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REVIEWS Further Invasive Species,
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Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

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Petr Pyšek1,2 and David M. Richardson3
Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, CZ-252 43 Průhonice,
Czech Republic; email:
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

Department of Ecology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, CZ-128 01 Praha 2,
Czech Republic
Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University,
Matieland 7602, South Africa; email:

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010. 35:25–55 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on biological invasions, early detection, ecological and economic impacts,
June 2, 2010
novel ecosystems, pathway and vector management, rapid response,
The Annual Review of Environment and Resources risk assessment
is online at

This article’s doi: Abstract

Invasive species are a major element of global change and are con-
Copyright  c 2010 by Annual Reviews. tributing to biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, and impairment
All rights reserved
of ecosystem services worldwide. Research is shedding new light on the
1543-5938/10/1121-0025$20.00 ecological and economic consequences of invasions. New approaches
are emerging for describing and evaluating impacts of invasive species,
and for translating these impacts into monetary terms. The harmful ef-
fects of invasions are now widely recognized, and multiscale programs
are in place in many parts of the world to reduce current and future
impacts. There has been an upsurge in scientific research aimed at guid-
ing management interventions. Among the activities that are receiving
the most attention and that have the most promise for reducing prob-
lems are risk assessment, pathway and vector management, early detec-
tion, rapid response, and new approaches to mitigation and restoration.
Screening protocols to reduce new introductions are becoming more
accurate and have been shown cost-effective.

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

has exploded to embrace and borrow insights,

Contents methods, and approaches from biogeography,
conservation biology, epidemiology, human
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
history, population ecology, and many other
Why Invasions Happen: Key
domains. This reflects the massive increase in
Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
the number and extent of invasive species and
Stages of Invasions: Which Species
invasion events worldwide, as well as the radical
Should Management Address . . . . 28
escalation of the implications of invasions. Very
few ecosystems anywhere in the world are free
of introduced species, and an increasing pro-
CHANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
portion of biomes, ecosystems, and habitats are
Ecological Consequences
becoming dominated by introduced species.
of Biological Invasions . . . . . . . . . . 30
Negative effects on biodiversity are gener-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

Ecosystem Services
ally the main concern associated with biological
and Human Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
invasions, but invasions also have serious im-
Comparing Ecological
plications for human well-being. Most humans
and Economic Impacts . . . . . . . . . . 34
rely on alien species for the bulk of their
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

Impacts in Monetary Terms . . . . . . . . 35

requirements for food and other basic require-
Limitations of Measuring Impact . . . 38
ments, although there is increasing realization
of the importance of conserving natural capital
to ensure the sustainable provision of crucial
Risk Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
ecosystems services. The Millennium Ecosys-
Pathway and Vector Management . . 42
tem Assessment (2) recognized biological inva-
Early Detection and Rapid
sions as one of the five main causes of declines
Response . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
of biodiversity, which translates into reduced
Eradication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
ecosystem services worldwide. The rank of
Mitigation and Restoration . . . . . . . . . 45
invasions as a threat varies across biomes and
Novel Ecosystems: Refocusing
is most serious in coastal areas, inland waters,
on Management Targets . . . . . . . . 46
and Mediterranean-climate zones as well as on
CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
islands. Invasions also have rapidly increasing
impacts in biomes that are not yet seriously af-
INTRODUCTION fected, e.g., dryland and forest zones. Economic
The extent of biological invasions has increased costs to society of harmful invasive species in-
rapidly over the past half century (1–3). Along volve those associated with losses of biodiversity
with other drivers of ecosystem degradation and impaired ecosystem services, as well as the
such as habitat change and exploitation, envi- costs of controlling invasive species and reduc-
ronmental pollution, climate change, and as- ing and mitigating their impacts. Synergistic
sociated effects, including the loss of keystone interactions between invasive species and other
species, loss of pollinators and altered ecosys- elements of global change make it difficult to
tem functioning (Figure 1, see color insert), bi- assign a rank to specific causes of biodiversity
ological invasions contribute to the decline of decline, but invasions are a fundamental driver
biodiversity worldwide (2, 4). With increasing of ecosystem degradation in many parts of the
awareness of the complexity of problems with world. Invasion ecology, and the management
invasive species, invasion ecology has taken its of invasions, now grapples with the extreme
place at the table with other disciplines in en- complexity implicit in gaining a predictive un-
vironmental management that have themselves derstanding of the spatial dynamics of invading
evolved in response to challenges in biodiver- species, the range of interactions between
sity conservation (Figure 1). Invasion ecology nonnative species and natives, the effects of

26 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

invading species on biodiversity and ecosystem by means of human action via various path-
functioning, and the full range of human values ways, including both deliberate introduction
associated with decisions on whether and, if so, and release into the wild, and unintentional
how to manage introduced species. introduction (9). Only a fraction of introduced
Our review deals with invasive species as a species successfully establishes or invades in the
component of global change and focuses on is- new region (Figure 2b) (10). Whether or not
sues dealing with introduced species that in- they succeed depends on how their biological
creasingly demand management intervention. traits equip them for dealing with the rigors of
We first provide a primer on key concepts and the new environment, whether they are able to
terminology, then review the impact of biolog- reproduce, disperse, and successfully compete
ical invasions in the context of ongoing envi- with resident biota in local communities (11,
ronmental change, and, finally, review recent 12), but also on the habitat and climate match
progress in the management of invasions and between the native and invaded region and on
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

discuss what can be done to mitigate this prob- the invasibility of recipient communities. Traits
lem. We hope that the article points researchers contributing to the success of taxa as invasive
to gaps in our knowledge and to important av- aliens are not universal and need to be related
enues for research, helps practitioners in the to the features of the invaded community,
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

field to become aware of new tools and meth- geographical conditions, and a set of external
ods that are available for improved manage- factors, including propagule pressure (5). In
ment of biological invasions, and contributes to the new region, synergistic interactions may
improved communication and interaction be- occur among invaders that accelerate invasions
tween researchers and managers. and/or amplify their effects on native commu-
nities (Figure 2e) (13). Stochastic effects, which
depend on initial inoculum size, residence time
Why Invasions Happen: Key Concepts (i.e., the time since the introduction of a taxon
Much work has been done in recent decades to a new area), chance events, and propagule
on every conceivable facet of invasion ecology pressure (defined as the number of introduc-
(5–7), and our understanding of why invasions tion events) (14), and their spatial distribution
happen has improved substantially. Three big codetermine whether a species becomes inva-
questions underpin most work in invasion ecol- sive. A key generalization is that the probability
ogy: Which species invade; which habitats are of invasion increases with residence time.
invaded; and how can we manage invasions? An introduced species invading a new region
Some organizing and unifying themes in the must either possess sufficiently high levels of
field are organism focused and relate to species physiological tolerance and plasticity, or it must
invasiveness; others are ecosystem centered and undergo genetic differentiation to achieve the
deal with determinants of the invasibility of required levels of fitness; these options are not
communities, habitats, and regions. Recently, mutually exclusive. Available evidence suggests
some theories have taken an overarching ap- that some invaders are “born” (released from
proach to plant invasions by integrating the fitness constraints), that some are “made” (they
concepts of species invasiveness and commu- evolve invasiveness after colonization), and
nity invasibility (5). that the relative importance of ecological and
The process of invasion can be concep- evolutionary forces is unique to each invasion
tualized with reference to the naturalization- episode. It has been shown that evolution, as
invasion continuum (Figure 2a, see color a potential explanation for invasion success,
insert), which posits that an alien species needs can be rapid enough to be relevant over the
to overcome a sequence of barriers to become timescales at which invasions occur. Hybridiza-
naturalized or invasive (5, 8). A species is tion is an important mechanism of evolution of
introduced from a region where it is native invasive plant species, and many widespread, • Management of Biological Invasions 27

