Tutorial 101 Com3706
Tutorial 101 Com3706
Tutorial 101 Com3706
Communication Research
Semesters 1 & 2
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 PURPOSE OF AND OUTCOMES FOR THE MODULE............................................................... 4
2.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Outcomes .................................................................................................................................... 4
3 LECTURER(S) AND CONTACT DETAILS................................................................................... 5
3.1 Lecturer(s) ................................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Department .................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 University .................................................................................................................................... 5
4 MODULE-RELATED RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 6
4.1 Prescribed books ........................................................................................................................ 6
4.2 Recommended books ................................................................................................................. 7
4.3 Electronic Reserves (e-Reserves) ............................................................................................. 7
4.4 Library services and resources information ............................................................................. 7
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES FOR THE MODULE ............................................................... 8
6 MODULE-SPECIFIC STUDY PLAN ............................................................................................. 9
7 MODULE PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .................................... 9
8 ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................................................. 9
8.1 Assessment criteria .................................................................................................................... 9
8.2 Assessment plan ...................................................................................................................... 10
8.3 General assignment numbers .................................................................................................. 10
8.3.1 Unique assignment numbers ................................................................................................... 11
8.3.2 Due dates for assignments ...................................................................................................... 11
8.4 Submission of assignments..................................................................................................... 11
8.5 Assignments ............................................................................................................................. 13
9 OTHER ASSESSMENT METHODS ........................................................................................... 32
10 EXAMINATION ........................................................................................................................... 32
11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................ 33
12 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 37
SOURCES CONSULTED....................................................................................................................... 37
Dear Student
The content of this module also poses specific challenges, such as that one has to understand
each concept fully before one can apply any theory to practical situations. It is expected of
students on this level to actively engage in self-study, to do additional thorough reading, and to
present assignments of good quality meeting the minimum requirements as stated on the mark
COM3706 does not have a venue-based examination. The module consists of an assignment
(01) and a portfolio (assignment 03). The content of this module is developmental by nature
because assignment 01 is the first part of your portfolio. Assignment 01 is the theoretical
foundation of the portfolio. In this assignment you will explain and provide detail on how you
plan to conduct the research. You will relate concepts to the actual research to be done, explain
which theoretical foundation will be applicable, et cetera. Lecturers will assess assignment 01
and provide feedback as well as guidelines for revision and improvement in order to meet the
minimum requirements as per the mark scheme. The same (improved and revised) assignment
is then used for the portfolio. Once the corrections and improvements to assignment 01 have
been done, half of your portfolio has actually been completed.
This tutorial letter contains two mark schemes which have to be used. You will notice that the
mark scheme for assignment 01 is repeated in the second mark scheme. That is because the
portfolio headings on the second mark scheme have to be added to those assignment 01
headings. The headings applicable to the portfolio represent the actual reporting of the research
done. Answers to all the headings on the second mark scheme (for assignment 03, the
portfolio) constitute the portfolio for examination purposes.
The content of all tutorial letters is important. Tutorial letter 101 contains generic detail as well
as the assignments and the mark scheme for assignments 01 and 03. The information
contained in this tutorial letter is applicable to both semesters and study material is only
available in English. Familiarise yourself with the closing dates of assignments as there is NO
extension on any assignment. Tutorial letters 201 and 202 contain extensive feedback on
assignments 01 and 02. Tutorial letters also contain detail on what to do if you fail the module,
qualify for a supplementary examination or if you are identified as a FI student, and we address
the issue of one-on-one assistance available to specific students (it remains each person’s
choice and decision whether they want to use the option of offer or not).
It is essential that you not underestimate the amount of work involved or the time it will take to
do the portfolio and that you start working on this module the moment you receive the study
material. Also bear in mind that if you are not comfortable with research methodology or the
scientific concepts and their application to research, you will need much more time to become
conversant with these before being able to apply them in practice.
Purchase the prescribed book as soon as possible, STUDY, re-read, highlight, summarise, note
all the important detail in this tutorial letter relating to each assignment, and draw up a schedule
reflecting your important dates and activities.
Good luck with your studies and we are look forward to being of assistance.
2.1 Purpose
The purposes of this module on communication research are not only to equip learners with the
theoretical knowledge and practical research skills (techniques and methods), but also to
2.2 Outcomes
In order for students to master the goals and objectives of the module, it is assumed that they
Students who have met the outcomes of the module will be able to demonstrate an
understanding, and apply their knowledge of research principles, techniques and methods in
diverse communication contexts.
3.1 Lecturer(s)
Please do not send the same e-mail to more than one person. If you do, the first recipient
will be the only person responding. When you contact the university, make sure that your
student number, module code (COM3706), your postal address, and telephone number are at
hand, and that you speak up so that we can hear you.
3.2 Department
3.3 University
PO Box 392
Preller Street
This physical address needs to be used when assignments or the portfolio is sent to the
Assignment section via registered mail, or courier.
