M 300spe 2

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Version 1.

Produced in June 2004

Ladder logic programming manual

Model name
User's Manual
Thank you for purchasing the ladder logic programming software JW-300SP.
Please read the instruction manual carefully in order to apply the software correctly by understanding its func-
tion and operations.
Please keep this user’s manual near you. It will certainly help you when you encounter problems.

About software version

This manual describes the version 1.10 of JW-300SP.

- When you plan to use SHARP programmable controllers (hereafter referred to as "PLCs"),you
are requested to design each system so that even if a fault or malfunction occurs within the PLC,
it will not lead to a serious accident in your system. You should incorporate back-up measures
and fail-safe features in your system that will thoroughly protect your system from malfunctions
if a fault or error occurs in the PLC.
- SHARP PLCs are designed and manufactured with the idea that they will be used in general
applications in ordinary industries. Therefore, they must not be used in specific applications that
can affect the health or safety of the public, such as nuclear power plants and other power
generating plants. Such applications require a special warranty of quality that SHARP explicitly
does NOT offer for these PLCs. However, if a user will certify that he/she does not requires a
special quality warranty on the PLC, and will limit the use of the PLC to non critical areas of these
applications, SHARP will agree to such use.
If you are planning to use SHARP PLCs for applications that may affect the lives of human
beings and property, and you need particularly high reliability performance, such as in the fields
of aviation, medicine, transportation, combustion and fuel processing equipment, passenger
cars, amusement park rides, and safety equipment, please contact our sales division so that we
can confirm the required specifications.

- Despite of our effort to create products with excellency, should you find any deficiency, please
notify the dealer where you obtained the software or our customer service companies.
- Users are not authorized to copy the whole or the part of this instruction manual and software
without our consent.
- Due to the amelioration of the product, please understand that the materials of this manual and
software are subject to change without notification.
- We are not held responsible for any damages created as the result of using this software , nor
damages claimed by the third party as the result of using this software.
Ladder logic programming software JW-300SP

■ User's Manual
Chapter 1 Preface

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

Chapter 5 Printing

Chapter 6 Compatibility

Chapter 7 Online Setting

Chapter 8 Q&A
Table of contents
Chapter 1 ......................................................................................................... 1-1 to 13
1-1 Features 1-1
1-2 Operating environments 1-2
1-3 Compatible PLC models table 1-3
1-4 Basic system organization 1-4
Optional connection system organization 1-5
(1) Satellite net connection 1-5
(2) Remote I/O connection 1-6
(3) Ethernet connection 1-7
(4) FL-net connection 1-8
(5) ME-NET connection 1-9
(6) Expansion network connection 1-10
1-5 Product organization 1-11
1-6 Installation 1-12
1-7 Extension 1-13

Chapter 2 ......................................................................................................... 2-1 to 204

2-1 File 2-1
■Create a new file 2-1
■Open 2-4
■Close 2-6
■Save 2-7
■Save as 2-8
■Cross Import (50SP file import) 2-10
■Cross Import (100SP file import) 2-12
■Cross Import (ZM file import) 2-14
■Cross Export (50SP file export) 2-16
■Cross Export (100SP file export) 2-18
■Cross Export (ZM file export) 2-20
■Verify 2-22
■Import(Block) 2-24
■Import(Program) 2-27
■Import(Symbol) 2-31
■Export(Block) 2-33
■Export(PC Card) 2-36
■Page Setup 2-40
■Print Preview 2-43
■Print 2-45
■Recently used projects 2-47
■Exit 2-48
2-2 Edit 2-49
■Undo 2-49
■Redo 2-50
■Cut 2-51
■Copy 2-52

■Paste 2-55
■Delete 2-58
■Search through Project 2-59
■Find 2-62
■Find Next 2-65
■Find Prev 2-66
■Find Coil 2-67
■Replace at once 2-68
■Replace 2-70
■Go To (First Network) 2-73
■Go To (Next Free Address) 2-74
■Go To (Nextwork Number) 2-75
■Go To (Program Address) 2-77
■Instruction (NO Contact) 2-78
■Instruction (NC Contact) 2-81
■Instruction (Coil) 2-84
■Instruction (F45) 2-87
■Instruction (F44) 2-89
■Instruction (F43) 2-91
■Instruction (MD) Maintenance display 2-93
■Instruction (TMR) 2-96
■Instruction (CNT) 2-99
■Instruction (FUN) 2-102
■Instruction (OR) 2-105
■Instruction (OR+) 2-108
■Instruction (Network) 2-111
■Program Check 2-112
■Read Only 2-113
■Auto Allocation 2-114
■Exchange NO and NC 2-119
2-3 View 2-120
■Change Display 2-120
■Local Symbols 2-121
■Global Symbols 2-122
■System Memory 2-123
■Data Memory 2-124
■Parameter Memory 2-125
■I/O Table 2-126
■Network Comment 2-128
■Window(Project) 2-129
■Window(Watch) 2-130
■Window(Message) 2-131
■Window(Cross Reference) 2-132
■Keyboard Map 2-133
■Status Bar 2-134
■Data List 2-135
■Data Information 2-136
■Address Notation 2-137
■Address Expression 2-138

■Zoom (Zoom in) 2-139
■Zoom (Zoom out) 2-140
2-4 Online 2-141
■Communication setting 2-141
■PLC Status (Check) 2-143
■PLC Status (Run) 2-144
■PLC Status (Stop) 2-145
■PLC Transfer (Download) 2-146
■PLC Transfer (Upload) 2-147
■PLC Transfer (Verify) 2-148
■PLC Transfer (Memory Clear) 2-150
■PLC Monitor (Start) 2-151
■PLC Monitor (Stop) 2-152
■PLC Monitor (Online Edit) 2-153
■PLC Operation (I/O table auto registration) 2-154
■PLC Operation (Secret function) 2-155
■PLC Operation (PC Card) 2-156
■PLC Operation (EEPROM) 2-157
■PLC Information (Information) 2-158
■PLC Information (Renewal History) 2-159
■PLC Information (Timer) 2-160
■PLC Information (Scan Time) 2-161
■Error History 2-162
■Block Status 2-163
■Logging Data 2-164
2-5 Block 2-166
■Change Model 2-166
■Project Comment 2-167
■Order (Block Order) 2-168
■Order (Program Order) 2-169
■New (Block) 2-170
■New (Program) 2-171
■Delete (Block) 2-172
■Delete (Program) 2-173
■Memory Setting 2-174
■Parameter Settings (by Module name) 2-175
■Parameter Settings (by Module type) 2-176
2-6 Tool 2-178
■Sampling Trace 2-178
■Customize 2-191
■Shortcut Keys 2-193
■Option 2-194
2-7 Widnow 2-196
■Split 2-196
■Close 2-197
■Close All 2-198
■Cascade 2-199

■Tile Horizontally 2-200
■Tile Vertically 2-201
2-8 Help 2-202
■JW-300SP Help 2-202
■Programming Manual 2-203
■About JW-300SP 2-204

Chapter 3 Creating Programs ....................................................................... 3-1 to 51

3-1 Programming with a keyboard 3-1
3-2 Programming with a mouse 3-16
3-3 Checking programs 3-31
3-4 Editing Network Comments 3-32
3-5 Editing Sub-comments 3-33
3-6 Copying and Pasting 3-34
3-7 Sending Data 3-35
3-8 Editing Library 3-36
3-9 Inserting NOP 3-40
3-10 Refreshing 3-41
3-11 Instruction (Instruction word programming) 3-42
3-12 Multipoints monitoring 3-43
3-13 Setting/resetting (latched relay or general-purpose relay) 3-46
3-14 Forced process, forced release, forced all release 3-47
3-15 Break monitoring 3-48
3-16 Function keys 3-51

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation .................................................................... 4-1 to 11

4-1 Using Property Sheet 4-1
4-2 Direct Input 4-11

Chapter 5 Printing .......................................................................................... 5-1 to 5

5-1 Page Setup 5-1
■Ladder Print Setup 5-1
■Margin 5-2
■Ptinted Paper 5-3
■Header 5-4
■Footer 5-5

Chapter 6 Compatibility ................................................................................. 6-1 to 7

6-1 JW-50SP File 6-1
6-2 JW-100SP File 6-3
6-3 JW-50SP operation mode 6-5

Chapter 7 Online Setting ............................................................................... 7-1 to 3

7-1 USB Connection 7-1
7-2 Serial Connection 7-3

Chapter 8 Q&A ................................................................................................ 8-1 to 3

8-1 Inquiries 8-1
8-2 Upgrading 8-2
8-3 Miscommunciation with PLC in USB mode 8-3
Chapter 1 Preface
This product is ladder logic programming software for programmable controllers
(PLC)working on Windows.
You can input, edit and monitor programs or data for PLC.

1-1 Features

(1) You can operate this software, using a keyboard

When you have some difficulty in using a mouse, for example, you can input
instructions or can switch screens, using only the keyboard. The key assignment
is the same as one for JW-50SP/100SP, however, you can customize it.

Programming with a keyboard (P3-1)

(2) Detecting a network

You can always check the situations of contacts or coils selected in the ladder
diagram in the cross-reference window.You can easily jump to the network you
want to edit.This function saves your time for design or debugging.

(3) Selecting a view

Various optional function You can select a window view according to your purpose.

(4) Improving working efficiency

You can operate or manage the programs before and after editing, at the same
time, in one project file.

(5) Dividing your task

You can divide a programming task into several blocks and, furthermore,can divide
a block into several subprograms to design or manage.
The divided program is easy to design, reuse or debug.

(6) Using the line input system

You can efficiently create a network with the line input system of JW-300SP.
This system prevents input errors by rejecting a disconnected network or a
syntactically prohibited network.
You can also use the cell input system of JW-50SP/100SP to change a network,
for example, by adding OR lines or to insert or delete a contact.

Note : Cell input system

The system in which you input vertical lines (OR lines) and horizontal line
(AND line) into a cell. While you can input them freely, you may happen to
input a disconnected network or a syntactically prohibited network.
As a result, your operation time may be increased compared with a case using
the line input system.

Line input system (P3-2)

Chapter 1 Preface

1-2 Operating environments

This software can be used by any personal computers that satisfy the following
operating environments

Items Specifications
Operating system Microsoft Windows 98 / 2000 / XP
Personal computer that operates above
Personal computer
operating systems
Pentium/Celeron series or its compatible
CPU processor,with more than 450MHz clock
128 M-bytes minimum (recommend 256M-
bytes or more)
Hard disk 100 M- bytes or more free space
SVGA or more (Resolution:800 x 600 pixels,
Monitor 256-color or more) Recommended color
monitor display: High color (16 bits) or better
CD-ROM drive 1 drive
A mouse or pointing device compatible with
the Microsoft.
Printer A printer that works on Windows 2000/XP
PLC connection JW300 series RS232C or USB (Rev. 1.1 or Rev. 2.0) port
interface Other PLCs RS232C port

- Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation,USA.

- Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation,USA.
- All other company or product names in this manual are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders.

Chapter 1 Preface

1-3 Compatible PLC models table

The following PLC models are compatible to this software.

PLC series Control module

JW-1324K JW-1342K JW-1424K
JW-1442K JW-1624K JW-1642K
JW20/20H JW-21CU(H) JW-22CU(H)
JW-32CUM1(D) JW-32CUM2
JW50/70/100 JW-50CU JW-70CU JW-100CU
JW50H/70H/100H JW-50CUH JW-70CUH JW-100CUH
JW-311CU JW-312CU JW-321CU
JW-322CU JW-331CU JW-332CU
JW-341CU JW-342CU JW-352CU
Z-311J Z-312J Z313J
Z-511J Z-512J
VME built-in controller JW-32CV1 JW-32CV2 JW-32CV3

- You can connect your programmable controller to other optional modules than
- For the connection between personal computer and programmable controller,
refer to Chapter 7.

Chapter 1 Preface

1-4 Basic system organization

Control module Network module ME-NET module Remote I/O slave

[JW50/70/100] [ZW-20CM] [ZW-20CM2] module
[JW50H/70H/100H][ZW-30CM] [JW-20MN] [ZW-20CM2]
[JW-20CM] [JW-20MN]
I/O bus Ethernet module
expansion Serial interface [JW-50CM] FL-net module
adapter module [JW-51CM] [JW-50FL]
[JW-2EA] [JW-10SU] [JW-52FL]

Control module
Control module Control module CPU board VME built-in
[JW-31CUH/H1] [JW-21CU] [Z-311J/312J/313J]controller
[JW-32CUH/H1/M1] [JW-22CU] [Z-511J/512J] [JW-32CV1]
[JW-33CUH/H1/H2/H3] Satellite net board [JW-32CV2]
Ethernet module [Z-335J] [JW-32CV3]
Network module [JW-255CM] ME-NET board
[JW-22CM] [JW-25TCM] [Z-334J]
ME-NET module FL-net module Ethernet board
[JW-21MN] [JW-20FL5] [Z-339J]
[JW-22FL5] FL-net board
I/O bus expansion [JW-20FLT] [Z-336J][Z-336J2]
adapter [JW-22FLT]

[USB straight]

[JW-12KC] [ZW-3KC] [JW-22KC] Control Network module

[JW-24KC] module [JW-22CM]
[JW-321CU] module
[JW-322CU] [JW-21MN]
[JW-332CU] Ethernet module
[JW-341CU] [JW-255CM]
[JW-342CU] [JW-25TCM]
[JW-362CU] FL-net module
Communication adapter [JW-20FL5]
[JW-100SA] [JW-20FLT]

RS232C USB port I/O bus


Personal computer

Chapter 1 Preface

Optional connection system organization

(1) Satellite net connection

JW-20CM JW20H/30H JW300

#00 #01 #02

Satellite net (data link function) maximum 64

stations, maximum length 1km
When connected with JW-22CM,
[JW-22KC] use for JW-22KC/24KC

Communication adapter Remote programming/monitor



Personal computer

Chapter 1 Preface

(2) Remote I/O connection


#02 #01 #00

Remote I/O : Maximum 63 stations, maximum length : 1km

Communication adapter
[ZW-3KC] [JW-100SA]
Personal computer


Remote programming/monitor

Chapter 1 Preface

(3) Ethernet connection

[JW-50CM] Personal computer
[JW-51CM] JW300
[JW-255CM] Remote programming/monitor


Transceiver cable
(maximum 50m)

Terminator Transceiver 10BASE5 coaxial cable

(yellow cable)
Maximum 100 stations

Coaxial cable segment (maximum 500m)

Chapter 1 Preface

(4) FL-net connection

[JW-52FL] JW300 JW20H/30H
[JW-20FLT] [JW-20FL5] [JW-20FLT] [JW-20FL5]
[JW-22FLT] [JW-22FL5] [JW-22FLT] [JW-22FL5]

Transceiver cable
(maximum 50m)


Terminator 10BASE5 coaxial cable

Transceiver (yellow cable)
Maximum 100 nodes per segment

Coaxial cable segment (maximum 500m)

Personal computer

[ZW-3KC] JW-300SP

adapter Remote programming/monitor

When connected with JW-20FL5/T and JW-22FL5/T, use for JW-22KC/24KC

Chapter 1 Preface

(5) ME-NET connection

JW-20MN JW300
JW-21MN JW20H/30H

#00 #01 #02

ME-NET: maximum 64 stations, maximum

length 1km
When connected with JW-21MN, use for JW-22KC/24KC

Communication adapter
[JW-100SA] Personal computer


Remote programming/monitor

Chapter 1 Preface

(6) Expansion network connection

JW300 JW20H/30H

#00 #01 #00 #02

Satellite net (data link function) maximum 64 stations, maximum

length 1km

#01 #02
Satellite net (data link function) maximum 64 stations,
maximum length 1km
[JW-24KC] Personal computer


Communication adapter Remote programming/monitor

[JW-100SA] (expansion)

Chapter 1 Preface

1-5 Product organization



Instruction manual -------------------------------One

User registration card ----------------------------One

User list registration paper ----------------------One

Chapter 1 Preface

1-6 Installation

Install JW-300SP in the procedure below:

1. Start Windows, and insert the JW-300SP CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your PC.
2. Double-click the [My Computer] icon on the desktop.
3. Double-click the [CD-ROM] drive icon.
4. Double-click the [Setup.exe] icon.
5. The installation program starts, and the message below is displayed.

6. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

Chapter 1 Preface

1-7 Extension
Using this software, you can open, create or open several files, at a time, about
PLC. programs and different data types. The table below shows a file list concerning

Extension Contents Details

Ladder/instruction programming, block display
colors, fonts, communication settings, printing
lpg Program file settings, multi points monitor settings,
project comments, local symbol, comments

syg Symbol / comment

file Global symbol, comments
syt System memory file System memory
spm Parameter file Optional/special module parameter
spn Parameter file Parameter settings information
sdm Data memory file Data memory
stt I/O table file I/O table
stn I/O table file Module configuration

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
2-1 File
Create a new file

This command creates a new project file. A project file contains ladder/instruction
programming, block information, display color, font, communicationsettings, printing
settings multi points monitor settings, project comments, and local symbols. To create
a new program, execute this command.