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

successful plant invaders are recently formed managing biological invasions (see the sidebar
allopolyploid hybrids (15). Escape from natural Definitions of Key Concepts and Terms in
enemies is another important mechanism Invasion Ecology, with Special Reference to
leading to evolution of invasiveness; plants Management Issues for definitions). We deal
introduced into an environment that lacks only with those alien species that are successful
such enemies may experience selection toward invaders in the new regions (sensu References 8
allocating less energy to defense and more to and 24). Many native species spread in response
growth and reproduction (16). Enemy release to human actions, sometimes resulting in sub-
is greater in plant species adapted, in their stantially increased abundance and geograph-
native range, to resource-rich environments, ical ranges. Such range expansions of native
and these species are likely to become invaders species are important symptoms of environ-
because of their capability for fast growth. mental change, share some important features
Therefore, enemy release and resource-use with spreading alien species, are considered un-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

efficiency act synergistically (17). desirable, and often require management inter-
The ability of an alien species to overcome vention. Such range expansions of native species
various barriers in the new environment is af- are, however, excluded from our discussion.
fected, positively or negatively, by the presence Invasions of alien species form a special cate-
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

of other species, native or alien, already resi- gory of this environmental problem. It is useful
dent in the area. Such interactions may counter to conceptualize the status of alien species in
or even override any inherent biotic resistance. a given region with reference to the above-
Some communities and/or ecosystems are more mentioned naturalization-invasion continuum,
invasible than others; their inherent invasibility a construct that invokes a series of barriers that
depends on the level of resources available at a given species needs to negotiate in order to
the time of invasion, which is closely linked to become alien, casual, naturalized, or invasive
the disturbance level (18), but also on the pres- (Figure 2a). This scheme allows for the cat-
ence of herbivores, pathogens, and predators egorization of the status of alien species using
that can act as a constraint to the establishment only objective biogeographical and ecological
of new species. The key factor is the rate of sur- criteria, rather than invoking human value
vival of alien species introduced into the com- judgments such as an assessment of impact
munity (19). The extent to which a community (see, e.g., Reference 25). Many factors operate
is invaded (level of invasion) is an interplay of its to allow alien species to overcome barriers, and
inherent invasibility and the propagule pressure these factors must be considered when deciding
to which it is exposed (5, 19, 20). If propagule on management options. Facilitation is one of
pressure is high enough, even moderately resis- these factors and is very important for deter-
tant communities can become invaded (21). mining invasion success and its eventual extent
Last but not least, cultural influence, re- (Figure 2b).
gional history (22), as well as economic and so- Adding a new species to an area often
cial activities, such as trade and tourism (23), are changes the structure or functioning of the
crucial codeterminants of the probability that a system. Such effects (generally termed impacts)
species will be introduced and of the species’ may manifest at the level of populations or
fate subsequent to the introduction to a new communities, whereas others, usually at later
area. stages of invasion, may produce ecosystem-
level impacts (Figure 2c). Impacts of invasive
Stages of Invasions: Which Species species are sometimes rapid and dramatic,
Should Management Address especially where they result in the transfor-
Some background on terminology is essential mation of ecosystems. Examples are invasive
before we address issues relating to options for grasses that radically change fire regimes in

28 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

many parts of the world, leading to ecosystem

transformation (26), and invasive insects that DEFINITIONS OF KEY CONCEPTS AND
transform ecosystem functioning by altering TERMS IN INVASION ECOLOGY, WITH
carbon, nutrient, and hydrologic cycles (27). SPECIAL REFERENCE TO MANAGEMENT
When prioritizing species for control, effects ISSUES
on economic factors and ecosystem services are
also often considered. In many cases, adding a Alien species: Those whose presence in a region is attributable
species to an ecosystem may seem to have no to human actions that enabled them to overcome fundamen-
discernable effect, at least over short timescales. tal biogeographical barriers (synonyms: exotic species, nonnative
However, this may be misleading as effects are species). Some (a small proportion) of alien species form self-
often subtle but may have momentous conse- perpetuating populations in the new region. Of these, a subset
quences for ecosystem functioning over longer spread, or have the capacity to spread, over substantial distances
timescales, e.g., by disrupting plant reproduc- from introduction sites. Depending on their status within the
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

tive mutualisms with profound implications for naturalization-invasion continuum, alien species may be termed
functioning (28), or any of many effects of alien casual, naturalized, or invasive (8, 24).
species that influence carbon sequestration Biosecurity: The management of risks posed by organisms to
dynamics (29). Consequently, we separate con- the economy, environment, and human health through exclusion,
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

siderations of invasiveness and invasion status mitigation, adaptation, control, and eradication.
from those of impact. The latter often invoke
Eradication: The extirpation of an entire population of a species
many dimensions of human value systems
within a management unit. When a species can be declared erad-
icated (how long after the management intervention) depends
Management must, however, consider all
on the species and the situation and must take into account fac-
the above factors. Key management options
tors such as seed-bank longevity (for plants). Eradication success
are prevention, early detection and eradication,
should be stated in terms of confidence limits that the species is
containment, and various forms of mitigation.
not present.
Mapping these onto the naturalization-invasion
continuum defines several broad zones; these, Impact: The description or quantification of how an alien species
and efforts toward preventing introductions affects both its environment and other organisms in the ecosys-
of potential invasive species, define the do- tem. Parker et al. (31) proposed that impact should be conceptu-
main of biosecurity (Figure 2d ). In most ar- alized as the product of the range size of the invader, its average
eas, managers need to grapple with species abundance per unit area across that range, and the effect per in-
at all stages of invasion, making prioritization dividual or per biomass unit of the invader.
extremely complex. Finally, various forms of Invasion ecology: The study of human-mediated introduction
anthropogenic change, synergisms, and non- of organisms to areas outside the potential range of given organ-
linearities affect invasions in complex ways— isms as defined by their natural dispersal mechanisms and biogeo-
invasional meltdown sensu Simberloff & Von graphical barriers. The field deals with all aspects relating to the
Holle (30; see the box Definitions of Key introduction of organisms; their ability to establish, naturalize,
Concepts and Terms in Invasion Ecology, and invade in the target region; their interactions with resident
with Special Reference to Management Is- organisms in their new location; and the consideration of costs
sues) (Figure 2e). These factors, combined and benefits of their presence and abundance with reference to
with rapid changes associated with climate human value systems (67).
change, must be borne in mind when assess- Invasional meltdown: A term coined by Simberloff & Von Holle
ing management options. This article addresses (30) to describe interactions among invaders that accelerate in-
all these issues and reviews recent develop- vasions and amplify their effects on native communities.
ments in assessing and managing biological
Invasive species: Alien species that sustain self-replacing pop-
ulations over several life cycles; produce reproductive offspring, • Management of Biological Invasions 29

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

focused more clearly on impact than in other

often in very large numbers at considerable distances from the groups. But a comparison of taxa by papers
parent and/or site of introduction; and have the potential to with a focus on management issues, including
spread over long distances (8, 24). risk-assessment, provides a different picture,
Native species: Taxa that have evolved in a given area with- showing that mammals, plants, and marine
out human involvement or that have arrived there by natural organisms have received the most attention
means, without intentional or unintentional intervention of hu- (Figure 4a). This pattern reflects differences
mans, from an area in which they are native (24). in the magnitude of ecological and economic
impacts among taxa (33) that are discussed in
Risk assessment: The determination of quantitative or quali-
detail below. It also confirms the previous find-
tative value of risk (the likelihood of an event occurring and the
ing that, for invasive animals, impacts are more
consequences if it occurs). In the context of invasion ecology, risk
frequently studied and cited than for plants (3).
assessment is undertaken to evaluate risks associated with a species
The geographical distribution of studies on
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

being introduced (intentionally or accidentally) to a given re-

impact and management reflects the magnitude
gion, establishing itself, negotiating barriers in the naturalization-
of problems of biological invasions in partic-
invasion continuum (Figure 2a), and having notable impacts.
ular regions of the world and/or the level of
resources available for research, with Australia,
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

New Zealand, and South Africa ranking highest

(Figure 4b). These are the regions where most
research effort has focused on management,
whereas research in Eurasian regions seems to
Systematic studies of the impact of invasive focus more on other questions or is still describ-
species on invaded species, communities, and ing basic patterns in understudied Asia (32).
ecosystems only started relatively recently, as
has the number of studies addressing practical
issues in this area and their proportional con-
Ecological Consequences
tribution to the invasion literature (Figure 3).
of Biological Invasions
Studies on impact have increased in importance
faster than those dealing with management as The explosion of research on biological inva-
the rapid escalation of problems first forced sions has yielded global, continental, and/or
invasion ecology onto the agendas of conser- national reviews of ecological impacts for in-
vation managers. Only recently has the scien- dividual taxonomic groups in both terrestrial
tific community realized that a better under- and aquatic environments. Most studies have
standing of the ecological impacts of invasive dealt with plants, and Levine et al. (34) have
species is crucial for prioritizing management provided a synthesis of the mechanisms un-
efforts (31). Some recommended approaches derlying the impacts from plant invasions.
that could provide new insights include stud- Some invasive plant species, transformers sensu
ies that (a) measure impacts at multiple scales Richardson et al. (8), affect the functioning of
and multiple levels of organization, (b) synthe- ecosystems by changing the availability of re-
size available data on different response vari- sources and the disturbance regimes of invaded
ables, and (c) include models designed to guide ecosystems. Specific topics that have been re-
empirical work and explore generalities (31). viewed include the impacts of hybridization of
These approaches have stimulated considerable native and alien species (35), impacts of inva-
research over the past decade. sions on soil processes (36), impacts on na-
Information on impact is unevenly dis- tive species richness (37), and competition from
tributed both in terms of geography and aliens with native plants (38). Other taxonomic
taxonomy, corresponding to research biases in and/or environmental groups for which the im-
invasion ecology in general (32). For mammals, pact of alien species has been reviewed include
invertebrates, and freshwater fish, research has fungi (39), insects (40, 41), earthworms (42),
30 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

Proportion of the total number of studies 45 Management
40 Risk assessment





Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

1991-1995 1996-2000 2001-2005 2006-2009
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

