Hawassa All Courses Exit Final

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Instruction: Read the following text and answer the questions (53 & 54) that

follow it.
1. The term poverty refers to the state or condition in which people or
communities lack the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of
living. 2 As such, their basic human needs cannot be met. 3.Poverty-stricken
people and families may go without proper housing, clean water, healthy food,
and medical attention. 4.Each nation may have its own criteria for determining the
poverty line and counting how many of its people live in poverty.5. It's important
to remember that poverty is a socioeconomic condition that is the result of
multiple factors—not just income. 5.These factors include race, sexual identity,
sexual orientation, and little to no access to education, among others.
What is the accurate translation of sentence 5 in the paragraph in Amharic?

Select one:
A. ድህነት በጦርነት ምክንያት ይከሰታል፡፡
B. ድህነት ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ነው፡፡
C. ድኅነት ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ክስተት ሲሆን መንስኤዎቹም የገቢ እጦት ብቻ ሳይሆን ብዙ ምክንያቶች ናቸው፡፡
D. ድህነት ፖለቲካዊና ማህበራዊ ክስተት ነው፡፡
E. ድህነት ከሰው በታች ያደርጋል፡፡

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: ድኅነት ማህበራዊና ኢኮኖሚያዊ ክስተት ሲሆን መንስኤዎቹም የገቢ እጦት ብቻ ሳይሆን
ብዙ ምክንያቶች ናቸው፡፡

2. Which sentence in the following sentences is erroneous?

Select one:
A. Everything about airbus aeroplane is enormous, the numbers are truly mind-
B. The 845m2 wing area is big enough to park 70 cars.
C. That is about as long as the Great Sphinx in Egypt, the giant two deck fuselage
will typically have 550 seats, but has the potential to carry up to 800 passengers.
D. Its overall length is 73 metres.
E. The tail, at 21 meters from the ground, is as high as a seven storey building.

3, Which one of the following is concern of discourse Analysis?

Select one:
A. Conversation
B. Speech
C. Written discourse
D. All of the above

4, A translation method which is applied to translate informative texts is called

Select one:
A. Semantic
B. Adaptation
C. Faithful
D. Communicative
E. Idiomatic

5, Which sentence summarizes the paragraph given below?

Cheating has been on the rise in recent years, according to the 2010 study
conducted at the Josephson Institute of Ethics. Among current high school
students, 75 percent admit to cheating on tests, homework, and other
assignments. Fifty percent have cheated on exams during the past year, and 34
percent have cheated on more than one test. One out of every three students has
used the internet to plagiarize an assignment.

Select one:
A. Cheating can be controlled by coding exams.
B. Cheating is an immoral academic theft which can never be avoided at all.
C. Cheating can be controlled if invigilators are very conscious of their
responsibilities and be strict with their directions
D. Cheating has become the most serious challenge though it has different
remedial solutions.
E. Cheating on exams is one of the pressing problems of the academic practices of
the day

6, One of the possible ways to improve the spoken English ability is ------------.

Select one:
a. Speaking English very seldom
b. Giving low attention to the Subject
c. Practicing the subject in confidence
d. Mugging up the accent

7, One the following is the factors that affecting the role of Public Relations

Select one:
A. Policy-making
B. Top Managers
C. The type and size of Organization
D. Media relations

8, __________________ refers some difficulty which a researcher experiences in the

context of either a theoretical or practical situation and wants to obtain a solution
for the same.

Select one:
a. A research problem
b. A research type
c. A research setting
d. A research method
e. A research objective

9, Which one of the following expresses the strongest like?

Select one:
a. Music is one of my choices.
b. My absolute favorite thing is football.
c. What I really enjoy is playing football.
d. Football is my thing.
e. Playing football makes me feel good.

10, Editing is an art & craft of making decision about and so many
things such as:
Select one:
a. Condensing
b. Selection
c. Cutting
d. Arranging
e. All

11, The concept of catharsis is associated with ______

Select one:
A. Aristotle
B. Horace
C. Aristophanes
D. Plato
E. Longinus

12, Which one of the following is not correct about spoken and written discourse?

Select one:
A. None of the above
B. A spoken discourse takes place within a single context of time and space.
C. In written discourse there is usually one addressor but a great number of
D. The addresser and addressee in a written discourse situation are not always

Instruction: From the given alternatives choose the one which completes the
sentence best.
13, He completed his task ______________________ than I expected.

Select one:
A. Most quickly
B. More quickly
C. More quick
D. . As quickly
E. Most quick

14, According to the principles of Chomsky’s Universal Grammar, any native

speaker of English can tell you that a sentence like: “He loves me more than you”
is ambiguous and can interpret it in one of the following ways.

Select one:
A. ‘He loves me more than he loves you.’
B. ‘He loves me more than you love me.’
C. A and B are the possible interpretations of the given sentence.
D. ‘You love him more than you love him.’
E. ‘You love him more than I love him.’

