TITLE: Electronic and Optical Properties of Ultra-Thin 2D Tungsten Disulfide For Photovoltaic Applications
TITLE: Electronic and Optical Properties of Ultra-Thin 2D Tungsten Disulfide For Photovoltaic Applications
TITLE: Electronic and Optical Properties of Ultra-Thin 2D Tungsten Disulfide For Photovoltaic Applications
Atomically thin 2D layered semiconductor materials such as Transition Metal Di-Chalcogenides
(TMDCs) have great potential for use as flexible, ultra-thin photovoltaic materials in solar cells
due to their favorable photon absorption and electronic transport properties. The electronic
properties, such as band structure and bandgap, and optical absorption properties of Tungsten
Disulfide (WS2) were obtained from Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations; the
properties of WS2 make it a favorable photovoltaic material. Using these properties, we have
modelled, using numerical calculations and simulations, a solar cell based on monolayer and
bulk WS2 together with amorphous silicon (a-Si). The maximum efficiency of this cell is 23.26%
with VOC of 0.843 V and JSC of 33.49 mA/cm2. The performance of our solar cell is comparable
to many commercial cells. The results show how monolayer WS2 can serve as a suitable
photovoltaic material, opening possibilities to develop solar cells based on 2D TMDC materials.
Keywords: transition metal di-chalcogenides (TMDC); tungsten disulfide (WS2); photovoltaics;
solar cell
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Jesse Maassen, David Guzman, Xufeng Wang,
Mohammad Ryyan Khan and Raghu Chavali for valuable discussions.
Funding: The Department of Energy (DOE) (DE-EE0004946) (PVMI Bay Area PV
Consortium); NSF Award (EEC-1454315) - CAREER: Thermophotonics for Efficient
Harvesting of Waste Heat as Electricity; The Network of Computational Nanotechnology (NSF)
Two-dimensional (2D) materials have gathered an increasing amount of interest from their
unique potential benefits for a wide variety of optoelectronic devices [1-10]. Transition metal di-
chalcogenides (TMDCs) are among the most attractive 2D layered materials that can be
fabricated with atomic-scale thickness and a significant bandgap, as a replacement for bulk
semiconductors for photovoltaic (PV) applications [2, 5, 8]. Ultra-thin multi-junction structures
can be easily stacked due to van der Waals interactions [2, 3]. The 2D monolayers of TMDCs
have direct band gaps while the bulk structures have indirect bandgap [2, 7]. They have
promising electronic and optical properties suitable for applications in photovoltaics [1]. It has
been reported that 2D TMDC materials can absorb up to 5–10% of incident sunlight in less than
1 nm thickness and can achieve significantly higher sunlight absorption per unit volume than
commonly used solar absorbers such as GaAs and Si [11]. This could potentially make for much
more lightweight and flexible photovoltaic modules.
Bulk WS2 was used as the starting material for designing an initial device. Using this as the
baseline, monolayer WS2 and amorphous silicon (a-Si) were added to improve the performance.
The electronic properties of monolayer, bilayer and bulk WS2 were studied using Density
Functional Theory (DFT) calculations, from which the band structures and corresponding
bandgaps were obtained. From these calculations, the absorption coefficient for different photon
energies was calculated along with other parameters such as the relative dielectric constant,
conduction band effective density of states and valence band effective density of states. Using
these results, a p-n junction solar cell was modelled and simulated using monolayer WS2, bulk
WS2 and a-Si to obtain a structure similar to HIT (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin Layer)
solar cells, which are known to have high efficiencies. The structure was simulated using the
drift-diffusion model to obtain the device parameters such as open circuit voltage (VOC), shot
circuit current (JSC) and efficiency. The maximum efficiency obtained was 23.26% with VOC of
0.843 V and JSC of 33.49 mA/cm2. These values compare favorably with the best HIT silicon
solar cells observed in experiments, with efficiencies of 25.6% [12].
