2021 AMC12B Paper Fall
2021 AMC12B Paper Fall
2021 AMC12B Paper Fall
73rd Annual
AMC 12 B L
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 L
2. This is a 25-question multiple-choice competition. For each question, only one answer choice is
3. Mark your answer to each problem on the answer sheet with a #2 pencil. Check blackened answers
for accuracy and erase errors completely. Only answers that are properly marked on the answer
sheet will be scored.
4. SCORING: You will receive 6 points for each correct answer, 1.5 points for each problem left
unanswered, and 0 points for each incorrect answer.
5. Only blank scratch paper, blank graph paper, rulers, compasses, and erasers are allowed as aids.
No calculators, smartwatches, phones, or computing devices are allowed. No problems on the
competition will require the use of a calculator.
6. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.
7. Before beginning the competition, make sure to record your name, school name and code on the
answer sheet.
8. You will have 75 minutes to complete the competition once your competition manager tells you
to begin.
监考老师宣布考试开始后,你有75 分钟的时间完成这套试卷。
Akamai Foundation
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
TBL Foundation
The D. E. Shaw Group
Two Sigma
Fall 2021 AMC 12 B Problems
(A) 10,000 (B) 10,010 (C) 10,110 (D) 11,000 (E) 11,110
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
3. At noon on a certain day, Minneapolis is N degrees warmer than St. Louis. At 4:00
the temperature in Minneapolis has fallen by 5 degrees while the temperature in St.
Louis has risen by 3 degrees, at which time the temperatures in the two cities
differ by 2 degrees. What is the product of all possible values of N ?
某天中午,M 市的气温比 S 市高 N 度。4:00 时,M 市的气温下降了 5 度,S
市的气温上升了 3 度。此时两个城市的气温相差 2 度。请问 N 的所有可能值
4. Let n = 82022. Which of the following is equal to ?
已知 n = 82022,请问以下哪个选项的值等于 ?
(A) 41010 (B) 22022 (C) 82018 (D) 43031 (E) 43032
Fall 2021 AMC 12 B Problems
5. Call a fraction , not necessarily in simplest form, special if a and b are positive
integers whose sum is 15. How many distinct integers can be written as the sum of
two, not necessarily different, special fractions?
对于分数 (不一定是最简形式),如果 a 和 b 为正整数,且它们的和为 15,
6. The greatest prime number that is a divisor of 16,384 is 2 because 16,384 = 214.
What is the sum of the digits of the greatest prime number that is a divisor of 16,383 ?
因为 16,384 = 214,所以 16,384 的因数中最大的质数是 2。找出 16,383 的因数
x (x - y) + y (y - z) + z (z - x) = 1 ?
8. The product of the lengths of the two congruent sides of an obtuse isosceles
triangle is equal to the product of the base and twice the triangle’s height to the
base. What is the measure, in degrees, of the vertex angle of this triangle?
(A) 105 (B) 120 (C) 135 (D) 150 (E) 165
Fall 2021 AMC 12 B Problems
9. Triangle ABC is equilateral with side length 6. Suppose that O is the center of the
inscribed circle of this triangle. What is the area of the circle passing through A, O,
and C ?
等边三角形 ABC 的边长为 6 ,设点 O 为三角形内切圆的圆心。请问经过点
A、O、C 的圆的面积是多少?
10. What is the sum of all possible values of t between 0 and 360 such that the triangle
in the coordinate plane whose vertices are (cos 40o, sin 40o), (cos 60o, sin 60o), and
(cos t o, sin t o) is isosceles?
已知坐标平面上三个点 (cos 40o, sin 40o)、(cos 60o, sin 60o) 和 (cos t o, sin t o)
构成的三角形为等腰三角形,t 的取值在 0 到 360 之间,请问 t 的所有可能
(A) 100 (B) 150 (C) 330 (D) 360 (E) 380
11. Una rolls 6 standard 6-sided dice simultaneously and calculates the product of the
6 numbers obtained. What is the probability that the product is divisible by 4 ?
Una 同时投掷 6 枚质地均匀的 6 面骰子,并计算掷出的 6 个点数的乘积。请
问这一乘积可以被 4 整除的概率是多少?
3 57 59 187 63
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
4 64 64 192 64
12. For n a positive integer, let f (n) be the quotient obtained when the sum of all
positive divisors of n is divided by n. For example, f (14) = (1 + 2 + 7 + 14) ÷ 14 =
. What is f (768) - f (384)?
对于正整数 n, f (n)表示 n 的所有正因子之和除以 n 得到的商。比如 f (14) =
(1 + 2 + 7 + 14) ÷ 14 = 。请问 f (768) - f (384) 的值是多少?
1 1 4 8
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D) (E)
768 192 3 3
11 11 10
(A) −1 (B) − (C) (D) (E) 1
5 5 11
Fall 2021 AMC 12 B Problems
14. Suppose that P (z), Q (z), and R (z) are polynomials with real coefficients, having
degrees 2, 3, and 6, respectively, and constant terms 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Let
N be the number of distinct complex numbers z that satisfy the equation
� � · � � = � � . What is the minimum possible value of N ?
已知 P (z)、Q (z) 和 R (z) 为实系数多项式,次数分别为 2 次、3 次和 6 次,
常数项分别为 1、2 和 3。假设有 N 个不同的复数 z 满足方程 � � · � � =
� � 。请问 N 的最小可能值是多少?