Figure 3
Trends in studies on impact and management of invasive species indicate a gradual increase in research focus
toward more practically oriented issues in the past 20 years. Values are percentages of the total number of
studies that address impact and management, including risk assessment in five-year periods. Based on 8,004
studies identified on the Web of Science by a search using the combination of terms alien, invasive, exotic, and
naturalized with taxonomic affiliations (see Figure 4a). (Note that the sum of the bars exceeds the combined
percentages because some studies addressed more than one area of research.)

freshwater species (43), coastal marine biota ecosystems and communities has been mostly
(44), and mammals (45, 46). A review, focused analyzed at a macroecological scale, using
on the impact of invasions on interactions be- regional or continental data. A meta-analysis
tween trophic groups, indicated that invasive of studies in Mediterranean-type ecosystems
species (via the introduction of alien pollina- worldwide revealed a significant negative ef-
tors, seed dispersers, herbivores, predators, or fect of invasions on native species richness (37).
plants) frequently cause profound disruptions The strength of this effect depended on the life
to plant reproductive mutualisms (28). There form of the invading plant, the invaded habitat,
is increasing evidence of severe impacts result- and the scale and character of the data. Studies
ing from invasive species infiltrating such net- conducted at small scales or sampled over long
works (e.g., Reference 47). Such impacts not periods revealed stronger impacts than those
only have major implications for biodiversity, at larger spatial scales and over shorter periods
but also greatly complicate restoration efforts (37).
because the alien species frequently forge novel At the level of communities, only focused
functions; when these disappear following con- studies based on primary data can provide new
trol efforts, unpredictable responses often occur insights into the mechanisms of interactions be-
(see below). tween invading species and recipient communi-
Despite a long-standing consensus that in- ties. The decrease in species diversity of a plant
vasions pose a threat to native biodiversity, only community owing to invasion was driven by the
recently has the decline of native species at- performance of the invading species relative to
tributable to biological invasions begun to be that of a native species dominating the com-
objectively quantified. The impact of invasion munity before the invasion, rather than met-
on species diversity and the structure of invaded rics related to their ability to dominate the • Management of Biological Invasions 31

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

Percentage of studies

Percentage of studies



(390) 53.7


South Africa

18 September 2010




Africa other (50)


North America


fishes (237)

Islands (264)

South & Central organisms

America (182)

Europe (596)




Plants (2,411) Insects (529)

Risk assessment


Asia (150) 28.0

Birds (64)

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

community, such as height and cover. Because phylogenetic identity of species; the latter has
impacts on species diversity at different scales rarely been used as a metric of biodiversity
are correlated, a strong impact at the commu- change over time (52).
nity level was associated with reduced species Recent technological advances have facili-
diversity at higher scales; locally abundant in- tated the assessment of impacts of invasions on
vaders are also likely to be widespread at the the structure of vegetation at large spatial scales.
landscape scale (48). Asner et al. (55), using an airborne remote sens-
The impact of biological invasions on ing system [high-fidelity imaging spectrome-
species richness and diversity translates, via sev- ters (HiFIS) with light detection and ranging
eral processes, to biotic homogenization, which (LiDAR) sensors], mapped the location and im-
reduces the distinctiveness of biological com- pacts of five invasive plant species of different
munities (49, 50), but this effect is scale de- functional types over more than 200,000 ha
pendent (51, 52). Over the past few centuries, of Hawaiian ecosystems. They showed that
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

globalization resulting from human activities these species transform the three-dimensional
has altered the composition of biotas through structure of native rain forests, replacing na-
two fundamental processes: extinctions and in- tive species at different canopy levels. This work
troductions. Global species extinctions lead to demonstrates how the spread of invasive plant
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

a continuous decrease of overall species rich- species can be monitored by remote sensing
ness, i.e., γ-diversity (51). At the scale of conti- methods, making it possible to determine eco-
nents, regions, and countries, invasions exceed logical consequences of invasions and providing
local extinctions and result in an increase in detailed geographic information to guide con-
local or regional species richness (α-diversity) servation and management efforts.
(53, 54). But as pointed out by Parker et al.
(31), in the applied realm we make a distinc-
tion between the species we care more about Ecosystem Services
and those we like less. Winter et al. (52), in and Human Health
considering native losses and alien additions in Biological invasions have many dramatic im-
concert, showed that plant invasions in Euro- pacts, but also generate many subtle socio-
pean regions exceeded extinctions over the last economic consequences that are difficult to as-
few centuries, resulting in increased taxonomic, sess using traditional monetary approaches and
but decreased phylogenetic, diversity within market-based models (56). The Millennium
European regions, and in increased taxonomic Ecosystem Assessment (2) framework provides
and phylogenetic similarity among European an opportunity to link ecological and economic
regions. This is because extinct species were impacts by assuming that ecological changes
phylogenetically and taxonomically unique and impact ecosystem services, hence human well-
typical of individual regions, unlike the aliens. being. The ecosystem services approach at-
Consequently, European floras are losing tributes values to ecosystem processes as the
their uniqueness. This shows that biodiversity basis for human needs and distinguishes four
needs to be assessed, not only using standard categories: supporting (i.e., major ecosystem re-
taxonomic metrics, but also by examining the sources and energy cycles), provisioning (i.e.,

Figure 4
Taxonomic and geographical differences in research focus of studies on biological invasions. (a) Percentage of studies, of the total
number published until 2006 (shown in parentheses), that addressed the impact of invasive species and their management, including
risk assessment, is shown for particular taxonomic groups and (b) regions of the world. Ranking is based on the total contribution of all
studies that addressed impact, risk assessment and/or management shown above the bars, with values shown as percentages. (Note that
the sum of bars exceeds the percentages above the bars because some studies addressed more than one area of research.) Based on a Web
of Science search using the terms defined in Figure 3. • Management of Biological Invasions 33

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

production of goods), regulating (i.e., mainte- different types of impact (33). Van Wilgen et al.
nance of ecosystem processes), and cultural (i.e., (63) presented the first national-scale assess-
nonmaterial benefits). The ecosystem assess- ment of impacts of invasive species on ecosys-
ment approach requires multidisciplinary col- tem services for invasive plants in five terrestrial
laboration in environmental management (57). biomes of South Africa. They showed that, al-
Alien species affect a wide range of ecosystem though measurable impacts on four out of five
services that underpin human well-being, in- ecosystem services are currently relatively low
cluding provisioning of food and fiber; regulat- (only surface water runoff is strongly impacted
ing the spread of human diseases; and provid- now), impacts on all services (including ground-
ing aesthetic, recreational, and tourism benefits water recharge, livestock production, and bio-
(58, 59). diversity) are increasing rapidly as invasions be-
The disruption of ecosystem services as a come more widespread.
result of biological invasions is known to have
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

adverse socioeconomic, cultural, and human

health impacts. For example, a number of hu- Comparing Ecological
man health problems, e.g., allergies and skin and Economic Impacts
damage, are caused by invasive alien species An alternative approach to case studies ad-
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

(Table 1). Outbreaks of human diseases caused dressing impact of individual species (Table 1)
by novel pathogens, such as human immunod- focuses on completeness and comparison
eficiency virus (HIV), monkey pox, and severe among various groups of alien biota and is
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), are anal- represented by geographically focused reviews
ogous to the process of biological invasions. summarizing the impact of alien biota from a
These pathogens cross the barriers that sepa- number of taxonomic groups. Vilà et al. (33)
rate their natural reservoirs from human popu- undertook such an exercise, drawing on the
lations and ignite the epidemic spread of novel recently collated inventory of alien species
infectious diseases (60), resulting in huge eco- for Europe (64). This review looked at both
nomic costs (61). ecological and economic impacts of invasions
Looking at ecosystem services sheds light on and compared the quality of information
the overall magnitude and variety of impacts of for these two types of impacts for many
alien species and the implications for human taxonomic groups. This study showed that,
well-being. Individual species and taxonomic among terrestrial vertebrates and freshwater
groups differ in the spatial extent of recorded plant and animal species, about 30% are
impact and in the variety of impact types. This known to have ecological impacts that may be
is because impact is correlated with invasive- attributed to the preponderance of predatory
ness, which is generally associated with a wide or omnivorous taxa among these two groups.
distribution (32). Some European invaders, Indeed, vertebrate predators on islands are the
e.g., muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus), racoon dog only group of alien organisms whose invasions
(Nyctereutes procyonoides), thrips (Frankliniella caused the extinction of native species (notably
occidentalis and Heliothrips hemorrhoidalis), or birds), and predation is a far more important
Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), are driver of extinctions than competition (6, 65).
known to cause negative impact in as many Invasions in freshwater ecosystems often cause
as 20–50 regions (33), while among plants, in- trophic cascades, and introduced predators
vaders with serious impact but localized distri- seem to have greater effects owing to poor
bution can also be found (62). The impact of defense mechanisms and greater naı̈veté of
serious invaders is rarely restricted to a single native species toward novel predators (66).
ecosystem service; terrestrial vertebrates and In contrast, only about 5.6% and 5.4% of all
freshwater invaders exhibit the widest, but ter- alien plants are documented to exert ecological
restrial invertebrates the narrowest, range of and economic impact, respectively. However,

