This research project is the product of my work and is not the result of anything done in
I confirm that the work reported in this research project was carried out by the student under my
Do a comparative study of parenting styles that generally help Adolescents with drug abuse
tendencies... N: B.. These researches/discoveries might be contextualized to Dagoretti
Ensure that your background of study reflects that drug abuse is prevalent among residents in the
chosen area
Research and conceptualize the concept of inductive and deductive logic…
Problem Statement: A single paragraph that is deductive (i.e. from general to particular)..
explaining why suicidal tendencies are a problem in Dagoretti
Deductive: Global, Kenya then Dagoretti…
Inductive: From Dagoretti to Kenya then Global..
Effects of authoritative
This chapter is made up of the background of the study, a statement of the problem, general
objectives, and specific objectives, research questions, the significance of the study,
Justifying why the problem is worth researching, looking at how wide the problem is from the
Here becomes more specific exposing the knowledge and practice gaps on how parenting styles
relate to drug abuse amongst the youths in the area. One or two paragraphs is enough for this
Purpose of Study
Here you convert your topic to a big goal by simply converting the topic into objectives by
breaking the topic into three or four objectives.
To determine the relationship between parenting styles and drug abuse amongst the youth of
Dagoretti shopping center, Kikuyu sub-county, Kiambu county – Kenya
Research objectives:
State the four types of parenting styles and how they each contribute to drug abuse amongst the
youth of Dagoretti shopping center
The study anticipates facing some challenges during his data collection processes such as time
and finance to enable him to collect a larger scope. The limitation of the study is its limited
generalizability (Bisen 2009, 2).
Definition of Key Terms:
Parenting styles
Drug abuse
Literature review:
This chapter describes the methodology and procedure employed for data collection and analysis
of the findings for the study titled “THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARENTING STYLES
SUB-COUNTY, KIAMBU COUNTY - KENYA.” The method and procedure include research
design, population, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, validity and
reliability of the instrument, procedure for data collection, and method of data analysis.
Entry Procedure:
Research Population
The research population covers the Youth In Dagoretti Shopping Centre, Kikuyu Sub-County,
Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County - Kenya. (Sample cut across the five fields randomly
selected from…………….). This selection is based on the fact that Parenting Styles are a major
factor in Drug Abuse Among Youth In Dagoretti Shopping Centre, Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu
County - Kenya.
Table 1: Characteristics of Sample:
Table 1 above showed the characteristics of the sample of the respondents. Regarding to gender,
four hundred and one (401) respondents representing 67 percent were males while one hundred
and ninety-seven (197), representing 32.9 percent, were females. The age range of the
respondents was represented. It was discovered that sixty-three (63) respondents representing
10.6 percent were within 20 to 30 years; two hundred and fifteen (215) representing 36.1pecent
were of 31-40 years; two hundred and thirty-two (232) representing 39.0percent were of 41-50
years; while eighty-one (81) representing 13.6 percent were of 51-60 years, and four (4)
representing 0.7 percent were of 61 years and above. With regards to theological qualifications
of the respondents, ninety-three (93) representing 46.5 percent were of the bachelor degree;
sixty-four (64) representing 32.0 percent were of Master’s degree, and forty-three (43)
Concerning the years in church service, two hundred and seventy-one (271) respondents
representing 45.9percent were of 1-10 years; one hundred and seventy-nine (179) representing
30.3 percent were of 11-20 years; forty-nine (49) representing 8.3 percent were also of 21-30
years; while sixty (60) representing 10.2 percent were of 31-40 years, and thirty-two (32)
representing 5.4 percent were of 41 and above. Similarly, the academic qualifications of the
respondents were classified, as shown in the above table. Ninety-one (91) respondents
representing 15.6 percent were of the First School Leaving Certificate; fifty-four (54)
representing 9.3% were of the GCE O’ Level; one hundred and nine (109) representing
18.7percent were of the GCE A’ Level; two hundred and eighty-seven (287) representing
49.2percent were of the HND and BA category; while twenty-five (25) representing 4.3 percent
were of the Masters class and seventeen (17) were of the PhD category.
The instrument used for data collection in this study consists of a questionnaire and an interview
guide. The researcher designed a questionnaire with open-ended questions and with the aid of
supervisors' approval, investigation was earned out on the the importance of pastoral counselling
comprises the respondents' biodata information. The second segment contained inquiries planned
for discovering the general issues relating to ministerial indiscipline among Baptist pastors of the
field of social research. Scholars in the related fields were also served with copies of the
instrument with the study's aims and objectives. The corrected documents were presented to the
2010, 113). To establish this instrument's reliability, a reliability test was carried out through a
pilot study of 20 respondents from different members who were not part of the targeted
population. Split-half method was used, and Cronbach’s Alpha method of reliability was adopted
to ascertain the instrument's reliability. The correlation coefficient ‘r’ of the test is 0.767, or 76.7
percent to prove that a positive correlation was achieved using the SPSS.
Baptist Convention. The researcher used assistants who helped in distributing the questionnaires.
These were pastors and some Christians trained by the researcher for that purpose. Those
assistants were carefully informed about the objectives and aims of the study. The research
questions were explained in detail to those research assistants A list of persuasive information on
some specific points was handed over to each assistant alongside copies of the questionnaire to
avoid costly mistakes. The researcher also monitored the process through a series of visitations
and calls to enhance the proper collection of data and reduce response’s error.
Descriptive statistics were used to organize, summarize and describe the data. It describes the
characteristics of variables in concise and meaningful quantifiable terms. Statistical Package for
Social Sciences (SPSS) was employed to calculate the responses of the respondents represented
Ethical Consideration: