Pedagogy For SHS

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Content Areas Competencies Descriptive Statement

1 The concepts - 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the 1. Differential between the concepts pedagogy and
methodology, concept of pedagogy and provide examples andragogy.
pedagogy, 2. Identify the various types of pedagogy.
3. Explain how the various pedagogical examples (E,g.
Discussion) can be applied in the classroom.

2 2. Secondary Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of methods 1. Identify methods/pedagogy appropriate for teaching
(JHS/SHS) appropriate for teaching in the Secondary school, e.g. at the Secondary school
Pedagogy discussion, lecture, think-pair-share, group/pair work. 2. Discuss the tenets of each of the methods, their
examples demonstration, simulation, etc)., and factors to consider advantages and disadvantages
in selecting a pedagogy/method, topic, students’ 3. Identify factors to consider in selecting a
characteristics, class environment - class size, pedagogy/method for teaching secondary (JHS &
instructional materials available etc.) SHS) level.
4. Illustrate how these methods can be used in the
secondary classroom

3 Curriculum/syllabus 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the 1. Explain the concept of curriculum.
– concept, nature concept, nature and evaluation of the secondary 2. Explain the types and characteristics of curriculum.
and evaluation (JHS & SHS) school curriculum 3. Discuss the stages of curriculum development
4. Identify and discuss the characteristics of the
Secondary school curriculum
5. Identify deficiencies, if any, in the secondary school
(JHS & SHS) curriculum
4 4. Scheme of 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 1. Define the concept, scheme of work.
work/Learning scheme of work 2. Identify the major components of a scheme of work.
Scheme 3. Identify and discuss the factors to consider when
- Factors to designing a scheme of work.
consider when 4. Examine ways of sequencing topics in the scheme of
designing the work.
learning scheme 5. Design a scheme of work for a given subject area
- Sequencing

5 Lesson Plan 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 1. Explain the concept ” lesson plan”
(Why design a lesson plan design and its preparation processes 2. Explain the importance of designing a lesson plan.
lesson plan, Factors 3. Examine the factors to consider when designing a lesson
to consider when plan.
designing a lesson 4. Discuss the major components of a lesson plan.
plan, Components 5. Write appropriate learning outcomes and indicators for a
of lesson plan, lesson.
Writing learning 6. Design a lesson plan for a given lesson

6 6. Core and 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the 1. Identify the 21st century skills in teaching.
transferable skills various core and transferable skills and their 2. Explain the various 21st century skills in teaching.
(21st Century application in the Secondary Classroom 3. Use appropriate pedagogy to achieve the various 21st
Skills) century skills in teaching.
7 Classroom 1. Demonstrate knowledge, understand and use 1. Identify techniques and strategies for classroom
Management effective classroom management practices to management.
enhance teaching and learning at the secondary (JHS 2. Determine various ways of arranging the classroom
and SHS) school level for effective lesson delivery.
3. Use time effectively in the delivery of lesson.
4. Use appropriate techniques/strategies to manage
large classes effectively.

8 Questioning Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and use 1. Identify the types of questions used in teaching.
appropriate questioning skills in lesson delivery 2. Identify the various questioning skills used in teaching.
3. Use the various question levels in the lesson delivery.

9 Instructional Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 1. Explain, with examples, the concept of instructional
Resources including preparing, using and evaluating instructional resources resources.
ICT 2. Classify instructional resources based on specified
3. Identify factors essential in the selection and use of
instructional resources.
4. Identify ways that ICT tools can be used to enhance
Teaching and learning in the classroom
5. Prepare and use instructional resources in lesson
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of an instructional resource in
lesson delivery.

10 Assessment (writing 1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of 1. Identify the rationale for classroom assessment.
effective test items classroom assessment and its effective use in the 2. Identify the various forms of classroom assessment.
and scoring) Secondary School. 3. Write effective/appropriate test items.
4. Identify various ways of scoring a test.
. 5. Analyse and use test scores to make meaningful
Table of Specification for 100 multiple-choice questions
S/N Topic Level of Question
L1 L2 L3 L4 Total
1. The concept of pedagogy for Secondary (JHS & SHS) level 1 1 1 1 4
• The art and science of teaching
• Difference between pedagogy and andragogy
• Heutagogy (self-determined learning)
2. Pedagogy/Methodology 1 2 3 3 9
• Types of pedagogy/methods.
• Factors to consider in selecting a pedagogy/method for teaching secondary (JHS & SHS) level
• General method of teaching (Eg. Expository and discovery, activity-oriented, project and
problem solving, fieldwork, deductive and inductive, etc)
• Application of approach, methods and techniques of pedagogy
• The teaching-learning environment
3. The concept, nature and evaluation of the secondary (JHS & SHS) school curriculum 2 3 3 3 11
• The concept of curriculum.
• The components of a curriculum
• Types and characteristics of curriculum
• General principles of curriculum
• Deficiencies, if any, in the secondary school (JHS & SHS) curriculum
• The relationship between teaching, learning and curriculum
• Professional skills and characteristics of a good teacher
4. Scheme of work 1 2 3 3 9
• The meaning of scheme of work
• Major components of a scheme of work
• Factors to consider when designing a scheme of work
• Ways of sequencing topics in the scheme of work
5. Lesson plan design and its preparation processes 1 3 3 3 10
• Rationale for designing a lesson plan
• Key factors to consider when designing a lesson plan
• Essential components of a lesson plan
• Writing appropriate learning outcomes and indicators for a lesson
• Essential teaching skills in lesson development
• Ending a lesson or closure
• Lesson evaluation
6. Core and transferable skills (21st century skills) and their application in teaching 1 2 2 2 7
• Core and transferable skills (21st century skills) in teaching
• Using appropriate pedagogy to achieve the various 21st century skills in teaching
• Assessment of the core and transferable skills
7. Classroom management skills and practices 2 2 4 4 12
• The teacher as a classroom manager
• Managing the physical and social environment of the classroom
• Techniques and strategies for classroom management
• Ways of arranging the classroom for effective lesson delivery
• Maintaining discipline in the classroom
• Effective use of time in the delivery of lesson (managing instructional time)
• Using appropriate techniques/strategies to manage large classes effectively
• Managing post-instructional activities
8. The art of questioning and error correction skills in lesson delivery 1 3 3 3 10
• Types of questions used in teaching
• Questioning skills used in teaching (kinds of questions, effective questions, how are probes
used and how to question etc.)
• Various question levels in lesson delivery
• Planned repetition, drill and recitation (rhymes)
• Use of examples and illustrations
• What, when and how to correct error
9. Preparing and using instructional resources 2 3 3 3 11
• Meaning and importance of instructional resources
• Classification of instructional resources based on specified criteria
• Factors essential in the selection of instructional resources
• Using ICT tools to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom
• Preparation and usage of instructional resources in lesson delivery
• Evaluation of instructional resource effectiveness in lesson delivery
10. Classroom assessment and its effective use 2 3 3 3 11
• Rationale for classroom assessment
• Forms of classroom assessment
• Writing effective/appropriate test items
• Ways of scoring a test
• Analyses and use of test scores in decision making
• Alternative assessment
11. Inclusivity and GESI issues 1 1 2 2 6
• Knowledge of GESI issues
• Integrating GESI issues
Total 15 25 30 30 100
Per cent (%) 15.0 25.0 30.0 30.0 100

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