15, My mother’s best friend is from the North. I ______________ what she says. Her
accent is really horrible.

Select one:
A. can take or leave
B. go well with
C. quite understand
D. fully take
E. often get her well

16, We need to follow a house style /style book/ in a news room for the following
reasons except________

Select one:
A. It helps us in keeping a standard
B. None
C. It didn’t concern with flow & clarity
D. It serves us to keep consistency
E. Gives a guide to use punctuation & abbreviations.

17, Which one of the following refers PR professionals deal fairly with clients,
employers, competitors, peers, vendors, the media, and the general publics?

Select one:
A. Moral choices
B. Expertise
C. Fairness
D. Satisfy

Instruction: Read the following extract and answer the questions( 72-74) that
follow it.
Character ‘A’ says “ Japanese women are virtual slaves. According to Buddhist
Precepts, women are a sinful lot whose sole function iss to tempt men. It is
therefore, believed that the only they could make up for their sins is to serve men.
These days our women should govern themselves by this view and live
Character” B” adds, “During her life time, a woman has three masters: her father
when she is young, her husband when she married and her son when she becomes
old. Her husband could divorce her for any one of seven reasons-if she does not
bear children, is immoral ,does not serve his parents, steal, talked too much, is
jealous or has communicable disease. A good wife is supposed to be the first one
to get up in the morning and the last to go to bed at night .Her only duty
throughout the day to serve us.“
Character “C”“Yes, women should serve us diligently because we, men, are
naturally created to use women in all of our desires. I dare say that they are sub-
humans and speaking tools who are emotional, weak, fragile creatures”
Character “D” All these are inhuman treatments. We have to struggle to stop all
these stereotypes.”

18, Characters that are programmed by patriarchal ideology in the dialogue


Select one:
A. None
B. Character B
C. Character C
D. Character A
E. Character D

19, The field of inquiry that focuses on the language user’s role in the production
and reception of literary texts is ____.

Select one:
A. All of the above
B. Literary pragmatics
C. Historical discourse
D. Literary discourse
Read the following text and answer the question that follow it.
The term poverty refers to the state or condition in which people or communities
lack the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. 2 As
such, their basic human needs cannot be met. 3.Poverty-stricken people and
families may go without proper housing, clean water, healthy food, and medical
attention. 4.Each nation may have its own criteria for determining the poverty line
and counting how many of its people live in poverty.5. It's important to remember
that poverty is a socioeconomic condition that is the result of multiple factors—
not just income. 5.These factors include race, sexual identity, sexual orientation,
and little to no access to education, among others

20, Which one is the correct version of sentence 1 in Amharic ?

Select one:
A. ድህነት የምግብ እጦት ነው
B. ድህነት በዋነኛነት ሰዎችን ከደረጃ በታች የሚያኖር በሽታ ነው፡፡ህነት በዋነኛነት ሰዎችን ከደረጃ በታች የሚያኖር
በሽታ ነው፡፡
C. ድህነት የሚለው ስያሜ የገንዘብና የሌሎች ደረጃውን በጠበቀ ሁኔታ ለመኖር የሚያስፈልግ ሀብት እጥረትን
D. ድህነት ስዎችን የሚያዋርድ በሽታ ነው፡፡
E. ድህነትን ለማጥፋት በዋነኛነት ጠንካራ የስራ ባህል ሊኖር ይበጋል፡፡

21, Which one is not the content of a research proposal?

Select one:
A. Significance of the study
B. Statement of the problem
C. Research objective
D. Methodology
E. Research Findings

22, Masantu was given a text about medicine to render from English to Sidama
Afoo. Masantu couldn’t translate some concepts for the text is out of her
specialization. What do you advise Masantu to ease of this problem?

Select one:
A. I advise Masantu to translate the text as per her understanding.
B. I advise Masantu to consider contextual clues.
C. I advise Masantu to consult experts in medicine.
D. Masantu does not need any advise since it is up to her to the do the job.
E. None

23, Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (27-31) that
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?
Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.
It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business
management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.
The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.
In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.
I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the
Collaborative learning asks that you:
- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

Select one:
a. Ships
b. Carton
c. Containers
d. Box
e. Bridge

24, _______ Ato Manguday believes that feminist criticism plays a devastating role,
for it creates enmity between men and women. What is your reaction to Ato
Manguday’s view?

Select one:
A. Yes those who read feminist criticism ignored their partner
B. Yes , feminist criticism indicates how much women suffered from patriarchy
domination in all areas.
C. Yes ,feminist criticism advises women to be rebellious.
D. No, the ultimate goal of feminist criticism is to change the world by
promoting women’s equality
E. all of the above

25, Receiver: Hello . English department?

Caller: Hello _______________________
Receiver: Speaking.

