b2 - Wordlist - Unit - 02 Advanced1

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2 Global culture?

Page 17 2.11 bead (n) /bi:d/
a small, round piece (usually of glass, plastic
2.1 global (adj) /ˈɡləʊbl/ or wood) with a hole through it ● She used
relating to the whole world ● The global sixty black beads to make her necklace.
temperature has risen significantly in the last ❖
century. ➣ globe (n) ❖
2.12 head wrap (n) /hed ræp/
2.2 culture (n) /ˈkʌltʃə(r)/ a head covering made of cloth that you wear
the common habits and beliefs of a particular around the head ● You can style a head wrap
group of people ● Each culture has different in many different ways. ❖
ways of celebrating important events.
2.13 turban (n) /ˈtɜːbən/
➣ cultural (adj) ❖
a head covering made of cloth ● He was
2.3 server (n) /ˈsɜːvə(r)/ wearing a black turban that covered his hair
a person who serves food completely. ❖
● Did you ask the server for a napkin?
2.14 kilt (n) /kɪlt/
❖ ✎ Syn: waiter/waitress
a skirt that men in Scotland traditionally wear
● A group of men in kilts performed a Scottish
country dance. ❖
Reading Pages 18–19 2.15 tartan (n) /ˈtɑːtən/
a pattern of coloured squares and lines on
2.4 funeral (n) /ˈfjuːnərəl/ cloth, typical of Scotland ● He was wearing a
a ceremony that takes place when sb’s dead green tartan kilt. ❖
body is buried ● In Greece, most people wear
black at funerals. ❖ 2.16 warrior (n) /ˈwɒriə(r)/
skilled fighter ● Viking warriors were usually
2.5 identity (n) /aɪˈdentəti/ buried together with their weapons.
the things that make you different from others ❖
● Even though they share a language, Britain
2.17 form (n) /fɔːm/
and the United States have different cultural
type, kind ● Bicycles are probably the
identities. ➣ identical (adj) ❖
cheapest form of transport. ❖
2.6 lifestyle (n) /ˈlaɪfstaɪl/
2.18 wearer (n) /ˈweərə(r)/
sb’s way of living ● He needs a lot of money to
sb who wears sth ● Clothes can tell you a lot
support his expensive lifestyle. ❖
about the wearer’s personality. ➣ wear (v),
2.7 reflect (v) /rɪˈflekt/ worn (adj) ❖
show or express the nature of sth ● The story
2.19 status (n) /ˈsteɪtəs/
reflects the author’s political ideas. ➣ reflection
sb’s position in a social group ● Following her
(n), reflective (adj) ❖
death, the author gained unexpected celebrity
2.8 tribe (n) /traɪb/ status. ❖
a group of related families who live in the same
2.20 inspire (v) /ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/
area and share a culture ● Native American
give sb a creative idea ● This view really
tribes have lived in this area for hundreds of
inspires me to paint. ➣ inspiration (n),
years. ➣ tribal (adj) ❖
inspirational (adj) ❖
2.9 lead (v) /li:d/
2.21 trademark (v) /ˈtreɪdmɑːk/
live (a particular type of life) ● He managed to
register a name or design to protect it from
lead a normal life in spite of his disability.
illegal copying ● The first thing they did was to

trademark the new company name.
2.10 sensibly (adv) /ˈsensəbli/ ➣ trademark (n) ❖
in a way that is logical and practical ● You
2.22 fashion house (n) /ˈfæʃən haʊs/
should dress sensibly for our walk in the
a company that designs and sells clothes,
mountains. ➣ sensible (adj) ❖
shoes and accessories ● Chanel founded her
own fashion house in 1910. ❖