1. From the menu bar, select [File] - [New]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a
keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [N] keys, or press the [Alt] + [F] keys and select [New]
with the[upper arrow/lower arrow]and [Enter] keys. You can also customize shortcut
keys by selecting [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] - [Keyboard].

2. The [New Project] dialog box is displayed. Enter the project name in the [Name] box.
3. To change the location of the project file,press the button on the right of the project name
box and select thefolder. The hard disk is recommendable as the location where you create
the project. A floppy disk may not be able to save the project file because of the sizable
data of some PLC models or programs.

4. You can enter comment within 40 characters. Comments you have entered are saved in
the program file (*.lpg). To review your comments, select [View] - [Project Information]
from the menu bar.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
5. Set the input system of contacts, coils, or registers a ladder program is using. Usually,
use the address-based system by selecting [Address] for the [Base Mode]. The
address-based system enters the address into contacts, coils, or registers of the ladder
program when creating a ladder program. The symbol-based system is suitable for a
programming allotment work. In a programming allotment work, the address is
automatically allocated after you enter symbols such as(LS01) into contacts, coils, or
registers of a ladder program when creating a program.You can enter symbols with
less than 24 characters. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard you can
move from an item to another item to enter by pressing the [Tab] key.

6. Enter the [New] dialog box, and click the [OK] button. The [Select Module] dialog box is
displayed. Select your PLC series, select your PLC model, and click the [Next] button.
To go back to the [New] dialog box, click the [Back] button. To close the [Select Module]
dialog box, click the [Cancel] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
7. The [Memory Module/Memory Settings] dialog box is displayed when you are using
some PLC series or PLC models. Set the mounted memory module.

8. The [Project Information] dialog box is displayed. Click the [OK] button if it is correct.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

This command opens an existing JW300-related project file. A project file contains
ladder/instruction programming, block information, display color, font, communication
settings, printing settings, multi points monitor settings, project comments, and local symbols
From the menu bar, select [File] - [Open]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a
keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [O] keys, or press the [Alt] + [F] keys and select [Open]
with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys. You can also customize shortcut
keys by selecting [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] - [Keyboard].

The [Open] dialog box is displayed. Click the [Open] button after selecting the location
of the file and choosing the file you want to open. To close the [Open] dialog box, click
the [Cancel] button. Information about the project file is displayed on the right of the display.
You can select [Files of type] and open the file. When you operate JW-300SP with a
keyboard, you can move from an item to another item to enter by pressing the [Tab] key.
If you select [All Files] from the [Files of type] drop down list, files with extensions not
related to JW-300SP are also displayed. However, you cannot open files in no relation
to JW300. To read a file in no relation to JW-300SP, execute [Other files import].
You can use the tool bar on the right side of the [Look in] box as you are using Explorer.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Go to last folder visited

Changing the view

Creating a new folder

Changing the view

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command closes the currently opening file. You cannot exit JW-300SP. From the
menu bar, select [File] - [Close]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
press the [Ctrl] + [N] keys, or press the [Alt] + [F] keys and select [Close] with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys. You can also customize shortcut keys
by selecting [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] - [Keyboard].

If there is no difference between the currently opened project file and the previously
opened one, the file closes immediately. If there is any difference between the currently
opened project file and the previously opened one, the message below is displayed.

To overwrite the project file, click the [Yes] button. To close the project file without
saving, click the [No] button. To go back to the screen immediately before you select
[Close] without saving the project file, click the [Cancel] button. The key operation for
[Close] with the [F12] key is only to close the program screen. To display it again,
select the appropriate program on the screen of the project tree. (This operation differs
from the above-mentioned operation.)

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command saves the currently opened project file. From the menu bar, select [File]-[Save
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [S] keys, or press the
[Alt] + [F] keys and select [Save] with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys.
You can also customize shortcut keys by selecting [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] - [Keyboard].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Save as...

This command names and saves the all currently opened files.

From the menu bar, select [File] - [Save as]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with
a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys
on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

1. The dialog [Save as] box is displayed. The file name of a new project or a project you
have read by selecting [File] - [Open] is shown in the [Name] box. Enter an appropriate
file name in the [Name] box. This appropriate name are not only the name of the project
file but also the name of the automatically created folder when the file is saved.You can
enter a name with up to 20 characters.

2. To change the path, click the button on the right of the [Name] box and select a directory.
The hard disk is recommendable as the location where you create the project. A floppy
disk may not be able to save the project file because of the sizable data of some PLC
models or programs.

3. You can enter a comment with up to 40 characters. Comments you have entered are
saved in the program file (*.lpg). To review your comments, open an *.lpg file
or select [View]-[Project Information]from the menu bar.

4. To go back to the screen immediately before you select [Save as] without saving the
project file, click the [Cancel] button. To save the file, click the [OK] button.

5. However, the [Project already exists, overwrite it?] dialog box is displayed if you do not
enter an appropriatefile name in the step 1 above and click the [OK] button without
changing the file name.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

6. To overwrite the file, click the [Yes] button. To go back to the [Save as] dialog box
without saving the file,  click the [No] button. JW-300SP automatically selects
the way of saving or creating files according to the PLC models or saved data. When
the PLC is a JW300 series, there are eight kinds of files as you can see the following
list. Seven kinds of files (lpg syg syt spm sdm stt stn) excepting [spn] are saved.[spn]
is a file for internal processing of JW-300SP (and a parameter file storing parameter
setting information). However, an [stn module configuration file] is not created when
the module configuration is not set or read. These files are not created when the PLC
is a model  without parameter or I/O table file such as JW10 series. Therefore,
you can save all files you want to save in the appropriate directory with the [Save as]

Extension Contents Details

Ladder/instruction programming,block
information, display colors, fonts,
lpg Program file communication settings, printingsettings,
multipoints monitor settings, project
comments,local symbol, comments
syg Symbol comment file Global symbol, comments
syt System memory file System memory
spm Parameter file Optional, special module parameter
spn Parameter file Parameter settings information
sdm Data memory file Data memory
stt I/O table file I/O table
stn I/O table file Module configuration

The dialog box below is an example of the saved file.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Cross Import (50SP file import)

This command opens an existing JW-50SP file. From the menu bar, select [File] -
[Cross Import...] - [50SP files]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the
[Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

The [Import 50SP File] dialog box is displayed.

1. Specify the location of the file.
2. Select the file you want to open.
3. Click the [OK] button.

To close the dialog box [Import 50SP File], click the [Cancel] button.
If you select [All Files] from the [Files of type] drop down list, files with extensions
not related to JW-50SP are also displayed. However, you cannot open files not related
to JW-50SP on this screen. You can also select the files of type and open the file.You
can also operate with [Tab] key to move from an item to another item.
You can use the tool bar on the right side of the [Look in] box as you are using Explorer.

JW-300SP V1.00 does not correspond to ZW models.You cannot do the above operation
if the PLC model of the programs created with JW-50SP is a ZW model.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Cross Import (100SP file import)

This command opens an existing JW-100SP file. From the menu bar, select [File] -
[Cross Import...] - [100SP files]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the
[Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter]
keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

The [Import 100SP File] dialog box is displayed.

1. Specify the location of the file.
2. Select the file you want to open.
3. Click [OK].

To close the [Import 100SP File] dialog box, click the [Cancel] button. If you select
[All Files] from the [Files of type] drop down list, files with extensions not related to
JW-300SPare also displayed. However, you cannot open files not related to JW-100SP
on this screen. You can also select the files of type and open the file. You can also
operate with [Tab] key to move from an item to another item. You can use the tool bar
on the right side of the [Look in] box as you are using Explorer.

JW-300SP V1.00 does not correspond to ZW models.
You cannot do the above operation if the PLC model of the programs created with JW-100SP
is a ZW model.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Cross Import (ZM file import)

This command opens an existing ZM format symbol comment file. (extension: mg)
A ZM style file is a text style data to export to a Sharp LCD control terminal (ZM series)
for its message. The ZM style file can be converted from a symbol comment file you
have created with JW-100SP or JW-300SP. Since ZM series cannot import mg file
directly, open and copy & paste the file with Memo Pad. In JW-300SP, execute this
command to use a ZM file containing only symbol comment files on the currently
opened screen. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Cross Import] - [ZM Files].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from
the menu bar, andcustomize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also
operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] after pressing the [Alt] + [F]

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

The [Import ZM File] dialog box is displayed. Specify the location of the file.
Select the file you want to open and click the [OK] button.
To close the dialog [Import ZM File] box, click the [Cancel] button.
You can move from an item to another item to enter by pressing the [Tab] key.
You can use the tool bar on the right side of the [Look in] box as you are using Explorer.

You cannot do the above mentioned operation immediately after you start JW-300SP.
(The menu is grayed out, and you cannot select [Import ZM File].)
You can operate after creating a new file or opening a file.

The mg file configuration is as follows:

I/O address Tab symbol Tab comment


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Cross Export (50SP file export)

This command names and saves an existing file in JW-50SP format. Execute this
command to use JW-300SP and JW-50SP at the same time. However, information
not contained in the file for JW-50SP, e.g. the functions specific to JW-300SP
(such ascircuit comment or sub comment) or the PLC models JW-50SP does not
support. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Cross Export] - [50SP Files].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from
the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also
operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the
[Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

1. The [Export 50SP Type File] dialog box is displayed. Click the [Browse] button
and select the directory to save.
2. Enter the name in the [File Name] box.
3. Check the box for the type of exporting file.
4. To go back to the screen before selecting [50SP Files] without saving the
file, click the [Cancel] button.

To save the file as a JW-50SP format file, click the [OK] button.

Use the latest version of JW-50SP. (V5.8A or V5.9 as of July 2003)
The above operation is valid only when you are using JW-300SP in the limits of
functions of JW-50SP. A symbol comment file is saved with extension [sye]
(the format of JW-50SP Ver. 5 or higher).

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Cross Export (100SP file export)

This command names and saves an existing file in JW-100SP format. Execute this
command to use JW-300SP and JW-100SP at the same time. However, information not
contained in the file for JW-100SP, e.g. the functions specific to JW-300SP (such as
circuit comment or sub comment) or the PLC models JW-100SP does not support.

From the menu bar, select [File] - [Cross Export] - [100SP Files].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from
the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate
with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

1. The [Export 100SP Type File] dialog box is displayed.

Click the [Browse] button and select the directory to save.
2. Enter the name in the [File Name] box.
3. Check the box for the type of exporting file.
4. To go back to the screen before selecting [100SP Files] without saving the file,
click the [Cancel] button. To save the file as a JW-50SP format file, click the [OK] button.

Use the latest version of JW-100SP. (V5.23 as of July 2003)
The above operation is valid only when you are using JW-300SP in the limits of functions
of JW-100SP. The above operation does not create ladder display information (lad/la2),
instruction display information (ist/is2), line comments (lcm), multi points monitor
information (mon) or sampling trace files (smp).

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Cross Export (ZM file export)

This command saves an existing symbol comment file as a symbol comment file in a
ZM format (extension: mg). A ZM style file is a text style data to export to a Sharp
LCD control terminal (ZM series) for its message. The ZM style file can be converted
from a symbol comment file you have created with JW-100SP or JW-300SP. Since
ZM series cannot import mg file directly, open and copy & paste the file with Memo
Pad. In JW-300SP, execute this command to use a ZM file containing only symbol
comment files on the currently opened screen.

From the menu bar, select [File] - [Cross Export] - [ZM Files]. If you want
to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar,
and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

1. The [Export Zm Type File] dialog box is displayed. Click [Browse] and select the
directory to save in.
2. Enter the name in the [File Name] box.
3. Check the box for the type of exporting file.
4. To go back to the screen before selecting [ZM Files] without saving the file,
click the [Cancel] button.

To save as the ZM format file, click the [OK] button.

The mg file configuration is as follows:
I/O address Tab symbol Tab comment


Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command verifies whether the contents of the current file are the same with
those of the file to be saved. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Verify]. If you want
to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar,
and customize shortcut keyson the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

The [Verify] dialog box is displayed.

Select the type of files you want to compare.
Click the button on the right side of the [File] box.
The [Select a file to compare] dialog box is displayed.
Click the [Open] button after selecting a file to compare.

To start comparing, click the [OK] button in the [Verify] dialog box.
The result is displayed in the message window.
To close the [Verify] dialog box, click the [Cancel] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Import (Block)

This command imports additional blocks to the current file.

In JW300 series, you can divide one program into some blocks to run.
When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore divide one block into some programs.
This divided program is called a structured program.
A block consists of some structured programs.

Conventionally, the following steps were necessary to change a program:

Back up the existing program => Change the program => Transfer (Write) the
program to the PLC
However, this command reads the changed program only while keeping the program
before change as it is.
In addition, this command selects "online" or "offline" for the program
(before/after change) without sending the data to the PLC.
Divided addresses in the block are in serial order.

1. Before importing blocks, here is an example to open a project file, [255CM].

The figure below is the project tree immediately after opening the project file
[255CM], in which the PLC model is JW-362CU.
To expand the details of the tree, click the + button.
In this structure, there is a program, [Program_255CM], under the block
[Main block_255CM].
To change names of the block and program, click the right mouse button and open
the shortcut menu.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2.Import the block.

From the menu bar, select [File] - [Import] - [Block].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,select [Tool] - [Shortcut keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Apper arrow / Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

3. The [Import] dialog box is displayed.

Select the folder, select the project file you want to import and click the [Open] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
4. The [Select a block] dialog box is displayed. After selecting the block, click the
[OK] button.In the [Position] dialog box, select location of the block where you
want to import. The block with the upper position is processed earlier.
In this example, to insert under the existing [Main block_255CM], select [downward],
select [Main block_255CM] and click the [OK] button.


5. The figure below is the project tree immediately after importing a block, [22HC],
under an existing block, [Main block_255CM].To expand the details of the tree,
click the + button.To change names of the block and project, click the right mouse
button and open the shortcut menu.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Import (Program)

This command imports additional programs to the current file. In JW300 series, you can
divide one program into some blocks to run. When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore
divide one block into some programs. This divided program is called a structured program.
A block consists of some structured programs.

Conventionally, the following steps were necessary to change a program: Back up the
existing program => Change the program => Transfer (Write) the program to the PLC
However, this command reads the changed program only while keeping the program
before change as it is. In addition, this command selects "online" or "offline" for the
program (before/after change) without sending the data to the PLC. Divided addresses
in the block are in serial order.

1. Before importing programs, here is an example to open a project file, [255CM].

The figure below is the project tree immediately after opening the project file [255CM],
in which the PLC model is JW-362CU and importing a block, [22HC], with the operation
mentioned in the previous section. To expand the details of the tree, click the + button.
There are two blocks in the tree. In this structure, one block is [Main block_255CM]
and its program is [Program_255CM]; the other block is [22HC] and its program is [22HC].
To change names of the block and program, click the right mouse button and open the
shortcut menu. The subsection below explains the operation to import the program [21HC],
into the block [22HC].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. Import the program. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Import] - [Program].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the
menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with
the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

3. The [Import] dialog box is displayed.

Select the folder, select the project file you want to import and click the [Open] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

4. The [Select a block] dialog box is displayed. After selecting the program [21HC], click
the [OK] button. In the [Position] dialog box, select location of the block where you want
to import. The block with the upper position is processed earlier. In this example, to insert
under the block [22HC], select [22HC] in the [Select a block] box, select [downward],
select [22HC] and click the [OK] button.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

5. The figure below is the project tree immediately after importing a program, [21HC], under
the program [22HC] of the block [22HC]. To expand the details of the tree, click the
+ button. To change names of the block and project, click the right mouse button and
open the shortcut menu.

To display the ladder diagram of the program [21HC], click [21HC] in the project tree.
When you click a block or a program in the project tree, its ladder diagram are displayed
in the right frame.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Import (Symbol)

This command replaces only symbol comments in the selected program among currently
opened project files. You can replace only the symbol / comment files while keeping the
program before change as it is.

1. Before importing symbols, here is an example to open a project file, [255CM]. The figure
below is the project tree immediately after opening the project file [255CM], in which the
PLC model is JW-362CU. To expand the details of the tree, click the + button. There are
two blocks in the tree. In this structure, there is a program, [Program_255CM], under the
block [Main block_255CM]. To change names of the block and program, click the right
mouse button and open the shortcut menu. The subsection below explains the operation
to replace the symbol comment file of the program [Program_255CM] with a symbol
comment file, [Change 255CM].

2. Click [Program_255CM] in the project tree. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Import] -
[Symbol]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also
operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] +
[F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. The [Import] dialog box is displayed. Select the folder, select the symbol / comment file
you want to import and click the [Open] button.

4.The [Do you want to import symbol?] dialog box is displayed.

