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College of Social Sciences and Humanities
Department of English Language and Literature
Final Senior Essay Approval Form
As member of the Board of Examining of the final senior essay of Bachelor Degree, I

certify that I have read and evaluated the essay prepared by Tajebe Tadele under the

title “Assessment of factors that affect development of students’ grammar skill ፡ The

case of third year English Language and Literature students in Mettu University.” And

recommended that the senior essay be accepted as fulfilling the Essay requirement for

the Bachelor Degree (BA) in English Language and Literature.


Name Signature Date

Student ……………………….......... ……………

Advisor ------------------------------- --------------- --------------------
Head of Department ----------------------- ---------------- --------------------
Examiner ------------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------


I declare that this senior essay, conducted under department of English

Language and Literature in Mettu University, is my own piece of

work, and has not yet been presented in any similar manner in other

program and area. All the materials used for this study are my own

effort and been duly acknowledged.

Name student Signature Date

_________________ __________ _________

This senior essay has been submitted for examination with my

approval as a university advisor

Department Head Signature Date

____________ ___________ __________

Advisor Signature Date

__________________ ____________ ___________

Examiner Signature Date

________________ _____________ __________


First of all, I would like to thank the almighty God for his aids through my life.
Secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Efa Terefe (Ass. prof.)
who advises me to achieve this study. And I would like to thank for his valuable
advice and constructive comments, and suggestions. Thirdly, I would like to thank my
families who helped me by financial support to achieve my academic goal. Finally, I
would like to thank the Mettu University Department of English Language and
Literature for given this chance.

Table of Contents page

List of Tables..................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................1
1. Iintroduction...............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study..........................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the Problems....................................................................2

1.3 .Research Questions.............................................................................2

1.4 Objectives of the Study........................................................................3

1.4.1 General Objective....................................................................................................................3

1.4.2 Specific Objectives..................................................................................................................3

1.5. Significance of the Study.....................................................................3

1.6. Limitation of the Study........................................................................3

1.7. The Scope of the Study/Delimitation..................................................4

CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................................5
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE......................................................................5
This chapter discussed about the meaning and some important aspects........................5
CHAPTER THREE......................................................................................................12
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY........................................................12
3.1. Introduction.......................................................................................12

3.5 Instruments of Data Gathering...........................................................13

3.5.1. Questionnaire........................................................................................................................13

3.5.2. Observation...........................................................................................................................13

3.5.3. Interview...............................................................................................................................14

3.6. Data Analysis Technique...................................................................14

3.7 Ethical Consideration.........................................................................14

DATA PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION..................................................15
4.1. Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Respondents.......................................15
4.2. Description of the Teachers’ Interview, Questionnaire and

4.3. Classroom Observation.....................................................................24

SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................25
5.1 Summary.............................................................................................25

5.2 Conclusion..........................................................................................27

5.3 Recommendations..............................................................................28

List of Tables


Table 1. Sex distribution of Students………………….…………………………….13

Table 2. Marital Status………………………………………………………………13

Table 3: Socio-demographic Characteristics of Respondents………………………14

Table 4. Socio-demographic characteristics of the Teacher Respondents…….…….14

Table5. Motivating Students…………………………………………………………15

Table 6. Students Responses about how Teachers help them to Develop Speaking

Table7. Students Responses about how often their practice Writing Skill in Grammar
Lesson in Classroom…………………………………………………………………16

Table8. Students Response about are there any Factors that affect the development of
Learning English Grammar in the Class when they Write………………………...17

Table 9. Factors that affect the development of Learning English Grammar in the
Class when they write………………………………………………………………..17

Table10. Solutions suggested for the Factors students face while Learning English
Grammar during Writing……………………………………………………………18

Table 11. Frequency of Teachers Encouragement of Students……………………..19

Table 12. The Factors that Affect Students’ Development of Grammar Skill….….19

Table13.The Rate Level of Students Participation in Grammar Lesson during


Definition of Terms

Grammar: is an essential of the use of the language…………………………………..5

Sentence: Is a word or group of words that express a complete thought…………...5

Subject: Name of a person, place and thing the sentence is about………………….5

Object: Noun or pronoun that receives the action expressed by the verb or names of
the result of the action………………………………………………………………....5

Noun: Is a word that functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things….5