34 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

because plants are the most numerous of all sion process (Figure 2b), the real number of
groups analyzed, these values correspond to aliens exerting ecological impacts is probably
more than 300 species with recorded impacts. higher, and impact remains to be documented
The 342 terrestrial invertebrates account for many invasive species because any success-
for 13.8% of all alien invertebrates, and the ful invasive species that achieves dominance in
corresponding values for marine biota are 172 an ecosystem is likely to have an ecological im-
species for 16.1%. Relatively more terrestrial pact. Impact seems to be underestimated par-
vertebrates (38.5%) and invertebrates (24.2%) ticularly for species-rich taxa and across large
have greater economic than ecological impact, regions. One of the major constraints to stan-
whereas the opposite is true for freshwater dardized measures of impact is that, even in the
flora and fauna (only 24.3% of species causes best-studied regions such as Europe, we know
economic impact). Generally, it appears that about impact for only a very small proportion of
ecological and economic impacts of alien invaders (33). The same applies for other well-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

species are usually studied separately, but studied regions like South Africa (67).
they are likely to be highly correlated within
taxonomic groups. Nevertheless, the strength
of this correlation differs markedly among
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

taxonomic groups, but the most important Impacts in Monetary Terms

deviation from the rule is for terrestrial inver- The economics of biological invasions has
tebrates, where consistently more species are become a hot research topic in the past decade
attributed economic than ecological impact (e.g., References 61 and 68), and cost-benefit
because the economic impact of invertebrates analyses conducted for individual species have
is most readily recognized. For plants, the re- provided detailed insight into the costs imposed
verse is true, with ecological effects being more by some invasions (e.g., References 69 and 70).
frequently documented than economic effects, To translate ecological information into sum-
even though the former are less tangible (33). mary monetary terms for regions or continents,
In general, more species are known to cause it is necessary to know the number of alien
economic than ecological impacts because the species causing ecological and economic im-
former are more easily perceived and are more pacts. Although such information is currently
likely to be quickly reported by stakeholders, available for Europe (33), until recently, this
and economic pests are likely to attract more continent lagged behind North America in be-
scientific attention (33). In fact, it is the impact ing able to directly quantify financial impacts.
of a species that largely determines whether Several attempts have been made to quantify
or not it is studied. Invasive species with the the costs of biological invasions since the first
greatest numbers of published case studies have estimate of US$97 billion per year in damages
serious economic impact; zebra mussel (Dreis- from 79 alien species for the period 1906–1991
sena polymorpha), Argentine ant (Linepithema in the United States (71), including the update
humile), and spotted knapweed (Centaurea mac- to US$120 billion for the United States (72).
ulosa) are the most prominent examples. Such Sinden et al. (73) estimated that weeds alone
research focus in turn leads to better under- cost AUS$3.9 billion per year in lower farm
standing of their ecological impacts (32). incomes and higher food costs in Australia
The European overview (33) indicated that and that costs to central and local government
impact has been described and documented in on monitoring, control, management, and
the literature for only about 10% of the to- research on weeds was at least AUS$116.4
tal number of aliens in Europe (up to 11,000 million each year. In South Africa, invasions
taxa; see Reference 64). Although only a frac- have been shown to reduce the value of fynbos
tion of these are invasive owing to their losses ecosystems (∼4% of the country) by over
during transitions between stages of the inva- US$11.75 billion (74). • Management of Biological Invasions 35

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

Table 1 Examples of various types of impact of invasive alien species on human health (I–VI) and social activities (VII–VIII) categorized according to
taxonomic groups and environment

Saltwater Terrestrial
Type of impact Plants invertebrates Freshwater animals invertebrates Vertebrates

I. Cause or vector of Ailanthus altissimaa (long Alexandrium catenellaa Eriocheir sinensisa (in Aedes albopictusa Nyctereutes procyonoidesa
human diseases or exposure to sap can cause (poisoning from native range a host for (arboviruses, (rabies, trichinellosis),

ailment myocarditis), Robinia consumed shellfish the lung fluke plasmodia, filariasis) Ondatra zibethicusa
pseudoacacia (toxins in can lead to death), parasite, causing (leptospirosis, cestode),

flowers and seed provoke Styela clavaa diseases of lungs and Procyon lotora (racoon

gastroenteritis) (respiratory problems other body parts), roundworm), Rattus
18 September 2010

from sprays damage Procambarus clarkiia norvegicusa (leptospirosis,

tissues) (host for trematodes hepatitis), Sciurus

that are potential carolinensisa (squirrel

parasites of humans) poxvirus), Tamias sibiricusa

(potential vector for Lyme
disease), Trachemys scriptaa
II. Host of parasites — — — Arion vulgarisa Cervus nippona (nematodes,
of pets and (nematodes) bovine tuberculosis),
livestock Nyctereutes procyonoidesa
(rabbies, sarcoptic mange)
III. Causes injuries Cortaderia selloana,a Spartina Balanus improvisus,a Dreissena polymorphaa — Boiga irregularis (snake bites)
anglica (cuts by leaves), Ensis americanusa (sharp shells inflict
Caesalpinia decapetala, Rosa (sharp shells inflict cuts), Plotosus lineatus
rugosaa and many other cuts), Siganus (injuries caused by the
species (thorny thickets) rivulatus,a Rhopilema barbed and venomous
nomadicaa (painful dorsal spine)
IV. Causes allergies Acacia dealbata,a Cortaderia — Cercopagis pengoia (may Lymantria dispar (hairs —
selloanaa (pollen allergy), cause allergic on larvae and egg
Ailanthus altissimaa reactions in fisherman masses cause
(dermatitis), Ambrosia when they clean their allergies), Solenopsis
artemisiifoliaa (pollen nets) invicta (stings are
allergy, dermatitis), prone to infection and
Heracleum mantegazzianuma sometimes cause
(dermatitis), Schinus anaphylactic
terebinthifolius (flu-like reactions)
symptoms, sneezing, sinus
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

V. Accumulation of Rhododendron ponticuma — Neogobius — —

toxins and their (poisonous honey can cause melanostomus,a
transfer to human cardiac problems), Echium Procambarus clarkiia
food plantagineum (high (heavy metals and
18 September 2010

concentrations of cyanotoxins)
pyrrolizidine causes honey
made exclusively from this

species to be toxic)
VI. Hazard to health — — — — Branta canadensisa (excessive
by contamination droppings)
of soil and water
VII. Impedes Spartina anglica, Heracleum Alexandrium catenellaa — Linepithema humile, —
recreational mantegazzianum, Rosa (causing red tides) Solenopsis invicta (itchy
activities and rugosa (forming stings), Vespula
tourism impenetrable stands), germanica, V. vulgaris
Eichornia crassipes and many (attack and sting
other aquatic weeds (cover humans when
water bodies, impeding defending their nests,
recreation and transport) making outdoor
recreation unpleasant
and hazardous)
VIII. Aesthetic Seiridium cardinale — — Anoplophora chinensis, Eleutherodactylus coqui (noise
impact, (tree-killing fungus), A. glabripennis, disturbance), Ondatra
deterioration of the Codium fragile subsp. Cameraria ohridella zibethicusa (damage to
quality of tomentosoidesa (rotting (killing trees), riverbanks), Psittacula
environment branches on beaches cause Harmonia axyridis krameria (noise disturbance)
offensive septic-smelling (swarms on buildings) • Management of Biological Invasions

methane gas)

Based on data from the DAISIE portal (
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

In Europe, cost-benefit analyses are scarce. of Pimentel (61) showed that costs incurred
Most have focused on individual species or by biological invasions globally amounted to
sectors, whereas for some harmful invaders about 5% of the global gross domestic product
widespread across the whole of Europe, no cost (GDP).
analyses have been made. Most expenses gen-
erated by invaders are in the form of man-
agement costs, including eradication, control, Limitations of Measuring Impact
monitoring, and environmental education pro- Until the late 1990s, little formal attention was
grams (see Reference 33). For South Africa, given to defining impact or connecting ecolog-
species-specific costs of management are avail- ical theory with particular measures of impact.
able for the national Working for Water pro- The paper by Parker et al. (31), stimulated by
gram. These show that 57% of funds (out of the need for a general framework for under-
a total of US$48 million for 2002–2003) were standing and predicting impacts of invasions,
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

spent on clearing invasive trees (targeted be- suggests that the total impact of an invader
cause of their impact on surface water runoff), includes three fundamental components:
with large sums also spent on clearing species (a) range, (b) abundance, and (c) the per capita
such as Chromolaena odorata, Lantana camara, or unit of biomass effect of the invader. Because
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

