Chapter Four Standarizrd Work XXXXXX
Chapter Four Standarizrd Work XXXXXX
Chapter Four Standarizrd Work XXXXXX
@Copyrighted Material 2023
Dr. Yasser Aly Yakout
• Methods Engineering vs Lean Thinking
Outline: • What Do We have to Manage?
Standardized • Why Standardized Work?
• Elements of Standardized Work
Work • Charts Used to Define Standardized
Methods Engineering vs Lean
1. Process stability: Stability means repeatability. Need to meet targets for PQCDSM every time
2. Clear stop and start points for each process: knowledge of our takt, that is, our pace of production
rationalized with our rate of sales and cycle times, allow us to see our production condition immediately
4. Audit and problem solving: SW allows us to assess current condition and identify problems
5. Employee involvement and poka-yoke: In LS team members develop SW, supported by supervisors and
6. Kaizen: Our processes are mainly Muda. Once we have achieved process stability, we are ready to
improve. SW provides the baseline against which we measure improvement
• The work sequence defines the order in which the work is done in a given process.
• Example: the team member might have to
• Pick up the part
• Walk to the machine
• Place the part in the machine and process the part
• Take the part to the next machine
• At Toyota, they used pictures and drawings to show:
• Proper posture
• How the hands and feet should move
• How to hold the tools
• Accumulated know-how or the ins and outs of the job
• Critical quality or safety item
In-Process Stock