Unisa contact via e-mail
Once you register, you are automatically assigned an e-mail address at Unisa. It consists of
your student number@mylife.unisa.ac.za. Unisa will use ONLY this e-mail address when
communicating with you. Please ensure that you also use this address when interacting with
Unisa electronically, and always indicate which module the enquiry relates to. If you experience
any problems with myUnisa, you need to send an e-mail to mylifehelp@unisa.ac.za with ONLY
your student number in the subject line. Please provide as much detail about the difficulty
Do not wait until you receive the study material in the post before starting with your studies.
Access the material on myUnisa and buy the prescribed book. You cannot come to Unisa and
collect or ask for study material. All study material is dispatched to students and is NOT kept at
the main campus in Pretoria. Academic departments can also not supply copies of the study
material (study guide and tutorial letters).
Please keep your study material (after submitting the portfolio) for in case you fail the module
and need to revise the portfolio. Unisa will NOT provide you with a second set of study material.
If you have disposed of yours you will have to purchase the material.
COM3706 is based on one prescribed book, one study guide and a number of tutorial letters
which you will receive during the course of the semester. No other material or sources are
required. It is vitally important that you READ your study material and accept responsibility for
your own studies. Your study material (study guide and tutorial letters) will be provided by the
university. The correct study material is also available on myUnisa ― under the option Study
material ― and you can access and print it.
There is ONLY prescribed book for this module and you have to purchase as soon as
Du Plooy, GM. 2009. Communication research: techniques, methods and applications. 2nd
Edition. Wetton, Cape Town:Juta.
ISBN NUMBER: 978-0-70217-710-1
The ISBN number of the book changes with each reprint of the book. We are not informed when
reprinting is done. Just ensure you get the latest edition of the book with this title. The
prescribed book is also available as an e-book. Both the assignments and the examination are
based on the contents of the prescribed book. You cannot pass the examination without the
prescribed book.
Familiarise yourself with the Disciplinary Code for Students as well as the contents of Tutorial
Letter CMNALLE/301 and refrain from plagiarising.
There are no recommended books applicable to this module. You are, however, required to
use three other sources (articles, books, other publications) apart from the study guide
and prescribed book when completing assignment 01 and assignment 03.
Study guide
Du Plooy, T. 2001. Only study guide for COM3706: Communication Research. Pretoria:
University of South Africa.
Tutorial letters
You should receive a tutorial letter after the closing date of each assignment. Be on the lookout
for these tutorial letters and if you do not receive them, access and/or print them on myUnisa.
The brochure Studies @ Unisa contains important information, such as guidance in terms of
time management, planning skills, and guidelines with regard to the examination and
preparation for the examination. The brochure is an A–Z guide of the most relevant study
information. Use the contact detail for various sections and departments to channel your
specific enquiries. Lecturers do not have access to all the systems and records and are not be
able to assist with enquiries other than those related to the subject matter.
Unisa has entered into partnerships with establishments (referred to as Telecentres) in various
locations across South Africa to enable you (as a Unisa student) free access to computers and
the Internet. This access enables you to conduct the following academic related activities:
registration; online submission of assignments; engaging in e-tutoring activities and signature
courses; etc. Please note that any other activity outside of these are for your own costing e.g.
printing, photocopying, etc. For more information on the Telecentre nearest to you, please visit
Unisa keeps on striving for excellence and this is also evident in the distribution of study
material and your submission of assignments. Innovative initiatives and partnerships (similar to
those between SKYNET and the Pepcor group reached in 2015), are available and should be
used. SKYNET may not necessarily deliver your study material at your residential address, but
to your nearest post office. Please check at your post office regularly (if that option is applicable
for delivery of your study material) and collect the study material as soon as possible. If you wait
too long before you collect from the post office, the post office sends the study material back to
Participating on myUnisa
myUnisa is an electronic forum where students interact with the lecturers and other students.
Discussions and announcements are done via myUnisa and it is of particular importance that
you check this forum regularly and that you use some of the information in postings related to
specific headings when doing assignments 01 and 03. Study material is also available on
myUnisa (under the Study material option). You are strongly advised to register on myUnisa
and to also join an E-tutor group (when assigned to one). The easy step-by-step instructions are
available in the brochure my Studies @ Unisa.
Lecturers in the department do not offer face-to-face classes. Unisa offers online tutorials (e-
tutoring) to students registered for modules at NQF level 5, 6 and 7. Once you have been
registered for a qualifying module, you will be allocated to a group of students with whom you
will be interacting during the tuition period as well as an e-tutor who will be your tutorial
facilitator. You will then receive an SMS informing you about your group, the name of your e-
tutor and instructions on how to log onto myUnisa in order to receive further information on the
e-tutoring process. Any module code on myUnisa with –E means is the identifier of an E-tutor
group. All enquiries related to E-tutor registrations and allocations should be directed to Ms A
Mukwevho at mukwea@unisa.ac.za.
Online tutorials are conducted by qualified E-Tutors who are appointed by Unisa and are offered
free of charge. It is the role of the e-tutor to guide you through your study material during this
interaction process. Assignments and activities posted on these groups are posted by the E-
tutor and should not be submitted to Unisa via myUnisa. Enquiries about these activities and
assignments need to be directed at your E-tutor. All you need to be able to participate in e-
tutoring is a computer with internet connection. If you live close to a Unisa regional Centre or a
Telecentre contracted with Unisa, please feel free to visit any of these to access the internet.
On-screen marking
Assignments submitted manually are marked by hand and sent back via normal postal service.
Unisa cannot indicate when the post office will deliver your marked assignments. We can,
however, confirm that once an assignment has been marked, the marks are recorded by the
Assignment section and that the marked assignment is then automatically posted back to you at
the same time. The marks awarded for any assignment will also appear on myUnisa once
recorded by the Assignment section.
8.2 Assessment plan
If you are registered for semester 1, you do assignments 01, 02 and 03 for semester 1. If you
are registered for semester 2, you do assignments 01, 02 and 03 for semester 2. Assignment
01 is the same for semester 1 and semester 2, is compulsory and provides admission to the
examination. The mark for assignment 01 does not contribute to your final mark.
Assignment 01 deals with the first nine (9) headings of the mark scheme, forms the first half of
your portfolio and addresses the technical aspects related to the research issue and research to
be done (it sets the scene for some of the research methodological aspects which will be used
later in your research). All the information provided in this assignment has to relate to the theme
of the main research issue as per the heading of the task.
In practice it means:
Assignment 03 is the portfolio and consists of a revised and improved assignment 01 plus the
information related to the headings on the mark scheme (from data-collection to conclusion)
which relate to the actual research done.
Assignments 01 and 02 are returned to you but assignment 03 is NOT returned to you after the
examination. The reason being that the Department of Education requires that Unisa keep
portfolios for three years. You have to keep copies of all documents submitted to Unisa. If a
copy is required, you have to contact the Examination section and pay the applicable fee. No
memorandum will be made available with a requested copy (in terms of paragraph 32 of the
university rules), and marked examination documents do not have comments.
There are no specific sections of the prescribed book applicable to assignments or the
portfolio. The content of the prescribed book is not presented in the same chronological order
as the headings applicable to assignment 01 and/or the portfolio. All the study material (that
implies the whole prescribed book and study guide, tutorial letters) are applicable to both
assignments and the portfolio.
We refer to ‘assignments’ and the ‘portfolio’ (which is also an assignment) respectively. There
are three (3) assignments set for this module. Every assignment has a specific general number
(01, 02 and 03) which distinguishes assignments from one another and relate to the
assessment plan for each module. Ensure you always have the correct assignment number on
the respective documents which you submit (if the portfolio is submitted as assignment 01, it will
be assessed as such).
Each assignment also has a unique assignment number which links your assignments to our
subject code, and confirms the type of assignment submitted. The following unique assignment
numbers apply for 2018:
Assignment 01 (compulsory) 2 March 2018
Assignment 02 (contributes to semester mark) 20 April 2018
Assignment 03 (examination portfolio) 4 May 2018
Assignment 03 (supplementary examination portfolio) 12 October 2018
Assignment 01 (compulsory) 17 August 2018
Assignment 02 (contributes to semester mark) 14 September 2018
Assignment 03 (examination portfolio) 12 October 2018
Assignment 03 (supplementary examination portfolio) 19 April 2019
There is NO extension for the submission of assignment and an examination date cannot be
If the time of submitting the portfolio falls within any religious festivities or activities, please
ensure that you do the portfolio well in advance of these and that you hand it in before they
commence. There is ample time to realise and accommodate this.
Assignments submitted on myUnisa may ONLY be in MS Word or pdf. format. The font size to
be used in your written assignments must be 12 pt. No blocks around text, no colour and no
large fonts are to be used in any written assignment. You may also NOT zip any files, hand in
more than one document or make more than one submission per assignment number.
Electronic documents may not exceed 10Mb and only the first 35 typed pages and 40 hand-
written pages of a portfolio is marked (this includes the applicable advertisements).
The Assignment section will cancel your submitted document (and send you an SMS informing
you of the cancellation) if
All enquiries dealing with cancelled assignments need to be directed to the Assignment section.