2.1 Structure of Tungsten Disulfide (WS2). WS2 has a trigonal prismatic structure where each
layer consists of a layer of hexagonally arranged W atoms sandwiched between two layers of
hexagonally arranged S atoms [13, 14]. The thickness of a single layer of WS2 is 3.2 Å, while
multiple layers are separated from each other by empty space of separation 2.96 Å, and the
lattice parameter a is 3.154 Å, as determined by single-crystal electron diffraction [14]. There are
strong W-W, S-S and W-S covalent bonds within a layer, while adjacent layers are held together
by weak can der Waals’ forces. A primitive unit cell consists of one W atom and two S atoms in
a trigonal prismatic configuration [13, 14, 15, 16].
Fig. 1. Left: illustration of the 2Hb-WS2 structure where the big and small balls represent W and S atoms,
respectively. Right: the corresponding Brillouin zone where the k path used to plot the band structure
diagram is also shown (adapted from [13]).
2.2 Electronic Band Structure from DFT and GW Calculations. Electronic Band Structure is
one of the most fundamental properties of a material and is the foundation for understanding its
various properties. Density Functional Theory (DFT) was used to obtain the preliminary band
structure of WS2. DFT is a powerful quantum mechanical method to obtain band structure, states
and energies of a material using many-body perturbation theory [17, 18]. The DFT calculations
were performed using the open source code Quantum ESPRESSO [19, 20]. Quantum
ESPRESSO is a quantum mechanical modelling tool to simulate many-body systems. DFT
calculations require pseudopotential files which simulate selected atoms from the periodic table.
The pseudopotentials developed for Quantum ESPRESSO were used in our simulations. It is
very important to correctly define the unit cell, such as position of atoms, cell dimensions and
appropriate pseudopotential files. GGA pseudopotentials (which add gradient correction to the
more basic LDA ones), as described by Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) scheme [21], were used
to simulate W and S atoms. Since it is a thin 2D structure, there is no electronic dispersion in the
vertical out-of-plane direction. Thus, a horizontal sampling in the x-y plane of the first Brillouin
zone is sufficient to obtain accurate electronic dispersion. The Brillouin zone was sampled
according to the scheme proposed by Monkhorst-Pack [22] with a high-density in-plane 20x20x1
k-point grid with 400 k-points. The cutoff energy used was 20 Ry. The materials were modelled
as cuboidal slabs by including a vacuum region of 20 Å in the direction perpendicular to the
surface. The bands were plotted along the k-point path as in Figure 1 (right, green).
The band structure obtained from DFT gives accurate information about the shape of the energy
bands (such as VBM and CBM). But a major problem is that the bandgap of the material is
significantly underestimated. A theoretically rigorous way to solve the issue of band gap
underestimation is to go beyond the DFT results and formulating the electronic band structure
using the GW approximation; it involves the expansion of the self-energy in terms of the single
particle Green’s function G and the screened Coulomb interaction W to model many-body
systems [13, 23, 24, 25, 26]. The results from DFT calculations were used as the starting point
for the GW calculations; the simulations were carried using the GWL package in Quantum
ESPRESSO [19, 27]. The bandgap energy correction value was obtained from the GW
approximation, which when added to the DFT bands gave the accurate band structure of bulk
WS2 matching with experiments [13]. However, for a material of WS2 consisting of only a few
layers, namely monolayer and bilayer, it is important to include the excitonic effect due to the
exciton binding energy [28]. The bandgaps of monolayer and bilayer WS2 obtained by DFT
calculations followed by adding the GW corrections are significantly higher than experimental
results. The large overestimation in these structures is due to the large excitonic effect in a two-
dimensional system. The energy correction due to the excitonic effect when subtracted from the
DFT+GW bands gives very accurate band structure and bandgap matching closely with
experimental results obtained via spectroscopic ellipsometry and electrochemical cyclic
voltammetry [5, 28, 29, 30].
The DFT calculations and GW approximation were first attempted with silicon to validate our
procedure. The results obtained with silicon were comparable to established results. The bandgap
of bulk silicon which we obtained from DFT calculations followed by inclusion of GW
correction was 1.14 eV which is very close to the actual bandgap of 1.12 eV [31]. All the
calculations and simulations were carried out assuming a temperature of 300 K.
2.3 Absorption Coefficient Calculation. The band structure and energy data from the DFT
results were used in Quantum ESPRESSO to obtain the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric
tensor (ε) [32, 33]. The calculations were carried out using an energy range of 0 to 4 eV which
covers the energy of visible light and incoming photons in the solar radiation. Increments of 0.01
eV in energy were used in the calculations to obtain accurate results. A thermal broadening of
about 0.1 eV was used with the obtained results to obtain realistic results matching with
experimental measurements, since it is much easier and more probable to take measurements at
increments of 0.1 eV rather than 0.01 eV. The real part of the epsilon data gave the relative
dielectric constant of the material. Using the real and imaginary parts of epsilon, the values of the
absorption coefficient (α) at the corresponding energies were calculated [34, 35]. The plot of the
absorption coefficient against energy gave a very clear picture of the photon energies which are
most likely to be absorbed by WS2, and aid in the design of a suitable PV absorber material. The
absorption coefficient was calculated for monolayer and bulk WS2. The absorption coefficient of
a-Si was taken from existing literature [36]. We calculated the dielectric permittivity (ε) and
absorption coefficient (α) of c-Si using our model and compared it to the literature values to
validate our procedure. The results we obtained with silicon were compared with data from the
PhotonicsDB tool [37] on nanoHUB [38], which match the Handbook of Optical Constants of
Solids [39]; the close match between our results and the literature confirms the validity of our
model. All the calculations and simulations were carried out assuming a temperature of 300 K.
2.4 Properties of WS2 and a-Si. The properties of monolayer WS2, bulk WS2 and a-Si are
summarized in Table 1. The calculated values of the bandgap and dielectric constant were used
for monolayer and bulk WS2. The electron affinity of bulk WS2 was taken to be 4.5 eV [40]. It
has been seen that when a Transition Metal Di-Chalcogenide (TMDC) monolayer is aligned with
bulk material, the conduction band of the monolayer is below the conduction band of the bulk
material with a band offset of around 0.2 eV in the conduction band [41]; therefore, the electron
affinity of monolayer WS2 is taken to be 4.7 eV. It has been observed in recent work that the
electron mobility of WS2 can be as high as 234 cm2V-1s-1 [42, 43]. Experimentally prepared WS2
can exhibit some non-idealities, such as sulfur vacancies, which can lead to various electronic
defects and non-ideal behavior. We compensate for such issues by taking conservative values for
the carrier lifetimes and mobilities, which are drawn directly from experiments. The electron
mobility of WS2 is taken to be 200 cm2V-1s-1, while the hole mobility is found to be between
one-third and one-fourth of the electron mobility [44], which can be as low as 50 cm2V-1s-1.
Because of this relatively low hole mobility, we utilize a design that sidesteps hole minority
carrier transport through the WS2 layer, in favor of the comparatively higher electron mobility.
From the corresponding band structure results, the electron and hole effective masses were
1 1 𝜕2𝐸
calculated from the band structures of monolayer and bulk WS2, using 𝑚∗ = ℏ2 𝜕𝑘 2 . These values
were then used to calculate the conduction band effective density of states NC and the valence
band effective density of states NV [45]. The bandgap, electron affinity, relative dielectric
constant, NC and NV of a-Si were taken from standard literature [46, 47]. The electron mobility
was taken as 1 cm2V-1s-1 and the hole mobility was taken as 0.003 cm2V-1s-1 [48].