Adjective: An adjective is word that modifies a noun or a pronoun………………….5

Verb: Is words that tell something about a subject used to receive an action………..5

Adverb: The word that modifies the meaning of adverb and object, verb, adjective,
another adverb determiner, noun phrase, clause, or sentences………………………..6

Writing: Is unique way of thinking……………………………………………………9


ELT…………………….English Language Teachers………………………………19


The main purpose of this study was to assess the factors that affect development of
students’ grammar skill in third year English language and literature students in Mettu
University. The necessary data for the study were gathered by questionnaire,
observation and interview. The researcher prepared 11 items questionnaire questions
for 27 students and 4 items of interview questions for 2 English teachers. The
collected data were analyzed by using both qualitative and quantitative methods for
the process of data collection interpretation was used. The qualitative method was
used to analyze non numerical data that was gathered through interview questions.
And the quantitative method was used to analyze numerical data that was collected
through questionnaires from respondents. The researcher used availability sampling
method with sample size of 27 respondents. The major findings of this study showed
that most of students have lack of practice, lack of interest, lack of background
knowledge and lack of grammar rule was the main factors in the study. The
conclusion of this study showed that majority of the students were not interested and
practiced in grammar skill. Although some English teachers were used different
methods to evaluate their students by giving short presentation, group work activities,
and assignments to do in group and individually. Finally, the researcher forwarded the
recommends that help to minimize the major factors that affect students grammar
lesson, English teachers have to encourage their students, teachers should provide
tests and quiz to evaluate their students. And students should be pay attention to the
teacher while lesson delivered and they must practice again and again.


1. Iintroduction

1.1 Background of the Study

According to Smith (1991), grammar is an essential of the use of the language.

In linguistics grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of

clause, phrase and words. Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning
language. Many scholars have been defining grammar depending on its function, rules
and structures. Mack (1994), defines grammar as the system of which language
functions. Various grammarians have formulate their own description of how English
grammar functions. These descriptions are called traditional, structural and
transformational grammar .According to Bujones (2010), traditional grammar defines
part of speech by their meaning and functions. Furthermore, Argaulslesh (1999),
structural grammar defines them primarily by their order in sentences. According to
Zionists FJ (1966), transformational grammar shifts the emphasis from analysis of
parts of speech to the way people produce the possible sentence of the language.
Bastion (1994), stated that language without grammatical order or grammar would
certainly leave us seriously handicapped and would be chaotic countless words
without the indispensable guide line for how they can be ordered and modifies. He
mentioned that a study of grammar (syntax and morphology) reveals a structure and
regularities which lies at the bases of language and enables us to the task of the
language system. Even though, students experience on grammar, there are many
factors that affect students' development of grammar skill. Thus the researcher would
conduct factors of grammar skill.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

English grammar is the way in which meanings are encoded in to wordings in the
English language. This in clued the structural of words, phrases, clauses and sentences
right up to the structure of whole text. The factors that English grammar accurately,
meaning fully, appropriately as well as the use of punctuation are even great (Larson-
freemen, 1999), According to Larson, there are unlimited factors that affect students
grammar skill. Another researcher Murcia (1991) pointed out different major factors
in his study, learners’ age determines the extant which they focus on form. However,
those researchers did not touch all factors of grammar skill in writing particularly at
University. Therefore the researcher would try to fill the gaps standing from his/her
experience on factors of grammar skill in class room while she/he was learned.
Because these factors would unable to use appropriate punctuation mark while
writing, coherence factors(the order of flow of idea)in writing, sentence errors
(comma splice, fragment, run on sentence), and subject-verb agreement factors. Thus
the researcher would emphasize on major factors that affect students' grammar skill፡
at the case of third year English language and literature students in Mettu University.
The researcher focused on the expected outcomes of the level and attempted to
answer the following questions.

1.3 .Research Questions

*What are the major factors that affect development of students in grammar skill?

* What are the common factors in students writing in grammar lesson?

* What kind of techniques do students follow in learning grammar skill?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.4.1 General Objective

The main objective of this study was to assess the factors that affect the development
of students' grammar skill in Mettu University third year English language and
literature students.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

This study has different specific objectives, and the researcher attempted them.

*To find out the major factors that affect students learning grammar skill.