Electronic submissions
You have to have evidence of submission of the portfolio. That is why we require
submission via myUnisa or with a track-and-trace number from the post office or courier. If
myUnisa is down or unavailable on the closing date for submission of an assignment, you need
to notify the module coordinator as soon as possible so that the matter can be addressed
officially. Action or decisions in this regard will be posted on myUnisa and an SMS will be sent if
possible. The university can unfortunately not take responsibility or assist if you experience any
computer or electronic problems; if your computer was stolen; if you do not have any backups of
your documents; if the post office is on strike; or if you put an assignment in a Unisa postbox
and the assignment does not reach the Assignment section. These problems are your own
responsibility and you will NOT be able to re-submit any assignment as a result of any of these
When submitting your assignments via myUnisa, please make sure that you submit the correct
document with the correct assignment number, and correct unique assignment number. You
have to follow all the steps and receive a confirmation that each document submitted has in fact
been received. Check on myUnisa the next day to ensure there is a date in the PROCESSED
column (that date indicates when Unisa received the document). If there is no date in that
column, you need to contact the Assignment section immediately.
Assignments can also be submitted via snail mail (sent via post office) or via an official Unisa
mailbox on campus but we do not recommend you use these options because you have no
evidence of submission. You are urged NOT to submit the portfolio via snail mail or via a
regional centre mailbag, or even via a Unisa postbox. The portfolio represents an examination
and we require you to submit electronically via myUnisa, or via registered mail or by
means of a courier.
You are also required to keep a copy of any and all assignments and the portfolio before
submitting anything. If a copy of the portfolio is requested from the Examination section, you
have to pay the applicable fee.
All enquiries relating to the submission of any assignment have to be addressed to the
Assignment section.
8.5 Assignments
Both assignment 01 and assignment 03 have to include the technical presentation and answers
to the self-assessment. The mark for technical presentation is NOT added to the final mark of
assignment 01 as it inflates the actual mark obtained for the content. This mark is, however,
added to the final mark for the portfolio. No marks are awarded for the self-assessment in
assignment 01 because it also inflates the final mark of the assignment. You do, however, get
marks for the detail in the self-assessment in assignment 03 (portfolio). These marks very often
make the difference between passing and failing the module.
You can view the marks allocated for each assignment on myUnisa before the assignment
reaches you. The mark of assignment 01 is only indicative of how well you met the requirements
provided on the mark scheme as the marks are awarded according to the criteria-based mark
scheme. A good mark in assignment 01 does NOT guarantee a pass in the examination. You
also have to obtain good marks for the headings related to the actual research done. Do take
note of the discussion on the calculation of the final mark.
In order to do this task and meet the minimum requirements, you have to:
Study section 6.7 in Du Plooy (2009:356—388), and pages 218 to 221 in the study guide
and use the relevant detail in Tutorial Letter 102 when doing assignments 01 and 03.
Select four of the eight domains listed by Du Plooy (2009:360—362 and extensively
illustrated in Du Plooy 2001:371—388) used to measure internal communication by means
of the ICA communication audit questionnaire on which your research would be based.
The presentation of your whole assignment (and portfolio) has to refer to and include these
Your selected research problem or issue and your selected organisation would to a large
extent determine which of the eight topic areas will be included in your self-administered
questionnaire. You need to state which four topic areas your research will address before
formulating your assumptions and sub-issues.
Your survey has to have an introductory letter and contain a heading Demographics with
gender as option.
You have to investigate communication as currently being experienced versus the
ideal in the organisation. These two aspects have to be addressed in your
Include an open-experience form at the end of each topic area. See Du Plooy (2001:373)
for an example.
Obtain and include an official letter (signed and on an official letterhead) from an
institution/organisation in which a senior official declares that you conducted the research
at that organisation.
You may not repeat the task performed and commented on in the study guide.
The task performed and commented on in the study guide concentrates on the evaluation of
interpersonal communication as currently being experienced versus the ideal in a particular
educational institution.
Present your assignment 01 according to the headings of the mark scheme below.
Ensure that you provide detail to each of the items listed under each heading.
A criteria-based mark scheme is used. Where the marks are only reflected in the Max column,
they are equal to the number of criteria needing a mark in the descriptive column (e.g. under
MAIN ISSUE detail on the nature of your research design (approach); the time dimension
applicable to the research; the objectives (action); the issue to be researched; and the method
which will be used are required. Here it is obvious that one mark will be awarded for each
answer related to each of these criteria).
Marks appearing in brackets after a requirement (criteria) in the descriptive column indicate the
number of marks applicable to that specific criteria (e.g. Operationalise the 4 selected topic
areas of your research (4) means that you need to explain each of the four topic areas to get
one mark per explanation (4). Substantiate each (explanation) with an appropriate example (4)
implies one mark per appropriate example (4).
You have to present your assignment according to the headings on the mark scheme on
the following page.