Click the [OK] button.
To cancel importing symbol, click the [X] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Export (Block)

This command saves a specified block in the current file. In JW300 series, you can
divide one program into some blocks to run. When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore
divide one block into some programs. This divided program is called a structured program
A block consists of some structured programs. Conventionally, it was necessary to save
all the files for backup after changing the program. In JW300 series, you can name and
save only blocks that have been changed in the project file. This function is called Export

1. Before exporting a block, here is an example to open a project file, [255CM].

The figure below is the project tree immediately after opening the project file [255CM],
in which the PLC model is JW-362CU. To expand the details of the tree, click the + button.
In this structure, one block is [Main block_255CM] and its program is [Program_255CM];
the other block is [22HC] and its programs are [22HC] and [21HC].
The subsection below explains the operation to name and save (Export - block) only the
block [22HC] after changing the contents of the programs [22HC] and [21HC] in the
block [22HC]. To change names of the block and program, click the right mouse button
and open the shortcut menu.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. Export a block.
From the menu bar, select [File] - [Export] - [Block]. If you want to operate JW-300SP
with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut
keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow]
and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

3. The [Export] dialog box is displayed.

Select a block to export and click the [Export] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

4. The dialog box [Save as] is displayed.

Select the folder, enter the file name with up to 20 characters, and click the [Save]
button. The hard disk is recommendable as the location where you create the project.
A floppy disk may not be able to save the project file because of the sizable data of
some PLC models or programs. To go back to the [Save as] dialog screen without
saving the file, click the [No] button.

5. If the file name you have entered in the above step already exists, the dialog box below
is displayed

6. To overwrite the file, click the [Yes] button.

To go back to the screen [Save as] without saving the file, click the [No] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Export (PC Card)

This command names and saves the currently opened project file in the PC Card format.
Control modules with PC Card function are as follows.


Extensions of the files you can save in PC Card format are as follows.

Program - - - - - - - - - -ppg
System - - - - - - - - - - -psm
Parameter - - - - - - - - -ppa
Data - - - - - - - - - - - - pdt
File - - - - - - - - - - - - -pfl
Symbol comment - - - -psb

1. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Export] - [PC Card]. If you want to operate JW-300SP
with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut
keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow]
and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. The [PC Card Save] dialog box is displayed.

3. The [Browse for Folder] dialog box is displayed.

Select the folder where you want to save and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

4. In the [Files of type] box, you can select which types of file among all files in the folders
you have selected in the previous operation. In the example below, [Program (*.ppg)] is
selected, but no file names are listed because there are no files with the ppg extension.

5. Check the box for the file format you want to save as. Enter the name in the [File] box
and click the [Save] button. The file is transferred from the PC card to the PLC when
you turn on the PLC if you check the box for [When PLC power on, save files to PLC
Automatically. ( PC Card =>PLC )]. If you have enabled this automatic transferring
system, never forget to save the program on the PC card after changing a program.
Otherwise, the program turns back to be the status before changing. Do not check the
box usually.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

6. Click the [Save] button. The [Confirm] dialog box is displayed.

The operation history for the [Undo] or [Redo] function is erased even when you are
editing the program.
Not to save in the PC card format, click the [No] button.
The operation history for the [Undo] or [Redo] function is not erased and you can keep
editing the program.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Page Setup

Before printing, you can set printing rate, partial printing, cross reference, margin, printed
paper, header and footer.

1. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Page Setup].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Short Cut] from the
menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with
the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

2. The [Page Setup] dialog box is displayed.

Click the [Ladder Print] tab. You can select the printing rate with the [Zoom to] pull-down
menu. To print some parts of the ladder, enter the network numbers in the [Start Network]
and [End Network] boxes. To print the ladder with the cross reference, check the box for
[Cross Reference].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. Click the [Margins] tab, and set margin by the centimeter.

4. Click the [Printer] tab, and select your printer model, set the paper size and the orientation.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
5. Click the [Header] tab. Select the position for a header and enter your comment.

6. Click the [Insert] button, and you can select a standard header.

7. Click the [Footer] tab. Select the position for a footer and enter your comment.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Print Preview

You can look at the printed image before printing. This command confirms the printing
rate, partial printing, cross reference, margins, printed paper,headers and footers.

1. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Print Preview]. If you want to operate JW-300SP
with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] - [Keyboard] from the menu bar and set
the key operation. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Example of print preview

2. You can use the following functions with menu buttons: [Print], [Next Page], [Prev Page],
[Two Pages], [Zoom In], [Zoom Out] and so on. To close the preview, click the
[Close] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command prints the items below: ladder programming, instruction programming,
module configuration, contact use list (data use list), system memory, symbol comment,
parameter, data memory, project information, sampling trace, and local symbol screen.

Before printing, select [Print Setup] from the menu bar to set the printing rate, partial
printing, cross reference, margins, printed paper, headers and footers, and select
[Print Preview] to make sure these settings are appropriate.

1. From the menu bar, select [File] - [Print].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [P] keys, or press
the [Alt] + [F] keys and select [Print] with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter]
keys. You can also customize shortcut keys by selecting [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] -

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. To start printing, click the [OK] button.

For the property of the printer, the print range and the details of copies, refer to the
specifications of the printer driver.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Recently used projects

Under the command of [File] - [Print], recently used project files are displayed.
You can click and open the project file you want to without selecting [File] - [Open].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Short Cut] from
the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also
operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the
[Alt] + [F] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


To exit JW-300SP, select [File] - [Exit], or click the [X] button at the upper right corner
of the window. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing
the [Alt] + [F] keys.

If you select [Exit] before saving the file while editing the program, the [Do you
want to save the changes?] dialog box is displayed.

To go back to the screen before selecting [Exit], click the [Cancel] button.
To exit JW-300SP without saving the project file, click the [No] button.
To overwrite the project file, click the [Yes] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2-2 Edit

This command reverses the last operation made to the program.

This command is useful in correcting mistakes while you are editing.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Undo].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, do one of the following 5 ways:
-Press the [Alt] + [Back Space] keys.
-Press the [Ctrl] + [Z] keys.
-Press the [F11] key.
-From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Customize], and customize shortcut keys.
-Press the [Alt] + [E] keys, and operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

This command re-applies the operation on which you have used the Undo command.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Redo].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, do one of the following 3 ways:
-Press the [Ctrl] + [Y] keys.
-From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys], and customize shortcut keys on the
[Keyboard] tab.
-Press the [Alt] + [E] keys, and then operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command removes the selected data and stores it on the Windows clipboard
temporarily. This command is useful in modifying, deleting and moving a part of
ladder programs.

(1) Cutting a contact

To cut the [F44] instruction in the program below, follow the steps below.
Click the [F44] instruction.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Cut].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [X] keys.

(2) Cutting a network

To cut a network in the program, follow the steps below.
1. Click the area showing its program address: the left side of the left bus line of
the network. The bus line of the selected network becomes thick.
2. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Cut].

(3) Cutting multiple networks

To cut more than one network, follow the steps below.
1. Drag the mouse cursor vertically over the area showing program addresses of
the networks which you want to copy. The bus line of these networks becomes thick.
It means these networks are selected together.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command stores the selected data on the Windows clipboard.

You should use the Copy command and the paste command in pairs.
This command is useful in creating and modifying similar programs efficiently.

(1) Copying a contact

1. To copy the [AND 000446] instruction in the program below, click [AND 000446]
and select [Edit] - [Copy].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [C] keys.
The selected data you want to copy is stored on the clipboard temporarily.


2. Click a contact next to the position where you want to paste the clipboard data.
In the example below, to copy [000446] into the position next to [STR 003000],
click [STR 003000], and then select [Edit] - [Paste].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [V] keys.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. Copying a contact is completed.

(2) Copying a network

1. To select a network you want to copy, click the area showing its program
address: the left side of the left bus line of the network.
The bus line of the selected network becomes thick.
Select [Edit] - [Copy].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. Insert the selected network between the network No.21 and No.22 below.
Select the network No.22 with the mouse cursor, and select [Edit] - [Paste].


3. Copying a network is completed.

(3) Copying multiple networks

To copy more than one network, follow the steps below.

1. Drag the mouse cursor vertically over the area of showing the program addresses
of the networks you want to copy. The bus line of these networks becomes thick.
It means these networks are selected together.
If you want to select multiple networks with a keyboard, operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] keys while pressing the [Shift] key.
2. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Copy].
3. Insert the selected networks into the position.
Select a network just under the position where you want to insert the selected
networks,and then select [Edit] - [Paste]. Copying multiple networks is completed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

This command transfers the data stored on the clipboard by the Cut or Copy
command into the desired position.
You should use the Paste command and either the Cut or Copy command in pairs.
This command is useful in creating and modifying ladder programs efficiently.

(1) Pasting a contact

1. To copy [AND 000446] instruction in the program below, click [AND 000446]
and select [Edit] - [Copy]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
press the [Ctrl] + [C] keys.
The selected data you want to copy is stored on the clipboard temporarily.


2. Select a contact next to the position where you want to paste the clipboard data. In the
example below, to copy [000446] into the position next to [STR 003000], click
[STR 003000] and select [Edit] - [Paste]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a
keyboard, press the [Ctrl] + [V] keys.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. Pasting a contact is completed.

(2) Pasting a network

1. To select a network you want to copy, click the area showing its program address:
the left side of the left bus line of the network. The bus line of the selected network
becomes thick. Select [Edit] - [Copy].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. Insert the selected network between the network No.21 and No.22 below.
Select the network No.22 with the mouse cursor, and select [Edit] - [Paste].

(3)Pasting multiple networks

To paste more than one network, follow the steps below. Drag the mouse cursor
vertically over the area of showing the program addresses of the networks. you want
to paste. The bus line of these networks becomes thick.It means they are selected
together. If you want to select multiple networks with a keyboard, operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] keys while pressing the [Shift] key. From the menu bar,
select [Edit] - [Copy]. Insert the selected networks into the position. Select a network
just under the position where you want to insert the selected networks, and select
[Edit] - [Paste]. Pasting multiple networks is completed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

This command erases the selected instructions and networks.

Although the deleted instructions and networks are not available for the Cut or Paste
command, you can get the deleted data back with the [Undo]command.

(1) Deleting a contact

To delete the [F44] instruction in the program below, follow the steps below.
1. Click the [F44] instruction.

2. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Delete].

When operating JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the [Delete] key.

(2) Deleting a network

To select a network you want to delete, click the area showing its program address:
the left side of the left bus line of the network.
The bus line of the selected network becomes thick.
Select [Edit] - [Delete].

(3) Delete multiple networks

To delete more than one network, follow the steps below.
1. Select the multiple networks you want to delete by dragging the mouse cursor
vertically over the area showing the program addresses of the networks.
The bus line of these networks becomes thick. It means they are selected together.

2. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Delete].

If you want to select several networks with a keyboard, operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] keys while pressing the [Shift] key.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Search through Project

This command searches all blocks and programs displayed on the project tree window.

An example of project trees

1. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Search through Project].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the
menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. The [Search through Project] dialog box is displayed. Check the boxes for items
you want to find and enter strings you want to search for in the [Find What] box,
and then click the [Search] button. To close the dialog box, click the [Close] button.
The items to find are as follows:

[Relay Address] - - - -Searches relay addresses such as [004000]

[Register Address] - - Searches register addresses such as [009000 / ]00000]
[File Address] - - - - - Searches file addresses such as [file1-000000]
[Symbol, Comment] - Searches symbols or comments such as [LS0 / transmission error]
[Instruction] - - - - - - -Searches instructions such as [STR00000 / F-00]
[Constant] - - - - - - - -Searches constants such as [octal constant 377 / hex constant FF]
[Output to pane 2] - - -Displays the search results on the [Find in Programs 2] tab in the
message window.

The dialog box below is an example of settings when you search the relay addresses
for "4000".

3. The results of the search is displayed on the [Searches 1] tab in the message
window. The block names, program names, program addresses and the number of
occurrences is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

4. To jump to the program, double-click its name in the results.

5. When you check the box for [Symbol] and [Comment] and click the [<<] button,
the [Find whole words only] check boxes become available.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command searches only the selected program among all blocks and programs.
In the example below, you can search only the selected program, [Program _255CM].
To change the target program, click a name of the program you want to search in the
project tree.

An example of project trees

1. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Find].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from
the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. The [Find] dialog box is displayed. Check the boxes for items to find and enter strings
you want to search for in the [Find What] box, and then click the [Find Next] button.
To close the dialog box, click the [Close] button. The items to find are as follows:

[Relay Address] - - - Searches relay addresses such as [004000]

[Register Address] - -Searches register addresses such as [009000 / ]00000]
[File Address] - - - - -Searches file addresses such as [file1-000000]
[Symbol, Comment] - Searches symbols or comments such as [LS0 / transmission error]
[Instruction] - - - - - - Searches instructions such as [STR00000 / F-00]
[Constant] - - - - - - - Searches constants such as [octal constant 377 / hex constant FF]

To set the search direction, select either the [From Top], [Up](from the cursor position
to the beginning of the file) or [Down] (from the cursor position to the end of the file)
option. Note that JW-300SP has stored the strings you previously searched for.
In the example below, enter the comment, [Response from a port], in the [Find What] box,
and click the [Find Next] button.

3.When finding a string which meets the search conditions, JW-300SP jumps to the position
in the program. To find the next match in the selected direction, click the [Find Next] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
4. You can also conduct a search using the search box on the toolbar.

5. If the string cannot be found, the message below is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Find Next

This command searches the selected program among all blocks and programs for the
last string that you have searched for from the current address forward.
In the example below, you can search only the selected program, [Program _255CM].
To change the target program, click the name of the program you want to search in
the project tree.
An example of project trees


In order to make the [Find Next] command available, execute the [Find] command
beforehand. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Find Next].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, do one of the following ways:
Press the [F7] key. From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Customize] from the menu
bar, and customize shortcut keys.
Press the [Alt] + [E] keys, and then operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Find Prev

This command searches the selected program among all blocks and programs for the
last string that you searched for from the current address backward.
In the example below, you can search only the selected program, [Program_255CM].
To change the target program, click the name of the program you want to search in
the project tree.

An example of project trees

In order to make the [Find Prev] command available, execute the [Find] command
beforehand. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Find Prev]. If you want to operate
JW-300SP with a keyboard, do one of the following ways Press the [F6] key.
From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Customize] from the menu bar, and customize
shortcut keys. -Press the [Alt] + [E] keys, and then operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Find Coil

This command searches the selected program among all blocks and programs for a coil
(OUT instruction).

An example of programs

If you select [Edit] - [Find Coil] from the menu bar when the cursor is placed on
[AND NOT 004000], JW-300SP executes the [Find Coil] command in search for
[OUT 004000]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the
[Alt] + [E] keys and then operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Replace at once

This command replaces a specified range of addresses of relays, timers, counters

or registers in the program.
This subsection shows how to replace the relay addresses, [002000 - 002177],
with the [030000 - 030117] in the program below.

An example of programs.

1. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Replace at once].

The [Batch Replace] dialog box is displayed. If you want to operate JW-300SP
with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize
shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. Select the [Relay], [TMR/CNT NO] or [Register] option in the [Object] field.
In the example below, select the [Relay] option to replace the relay addresses.

3. Enter the start address you want to replace, "002000", in the [Start] box, the end
address,"002117",in the [End] box, and the address you want to replace the original
start address with, "030000", in the [Replace with] box.

4. To decide whether to replace the addresses in the selected program only or in the
whole project, select the [Current Program] or [Project] option in the [Type] field.4.
To decide whether to replace the addresses in the selected program only or in the
whole project, select the [Current Program] or [Project] option in the [Type] field.

5. When the box for [Keep Symbol / Comment] is checked, JW-300SP replaces
the addresses keeping their symbols and comments. Usually, check this box.

6. To execute the address block conversion, click the the [OK] button.

7. After replacing, the program names, network numbers and program addresses are
displayed on the message window.
To jump to the program, double-click its name in the results.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

This command replaces the allocated relay addresses, register addresses, files addresses,
symbols, comments, sub-comments, network comments etc. To change addresses,
symbols, comments in the program, you do not have to replace it one by one with this
command. This command replaces addresses of relays, timers, counters or registers in
the program at the same time. This subsection shows how to replace the comment,
[Communication delaying], with [Communication delay] together in the program below.

An example of programs

1. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Replace].

The [Replace] dialog box is displayed. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the
[Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter]
keys after pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. In the example below, select [Comment] from the [Search] drop-down list.
You can select the [Address], [Symbol], [Comment], [Sub Comment] or [Network
Comment] options from the [Search] drop-down list.