2.5 Design of a photovoltaic device. A solar cell was designed with the major concept being a
p-n junction which would be able to generate electron-hole pairs from incoming photons in
sunlight [49, 50, 51]. The current in the solar cell and the voltage across the terminals were
calculated using the Drift-Diffusion model [52, 53]. The tool ADEPT (A Device Emulation
Program and Tool) was used on nanoHUB to simulate our structure [54]. ADEPT is a detailed
numerical device simulation code developed at Purdue University. The semiconductor equations,
Poisson’s equation, and the hole and electron continuity equations (assuming drift-diffusion
transport), are solved numerically in 1D, subject to appropriate boundary conditions (an ideal
Ohmic contact in our case). It is assumed that there is no surface optical reflection and that all
incident sunlight enters the cell. The back surface optical reflector used in some of these designs
is assumed to be perfectly reflecting, so that all incident photons are reflected back into the
absorbing layers. The simulation results obtained under these conditions from ADEPT have been
shown to match closely with experimental observations of current-voltage relationships in light
and dark conditions, as well as external quantum efficiency [55, 56, 57]. The devices were
simulated using the AM 1.5G spectrum [54]; both cases of no back surface optical reflection and
full back surface optical reflection were studied. It was assumed that there is no optical reflection
from the top surface of the device. The final solar cell device with maximum efficiency was
designed using a combination of monolayer WS2, bulk WS2 and a-Si.
Clearly, recombination occurs in these structures in experiments, which can be accounted for by
using conservative values of the carrier lifetimes in our simulations. Based on prior experimental
results in related transition dichalcogenides, the electron and hole lifetimes for all the layers with
moderate to high doping were taken as 10 ns, while for intrinsically-doped bulk WS2 the
lifetimes were taken as 100 ns. For the carrier lifetimes, both radiative and non-radiative
recombination have been considered. For 2D semiconductor TMDCs like WS2, the non-radiative
electron and hole lifetimes are much higher than radiative lifetimes, which is consistent with
their direct bandgaps; thus, it is the radiative lifetime that is dominant in the effective carrier
lifetime [58]. The lifetimes used in our simulations account for the radiative recombination of
electrons and holes, which is the dominant recombination process. The carrier lifetimes used in
our simulations are lower for heavily doped layers than lightly doped layers, since there is a
reduction in carrier mobility with increased doping [59].
We have reviewed the literature on high levels of doping in silicon and WS2 to determine the
maximum activated doping levels at room temperature. Several researchers have reported doping
levels as high as 1020 cm-3 in silicon [60,61,62]. As for WS2, there has not been nearly as much
work regarding its properties, since it is a relatively new material; but it has a lot of properties
like MoS2 (band structure, bandgap, absorption profile, physical properties, etc.), as they belong
to the same family of transition-metal disulfides. Doping levels as high as 1020 cm-3 have been
experimentally demonstrated in MoS2 [63]. This result is also physically plausible, as the density
of sulfur atoms in a transition-metal disulfide is ~ 1022 cm-3. In fact, it is possible to fabricate a
doped MoS2 structure where as much as 10% of the sulfur atoms are replaced by dopant atoms
[64], which would correspond to a doping level of 1021 cm-3. Since WS2 and MoS2 have similar
physical, chemical and electronic properties, this provides evidence that it is possible to have
doping levels as high as 1020 cm-3 in WS2. Nonetheless, out of an abundance of caution, we use
conservative values for the doping levels, with the full understanding that experimental
verification is ultimately needed for any assumed level of doping. In this work, we have ensured
that the doping in any layer does not exceed the value of NC or NV (effective density of states in
conduction and valence bands, respectively). With this limitation taken into consideration and
incorporation of fully activated donors and acceptors, there will not be any issues with
incomplete ionization. If there is any loss of majority carriers from inactivated dopants, the loss
can be compensated by injecting a higher concentration of dopants, within limits.
We have assumed Ohmic contacts in our simulations. The electron affinities of monolayer WS2,
bulk WS2 and a-Si are 4.7, 4.5 and 4 eV respectively. The metals of choice should have
appropriate work functions to provide a favorable Ohmic contact, with a zero or negative
Schottky barrier height. For an n-type semiconductor, the work function of the metal must be
close to or smaller than the electron affinity of the semiconductor. For a p-type semiconductor,
the work function of the metal must be close to or larger than the sum of the electron affinity and
the bandgap energy. For n-type monolayer WS2 and bulk WS2, we can have aluminum,
chromium or silver as the metal contacts, since they have work functions close to or lower than
4.5 eV. For p-type bulk WS2, we can potentially use platinum, palladium, tungsten, gold, nickel
or cobalt as the metal contacts, since their work functions are above 5 eV. As for p-type a-Si,
platinum [65] and titanium/palladium [66] have been experimentally demonstrated to provide
Ohmic contacts; there is also potential to use lower cost metals with slightly lower work
functions, such as tungsten and cobalt. We have given some examples of metals which can be
used in our devices but the list is not exhaustive, any commonly-used metal with an appropriate
work function can be used.