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2.23 permission (n) /pəˈmɪʃn/ 2.37 pierced (adj) /pɪəst/
the act of allowing sb to do sth ● You'll need with a small hole used for jewellery ● She’s
your parents' permission to go on the school got pierced ears, but she doesn’t usually wear
trip. ➣ permit (v) ❖ earrings. ➣ pierce (v) ❖
2.24 date back (phr v) /deɪt bæk/ 2.38 pirate (n) /ˈpaɪrət/
have existed for a particular length of time a person who sails in a ship and attacks and
● The church dates back to the 12th century. steals from other ships ● 300 years ago there
❖ were many pirates in the Caribbean. ➣ piracy
(n) ❖
2.25 sea shell (n) /ˈsi: ʃel/
the hard outer covering that protects some sea 2.39 equator (n) /ɪˈkweɪtə(r)/
creatures ● The children were collecting sea the line around the middle of the Earth ● He
shells on the beach. ❖ comes from an island in Indonesia, close to the
equator. ❖
2.26 series (n) /ˈsɪəriːz/
a number of events or things that are similar 2.40 proper (adj) /ˈprɒpə(r)/
or related ● My mother is giving a series of suitable, correct ● I’m very organised. I can’t
lectures on global warming. ❖ work unless everything is in its proper place.
➣ properly (adv) ❖
2.27 hold (v) /həʊld/
have an event, e.g. a sports event, a meeting, 2.41 wax (n) /wæks/
an election, etc. ● The marathon will be held the substance used to make candles
in May. ❖ ● The wax from the candle dripped onto
the tablecloth. ❖
2.28 state (v) /steɪt/
say or write sth in a clear and careful way 2.42 plug (v) /plʌɡ/
● In her application, she had to state why she fill a hole with suitable material ● He tried
wanted the job. ❖ plugging the hole with newspaper to stop the
leak. ➣ plug (n) ❖
2.29 settle (v) /setl/
go to live in a new place ● When his grandfather 2.43 fire (v) /ˈfaɪə(r)/
came to America, he settled in Boston. use a weapon to shoot ● He fired his gun into
➣ settlement (n), settler (n) ❖ the air as a warning. ❖
2.44 cannon (n) /ˈkænən/
2.30 plaid (n) /plæd/
a large gun on wheels that fired heavy metal
cloth with a pattern of lines and squares
balls ● The four cannons at the top of the hill
● This shirt is made in plain grey or plaid.
opened fire at the same time. ❖

2.45 illegal (adj) /ɪˈliːɡl/
2.31 originally (adv) /əˈrɪdʒənəli/
against the law, not allowed by law ● It’s illegal
in the beginning ● This was a kitchen originally,
to make photocopies of this book. ➣ illegally
but we turned it into a bathroom. ➣ origin (n)
(adv) ❖ ✎ Opp: legal

2.46 substance (n) /ˈsʌbstəns/
2.32 impressive (adj) /ɪmˈpresɪv/
a type of matter/material ● Nicotine is an
important or very large ● Her command of
addictive substance found in tobacco.
the English language is impressive.

2.47 record (n) /ˈrekɔːd/
2.33 astonishing (adj) /əˈstɒnɪʃɪŋ/ information about things that happened, e.g.
very surprising ● His talent for languages is objects related to events ● In this folder,
really astonishing – he can speak five foreign there’s a record of every single time I’ve been
languages and he’s only 16. ➣ astonish (v), to a show. ➣ record (v) ❖
astonishment (n) ❖
2.48 unaware (adj) /ˌʌnəˈweə(r)/
2.34 massive (adj) /ˈmæsɪv/ not knowing or not realising sth ● We weren’t
very large ● There’s a massive traffic jam due afraid, because we were unaware of the
to the terrible weather. ❖ danger. ❖ ✎ Opp: aware
2.35 store (v) /stɔː(r)/ 2.49 special occasion (n) /ˈspeʃəl əˈkeɪʒn/
keep sth in a special place so that you can use it an important day or event ● For her birthday
in future ● I stored all my furniture in my brother’s she decided to wear a long dress, as it was a
house and rented out my apartment while I was special occasion. ❖
in Mexico. ➣ storage (n) ❖
2.36 weapon (n) /ˈwepən/ Jewellery
an object such as a gun or a knife used in
fighting ● The police searched the suspect for beads necklace
weapons. ❖ bracelet ring