3. Enter the comment, [Communication delaying], which you want to replace with,
in the [Find what] box. When you select the [Address] option from the [Search]
drop down list, select either the [Global (global address)] or the [Local (local address)]

4. Enter the comment, [Communication delay], which you want to replace with, in the
[Replace with] box. When you select the [Address] option from the [Search] drop-
down list, select either the [Global(global address)] or the [Local (local address)]

5. When you select the [Address] option from the [Search] drop-down list, the
[Keep Symbol / Comment] checkbox is available. When the box for [Keep Symbol /
Comment] is checked, JW-300SP replaces the addresses keeping their symbols and
comments. Usually,check this box.

6. When you select the [Symbol], [Comment], [Sub Comment] or [Network Comment]
option from the [Search] drop-down list, the [Find whole words only] and
[Match case] checkboxes are available.

7. To decide whether to replace the addresses in the selected program only or in the
whole project, select the [Current Program] or [Project] option in the [Range] field.

8. When you click the [Find Next] button, JW-300SP automatically searches for the
program with the same address.

9. To replace the strings together, click the [Replace All] button.

To close the dialog box, click the [Close] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

10. After the replacement, the program names, network numbers and program addresses
are displayed on the [Replacements] tab in the message window.
To jump to the program, double-click its name in the results.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Go To (First Network)

You can make the cursor jump to the first row, while creating, monitoring or editing
programs. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Go To] - [First Network].
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Go To (Next Free Address)

You can make the cursor jump to the unedited row, the row under the last row of
the program, while creating, monitoring or editing programs.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Go To] - [Next Free Address].
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Go To (Network Number)

You can make the cursor jump to the row of the desired network number
(the row number), while creating, monitoring or editing programs.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Go To] - [Network Number].
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Select the [Network Number] command.

In the [Assigned] dialog box, enter a network number or row number,
and click the [Go to] button.
To close the dialog box without jumping, click the [Close] button.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Go To (Program Address)

You can make the cursor jump to the desired program address, while creating, monitoring
or editing programs. From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Go To] - [Program Address].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, press the [F3] key.
This shortcut key can be customized after selecting [Tool] - [Customize].

Select the [Program Address] command.

In the [Program address] dialog box, enter a program address, and click the [Go to] button.
To close the dialog box without jumping, click the [Close] button.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (NO Contact)

This command inputs [NO contact] into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [NO Contact]. If you want to
operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize] from the menu bar,
and customize shortcut keys. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow]
and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. Select the [NO Contact] command.

The [NO Contact] mark is displayed in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor.
When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace, JW-300SP automatically
selects either [Insert here], [Insert right], [Insert left], [Overwrite here] or "invalid"
according to the cursor position.

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed between [STR 000420] and
[F-044], JW-300SP automatically selects [Insert here]. When you operate with a
keyboard, select a contact next to the position into which you want to insert a new
contact using the arrow keys.

To insert a new contact into the right side of the selected contact, press the [Shift] + [S]
keys. To insert a new contact into the left side of the selected contact, press the [Ctrl] +
[Shift] + [S] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [F-044], JW-300SP
automatically selects [Overwrite here]. When you operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
select a contact which you want to overwrite using the arrow keys, and press the [S] key.

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [F-032], JW-300SP
automatically selects "invalid" (you cannot input data)

Until you click another button on the toolbar, this [NO contact] input waiting state
continues. That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input
[NO contact] continuously.

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [NO contact] there.
To cancel the [NO contact] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press
the [Esc] key. The [NO contact] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. To set the address, symbol, comment, Global/Local setting, type of the instruction after
creating [NO contact], double-clickthe created [NO contact] area (the highlighted part) or
press the [Enter] key.

The [Instructions] box below is displayed.

4. Set the [Address], [Symbol], [Comment], [Variable] and [Contact type] values
and options,and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Instruction (NC Contact)

This command inputs [NC contact] into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [NC Contact].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [NC Contact] command, the [NC Contact] mark is displayed in the
lower right corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the
workspace, JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Insert right],
[Insert left], [Overwrite here] or [Invalid] according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed between [STR 000420] and
[F-044], JW-300SP automatically selectss [Insert here].
When you operate with a keyboard, select the contact next to the position into which
you want to insert a new contact using the arrow keys.
To insert a new contact into the right side of the selected contact, press the [Shift] +
[D] keys. To insert a new contact into the left side of the selected contact, press the
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [D] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [F-044],

JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].
When you operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select a contact which you want to
overwrite using the arrow keys, press the [D] key.

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [F-032],

JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid] (you cannot input data).

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [NC contact] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [NC contact] input waiting state
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [NC contact]
continuously. To cancel this [NC contact] input waiting state, right-click the mouse
button or press the [Esc] key.

The [NC contact] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. To set the address, symbol, comment, Global/Local setting, type of the instruction after
creating [NC contact], double-click the created [NC contact] area (the highlighted part) or
press the [Enter] key.The [Instructions] box below is displayed.

4. Set the [Address], [Symbol], [Comment], [Variable] and [Contact type] values and
options, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Instruction (Coil)

This command inputs [Coil] (OUT instruction) into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [Coil].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [Coil] command, the [Coil] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Overwrite here], [Insert here] or [Invalid]
according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [OUT 004024], JW-300SP
automatically selectss [Overwrite here].
When you operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select the contact which you want to
overwrite using the arrow keys, and press the [X] key.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed off the appropriate area
for [Overwrite] although it is near [OUT 004024], JW-300SP automatically selects
[Invalid] (you cannot input data).

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [Coil] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [Coil] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [Coil] continuously.
To cancel this [Coil] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the [Esc] key.
The [Coil] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


3. To set the address, symbol, comment, Global/Local setting, type of the instruction after
creating [Coil], double-click the created [Coil] instruction (the highlighted part) or press
the [Enter] key. The [Instructions] box below is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

4. Set the [Address], [Symbol], [Comment], [Variable] and [Coil type] values and
options, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (F45)

This command inputs [F45] (OFF differential instruction) into the program.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [F45].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [F45] command, the [F45] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Insert right], [Insert left],
[Overwrite here] or [invalid] according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on the right side of
[AND NOT 000602], JW-300SP automatically selects [Insert right].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [AND NOT 000602],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [F-032],

JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid] (you cannot input data)

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [F45] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [F45] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [F45] continuously.
To cancel this [F45] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the [Esc] key.
The [F45] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (F44)

This command inputs [F44] (ON differential instruction) into the program.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [F44].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [F44] command, the [F44] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Insert right], [Insert left],
[Overwrite here] or [Invalid] according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on the right side of [AND 000602],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Insert right].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [AND 000602],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [F-032],

JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid] (you cannot input data).

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [F44] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [F44] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [F44] continuously.
To cancel this [F44] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the [Esc] key.
The [F44] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (F43)

This command inputs [F43] (bit reverse instruction) into the program.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [F43].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [F43] command, the [F43] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Insert right], [Insert left],
[Overwrite here] or [Invalid] according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on the right side of
[AND NOT 000602], JW-300SP automatically selects [Insert right].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [AND NOT 000602],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on [F-032],

JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid] (you cannot input data).

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [F43] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [F43] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [F43] continuously.
To cancel this [F43] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the
[Esc] key.The [F43] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (MD) Maintenance display

This command inputs [MD] (Maintenance display F20 instruction) into the program.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [MD].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing
the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [MD] command, the [MD] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Overwrite here] or [Invalid]
according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on the right side of
[OUT 000160], JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed off the appropriate area for
[Overwrite] although it is near [OUT 000160], JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid]
(you cannot input data).

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [MD] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [MD] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [MD] continuously.
To cancel this [MD] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the [Esc] key.
The [MD] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


3. Double-click the created [MD] instruction (the highlighted part) or press the [Enter]
key. The [Instructions] box is displayed.
To display the [MD Instruction] box, click the button in the right side of [Information]

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (TMR)

This command inputs [TMR] (timer instruction) into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instruction] - [TMR].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [TMR] command, the [TMR] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Overwrite here] or [Invalid]
according to the cursor position. In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed
on [OUT 000161], JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].
When you operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select the contact which you want to
overwrite using the arrow keys, and press the [V] key.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed off the appropriate area for
[Overwrite] although it is near [OUT 000161], JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid]
(you cannot input data).

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [TMR] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [TMR] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [TMR] continuously.
To cancel this [TMR] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the [Esc]
key.The [TMR] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. Double-click the created [TMR] instruction (the highlighted part) or press the [Enter]
key. The [Instructions] box below is displayed.

4. Set the [Address (timer number)], [Symbol], [Comment], [Preset value] (You can
enter the value not only of time but also of resisters etc. in this box), [Variable],
[TMR Type], [Instruction] and [Code]
(when you check the box for DOWN TMR/UP TMR, this item is available) values
and options, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Instruction (CNT)

This command inputs [CNT] (counter instruction) into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [CNT].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [CNT] command, the [CNT] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Overwrite here] or [Invalid]
according to the cursor position. In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed
on [OUT 000161], JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].
When you operate with a keyboard, select the contact which you want to overwrite using
the arrow keys and press the [C] key.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed off the appropriate area for
[Overwrite] although it is near [OUT 000161], JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid]
(you cannot input data).

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [CNT] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [CNT] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [CNT] continuously.
To cancel this [CNT] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the
[Esc] key.The [CNT] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

3. Double-click the created [CNT] instruction (the highlighted part) or press the [Enter]
key. The [Instructions] box below is displayed.

4. Set the [Address (counter number)], [Symbol], [Comment], [Preset value] (You can enter
the value not only of time but also of resisters etc. in this box),[Variable], [CNT Type],
[Instruction] and [Code] (when you check the box for DOWN CNT/
UP CNT,this item is available) values and options, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Instruction (FUN)

This command inputs [FUN] (Function instruction) into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [FUN].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [FUN] command, the [FB] mark is displayed in the lower right corner
of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert here], [Overwrite here] or [Invalid]
according to the cursor position. In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed
on [OUT 000161], JW-300SP automatically selects [Overwrite here].
When you operate with a keyboard, select the contact which you want to overwrite using
the arrow keys and press the [B] key.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. This is an example of [Overwrite here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [FUN] there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [FUN] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [FUN] continuously.
To cancel this [FUN] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the [Esc] key.
The [FB] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


3. Double-click the created [FUN] instruction (the highlighted part) or press the [Enter]
key. The [Instructions] box below is displayed.

4. Enter the value in the [Function number] text box (or select it from within the
Instructions list box) and set the [Operands] field.
Click the button in the right side of the [Operands] field, and set the [Address],
[Symbol],[Comment], [Variable] and [Addressing] values and options,
and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (OR)

This command inputs [OR] with no contact into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [OR].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace, JW-300SP automatically
selects either [Insert OR here], [Add OR below this tool], [Add OR above this tool],
[Adjust OR] or [Invalid] according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed between [STR 000420] and
[F-044], JW-300SP automatically selects [Insert OR here].
When you operate with a keyboard, select the contact next to the position into which
you want to insert [OR] using the arrow keys.
To insert [OR] into the right side of the selected contact, press the [Shift] + [H] keys.
To insert [OR] into the left side of the selected contact, press the [Ctrl] + [Shift] +
[H] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed just under [STR 000420],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Add OR below this tool].

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed at a connection point of
[OR line], the JW-300SP automatically selects [Adjust OR].

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on the right side of [F-032],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid] (you cannot input data).

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. This is an example of [Insert OR here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [OR] with no contact there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [OR] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [OR] with no contact
To cancel this [OR] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press the [Esc] key.
The [OR] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.

3. Input either NO contact or NC contact into the highlighted part of the created [OR]
instruction. For example, here, input [NO contact] (when you use a keyboard, press
the [S] key). And then double-click the created [NO contact] instruction (highlighted part)
or press the [Enter] key. The [Instructions] box below is displayed.
Set the [Address], [Symbol], [Comment], [Variable], [Contact type] values and options.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Instruction (OR+)

This command inputs [OR] with a contact into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [OR+].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

1. When you select the [OR+] command, the [OR+] mark is displayed in the lower right
corner of the mouse cursor. When you place the cursor anywhere inside the workspace,
JW-300SP automatically selects either [Insert OR here], [Add OR below this tool],
[Add OR above this tool], [Adjust OR] or [Invalid] according to the cursor position.
In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed between [STR 000420] and
[F-044], JW-300SP automatically selects [Insert OR here].
When you operate with a keyboard, select the contact next to the position into which you
want to insert [OR] using the arrow keys.
To insert [OR] into the right side of the selected contact, press the [Shift] + [G] keys.
To insert [OR] into the left side of the selected contact, press the [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [G] keys.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed just under [STR 000420],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Add OR below this tool].


In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed at a connection point of [OR line],
the JW-300SP automatically selects [Adjust OR].


In the example below, since the mouse cursor is placed on the right side of [F-032],
JW-300SP automatically selects [Invalid] (you cannot input data).

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2. Here is an example of [Insert OR here] below.

When you click the mouse button in this state, you can input [OR+] with a contact there.
Until you click another buttons on the toolbar, this [OR+] input waiting state continues.
That is, when you click on any other appropriate area, you can input [OR+] with a contact
continuously. To cancel this [OR+] input waiting state, right-click the mouse button or press
the [Esc] key. The [OR+] mark in the lower right corner of the mouse cursor disappears.


3. Input A contact or B contact into the highlighted part of the created [OR+] instruction.
Double-click the highlighted part or press the [Enter] key to display the [Instructions]
box below. Set the [Address], [Symbol], [Comment], [Variable], [Contact type] values
and options.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Instruction (Network)

This command inputs networks into the program.

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Instructions] - [Network]. If you want to operate
JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize] from the menu
bar, and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

When you select the [Network] command, the [Insert network] mark is displayed in
the lower right corner of the mouse cursor.
When you operate with a keyboard, select the bus line of the network on the position
where you want to insert a new network and press the [L] key.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Program Check

This command finds programming errors and the places where you have not entered
addresses.From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Program Check].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar,and customize shortcut keys.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

When you select the [Program Check] command, the [Program check] dialog box
above is displayed.
Set the [Range] and [Check Rules] options, and click the [Start] button.
The [Program check] command is executed, and the results is displayed on the
Message window.
To jump to the error in the program, double-click the error message on the message

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Read Only

This command switches the display mode of ladder programs (for alignment of networks).
When you are editing, the width of a network becomes narrower as the network becomes
vertically longer.
To have the network shown in the same width, execute the [Read Only] command.
To edit the ladder program, change the display type back to the original mode by
executing the [Read Only] command again.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Read Only].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Customize]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys.You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Automatic Allocation

Local variables can be assigned physical address automatically.

This command is available only for JW300 series.

You can define Relay or TMR/CNT as local by click on the Local radio button
in the Input dialog box.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

You can define Register as local by click on the Local radio button in the Operand dialog box


/R0000: Allocated to the Register area (109000 to 389000) by the Automatic allocation.
/]0000: Allocated to the Relay area (].xxxxx) by the Automatic allocation.

Local variables have addresses that begin with /.

The next figure shows a Ladder program containing Local variables.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Auto Allocation].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut

Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys
after pressing the [Alt] + [E] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

The [Auto Allocation] dialog box below is displayed.

Check the box for [Enable Auto-allocation] to make the auto allocation setting
field available, and click the [OK] button.

Block Blocks in the Project are listed.

Sub-program Sub-programs in the specified Block are displayed.
Specify Relay address to be assigned to the Local variables.
Relay address must be specified by Octal 10.
] Register address to be assigned to the Local variables is displayed.
] Register
This address is derived from Relay address and for reference only.
Specify TMR/CNT number to be assigned to the Local variables.
TMR/CNT number must be specified by Octal 10.
Specify Register address to be assigned to the Local variables.
Register Available address: 109000 to 389000
(Other address is not acceptable.)

Click the [Yes] button in the confirmation dialog box and initiate Auto-allocation.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

The next figure shows a Ladder program after Auto-allocation .

Auto-allocation list is displayed by clicking the [Show List] button in the confirmation dialog

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Exchange NO and NC

This command replaces A contacts with B contacts, or vice versa, in the program.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] - [Exchange NO and NC].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Enter the address you want to replace, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
2-3 View
Change Display

This command switches the display type between the ladder programming display
and the instruction programming display. From the menu bar, select [View] -
[Change Display].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Local Symbols

Local symbols are the symbols you use when you create programs in the symbol base
mode. The symbol base mode is an input system where you make ladder programs
without being conscious of I/O addresses and data resister addresses. This command
is available only for JW-300SP. In this table, you can list, print, preview, edit or search

local symbols. From the menu bar, select [View] - [Local Symbols]. If you want to
operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar,
and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Global Symbols

Global symbols are the symbols you use when you create programs in the address base
mode. The address base mode is the conventional input system where you make ladder
programs with entering I/O addresses and data resister addresses. In this window, you
can list, print, preview, edit or search local symbols and comments. From the menu bar,
select [View] - [Global Symbols]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the
[Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
System Memory

Use this command to set the system memory. From the menu bar, select [View] -
[System Memory]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

The [System Memory Property Sheet] dialog box is displayed. Set the values and
options on each tab. JW-300SP can work with default values and options on the tabs.
When you directly enter setting values in the system memory addresses, click the
[List] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Data Memory

In this window, you can list, print, preview, edit or search data memory. Select the data
code from binary, octal, decimal, decimal with plus and minus signs, hexadecimal or
Select the data type from byte, word or double word. You can also set the data memory
after clicking [Data Memory] in the Project window. From the menu bar, select [View] -
[Data Memory]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing
the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Parameter Memory

In this window, you can list, print, preview, edit or search parameters.
There are two types of parameters: [JW300 parameters] in the control module and
[option parameter] in the option module. In this window, you can set, edit or monitor
the JW300 parameters. Select the data code from binary, octal, decimal, decimal with
plus and minus signs, hexadecimal or ASCII. Select the data type from byte, word or
double word. You can also select [Option I/O], [Special I/O] or [Remote I/O
slave's Special Unit] after clicking [Parameter Memory] in the Project window.
From the menu bar, select [View] - [Parameter Memory].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also
operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the
[Alt] + [V] keys.