The initial device we consider is an n+-p-p+ homojunction structure made from bulk WS2. The
device is then modified by replacing the top bulk WS2 layer with monolayer WS2 to obtain a
heterojunction device with improved performance, since monolayer WS2 has a higher direct
bandgap and better absorption than bulk WS2. The final device is designed by replacing the
bottom bulk WS2 layer with a-Si to obtain a structure similar to HIT solar cells [67].
Incorporating a-Si in the device improves the performance by creating monotonically increasing
conduction and valence bands, which improve carrier separation and electron and hole
collection. Monolayer WS2 and a-Si function as carrier selective contacts, where the electrons
are collected at the monolayer WS2 end and the holes are collected at the a-Si end.
Although one could compare the changes of individual parameters such as layer thickness or
material parameters, each individual comparison is not always very informative by itself,
because the carrier transport and optical absorption interact in a nonlinear fashion with respect to
certain parameters – for example, changing the electron affinity can exponentially decrease
electron current. Therefore, we have chosen to optimize three distinctive photovoltaic structures
representing distinctive material sets with suitable device architectures.
The DFT simulations of bulk WS2 using Quantum ESPRESSO gave the initial band structure
along the first Brillouin zone, with a bandgap of 0.97 eV. A big limitation here is the value of the
bandgap obtained (0.97 eV), which is significantly underestimated by DFT calculations. Using
the dispersion and energy values obtained from the results of DFT calculation, the GW
approximation gave the required energy correction (0.32 eV) to obtain the accurate bandgap.
This correction, when added to the DFT results gave the correct bandgap and band structure (Fig.
2) matching with established results [13]. The indirect bandgap of bulk WS2 was obtained to be
1.29 eV, with direct transition starting around 2.2 eV.
Fig. 2. Band structure of bulk WS2 showing indirect bandgap of 1.29 eV with
direct transition possible at 2.21 eV.
The bandgap of WS2 is similar to a typical photovoltaic material and makes it a very good
candidate for use in a solar cell. The band structure has a few interesting features in addition to
the photovoltaically significant band gap. Both indirect and direct optical transitions can occur in
this material, depending on the energy of the incoming photon in the incident radiation. The
electronic dispersion determines the relative location of the CBMs and VBMs, which correspond
directly to the strength of these transitions. Subsequently, the regions where strong photon-
electron interactions take place can be understood and an appropriate structure can be designed.
The band structures of bilayer and monolayer WS2 were obtained using DFT calculations
followed by inclusion of GW corrections and excitonic effects (Figs. 3 and 4 respectively). The
bandgap of the bilayer material was found to be 1.42 eV (indirect) from DFT calculations; the
GW correction obtained was 0.64 eV which had to be added to the DFT results; and the exciton
binding energy was calculated to be 0.42 eV which had to be subtracted from the GW-corrected
band structure. Thus, bilayer WS2 was found to have an indirect bandgap of 1.64 eV, with direct
transition possible at 2.13 eV. The bandgap of the monolayer material was found to be 1.91 eV
(direct) from DFT calculations; the GW correction obtained was 1.14 eV, which had to be added
to the DFT results; and the exciton binding energy was calculated to be 0.9 eV which had to be
subtracted from the GW-corrected band structure. Thus, bilayer WS2 was found to have a direct
bandgap of 2.15 eV. Based on the band structures, both monolayer and bilayer WS2 can be
considered suitable photovoltaic materials.