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Vocabulary Page 20
2.62 legend (n) /ˈledʒənd/
a very old story, usually untrue, that people tell
about a famous event or person ● The old man
2.50 misty (adj) /ˈmɪsti/ told us the legend of the headless horseman.
with a light fog that makes it difficult to see ➣ legendary (adj) ❖
● The misty morning soon became a clear,
sunny day. ➣ mist (n) ❖ 2.63 represent (v) /ˌreprɪˈzent/
be a sign or symbol of sth ● Each colour
2.51 riverbank (n) /ˈrɪvəˌbæŋk/ on the map represents a different country.
the land by a river ● We decided to sit and ➣ representative (adj) ❖
have a picnic on the riverbank. ❖
2.64 festivities (n) /fesˈtɪvətiz/
2.52 parade (n) /pəˈreɪd/ parties and other activities that celebrate a
a large number of people walking in an special occasion ● You are all invited to join in
organised way to celebrate a special occasion the festivities for the New Year. ❖
● A parade will be held tomorrow to celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the revolution. 2.65 bonfire (n) /ˈbɒnfaɪə(r)/
➣ parade (v) ❖ large fire that you burn outdoors ● At the
end of the celebration, we’re going to have a
2.53 tradition (n) /trəˈdɪʃn/ bonfire and a firework display. ❖
a very old belief, principle or way of acting
● Eating turkey on the 25th of December is an 2.66 serve (v) /sɜːv/
important tradition in my family. ➣ traditional be used for a particular purpose, usually
(adj), traditionally (adv) ❖ different to the main or original purpose ● Our
✎ Syn: custom coffee table also serves as a desk for our young
daughter to draw on. ❖
2.54 spectator (n) /spekˈteɪtə(r)/
sb who watches a sports event or other activity 2.67 ritual (n) /ˈrɪtʃuəl/
without taking part ● The new stadium holds a series of actions performed as part of a
80,000 spectators. ❖ ceremony ● The funeral followed the ritual of
the Orthodox Church. ❖
2.55 origin (n) /ˈɒrɪdʒɪn/
the beginning or cause of sth ● The word 2.68 come of age (expr) /kʌm ɘv eɪdʒ/
‘millennium’ is Latin in origin. ➣ original (adj) reach the age when you are considered an
❖ adult ● He will receive his inheritance when he
comes of age. ❖
2.56 spectacle (n) /ˈspektəkl/
a public event that is exciting to watch ● The 2.69 ash (n) /æʃ/
opening ceremony was a fantastic spectacle. the soft grey or black powder that is left when
❖ sth burns ● Ash from the volcano covered the
area. ❖
2.57 dress up (phr v) /dres ʌp/
put on special clothes ● I dressed up as a 2.70 role (n) /rəʊl/
pirate for the party. ❖ the position or purpose that sb has in an
organisation or in a relationship ● We need to
2.58 costume (n) /ˈkɒstʃuːm/ decide what our roles will be in this project.
a set of clothes worn in a particular country or ❖
for a special activity ● The dancers were
all dressed in traditional costumes. 2.71 ceremony (n) /ˈserɪməni/
❖ a set of traditional actions performed on a
special social or religious occasion ● Only a
2.59 mask (n) /mɑːsk/ few close friends of the couple attended the
a covering for the face that protects or hides it wedding ceremony. ❖
● All the children were wearing animal masks.
❖ 2.72 festival (n) /ˈfestɪvl/
an organised series of performances and
2.60 scare (sb) away (phr v) /skeər (ˈsʌmbədi) əˈweɪ/ public events ● The summer film festival
frighten sb so that they go away ● They kept attracts thousands of visitors each year.
moving to scare the birds away. ❖

2.61 according to (prep) /əˈkɔːdɪŋ tə/
in the words of ● According to my teacher,
phrasal verbs are not at all difficult.