Select one:
A. Who is Dr. Hailu?
B. Can I speak to Dr. Hailu, please?
Giving low attention to the Subject
MIs that Dr. Hilu?A) Who is Dr. Hailu?
ugA) Is that Dr. Hilu?
A) Is that Dr. Hilu?
A) Is that Dr. Hilu?
ging up the accent
E. This is Dr. Hailu speaking.

26, The more technological today’s world __________, the more compatible with
both humans and machines language needs to be.

Select one:
A. As become
B. Will become
C. Become
D. Became
E. Becomes

27,,Imaginative Creative writing in literature is associated with:

Select one:
A. News Story.
B. Fiction
C. Biographical Writing
D. Educational Text.
E. History

28, __________________ is the figure of Speech that technically the author uses to
exaggerate expressions.

Select one:
A. Hyperbole
B. Symbolism
C. Simile
D. Metaphor
E. Euphemism

29,One is true about a phrase.

Select one:
A. The central element in a phrase is referred to as the head of the phrase
B. All are correct statements.
C. A phrase can be considered the lowest syntactic unit.
D. It can be defined as a syntactic unit that contains more than one word and
lacks the subject – predicate relationship.
E. Phrases combine words into a larger unit that can function as a sentence

Instruction: Read the following extract and answer the questions( 72-74) that
Character ‘A’ says “ Japanese women are virtual slaves. According to Buddhist
Precepts, women are a sinful lot whose sole function is to tempt men. It is
therefore, believed that the only they could make up for their sins is to serve men.
These days our women should govern themselves by this view and live
Character” B” adds, “During her life time, a woman has three masters: her father
when she is young, her husband when she married and her son when she becomes
old. Her husband could divorce her for any one of seven reasons-if she does not
bear children, is immoral ,does not serve his parents, steal, talked too much, is
jealous or has communicable disease. A good wife is supposed to be the first one
to get up in the morning and the last to go to bed at night .Her only duty
throughout the day to serve us.“
Character “C”“Yes, women should serve us diligently because we, men, are
naturally created to use women in all of our desires. I dare say that they are sub-
humans and speaking tools who are emotional, weak, fragile creatures”
Character “D” All these are inhuman treatments. We have to struggle to stop all
these stereotypes.”

30, Which literary criticism approach is mostly applicable to analyze the above

Select one:
A. None
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Formalism
D. Feminism
E. Marxism

Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (23-31) that
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?

Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.

It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business

management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.

The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.

In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.

I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.

If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the

Collaborative learning asks that you:

- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

Select one:
A. To inform the reader his experience in teaching
B. To warn the teacher to make use collaborative learning.
C. To argue for the lecture method of teaching.
D. To tell us the advantage of collaborative learning.
E. To compare the collaborative learning with other approaches.

31 The title of the listening text can be: ____________

Play Video

Select one:
A. Limiting teenage driving
None of the above
Car Accident
People in Accident
Loss of life in Driving

32, The difference between general literature and specific studying of literature

Select one:
A. None of the above.
B. General Literature focuses on any/all type of writings.
C. Non-fiction is not a form of writings.
D. Choice ‘A’ and ‘B’ are answer.
E. Specific literature focuses on creative art.

33, The most relevant sentence(s) to complete the following paragraphs is:

Although science and technology have never been humanity’s first need, it is
wrong to reject them in favour of some idealistic
philosophies.__________________________________. What is more important here is who
controls science and what goals they are serving. In the hands of few irresponsible
individuals, science might make the world into hell, whereas no one has ever been
hurt from a gun in the hands of an angel. Science and technology are desirable as
long as they serve human values, bring peace and happiness, contribute to
international harmony, and help solve humanity’s material and spiritual problems.

Select one:
A. We must praise scientific research and the outcomes of technological
B. If they move away from these goals, the world is better off without them
C. We cannot comprehend the advantages and disadvantages of such a world.
D. At most, doing so would be a utopia .
MISince the Renaissance, humanity has designed amazing innovations.
s thA. Since the Renaissance, humanity has designed amazing innovations.
at Dr. Hilu?
A) Who is Dr. Hailu?
ugA) Is that Dr. Hilu?
A) Is that Dr. Hilu?
A) Is that Dr. Hilu?
ging up the accent

34, Which one of the following is not correct regarding literary discourse?

Select one:
a. The non-committal contemplation of its interpreter
b. All of the above
c. Its committal expressiveness of its utterer
d. Its inquiry into norms & values by assuming an exemplary function

35, According to the speaker’s example, the age of the driver who made the
accident was:______________

Select one:
A. 21
B. 18
C. 17
D. 16
E. 20

36, The presenter is _______ about the topic of her presentation.

Select one:
A. Happy
B. Worried
C. Not determined
D. Neutral
E. None

37, Which statement is true about the defining features of human language?