Declaration (Statement, tutorial letter, name and student number, witness) 4 0
Table of Contents (Layout, typography, headings, page numbers, sources,
6 0
Sources in text (At least 4 sources, correct acknowledgement, correct
4 0
referenced, no plagiarism)
Sources consulted (Alphabetical in 1 list, correct typography, complete, all
4 0
sources acknowledged)
Other: spelling, grammar, typing errors, typography, format, no columns or
4 0
blocks, addenda, et cetera
Before submitting assignments 01 and 03, make sure that you meet the following criteria
related to the technical presentation:
Others as an entry refers to correct spelling, correct typography, no personal forms of address,
correct layout of document according to mark scheme headings, inclusion of required addenda,
et cetera.
Once the technical presentation has been checked, you need to include answers to your self-
assessment and self-reflection on a separate page after the list of sources consulted. The
answers to the questions below have to relate to the actual assignment or portfolio done.
What have you learnt (what knowledge have you gained) by doing the portfolio task?
What skills, abilities and orientations (attitudes and values) have you accomplished?
Which strengths could you apply in your future life and work environment?
Which shortcomings do you need to address in future?
To what extent have you achieved the learning outcomes formulated for each study unit?
(List the learning outcomes which you have achieved. No marks are awarded if these
are not listed).
Correcting Assignment 01
Once we have assessed assignment 01, we will comment on the assignment and give you
some feedback in the assignment as well as by means of a tutorial letter. On receiving the
marked assignment back, you need to revise, correct and update the assignment to ensure the
minimum requirements on the mark scheme are met. If you do NOT get assignment 01 back at
least one month before the portfolio is due, please use your copy, the mark scheme and tutorial
letters and do a paragraph-by-paragraph comparison in order to make the corrections.
You are also most welcome to contact the module coordinator if you need assistance when
doing any assignment, or when doing the corrections. We urge you to start working on the
portfolio once you have done assignment 01 because that will allow enough time for questions
and clarification if needed.
Assignment 02
The mark that you obtain for assignment 02 has a 20% credit-bearing value towards your final
mark. This implies that 20% of the mark that you obtain for assignment 02 counts as your
semester mark.
Q1 Different sources of communication research issues exist. Which source would be the
most appropriate in the following scenario?
Q3 You are developing a conceptual (theoretical) model of the communication processes
that take place when the management of a specific organisation disseminates
messages to employees.
Read the following research issue and identify which criteria or information are missing
or have not been mentioned and should ideally have been included.
A survey to explore and describe UNISA students’ reasons for attending the satellite
discussion classes for communication research.
Q5 Which would be an appropriate sub-issue that you would formulate when conducting
research described in the scenario below?
You are conducting a survey to explore and describe whether and why UNISA students
attend the satellite discussion classes for communication research.
An appropriate sub-issue is … .
Study the following advertising scenario and answer the THREE questions that follow below.
A thematic analysis of television advertising of food aimed at children found that the following
promotional appeals were used: pleasure, humour, fantasy, fear, appearance, popularity and
Q10 Previous research suggests that animation is an effective way in capturing young
children’s attention in educational television programmes. You want to explore and
describe whether and how frequently animation (such as animated drawings and
puppets) is actually applied by a specific television station’s educational television
programmes over a period of a year.
The measuring instrument that you would use in your study would be … .
Study the following political and television scenario and answer the FIVE questions that follow.
A member of one of the opposition political parties in your country blames one of the national
television stations of broadcasting biased news programmes which favour the ruling political
party. You have been given the task of conducting research to confirm or reject the allegation.
Q12 The ontological assumptions of your research are guided by the .......... theory.
Q13 The most appropriate reliability test that you would apply, is .......... reliability.
(1) item-to-total
(2) split-half
(3) intercoder
(4) expert-jury
Q14 In order to meet the requirement of external validity the following prerequisites have to
be met:
Q15 The following is one of the main ethical issues that you will have to consider in the
Q16 During the analysis of diary entries made by respondents in a survey over a period of 6
months, in the context of organisational communication, you would make use of ..........
(1) nominal
(2) ordinal
(3) pre- and post-coded
(4) cause-and-effect
Q17 In a/an .......... experimental design the control group is not exposed to X and you
compare the experimental group and the control group only after the manipulation of X.
(1) unmodified
(2) post-test only
(3) pre-post test
(4) comparative
Q19 You conduct personal interviews with employees in a company to explore and describe
their opinions about a new language policy that is being introduced by management.
(1) Do you agree with the new language policy being introduced by management?
(2) Are you aware of the details about the proposed new language policy?
(3) Have you heard any criticism about the introduction of the new language policy?
(4) Why, in your opinion, should a new language policy be introduced?
(1) filter
(2) leading
(3) double barrelled
(4) free-narration
Did you read about the negative impact on the freedom of speech which the new law
will cause?
Select and place a tick next to one of the following options:
Strongly agree
Neither agree/nor disagree
Strongly disagree
Do you agree with media specialists’ views about the negative impact on the freedom of
speech which the new law will cause?
Q4 In the context of reporting communication research the term “register” applies to the … .