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2.73 witness (n) /ˈwɪtnəs/ 2.84 flat (adj) /flæt/
a person present at an event that signs their level and smooth ● The sea was completely
name to show everything was done correctly flat, as there was no wind that day. ➣ flatten
● She signed her will in the presence of two (v), flatness (n) ❖
witnesses. ➣ witness (v) ❖ 2.85 archaeologist (n) /ˌɑːkiˈɒlədʒɪst/
2.74 certificate (n) /səˈtɪfɪkət/ a scientist who studies object and structures
an official document that states sth is true from past civilizations ● Howard Carter and
● They need a birth certificate to issue a new his team of archaeologists discovered King
passport. ❖ Tutankhamun's tomb. ➣ archaeological (adj),
2.75 reception (n) /rɪˈsepʃn/ archaeology (n) ❖
a formal party ● Is champagne going to be 2.86 trace (n) /treɪs/
served at the wedding reception? a very small amount of sth left behind
❖ ● The police found traces of poison in his tea.
2.76 ancestor (n) /ˈænsestə(r)/ ➣ trace (v) ❖
a person in your family who lived a long time 2.87 rosewater (n) /ˈrəʊzˌwɔːtə(r)/
ago ● The old house belonged to a distant a liquid made from water and roses ● You can
ancestor of mine. ❖ add cinnamon and rosewater before serving
2.77 strengthen (v) /ˈstreŋkθn/ the dish. ❖
make stronger ● The trainer showed me 2.88 famously (adv) /ˈfeɪməsli/
some exercises to strengthen my legs. in a way that is well known ● This famously
➣ strength (n), strong (adj) ❖ expensive dress was once worn by Marilyn
✎ Opp: weaken Monroe. ➣ fame (n), famous (adj)
2.78 bond (n) /bɒnd/ ❖
a close connection between people ● In 2.89 comparison (n) /kəmˈpærɪsən/
Greece, family bonds are still very strong. the act of comparing two or more people
❖ or things ● By comparison with Silvia,
2.79 preserve (v) /prɪˈzɜːv/ I think Jane is much more fashionable.
keep sth as it is, make sure that it is not ➣ comparable (adj), compare (v)
damaged ● The architect managed to ❖
preserve the original character of the building. 2.90 considerably (adv) /kənˈsɪdərəbli/
➣ preservation (n) ❖ to a large degree ● He’s considerably better-
2.80 speech (n) /spiːtʃ/ dressed since he started dating Alice.
a formal talk that sb gives on a special ➣ consider (v), considerable (adj)
occasion ● My sister asked me to make a ❖
speech at her wedding. ❖

Celebrations Listening Page 22

bonfire mask 2.91 spread (v) /spred/
ceremony parade communicate, make sth known ● I don’t know
costume reception who’s been spreading the news, but the whole
festival spectacle town knows about it already. ❖
2.92 phenomenon (n) /fəˈnɒmɪnən/
sb/sth that is extremely successful and well
known ● Pablo Picasso was a phenomenon in
Grammar Page 21 art – there has never been anyone like him.
❖ ✎ Plural: phenomena or
2.81 race (v) /reɪs/ phenomenons
move or run fast ● She raced down the street 2.93 access (v) /ˈækses/
as fast as she could. ❖ be able to get to a place ● You can use the
2.82 chase (v) /tʃeɪs/ lift to access the top floor. ➣ access (n),
run after sb/sth in order to catch them/it accessible (adj), inaccessible (adj)
● My favourite part of the film was when she ❖
was chasing her dog through the streets. 2.94 institution (n) /ˌɪnstɪˈtʃuːʃən/
❖ a large and important organisation ● The
2.83 hang (v) /hæŋ/ Professor has worked for a number of
fasten sth at the top leaving the rest free to universities and other educational institutions.
move ● You can hang your coat on the rack ❖
over there. ❖
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2.95 film viewing (n) /ˈfɪlm vjuːɪŋ/ 2.102 give (sth) up (phr v) /ɡɪv (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) ʌp/
an occasion where a film is shown to people stop trying or doing sth ● After three
● I was invited to a private film viewing, before unsuccessful attempts, I decided to give up.
it was shown in cinemas. ❖ ❖
2.103 bestseller (n) /ˌbestˈselə(r)/
a book that is very popular and has been
The following words either add an ‘s’ in the plural or bought by a very large number of people
form an irregular plural: ● Her latest book became an international
bestseller and sold over a million copies.
millennium – millennia or (less common)

2.104 copy (n) /ˈkɒpi/
➔ The third millennium CE started a couple of
a single example of a book, record,
decades ago.
newspaper, etc. of which many have been
➔ For millennia, people believed that the Earth produced ● I have two copies of that book.
was flat. I can give you one. ➣ copy (v) ❖
➔ It remained undiscovered for two millenniums.
2.105 oversleep (v) /ˌəʊvəsliːp/
phenomenon – phenomena or phenomenons sleep for longer than you wanted to
➔ The young singer is a phenomenon. ● I overslept this morning and was really
➔ She investigates social phenomena. late for work. ❖
➔ These phenomenons are associated with hot, 2.106 gradually (adv) /ˈɡrædʒuəli/
dry weather. slowly, over a period of time ● She hated him
at first, but gradually she began to like him.
➣ gradual (adj) ❖