The [Parameter Memory] dialog box below is displayed. In the example below, the
address, [OP0-0000], means that the module number switch of the option module is 0,
and the parameter memory address is 0000. In the same way, the address of special I/O
modules is [SP0-0000]. The color of the model label on the front of the module is yellow
green for special I/O modules and brown for option modules.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
I/O Table

You can check the current PLC system configuration, module numbers, switch setting
monitor, I/O assignment list, special I/O address and manual I/O registration, and also
print the system configuration chart. From the menu bar, select [View] - [I/O Table].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also
operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the
[Alt] + [V] keys.

Usually, click the [Yes] button on the message below.

When you click the [No] button, you can set the module configuration with drag-and-
drop operations. When setting a rack panel, drag-and-drop the [Base Unit] button
onto the picture of the rack panel. The [Model Selection] dialog box is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

This is an example of setting the I/O module and the option module with drag-and-drop

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Network Comment

While creating the program, you can add comments to each network by right-clicking
a selected network with the bus line thickened. This comment is called a network
comment. Network comments are useful for analyzing, debugging and altering the
program. This command displays a list of the network comments you have added.
From the menu bar, select [View] - [Network Comment]. If you want to operate
JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and
customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

The [Network comment] dialog box below is displayed. Jump to the network with a
comment in the program, select the network comment and click the [Go to] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Window (Project)

The window, displaying the tree, on the left side of the JW-300SP window is called the
Project window. In this window, you can view the whole project configuration.

Every time you select [View] - [Window] - [Project] from the menu bar, JW-300SP
alternately open and close the Project window. You can maximize the program window
if the Project window is closed, e.g. when editing single program without another block
or program or when viewing a long series network. You can also close the Project
window by clicking the close button in the upper-right corner of the window. If you
want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from
the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also
operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the
[Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Window (Watch)

In the [Watch] window, you can monitor several data being in PLC operation, display
the time chart, and set/reset the relay.

Every time you select [View] - [Window] - [Watch] from the menu bar, JW-300SP
alternately open and close the Watch window. You can maximize the program window
if the Watch window is closed when it is not necessary. You can also close the Watch
window by clicking the close button in the upper-left corner of the window. If you want
to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu
bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Window (Message)

The window located in the lower left part of the JW-300SP window is called the
Message window. This window shows the PLC status, results of [Program Check],
error messages, results of [Find] and results of [Replace] etc.

Every time you select [View] - [Window] - [Message] from the menu bar, JW-300SP
alternately open and close the Message window. You can maximize the program
window if the Message window is closed, e.g. when viewing a long parallel network.
You can also close the Message window by clicking the close button in the upper-right
corner of the window. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Window (Cross Reference)

In JW-300SP, the Cross Reference window is always available while you are editing
although this window was used only for printing in the earlier versions.

Every time you select [View] - [Window] - [Cross Reference] from the menu bar,
JW-300SP alternately open and close the Cross Reference window. You can maximize
the program window if the Cross Reference window is closed, e.g. when viewing a long
parallel network. You can also close the Cross Reference window by clicking the close
button in the upper-left corner of the window. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a
keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut
keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow]
and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Keyboard Map

For users who mainly use a keyboard with no instruction seal or those who find it hard
to use a mouse, JW-300SP can show the list of instructions and shortcut keys at any

Every time you select [View] - [Window] - [Keyboard Map] from the menu bar,
JW-300SP alternately open and close the Keyboard Map window. You can also
close the Keyboard Map window by clicking the close button in the upper-left corner
of the window.If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Status Bar

The bar located along the bottom of the JW-300SP window is called the Status bar.
This bar displays the names of PLC models, information on Free Block Memory and
Free Project Memory, and the PLC status.

Every time you select [View] - [Status Bar] from the menu bar, JW-300SP alternately
show and hide the Status bar. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select
[Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the
[Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Data List

JW-300SP can show the data list (contact-use list) based on the state of blocks, address
type, type of unused addresses in the form of a detail/overview list. You can also print
and preview the list. From the menu bar, select [View] - [Data List]. If you want to
operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu
bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the
[Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

In the example below, click [Generate] to create the data list. When you print the data
list, preview the printed image by selecting [File] - [Print Preview] and click [Print]. To
close the [Data List] window, click a program file in the Project window.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Project Information

You can look at the project information. From the menu bar, select [View] - [Project
Information]. The [Project Information] dialog box is displayed. You can also print
the project information. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select
[Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the
[Keyboard] tab.You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and
[Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Address Notation

Usually, addresses are shown in octal notation. However, you can change the address
mode to decimal or hex notation. From the menu bar, select [View] - [Address Notation].
The [Address Notation] dialog box is displayed. If you want to operate JW-300SP with
a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut
keys on the [Keyboard] tab. You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow]
and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Address Expression

You can select either [Symbolic Address] or [Numeric Address] as a display mode.
From the menu bar, select [View] - [Address Expression].
The [Address Expression] dialog box is displayed. If you want to operate JW-300SP
with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize
shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys
after pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

When you select the [Symbolic Address] option and click the [OK] button, JW-300SP
displays the program based on symbols. If you do not check the boxes for either [Address]
or [Comment], only Symbol is displayed. However, JW-300SP can display the program
containing many symbols within a window. When you check the both boxes for [Address]
and [Comment], JW-300SP displays the program in full. When you select the [Numeric
Address] option and click the [OK] button, JW-300SP display the program based on
addresses. If you do not check the both for either [Symbol] or [Comment], only addresses
are displayed. However, JW-300SP can display the program containing many addresses
within a window. When you check the both boxes for [Symbol] and [Comment], JW-300SP
displays the program in full. To activate the box for [Show Global-address assigned to
Virtual-address], you need to have created the program in the symbol base mode and to
have entered local addresses beginning with the slash mark in advance.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Zoom (Zoom in)

This command zooms in the displayed program.

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Zoom (Zoom out)

This command zooms out the displayed program.

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [V] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2-4 Online
Communication setting

Before communicating with a PLC, set [Communication setting].

From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Communication setting].
The [Communication setting] dialog box is displayed.
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

To conduct the serial connection with a PG port of the PLC, select [PLC (PG)] on
the [Communication Setting] dialog box. Click [Detail].

Set the same port number as the communication port number for which the RS-232C port is
allocated on the PLC.
To check the port number on the PC, select [Start] - [Settings]- [Control Panel] - [System]
- [Hardware] - [Device Manager] - [Port COM&LPT] - [Communications Port].
From [Communications Port], you can check the COM number.
For [Timeout], use the default value. (Normally, re-setting is not required here.)
[230.4Kbps] and [115.2Kbps] in [Baud rate setting] are used for JW300 series and
JW30Hn series, respectively.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

For USB connection, select [PLC (USB)].

Click [Setup in Detail]. The [PLC itself comm param set] dialog box below is displayed.
For [Timeout], use the default value. (Normally, re-setting is not required here.)

For details of USB setting, refer to Chapter 7(USB Connection).

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Status (Check)

This command checks PLC operation status ([Run] or [Stop]).

From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Status] - [Check].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

When the PLC is stopped, the message below is displayed.

When the PLC is in operation, the message below is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Status (Run)

This command operates the PLC.

From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Status] - [Run].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

When the PLC is stopped, the message below is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Status (Stop)

This command stops the PLC.

From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Status] - [Stop].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

When the PLC is stopped, the mark is displayed on the status bar.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Transfer (Download)

This command sends (writes) the items (such as programs, systems, parameters, etc.)
from the PC to the PLC. From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Transfer] -
[Download]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

The [Download into PLC] dialog box below is displayed.

Check the box for the item you want to write and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Transfer (Upload)

This command sends/reads the items (such as programs, systems, parameters, etc.) from
the PLC to the PC. From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Transfer] - [Upload].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

The [Upload from PLC] dialog box below is displayed.

Check the box for the item you want to read and click the [OK] button.

When the program configurations of the PLC and PC are different, the [Warning]
dialog above is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Transfer (Verify)

This command checks whether the selected items (such as programs, systems,
parameters, etc.) between the PLC and the PC are identical.
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Transfer] - [Verify].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.
Check the box for the item you want to check and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

If a check error occurs in JW300 series, check out the [Program structure].
Check the box for the [Confirm program structure] and click the [OK] button.
The [Programs structure] dialog box below is displayed.

Check the box for the [Verify other files] and click the [OK] button. The [Verify] dialog
box below is displayed. Check the item you want to verify and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Transfer (Memory Clear)

This command clears the PLC memory only.

From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Transfer] - [Memory Clear].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

The [PLC Memory Clear] dialog box below is displayed. Check the box for the item you
want to clear and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Monitor (Start)

This command starts the PLC memory monitoring. From the menu bar, select
[Online] - [Monitor] - [Start]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard,
select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys
on the [Keyboard] tab.You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow]
and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

While the PLC is monitored, the ON contact is displayed in a bold line and the current
value (data) is displayed on the register.
At this time, programs can be changed/added/deleted using the [Online] - [PLC Transfer] -
[Write] commands (Program edit during RUN) When monitoring starts, some operations
such as a program edit cannot be executed. (The disabled operation is displayed in gray.)
In this case, stop the PLC monitoring with the [PLC Monitor] - [Stop] commands
described in the next page.

To show the pop-up menu below, select a contact while starting the monitoring and
right-click it.

Network Comment
Edit Sub Comment


Send to

Online Edit



Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Monitor (Stop)

This command stops the PLC monitor due to the disabled operation (e.g. program edit).
While monitoring is stopped, [Online Edit] cannot be executed. In other words, any
programs cannot be changed/added/deleted. (Program edit during RUN) From the
menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Monitor] - [Stop]. If you want to operate JW-300SP
with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize
shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

To show the pop-up menu below, select a contact while stopping the monitoring and
right-click it.

Network Comment
Edit Sub Comment



Send to

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Monitor (Online Edit)

This command changes/adds/deletes the program while the PLC is in operation.

(This operation is called "Program edit during RUN.") This part shows how to add
a contact to the program below, using the [Online Edit] command.

Select the network for which you want to perform the [Online Edit] command
and start the monitoring operation.
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Monitor] - [Online Edit] - [Edit].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Add the [AND 000455] and [AND 007364] contacts.

From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Monitor] - [Online Edit] - [Write].
Programs on the PC and PLC are updated to ones with new contacts.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Operation (I/O table auto registration)

This command automatically registers the I/O table to the PLC.

When your PLC is JW20(H) model, be sure to execute this command after the I/O is
installed. After the PLC is stopped, click [Online] - [PLC Operation] - [I/O Search] from
the menu bar. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
PLC Operation (Secret function)

This command keeps the program secret. To use this command, a password is necessary.
Following the steps below, register the password. From the menu bar, select [Online] -
[PLC Operation] - [Secret] - [Secret On]. To change the secret status from ON to OFF,
use the specified password. ([PLC Transfer] cannot be executed when [Secret On] is
selected.) After the monitoring operation is started , click [Online] - [PLC Operation] -
[Secret] - [Register/Change Password] from the menu bar.
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Registering/Changing the password

After entering 4 alphanumeric
characters into the password box, click the [OK] button.
Deleting the password

If you try to execute [PLC Transfer] while [Secret On] is selected, the dialog box
below is displayed.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Operation (PC Card)

This command formats a PC card and also transfers (writes/reads) the program
between the PC card and RAM in JW300 series.(This command is available
only for JW300 series.)
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Operation] - [PC Card].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Operation (EEPROM)

This command transfers memory between the EEPROM/flash ROM and RAM
in the PLC.
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Operation] - [EEPROM].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Information (Information)

JW300 operation status block status (processing is executed or not in a block) and
scan time (This command is available only for JW300 series.)
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Information] - [Information].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Information (Renewal History)

This command shows the renewal history of the block and program.
(This command is available only for JW300 series.)
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Information] - [Renewal History].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Information (Timer)

This command shows the date and time set in the PLC.
Setting the date and time helps you to utilize the application instruction for which the
timer function is used and to receive the detailed information if an error occurs.
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Information] - [Timer].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

PLC Information (Scan Time)

This command shows the scan time of the PLC.

From the menu bar, select [Online] - [PLC Information] - [Scan Time].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Error History

This command shows the error history of the PLC.

To clear the error history, click [Clear All] on the [Error History] screen.
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Error History].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Block Status

This command shows whether or not the PLC is in operation and the operation is
executed in blocks. (This command is available only for JW300 series.)
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Block Status].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] key.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Logging Data

When the F-403 instruction is executed, this command logs the data memory under the
condition set in the system memory. (This command is available only for JW300 series.)
From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Logging Data].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [O] keys.

As soon as the F-403 instruction input condition is satisfied, the given data memory
description with the date and time is stored in the specified register.

1. Input the F-403 instruction.

For the F-403 instruction input condition, set the specified contact to be used as a trigger.

2. Set the top address of the system settings (logging data).

Starting from the top address, logging data is stored.
When [FILE1-00000000] (00000000 in File Register 1) is set as the top address,
data are written in the 2-word areas of the system memory "#2100" to "#2103" using the
file address.

3. Set the number of the storing times for logging data.

Setting from 10 to 2550 times can be performed. (Use the setting values from "1" to
"255".) For 10 times logging, the 16-byte file register area is required.
When "1" is set for the data storing times, data are logged for 10 times at the execution
of the F-403 instruction.
The logging data are stored in the 16-byte file register area whose top address is
"00000000" in File Register 1
The number of set times is written in system memory "#2104" in decimal numbers.
(Setting value x 10)

4. When the F-403 instruction is executed, the specified condition turns OFF.
When the F-403 instruction is executed once more, the logging data is overwritten in
the 16-byte area.
When "100" is set for the data storing times; 100 times x 16 bytes = 1600
Therefore, the file register area for 1600 bytes are required.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
-1st logging data
[FILE1-00000000] - - - [Year]
[FILE1-00000001] - - - [Month]
[FILE1-00000002] - - - [Day]
[FILE1-00000003] - - - [Hour]
[FILE1-00000004] - - - [Minute]
[FILE1-00000005] - - - [Second]
[FILE1-00000006] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 1]
[FILE1-00000007] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 2]
[FILE1-00000010] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 3]
[FILE1-00000011] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 4]
[FILE1-00000012] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 5]
[FILE1-00000013] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 6]
[FILE1-00000014] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 7]
[FILE1-00000015] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 8]
[FILE1-00000016] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 9]
[FILE1-00000017] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 10]

-2nd logging data

[FILE1-00000020] - - - [Year]
[FILE1-00000021] - - - [Month]
[FILE1-00000022] - - - [Day]
[FILE1-00000023] - - - [Hour]
[FILE1-00000024] - - - [Minute]
[FILE1-00000025] - - - [Second]
[FILE1-00000026] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 1]
[FILE1-00000027] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 2]
[FILE1-00000030] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 3]
[FILE1-00000031] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 4]
[FILE1-00000032] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 5]
[FILE1-00000033] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 6]
[FILE1-00000034] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 7]
[FILE1-00000035] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 8]
[FILE1-00000036] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 9]
[FILE1-00000037] - - - [Contents of logging-specified Register 10]
[FILE1-00000040] and later - - - later than the 3rd logging data are stored in succession.

5. Set the date and time for the logging data.

For a time stamp format, select one from the three options below:
(1) "None = Setting value 0",
(2) "Year, date, hour, minute and second (YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS) = Setting value 1
(6 bytes occupied)"
(3) "Hour, minute and second (HH:MM:SS = Setting value 2 (3 bytes occupied)"

The selected one is written in system memory "#2105".

6. Set the logging address.

Up to 10 registers can be set for logging.
The file addresses for specified number(s) of registers (Max. 10) are written in
the system memory "#2106" to "#2155" by 2 words.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2-5 Block
Change Model

This command changes the model type of the created JW300 series project file.
(This command is available only for JW300 series.) From the menu bar, select [Block] -
[Change Model]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Project Comment

This command changes the comment of the project file.