*To identify the factors that affect students’ grammar writing skill.

*To assess what kind of techniques do the students use in learning grammar skill

1.5. Significance of the Study

The study would have the following benefits both for students and teachers.

It would help students to develop grammar skill.

It would help teachers to introduce or to show their students grammar error.

It would motivate teachers to teach difficult parts of grammar. Also it would use for
the development of scientific and logical attitude towards language, for the systematic
knowledge of the language, for development of the learner and for development of
insight structure of language.

1.6. Limitation of the Study

Through the process of conducted this study, the researcher faced some factors: These
were lack of experience, lack of reference materials, lack of financial support, and

shortage of time to conducted large study on the area of the study.

1.7. The Scope of the Study/Delimitation

This study delimited on Mettu University third year English language and literature
students. Particularly third year English language and literature students in order to
assess major factors that affect students learning English grammar skill.



This chapter discussed about the meaning and some important aspects

2.1 What is Grammar?

In linguistic, grammar is the set of structural rules governing the composition of
clauses, phrases and words in any given natural Language. The term also refers to the
study of such rules and this field includes morphology, syntax and phonology often
complimented by phonetics, semantics and phonology often complimented by
phonetics semantics and pragmatics, Kohi (2005).

2.2 Basic Grammar Terminology

According to smiths, (2016) basic grammar terminology are subject, object, noun,
adjective, verb and adverb.

2.2.1. Sentence

Is a word or group of words that express a complete thought. Sentence is a set of

words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and product, conveying
statement, question, exclamation or command and consisting of a main clause and
same times one or more subordinate clauses in addition sentence is a basic unit of
language which expresses a complete thought.

2.2.2. Subject

Name of a person, place and thing the sentence is about. In English grammar the
subject is the part of a sentence or clause that commonly indicates (a) what is about or
(b) who or what performs the action (that is, the agent).

2.2.3. Object

Noun or pronoun that receives the action expressed by the verb or names of the result
of the action. Parts of a sentence, a noun, pronoun, or group of words that receive or
are affected by the action of a verb

2.3 Parts of Speech

2.3.1. Nouns

They are that used to name a person, place, thing or condition. Noun is a word that
functions as the name of some specific thing or set of things, such as living creatures,
objects, place and action. Noun and make expression conscience. Example: he, she, it,
they, someone and who

2.3.2. Adjective

An adjective is word that modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives available to

describe how something feels, looks, sound tastes and acts. It gives some information
about an objects size, shape, age, color, origin or material.

2.3.3. Verb

They are words that tell something about a subject used to receive an action, state,
occurrence and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear,

2.3.4. Adverb

The word that modifies the meaning of adverb and object, verb, adjective, another
adverb determiner, noun phrase, clause, or sentence. Adverbs typically express
manner, place, time, frequency, degree, level of certainty

2.4. The Aim of Learning English Grammar

The main purpose of learning English grammar is cited by penny. Ur. (1998) as

To develop the understanding about the rules of grammar, to develop scientific

altitude to words language, increases student mental abilities of reasoning and correct

observation and to develop in sight in to the structure of English language.

2.5. Organizational of Teaching English Grammar

Any generalization about the best way to teach grammar what end of teachings
procedures should be used and what order would have to take in to account, both the
wide range of knowledge and skill needed to be thought and the variety of different
kinds of structures subsumed under the heading grammar. Penny.Ur. (1988) cited.
Harmer, (1991, 239) subjected that classroom organization is perhaps the most
important classroom management task teachers have to perform. And the success of
any classroom activity depends on good organization and on the students knowing
exactly what they are to do.

2.5.1. Whole Class

Whole class is a student grouping where a class of students are working with teacher
where all.

2.5.2. Pair and Group Work

Pair and group work are helpful methods of class room organization which promote
cooperative learning among student's Ayres and Gray (1995:5) more specifically
Byrne (1987:31),states the importance of Pair and group works as follows. They allow
each student in the classroom more talking time in the course of writing lessons. They
allow learners the chance to work independently and develop responsibility for their
learning. They allow learners the chance that is closer to the way language is used
outside the classroom. For the effective use of pair and group works, scholars such as
Ayres and Gray (1998) and Byrne (1957), suggest the following points for teachers to
hear in mind. The researcher believe that pair and group work is a help full method to
develop their skill rather than individual because they exchange information and help
each other again it have advantage to minimize fear of mistake and confidence.