(1) mail
(2) computer-administered
(3) group-administered
(4) personal
Q6 During the initial stages of planning a survey in the context of organisational
communication you realise that you would be required to draw a simple random sample
because you want to draw a representative sample from the accessible population.
Q7 The main difference between conducting qualitative versus quantitative content analysis
of the transcripts of responses recorded during focus-group interviews lies in the
………. as requirement(s) according to which qualitative analyses are reported.
Q8 The following percentages represent the responses in a communication audit that you
conducted. The percentages refer to the amount of information respondents receive
now, compared with the amount of information they need to receive from others about
how they are being judged as individuals in their section.
Which option below represents a problem that must be addressed in your report of the
audit? Information received now … .
Q9 You are compiling a report of a communication audit that you conducted as a survey in
a well-known hospital and you want to summarise the responses in a graphic form. The
graph or chart must depict the percentages that represent the extent of the action that is
taken now by subordinates, versus the extent of the action needed to be taken by
subordinates in order for respondents to do their work proficiently.
Q10 When compiling a research report, in which you compare and summarise quantitative
data as percentages, the following must be avoided:
(a) plagiarism
(b) active voice
(c) contractions
(d) personal types of address
(e) inductive reasoning
(f) formal writing style
(g) flow charts
Q11 You are conducting field observations in the community where you reside.
Which of the following statements are TRUE and therefore applicable to field
Some voters accept that all the political reports broadcast on radio and television news
are literally the truth.
(1) double-barrelled
(2) filter
(3) free-narration
(4) contingency
Q13 Which one of the following is an example of an open-ended question, which is
appropriately formulated (as an open-ended question)?
(1) “Which one of these three magazines offers you the best quality?”
(2) “Do you watch television news every evening?”
(3) “Do you agree that Takalani Sesame is an effective educational programme?”
(4) “Why do you prefer watching Egoli as a soap opera?”
Q14 Study the scenario described in the Self-evaluation and portfolio Task 4.3 in the
prescribed book.
Which of the following statements are TRUE and would therefore apply to such a study?
Q16 Study the scenario described in the Self-evaluation and portfolio Task 6.1 in the
prescribed book.
Q17 Study the scenario described in the Self-evaluation and portfolio Task 6.2 in the
prescribed book.
Which of the following statements apply to the study described in this scenario?
Q18 Study the scenario described in the Self-evaluation and portfolio Task 6.3 in the
prescribed book. The questions in your interview schedule commence with “Who?
What? When? Where? Why? How?”
Q19 The scenario described in the Self-evaluation and portfolio Task 6.9 in the prescribed
book serves as background for this question.
The researcher who conducts this study formulates the following as one of the sub-
What are the effects of the use of e-mail on employees’ ability to do their work
In order to research this specific sub-problem, which of the following statements are
(a) The time dimension would have to be longitudinal and cannot be a cross-
sectional study
(b) The survey would have to be a panel study
(c) The target and accessible populations would have to be the same
(d) The employees’ use of e-mail is the dependent variable
(e) A relationship hypothesis would have to be formulated in order to measure
Q20 Complete the following statement by filling in the two spaces with the most appropriate
Assignment 03
In order to do this portfolio and meet the minimum requirements, you have to:
Study section 6.7 in Du Plooy (2009:356—388), and pages 218 to 221 in the study guide
and use the relevant detail in Tutorial Letter 102 when doing assignment 03.
Select four of the eight domains listed by Du Plooy (2009:360—362 and extensively
illustrated in Du Plooy 2001:371—388) used to measure internal communication by means
of the ICA communication audit questionnaire on which your research would be based.
The presentation of your whole assignment (and portfolio) has to refer to and include these
Your selected research problem or issue and your selected organisation would to a large
extent determine which of the eight topic areas will be included in your self-administered
questionnaire. You need to state which four topic areas your research will address before
formulating your assumptions and sub-issues.
Your survey has to have an introductory letter and contain a heading Demographics with
gender as option.
You have to investigate communication as currently being experienced versus the
ideal in the organisation. These two aspects have to be addressed in your
Include an open-experience form at the end of each topic area. See Du Plooy (2001:373)
for an example.
Obtain and include an official letter (signed and on an official letterhead) from an
institution/organisation in which a senior official declares that you conducted the research
at that organisation.
Include a copy of your questionnaire with the open experience forms in your examination
Your self-administered questionnaire must:
meet the minimum criteria that apply to the assessment of a questionnaire (Du Plooy
contain at least four questions per domain or section
include items that test your assumptions and answer the research questions
be distributed to and responses obtained from at least 20 employees of a particular
You may not repeat the task performed and commented on in the study guide. The task
performed and commented on in the study guide concentrates on the evaluation of
interpersonal communication as currently being experienced versus the ideal in a particular
educational institution.