(This command is available only for JW300 series.)
From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Project Comment].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar,and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Order (Block Order)

For a currently-opened project file, this command checks the block operation status and
selects, for each individual block, whether or not the operation is executed.
(This command is available only for JW300 series.) In JW300 series, you can divide one
program into some blocks to run. When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore divide one
block into some programs. This divided program is called a structured program.
A block consists of some structured programs. Conventionally, the following steps were
necessary to change a program: Back up the existing program => Change the program =>
Transfer (Write) the program to the PLC.
However, the program before change can be set to "offline" and the changed program
can be set to "online" using this command. Divided addresses in the block are in serial order.

From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Order] - [Block Order].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from
the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys

The [Blocks] dialog box below is displayed.

Select the desired block to move to the "online" or "offline"box using the [>>] and [<<]
buttons. Then, click [Settings].

When the [Settings] button is clicked, the [I/O Assignment] dialog box is displayed.
You can select "online" or "offline", using the startup relay as a trigger.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Order (Program Order)

For a currently-opened project file, this command changes the structure in some
programs under a block. (This command is available only for JW300 series.)
In JW300 series, you can divide one program into some blocks to run.
When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore divide one block into some programs.
This divided program is called a structured program. A block consists of some
structured programs.
In a divided program of a block, the structure of a program address located
higher is changed first and its program address is a lower one.
Divided addresses in the block are in serial order.

From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Order] - [Program Order].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

The [Program Allocation] dialog box below is displayed.

The program structure can be changed using the [Up] and [Down] buttons.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

New (Block)

For a currently-opened project file, this command adds a new block.

(This command is available only for JW300 series.) In JW300 series, you can divide one
program into some blocks to run. When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore divide one
block into some programs. This divided program is called a structured program. A block
consists of some structured programs. Conventionally, the following steps were necessary
to change a program: Back up the existing program => Change the program => Transfer
(Write) the program to the PLC.
However, this command reads the changed program only while keeping the program
before change as it is. In addition, this command selects "online" or "offline" for the
program (before/after change) without sending the data to the PLC.
Divided addresses in the block are in serial order.

From the menu bar, select [Block] - [New] - [Block].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from
the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

Enter the block name you want to add in the Name box. Select one of the existing block
from upward/downward you want to insert the new block. Select the [Upward] or
[Downward] button and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

New (Program)

For a currently-opened project file, this command adds a new program.

(This command is available only for JW300 series.) In JW300 series, you can divide one
program into some blocks to run. When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore divide
one block into some programs. This divided program is called a structured program.
A block consists of some structured programs. Conventionally, the following steps were
necessary to change a program: Back up the existing program => Change the program
=> Transfer(Write) the program to the PLC.
However, this command reads the changed program only while keeping the program
before change as it is. In addition, this command selects "online" or "offline" for the
program (before/after change) without sending the data to the PLC.
Divided addresses in the block are in serial order.

From the menu bar, select [Block] - [New] - [Program].

If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

Select a block from a pull-down list on the [New Program] dialog box.
Enter a new program name you want to add in the Name box. Select one of the existing
program from upward/downward you want to insert the new program. Select the
[Upward] or [Downward] button and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Delete (Block)

For a currently-opened project file, this command deletes a block.

(This command is available only for JW300 series.) In JW300 series, you can divide one
program into some blocks to run. When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore divide
one block into some programs. This divided program is called a structured program.
A block consists of some structured programs.
Conventionally, the following steps were necessary to change a program:
Back up the existing program => Change the program => Transfer (Write) the program to
the PLC. However, this command reads the changed program only while keeping the
program before change as it is. In addition, this command selects "online" or "offline" for
the program (before/after change) without sending the data to the PLC.
Divided addresses in the block are in serial order. From the menu bar, select [Block] -
[Delete] - [Block]. If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] -
[Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

Select a block you want to delete from the list on the [Delete] dialog box and click the
[Delete] button. The dialog box below is displayed.

If the selected program is in operation,

the dialog box below is displayed.
From the menu bar, select [Block]
- [Order] - [Block Order].
After setting the block to "offline",
delete the designated block.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Delete (Program)

For a currently-opened project file, this command deletes a program.

(This command is available only for JW300 series.) In JW300 series, you can divide one
program into some blocks to run. When using JW-300SP, you can furtheremore divide
one block into some programs. This divided program is called a structured program.
A block consists of some structured programs. Conventionally, the following steps were
necessary to change a program: Back up the existing program => Change the program =>
Transfer (Write) the program to the PLC.
However, this command reads the changed program only while keeping the program
before change as it is. In addition, this command selects "online" or "offline" for the
program (before/after change) without sending the data to the PLC.
Divided addresses in the block are in serial order.
From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Delete] - [Program].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] key.

If the selected program is in operation, the dialog box below is displayed.

From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Order] - [Block Order].
After setting the program to "offline", delete the designated program.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Memory Setting

This command sets and changes the block memory size.

(This command is available only for JW300 series.)
From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Memory Setting].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
Parameter settings (by Module name)

This command sets the parameters for a special I/O module and an option module.
From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Parameter settings] - [by Module name].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

The [Module Name] dialog box below is displayed. Double-click the model name.
On the [Install] dialog box, enter the Module No. Switch, Rack No. and Slot No.
you want to set. Click the [OK] button.
When the property sheet of the special I/O module and the option module is displayed,
set the parameters following the instructions on the screen.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Parameter settings (by Module type)

This command sets the parameters for a special I/O module and an option module.
From the menu bar, select [Block] - [Parameter settings] - [by Module type].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar,and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper Arrow/Under Arrrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [B] keys.

Model name label: Brown Model name label: Orange

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
The [Special I/O] dialog box below is displayed. Double- click the model name.
On the [Install] dialog box, enter the Module No. Switch, Rack No. and Slot No.
you want to set. Click the [OK] button.
Model name label: Yellowant green

When the property sheet of the special I/O module and the option module is displayed,
set the parameters, following the instructions on the screen.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2-6 Tool
Sampling Trace

This command shows the data memory ON/OFF status and data value in a time
chart at the point when the previously-set condition is satisfied.
This function is used for trouble shooting and debugging during a test run.
JW-300SP has the following functions:
Opening the sampling trace file
Saving the sampling trace file
Option setting for the sampling screen
Setting the trigger conditions by comparison
Setting a Time axis
Setting a sampling display color

From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Sampling Trace].If you want to operate JW-300SP
with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar, and customize
shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/
Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pressing the [Alt] + [T] keys.
Once the sampling trace screen is selected, a sampling trace menu is added to the menu
bar. To complete the sampling trace screen, click any program in the project window.

To open the saved sampling trace file (file extension .smp), click [Open Sampling trace].
When the [Open] window below is displayed, select the file and click the [Open] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

To save the sampling trace information, click [Save Sampling trace].

When the [Save As] window below is displayed, enter the file name and click [Save].

To set the sampling condition, click [Sampling trace view] and enter the address.
The item you check in the check box is sampled.
To delete the address, select the desired address and press the [Delete] key.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation
[Trigger] is a condition to start sampling.
To set the trigger condition, click [Trigger view] and enter the contact and
comparison conditions.
The comparison instruction is displayed in the initial setting.
To use the trigger for a comparison result, double-click the highlighted comparison
instruction.The [Compare detail] dialog box below is displayed.
Enter Source 1 and Source 2 that you want to compare. For a trigger, select one
comparison result from the [Compare:] pull-down menu. (e.g When you want to activate
the trigger under the condition two source results correspond with each other, select [B=].)

To use the trigger when the contact is input, select the highlighted comparison instruction
and click [Delete]. Then, the set comparison instruction is deleted.
To insert Contact A (below), click Contact A and click once more at the location of the
designated trigger condition.
When Contact A is double-clicked, the [Input dialog] dialog box below is displayed.
After entering the address, symbol and comment, click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Sampling trace is displayed in a time chart. To display the unit of the time axis,
click [Measure intervals].


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Data in the register can be displayed in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal systems.
Click [Code] and select one system from above in which you want to display the data.

When setting the sampling conditions, you can also set the [Color] in the [Trace
target] dialog box. If a different address is in a different color, the addresses are
easily recognized on the screen.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Sampling trace is displayed in a time chart. To change the time axis setting,
click [Jump to].
You can set the time axis in the increment of 10 ms.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

After setting the conditions, click [Start trace].

The message of [Waiting for Trigger] on the [Sample Trace] dialog box is
displayed as shown below.
This means the designated trigger condition is in the process of the establishment.


If a trace address is not set, sampling trace cannot start.
If the message below is displayed, set the trace address.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

For the sampling trace, set both the trigger condition and the trace condition.
Click [Configuration], and the [Configuration] dialog box below is displayed.
After setting [Trace buffer], [Buffer size], [Sampling period] and [Trigger position],
click the [OK] button.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

To upload the sampling data settings and trace conditions, click [Upload].
The [Upload] dialog box below is displayed. Check the box for [Trace Setup] or
[Trace Data], and click the [OK] button.

2 186

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

To save the sampling trace information using the specified name (e.g. specified writing
range, data range, saving in a text format, and marked detail settings), click [Export].
The [Export] dialog box below is displayed. After settings are completed
in the [Export] dialog box, click [Export]. When the [Save As] window
below is displayed, enter the name in the [File name] box and click [Save].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

To use the comparison instruction as a trigger, click [Compare On/Off] below.

2 188

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

When setting is completed, click [Start trace].The message of [Waiting for

trigger] on the [Sampling Trace] dialog box below is displayed.
This means the designated trigger condition is in the process of the establishment.


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

When the trigger condition is established, sampling data is displayed in a time chart below.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command sets assignments used to create a program.

From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys].
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [T] keys.

The [Customize] dialog box below is displayed.

To display the icon explanations, click the [Command] tab on the [Customize]
dialog box.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation
To display the tool bar settings (display or nondisplay) and size setting,
click the [Toolbars] tab on the [Customize] dialog box.

To display the currently-assigned shortcut keys, click the [Keyboard] tab.

On the [Keyboard] tab, you can also customize the shortcut keys.
To assign new shortcut keys, select items from both [Categories] and [Command],
and press the key you want to assign to the items.
The name of the assigned key is displayed in the [Press New Shortcut Key:] box.
Then, click [Assign].

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Shortcut Keys

This command sets short cut keys.

From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys].
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [T] keys.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command initializes JW-300SP.

From the menu bar, select [Tool] - [Option].
If you want to operate JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys]
from the menu bar, and customize shortcut keys on the [Keyboard] tab.
You can also operate with the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after
pressing the [Alt] + [T] keys.

The [Option] dialog box below is displayed.

To set a color and font, click the [Appearance] tab.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

To set the coil position, number of symbol comment lines and vertical/horizontal line
display of the application instruction, click the [Ladder] tab. Setting of [Delete Mode] on
the [Ladder] tab is related to "OR Line Edit."

To set the register data display format and monitoring interval, click the [PLC] tab on
the [Option] dialog box below.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2-7 Window

This command divides the ladder program screen into four frames.
You can execute programming and monitoring operation while checking the important part.
From the menu bar, select [Window] - [Split]. The mouse cursor changes to an arrowed
cross as shown below.
Click the left mouse button at the point you want to divide.

Screen image divided into four frames

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command closes the active window opened in JW-300SP.

Screen image after closing operation

Active window


Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Close All

This command closes all the editing windows opened in JW-300SP.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation


This command cascades the editing windows to display.

Several windows are cascaded as shown below.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Tile Horizontally

This command arranges the editing windows horizontally as shown below.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Tile Vertically

This command arranges the editing windows vertically as shown below.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

2-8 Help
JW-300SP Help

This command starts the JW-300SP Help.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

Programming Manual

This command displays the programming manual of application instructions for

JW300 series.

Chapter 2 Menu Operation

About JW-300SP

This command displays the version information for JW-300SP.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs
3-1 Programming with a keyboard
1. Starting a new project and selecting PLC model
Start JW-300SP to make a new project.

(1)To open the [File] from the menu bar, press the [Alt] + [F] keys.

Select the [New] from the menu and press the [Enter] key.

(2) The [New Project] dialog box is displayed.

With the [Tab] key, move the focus, and enter your project name, a directory and
your comment on it.

After entering the items above, move the focus onto the [OK] button and press
the [Enter] key.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

(3) With the [Tab] key, move the focus onto the [PLC Model] box.
Select your [PLC Family] in the box. With the [Tab] key again, move the
focus onto the [PLC Model] box and, select your model.

After selecting your model, move the focus onto the [Next] button and press
the [Enter] key. Information of your new project is displayed.
(4) Make sure the displayed project information is all right, move the focus with the
[Tab] key to the [OK] button, and press the [Enter] key.

(5) Project files for your new project are created. You can edit a ladder program.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

2. Ladder Programming
(1) Moving the focus
On the display of ladder programming, the focus is always placed on it.
You can move the focus with the four arrow keys and select positions of your input.

Focus location

(2) Inserting network components

Move the focus onto the top line and insert a first contact and so forth.
This subsection shows how to insert an A contact if the key allocation is of the default.

Move the focus toward the right with

the [=>] key.

Press the [S] key.

After pressing the [S] key, press the [Enter] key.

The [Instructions] box is displayed and you can enter an address and a comment.
You can insert contacts first and enter the addresses successively later.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3. Changing contacts or registers

To change any input contact or address of the registers, move the focus onto the contact
or the register with the arrow keys , and press the [Enter] key.

Move the focus onto an A contact to be

changed (in this case, to 000200) and
press the [Enter] key.

Move the focus onto a register to be changed (019000) and press the
[Enter] key.

The [Instructions] box is displayed.

Change the address or any other item, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

4. Deleting contacts or registers

To delete any entered contact or address of the registers, move the focus onto the contact
or register with the arrow keys , and press the [Delete] key.

Move the focus onto an A contact

(000200 in this case), and
press the [Delete] key.

Move the focus onto a register (019000 in this case)

and press the [Delete] key.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

5. Inserting a new line/Deleting a network

(1) Inserting a new line

You can insert a new line between every two lines by pressing the [L] key.

To insert a new line between the line 0 and 1, follow the steps below.

With the arrow keys, move the focus onto somewhere on the line 1,
and press the [L] key.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

(2) Deleting a network

To delete a entire network, follow the steps below.

Move the focus onto the left end of a line (line 1 in this case), and press the [Delete] key.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

6. Changing TMR/CNT

To change input settings of TMR/CNT, follow the steps below.

Move the focus onto a TMR or CNT you want to change with the arrow keys, and press
the [Enter] key. The [Instructions] box is displayed.

After changing the [Address] or the [Set value], press the [OK] button.
You can enter a register for the [Set value].

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

7. Notices in creating ladder programs

(1) Changing networks

To change network A to network B, follow the steps below.

Network A

Network B

The small circle pointed by the arrow in the circuit shown below is called 'a pointer'.
Using a pointer, you can change a network or can program efficiently.
First, press the arrow keys to display the pointer on the position as shown below.


To move the pointer to the position directed by the arrow,

press the [Ctrl] + [=>] keys

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

When you finish moving the pointer correctly, the circuit changes as shown below.

Follow these steps when the network changes as shown above.

Press the arrow keys and select an A contact (OR 000003 in this case).
To cut the [OR 000003], press the [Ctrl]+[X] keys.
Move the cursor with the arrow keys to the position directed by the arrow.
Press the [Ctrl]+[V] keys to drop the [OR 000003].

After dropping, delete the unnecessary line by pressing the [Delete] key.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

(2) Limitation on moving the pointer

Although you can program efficiently by moving the pointer, there is a limitation.
You can move the pointer only horizontally as shown below.

You can move

the pointer

In the network below, you cannot move the pointer to a different level.

You cannot move

the pointer to a
different level.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs
8. Delete Mode for OR lines

You can select a delete mode in the [Option] dialog box.

To select the [Tool] from the menu bar, press the [Alt]+[T] keys.
With the arrow keys, select the [Option] and press the [Enter] key.
In the [Option] dialog box, move the focus onto the [Appearance] tab by pressing
the [Shift]+[Tab] keys.
With the [=>] or [<=]arrow key, move the focus onto the [Ladder].
With the tab and arrow keys, select the delete mode.

(1) When the [Style A] is selected.

When you delete [OR 000020] by pressing the [Delete] key, only the contact is deleted.
The OR lines is not deleted.


(2) When the [Style B] is selected.When you delete [OR 000020] by pressing the [Delete]
key, the contact and the line are deleted all together.


Chapter 3 Creating Programs

9. Creating a network another PLC cannot create

With JW300 series, you can create a network that any other conventional PLC models
cannot create as a single network by adding basic instructions.

