Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus With.4
Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus With.4
Management of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus With.4
Sheryl Salis1, Natasha Vora1, Shefa Syed1, Uma Ram2, Viswanathan Mohan3
Nurture Health Solutions, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, 2Seethapathy Clinic and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 3Madras Diabetes Research Foundation,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) also referred to as hyperglycemia during pregnancy is posing to be a big health concern for
women and is emerging as a major public health problem in India. Early diagnosis and tight glycemic control during pregnancy play a
pivotal role in improving pregnancy outcomes in women with GDM. Once diagnosis is made, lifestyle behavioral changes with medical
nutrition therapy (MNT) and physical activity form the first choice of therapy for the management of GDM. Failure to meet glycemic
goals with these requires the addition of medication/insulin. Regular blood glucose monitoring and record keeping must be encouraged
to improve adherence and review treatment efficacy. MNT for GDM is defined as a “carbohydrate-controlled” meal plan that provides
adequate nutrition along with appropriate weight gain and fetal well-being to meet increased requirements of energy, protein, and
micronutrients, achieve normoglycemia, and prevent nutritional ketosis. Choosing nutrient-dense carbohydrate sources which are low
to moderate in glycemic index and glycemic load with focus on the correct amount and distribution of carbohydrates at meals helps
control postprandial glucose excursions which is the biggest challenge in GDM. Blood glucose levels can be difficult to control in the
morning due to increased insulin resistance secondary to dawn phenomenon seen in women with GDM. Splitting meals at breakfast
has shown to improve post-breakfast blood glucose levels. This article is a comprehensive review of guidelines and scientific literature
for the dietary management of GDM aimed at achieving normoglycemia, ensuring fetal and maternal wellbeing, and preventing
adverse outcomes in pregnancy. The literature has been retrieved from various databases such as “Google Scholar,” “PubMed,” and
“Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews” using relevant keywords related to the topics discussed in this manuscript.
Keywords: Fetal growth and development, gestational diabetes, glucose monitoring, medical nutrition therapy, postpartum, pregnancy
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10.4103/jod.jod_44_21 V. Management of gestational diabetes mellitus with medical nutrition
therapy: A comprehensive review. J Diabetol 2021;12:S52-8.
S52 52
© 2021 Journal of Diabetology | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow
Salis, et al.: Management of GDM with MNT
screened for GDM even if they do not show symptoms. Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) in GDM
Emphasis must be on increasing awareness and taking
According to American Diabetes Association (ADA)
steps to prevent GDM.[4,5]
2021 guidelines, lifestyle behavioral change is an essential
component in the management of GDM.[7]
Glycemic Goals
All national and international guidelines suggest MNT,
Management of blood glucose levels plays a pivotal role together with weight management and physical activity
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in reducing the risk of complications that may occur (PA), as the initial mainstay for the management of
during pregnancy. The aim should be to target the infant’s GDM.[10,11]
birth weight appropriate for gestational age to prevent
the offspring developing non-communicable diseases in An overview of Cochrane systematic reviews elucidated
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the future. Early diagnosis and stringent maternal blood that lifestyle changes (MNT, PA) and SMBG were the
glucose control during pregnancy similar to glycemic level only interventions that showed positive health outcomes
in a normal pregnancy are therefore necessary to reduce for women and their offspring.[12]
risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Glycemic goals are Counseling by a qualified dietitian familiar with the
HbA1c ≤6% achieved without significant hypoglycemia, management of GDM must be done to initiate MNT
fasting plasma glucose ≤90 mg/dL (5.0 mmol/dL), 1-h once diagnosis of GDM is confirmed. PA of 30 min a day
postprandial glucose ≤140 mg/dL (7.8 mmol/dL), and is recommended.[7,10,11] Evidence has shown that lifestyle
2-h postprandial plasma glucose ≤120 mg/dL (6.7 mmol/ modification alone is sufficient to control blood glucose
dL). Women with GDM must monitor their blood glucose in 70–85% of the women who are diagnosed with GDM.[7]
levels at least four times each day: fasting and either 1 or Failure to meet glycemic goals with appropriate MNT and
2 h after each meal.[6-8] PA requires the addition of medication/insulin.[6,13]
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) when used in The WINGS Model of Care (MOC) has shown that
addition to self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) can following a structured program with focussed counseling
help achieve HbA1c targets in pregnancy associated with and regular follow-up helps achieve good pregnancy
diabetes.[7] Recent data suggest that even more stringent outcomes in women with GDM.[14] The management
targets may be necessary to improve outcomes in women protocol includes MNT to be followed for 2 weeks after
with GDM. The goal in pregnancy is to safely increase time diagnosis with GDM, following which screening for
in range as quickly as possible, while reducing glycemic fasting blood glucose (FBG) and postprandial blood
variability and time above range [Figure 1]. However, as glucose (PPBG) testing is done. If FBG is <5.5 mmol/L