A vacuum spacing of 8 Å between layers was used in the unit cell to obtain the accurate
properties of a single 2D monolayer without significant interference from other layers above or
below the unit cell. So, a spacing of 8 Å between successive WS2 layers, where the W and S
atoms are aligned in the same vertical axes respectively, can give a thick multi-layer stack of
monolayer WS2. Similarly, a vacuum space of 8 Å between pairs of WS2 layers was used in the
unit cell to obtain the accurate properties of a bilayer structure.
Fig. 3. Band structure of bilayer WS2 showing indirect bandgap of 1.64 eV with
direct transition possible at 2.13 eV.
Fig. 4. Band structure of monolayer WS2 showing direct bandgap of 2.15 eV.
Using the energy eigenvalues and eigenvectors and the dispersion values from the DFT
calculations, the real and imaginary parts of the dielectric permittivity ε were obtained for each
of the monolayer, bilayer and bulk WS2 materials. From the dielectric permittivity data, the
relative dielectric constant (Table 1) and the value of the absorption coefficient α (µm-1) for
different energies of the incoming radiation for monolayer, bilayer and bulk WS2 (Fig. 5) were
obtained. The values of α obtained are similar to values reported in existing literature about WS2
and similar materials of the same family, namely Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2). [68, 69]
(A) Bulk WS2
The values of α obtained show that there is significant absorption of incoming photons of
energies above the direct transition energy value for monolayer, bilayer and bulk WS2. Bulk WS2
has decent absorption for photon energies above 2 eV. Bilayer WS2 has better absorption for
photons with similar energies, while monolayer WS2 has the best absorption profile for photons
with energies above 2 eV. Although the calculated absorption profile shows that there is some
absorption for photon energies below the bandgap energy, all sub-bandgap absorption was
neglected and the values of alpha for sub-bandgap energies were taken to be zero in our
Monolayer WS2 has a direct bandgap of 2.15 eV; bulk WS2 has an indirect bandgap of 1.3 eV,
but a direct transition is possible around 2.2 eV. There is high absorption above the direct
transition energy, and very low absorption below that. If we look at the photoluminescence (PL)
spectra of WS2 [70, 71], we can observe a spike around the indirect bandgap energy for the bulk
material while we see a spike around the direct bandgap energy for the monolayer material.
Thus, we can have some photon absorption at the indirect bandgap energy for bulk WS2, which
is why we set its bandgap to be 1.3 eV in our simulations.
For experimental observations, it is evident that there will be some photon absorption for
energies between 1.3 eV and 2.2 eV for bulk WS2 [68, 69]. This is our main reason to keep the
calculated absorption coefficient values above the indirect bandgap (1.3 eV), and neglect all
absorption for energies below this threshold. For monolayer WS2, any photon absorption below
its direct bandgap energy (2.2 eV) is very unlikely, which is why we have used this energy value
as its bandgap and neglected all absorption for energies below this threshold.
To design an appropriate solar cell, monolayer and bulk WS2 were used together with a-Si. The
electronic properties of monolayer WS2, bulk WS2 and a-Si which were used in the device
simulation are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1. Electronic properties of monolayer WS2, bulk WS2 and a-Si used in device simulation.
A three-layer junction device was designed to operate as solar cell. The initial structure was an
n+-p-p+ device designed using only bulk WS2 for all the three layers. The top layer was a thin
layer of highly-doped n-type WS2; the middle layer was a relatively thick layer of lightly-doped
(almost intrinsic) p-type WS2; and the bottom layer was a thin layer of highly-doped p-type WS2
[Fig. 6(a)]. We then optimized the layer thicknesses and doping for highest efficiency. The
optimal device structure is summarized in Table 2. The open circuit voltage (VOC) for the
optimum case was obtained to be 0.762 V and the short circuit current density (JSC) was 24.14
mA/cm2; the efficiency of the solar cell was 15.19%. The significant parameters and features of
the solar cell such as short circuit current density (JSC), open circuit voltage (VOC), maximum
power voltage (VMP), maximum power current density (JMP), fill factor (FF) and efficiency were
recorded for both the cases (Table 3). The band structure, current-voltage (I-V) relationship and
external quantum efficiency (EQE) plots for the case of full back surface optical reflection are
shown in Fig. 6(b-d). The conduction and valence bands are monotonically increasing, which
favor carrier collection. It can be seen from the plot of the EQE that there is a significant
improvement in carrier generation for wavelengths greater than 0.6 µm, which corresponds to
absorption in the space-charge region. The current-voltage relationship shows excellent
rectification, which is consistent with a low series and high shunt resistance.