and Opuntia spp., which are targeted for their both the population dynamics of an invader
impacts on biodiversity and other ecosystem and that of native species vary over space and
services (75). For Europe, the total costs of time, as well as with respect to environmental
invasive alien species are estimated to be at settings, the estimate of an invader’s impact is
least €12.5 billion per year and probably over likely to depend on the spatial and temporal
€20 billion per year if extrapolated, and this is scale of a study as envisaged by the boom-and-
likely to be a significant underestimate of the bust dynamics of some invaders (31, 37, 51).
real situation. The most affected sectors include This makes impact of individual invaders very
agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, variable and dependent upon (a) the identity of
health sectors, and nature conservation; inva- invading species; (b) the structure, composition,
sions of some species also caused declines in and functioning of the invaded communities;
recreational or cultural heritage values associ- (c) the environmental settings, such as climate,
ated with various landscapes and water bod- soil, or water quality; and (d ) the interaction of
ies (59). Although financial costs are difficult the three over space and time.
to compare across regions owing to the lack of This context dependency makes measuring
data for many significant invaders and uneven impact particularly difficult and complex, more
distribution of information among different ge- so than objectively defining measures for nat-
ographic areas (33), the recent assessment of uralization or invasiveness (8, 24). Compared
economic costs provides a basis for the devel- to our much-improved understanding of the
opment of an EU Strategy on Invasive Alien principles and mechanisms of biological inva-
Species (59). sions (e.g., Reference 5), impact remains rather
Of course, alien species also offer economic poorly conceptualized and documented. The
returns in some sectors, for example, fast- lament for the lack of a general, universally ap-
growing alien trees for commercial forestry or plicable framework expressed by Parker et al.
by satisfying the demand for exotic products, (31) still applies.
pets, and garden plants. However, a growing There are additional issues that hinder
body of evidence suggests that in many cases progress toward standardized measures of im-
the invasion-related costs, even for species of pacts. One is that impacts of invasive species
major commercial importance [e.g., in the case are often labeled negative or positive, introduc-
of Acacia mearnsii in South Africa (76)], may ing difficulties associated with value judgments.
outweigh the benefits. The pioneering study For effects of invasive plants on native plants

38 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

and animals, this is relatively straightforward; and possibly branch architecture that facilitated
reduced values in population and community predator movement among the alien species.
characteristics imply decreased vigor and pop- Invasion-induced changes to habitat may trans-
ulation status of affected native biota. How- late to important functional changes in ecosys-
ever, elevated levels of certain soil nutrients, tems. For example, in arid savannas in South
for example, may not necessarily mean an im- Africa, replacement of native Acacia species by
proved state of the affected ecosystem. On the invasive alien Prosopis species changes habi-
one hand, in oligotrophic ecosystems, increased tat structure, notably the canopy architecture
nutrient status may lead to further invasion (77). and availability of perches for frugivorous birds
On the other hand, elevated nutrient levels can (79), thus altering the prevailing bird-mediated
result in increased structural complexity of veg- shrub nucleation processes in these ecosystems
etation, especially if coupled with introduction (47). Grosholz & Ruiz (80) review the current
of a new life form, thereby providing habitat understanding of multitrophic effects of inva-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

for new species or local species suffering from sions in marine and estuarine systems. Although
destruction of their native habitats (78). Inva- the evidence for impacts across trophic levels
sive plant species cause many types of changes in estuarine and marine systems is still limited
to fire regimes by altering the type and spa- compared to terrestrial systems, the effects of
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

tial arrangement of fuels. Changes may result marine invasions may commonly cross trophic
in increased or decreased fire frequencies and levels. The magnitude of the effects vary, and
changes in the type of fire (surface versus crown impacts need to be viewed as having multiple
fires), with many potential implications for the attributes that reside along a continuum rather
ecosystem that cannot be classified as negative than existing as residing in binary states of “im-
or positive (26). Generally, invasive species that pact” or “no impact” (80).
add a new functional type to an ecosystem have It appears that simple scoring systems, which
a greater impact (and are often responsible for are based on the number of impact types (33),
rapid ecosystem-level changes) than those that provide the most robust results and capture
differ from natives only in traits, such as lit- large-scale patterns and differences among tax-
ter quality or growth rates, that are distributed onomic groups. In another study, Nentwig
continuously among species. Many profound et al. (81) applied a generic scoring system to
impacts attributable to invasive species occur compare impacts of alien mammal species in
when introduced species act as hubs in com- Europe, with the aim of identifying the most
munity networks or keystone species. harmful species to aid in prioritizing conserva-
Complex impacts of invasive species can tion measures to ameliorate their negative ef-
result from effects that ripple and rebound fects. They classified impact as environmental
through trophic levels. For example, many inva- or economic, and within each category, they
sive plants change vegetation structure, thereby distinguished five types of impact: ecological
providing altered habitat for other species. impact (which is through competition, preda-
There are many records of vertebrates, particu- tion, hybridization, transmission of disease, and
larly birds and mammals, responding in various herbivory) and economic impact (which is on
ways to invasion-induced changes to vegetation agriculture, livestock, forestry, human health,
structure. For instance, the American Robin and infrastructure). Each species was scored
(Turdus migratorius) when nesting in two inva- for each impact type on a five-degree scale,
sive plant species (Lonicera maackii and Rhamnus and ranking was performed by summing up the
cathartica) experienced higher predation than scores across categories of impact types. By in-
in nests built in comparable native shrubs and cluding information on actual distribution, it
trees. Schmidt & Whelan (78) attributed this to was possible to assess individual invasive mam-
lower nesting height in the invaded areas, the mals and relate their impact to species traits.
absence of sharp thorns on the alien species, Of these traits, ecological flexibility (measured • Management of Biological Invasions 39

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

as the number of different habitats a species oc- the United States has a National Strategy
cupies) was the best predictor of impact (81). and Implementation Plan for Invasive Species
The scoring system was robust in terms of the Management and the National Invasive Species
overall result in spite of having insufficient in- Council’s Action Plan for the Nation. At the
formation available for some categories of im- supranational level, the European Union has
pact; thus this scoring can be adjusted for the recently confirmed its commitment to work
purpose of different stakeholder groups and can toward having a European strategy on inva-
be adapted to other taxonomic groups. A sim- sive alien species, including a pan-European
ilar system of impact assessment has been de- information system for invasive alien species,
veloped for marine biota in the Baltic Sea (82). in place in 2010 (85). Such strategies are
recent developments, and many dimensions
of biosecurity are poorly understood and the
MANAGEMENT OF subject of much research effort (86).
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS There has been a proliferation of approaches

The harmful effects of invasive alien species are aimed at assisting managers in assigning prior-
now widely recognized, and multiscale (local, ity to species and areas as well as at improving
regional, national, and international) programs the efficiency of management interventions.
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

are in place in many parts of the world to There is a massive literature on these topics.
reduce current and potential future impacts. We review some approaches and developments
For example, the European Union has sup- in this sphere, with special emphasis on four
ported 49 major projects that address different overlapping areas that we consider to be
aspects of biological invasions since 2000 (83), particularly important: risk assessment (mainly
including three pan-European projects. These preborder, but increasingly with postincursion
were aimed at collating available informa- applications), pathway management, early de-
tion at the continental scale (64), analyzing tection and rapid response, and mitigation and
the role of biological invasions as a driver restoration.
threatening biodiversity (the ALARM project),
and improving risk-assessment schemes (84).
Many countries have launched far-reaching Risk Assessment
integrated strategies for dealing with biological Risk assessment is the first step in the risk
invasions that include initiatives for preventing management process. Formal risk assessment
the arrival of new alien species with a high risk procedures were initially developed in areas
of becoming invasive (or at least reducing the such as public health, banking, engineering,
rate of introductions of such species); detecting and pollution control, but much work has been
and responding rapidly to new invasions, done recently on developing risk assessment
containing invasions where eradication is not frameworks for biosecurity (84, 86). Preventing
feasible; reducing extent and impacts of those the introduction of species with a high risk of
invasive species that are already widespread; becoming invasive is, in theory, the most cost-
and restoration of areas degraded by invasive effective management strategy (Figure 2d ).
species. National initiatives take very different Border interception data for terrestrial insects
forms in different countries. National strate- in Europe suggest that many more agricul-
gies are advocated, e.g., in the Global Invasive tural and domestic pests are intercepted than
Species Program’s Global Strategy (1), and species associated with natural habitats (87);
some are in place. For example, Australia the preborder risk assessment therefore has
has an Australian Pest Animal Strategy and the potential to intercept alien insects with
an Australian Weeds Strategy, the Bahamas potentially high economic impact. Key con-
has a National Invasive Species Strategy, siderations in risk assessment development for
New Zealand has a Biosecurity Strategy, and biosecurity have been the inherent difficulty of