2.6. Factors in Learning English Grammar

Venkates (1995) elaborate in learning English grammar the chief factors is not at first
that of leading vocabulary items. It is first the mastery of the sound system to
understand the stream, to hear, and to approximate the production. Second, it is the
mastery of teachers of arrangement that constitute the structure of the language itself.

2.7. Motivation Techniques in Learning English Grammar

According to Michal’s, (2009) and Kozminsky (2002) discuss the teachers and student
relation. The term motivation has many meaning. At one level of motivation is that
which interests a person or learner that holds his attention, or most simply the makes
him act venkate cited. According to venkate, motivation is the basic tool to all
learning activates. In addition, it is very important to energize students, making him
active and it direct variable and persist activity of the student. A teacher, unless he or
she makes adenine attempt to be used and sustain interest of students, he or she will
not get the outcome for the best-planned lesson. The teacher motivates his or her
students by building activities like teaching action a shying question concerning they
give more positive confidence, interact with class and create an English atmosphere.
2.8. Potential Factors Related with Teaching English Grammar in the Classroom

According to scrivener (1994), potential factors related with teaching English

grammar in classroom are like complicated and unclear instructions: unclear
instruction is extremely confusing to students. They probably, understand only a
small percentage of what you say, fear of feedback: in an active forward moving class
the learners constantly be growing their teacher feedback on what they have
understand, what they think, they need and how they fell. Many teachers believed in
the importance of open, honest feedback, but find that in the practice it can be hard to
get scrivener cited, lack of confidence in self-learners. A common case of boredom in
the classroom is when material used is too difficult or too easy.

2.9. Suggestion for Successful Teaching English Grammar

Any teacher of English language has to use the following activates to enable students
learn grammar easily.

The lesson should be planned beforehand, the teaching material should be chosen,
sufficient spoken and writing work is essential, appropriate audiovisual should be

Grammar has to correlation and hence should be taught with the aim that students
learn to express in correct English grammar painter cited.

2.10 Advantage of Learning English Grammar

According to P. Martin and Matthiessen (1997) English grammar has so many

benefits for students. These are for the development of scientific and logical attitude
towards language, for the systematic knowledge of the language, for development of
the learner and for development of insight structure of language.

2.11 What is Writing?

According to J. Amiga (2010) argued that writing is unique way of thinking. Writing
is the process of using symbols, letters of the alphabet. At the writing center, I after
asked what make good writing. To write clearly it is essential to understand the basic
system of a language. In English, this includes knowledge of grammar, punctuation
and sentence. Writing is a method of representing language in visual or tactile form;
systems use sets of symbols to represent the sounds of speech. Writing is a form of
communication that allows students to put their feeling and ideas on paper, to
organize their knowledge and beliefs in to convincing arguments and to convey
meaning through well-constructed text. Writing is a medium of human
communication that represents language and emotion with sign and symbols.
(Wikipedia) another author S.M.c.knisnt (2007) writing is the visible form of thinking

through which one communicates his broader audience.

2.12. Effective Writing in Grammar

There are different rules to write effectively.

Word order can make or ruin a sentence, agreement the order in which details are
placed or organized in a piece of writing, the arranging of words phrases are given
equal emphasis in sentence paragraphs, use active voice whenever possible. Active
voice means the subject is performing the verb. Passive voice means the subject.



3.1. Introduction

In this part, the researcher discussed about research design, population of the study,
source of data, size and sampling techniques, instruments and analysis techniques.

3.2. Research Design

This study was to identify the major factors that affect development of students'
learning grammar skill in Mettu University third year English language and literature
students. The researcher used descriptive research design because to analyze the data
found from the respondents and the researcher described the existed major factors that
affect students' learning English grammar skill. The researcher used both qualitative
and quantitative research designed for the process of data collection and

3.3. Population of the Study

The targeted population of the study focused in Mettu University third year English
language and literature students. The total number of population was 27 students in
the third year English language and literature in Mettu University in the year 2012E.C
academic year.