Select one:
A. One example of the cultural transmission of language is a child with physical
features inherited from its natural parents (e.g. Tigre) who, if adopted at birth by
Sidamu Afoo speakers, will grow up speaking Sidamo Afoo (and not Tigrigna).
B. With productivity, the system can create new expressions and the potential
number of expressions is infinite.
C. Reflexivity is the property that enables humans to use language to think and
talk about language itself.
D. The forms of linguistic signs bear no natural (logical, intrinsic) relationship
to their meaning.
E. All are correct statements.

39, Mr. “Y” is the HM company public relation practitioner. He and his colleagues
always tried to explaining the particular situation or circumstances clearly, so that
the ignorance, and even hostility, surrounding them could be turned into
understanding. Thus, as PR practitioner their role is?

Select one:
A. Creating good images
B. Generating public interest
C. Persuading people
D. Having acceptance

40, Someone says, “Would you please show me a good restaurant?” Which one
can be a possible answer?

Select one:
a. Here you are.
b. When
c. Why
d. What
e. if not

41, News items are_____________

Select one:
A. Informative texts
B. Expository texts
C. Vocative
D. A and B
E. All

42, One example of the victims of the accident is the presenters’ ____________.

Select one:
A. Sister
B. Niece
C. All
D. Nephew
E. brother

43, Which of the sentences in the given choices support the topic sentence?
It is easy to get a sports injury.

Select one:
A. Many people enjoy sports
B. Runners often have problems with their ankles and knees.
C. Basketball players can break their fingers or get knocked over by another
D. Many people make the simple mistake of joining a gym, and then they never
go there to exercise.
E. B and C are answers

44, One of the following can be considered less important to deliver a speech

Select one:
A. Organizing points in a logical order
B. Using Paralanguages
C. None of the above
D. Choosing proper words
E. Managing the stage well

Instruction: From the given alternatives choose the one which completes the
sentence best.

45, He completed his task ______________________ than I expected.

Select one:
a. More quick
b. . More quickly
c. Most quick
d. Most quickly
e. As quickly

46, The following listed are responsibilities of copy editors but one:______

Select one:
A. All
B. None
C. Removing racism and jargons
D. Avoiding Parochialism
E. Eliminating Sexism

Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follow.
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?

Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.
It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business
management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.

The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.

In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.

I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the
Collaborative learning asks that you:
- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

What is the main idea of the passage?

47, What is the main idea of the passage?

Select one:
a. Traditional approach is by far better than that of Collaborative learning.
b. Working together makes people successful, so we shouldn’t work alone.
c. Collaborative learning is better than that of traditional lecture or mass
d. Universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers assume that students
are empty vessels
e. Collaborative learning gives students chance to reveal their ignorance.

Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions(23-31) that follow.
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?

Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.

It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business

management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.

The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.

In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.

I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the

Collaborative learning asks that you:

- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

48, What makes a collaborative classroom look different from a regular


Select one:
a. The teacher is expected to lecture the entire lesson to the students.
b. Students are quieter and neater than usual in regular classroom.
c. Teacher is responsible to the students’ learning in collaborative classroom.
d. Students look for answers for themselves rather than wait for the teacher.
e. Learning is taking place better when the teacher teaches.

49. Which statement expresses a low level like?

Select one:
A. I quite like sea food.
B. I don’t hate it that much.
C. It is alright with me.
D. The film was not that bad.
E. All
50 The sentences below tell us that the writer wants to write a /an__________

Some people say that uniforms infringe on students’ freedom. However, uniforms
would not cause a threat to a student’s individual freedom. The main reason is
that there are lots of other things that make a student, “student” besides his/her

Select one:
a. Argumentative
b. All
c. Expository
d. Narrative
e. Expository

51, Even if she _______________ with him, she couldn’t quit her job.

Select one:
a. A & B
b. finished
c. despises working
d. can stand to work
e. gets unwell

52, Editors use some basic practices to improve headlines; identify the deviating
expression from the following

Select one:
A. Use present tense
B. Fit allotted space
C. All are correct
D. Understand the story
E. Write in basic language

53, Which one of the following is not the characteristic of a research?

Select one:
a. It is systematic
b. It is based on logical reasoning
c. A. None of the above
d. It is scientific
e. It is empirical

Instruction: From the given alternatives choose the one which completes the
sentence best.

54, Although the existence of germs was verified in about 1600, scientists
_______________ the connection between germs and disease until the mid -nineteenth

Select one:
A. Did not prove
B. Had not proved
C. Have not proved
D. Were not proving
E. Will not prove
55, The story that is told through the exchange letters between characters is
identified as what the characters confront, what happens, experience, and
coincidence. This is a type of novel called as:___________

Select one:
A. Epistolary
B. Sociological novel
C. Anthropological novel
D. Historical Novel

56, Indicate a group of sounds which contains voiced consonants

Select one:
A. B,D,G.J
B. All
C. C,F,L,N
D. P,K,R,Z
E. X,W,T,V

57, Geresu believes that translation is done only by a translator. He always renders
texts without somebody’s help. Therefore, his translations are full of errors
emanating from lack of expertise knowledge. What do you advise Geresu to
improve the quality of his translation?