40 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

predicting species invasiveness in a changing risk assessment system with reference to data
world, the limited availability of data known to collected from the assessment of species pro-
be important for determining invasiveness, and posed for importation or held within genetic
accommodating sociopolitical issues in risk resource centers in Australia over eight years.
assessment frameworks. Because many alien They found that of the 35 variables assessed
species are intentionally introduced for their by the questions, 5 gave the same outcome as
commercial or other value to humans, highly the full model for 71% species: unintentional
conservative risk assessments are often op- human dispersal; congeneric weed; weed else-
posed by those who stand to benefit from such where; tolerates or benefits from mutilation,
species. Global trade agreements generally cultivation, or fire; and reproduction by vegeta-
preclude exclusion of species on the basis of tive propagation. Although information on the
the precautionary principle, and there has history and behavior of introduced species in
been a strong focus on developing objective, other regions is a crucial component of effective
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

science-based criteria for risk assessments, screening, and better global data translate into
drawing on advances in invasion ecology and better predictions, the weed elsewhere variable
related fields. Most attention has been focused was not the first splitting variable in this model,
on organism-based protocols, and screening indicating that the weed risk assessment system
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

procedures with good accuracy rates (>80% can identify high-risk species with no history of
in many cases) are now available for diverse weediness (96).
regions and taxa (Figure 4), e.g., fish in the Improved risk assessment frameworks are
Laurentian Great Lakes (88), fish in California resulting in wider acceptance of preborder
(89), plants in many parts of the world (90), screening protocols and their formal incorpo-
and birds in New Zealand (91). As a result, the ration in many legal instruments and policies.
proportion of papers addressing risk assessment In a landmark study, Keller et al. (97) showed
has been steadily increasing in the invasion that the use of the weed risk assessment sys-
literature since the early 1990s (Figure 3). tem in Australia provides net economic bene-
One reason for the improved accuracy fits by allowing authorities to screen out costly
of such screening systems is the increased invasive species. Even after accounting for lost
availability of databases of introduced species revenue from the small percentage of valuable
covering large regions with objective catego- nonweeds that may be incorrectly rejected, they
rization of the invasive status of species (64, 92). showed that screening could save the country
The Australian border weed risk assessment US$1.67 billion over 50 years.
system, implemented by Pheloung et al. (93) Until recently, formal risk assessment pro-
in 1997 to reduce the high economic costs and cedures for invasive species were mainly ap-
massive environmental damage associated with plied only to preborder assessments. In the last
introducing serious weeds, was tested, some- decade or so, they are also being applied at later
times with slight modifications (94), in other stages of the naturalization-invasion continuum
regions of the world: Hawaii and the Pacific (Figure 2d ). Examples of the many interest-
Islands, central Europe, Japan, and Florida. A ing and important research areas in this direc-
comparison of the results of these trials revealed tion are the evaluation of critical uncertainty
similar levels of accuracy (90), but differences in thresholds for spatial models of invasion risk
interpretation of the questions reduce the con- (98), special approaches for dealing with uncer-
sistency of application. A modification of the tainty in data-poor systems (99), and the incor-
questions was therefore suggested to make the poration of insights from molecular techniques
system universally applicable (95). Such efforts (100). Much progress has been made toward
are important because preborder screening developing risk maps that apply a range of ap-
systems are improved through usage. Weber proaches for modeling invasive spread in frag-
et al. (96) reviewed the behavior of the weed mented landscapes and predicting areas that are • Management of Biological Invasions 41

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

at a high risk of invasion or could be in the taxonomic resolution, their links with specific
future. These efforts draw on advances in re- transport vectors, their usefulness to humans,
mote sensing (e.g., Reference 101), modeling and their potential to cause undesirable impacts
methods, and computing. Some examples are (the greater the potential impact, the greater the
the spatially explicit modeling of invasion risk motivation for robust risk assessment). Another
for commercially important alien trees at a na- strong research focus has been on risk identi-
tional scale (102); assessing the risk of invasive fication and assessment for specific sectors and
plants spreading along riparian zones into pro- vectors, such as biofuels (e.g., Reference 115),
tected areas (103); a risk map for invasions of and shipping-related agents, such as ballast wa-
alien mussels (Dreissena spp.) in the contiguous ter (116) and hull fouling (117). The combina-
United States on the basis of calcium concen- tion of environmental niche- and vector-based
tration data from over 3,000 stream and river models seems to offer more precise estimates of
sites (104); and modeling the risk of the emer- invasion risk than can either of these approaches
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

ald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) spreading in alone, as illustrated by the Chinese mitten crab
Ohio, combining the insect’s inherent dispersal (Eriocheir sinensis) (118) and a study of South
capabilities with options for human-facilitated African native plants invading other parts of the
long-distance dispersal (105). world, which combined niche-based modeling
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

An invasion-risk map for Europe, which is and proxies of propagule pressure derived from
based on levels of plant invasion in 33 habitat trade volumes and tourism (23). Much work is
types (106), projects future invasions under a under way on integrating taxon- and sector- or
range of socioeconomic scenarios. It appears vector-based assessment protocols, and insights
that the implementation of environment- from such work will probably have substantial
friendly oriented policies has little scope for influence in shaping policies.
automatically restricting the spread of alien
plants. This suggests that effective management
of invasions require specific policy approaches Pathway and Vector Management
over and above the generic ones that are cur- In many instances, the best or only way of
rently on the policy agenda (107). A Web-based reducing introductions is to manage vectors
tool was recently developed for the Baltic Sea, and pathways. This is a relatively recent
based on a “biopollution index” that classifies focus (119) and the subject of much ongoing
impact of invasive alien species on native research. Pathway and vector management is
species, communities, habitats, and ecosystem required to reduce colonization pressure, sensu
functioning. The assessment can be used to Lockwood et al. (120), in several ways. First,
evaluate management performance where once pathways and vectors of introduction and
avoidance measures were necessary and can dissemination are identified, various proactive
assist in preventing further unwanted introduc- measures can be implemented. For instance,
tions. Moreover, the simple scoring system pro- the commercial trade in ornamental plants is
vides opportunities for repeated assessment of a major (often the primary) pathway for the
the same region and thus can be used to monitor introduction and dissemination of invasive
the efficiency of management measures (82). alien plants; the most serious plant invaders
Much work has focused on risk identifi- result from garden escapes (62, 121, 122).
cation and assessment for specific taxa, e.g., Elucidation of the dimensions of this pathway
plants (90, 108), freshwater invertebrates (109), pave the way for a suite of interventions,
mussels (110), fish (111), reptiles, and amphib- ranging from increasing public awareness of
ians (112–114). Each taxon has its own set of problems, finding alternatives for invasive
characteristics that defines and limits options species (123), and applying biological control,
for risk assessment. These include the size of to improving measures of detection and
the organisms, their detectability and degree of policy enforcement. Similarly, shipping is the

42 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

primary pathway for introductions of aquatic  Stowaway (unintentional introduction

organisms, mainly invertebrates (9, 124), and with transport vector) is the responsibility
elucidation of the vectors that are implicated of the carrier;
allows for targeted management. However,  Dispersal corridors (artificial corridors
propagule pressure associated with particular among marine basins) is the responsibility
pathways is difficult to quantify, and solid data of the developer; and
 Unaided pathway (unintentional intro-
are only starting to appear. Lee & Chown (125)
report that over 1,400 seeds from 99 taxa are duction through natural dispersal of
transported to Antarctica each field season with aliens through political borders) is the re-
passenger luggage and cargo and that 30% to sponsibility of the polluter.
50% of these propagules enter the recipient en- The first two pathways are subject to na-
vironment. Good knowledge of pathways and tional regulations, whereas the others require
vectors also opens other options for limiting the international policies (9). This is one area where
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

contamination of vectors (e.g., through control effective biological management demands com-
of pest populations in source regions), pathway plex multisector and multinational collabora-
monitoring for target pests, and generic tion, and much work remains to be done in this
management measures that may have added area. Success in such ventures holds the key to
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

benefits beyond the target pest species (e.g., reducing the influx of alien species.
hull cleaning and antifouling, ballast water
exchange). Such interventions have the poten-
tial to reduce propagule pressure and thus the Early Detection and Rapid Response
likelihood of establishment and spread. Eluci- The multiple pathways of introduction and
dation of introduction pathways is also crucial the huge volume of traded commodities make
for informing various facets of postincursion the interception of all potentially invasive alien
management, for example, by predicting the species unrealistic. Early detection and rapid re-
genetic diversity of the alien species, which has sponse initiatives are therefore a crucial ingre-
implications for their spread and control (126). dient of integrated programs for dealing with
An important issue relates to responsibili- invasive species.
ties for invasions resulting from particular path- Rapid response must be triggered by early
ways. Hulme et al. (9) suggest the following detection (83). An obvious problem is that
allocation of responsibilities among applicants, emerging invaders are rare; in many cases,
exporters, importers, carriers, and developers such low occurrence fundamentally com-
regarding different pathways of introduction: promises detection. The problem is greater
 Release (alien organisms introduced as when the organisms are small, inconspicuous,
a commodity and deliberately released, or otherwise difficult to see, identify, and
e.g., biocontrol agents, game animals, map. Much has been done in this area on
plants for erosion control) is the respon- numerous fronts. Research has focused on
sibility of the applicant; improving protocols and technologies for
 Escape (alien organisms introduced as a remote sensing and on developing their use for
commodity but escaping unintentionally, monitoring alien species (127) and mapping
e.g., feral crops and livestock, pets, garden (128). Increasingly robust protocols are being
plants, live baits) is the responsibility of designed for surveys, e.g., to quantify the
the importer; probability that a given surveying technique
 Contaminant pathway (unintentional in- will detect a target species if it is present
troduction with a specific commodity, (129). Advanced modeling has been applied
e.g., parasites and pests of traded plants to identify key sites of incursions or high
and animals) is the responsibility of the abundance, e.g., to focus early detection efforts
exporter; using networks of volunteers to locate invasive • Management of Biological Invasions 43