Network example that conventional PLC models cannot create

The network below has more than two output coils with different input conditions.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

10. Alignment of application instructions

Since line input method is adopted for JW-300SP, when more than one application
instruction are entered, the vertical lines looks like a staircase.
With the appearance change function for ladder programming, you can change the
appearance of a network. Follow these steps if you want to change the appearance.
To select the [Edit] in the menu bar, press the [Alt]+[E].
With the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] key, select the [Read Only] and press the [Enter]
key. The vertical lines of application instructions are aligned as shown below.



Chapter 3 Creating Programs

11. Instruction word programming

To select the [View] from the menu bar, press the [Alt]+[V] keys.With the arrow keys,select
the [Change Display].Press the [Enter] key. The display of instruction programming appears.
You cannot convert a ladder diagram without the address into the instruction word.
Instruction word screen

To input an instruction word, follow the procedure below.

1. Select the program address you want to input.You can set the program address, using
the arrow keys or the F3 key with the specified address jump function.

2. Input the instruction word.You can input the instruction word either with commands
or characters.In key operation, use the character-based input system.
* Character-based input system
Select the program address, and press the [Enter] key.The cursor blinks, and you can
input the instruction. To input a new instruction word, type the instruction with the
character keys, and press the [Enter] key.The system does not distinguish upper-case
and lower-case characters.
[Example] To input STR POS - - - - - - [S] [T] [R] [Space] [P] [O] [S]
To input OUT NOT - - - - - [O] [U] [T] [Space] [N] [O] [T]
To input Fc12w - - - - - - - - [F] [C] [1] [2] [W] or, [C] [1] [2] [W]
While the program address is selected, you can quickly input the instruction only by
pressing one of the keys below.
[S] - - - STR [F] - - - AND [G] - - - OR [D] - - - OR [D] - - - NOT
[X] - - - OUT [V] - - - TMR [C] - - - CNT [B] - - - F-000
[U] - - - PUSH [O] - - - POP [M] - - - MRD
Quick key input
Press one of the keys above. Press the [Enter] key. The typed key has been fixed.
Press the [Enter] key again. The address is input.

3. Input the relay, the timer, the counter, and the register number, and press the [Enter] key.
[Example] Relay contact To input 000010 - - - - - - - - -[ 1 ] [ 0 ]
Timer contact To input T00012 - - - - - - - - -[ T ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Timer number To input 00012 - - - - - - - - - -[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Byte address To input ]00001 - - - - - - - - - -[ ] ] [ 1 ]
Register To input 009001 - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ 0 ] [ 0 ] [ 9 ] [ 1 ]
Register To input 049000 - - - - - - - - - - - - -[ 0 ] [ 4 ] [ 9 ]
File register To input FILE-0000000010 - - -[ 1 ] [ - ] [ 1 ] [ 0 ]
Indirect address To input @099001 - - - - - - [@] [ 0 ] [ 9 ] [ 9 ] [ 1 ]
If you press the [F4] key when the cursor is in the register setting area, the character set
displayed changes as follows. ]00000 =>b00000 =>009000 =>019000 =>=>=>099000 =>
E00000 =>109000 =>=>=>359000 =>FILE1-00000000

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-2 Programming with a mouse

1. Starting a new project and selecting PLC model
Start JW-300SP to create a new project.

(1) From the menu bar, select the [File] - [New].

(2) The [New Project] dialog box is displayed. Enter in the blanks your project name,
a directory and your comment on it, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

(3) Select your [Select PLC] - [PLC Model] in the dialog box.

After selecting your PLC model, click the [Next] button.

(4) The project information is displayed. Make sure the displayed information is
all right, and click the [OK] button.

(5) Project files for your new project are created. You can edit a ladder program.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

2. Ladder Programming
Arrangment of basic instructions in the tool bar
Basic instructions are arranged in the toolbar as shown below. Click an icon of the
instruction you want to use.

If you want to select an A contact, click the [-| |-] from the tool bar.

The shape of the cursor changes as shown below.

Move the cursor to the position where you want to insert the contact, and click.
The contact are inserted as shown below.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3. Changing contacts/registers

Double-click a contact (in the case of the top) or register (in the case of the bottom)
to you want to change.



The [Instructions] box is displayed.

Change the address and other items, and click the [OK] button.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

4. Deleting contacts or registers

To delete any entered contact or address of the registers, move the mouse cursor onto
the contact or register, and right-click. The sub-menu is displayed.


From the submenu, select the [Delete] command.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

5. Inserting a new line/Deleting a network

(1) Inserting a new line
You can insert a new line between every two lines by clicking the inserting network icon
in the toolbar.

To insert a new line between the line 0 and 1, follow the steps below.

From the toolbar, click the [H] (inserting network)

icon as shown below.

Move the mouse cursor to the place where you want to insert a new linek (in
this case, between the line 0 and the line 1), and click.

A new line (named line 1 in this particular case) appears.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

(2) Deleting a network

To delete an entire network, follow the steps below.

Right-click the bus line of the network you want to delete.

The sub-menu box is displayed as shown below. Select the [Delete] command.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

6. Changing TMR/ CNT

To change input settings of TMR/CNT, follow the steps below.

Double-click on a TMR or CNT. The [Instructions] box is displayed.

After changing the [Address] or the [Preset value], click the [OK] button.
You can enter a register for the [Preset value].

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

7. Notices in creating ladder programs

(1) Changing networks

To change network A to network B, follow the steps below.
Network A

Network B

The small circle pointed by the arrow in the circuit shown below is called 'a
pointer'. Using a pointer, you can change a network or can program efficiently.


Follow the steps below to use the pointer.

To display the pointer, click on the position as shown below.
Drag and drop the pointer to the position you want to move.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

When you finish moving the pointer correctly, the circuit changes as shown below.

To move the A contact(OR 000003) in the position of the arrow to the lower line,
drag and drop it.
After moving the A contact (OR 000003), the circuit changes as shown below.

To delete the unnecessary line, right-click it and select the [Cancel] from the sub-menu.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

(2) Limitation on moving the pointer

Although you can program efficiently by moving the pointer, there is a limitation.
You can move the pointer only horizontally as shown below.

You can move the


In the network below, you cannot move the pointer to a different level.

You cannot move the

pointer to a different level.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

8. Delete Mode for OR lines

You can select a delete mode in the [Option] dialog box.

From the toolbar, select the [Tool] - [Option], and the [Option] dialog box is displayed.
Click the [Ladder] tab.
Select a delete mode.

(1) When the [Delete device only] is selected.

When you delete the [OR 000020] in the network below, only the contact are deleted.
The OR lines are not deleted.


(2) When the [Delete device and OR-wire] is selected.

When you delete the [OR 000020], the contact and line are all deleted.


Chapter 3 Creating Programs

9. Creating a network another PLC cannot create

With JW300 series, you can create a network that any other conventional PLC models
cannot create as a single network by adding basic instructions.

Network example that conventional PLC models cannot create

The network below has more than two output coils with different input conditions.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

10.Alignment of application instructions

Since line input method is adopted for JW-300SP, when more than one application
instruction are entered, the vertical lines looks like a staircase.
With the appearance change function for ladder programming, you can change the
appearance of a network. From the tool bar, click the [Read Only] icon.

The [Read Only] icon for the

alignment of application



Chapter 3 Creating Programs

11. Instruction word programming

From the toolbar, click the [Change Display],
the display of instruction programming appears.

To input an instruction word, follow the procedure below.

1. Select the program address using a mouse you want to input.

2. Input the instruction word.

You can input the instruction word either with commands or characters. In mouse
operation, use the command input system.
* Instruction-based input system
From the menu bar, select [Edit] ? [Instruction] ? one of the instruction words or click
one of the instruction button on the instruction words editing tool bar.

To input a compound instruction, click the instruction buttons consecutively.

When you click the button after inputting the TMR/CNT instructions, the instruction
displayed changes as follows.
From the menu bar, select [Edit] ? [Instruction] ? one of the application instructions, or
click the button on the instruction editing words tool bar. When [F-000] is displayed,
enter the number of application instruction. When you click the button, the
instruction displayed changes as follows.
[Example] F-012 =>F-012w =>F-012d =>Fc012 =>Fc012w =>Fc012d =>Fx012 =>
Fx012w =>Fx012d

3. Input the relay, the timer, the counter, and the register number, and press the [Enter] key.
[Example] Relay contact To input 000010 - - - - - - - - [1] [0]
Timer contact To input T00012 - - - - - - - - [T][1][2]
Timer number To input 00012 - - - - - - - - - [1][2]
Byte address To input ]00001 - - - - - - - - - []][1]
Register To input 008001 - - - - - - - - - - - - [0][0][9][1]
Register To input 049000 - - - - - - - - - - - - [0][4][9]
File register To input FILE-0000000010 - - [1][-][1][0]
Indirect address To input @099001 - - - - - [@][0][9][9][1]
If you click the button when the cursor is in the register setting area, the character
set displayed changes as follows.
]00000 =>b00000 =>009000=>019000 =>=>=>099000=>E00000=>109000=>

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-3 Checking programs

To check your programs after programming, follow the steps below.
From the tool bar, click the [Program Check] button.
The [Program check] dialog box is displayed.

Select the [Range], and check the box for items you want to check in the [Check Rules].
Click the [Start] button in the box.
If errors are detected, the errors are displayed in the message window.
At this point, if you double-click an error message in the window,
the error in the ladder program is displayed.

Double-click an error message.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-4 Editing Network Comments

To enter comments on your created ladder programs, follow the steps below.
Right-click a network component you want to enter a comment on.
In the sub-menu, select [Network Comment] - [Edit].
The [Edit Network Comment] dialog box is displayed.

Enter your comment in the dialog box.

The comment is set for the component.

Follow the same steps to re-edit it.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-5 Editing Sub-comments

To enter sub-comments for your ladder programs, follow the steps below.
Right-click a contact you want to enter a sub-comment on.
In the sub-menu, select [Edit Sub Comment] - [Edit].
The [Edit Sub Comment] dialog box is displayed. You can set a sub-comment on any

In the [Edit Sub Comment] box, enter a sub-comment.

After entering the sub-comment, click the [OK] button.

Every contact on which you have entered a comment is

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-6 Copying and Pasting

When using JW-300SP, you can copy and paste network components in the same way
as in other application programs.
Put the mouse cursor on a network component you want to copy or paste.Right-click the
component. The sub-menu is displayed.Click .[Copy] or [Cut] in the sub-menu. Right-click
on the point where you want to paste the component. Click [Paste] in the sub-menu.
You can also use the [Undo] or [Redo] command.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-7 Sending Data

You can send data for [Watch] or [Sampling Trace]. To send the data, right-click
contacts or other network components you want to send, and select the [Send to] from
the sub-menu.

When you select [Sampling Trace].The numbers of selected contacts and other data are
sent to the trace data of [Sampling Trace].

When you select [Watch].The data are sent to the address of [Watch].

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-8 Editing Library

You can easily import frequently used networks to any other ladder program by
registering them in the library.

Right-click a network you want to register.

In the sub-menu, select [Library] - [Edit]

The commands under [Library]

You can register a new library.
You can use any of the library files and edit it.
You can insert any registered network.

Chapter 3 Creating Program

Library edit window

Marking Offset check box in the Input dialog activates an addend or a subtrahend for
each address.

The active Offset is added to or subtracted from the address in the Library when the
Library is inserted into the Program twice or more.
The Offset is not effective on a single Library insertion.

Chapter 3 Creating Program

Right click in the Program window and select [Library] - [Insert].

In the Library batch processing window, check the check box to specify subprograms
you want to insertthe Library into.

Block Blocks in the Project are listed.

Sub-program Sub-programs in the specified Block are displayed.
Check: Library is inserted into the Sub-program.
Check box
Blank: Library is not inserted into the Sub-program.
Specify the Network Number where you want to insert
Destination Network Number the Library.
(The bottom of Sub-program is the default destination.)
All relays in the Library are offset by the specified offset
address before insertion.
Offset address is not applied to the Relays whose Offset
Relay Offset Address
check boxes in the Input dialog are blank.
Available addresses: 0 to 7777[OCT], 0 to 4095[DEC]
or 0 to FFF[HEX] *
All TMR/CNT in the Library are offset by the specified
offset number before insertion.
Offset address is not applied to the TMR/CNT whose Offset
TMR/CNT Offset Number
checkboxes in the Input dialog are blank.
Available numbers: 0 to 7777[OCT], 0 to 4095[DEC]
or 0 to FFF[HEX] *
All Registers in the Library are offset by the specified offset
address before insertion.
Offset address is not applied to the Registers whose Offset
Resister Offset address
check boxes in the Input dialog are blank.
Available addresses: 0 to 777[OCT], 0 to 511[DEC]
or 0 to 1FF[HEX] *
Specify the number of Library insertions.
Number of Insertions
Available numbers: 1 to 255[DEC]
Yes: The Library will be inserted with Symbol/Comment.
Copy Symbol/Comment
No: The Library will be inserted without Symbol/Comment.

* Notation follows the Address Notation setting [View menu]

Chapter 3 Creating Program

In the Confirmation dialog, click on [Yes] to complete Library insertion


In the Confirmation dialog, you can see insertion settings by clicking on [Show List].

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-9 Inserting NOP

Use this command when you want to insert an NOP (no-operation) instruction (space) on
the instruction programming display.

Right-click on the display of instruction programming.

In the sub-menu, select [Insert NOP].

After the NOP instruction is inserted, input the instruction according to instruction
programming procedure.
(Instruction programming mainly with key operation ;
Instruction programming mainly with mouse operation)

When a TMR/CNT instruction or a two-word instruction such as an extension relay

address area is inserted, the address after it is automatically shifted.

Chapter 3 Creating Program

3-10 Refreshing
You can refresh the information on the display of instruction programming.
Right-click on the display of instruction programming.
In the sub-menu, click [Refresh].

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-11 Instruction(Instruction word programming)

To display the instruction word screen, select [View] - [Change Display] from the
menu bar when the ladder program is displayed.
Right -click on the screen, and select [Instruction].
You can edit the program with instructions.

There are three ways to edit the program with instruction words.
1. In the above way, select the instruction from the [Command] menu.
2. Click one of the instruction buttons on the [Command] tool bar.
(Instruction word programming mainly with mouse operation)

3.Type the characters or press the quick key.

(Instruction word programming mainly with key operation)

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-12 Multipoints monitoring

You can monitor or change any data in the data memory of your PLC in the procedure

Operation procedure
1. From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Monitor] - [Start]. Monitoring starts.
2. From the menu bar, select [View] - [Window] - [Watch]. The [Watch] windows is

3. Double-click the unset line of data memory address (high-lighted area), or press
the [Enter] key. The [Add address] dialog box is displayed.

4. Input the data memory address for multipoints monitoring.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

5. Select the [Type].

6. To multi points-monitor the address indexed to relays or registers to directly specify

index register with basic instructions or application instructions, check the box for
[Index], and enter the index register number.( In case of JW300 series)

7.You can multipoints-monitor several addresses at the same time. To display different
addresses in different colors, click the [Set Color] button and select the color.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

8. The address, the symbol name, the value (such as ON/OFF status of data), the type
(1 bit, byte or word unit), the assist (data display format), the comment and the
time chart are displayed. You can select the scale of the time chart in the drop-down
list at the right end of the screen. To close the multipoints monitoring window, click
the X button in the upper left corner.

Multipoints monitorist button

Click the multipoints monitorist button. The [Watch List Dialog] box is displayed. To create
a new multipoints monitoring file, click the [New] button. After entering the name, click
the [OK] button. To change the name of the multipoints monitor, click the [ReName] button.

Forced termination button

Type selection button

You can select the type from bits, bytes, words and double words.
You can also change the type or the assist in the pop-up menu which is displayed
when you right-click a multi points-monitored address.

Down button ----------- The address of the next number is displayed.

Up button--------------- The address of the previous number is displayed.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-13 Setting/resetting (latched relay or general-purpose relay)

There are two kinds of setting/resetting operation.
One is setting/resetting operation on a latched relay or a general-purpose relay, in
which the results of calculation have priority; and the other is setting/resetting forcefully
on a contact such as an input relay, an output relay, an latched relay or a general-purpose
relay, in which the results of calculation are ignored. This section describes the former

On the ladder programming screen below or the data memory screen [start monitoring]
Select the keep relay or general-purpose relay you want to set/reset. Right-click it, and the
short-cut menu below is displayed. If you click [Set], the selected contact turns to be
[ON]; if you click [Reset], the selected contact turns to be [OFF].Since this is not forced
you cannot reset a contact that is [ON] as the result of program calculation or cannot set a
contact that is [OFF] as the result of program calculation.

To set/reset a component other than a latched relay or a general-purpose relay, such as an

auxiliary relay, turn on the set value altering switch 07365 beforehand.
Note: This is only for PLC models with set value altering switch 07365.