Present your portfolio according to the headings of the mark scheme below. Ensure that
you provide detail to each of the items listed under each heading.
A criteria-based mark scheme is used. Where the marks are only reflected in the Max column,
they are equal to the number of criteria needing a mark in the descriptive column (e.g. under
MAIN ISSUE detail on the nature of your research design (approach); the time dimension
applicable to the research; the objectives (action); the issue to be researched; and the method
which will be used are required. Here it is obvious that one mark will be awarded for each
answer related to each of these criteria).
Marks appearing in brackets after a requirement (criteria) in the descriptive column indicate the
number of marks applicable to that specific criteria (e.g. Operationalise the 4 selected topic
areas of your research (4) means that you need to explain each of the four topic areas to get
one mark per explanation (4). Substantiate each (explanation) with an appropriate example (4)
implies one mark per appropriate example (4).
Present the detail of assignment 03 (portfolio) under the headings of this mark scheme.
Include a completed questionnaire plus 4 completed open-experience forms (2). Introductory
letter included? (1) Does the questionnaire investigate the current versus the ideal
12 0
communication in each of the 4 topic areas? (4). Does the questionnaire meet the minimum
requirements for a questionnaire? (5)
How was quantitative (2) and qualitative (2) data analysed? 4 0
Can the study be replicated? Motivate your claim; why/why not?. (consider the size of sample
2 0
and sampling method).
Code and tally closed-ended responses (2)
Present the frequency distribution of the current situation compared to the ideal situation for 6 0
each of the 4 topic areas (4).
Describe the findings of your analyses related to the 4 selected topic areas (5x topic area
24 0
=20). Interpret the open-experience form responses (4).
Accept or reject assumptions (4) and substantiate each with evidence from research done
8 0
Draw at least two conclusions, one from quantitative data and one from qualitative data. 2 0
Answer research questions (4) and support each with evidence from research done (4). 8 0
172 0
Divided by 28 0
Sub-total: Multiplied by 11.884 0
1 What have you learnt by doing this portfolio?
2 What skills, abilities, and orientations have you accomplished?
3 What strengths could you apply in your future life and work environment? 5 0
4 What shortcomings do you need to address in future?
5 To what extent have the learning outcomes formulated for this study unit been achieved?
Declaration (Statement, tutorial letter, name and student number, witness) 4 0
Table of Contents (Layout, typography, headings, page numbers, sources, addenda) 6 0
Sources in text (At least 4 sources, correct acknowledgement, correct referenced, no
4 0
Sources consulted (Alphabetical in 1 list, correct typography, complete, all sources
4 0
Other: spelling, grammar, typing errors, typography, format, no columns or blocks, addenda,
4 0
et cetera
No venue-based examination is applicable. You have to submit a portfolio done according to the
mark scheme and requirements as stated in the study material.
Examination results
The mark required in order to pass the module, is 50% (that implies at least more than 62%
in the portfolio plus the semester mark).
Examination results will be published on myUnisa as soon as they are available. Once the
portfolio has been marked, the marks have to be verified, signed off by the Dean, recorded
on the system, and are then only released. Academics do not have access to any of these
processes and do not know when the marks are finalised. Direct all enquiries regarding
outstanding examination marks to the Examination section.
Once you submit Assignment 03, xx will be displayed in a column on myUnisa. This xx
represents the mark obtained for that assignment and the xx will be replaced by a mark ONLY
once Unisa has recorded and releases the examination marks. Your final mark can only be
calculated once the portfolio mark is available.
ONLY 80% of the mark obtained for the portfolio contributes to your final mark as the 20% of
the mark obtained for assignment 02 is added to calculate the final mark. This means if you
score 45% in the portfolio only 36% will be recorded for the portfolio. You HAVE TO score more
than 62% in the examination for the portfolio to pass the portfolio with 50%. Add to this your
semester mark and it provides your final mark for the module.
What do I have to do if you have failed the examination, qualify for a supplementary
examination or have been identified as a FI student?
If you fail the module and qualify for a supplementary examination, your letter of results will
indicate Departmental requirement and there will be no further official communication between
the university and you in this regard. ALL the relevant detail needed to revise and improve the
portfolio is in the study material which you already possess. You have to revise and improve
the existing portfolio and hand it in before the next examination opportunity.
The supplementary examination is based on the same portfolio task as contained in this tutorial
letter. You are expected to make corrections and hand in an improved portfolio. Unisa lecturers
cannot identify the gaps and shortcomings (or tell you where you went wrong) in your portfolio.
You have to use the copy of the document which you submitted as assignment 03 together with
the mark scheme, guidelines and the extensive feedback provided in tutorial letters or posted on
myUnisa, and make a paragraph-by-paragraph comparison to determine the gaps in your
portfolio and update or correct the relevant sections. If you hand in the same portfolio without
any improvements, you will fail the supplementary examination as well.