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

plants in the northeastern United States (130). argued that pessimism about the prospects of
For small aquatic organisms, detection can be eradicating invasive species was fostered by the
optimized using risk-based sampling designs widespread publicity of failures, but he believes
combined with high-sampling intensity in that eradication should be attempted more of-
areas deemed most vulnerable to invasion, ten. Mammals are relatively easy to eradicate,
rather than less intensive sampling at more and many successful eradications have been
sites (131). Because it is often less effective to reported, mainly from islands for cats, foxes,
respond to rare incursions than to those above goats, rats, and other mammal species (139).
some abundance threshold, defining areas of Several (apparently) successful eradications of
potential dominance is useful (132). Better, invasive species from diverse taxonomic groups
more user-friendly identification guides are around the world have been reported recently
important tools, e.g., for plants and seeds (133). (138). Among the most widely cited projects
Many new high-tech diagnostic tools have been were those on the seaweed Caulerpa taxifo-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

developed for detecting even small numbers of lia [eradicated from a lagoon in California in
microorganisms. These include gene probes 2006 (140)] and the marine mussel Mytilop-
(e.g., for plankton trawls) (129), DNA barcod- sis sallei [eradicated from a harbor in northern
ing (134), and acoustic sensors (e.g., to detect Australia (138)]. There are relatively few re-
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

Asian long-horned beetles) (135). An example ports of successful eradications of invasive

of an attempt to integrate various available alien plants. Simberloff (138) singles out a
tools to assist in detection is the Cactus Moth grass Cenchrus echinatus, eradicated from an
Detection and Monitoring Network, which Hawaiian island, and a herb Bassia scoparia, from
monitors incursions of Cactoblastis cactorum in Australia, as noteworthy examples of recent suc-
the southern United States and Mexico (http:// cessful plant eradications. Rejmánek & Pitcairn (141) reviewed a
Several invasive species atlas projects have unique data set on eradication attempts by the
early detection initiatives, e.g., the Invasive California Department of Food and Agricul-
Plant Atlas of New England (136). ture involving 18 plant species and 53 separate
The issue of early detection highlights the infestations targeted for eradication in the
crucial role of taxonomy in invasion biology. In period from 1972 to 2000. They show that the
many regions, alien species come from all over likelihood of eradication declines rapidly with
the world. Identifying these species is a major an increasing area of infestation. Generalizing
challenge, and misidentification can have seri- from these data, they suggest that professional
ous consequences. No rigorous studies are pos- eradication of infestations smaller than one
sible in any field of biodiversity/biogeography hectare is usually possible. For infestations
in the absence of good taxonomy, and this is of 1–100 ha, the success rate was about 30%,
equally true for biological invasions. Capacity whereas for infestations 101–1,000 ha in size,
building for taxonomy of alien organisms is ur- 25% of the efforts were successful. Costs
gently needed (137). of eradication projects increase dramatically
as the size of the infestation increases. The
Californian data suggest that eradication of
Eradication species occupying >1,000 ha is very unlikely,
Biological control has become and will remain given the resources typically committed to
the foundation of sustainable control efforts such operations. Many eradication efforts fail
for many invasive species, especially plants, in because of poor planning and execution. The
many regions. However, there is renewed in- picture to emerge from a review of the outcome
terest in eradication, following a period when of plant eradication efforts on the Galápagos
the prevailing view was that eradication was Islands (142) is relevant worldwide. Of 30 erad-
very seldom achievable. Simberloff (138) has ication projects covering 23 potentially invasive

44 Pyšek · Richardson
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plant species with limited distributions on four sions by N-fixing plants (77, 147) or changed
Galápagos islands, only 4 were successful. Fail- microbial conditions (148). Such legacy effects
ures were attributed to inadequate attention to are important contributors to “invasional melt-
one or more of the following factors: adequate down” (30) and seem set to cause increasing
review of international information on the problems for restoration following invasion.
biology and management options for the target Restoration involving the removal of in-
species; obtaining permission from relevant vasive species changes the character of habi-
landowners and securing cooperation from the tats (145). There are many records of na-
community; mapping the total distribution of tive species being disadvantaged by invasive
the target species at the start of the project; edu- species management programs and of man-
cating stakeholders about biological invasions; agement/restoration programs being compro-
planning resources for the full duration of the mised by conflicts of interest. The most fa-
project; regular project evaluation; and consid- mous case is that of invasive Tamarix species
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

ering eradication as one tool in a restoration as a habitat for birds, in particular the endan-
tool box. Much research is currently underway gered southwestern willow flycatchers (Empi-
to provide support for eradication efforts (143). donax traillii subsp. extimus) (149). Flycatch-
ers never occurred in areas now dominated
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

by Tamarix, but now that they are there

Mitigation and Restoration and are rare elsewhere, value judgments must
Much effort has been spent on developing be made; which do we value more, flycatch-
strategies and approaches for restoring ecosys- ers or riparian ecosystems more conducive to
tems following degradation caused by invasive the sustainable delivery of key ecosystem ser-
species. Interventions range from low-impact vices? Such examples point to the need for
practices, involving only the removal or reduc- more careful consideration of all implications
tions in numbers of invasive species through of planned control and restoration programs
a myriad of manipulative treatments aimed at (150). Many control/repair/restoration efforts
reducing the presence, abundance, or impacts have unplanned and undesirable consequences.
of invasive species and favoring native species, The textbook example is that of mesopredator
to massive and expensive exercises, involving release, whereby control of a top predator, such
engineering, reintroduction of native species, as cats, can lead to increased densities of in-
and various attempt to direct succession. Many termediate predators with effects that cascade
restoration efforts have succeeded in mitigating down through the ecosystem. This scenario,
negative impacts of invasive species with impor- with minor variations of the plot and with dif-
tant benefits (e.g., Reference 144). ferent actors, has been replayed on countless
An emerging problem relates to what hap- islands following control efforts against inva-
pens in, or to, ecosystems once invasive species sive vertebrates (see Reference 151). The order
are removed (145). This issue has many di- of removing invasive vertebrate species clearly
mensions. There are increasing reports of “sec- matters (152). The overall cause for such prob-
ondary invasions,” the rapid replacement of the lems is that invasive species are increasingly in-
removed invasive species by others that capi- filtrating various networks, notably pollination
talize on the disturbance caused by the control and dispersal networks and food webs, where
operations and/or resource alteration caused by they forge novel functions (28, 153). When they
the invasive species or the management inter- are removed without due consideration of pre-
vention (e.g., Reference 146). Related to this vailing functions and interactions, rapid col-
is the problem of “legacy effects,” long-lasting lapses may and do occur. Given the increas-
changes to the ecosystem that persist after the ing extent and abundance of invasive species
removal of the invasive species, e.g., elevated worldwide, such issues will become much more
nitrogen (N) levels in the soil following inva- common (154, 155). • Management of Biological Invasions 45

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

Novel Ecosystems: Refocusing conditions (158). This may involve viewing

on Management Targets the role of aliens more pragmatically in the
context of shifting species’ ranges and changing
The escalating scale of biological invasions and
communities and even considering some new
synergies between invasive species and other
species as key (desirable) elements for maintain-
facets of global change generating greater and
ing ecosystem services (154). Removing alien
increasingly complex influences on ecosystems
species from such, often human-dominated,
(155) are increasingly causing many problems
systems is often impractical, and management
for restoration ecologists. Among the prob-
is sometimes (but not always) more effectively
lems are those relating to defining and select-
directed at managing these novel ecosystems
ing meaningful and appropriate reference sites
to provide sustainable delivery of certain
or targets for restoration (e.g., Reference 156).
functions or services. Therefore, among the
It is becoming increasingly obvious in many
many challenges facing invasion biologists and
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

ecosystems, especially those with high levels of

restoration ecologists is the need to confront
human influence, that restoration of habitats
rapidly “changing perceptions of change”
degraded by invasive species to some pristine
condition is both futile and impractical or im-
possible (157). This is because invasive species
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

themselves often alter ecosystems to the ex-

tent that preclude many native species or flour-  Invasive species are increasing in num-
ish as a symptom of changes driven by other ber, extent, and influence worldwide.
causes. They are both passengers (symptoms)
There is increasing support for a revision of and drivers of change, and they interact
conservation and restoration strategies to em- synergistically with many other facets of
brace the notion of “novel ecosystems”—those global change. In many cases they cause
comprising species that occur in combinations rapid and dramatic ecosystem degrada-
and relative abundances that have not occurred tion, loss of biodiversity, and homoge-
previously at a given location or biome. Such nization of regional biotas. Many other,
novel ecosystems result from the degradation more subtle effects also have profound
or invasion of native or wild ecosystems or the (usually negative) implications.
abandonment of intensively managed systems  Invasion ecology has exploded as a field of
(158, 159). Examples include formation of study, and thousands of publications are
mixed communities of evergreen broad-leaved generated every year on an increasingly
plants established in areas previously occupied broad range of themes. Scientific studies
by deciduous broad-leaved forests at the south- focusing on impacts and practical solu-
ern foot of the European Alps as a result of tions to problems caused by invasions ini-
climate warming (160) and the reorganized ma- tially lagged behind case studies and those
rine ecosystems of the Atlantic Ocean (161) and describing and elucidating biogeograph-
Mediterranean Sea (162). Such communities ical patterns and ecological mechanisms
raise many important applied questions, in- but are now becoming well represented
cluding those about elucidating the factors that in the literature.
enable native species to persist with invaders.  There are marked geographical and tax-
Because these ecosystems are the result of de- onomical biases in the study of inva-
liberate or inadvertent human action and their sions and invasive species, but there have
key novel feature is the potential for changes been major advances in the understand-
in ecosystem functioning, consideration needs ing of invasions for most taxonomic
to be given to developing appropriate man- groups and major biomes in recent years.
agement goals and approaches under new New technologies, notably molecular