shown in Table 1, evidence is lacking on CGM targets and (<90 mg/dL) or 1-h PPBG <7.7 mmol/L (<140 mg/dL) or
percentages of time spent in range for women with GDM.[9] 2-h PPBG <6.6 mmol/L (<120 mg/dL) in the follow-up
visit, then MNT can be continued. If blood glucose levels
are not in the desired range after 2 weeks, then insulin is
MNT for GDM is defined as a “carbohydrate-controlled”
meal plan which provides adequate nutrition with
appropriate weight gain and fetal well-being, keeping
cultural preferences in mind to achieve normoglycemia
and prevent nutritional ketosis.[16-19]
Monitoring weight changes is important to ensure
adequacy of MNT and to gain weight within the
recommended limits as shown in Table 2.[11]
For twin pregnancy, a gestational weight gain of 16.8–
24.5 kg for women of normal weight, 14.1–22.7 kg for
overweight women, and 11.3–19.1 kg for obese women is
recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM).[20]
Interventions need to begin in the first trimester for
women at high risk for excessive weight gain.[17]
Energy Recommendations
MNT should allow sufficient calories for optimum growth
Figure 1: CGM-based targets for gestational diabetes populations[9] and development of the fetus, while avoiding postprandial
S54 54 Journal of Diabetology ¦ Volume 12 ¦ Supplement 5 ¦ July 2021
Salis, et al.: Management of GDM with MNT
be 20% of energy, of which 30 g can be visible fat. It is women and could reduce the risk of GDM. A meta-analysis
recommended to increase proportion of polyunsaturated showed that probiotic supplementation reduced fasting
fats including n-3 and monounsaturated fats (MUFA), serum insulin levels and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR)
limit proportion of saturated fats (SFA), and avoid trans significantly in women with GDM when compared with
fats. It is recommended to choose lean meat and low women with normal pregnancy. Effectiveness of probiotic
fat dairy products to limit SFA consumption. Bakery food supplements is dependent on various factors such as
products, margarine, vanaspati/dalda, ready-to-eat foods, anaerobic storage conditions, temperature, initial dose of
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deep fried foods, high fat sweets, and takeaway foods the strain, and its quality.[11,45]
should be avoided as they are sources of trans fat.[22]
Whether modification of gut microbiota is an effective
Co-relation between low levels of n-3 and n-6 during tool in improving glycemic outcomes is inconclusive.[11]
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Walnuts, chia seeds, and fish are good sources of omega Increased calcium needs may be met by MNT alone (1.2 g/
3 fatty acids. A minimum intake of 350 g of fish/week is day recommended); however, in women with low dietary
recommended of which 200 g should be fatty fish.[11] Low calcium intake (<1 g/day), supplementation of 0.3–2.0 g/
mercury fishes such as Indian salmon, anchovy, catfish, day is advised to preserve bone density, maternal calcium
pomphret, etc. can be consumed.[34] balance, and support fetal development.[47]
Nuts while being low in carbohydrates are a good source Evidence supporting vitamin D supplementation for
of MUFA, protein, fiber, and antioxidants. Studies have improving pregnancy outcomes is limited.[46]
shown that when a snack containing carbohydrate and The demand for iron increases in pregnancy, from 0.8
SFA are replaced with raw unsalted nuts, it helps improve to up to 7.5 mg/day of absorbed ferritin. The risk of
glycemic control in individuals with T2DM. This may also developing iron deficiency anemia increases in pregnancy;
hold true in women with GDM.[40,41] hence, supplementation with 30–60 mg/day of elemental
iron is recommended.[46]
Sugar Substitutes Zhang and Rawal[48] reviewed that there is a potential link
The use of sugar substitutes during pregnancy has increased between increased risk of GDM with higher iron status.
in the recent decades with approximately 30% of the pregnant As iron supplementation is often prescribed to prevent or
women reporting intentional sugar substitute consumption.[42] treat iron deficiency anemia, the potential association of
Sucralose and stevia are safest for consumption in a higher GDM risk with higher iron status warrants more
pregnant women. There is limited research on the safety research.
of acesulfame-K and polyols during pregnancy. Saccharin Total intake of ~600 μg/day of folic acid is recommended
is not recommended for pregnant women as placenta for all reproductive age women from at least 1 month
concentrates saccharin avidly. Aspartame must be prior to conception until at least 12 weeks of gestation.[47]
restricted in pregnant women with hyperphenylalaninemia.
Plows et al.[49] found limited evidence for nutritional
In the recent times, there are growing concerns that sugar supplementation of myo-inositol, vitamins D and B6,
substitutes cause gut dysbiosis. While there is some evidence, magnesium, selenium, zinc, fatty acids, and probiotics in
further studies are needed to elucidate the potential impact improvement of glycemic control or to prevent GDM.
of sugar substitutes on intestinal microbiota.[43,44]
Since data concerning the use of sugar substitutes during Physical Activity
pregnancy are limited, caution must be exercised for their
The WINGS-MOC study by Anjana et al.[50] showed that
use well within the recommended acceptable daily intake
PA levels are inadequate among pregnant women with
and without GDM. The study indicated that a low-cost,
culturally appropriate MOC can result in significant
Probiotics improvements in PA in women with GDM and is
Studies have shown that the use of probiotics is associated associated with improved glycemic control and pregnancy
with improved lipid and glucose metabolism in pregnant outcomes.
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