Select one:
A. I advise Geresu to use expertise knowledge by consulting other experts.
B. I advise Gegeresu to consider that translation is a team work.
C. I advise Geresu to consider knowledge of culture.
D. I advese Geresu to read and reread the original text.
E. A &B
58, The title of the listening text can be:________________

Select one:
a. People in Accident
b. Car Accident
c. Limiting teenage driving
d. Loss of Life in Driving

59, t is Friday afternoon attending lecture and you want to part your friend. How
would you say that?_________________

Select one:
a. Ok.
b. Come soon.
c. Good Friday.
d. Have a nice weekend.
e. Happy to see you again

60, One of the following sentences is not true about generative grammar.

Select one:
A. It is a theory of grammar that holds that human language is shaped by a set
of basic principles that are part of the human brain.
B. It is a kind of unconscious knowledge that allows a person, to form "correct"
C. None of the above
D. Generative grammar accepts as a basic premise that native speakers of a
language will find certain sentences grammatical or ungrammatical.
E. All of the above
Instruction: Choose the one which states the concept of the original sentence.

61, A couple of minutes ago, I tried to reach Senait on the phone at her office, but
I'm afraid she was not there.

Select one:
a. If Senait had been at her office, she would have answered the phone.
b. Senait was not present at her office; hence, she did not answer the phone
c. Senait was not at her office and she did not answer the phone.
d. All are possible answers.
e. Had Senait been at the office, she would have answered the phone.

62, The two broad categories of sampling are:_____________________.

Select one:
A. A. Comprehensive and snowball sampling
B. Simple random and systematic random sampling
C. Purposive and accidental sampling
D. Probability and non-probability sampling
E. Availability and stratified sampling

63, The most relevant sentence(s) to complete the following paragraph is:

Two years after the end of the first world war, America passed the Jones Act.
__________________________________________________________________. The war had convinced
lawmakers of the need to foster a home- grown fleet for use in times of conflict or
national emergency. In 1944, while a more modern war still raged in Europe,
governments meeting in Chicago took inspiration from the Jones Act while laying
down the regulations that would govern international air transport. These were
crafted to safeguard the vital strategic role of each country’s “flag carrying”
national airline.

Select one:
For decades, arcane rules on routes and frequencies have distorted the market for
B. And restrictions on foreign ownership of airlines, in the name of national
security, have prevented the competition that has preserved the vitality of other
C. On Monday November 14th, a new round of “open skies" negotiations is set
to begin between Europe and America.
D. This is the latest in a series of attempts in recent years to unpick the anti-
competitive measures that were put in place in Chicago.
E. This restricted the shipping of goods between home ports to American
owned vessels.

Equality is about ‘creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has
the opportunity to fulfill their potential.

64, The above sentence can be written as part of an/a___________ paragraph or


Select one:
A. Narrative
B. Expository
C. All
D. Argumentative
E. Descriptive
Number of deaths Status of people killed in accident

1.______(X)__________ drivers 16-20 years of ages

2,384 2. ________(Y)_________

65, “Y’’ in the above table represents _____________

Select one:
A. Teenage passengers
B. People aged 21
C. Drivers aged 16-20
D. All
E. None

Instruction: Read the following extract and answer the questions( 72-74) that
follow it.
Character ‘A’ says “ Japanese women are virtual slaves. According to Buddhist
Precepts, women are a sinful lot whose sole function iss to tempt men. It is
therefore, believed that the only they could make up for their sins is to serve men.
These days our women should govern themselves by this view and live
Character” B” adds, “During her life time, a woman has three masters: her father
when she is young, her husband when she married and her son when she becomes
old. Her husband could divorce her for any one of seven reasons-if she does not
bear children, is immoral ,does not serve his parents, steal, talked too much, is
jealous or has communicable disease. A good wife is supposed to be the first one
to get up in the morning and the last to go to bed at night .Her only duty
throughout the day to serve us.“
Character “C”“Yes, women should serve us diligently because we, men, are
naturally created to use women in all of our desires. I dare say that they are sub-
humans and speaking tools who are emotional, weak, fragile creatures”
Character “D” All these are inhuman treatments. We have to struggle to stop all
these stereotypes.”

66, Which forms of exploitations are prevalent in the dialogue?

Select one:
A. Labor
B. Psychological
C. Economical
D. All
E. Patriarchal

67, Which one of the following is the characteristic of a good research problem?

