MSE-EE Curriculum 2023
MSE-EE Curriculum 2023
MSE-EE Curriculum 2023
ECE 500 Mathematical Methods in EE and CE (Required. Must be taken in the first year)
ECE 550 Communication Theory
ECE 560 Modern Control Theory
ECE 580 Digital Signal Processing
II. Specialization Courses (Select 3 courses from the following lists) 9 credits
The following are suggested specializations. All three courses may be taken from one specialization or
a combination of any of the specializations. Students are free to develop their own specialization by
selecting from any of the graduate courses listed in the ECE course list (see catalog).
III. Professional Electives 6 credits
Students are required to select 6 credit hours of graduate-level courses from other non-ECE engineering
disciplines, such as:
• Automotive Engineering (AENG)
• Computer Information Science (CIS)
• Engineering Management (EMGT)
• Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE)
• Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Students may also select any 500-level course from the mathematics & statistics department (MATH,
STAT), excluding math subject courses for educators (MATH 508, 5386, 5387, 543, 544, 5440, 5441,
5442, 5443, 5445, 545, 546, 549, 586, 591).
Enrollment in cognate courses may be dependent on prior authorization from both the non-ECE
Department and the ECE department. Please confirm your cognate course selections with the ECE
Department, via e-mail, prior to registering.
V. Preparatory Courses
Students with inadequate background in Electrical/Computer Engineering may be required to meet with
the department graduate advisor to determine the need for preparatory courses.