SNUG102 Supplementary In-Semester Assessment 2
SNUG102 Supplementary In-Semester Assessment 2
SNUG102 Supplementary In-Semester Assessment 2
Supplementary Assessment
RN Standards for Practice Criteria 1.1
for gaining 50% Pass mark
using this rubric you must fulfil all the lower criteria before being awarded a higher grade.
Due date 11th June 2023, at Midnight
Weighting 30%
Introduction contextualises the essay Introduction is engaging
the reader Introduction is present into
will be submitted and provides Introduction
a Turnitin Dropboxis within
present, the
points Attempt
Moodleat an introduction but does not
topic. Main points are well- and provides a clearsite.
and logical a logical
You will have overview of the
the opportunity tomain points
review andarere-submit
presented however, may not follow
your assignment up toinclude an overview of the main points.
the due
Submission overview of the main points of the
developed and engaging. of the essay. a logical order. Incomplete or incoherent.
essay. date and time.
Please note: we will not be accepting late submissions without an approved AC.
Type of Collaboration Individual Assessment
The RN Standards forLength
Practice The RN Standards for450 Practice
words (2016) The RN Standards for Practice The RN Standards for Practice (2016) The RN Standards for Practice (2016)
(2016) criteria 1.1 is described criteria 1.1 is described and cited in- (2016) criteria 1.1 is described and criteria 1.1 is described and criteria 1.1 is mentioned but not
demonstrating an understanding of Instructions:
text and related to nursing practice. cited in-text, One supporting contextualised into own words and is contextualised into own words, not
on its importance to nursing practice Thinkis about yourself
One supporting reference as ais beginning
reference included. professional andin-text.
cited your own values and beliefscited
with more than one supporting included... you. Read and consider the RN Standards for Practice Standard 1: Thinks critically No and
supporting references
reference. analyses nursing practice with specific focus on criteria 1.1 “accesses, analyses, and included. Incorrect information may
uses the
be provided.
best available evidence, that includes research findings, for safe, quality practice”.
ords) – 25% Discuss criteria 1.1 using the following headings and suggested word counts:
Introduction (75 words)
The description of the connection The description of the connection
s between, the RN Standards for
Describes connection between self Able to outline how the RN Standards Minimal demonstration of connection
Provide an overview of the for
main points of your assessment.
Practice (2016) criteria 1.1 links
between self and the RN Standards for and the RN Standards for Practice between self and the RN Standards for
d Practice (2016) criteria 1.1 ,own with self, and own values. Use of one
Practice (2016) criteria
RN1.1 with own for
Standards (2016) criteria 1.1
Practice is with
(2016) nursing 1.1(1)
criteria overview (150 words) Practice (2016) criteria 1.1.
values and professional practice is source of reliable evidence to
values and professional practice is and professional practice. Use of No references used to support
well developed and engaging.. All
thoughtful. Use of one source of
In your own words briefly describe
one (1) source of reliable evidence
support main 1.1 of
points. the RN standards for
main points are supported by practice (NMBA, 2016) and explain the importance of evidence-based
reliable evidence to support main to support main points.
points. practice to nursing as a profession. You need to support this paragraph with
Details one quality source from the research literature.
Linkage to you as a person (150 words)
Share your understanding of how Criteria 1.1 of the RN Standards for
nts Conclusion is well-developed and A summary of the main points is A summary of the main points is A summary of the main points is A summary of the main points and final
engaging. No inclusion of new present and no new information is practice (NMBA,
present and 2016)new
may introduce will apply to you
present andas
maya person
newin your comment
is incomplete.
information. A succinct and role as a student nurse
included. A concluding final comment information. A concluding final and RN. How does it align with your
information. A concluding final own
meaningful final comment. is included. commentSupport
values? is included.
this section withcomment may besource
one quality absent.from the research
You may write this section (only)in first person.
Conclusion (75 words)
h Outstanding academic writing. Evidence of superior academic writing Evidence of sound academic writing. Adequate communication of Language hinders the effective flow of
nd Introductory sentence used at the
Present a summary
skills. Correct use of paragraphs.
of the main points of your assessment.
Paragraphs are 5-7 sentences in information. Attempts to use ideas and meaning. Sentences lack
start of paragraphs. Main subject References: length and sentences are clear and paragraphs. Some sentences may be structure and are consistently too short
Discussion in each paragraph
matter is developed within each A minimum
provides sufficient depth to of three (3)Minor
concise. reliable/academic
errors in syntax,references is expected,
too long/short. utilising
Meets almost UOWorAPA
all style 7 Multiple errors in spelling,
too long.
paragraph. Concluding sentence demonstrate understanding. Superior spelling and grammar. Meets all requirements including line spacing, grammar and style. Presentation and
used at the end of paragraphs. spelling, grammar, and syntax
This <5
is expected style requirements
to include as per UOW
a reference SoN
to the RNmargins, font type
standards and size. (NMBA, style
for practice 2016)is not consistent with UOW SoN
Exemplary spelling, grammar, & minor errors. Meets all style Assessment Handbook. Assessment Handbook.
syntax with no errors.Style
Meetsand format
all style requirements. Written assessment Paragraphs are partially structured,
requirements. Paragraphs
1. Describe structured correctly, of nursing
the regulation however,from
may not contain
both a clear topic Incorrect
the perspective of the paragraph structure.
Paragraphs structured correctly and and contains a clear topic sentence, sentence, body and concluding Use of person-centred language is
Paragraph structure contains a clear contains a logical flow with a clear profession and the individual.
body and concluding sentence. sentence. Person-centred language is absent.
topic sentence, body and concluding topic sentence, body and concluding 2. Recall thelanguage
Person-centred professional codes,
is evident. standards and guidelines that structure
sentence. Person-centred Learning
language Outcomes
is sentence. Person-centred language is practice for the registered nurse.
evident. evident. 3. Demonstrate fundamental academic skills, such as reading, writing,
database searching and referencing.
Complies with referencing style APA referencing style is consistently Complies mostly with referencing Attempts to use APA style but is not Attempts to use APA style, but
nd requirements. There are no errors
Marking in accurate. Less than 5See
Criteria minor
Rubric style requirements. Some referencing consistent. Greater than 10 minor reference list and in text citations have
referencing throughout. referencing errors. errors in in-text citations or errors in reference list and in-text major errors.
referencing list. 6-10 minor citations. References included in
referencing errors. reference list not in text and/or vice-
Please note: When using this rubric you must fulfil all the lower criteria before being awarded a higher grade