b2 - Wordlist - Unit - 02 Advanced1
b2 - Wordlist - Unit - 02 Advanced1
b2 - Wordlist - Unit - 02 Advanced1
Page 17 2.11 bead (n) /bi:d/
a small, round piece (usually of glass, plastic
2.1 global (adj) /ˈɡləʊbl/ or wood) with a hole through it ● She used
relating to the whole world ● The global sixty black beads to make her necklace.
temperature has risen significantly in the last ❖
century. ➣ globe (n) ❖
2.12 head wrap (n) /hed ræp/
2.2 culture (n) /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ a head covering made of cloth that you wear
the common habits and beliefs of a particular around the head ● You can style a head wrap
group of people ● Each culture has different in many different ways. ❖
ways of celebrating important events.
2.13 turban (n) /ˈtɜːbən/
➣ cultural (adj) ❖
a head covering made of cloth ● He was
2.3 server (n) /ˈsɜːvə(r)/ wearing a black turban that covered his hair
a person who serves food completely. ❖
● Did you ask the server for a napkin?
2.14 kilt (n) /kɪlt/
❖ ✎ Syn: waiter/waitress
a skirt that men in Scotland traditionally wear
● A group of men in kilts performed a Scottish
country dance. ❖
Reading Pages 18–19 2.15 tartan (n) /ˈtɑːtən/
a pattern of coloured squares and lines on
2.4 funeral (n) /ˈfjuːnərəl/ cloth, typical of Scotland ● He was wearing a
a ceremony that takes place when sb’s dead green tartan kilt. ❖
body is buried ● In Greece, most people wear
black at funerals. ❖ 2.16 warrior (n) /ˈwɒriə(r)/
skilled fighter ● Viking warriors were usually
2.5 identity (n) /aɪˈdentəti/ buried together with their weapons.
the things that make you different from others ❖
● Even though they share a language, Britain
2.17 form (n) /fɔːm/
and the United States have different cultural
type, kind ● Bicycles are probably the
identities. ➣ identical (adj) ❖
cheapest form of transport. ❖
2.6 lifestyle (n) /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/
2.18 wearer (n) /ˈweərə(r)/
sb’s way of living ● He needs a lot of money to
sb who wears sth ● Clothes can tell you a lot
support his expensive lifestyle. ❖
about the wearer’s personality. ➣ wear (v),
2.7 reflect (v) /rɪˈflekt/ worn (adj) ❖
show or express the nature of sth ● The story
2.19 status (n) /ˈsteɪtəs/
reflects the author’s political ideas. ➣ reflection
sb’s position in a social group ● Following her
(n), reflective (adj) ❖
death, the author gained unexpected celebrity
2.8 tribe (n) /traɪb/ status. ❖
a group of related families who live in the same
2.20 inspire (v) /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/
area and share a culture ● Native American
give sb a creative idea ● This view really
tribes have lived in this area for hundreds of
inspires me to paint. ➣ inspiration (n),
years. ➣ tribal (adj) ❖
inspirational (adj) ❖
2.9 lead (v) /li:d/
2.21 trademark (v) /ˈtreɪdmɑːk/
live (a particular type of life) ● He managed to
register a name or design to protect it from
lead a normal life in spite of his disability.
illegal copying ● The first thing they did was to
trademark the new company name.
2.10 sensibly (adv) /ˈsensəbli/ ➣ trademark (n) ❖
in a way that is logical and practical ● You
2.22 fashion house (n) /ˈfæʃən haʊs/
should dress sensibly for our walk in the
a company that designs and sells clothes,
mountains. ➣ sensible (adj) ❖
shoes and accessories ● Chanel founded her
own fashion house in 1910. ❖
Speaking Page 23
2.107 emerge (v) /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/
come out of a place and appear ● My sister
2.96 meme (n) /miːm/ finally emerged from her room at midday.
an idea, image or video that spreads very ➣ emergence (n), emerging (adj)
quickly on the internet ● There are a lot ❖
of memes making fun of politicians on the 2.108 talk (sb) into (phr v) /tɔːk (ˈsʌmbədi) ɪntə/
internet. ❖ make sb change their mind and do sth
2.97 viral (adj) /ˈvaɪrəl/ ● He didn’t want to join us at first, but I
very popular on the internet ● Within a few managed to talk him into it. ❖
hours, the video of my cat typing on the 2.109 have a go at (expr) /hæv ə gəʊ ət/
computer went viral. It now has 100,000 views. make an attempt to do sth ● Let me have a
❖ go at fixing your computer. I think I can do it.
2.98 workshop (n) /ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ ❖
a meeting in which people discuss and do
practical work on a specific topic ● I took part
in a poetry workshop last month.
Use your English Page 25
2.99 collaborative (adj) /kəˈlæbərətɪv/ 2.110 identify with (phr v) /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ wɪð/
involving two or more people working together feel that you are similar to sb and be able to
● I didn’t do it all alone; it was a collaborative understand how they feel ● The reason I liked
effort. ➣ collaborate (v), collaboration (n) the film so much is that I could identify fully
❖ with the main character. ❖
2.100 technique (n) /tekniːk/ 2.111 look back (at) (phr v) /lʊk bæk (æt)/
a particular way of doing sth that requires skill think about what happened in the past
● I am learning a new painting technique. ● Looking back, I can see exactly what the
❖ problem was. ❖
2.112 spread (sth) out over (phr v) /spred (ˈsʌmθɪŋ)
aʊt ˈəʊvə(r)/
Grammar Page 24 make sth happen over a longer period of time
● You don’t have to pay the whole sum now;
2.101 emphasis (n) /ˈemfəsɪs/ you can spread the payments out over three or
attention and importance given to sth ● The four months. ❖
teacher put emphasis on the fact that the exam 2.113 call (sth) off (phr v) /kɔl (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) ɒf/
started at 8:00. ➣ emphasise (v) decide not to do sth that you had planned
❖ ● They have called off the wedding at the
last minute. ❖
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2.114 go ahead (phr v) /gəʊ əˈhed/ 2.126 awareness (n) /əˈweənəs/
begin to do sth after sb has given you knowledge and understanding of a fact or
permission ● You can go ahead now, there’s a situation ● The public’s awareness of the
no problem. ❖ seriousness of the problem was limited.
2.115 reputation (n) /ˌrepjəˈteɪʃn/ ➣ aware (adj), unaware (adj) ❖
the opinion most people have about sb/sth 2.127 method (n) /ˈmeθəd/
● The hotel has an excellent reputation, which a way of doing sth ● She uses a new teaching
is why it’s always full. ❖ method, which emphasises fun and games.
2.116 root (n) /ruːt/ ❖
the cause or origin of sth usually bad ● I won’t
rest until I find the root of the problem. Phrasal Verbs
call off look back
2.117 widely (adv) /ˈwaɪdli/ date back scare away
by many people ● He is widely admired as an give up spread out over
actor, but not many people know he has also go ahead sum up
written ten books. ❖ identify with talk sb into