11 CDP 2017 2020

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This Comprehensive Develop- 11.1.1 Structuring Proposed Projects

ment Plan of Quezon City is in full
compliance with the mandate of Projects are the basic inputs to the
the City Development Council to 3-year Local Development Investment
initiate the preparation of a "multi- Program (LDIP) from which annual
sectoral development plan". It is components to be included in the An-
also a multi-year plan: long- term, nual Investment Program (AIP) will be
medium-term and annual. (Sec106- culled out. The long list of projects by
108, RA 7160). As such, this CDP is the five sectors in this CDP needs to be
a rich source of programs and pro- further sifted and structured so that
jects, services and regulatory only those projects that are "owned"
measures which future city admin- by the city shall be included in the
istrations can use to steer the city LDIP. As earlier indicated, the LDIP
towards the desired state as articu- process shall be undertaken after the
lated in the vision statement. CDC will have been reconstituted fol-
lowing the swearing in of the new set
In the preparation of this CDP of local officials. This is to ensure that
enormous amounts of effort and the new administration will have a
time were expended by the differ- sense of ownership of the plan and
ent sectors and stakeholders. A thus feel compelled to implement it.
considerable portion of inputs was
spent on generating and analyzing Prior to the LDIP process the fol-
the planning data base. This is nec- lowing preparatory activities were un-
essary because the integrity and dertakenby each sectoral committee.
reliability of the data base depend
on the validity and responsiveness 1`. Sifting projects according to
of the proposed actions and policy ownership. It must be noted that the
interventions. lists of projects in this CDP represent
what the sectoral committees have de-
11.1 Preparatory Activities termined to be necessary to address
the issues and fill the gaps that
A number of preparatory activ- emerged in their respective data analy-
ities were undertaken by the sec- sis. Some of the projects identified are
toral TWGs at the CPDO to lay the the responsibility of the national gov-

groundwork for the conduct of ernment; others properly belong to the

transition workshops after the May individual barangays. Still other pro-
2010 elections. These preparatory jects could be assumed by non-
activities are grouped around the government sectors. These should now
three types of policy interventions, be classified and distributed to the dif-
namely: ferent agencies and sectors concerned.
1) programs/projects; Only those for which the city is respon-
2) non-projects or services; and, sible shall be collected as inputs to the
3) proposed legislations. LDIP process.


2. Prioritizing projects
within each sector. Not all projects ibility-Complementarity (CCC) Ma-
listed by each sector, even if all of trix, the Project-Resource Impact Ma-
these are owned by the city, may be trix, or the Urgency Test may be used.
submitted to the CDC for inclusion in
the LDIP. Because of the large num- For easy reference, the criteria
ber of projects from all the sectors for determining the levels of urgency
combined, it may be necessary for the of projects are listed in the Table
CDC Secretariat to limit the number 11.1.
of projects to be submitted by each
sector. When this happens, each of 3. Preparation of project briefs.
the sectors should select projects
which they deem to be urgent. For Before submitting their priority
this purpose, tools for short-listing projects for consideration in the LDIP
projects such as the Conflict- Compat- process, each of the sectors or its pro-
ponent/s should prepare a project
Table 11.1 Criteria for Project Ranking brief for every proposed project. The
Level of project brief shouldhave the follow-
Urgency ing contents:
 Cannot be reasonably postponed
Urgent  Would remedy conditions dangerous
to public health, safety and welfare a. Name and type of project
 Needed to maintain critically needed b. Activity components
 Needed to meet emergency situa- c. Estimated cost of resource inputs
tions per activity component
 Required to complete or make usable d. Justification for the project
Essential a major public improvement
 Required to maintain minimum
e. Target beneficiaries
standards as part of on-going pro- f. Target outputs or success indica-
 Desirable self-liquidating projects
 External funding is available g. Possible risks or external factors
 Should be carried out to meet clearly h. Expected private sector response
Necessary identified and anticipated needs
 Needed to replace obsolete or unsat-
isfactory facilities 11.1.2 Structuring Non-Projects
 Repair or maintenance projects to
prolong life of existing facilities
The long list of non-projects
 Needed for expansion of existing