Since the set value altering switch 07365 is cleared in every calculation, the self-retained
network does not become effective. Therefore, you need to create a program that always
remains ON in calculation, like the program below. You can easily check the output
of the PLC by building in only the program below when other programs are not built in,
example, before trial operation.07366 is always OFF contact.If 07366 is used
as B contact,OUT07365 is always turned ON.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-14 Forced process, forced release, forced all release

There are two kinds of setting/resetting operation.
One is setting/resetting operation on a latched relay or a general-purpose relay,
in which the results of calculation have priority; and the other is setting/resetting
forcefully on a contact such as an input relay, an output relay, an auxiliary relay
or a general-purpose relay, in which the results of calculation are ignored.
This section describes the latter operation.
On the ladder programming screen below or the data memory screen,[start monitoring]
Select the contact you want to set/reset forcefully.Right-click it, and the short-cut menu
below is displayed.
If you select [Force] - [On], the selected contact turns to be [ON] forcefully;
if you select [Force] - [Off], the selected contact turns to be [OFF] forcefully.
After the forced operation, the situation of the input relay and the output relays
turns to be as follows.
Input relay
With no regard to the ON/OFF condition of the external switch, the calculation
is executed in the forceful condition of ON or OFF. (The LED of the input module
is not influenced.)
Output relay
With no regard to the calculation result by the program, the situation is displayed in
output module as forceful ON or OFF.
Be careful when you use this function because it is a forceful processing disregarding
the calculation result by the program.

The forcefully processed contact is attached with a forced processing symbol on the
left side of the relay address.
To get back the original condition of the contact that has been forcedly set or reset, select
the contact during the forced processing, and click [Unforce]. To get back the original
condition of all the contacts that have been forcedly set or reset, click [Unforce All].

If the PLC is powered off, the forced processing is all released.

You cannot forcedly process special relay areas.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-15 Break monitoring

Monitoring the condition of data memory during PLC calculation is called break monitoring.
Break monitoring is helpful in checking PLC programs in trial operation because break
monitoring is to monitor the condition of data memory during PLC operation.

There are three types of break functions:[Break monitor], [Program address indicated
break], and [Register/relay address indicated break]. Break monitor is to monitor the flag
information such as zero flag during calculation or the condition of stack at an address
where an instruction exists.
Program address indicated break is to set the program address and the scan frequency to
the break point and to monitor the condition when the specified items are executed.
Register/relay address indicated break is to set the register relay address number and the
comparison data to the break point, to compare the contents of PLC register relay address
with the set data, and to monitor the condition according to the comparison result
(matched or unmatched).
You can use only [Break monitor] and [Program address indicated break] for JW300
series. (as of October, 2003)

Operation of program address indicated break

1. From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Monitor] - [Start]. Monitoring starts.

2. Select the program you want to set as the break point.

Right-click it, and select [Break] - [Break point].

Chapter 3 Creating Programs
3. Select [Run] or [Stop] as the PLC condition after break, set the scan frequency,
and click the [Start] button.

4. The window showing the results of break monitoring is displayed and shows several
conditions such as how the break point is, whether the flag is OFF, whether the master
control / jump control instruction is OFF, and whether the level calculation is running.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

Operation procedure of break monitor

1. From the menu bar, select [Online] - [Monitor] - [Start]. Monitoring starts.

2. Select the program you want to break-monitor. Right-click it, and select [Break]
- [Break Monitor].

3. In the [Break Monitor] dialog box, click the [OK] button. The results of break
monitoring are displayed.

4. A selected program after break conditions are established is attached the [=>] symbol
on the left side of the address as shown below.

Chapter 3 Creating Programs

3-16 Function keys

Function keys are displayed at the bottom of the screen while
you are programming or monitoring.
Each function on the screen works when you press one of the F1 to F12 keys
on the keyboard or click the F* key.
Functions vary according to the contents of the screen.

- - - - - - Displays the online help.

- - - - - - Pulls down the [View] menu on the menu bar.

- - - - - -Displays the [Program address] dialog box.

- - - Changes register address with each press, when registers or other items
are selected.

- - - -Displays the @ mark to indicate indirect specification, when you create a


- - - -Searches the same program with the selected one before its position.

- - - -Searches the same program with the selected one after its position.

- - - - - - - Sets a contact when you start monitoring. Since this is not a forced set,
program calculation has priority.

- - - - - -Resets a contact when you start monitoring. Since this is not a forced
reset, program calculation has priority.

- - - - Aligns application instructions.

- - - - - - Returns to the previous operation.

- - - - - -Closes the screen.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation
4-1 Using Property Sheet
You can set up various default values necessary for the operation
of your PLC by using the property sheet.
To display the property sheet, click the [System Memory] icon on the tree bar. *Note

*Note: The property sheet varies with your PLC model.

1. Timer/Counter Setting
You can set up the operation condition of timers and counters.
Select the radio button or check the box.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

2. Area Setup
(1) Latched Relay Address
Set the top address of [Latched Relay Address] in your PLC.

In the case of the settings above, the [Latched Relay Address] is set as shown below.
Standard Relay Area
From 007000 to the end address of the standard relay area
Expanded Relay Area
From 020000 to the end address of the expanded relay area

(2) Output Hold Address

Set the top address of the area to hold the output signals if your PLC halt the

In the case of the settings above, the output hold area is set as shown below.
Standard Relay Area
From 000000 to the end address of the standard relay area
Expanded Relay Area
From 020000 to the end address of the expanded relay area

(3) Comment Memory

To export any of the symbols or comments created with JW-300SP to the PLC, set the top
address of the direction and the category of the comment. The [Transfer Capacity] is
calculated automatically. Since the capacity of the memory differs with your PLC model,
you cannot always export all the created symbols or comments.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

3. Communication Port

You can set up the condition of the built-in communication port. Some models
such as JW-50CUH does not offer this menu. Refer to the instruction manuals
of the external devices so that the contents of the settings for the port should be
consistent with each other.

*Note1 : The settings such as communication rate vary with your PLC model.

*Note2 : The communication port adopts command response method as a

communication tool, so it cannot transmit signals at its own timing.
Refer to the instruction manual of your PLC about the detail of the
communication port.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

4. Error Processing

You can set the operation mode for your PLC when the control module detects
an error. *Note
(1) At fuse blown
Decide whether to continue the operation or not when the fuse of the output module blows.

When the [Run] is selected. The operation continues.

When the [Stop] is selected. The operation stops until the fuse is replaced.
(2) At I/O link master station error (available when your control module is JW30H or
JW300 series)
Decide whether to continue the operation or not when the master module has an error.

When the [Module No. 0] is checked as shown above. The object of the detection is the
module No. switch 0 of JW-23LM(H). The operation continues even when an error
occurs in the master station. The operation stops when an error is detected in one of the
unchecked modules
(3) At option module error
Decide whether to continue the operation or not when an error is detected in one
of the option modules.

When the [Option No. 0] is checked. The object of the detection is the module No. 0.
The operation continues even when an error occurs in the option module. The operation
stops when an error is detected in one of the unchecked modules.
*Note : Set-up items vary with your PLC model. The example below is for JW300 series.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

5. Interruption

You can set about timer interruption or input interruption. *Note

(1) Timer interruption
Set the interval for timer interruption.

There are five options for the interval ranging from 1ms to

(2) Input interruption

Set the condition of input interruption.

Check the box for the [Enable Interrupt] when you want to set the input
interruption. Enter the number of the rack and slot of an input module to recognize
interruption inputs. Enter the [Interrupt polarity].In the case
of the example shown above, address 0 and 4 of the input module in Rack 0 (rack panel)
attached in the Slot 5 is allotted as the signal of the start of interruption.

*Note: Set-up items vary with your PLC model. The example below is for JW300 series.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

6. ROM Operation

You can set the condition of the ROM operation. *Note

(1) Selection of ROM operation mode

Usually select [Operation with battery, PLC's mode at power ON is the same as the one at
last power OFF].

(2) Contents stored in ROM

Usually select [System Memory+Program+Register(64kbytes)].

*Note: Set-up items vary with your PLC Model. The example below is for JW300 series.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

7. Clock and Scan Setup

You can set the clock function and the scan time of your PLC. *Note1

(1) Constant Scan

Set the scan time of your PLC. *Note2

(2) Clock
Check the box if you do not want to use the clock function.
Saved registry to hold the data for the clock is released.

*Note1:Set-up items vary with your PLC model. You cannot set the clock and scan for
PLCs without the clock&nbsp; function. The example below is for JW300 series.

*Note2:If the current scan time is 5ms, your PLC cannot calculate faster than that
even when you set up a scan time less than 5ms.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

8. Address Setup

You can set the allocation of address. *Note

(1) Select the way of I/O registration

I/O registration method Function

Performs auto registration at To update the registration every time the power
power ON is on
Prohibits auto registration at To prohibit up-dating the registration at the time
power ON of power on

Manual allocation To set the rack/module top address manually

(2) Manual allocation

When the [Manual setup of rack top address] is selected, you can select between
two ways of I/O registration

Options Function
Continuous Able to change the top address of each rack only
Registration To register continuously from the directed top addresses
To register all the slots manually

When the I/O modules attached to the slots from 0 to 3 in the rack 0 (basic rack panel)
are manually registered.

*Note: Set-up items vary with your PLC model.

The example below is for JW300 series.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

9. Logging Data

For data analysis, you can save the data in the specific area into your PLC's memory.

(1) Setting the area to save data

Select the number and places of areas to save obtained data.

In the case of the example shown above, there two places for saving: from register
Z_000 on and from register 339000 on.

(2) Setting the area to log data

Set the [Top address], the [Number of records] and the [Date and Time formats].

Before starting logging data, set the above items and create ladder program
(instruction F403).For the detail of instructions for logging data such as F403,
refer to the programming manual.To confirm the data to be logged, select the [Online] -
[Logging data] from the menu bar.
2-4-9 Logging Data

*Note : This function is available only for JW300 series.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

10. PC card transmission

You can periodically back up data including programs by using PC cards attachable to
the control module of JW300 series. *Note

Setting the schedule for sending files.

Set the interval (by a day: 1-128), the time and the types of sending.

*Note : This function is available only for JW300 series.

Chapter 4 Setting for Operation

4-2 Direct Input

At the bottom of the system memory property sheet, click the [List] button.
You can enter settings directly without using the property sheet. Use this method
when you set various items on the property sheet referring to instruction manuals.

The display of the [System Memory (List)]

Chapter 5 Printing
5-1 Page Setup
Ladder Print Setup
Before printing, you can set printing rate, partial printing, cross reference, margin,
printed paper, header and footer.

1. From the menu bar, select the [File] - [Page Setup]. If you want to operate
JW-300SP with a keyboard, select [Tool] - [Shortcut Keys] from the menu bar,
and customize shortcut keys on the [keyboard] tab. You can also operate with
the [Upper arrow/Lower arrow] and [Enter] keys after pushing the [Alt]+[F] keys.

2. When the [Page Setup] dialog box is displayed, click the [Ladder Print] tab.
You can set printing rate. If you want to print partially, enter the network numbers
in the [From] and [To] boxes. Check the [Cross Reference] box for printing
with cross reference.

Chapter 5 Printing


Click the [Margins] tab, and set margin by the centimeter.

Chapter 5 Printing

Printed Paper

Click the [Printer] tab, and select your printer model, set the paper size and the orientation.

Chapter 5 Printing


You can write your comments on the top of a page.

Select the position for a header

Click the [Insert] button, and you can select a standard header.

Chapter 5 Printing


You can write your comments on the bottom of a page. Select the position for a footer and
enter your comment.

Click the [Insert], and you can select a standard footer.

Chapter 6 Compatibility

6-1 JW-50SP File

1. Reading JW-50SP Files

You can edit files in the other file formats by selecting the [File] - [Cross Import /
Cross Export] from the menu bar.

Cross Import To import JW-50SP or JW-100SP files to JW-300SP.

Cross Export To export JW-300SP files to JW-50SP/100SP.

Follow the steps below to import or export files.

Select the [File] - [Cross Import] - [50SP Files].

On the [Import 50SP File] display,

select files saved in JW-50SP formats and click the [OK] button.
Necessary files, including ladder programs or comments, are imported.

Chapter 6 Compatibility

2. Writing Files in JW-50SP Format

You can save unfinished ladder programs or comments in files in JW-50SP format.
As for some models in JW300 series that are not supported by JW-50SP, this function
is not available.

Select the [File] - [Cross Export] - [50SP Files] from the menu bar.

On the [Export 50SP Type File] display, enter the location you want to save in,
a file name, your PLC model and the file's category. Click the [OK] button, and
a new file is created. The new file can be used in JW-50SP as it is.

Chapter 6 Compatibility

6-2 JW-100SP File

1. Reading JW-100SP Files
You can edit files in the other file formats by selecting the [File] - [Cross Import /
Cross Export] from the menu bar.

Cross Import To import JW-50SP, JW-100SP files to JW-300SP

Cross Export To export JW-300SP files to JW-50SP

Follow these steps to import or export files.

Select the [File] - [Cross Import] - [100SP Files] from the menu bar.

On the [Import 100SP File] display, select files saved in JW-100SP formats and click
the [OK] button.
Necessary files, including ladder programs or comments, are imported.

Chapter 6 Compatibility
2. Writing Files in JW-100SP Format
You can save unfinished ladder programs or comments in files in JW-100SP format.
As for some models in JW300 series that are not supported by JW-100SP,this
function is not available.

Select the [File] - [Cross Export] - [100SP Files] from the menu bar.

On the [Export 100SP Type File] display, enter the location you want to save in,
a file name, your PLC model and the file's category.Click the [OK] button, and a
new file is created. The new file can be used in JW-100SP as it is.

Chapter 6 Compatibility

6-3 JW-50SP operation mode

This is an operation mode in which you can operate as with JW-50SP.
To display the screen below, press the [HOME] key.
Select the item with arrow keys, and press the [Enter] key.
You can also operate with ten keys.

File Menu

Monitor Menu

Chapter 6 Compatibility
Debug Menu

PLC Transfer Menu

Initial Setting Menu

Chapter 6 Compatibility

Window Menu

Programming Menu

Chapter 7 Online Setting

7-1 USB Connection

JW300 series have built-in USB interface. You can monitor or edit, using your
PC's USB port.

1. Installing device driver for JW300 series

Connect your PLC of JW300 series with a PC's USB port. The [Found New-
Hardware Wizard] starts.

Follow the installing wizard.

The device driver for JW300 series is saved in the JW-300SP installation folder.
On the wizard, select the [Specify a location] and select a file.

Chapter 7 Online Setting

When installing is finished, the [Completing the Found New Hardware Wizard]
display appears.

Confirm the USB recognition with Windows Device Manager.If [JW300 Device] is
displayed without the [!] or [?] mark beside it, the installation is finished normally.

To connect the PLC with a JW300

series model through a USB port, change the communication setting in your JW-300SP.

2. Communication Setting for JW-300SP

Select the [Online] - [Communication setting] from the menu bar.

On the [Communication Setting] dialog box, select the [PLC(USB)] and click the
[OK] button.

Chapter 7 Online Setting

7-2 Serial Connection

You can connect your JW-300SP with the PLC's serial communication port to
monitor and edit.
1 Cable Connection
To connect the PLC with a JW-300SP through a serial communication port, use
one of these connecting cables and converters listed below.

Series Connecting Cables

JW10 JW-12KC
JW20(H) JW-24KC
JW-22KC JW-100SA JW-100MC
JW300 JW-24KC (Conversion (Conversion adapter
JW-22KC adapter) function attached)
J-Board JW-24KC
VME built-in JW-22KC
controller JW-24KC
JW50/70/100 ZW-3KC
JW50/70/100H ZW-3KC

2. Communication Setting
On the [Communication Setting] dialog box, select the [PLC(PG)] and click the [OK].
Click the [Detail], and you can change the communication ports and the Baud rates.
These settings are not available for some PLC models.

The baud rate [230.4 bps] can be used only when the PC can operate at this rate.

Chapter 8 Q&A
8-1 Inquiries
When contacting us, please let us know your JW-300SP version.
For up-grading or confirming the latest information, access to our homepage at:




Chapter 8 Q&A

8-2 Upgrading
(1) We are delivering the up-grading information to your address written in your
production registration form.

To register to CLUB SMS, click here

(2) Download the files for up-grading at our homepage.

If you have already finished your production registration, click here.

(3) Decompress the downloaded files for up-grading and install the new version.
Install JW-300SP before up-grading. The way of installation is the same as that
of JW-300SP.

Chapter 8 Q&A

8-3 Miscommunication with PLC in USB mode

(1) Make sure that the USB port works normally.

If the USB port does not work normally, make sure the settings are all right,
referring to your PC's instruction manual.

(2) Make sure that JW300 Device is recognized correctly with Windows Device

If it is not recognized correctly, the device driver for JW300 series may not be
installed correctly.

(3) If you connect through a USB hub, connect directly with your PC's USB port
and check the operation.

(4) Make sure that the communication setup for JW-300SP is for USB connection.

♦Information about Sharp programmable controller is available at our internet
homepage http://sharp-world.com/sms/

1.2v 6.2004
Printed in Japan (0.1I.Y.Y)

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