If you qualify for a supplementary examination you have to send a draft of your revised and
improved first nine headings (with a message indicating why it is sent) to the module
coordinator shortly after receiving your examination results. We will then work through the
revised document with you in stages. This will enable us to comment on the document and
provide guidance to ensure that you pass the module.
(FI) or final year students are those who have only one or two modules left to graduate and who
meet the requirements in terms of the applicable policy. You cannot apply to become a FI
student, Unisa identifies these students. FI students also have to follow the above route if the
module needs to be revised.
FI and supplementary students are entitled to individual attention from the module coordinator.
As stated before, it is your choice and Unisa can force nobody to take up this opportunity. If
you plan to contact the module coordinator for assistance after the examination, please ensure
that you do this immediately after the examination results have been released.
It needs to be placed on record that students who fail have no right to demand that Unisa award
them marks in order to pass the module because they wish to register for Honours, or claim that
they did exactly what was required in all the material provided and still failed the module. This is
exceptionally arrogant and unprofessional; least of all it is also immoral and unethical. The
minimum requirements of each module have to be met in order to be awarded the necessary
marks. Unisa as academic institution has to meet various HEQC and other requirements, the
integrity of our standards have to be maintained, and we have to ensure that our qualifications
are recognised throughout the world. Unisa also places a very high premium on honesty,
integrity and respect and we will ensure that these are never compromised. If you are serious
about your studies, make sure that you devote enough time to each module, meet the
requirements, and pass the subject first time around. Liaise and interact with us. That is why we
are here. It remains YOUR responsibility to approach the module coordinator well in advance of
the next examination opportunity if you require assistance and guidance.
If you cannot hand the portfolio in for the examination contact the Examination section. The
department cannot grant permission for anything related to the examinations. Illness on the due
date does not qualify re-submission of the portfolio as it should have been done long before that
due date.
A mark of 50% is required to pass the module. The 40% sub-minimum applicable to the
examination means that if you score less than 40% in the portfolio, you fail the module and you
also do not qualify for a supplementary examination.
Check myUnisa to see whether a submitted assignment has been recorded on the system
(there will be a date in the Processed column). The mark that was allocated for an assignment
and the date on which the assignment was returned to you, will then also be indicated on
myUnisa. If you do not have access to the internet, you will have to wait for the assignment to
reach you via normal mail.
Contact the Assignment section as soon as possible and determine why the assignment was
Ensure that the assignment was received by Unisa and enquire from the Assignment section.
Please send an e-mail to module coordinator with all the relevant detail.
Once assignments have been marked and the marks have been recorded on the system, these
assignments are automatically sent back to students either electronically or via postal service.
We do NOT keep copies of assignments and cannot provide comment on why specific marks
were awarded. If information such as this is needed, you have to wait until you receive the
marked assignment back.
You do NOT have to wait for the marked assignment with comment in order to start working on
the portfolio. You have to use your copy of the submitted assignment and make a comparison
against the tutorial letters provided. If you need help and assistance, contact the module
coordinator. It is recommended that you start this process as soon as possible so as to be able
to seek advice and assistance well in advance of the submission date. Once you get the
marked assignment and comment back, it is easier to then just make the changes where and if
Use the brochure my Studies @ Unisa and the following guide and have your module code
and student number at hand. The following information will also help directing enquiries to the
correct section or department.
E-mail addresses, SMS numbers and fax number for student enquiries
Remember that any e-mail sent to mylifehelp@unisa.ac.za requires ONLY your student number
in the Subject-field. If you experience problems with your password or access to this e-mail
address, please send an SMS to the relevant number of the myUnisa team and explain the
problem in detail.
Send an SMS to 32695 for more information on how to contact Unisa via SMS (only for students in within the borders of South
Africa). The student will receive an auto response SMS with the various SMS options. This SMS will cost R1.
* The SMS number is only for students residing in South Africa. International students are urged to make use of the e-mail
address info@unisa.ac.za.
Bear in mind that this tutorial letter had to be written and finalised at least six months before you
registered for the module. There may be changes due to decisions taken after the information in
this tutorial letter was made available. In that event, we will announce these changes on
myUnisa, send you an SMS, and we can also make the information available in other tutorial
letters. If, however, you come across something that does not make sense or you find clashes,
information which is not clear, or receive information causing confusion, please feel free to
contact the module coordinator with such detail.
We wish you all the best with your studies in each semester. By ensuring that you did not
register for too many modules per semester and that you have enough time to devote to each
module, the battle to pass is already half won. If you stay focused and dedicated, you are bound
to enjoy the module and the research!
Best wishes
Du Plooy, GM. 2009. Communication research: techniques, methods and applications. 2nd
Edition. Wetton, Cape Town:Juta
Du Plooy, T. 2001. Only study guide for COM3706: Communication Research. Pretoria:
University of South Africa