15. Three identical square sheets of paper each with side length 6 are stacked on top of
each other. The middle sheet is rotated clockwise 30o about its center and the top
sheet is rotated clockwise 60o about its center, resulting in the 24-sided polygon
shown in the figure below. The area of this polygon can be expressed in the form
� − � � , where a, b, and c are positive integers, and c is not divisible by the
square of any prime. What is a + b + c ?
三张边长为 6 的相同方形纸片叠放在一起。将中间的纸片绕其中心顺时针旋
转 30°,最上方的纸片绕其中心顺时针旋转 60°,最终得到下图所示的 24
边形。这一多边形的面积可以表示为 � − � �,其中 a、b 和 c 均为正整数,
c 不能被任何质数的平方整除。请问 a + b + c 的值是多少?
16. Suppose a, b, and c are positive integers such that a + b + c = 23 and gcd (a, b) +
gcd (b, c) + gcd (c, a) = 9. What is the sum of all possible distinct values of a2 + b2
+ c2 ?
设 a、b和 c 都是正整数,满足 a + b + c = 23,gcd (a,b) + gcd (b,c) + gcd (c,a)
= 9。请问 a2 + b2 + c2 所有不同的可能值之和是多少?(gcd 表示最大公约数)
(A) 259 (B) 438 (C) 516 (D) 625 (E) 687
Fall 2021 AMC 12 B Problems
17. A bug starts at a vertex of a grid made up of equilateral triangles of side length 1.
At each step the bug moves in one of the 6 possible directions along the grid lines
randomly and independently with equal probability. What is the probability that
after 5 moves the bug never will have been more than 1 unit away from the
starting position?
一个网格由边长为 1 的小正三角形组成,一只昆虫从其中一个顶点出发, 沿
网格线每次独立随机地向 6 个可能的方向中的一个方向移动一次。请问移动
5 次后,昆虫距离出发位置始终不超过一个单位的概率是多少?
13 7 29 4 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
108 54 216 27 6
18. Set u0 = 4 , and for k ≥ 0 let uk + 1 be determined by the recurrence uk + 1 = 2uk - 2uk2.
This sequence tends to a limit; call it L. What is the least value of k such that
�� − � ≤ 21000 ?
令 u0 = 4 ,k ≥ 0 时,uk + 1 的值可以通过递归数列 uk + 1 = 2uk - 2uk2 确定,将这
一数列的极限值表示为 L。要使得 �� − � ≤ 21000 成立,请问 k 的最小值是
19. Regular polygons with 5, 6, 7, and 8 sides are inscribed in the same circle. No two
of the polygons share a vertex, and no three of their sides intersect at a common
point. At how many points inside the circle do two of their sides intersect?
20. A cube is constructed from 4 white unit cubes and 4 blue unit cubes. How many
different ways are there to construct the 2 × 2 × 2 cube using these smaller cubes?
(Two constructions are considered the same if one can be rotated to match the
一个立方体由 4 个白色单位立方体和 4 个蓝色单位立方体组成。用这些单位
立方体组成 2×2×2 的大立方体有多少种不同的方法?(如果一个大立方体
Fall 2021 AMC 12 B Problems
P(x) = 1 + cos (x) + i sin (x) - cos (2x) - i sin (2x) + cos (3x) + i sin (3x),
where i = −1. For how many values of x with 0 ≤ x < 2π does P (x) = 0?
对于实数 x,满足
P(x) = 1 + cos (x) + i sin (x) - cos (2x) - i sin (2x) + cos (3x) + i sin (3x),
22. Right triangle ABC has side lengths BC = 6, AC = 8, and AB = 10. A circle centered
at O is tangent to line BC at B and passes through A. A circle centered at P is tangent
to line AC at A and passes through B. What is OP ?
直角三角形 ABC 的边长分别为 BC = 6, AC = 8, AB = 10。圆心为 O 的圆经过
点 A,并与 BC 相切于点 B。圆心为 P 的圆经过点 B,并与 AC 相切于点 A。
请问 OP 的长度是多少?
23 29 35 73
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 3
8 10 12 25
23. What is the average number of pairs of consecutive integers in a randomly selected
subset of 5 distinct integers chosen from the set{1, 2, 3, . . . , 30}?(For example,
the set{1, 17, 18, 19, 30}has 2 pairs of consecutive integers.)
从集合{1, 2, 3, . . . , 30}中随机选择 5 个不同的整数构成该集合的子集,请问
子集中连续整数对的数量的均值是多少?(比如,子集{1, 17, 18, 19, 30}中
2 29 5 29
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 1
3 36 6 30
24. Triangle ABC has side lengths AB = 11, BC= 24, and CA= 20. The bisector of
∠BAC intersects �� in point D and intersects the circumcircle of ∆ ABC in point
E ≠ A. The circumcircle of ∆ BED intersects the line AB in points B and F ≠ B.
What is CF ?
三角形 ABC 的边长为 AB = 11, BC = 24, CA = 20。∠BAC 的平分线与 �� 相
交于点 D,与 ∆ ABC的外接圆相交于点 E,E ≠ A。∆ BED 的外接圆与直线
AB 相交于点 B 和点 F ,F ≠ B。请问线段 CF 的长度是多少?
Fall 2021 AMC 12 B Problems
25. For n a positive integer, let R (n) be the sum of remainders when n is divided by 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. For example, R (15) = 1 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 5 =
26. How many two-digit positive integers n satisfy R (n) = R (n + 1) ?
已知 n 为正整数,R (n) 表示 n 分别除以 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 后所得余数的
和。比如,R (15) = 1 + 0 + 3 + 0 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 6 + 5 = 26。请问有多少个两位
正整数 n 满足 R (n) = R (n + 1)?