Oral Antidiabetic Drugs in Pregnancy: The Other Alternative
Oral Antidiabetic Drugs in Pregnancy: The Other Alternative
Oral Antidiabetic Drugs in Pregnancy: The Other Alternative
In Brief
The use of oral antidiabetic drugs in pregnancy is an accepted treatment modali-
ty for women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). This efficacious option
provides physicians more choices that, in turn, translate into more complex
decision making for the management of GDM. However, regardless of the
mode of therapy, whole patient care (glucose monitoring, education, diet adher-
from Pregnancy
ence, and so forth) will determine overall success in managing this disease and
the fetus during pregnancy is founded receive either glyburide (n = 201; ini- 1–6% of their SMBG results in the
on its inability to cross the placenta. tial dose 2.5 mg orally, increasing by 5 hypoglycemic range (< 40 mg/dl).
The majority of drugs used in preg- mg to a total of 20 mg) or insulin (n = The glyburide- and insulin-treated
from Pregnancy
nancy cross the placenta. Thus, even if 203; initial dose 0.7 units/kg subcuta- groups had similar rates of preeclampsia
Attributes of Glyburide
Glyburide is the most common oral
agent used in GDM and is wholeheart-
edly endorsed by authoritative organi-
zations. The drug increases insulin
secretion and diminishes insulin resis-
tance by lowering glucose toxicity. Its
onset of action is ~ 4 hours, and its
duration of action is ~ 10 hours. Thus,
after achieving the targeted therapeutic
level, glyburide covers the basal
requirement as well as postprandial
glucose excursions.
The starting dose is 2.5 mg orally Figure 1. Decision tree for pharmacological treatment of GDM.
Diabetes Spectrum Volume 20, Number 2, 2007
(6%) and cesarean section (23–24%). affect the failure rate to achieve target- have comparable psychological pro-
Neonatal outcomes did not differ sig- ed levels of control.40 Therefore, it is files in different ethnic groups.
nificantly between the two groups. not surprising that studies reported However, it is self-evident that given
Furthermore, the groups had similar similar success rates in achieving the choice of insulin injection versus
rates of LGA infants (12 and 13%, desired levels of glycemic control for tablets, patients will invariably prefer
respectively), macrosomia (7 and 4%), insulin- or glyburide-treated patients taking two tablets daily instead of at
lung complications (8 and 6%), hypo- but with unacceptable perinatal out- least three daily injections.
glycemia (9 and 6%), admission to a come in both groups (i.e., LGA or Sulfonylureas are the only oral
neonatal intensive care unit (6 and macrosomia rates of ~ 30–45%). agent group studied in women with
7%), and fetal anomalies (2 and 2%). Hellmuth et al.41 and Jacobson et GDM in randomized controlled trials.
Hypoglycemia is the main side al. had similar success rates to our However, other oral hypoglycemic
effect of glyburide treatment in non- study but significantly higher rates of agents may have an even greater ther-
pregnant women. However, the adverse outcome. In a randomized apeutic effect in controlling abnormal
majority of women with type 2 dia- study,43 we found comparable preg- levels of glycemia. Although the evi-
betes who used this drug in the non- nancy outcomes with either glyburide dence suggests that glyburide is as
pregnant state are older than the aver- or insulin therapy. effective as insulin in maintaining
age gravida. Thus, the severity of the Several retrospective and random- desired glycemic levels and results in
hypoglycemia can be less pronounced ized studies have evaluated the effica- comparable outcomes, it should be
in the younger age-group of women cy of oral agents during pregnancy, noted that achievement of both glu-
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