The open circuit voltage (VOC) obtained is similar to that of silicon solar cells [72]; the short
circuit current density (JSC) is reasonable for a solar cell, although well below the theoretical
limit for the 1.29 eV bandgap of WS2. While the overall efficiency is not very high, it is
promising as a starting point to systematically improve our device. It can be seen that using a
perfect back surface optical reflector increases JSC by a significant amount, and improves the
performance and efficiency of the device.
Table 3. Performance parameters of 3-layer device using only bulk WS2 (described in Table 2)
Table 4. Summary of 3-layer device structure using bulk and monolayer WS2.
Table 5. Performance parameters of 3-layer device using bulk and monolayer WS2 (structure in Table 4).
(A) Device Structure (B) Band Structure
Fig. 7. (A) Device structure; (B) Band structure; (C) I-V plot; and (D) EQE of 3-layer device using bulk
and monolayer WS2 with full back surface optical reflection.
The device was further modified to improve performance by replacing the bottom bulk WS2
layer with a-Si of same doping type [Fig. 8(a)] to obtain a structure similar to HIT solar cells.
Since a-Si has a lower electron affinity than WS2, it was used to provide a monotonically
increasing conduction and valence energy bands so that electrons and holes can easily move
towards the opposite contacts and there are no areas in the structure where there could be
accumulation of the carriers. a-Si was also used in the structure to prevent recombination of
carriers at the back surface contact. This structure was re-optimized with respect to the layers’
thicknesses and doping levels. The final device structure with the highest efficiency is
summarized in Table 6. The performance parameters of the solar cell were recorded for both the
cases (Table 7). The band structure, current-voltage (I-V) relationship and external quantum
efficiency (EQE) plots for the case of full back surface optical reflection are shown in Fig. 8(b-
d). The conduction and valence bands are also monotonically increasing in this case, which
provide nearly ideal carrier collection. Also, the abrupt drop in the conduction band on the
monolayer WS2 side which facilitates electron collection, while the abrupt jump in the valence
band on the a-Si side improves hole collection. The plot of the EQE is similar to the previous
case, with a small improvement near the band edge from a deeper space charge region, resulting
in a slightly higher JSC. There is also an improvement in the VOC due to the effect of the back
surface field and improved band structure achieved through the introduction of a-Si.
The performance of our final device is found to be much better after incorporating a-Si. The
open circuit voltage (VOC) for the best case is 0.843 V and the short circuit current density (JSC)
is 33.49 mA/cm2; the efficiency of the solar cell is 23.26%. The open circuit voltage (VOC) for
this cell is much better than the previous structures, and has increased significantly (by about
10% relative, compared to the initial homojunction device); the short circuit current density (JSC)
has also increased substantially (by about 38% relative, compared to the initial device). Overall,
the efficiency of this solar cell has improved by about 53% relative versus the homojunction
device; it is quite high, and comparable to many high-efficiency single junction solar cells [47].
The presence of a perfect back surface optical reflector helps slightly in improving JSC, and thus,
the VOC, as well as the overall efficiency of the solar cell. These results create new possibilities
for the fabrication and use of ultra-thin 2D high-efficiency solar cells using a new material which
has the advantages of ultra-low weight per unit of power production, mechanical flexibility, as
well as earth abundance, compared to several commonly-used photovoltaic materials.
Table 6. Summary of 3-layer device structure using bulk WS2, monolayer WS2 and a-silicon.
Table 7. Performance parameters of 3-layer device using bulk WS2, monolayer WS2 and a-Si (the exact
structure is given in Table 6).
(A) Device Structure (B) Band Structure