Page 137 12.11 decorate (v) /ˈdekəreɪt/
12.1 style (n) /staɪl/ to add sth to an object or place to make it look
the type of clothes or hairstyle sb likes ● What different or nicer ● I’ve bought some blue
style of trousers do you prefer? ➣ style (v), paint so that I can decorate my bedroom.
stylist (n), stylish (adj), stylishly (adv) ➣ decorator, decoration (n) ❖
❖ 12.12 tattoo (n) /təˈtuː/
a permanent picture on your body, made by
putting ink into your skin ● Gary had a small
Reading Pages 138–139
tattoo of a dragon on his arm. ➣ tattoo (v)
12.2 casual (adj) /ˈkæʒʊəl/ 12.13 arrow (n) /ˈærəʊ/
not formal; everyday ● You can wear casual a weapon made from a long thin stick with a
clothes because it isn’t a formal party. ➣ casually sharp point on one end which is fired through
(adv) ❖ ✎ Opp: formal the air from a bow ● Early humans made
12.3 ethical (adj) /ˈeθɪkl/ arrows out of wood and stone which they used
related to what is right or wrong according to to hunt with. ❖
cultural beliefs ● We have an interesting class 12.14 shoulder (n) /ˈʃəʊldə(r)/
debate about whether it is ethical for humans the part of your body between the top of your
to eat meat. ➣ ethic (n), ethically (adv) arm and your neck ● He hurt his shoulder
❖ ✎ Opp: unethical playing basketball, so he has to rest his arm
12.4 hard-wearing (adj) /ˌhɑːd ˈweərɪŋ/ for a week or two. ❖
that is strong and stays in good condition for a 12.15 painful (adj) /ˈpeɪnfl/
long time ● I need a pair of comfortable hard- causing the feeling that you have when
wearing winter boots. ❖ you are hurt ● She hit her leg and now
12.5 practical (adj) /ˈpræktɪkl/ it’s very painful. ➣ painfully (adv), pain (n)
suitable for a specific purpose ● Trainers are ❖ ✎ Opp: painless
the most practical form of shoes for everyday 12.16 extensive (adj) /ɪksˈtensɪv/
wear. ➣ practically (adv) ❖ detailed ● He did extensive research to check
✎ Opp: impractical the facts before writing his article. ➣ extent (n)
12.6 protective (adj) /prəˈtektɪv/ ❖
that protects sb/sth ● Climbers and 12.17 global (n) /ˈgləʊbl/
cyclists should wear protective helmets. worldwide ● Pollution is a global issue.
➣ protect (v), protection (n), protectively (adv) ➣ globe (n), globally (adv) ❖
❖ 12.18 Neolithic (adj) /ˌniːəˈlɪθɪk/
12.7 fashionable (adj) /ˈfæʃənəbl/ from the time between 3900 and 1700 BCE
popular for a while ● Jane often buys new ● Several Neolithic tools made of stone were
clothes because she likes to be fashionable. found in the cave. ❖
➣ fashion (n) ❖ ✎ Opp: 12.19 mummy (n) /ˈmʌmi/
unfashionable a preserved dead body ● The mummy found
12.8 last (v) /lɑːst/ in the pyramid is thought to have been an
to exist or keep going for a certain amount of Egyptian prince. ➣ mummify (v)
time ● I hope our friendship lasts forever. ❖
➣ lasting (adj) ❖ 12.20 leggings (n pl) /ˈlegɪŋs/
12.9 fairly (adv) /ˈfeəli/ tight trousers which stretch to fit your body
in a way that is fair and right ● Workers in ● Leggings are comfortable to wear when you
many countries are not paid fairly. ➣ fair (adj), are at the gym. ❖
fairness (n) ❖ ✎ Opp: unfairly 12.21 skin (n) /skɪn/
12.10 remains (n pl) /rɪˈmeɪnz/ the organ that covers the surface of an animal
the body of a person or animal after it has died or human body ● Vegans don’t wear shoes
● The remains of animals were dug up at the made from animal skins. ❖
site. ❖
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12.22 fur (adj) /fɜː(r)/ 12.33 roe deer (n) /ˈrəʊ dɪə(r)/
made from an animal skin that still has the a type of small deer native to Europe and Asia
soft hair on it ● Many believe it is unethical to ● He captured a photo of a group of roe deer
kill animals just to make fur coats. ➣ fur (n) in the mist on Mount Olympus. ❖
❖ 12.34 inject (v) /ɪnˈʤekt/
12.23 analyse (v) /ˈænəlaɪz/ to put medicine into sb’s body through a
to study the details of sth carefully to needle ● He was injected with a strong
understand it ● The detective analysed painkiller. ➣ injection (n) ❖
the findings of the murder investigation. 12.35 break down (phr v) /breɪk daʊn/
➣ analysis (n), analytical (adj) ❖ to decompose ● If you throw the fruit and
12.24 sample (n) /ˈsæmpl/ vegetable skins into the garden bin, they will
a small amount of a substance or thing that a break down over time to make new soil.
scientist collects in order to examine it ❖
● The scientist needed a sample of the 12.36 death (n) /deθ/
animal’s skin to tell its age. ➣ sample (v) the state of being dead; the time that sb dies
❖ ● King Henry VII's death in 1509 was due to
12.25 decompose (v) /ˌdiːkəmˈpəʊz/ tuberculosis. ➣ die (v), dead (adj)
to break down naturally and change form ❖
into smaller parts ● The remains of the dead 12.37 mend (v) /mend/
elephant had begun to decompose over time. repair; fix ● The heel of her shoe broke off, so
➣ decomposition (n) ❖ she had it mended. ❖
12.26 import (v) /ɪmˈpɔːt/ 12.38 availability (n) /əˌveɪləˈbɪləti/
to bring sth from another country ● European the fact of being possible to get or use ● Many
traders used the Silk Road to import goods homes in the highlands are made of wood due
and materials from Asia. ➣ import (n) to the availability of trees for building material.
➣ available (adj) ❖
12.27 insight (n) /ˈɪnsaɪt/
an understanding of a situation or of what
sth is like ● The documentary gave me some
insight into the reasons for the war. Vocabulary Page 140
12.39 outfit (n) /ˈaʊtfɪt/
12.28 domesticated (adj) /dəˈmestɪkeɪtɪd/ a set of clothes ● Tracy wore a new outfit to
an animal that can be kept as a pet or on the wedding. ❖
a farm ● Dogs and cats became
domesticated animals thousands of years 12.40 checked (adj) /ʧekt/
ago. ➣ domesticate (v), domestic (adj) a pattern of squares, usually of two colours
❖ ● The checked pattern on the Scottish blanket
was green and red. ❖
12.29 descendant (n) /dɪˈsendənt/
sb’s children and everyone related to them in 12.41 floral (adj) /ˈflɔrəl/
the next generations ● She thinks she might with a flower pattern ● Grandma wore a floral
be a descendant of Queen Cleopatra! dress for the summer garden party.
➣ descend (v) ❖ ❖
12.32 alpine (adj) /ˈælpaɪn/ 12.44 window shopping (n) /ˈwɪndəʊ ʃɒpɪŋ/
in the highest part of the mountains, the activity of looking through shop windows
especially above the level where trees grow at things for sale without buying them ● I went
● They admired the Swiss alpine scenery from window shopping with my friends to dream
the window of the plane. ➣ the Alps (n pl) about what clothes we’d buy if we had the
❖ money! ❖