Speaking Page 23
2.107 emerge (v) /ɪˈmɜːdʒ/
come out of a place and appear ● My sister
2.96 meme (n) /miːm/ finally emerged from her room at midday.
an idea, image or video that spreads very ➣ emergence (n), emerging (adj)
quickly on the internet ● There are a lot ❖
of memes making fun of politicians on the 2.108 talk (sb) into (phr v) /tɔːk (ˈsʌmbədi) ɪntə/
internet. ❖ make sb change their mind and do sth
2.97 viral (adj) /ˈvaɪrəl/ ● He didn’t want to join us at first, but I
very popular on the internet ● Within a few managed to talk him into it. ❖
hours, the video of my cat typing on the 2.109 have a go at (expr) /hæv ə gəʊ ət/
computer went viral. It now has 100,000 views. make an attempt to do sth ● Let me have a
❖ go at fixing your computer. I think I can do it.
2.98 workshop (n) /ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ ❖
a meeting in which people discuss and do
practical work on a specific topic ● I took part
in a poetry workshop last month.

Use your English Page 25
2.99 collaborative (adj) /kəˈlæbərətɪv/ 2.110 identify with (phr v) /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ wɪð/
involving two or more people working together feel that you are similar to sb and be able to
● I didn’t do it all alone; it was a collaborative understand how they feel ● The reason I liked
effort. ➣ collaborate (v), collaboration (n) the film so much is that I could identify fully
❖ with the main character. ❖
2.100 technique (n) /tekniːk/ 2.111 look back (at) (phr v) /lʊk bæk (æt)/
a particular way of doing sth that requires skill think about what happened in the past
● I am learning a new painting technique. ● Looking back, I can see exactly what the
❖ problem was. ❖
2.112 spread (sth) out over (phr v) /spred (ˈsʌmθɪŋ)
aʊt ˈəʊvə(r)/
Grammar Page 24 make sth happen over a longer period of time
● You don’t have to pay the whole sum now;
2.101 emphasis (n) /ˈemfəsɪs/ you can spread the payments out over three or
attention and importance given to sth ● The four months. ❖
teacher put emphasis on the fact that the exam 2.113 call (sth) off (phr v) /kɔl (ˈsʌmθɪŋ) ɒf/
started at 8:00. ➣ emphasise (v) decide not to do sth that you had planned
❖ ● They have called off the wedding at the
last minute. ❖
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2.114 go ahead (phr v) /gəʊ əˈhed/ 2.126 awareness (n) /əˈweənəs/
begin to do sth after sb has given you knowledge and understanding of a fact or
permission ● You can go ahead now, there’s a situation ● The public’s awareness of the
no problem. ❖ seriousness of the problem was limited.
2.115 reputation (n) /ˌrepjəˈteɪʃn/ ➣ aware (adj), unaware (adj) ❖
the opinion most people have about sb/sth 2.127 method (n) /ˈmeθəd/
● The hotel has an excellent reputation, which a way of doing sth ● She uses a new teaching
is why it’s always full. ❖ method, which emphasises fun and games.
2.116 root (n) /ruːt/ ❖
the cause or origin of sth usually bad ● I won’t
rest until I find the root of the problem. Phrasal Verbs

call off look back
2.117 widely (adv) /ˈwaɪdli/ date back scare away
by many people ● He is widely admired as an give up spread out over
actor, but not many people know he has also go ahead sum up
written ten books. ❖ identify with talk sb into

