
Engineer-in-charge. The earth bar provided on this Switchboards shall be connected to the building
earthing system also by Engineer-in-charge. All cabling / wiring/loop earthing beyond this
Switchboard for interconnection with the lift controllers / motors/ indicators/push buttons/safety
devices etc. shall be provided by the lift contractor and its cost shall be deemed to be included in
the quoted rates.
22. Cabling
Cabling between switchboard and the controller /lift motor shall be with XLPE insulated HR PVC
sheathed 1100 volt grade aluminium conductor armoured cables conforming to IS 7098 or PVC
insulated, PVC sheathed, 1100 volt grade al conductor armoured cables conforming to IS 1554.
Cables shall be terminated in glands fitted with armour clamps the gland body shall be provide with
an internal conical sating to receive the armour clamping cone and clamping nuts which shall
secure the armour wires. A PVC shroud shall be fitted to cover the gland body and exposed armour

Trailing cables for the lifts shall be EPR insulated stranded copper conductor flexible cables
conforming to IS 9968.

Control cabling shall be with multi core stranded copper conductor PVC insulated and
sheathed1100 volt grade cables conforming to IS 8130. Minimum size of the cable shall be 2.5 sq
mm. Where cables pass through walls or floor slabs, pieces of GI sleeves shall be provided for cast
into the wall / floor and cable shall be drawn therein. Annular space around the cable in the sleeve
shall be sealed with fire proof sealant supplied by Engineer-in-charge.

23. Wiring: All wiring shall be carried out with FRLS PVC insulated 1100 volt grade stranded
copper conductor wires conforming to IS 694 drawn in MS rigid / flexible conducting system and / or
MS raceways. Minimum 2.5 sq mm size wires shall be used. Wires shall be cut only at terminations.
Intermediate jointing shall not be permitted. Drawing, cutting and terminating of the wires shall
comply with the relevant Indian standard specifications and shall be carried out in the most
workman like manner as per standard practice. All normal care like cutting the insulation with a
pencil edge, taking care not to cut the strands and proper tightening of terminal connector screws to

avoid loose connection or breaking of conductors etc. shall be taken.Heavy gauge black enameled
screw type ISI embossed MS conduits with superior quality accessories approved by Engineer-in-
Charge shall be used in the work. Conduits could either be recessed in floors / walls or fixed on
surface with saddles and clamps. Final connections to vibrating the equipment shall be made
with metal flexible conduits. Entire work shall be carried out in work man like manner as per
standard practice
24. Earthing Metal enclosures of all electrical equipment and devices including frames of motors,
controllers, switchgear, conduits and raceways etc. shall be properly earthed so as to form an equvi-
potential zone. Loop earthing of vibrating equipment shall be done with flexible copper earthing
braid orflexible cables. The lift motor frame shall be connected to the building earthing system
termination at the switchboard by duplicate loop earthing conductors of appropriate size.
25. All other terms and conditions shall remain same as envisaged in the Tender Document
and PWD Form No. 25 and 33 double.

Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division

Annexure “B”-2



1.1 a) Leveling Test:
Accuracy of the floor levelling shall be tested with the lift empty, fully loaded.
The lift shall be run to each floor while travelling both in upward and downward directions
and the actual distance of car floor above/ below landing floor shall be measured. In each case
there shall not be any appreciable difference in these measurements for levelling at the floors
when the car is empty and when it is fully loaded. The tolerances for levelling shall be as + 5mm
b) Safety Gear Test:
Instantaneous safety gear controlled by a governor, should be tested with contract load and a
contract speed, governor being operated by hand. Two tests should be made, however, with
wedge clamps or flexible clamp safeties, one with contract load in the car and the other with
68 kg (equivalent to one person) in the car. The stopping distance obtained should be
compared with specified figures and the guides, car platform, and safety gear should be carefully
examined afterwards for signs of permanent distortion.
Counterweight safety gear should be tripped by the counterweight governor and the stopping
distance noted. In this case, however the governor tripping speed should exceed that of the
car safety governor but by not more than 10 percent.
During the safety gear test, car speed (from the governor or the main sheave) should be
determined at the instant or tripping speed with that stated in I.S. The governor jaws and rope
should be examined for any undue wear.
c) Contract Speed:
This should be measured with contract load in the car, with half load with no load, and should
not vary from the contract speed by more than 10 percent. The convenient method is by
counting the number of revolutions, made by the sheave or drum in a known time. Chalk mark
on the sheave or drum and a stop switch will facilitate timing but care must be exercised to
ensure that no acceleration or retardation periods are included. If the roping is 2 to 1 the
sheave speed is twice the car speed. Alternatively, the speed can be measured by a tachometer
applied directly to shaft immediately below the sheave.
d) Lift Balance:
After the above test, some of the weight shall be removed until the remaining weights
represent the
figures specified by the tenderer. With this condition car at half way travel the effort required
to move the lift car in either direction with the help of winding wheel shall be as nearly as can
be judge by the same.
e) Car and landing doors interlocks:
The lift shall not move with any door open. The car door relay contact and the retiring release
cam must
be tested. The working of the door operation and the safety edges and light equipment if any
provided shall also be examined.
f) Controllers:
The operation of the contactors and interlocks shall be examined and it shall be ascertained
whether all requirements laid down in the specifications have been met.

g) Normal Terminal Stopping Switches:

This shall be tested by letting the car run to each terminal landing in turn, first with no load and
then with contract load and by taking measurements, top and bottom over travels can be

h) Final Terminal Stopping Switches:

The normal terminal stopping switches shall be disconnected for this test. It shall be ensured
that these

switches operate before the buffers are engaged.
i) Insulation Resistance:
This shall be measured (after removing the electronic PCB’s and their connection) between
power and control lines and earth and shall not be less than 5 mega-ohms when measured with
D.C. voltage of 500 volts. The test shall be carried out with contactors so connected together as to
ensure that all parts of every circuit are simultaneously tested.
j) Earthing:
All conduits, switches, casing and similar metal work shall have earthing
k) Ropes:
The size, number construction and fastenings of the ropes should be carefully examined and
l) Buffers:
The car should be run on to its buffers at contract speed and with contract load in the car to test
whether there is any permanent distortion of the car or buffers. The counter weight buffers
should be tested similarly.
1.2 Tests at Manufacturer’s Works:
a) High Voltage Test:
The dielectric or electric apparatus (excluding motors, generators and instruments which are
tested in accordance with the appropriate Indian Standards wherever they exist) shall be capable
of withstanding a test voltage of ten times the working voltage with a maximum of 2000 Volts
when applied.
i) between the live parts and case of frame with all circuits
completed. ii) between main terminals or equivalent parts with all
circuits open, and iii) between the lift parts of independent circuits.
Note : Owing to the impracticability of applying tests (ii), (iii) mentioned above on controllers and
similar apparatus after controller wiring has been completed, these tests may be made at
convenient stages of manufacturer.
b) i) Method of Applying High Voltage:
The test shall be made with alternating voltage of any convenient frequency, preferably between
49 to 60 cycles per second. The test voltage shall be approximately sine-wave form and during the
application of voltage with peak value, as would be determined by spark gap by occillograph or by
any other approved method shall not be more than 1.45 times the rms value. The rms values of
the applied voltage shall be measured by means of a volt meter used with a suitably calibrated
potential transformer or by means of voltmeter used in connection with a special calibrated
voltmeter winding or testing transformer by any other suitable voltmeter connected to the output
side of the testing transformer.
ii) Duration of High Voltage Test:
The test shall be commenced at a voltage of about one third of the test voltage which shall be
increased to
the full test voltage as rapidly as is consistent with the value being indicated by the measuring
instrument. The full test voltage shall be maintained for one minute. At the end of this period,
the test voltage shall be rapidly diminished to one third of its full value before switching off.
The oil buffers are examined after the above tests have been made to determine if there has been
any oil leakage or distortion and to ensure that the buffers return to their normal positions.
c) Buffer Test:
A copy of the test report shall be intimated after testing at works.

1.3 Performance Test:

This test if meant for passengers lifts and is conducted to watch the performance of lift
installation in terms of passenger handling capacity and waiting interval as obtained at site vis-a-
vis design, data and conducted as below :
i) Waiting interval : (T)- This can be worked out by taking the average of several round trip
times as observed physically and then dividing it by the number of lifts in that bank.
ii) Handling capacity H = 300 x Q x 100

H = Handling capacity as the percentage of the peak population handled during
5 minutes.

P = Total population to be handled during peak morning/ evening period. (It is related
to the area for which particular bank of lifts serves).
Q = Average number of passenger carried in a car.
T = Waiting interval.
iii) Service Temperature Test :
A continuous run of one hour should be made with number of starts and stops to reproduce as
nearly as practical the anticipate duty in service. (The standard duty cycle is for 90 to 180 start per
hour). It is very difficult in practice to carry out this test with alternate starts at full load and no
load and it is necessary therefore to simulate these cycles. A suitable test for all motors except
squirrel cage motors is to run the car up from the bottom landing with contract load and stop at
each floor. From the top floor a non stop run is made to the lowest floor and the upward journey
with stop is then repeated. The time intervals between stops and starts at the floors should be
uniform and such as to give about 180 starts in one hour. At the end of this run the
temperatures of the armatures and fields of the motor and generator are recorded. The
temperature rise should, be within prescribed limit.

Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division


1) Cost of Tender document in shape of challan through J&K Govt. Treasury indicating Treasury Voucher No. &
date and also indicating the name of work duly crediting to 0059-PWD (Revenue) and uploading a copy of
treasury challan / / receipt on e-tendering portal. OR The bidder may deposit tender fee in the shape of e-
Challan through Account no. 0097010100002163 in the name of Executive Engineer , Mechanical &
Hospital Division, Jammu
2) Name of Bank : J&K Bank, Town Hall, Jammu.
Branch code : 0097,
MICR CODE : 180051025

3) Earnest Money Deposit in shape of CDR/FDR/TDR valid for 12 months or more pledged Executive
Engineer , Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu
4) Copy of PAN card
5) Latest Income Tax Clearance Certificate/return (ITR) (Assessment year 2023-24)
6) Copy of GST Registration Certificate.
7) The firm should be registered on JKPWDOMS
8) Similar Nature Works Completed Certificate along with work order/allotment order copies from
Govt./Semi Govt. During Last 07 Years Ending 31.10.2023 As Mention Below :-

03 Similar Nature Completed Works Costing Not Less Than The Amount Equal To 40% each Of The
Estimated Cost.
02 Similar Nature Completed Works Costing Not Less Than The Amount Equal To 50% each Of The
Estimated Cost.
01 Similar Nature Completed Works Costing Not Less Than The Amount Equal To 80% each Of The
Estimated Cost
9) Intending bidders have to sign & stamp bid acceptance form i.e, Annexure “E” with confirmation of Yes or
No for item no. 1 to 05 in respect of terms and conditions of e-Nit, failing which bid is liable to be rejected.

10) The Bidder should give an undertaking in shape of Affidavit (Notary Attested) for Rs 100/- of currency of
tender dates on non Judicial stamp paper as per Format Enclosed at Annexure “D”. The Stamp paper
should also have clearly mentioned the 1st party name as contractor/ Firm name and 2nd party name as
Executive Engineer , Mechanical & Hospital Division, Jammu along with reference of e-Nit

11) Tender document (SBD) duly signed & stamped on each leaf should also be uploaded.

12) The firms shall have mandatory local services setup i.e within Jammu so as provide the
prompt services to avoid inconvenience to the patient care.

13) Latest valid Authorized distributorship or latest valid Authorized dealership certificate from OEM
(ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER) or Authorization from OEM to quote the tender.

14) Detailed Boucher’s /Manuals of equipment offered by the

15) License for erection and operation / maintenance from competent Authority, However successful bidder
has to obtain the License for erection and operation/maintenance from local authority i.e Chief Lift
Inspector, Jammu also before the commissioning of work, failing which testing, commissioning shall not
be made to the firm.

Note:- 1) The intending bidder, in case OEM shall submit a self declaration on their letter head
confirming that they are regular in manufacturing supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of equipment

Executive Engineer
Mechanical & Hospital Division

ANNEXURE “D” On Rs 100/- Stamp paper
(Notary Attested)

1. I, do hereby certify that all the statements made in the Tender

no.:___________dated _______are true & correct.

2. The undersigned also hereby certifies that neither our firm M/S__________ have abandoned any
work in erstwhile Mechanical Engineering Department Jammu or any other department nor any
contract awarded to us for such work have been rescinded during the last five years period prior to
the date of this bid.

3. The undersigned hereby authorize(s) and request(s) any bank,

firm or corporation to furnish pertinent deemed necessary and requested by the department to
verify this statement or regarding any (our) competence and general reputation.

4. The undersigned understands and agrees that further qualifying

Information may be requested and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the
department/project implementing authority.




Bid Acceptance Form

MHDJ/e-NIT 181 of 2023-24 Dated: 21.11.2023

Due : 04.12.2023

Name of Work: Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of one No. 08 passenger (544 kg) Stainless
Steel moon light finish/ hair line finish/ moon rock finish Elevator of machine room type for construction of Auditorium
and Cafeteria including parking, store lifts and Ramps etc.at Govt. Chest Diseases Hospital, Jammu

1. Payment clause
Terms of payment:-

As per Annexure“B” of e-NIT, Sr. No. 17 (Yes/No)……..

2. Delivery / Completion period

(90) NINETY days from the date of issue of work order/letter of intent (Yes/No)……..

3. Warranty Clause
24 months (Yes/No)……..

4. Bid Validity period

Valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of tenders (Yes/No)……..

5. Terms and conditions

As per Annexure “B” of e-NIT Yes/No)……..

Seal & signature of the Tenderer

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by Muzaffar Ahmad
Date: 2023.11.21 15:27:54 IST
Location: Jammu and Kashmir-JK


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