Desirable projects or services which the different sec-

 Designed to initiate new programs tors deemed as necessary to carry out
considered appropriate for a pro-
gressive community the identified policy interventions
 Nice to have, but can be postponed have to be further processed as well.
Acceptable without detriment to present opera-
tions if budget cuts are necessary The first thing to do is to check
 Recommended for postponement or whether the identified service can be
Deferrable elimination from immediate consid-
eration in the current LDIP
upgraded to a project.
 Questionable in terms of over-all
needs, adequate planning or proper 1. Upgrading non-projects to


projects. following format as in Table 11.2:

An activity that is listed as a non
The results of this process should
-project can be changed into a pro-
provide inputs, first, to the Budget Of-
ject if it satisfies the following cri-
fice as an aid to determining the level
of increases in the MOOE of individual
 There is a definite output to be offices. This should put to an end the
produced. practice of giving uniform fixed-rate
 There is a sense of urgency to escalation of the MOOE component of
produce the output. the local budget. Secondly, the results
 The activity is not likely to be should provide a basis for the HRMO to
repeated within the next 3 years. design intra-and inter-office / depart-
ment capability building programs.
If upgrade is possible, the new
project should be added to the list 11.1.3 Structuring Needed Legisla-
of projects to be considered for in- tions
clusion in the LDIP. On the other
hand, if upgrade is not possible, the Finally, the list of needed regulatory
activity should be retained as non-- measures identified by the different
project and further analyzed as sectors should find its way into the leg-
follows: islative agenda of the Sangguni-
 Break the service or non-project
into its specific activity or task
Pending completion of the comput-
 Identify the office or department erized Legislative Tracking System it
responsible for carrying out the was not possible for the different sec-
service as part of its functions. tors to determine whether the legisla-
 Match the needed tasks with the tion ideas they identified are already
capacity of the responsible office existent or still non-existent. It is now
or department. incumbent upon the legislative staff
 Suggest appropriate actions as through the office of the SP Secretary
needed. to collect and probe the suggested leg-
 Summarize the results into the islations listed in the CDP. The suggest-
ed logical framework for

Table 11.2 Template for Farming Out of Non-Projects

analyzing each pro-
Activity or Depart-
Gaps in Capaci- posed legislation is
Non- ty of Responsi- Recommend- as follows:
Task Com- ment/ Office
Project ble Dept./ ed Action
ponents Responsible
Proposed Office
Jurisdiction. Ascer-
tain whether the
proposed legislation
is within the LGU's
prescribed powers.

Those found to be outside

the LGU's powers to enact should comings be corrected by another
be submitted to the Congressmen legislation or will an executive is-
who are regular members of the suance suffice?
CDC for them to file the necessary
bill in Congress. In addition, the For easy reference, summarize
the results in tabular form as shown
proposed legislation may be lob-
bied before identified advocates in Table 11.3 Template for Processing Needed
the Senate. Local Legislation

Existence. Among the proposals Title of Status Subject SP Com-

Proposed Classifi- mittee for
that fall within the LGU's pre- Legislation New Amendment cation Referral
scribed powers, determine wheth-
er there are any existing SP out-
puts that are of the same or similar
in Table 11.3 below.
subject as the proposed one. If
none, simply propose enactment of
11.2 LDIP Process
a new legislation. If already exist-
ent, inquire into whether it is still The results of the project struc-
sound in construction. turing preparatory activities set the
stage for the preparation of the 3-
Soundness of construction. If con- year LDIP by the reconstituted CDC.
struction is defective, propose The resulting List of Prioritized Pro-
amendment or repeal or total re- jects is presented in Table 10.4.
placement. If still sound in con-
struction, probe into its implemen- 11.3 ELA Process
The LDIP, added to the results of
Implementation. If the legislation the preparatory structuring of legisla-
is of sound construction and is im- tive proposals, will become an input
plemented properly, what is obvi- to the preparation of the next 3-year
ously needed is to monitor the out- Executive- Legislative Agenda (ELA).
come and impact on the affected

population. On the other hand, if 11.4 CDP Legitimization

the implementation is encounter-
QC CDP and Local Development
ing problems, the questions to be
Investment Program (LDIP) 2017-
considered are: what seem to be
2020 was approved by the City De-
the causes of such difficulties? Is it velopment Council during its session
due to deficiencies of the imple- on CDC Regular Meeting held 20th of
menting body? Can these short- July, 2017 


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