Select one:
A. Clarity and conciseness.
B. Being related to one or more academic fields.
C. The potential to generate research questions.
D. All of the above
E. It has a base in the research literature.

68, You are a copy editor in a specific news media which one of the following is
not appropriate language use?
Select one:
A. Spokesman
B. Cameraman
C. A & B
E. None

Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions(23-31) that follow.
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?

Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.

It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business

management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.
The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.
In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.
I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the
Collaborative learning asks that you:
- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

69, Which one can possibly be a conclusion for this passage?

Select one:
a. A group leader’s ideas and knowledge are only respected than other students
bring to the class.
b. In collaborative learning classroom, students learn by themselves, and the
teacher is facilitator.
c. In collaborative learning classroom teacher has more time than students.
d. In collaborative learning classroom one correct answer is required.

Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?

Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.

It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business

management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.

The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.
In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.

I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the

Collaborative learning asks that you:

- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

70. According to the author, we frequently say that hermits and solitary geniuses
are ‘peculiar’ because _____________________________. (Par. 2)

Select one:
a. They are exceptions.
b. They are strange people.
c. They are smarter than other people.
d. They are wiser that other scientists.
e. They are successful person.
Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (23-31) that
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?

Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.
It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business
management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.
The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.

In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.

I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the

Collaborative learning asks that you:

- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

71, Who wrote this passage?

Select one:
A. Emily Dickinson
B. One of the teachers
C. The students
D. One of the students
E. Known solitary individual

72, Which of the following Phrase structure rule is wrong?

Select one:
A. VP → V (NP) (PP/S/VP)
B. PP → P (NP)
C. NP → (Det) (Adj) N (PP/S)
D. AdvP → (AdvP) Adv
E. S → NP VP

73, The “X” organization PR department practitioners always utilize half-true

information to tell the occurrences for the public. They trying to do informal
observation of information disseminated to people about their organization. And,
they implement linear method of communication. Therefore, based on the
mentioned characteristics what would be the PR model of “X” organization?
Select one:
A. Two-way symmetrical model
B. Publicity model
C. Two-way asymmetrical model
D. The public-information model

74, Which one of the following is a formal perspective of discourse?

Select one:
A. It is a language above a sentence or a clause
B. It is actual instance of communication in the medium of language
C. All of the above
D. It is a meaning communicated far above what is said

75, Which of the sentences is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

1.For many years, I suffered from severe anxiety every time I took an exam. 2.
Hours before the exam, my heart would begin pounding, my legs would shake,
and sometimes I would become physically unable to move. 3. Last year, I was
referred to a specialist and finally found a way to control my anxiety—breathing
exercises. 4. It seems so simple, but by doing just a few breathing exercises a
couple of hours before an exam, I gradually got my anxiety under control. 5. The
exercises help slow my heart rate and make me feel less anxious. 6. Better yet,
they require no pills, no equipment, and very little time. 7. It’s amazing how just
breathing correctly has helped me learn to manage my anxiety symptoms.

Select one:
A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 7
C. Sentence 3
D. Sentence 2
E. Sentence 4

76, Which one of the following data gathering tool is the most appropriate to
collect data from small number of participants (Eg. From 10 participants)?

Select one:
A. Questionnaire
B. Test
C. Interview
D. A and B
E. A and C

77, The statement that best expresses the main idea of the following paragraph is:
The fact that electronic computers are now used for data processing has led the
general public to believe that it is a mysterious, complicated science and that the
computers are giant brains. Both of these ideas are false. A computer is basically
just a high-speed adding machine that performs the functions it is told to. If the
input data are varied even a little, the computer is unable to operate until it is
programmed to accept the variations. The business operations it performs are
impressive only because of the extremely high speed of manipulation, but most of
these operations have been used for decades. Unlike man, the computer performs
repetitive calculations without getting tired or bored.

Select one:
A. A computer is impressive because of its high speed.
B. A computer is a high-speed adding machine.
C. A computer is superior to man in many ways.
D. A computer is a mysterious giant brain.

Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (27-31) that
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?

Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.

It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business

management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.
The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.
In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.
I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the

Collaborative learning asks that you:

- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

78, The pronoun ‘them’ in paragraph 2 refers to:

Select one:
B. Group achievers
C. Hermits and solitary geniuses
D. Curie and her husband

79, Which of the following sentences contain discourse deictics?

Select one:
A. Bring that book to me.
B. Put the red pen over there.
C. I saw the film that was banned.
D. I saw him dancing in the nearby club.