Writing Pages 26–27 Video Page 28

2.118 conclusion (n) /kənˈkluːʒn/ 2.128 intercultural (adj) /ˌɪntəˈkʌltʃərəl/
the opinion you form after considering all the having to do with more than one culture
information you have ● I have come to the ● A common language can make intercultural
conclusion that the accident was your fault. communication easier. ❖ ✎ Syn:
➣ conclude (v) ❖ cross-cultural
2.119 to my mind (expr) /tə maɪ maɪnd/ 2.129 turbulent (adj) /ˈtɜːbjələnt/
in my opinion ● That was a very clever move, involving a lot of sudden changes, arguments
to my mind. ❖ or even violence ● This has been quite a
2.120 summarise (v) /ˈsʌməraɪz/ turbulent week at work, with the new bosses
express the most important facts about sth in arriving. ❖
a few words ● Shall we summarise the main 2.130 bouncy slide (n) /ˌbaʊnsi slaɪd/
points we have discussed? ➣ summary (n) a plastic slide filled with air that children can
❖ play on ● I let the children play on the bouncy
2.121 sum up (phr v) /sʌm ʌp/ slide and sat down to read my newspaper.
describe only the important facts or ❖
characteristics of sth ● To sum up, the only 2.131 background (n) /ˈbækɡraʊnd/
solution at this point is to cancel the event. your family and education ● We come from
❖ ✎ Syn: summarise very different backgrounds, but we’re very
2.122 briefly (adv) /ˈbriːfli/ good friends. ❖
using few words ● Let me tell you briefly what 2.132 self-awareness (n) /ˌselfəˈweənəs/
happened – it’ll only take a minute. ➣ brief knowledge and understanding of your own
(adj) ❖ character and behaviour ● Self-awareness
2.123 globalisation (n) /ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ is the first step towards becoming a better
the process in which different cultures and person. ➣ self-aware (adj) ❖
economic systems around the world become 2.133 courage (n) /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/
connected ● Globalisation has greatly the ability to do sth dangerous or difficult
influenced the way we work and the way we without being afraid ● It takes courage to sing
communicate. ❖ in front of an audience. ➣ encourage (v),
2.124 effectively (adv) /ɪˈfektɪvli/ courageous (adj) ❖
in a way that achieves what you want ● Your 2.134 put yourself in (sb’s) shoes (expr) /pʊt jəˈself
ability to communicate effectively will be ɪn (ˈsʌmbədiz) ʃu:z/
assessed during the interview. ➣ effective imagine how sb feels in a difficult situation
(adj) ❖ ● Try putting yourself in my shoes – what
2.125 major (adj) /ˈmeɪdʒə(r)/ would you have done differently?
bigger or more important than others ● This is ❖
going to be a major problem, I’m afraid.

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2.135 open (adj) /ˈəʊpən/ 2.141 divided (adj) /dɪˈvaɪdɪd/
willing to listen to new ideas and think about split into groups that cannot agree
them ● I haven’t decided yet. I’m open to ● Opinions on how to achieve cross-cultural
suggestions. ➣ openness (n) ❖ understanding are divided. ❖
2.136 cross-cultural (adj) /ˌkrɒsˈkʌltʃərəl/ 2.142 bridge the gap (expr) /brɪdʒ ðə gæp/
having to do with two or more cultures make the differences between two things or
● They have formed a cross-cultural team people smaller ● He was trying to bridge the
of artists from Asia, Europe and Africa. gap between his hopes and reality.
❖ ✎ Syn: intercultural ❖
2.137 openness (n) /ˈəʊpənnəs/ 2.143 tend (v) /tend/
willingness to listen to and think about new be likely to behave in a particular way ● I tend
ideas ● I really admire her openness; she will to go to sleep later in the summer. ➣ tendency
consider carefully everyone’s ideas before she (n) ❖
makes a decision! ➣ open (adj) 2.144 internalise (v) /ɪnˈtɜːnəlaɪz/
❖ accept an idea so that it becomes part of your
2.138 assumption (n) /əˈsʌmpʃn/ character ● People often internalise elements
sth that you think is true but have no proof from other cultures when they live abroad.
about ● I’m afraid your assumption that I would ❖
be interested is not true; I am not interested at 2.145 take (sth) out on (sb) (phr v) /teɪk (ˈsʌmθɪŋ)
all. ➣ assume (v) ❖ aʊt ɒn (ˈsʌmbədi)/
2.139 bitterness (n) /ˈbɪtənəs/ treat sb badly because of sth that is not their
an angry and unhappy feeling about sth that fault ● I was angry with my brother and I took it
has happened ● His bitterness comes from his out on you; I’m sorry. ❖
unhappy childhood. ➣ bitter (adj) 2.146 question (v) /ˈkwestʃən/
❖ express doubts about sth ● He questioned
2.140 bubble (n) /ˈbʌbl/ whether the course would benefit him.
a group of people who have similar ideas and ➣ question (n) ❖
often get together ● If you don’t meet many
people you have no way of knowing what’s
happening outside your bubble.

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