46 Pyšek · Richardson
EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

methods, remote sensing, and comput-  Multiple facets of global change pose sig-
ers, have radically improved our ability to nificant challenges for ecologists and con-
assemble accurate inventories, map and servation biologists, and new approaches
model distributions and the effect of in- are needed for managing biodiversity.
terventions, and explore patterns of inva- Every effort should be made to keep rep-
sive species. Such insights are improving resentative areas, such as protected ar-
our ability to plan, assess, and monitor eas, free of alien species. However, in
control operations. the increasingly human-dominated ma-
 The harmful effects of invasive species are trix, more pragmatic approaches will be
recognized in many parts of the world needed. For example, management may
and integrated strategies have been im- in many cases be more effectively directed
plemented to reduce current and fu- toward building and maintaining ecosys-
ture impacts. We have reviewed ex- tems capable of delivering key ecosys-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

citing developments in risk assessment, tem services than attempting to steer de-
pathway management, early detection graded ecosystems back to some historic
and rapid response, and mitigation and pristine, alien-free condition, which may
restoration. be futile.
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

1. Invasive species are increasing in number, extent, and influence worldwide as a result of
increasing globalization.
2. Harmful ecological effects of biological invasions are recognized in many parts of the
world. Invasive species cause rapid and dramatic ecosystem degradation, loss of biodi-
versity, and homogenization of regional biotas, and they impact on ecosystem services
and on human health and well-being.
3. Translation of ecological effects of biological invasions into monetary terms is still in its
infancy, but the limited data available point to invasive species incurring huge economic
costs in many sectors, notably agriculture, forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, the pet trade,
and nature conservation.
4. Understanding of the ecological consequences of biological invasions is improving, but
better metrics for quantifying impacts must be developed and applied to allow for the
objective prioritization of species to help in prioritizing action and to facilitate the transfer
of information between regions.
5. Invasion ecology is profiting from its interlinkage with other disciplines such as conser-
vation biology, restoration ecology, global change biology, and reintroduction ecology,
but better integration of ecological perspectives with socioeconomic considerations is
6. Rapid development of new technologies has improved our ability to assess, monitor,
and plan control operations, and integrated strategies are starting to be implemented to
reduce current and future impacts of invasive species. Biosecurity policies and strategies
must be updated regularly to capitalize on new findings. • Management of Biological Invasions 47

EG35CH02-Pysek ARI 18 September 2010 6:55

7. Management needs to focus on early stages of the invasion process for which recent de-
velopments in risk assessment, pathway and vector management, and early detection and
rapid response provide a solid foundation; prevention is more effective than mitigation
and restoration after invasion has taken place.
8. More pragmatic approaches have to be considered in some situations. For example, in
some cases, management may be most efficiently directed toward building and maintain-
ing novel ecosystems capable of delivering key ecosystem services, rather than attempting
to restore degraded ecosystems to alien-free conditions.
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

1. Invasion ecology is rapidly becoming interlinked and interweaved with other disci-
plines, such as conservation biology, restoration ecology, global change biology, and
reintroduction ecology. New frameworks are required for integrating insights from dis-
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

parate disciplines, for example, to integrate ecological perspectives with socioeconomic

2. Better metrics are needed for quantification of impacts to allow for the objective pri-
oritization of species for action and to facilitate the transfer of information between
3. Biosecurity policies and strategies are being implemented without adequate conceptual-
ization and verification of keystone assumptions. Every aspect of such policies needs to
be researched with a view to improving their scientific underpinnings.
4. Among the many pressing questions for research associated with the repair of ecosystems
following the removal of invasive species are those relating to legacy effects, secondary
invasions, and predicting ecosystem responses to different forms of manipulation. Pos-
sibilities for managing some invaded systems most effectively as novel ecosystems need
careful consideration.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

This review resulted partly from research carried out on EU-funded projects PRATIQUE (KBBE-
212459), ALARM (GOCECT-2003-506675), and DAISIE (contract no. SSPI-CT-2003-511202),
and it was supported by long-term research plans AV0Z60050516 from the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, MSM0021620828 and grant LC06073 (both from the Ministry of Education,
Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic) to P.P. D.M.R. acknowledges support from the DST-
NRF Center of Excellence for Invasion Biology; the National Research Foundation, South Africa;
and the Hans Sigrist Foundation. We thank Pam Matson for comments on the manuscript, and
Montserrat Vilà, Zuzana Sixtová, and Jan Pergl for assistance.

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Disciplines Factors affecting biodiversity Responses

Habitat disturbance

Restoration Habitat fragmentation Restoration plans

Habitat destruction

Global Climate change Abatement policies

biology Pollution Strategies for
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

sustainable use

ecology National
Alien species conservation
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.


Conservation Loss of pollinators Protected areas


Species extinctions/
loss of keystone
Reintroduction ecosystem services

Managed Species extinctions/

relocation National
loss of keystone
(assisted conservation
migration) strategies
ecosystem services

Figure 1
Invasion ecology has emerged as a discrete field, partly in response to the escalating level of threat that invasive species pose to global
biodiversity together with other factors. The field of invasion ecology is increasingly drawing insights from (and lending some to) other
disciplines that have themselves evolved in response to challenges in biodiversity conservation. • Management of Biological Invasions C-1

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.








(population & community-level impacts)

(main ecosystem-level impacts)
18 September 2010

Alien Alien
Casual Naturalized ANTHROPOGENIC Casual Naturalized
wn Invasive


e aliens alter habitat

a lm
I nv
MUTUALISM aliens benefit mutualists

b Prevention Cure

d feasible







Casual Naturalized
Casual Naturalized

Figure 2
The naturalization-invasion continuum [modified from Richardson et al. (8)], depicting (a) the barriers that an invasive species must overcome during invasion and
(b) losses in transitions among stages. (c) The type and magnitude of impact on native biota and environment increases from population and species to community and
ecosystem effects, and (d ) measures to mitigate the effects of invasion need to be appropriate for the given stage of invasion. (e) The outcome of invasion of an introduced
species results from a complex interplay of a number of factors, including mutualistic relationships with both native and other alien biota, and may result in invasional
meltdown [modified from Richardson et al. (13)].
EG35-FM ARI 18 September 2010 7:49

Annual Review of
and Resources

Volume 35, 2010

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

Preface p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pv
Who Should Read This Series? p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pvii
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.

I. Earth’s Life Support Systems

Human Involvement in Food Webs
Donald R. Strong and Kenneth T. Frank p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Invasive Species, Environmental Change and Management, and Health
Petr Pyšek and David M. Richardson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Klaus Kümmerer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p57

II. Human Use of Environment and Resources

Competing Dimensions of Energy Security: An International
Benjamin K. Sovacool and Marilyn A. Brown p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p77
Global Water Pollution and Human Health
René P. Schwarzenbach, Thomas Egli, Thomas B. Hofstetter, Urs von Gunten,
and Bernhard Wehrli p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 109
Biological Diversity in Agriculture and Global Change
Karl S. Zimmerer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 137
The New Geography of Contemporary Urbanization and the
Karen C. Seto, Roberto Sánchez-Rodrı́guez, and Michail Fragkias p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 167
Green Consumption: Behavior and Norms
Ken Peattie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 195

EG35-FM ARI 18 September 2010 7:49

III. Management, Guidance, and Governance of Resources and Environment

Cities and the Governing of Climate Change
Harriet Bulkeley p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 229
The Rescaling of Global Environmental Politics
Liliana B. Andonova and Ronald B. Mitchell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 255
Climate Risk
Nathan E. Hultman, David M. Hassenzahl, and Steve Rayner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 283
Evaluating Energy Efficiency Policies with Energy-Economy Models
Luis Mundaca, Lena Neij, Ernst Worrell, and Michael McNeil p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 305
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2010.35:25-55. Downloaded from

The State of the Field of Environmental History

J.R. McNeill p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 345
by University of Bern on 10/24/10. For personal use only.


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 379


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Contents ix

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