80, ___________________ is dominated by a serious tone, concerns kings and princes,

deals with profound issues, and usually concludes with the death of the leading

Select one:
A. Comedy
B. Tragedy
C. Romance
D. History
E. Tragicomedy

81, The statement that best expresses the main idea of the following paragraph is:
The Louisiana Purchase proved to be one of the shrewdest business pacts in the
entire history of the United States. The purchase doubled in the area of the
country and provided territory from which fourteen new states were created either
wholly or in part. It also gave us control over the mouth of the Mississippi River
and opened up the way to foreign trade. Prior to the purchase, the waterway had
been blocked by the Spanish, probably with the approval of Napoleon. The land
that was bought was rich in timber, minerals, and natural resources of many kinds.
Finally, the cost of the transaction was unbelievably low; the total of $15 million
amounted to about four cents an acre.

Select one:
A. The land bought by the Louisiana Purchase was rich in minerals.
B. The Louisiana Purchase was a very good business deal for the U.S.
C. The land bought by the Louisiana Purchase was very cheap.
D. Most Americans were very pleased with the purchase.
E. The Louisiana Purchase is the only best business pacts in the U.S.

Direction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions (27-31) that
When you think of writing, what do you visualize? Do you see a solitary individual
like Emily Dickinson sitting alone in an attic room? Do you imagine F. Scott
Fitzgerald lying drunk in his lonely study? Or do you see people working together
– the early leaders of this country huddled in candlelight talking, writing and
revising the declaration of independence? Do you see a famous novelist like
Hemingway leaning over the typescript of a new book with his editor?
Although most of our familiar images of writers present them as solitary, in fact
most writers and thinkers work together to share ideas with one another. Our
historical and cultural mythology encourages us to think of great ideas,
discoveries, and events as the product of individual effort when they usually result
from group efforts. We remember Alexander Graham Bell and his telephone,
Marie Curie and radium, Aristotle and definition of tragedy, or Martin Luther King,
Jr. and civil rights movement. But none of these people worked alone. Bell
developed his inventors etc. There are, of course, hermits and solitary geniuses in
our society, but they are exceptions – so exceptional, in fact, that we
frequently brand them peculiar or even insane.
It is not surprising, then, that recent research in education and business
management show us that people can accomplish more if they work together.
Dozens of studies have revealed that people working as a group to solve mazes or
number puzzles can outperform individuals working alone at the same task. And
perhaps the most interesting, research demonstrates that groups even solve
puzzles more accurately than the brightest individual in them alone.
The classroom in which collaborative learning is used looks quite different from a
more traditional lecture or mass discussion. When you will work in pairs or small
groups, you may move about the room rather than sit still and you will find out
answers for yourselves rather than wait for the teacher to give you answers. In
fact, in most of the experiences, there is no “right answer”. So you and your
groups will be developing your own ideas, not just trying figure out “what the
teacher wants”.
In order to work together with your classmates, you will have to recognize the
knowledge and experience that you and your classmates have. Why work with
others if you don’t think that they have anything worthwhile to share? Why ask
someone to respond to your writing if you think that only the teacher can do that?
Most students have gradually come to distrust the knowledge they and their
classmates have. The traditional educational system teaches most students that
they should listen to the teacher, memorize what she and the text books says, and
then regurgitates that information on exams and in papers. In many cases,
students find it easier to forget or ignore what they think and just concentrate on
what the teacher thinks. In most universities, colleges, and high schools, teachers
and students alike assume that students are empty vessels, waiting to be filled (or
poured) with the knowledge of different subjects.
I know that I was a student; I was often afraid to speak in class. It seemed safer to
be quiet than to be wrong. I remember sitting in English class and
thinking, “Where did the teacher get that interpretation of this test? I thought that
the poem was about a flower and she says that it is about existentialism.”I learned
to keep quiet rather than reveal my ignorance. I think many students share my
fear of being wrong. Consequently, it is not surprising that traditional educators
today bemoan the fact that their students are passive.
If we teachers treat you as if you know nothing about the subject, and if you are
afraid to speak for fear of being wrong, then you will become passive. You will
wait for us to tell you what you think, and then you will write it down and tell it
back to us in papers and on exams. In this kind of system, there is little reward for
thinking on your own. There is also little reward for listening to other apparently
equally ignorant students. This is why students often complain about group work
of any kind. They want to know why the teacher does not just give them the
Collaborative learning asks that you:
- Have the courage to recognize and speak your own ideas.
- Respect the ideas and knowledge that other students bring to the class.
- Trust the teacher to listen to you with respect and to care about your ideas.
Collaborative learning redefines your relationship to your teacher and to the other
students in the class. It focuses on the knowledge and experience that you bring to
a classroom. It also works by finding out what you know and then allowing the
teacher to respond and give you exercises that will let you learn. The teacher
doesn’t digest all the knowledge and feed it to you like the predigested food fed
to baby birds. You learn for yourself, and the teacher is there as a kind of coach to
guide your learning to point you to important ideas and books, to give you
exercises ideas and books, to give you exercises that will help you sharpen your

82, The pronoun ‘they’ in paragraph 3 refers to:

Select one:
a. Researchers
b. Managers
c. The teachers
d. Individual workers
e. A. People working together

83, The purpose of review of related literature is:______________.

Select one:
a. to analyses the data as per the concepts in the literature.
b. to convey what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic
c. to develop knowledge in the area of the study,
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
84, Which sentence is different from the others?

Select one:
A. None of the above.
B. It was the woman who prepared the meal.
C. The woman prepared the meal.
D. Was the meal prepared by the woman?
E. The meal was prepared by the woman.

85, When PR Practitioner makes communication policy decisions and are held
accountable by others and themselves for the success or failure of communication
programs, what would be there role?

Select one:
a. Communication liaisons
b. Communication managers
c. Media relations specialists managers
d. Communication

Instruction: Choose the one which states the concept of the original sentence.

86, I am trying to reach Senait on the phone now at her office, but I'm afraid she
is not there.

Select one:
A. If Senait was not in her office, she would answer the phone.
B. Unless Senait were in her office, she would answer the phone.
C. Is Senait is in her office, she will answer the phone.
D. If Senait had been in her office, she would have answered the phone.
E. If Semait were at her office, she would answer the phone.
Instruction: From the given alternatives(for question 32-37), choose the one which
completes each sentence best.

87, A friend of _______ lost her cellphone last weekend.

Select one:
A. Ours
B. Us
C. Our
D. We
E. Me

88, Kumela, in one of his lectures, said that ancient philosopher who went by the
name Horace(20 BC) identified only the entertaining function of literature. What is
your view regarding Kumela’s lecture?

Select one:
A. A and B
B. None of the above
C. No, Horace did not identify functions of literature.
D. Yes, Kumela was right because Horace represented entertaining function of
literature by dulce.
E. Other than entreating function of literature, Kumela forgot utile a term
which refers to deducting readers.
89. The organization would have no consequences on the group or the group
would have no consequences on the organization. This type of public is?

Select one:
A. Active public
B. Nonpublic
C. Latent public
D. Aware public

Instruction: From the given alternatives, choose the one which completes the
sentence best.

90, Although the existence of germs was verified in about 1600, scientists
_______________ the connection between germs and disease until the mid -nineteenth

Select one:
a. Had not proved
b. Did not prove
c. . Have not proved
d. Were not proving
e. Will not prove

91, Which of the following method is appropriate to analyze the data collected
using close-ended items?

Select one:
Both qualitative and quantitative
QA. Qualitative technique
Qualitative technique
Quantitative technique
Content analysis
None of the above

Question text

92, The following listed are defining basic nature of modern headlines with the
exception of:

Select one:
A. Insignificant to page’s attraction
B. Keeps the mood of the story
C. . Summarize story
D. Catch readers attention

93, Written Literature is characterized by________

Select one:
A. There is no change or very little on edition
B. All except choice
C. The medium is the script
D. Transmitted through Oral Performance
E. Independent of the author
94, Which one of the following words has more than three syllables?

Select one:
A. Technological
B. Climate
C. Temperature
D. Pneumonia
E. Norm

95, A type of interpretation done when the speaker pauses to allow

the interpreter is called

Select one:
a. Simultaneous
b. Communicative
c. Consecutive
d. A&B
e. semantic

96, Lemlem argues that in the process of translation skills of source language is
more important that of target language? What is your reaction to Lemlem’s

Select one:
A. Lemlem is right because without knowing the source language it would be
difficult to translate a text.
B. Lemlem is wrong because source language doesn’t matter a lot in the
process of translation.
C. Lemlem is wrong because of the fact that target language skill is more
important for it serves for expression.
D. Lemlem is wrong because of the fact that source language skill serves for
comprehending a text and this can be done using contextual clues and
E. C and D are answers

Play Video

Instruction: Listen to the video speech and complete the following table from the
options given below the Table.

Number of deaths Status of people killed in accident

1.______(X)__________ drivers 16-20 years of ages

2,384 2. ________(Y)_________

97, “X’’ in the above table represents __________________

Select one:
A. 8,666
B. 3,657
C. 2, 384
D. 2, 625

98, Which one of the discourse marker exemplifies?

Select one:
a. Therefore
b. For instance
c. Furthermore
d. All of the above

99, Which of the following sound is wrongly described?

Select one:
A. [s] alveolar, fricative, voiceless
B. [h] glottal, fricative, voiceless
C. [b] bilabial, plosive, voiceless
D. [l] alveolar, lateral, voiced
E. None

100, Based on the following text, which one of the following is not correct about
the power relation between the speaker, the pop and the prime minister?
His holiness pop John and His excellence Prime minister Paul were here on the
meeting. I was please to be there with these great dignitaries.

Select one:
A. The speaker seems a subordinate
B. We cannot tell the power relation from the given context
C. All of the above
D. The pop and the prime minister are superiors

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