3.4. Sample Size and Sampling Technique

The targeted population of this study was third year English language and literature
students in Mettu University. Total numbers of third year English students was 27.
Among them female students were 20 and male students were 7, and the researcher
took all students in order to conduct the study. Therefore, the researcher used
available sampling technique in order to make the study more manageable. The
researcher used all students for questionnaires. In addition to this, the researcher
selected 2 teachers for interviews from 19 teachers. Due to this, the researcher used
purposive sampling technique in side of teachers.

3.5 Instruments of Data Gathering

To get sample information for this study, the researcher used three main data
collecting instruments: questionnaires, interviews and observation.

3.5.1. Questionnaire

In this study, the researcher used questionnaires to get relevant information. In this
research both close and open-ended used included. The question provided in copy of
27 to whole students.

3.5.2. Observation

Observation was an important instrument to collected information from the

respondents in classroom. Therefore, the researcher observed all students in the class

in order to gathered useful information on how students learn grammar lesson and the
teachers teach grammar skill.

3.5.3. Interview

The researcher used open interviews to get important information face to face with 2
English grammar teachers.

3.6. Data Analysis Technique.

The researcher used both quantitative and qualitative analysis technique. Quantitative
methods used for analysis and interpreting the data that gathered through
questionnaires from students in table, percent etc. Qualitative technique on other way
used for interviews from students because qualitative technique was subjective
process of inquiry that described in words, personal language. Observation was
analyzed by using qualitative method of data analysis.

3.7 Ethical Consideration

Ethical consideration should be the most important thing in conducted the

research .Among the important thing was the willingness of the participants
performed the activities of the research like questionnaires, interviews and
observation. The researcher introduced to the participants before the data collection.
Furthermore, the researcher given special attention and much respected for the
targeted population, and told them the purpose of the research before began the
activities. This due to the fact that they were explained their opinion.



This chapter deals with the analysis of students and teachers responses given to the
questions regarding to factors that affect development of students' learning grammar
skills in Mettu University. The data gathered through questionnaires, interviews and
observation. The researcher prepared eleven (11) items questions for students and four
(4) items interviews questions for teachers and observation.

4.1. Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Respondents

4.1.1: Sex distribution

Table 1. Sex distribution of Students

Item Sex Age Respondents

Male 18-25 7
Socio demographic Female 18-25 20
characteristics of Total 27

The above table shows in this study were both male and female. Moreover, the
majority of them were females. And their age was expressed from 18-25 level

Table 2. Marital Status

Item Responses Number of respondents Percentage (%)

Marital status Single 27 (100%)
Married -- --
Divorced _ _
Windowed _ _
Total 27 100

As researcher observed in the table from total population (27) of students all of the
27(100%) of students were single.

4.1.2:Family Background

Table 3: Socio-demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Item Responses Number of Percentage
Respondents (%)
Family Educated 16 59%
Uneducated 11 41%
Urban 2 8%
Rural/ 25 92%
Country side
Total 27 100

The table shows 16(59%) of families were educated and 11 (41%) of families were
also uneducated. And the other point from the above table shows that majority 25
(92%) of families from Rural/Country side and 2 (8%) of families also from Urban

4.1.3: Teachers Background

Table 4. Socio-demographic characteristics of the Teacher Respondents

Item Sex Age Marital Qualification

Service Percentage
status years
Socio Male Above 40 Married Documentary 15 1
demographic linguistics
characteristics and culture
of (Dr.)

Female Above 40 Married (PhD.) 10 1

Total 2

The above table shows the socio demographic characteristics of teachers. In this study
both male and female instructors were interviewed. The male is one and the woman

also one, and they age is above 40 years and both are married. The male teacher
qualified Documentary Linguistics and Culture (Dr.) and a female teacher is (Ms.)
their years of service is also different from one another. The male teacher service
years is 15 and the female is 10 year

The following tables show the analysis of the respondents’ results.

Table5. Motivating Students

Items Responses Number of Percentage (%)

Does your Yes 25 92%
teacher motivate No 2 8%
you to learn Total 27 100%
grammar lesson
in the

The above table shows that 25 (92%) of the students stated that their teachers
motivate them to learn grammar in the classroom. But 2(8%) of the respondents
pointed out their teachers do not motivate them. So it is possible to conclude that
teachers motivate their students to learn grammar in the classroom.

Table 6. Students Responses about how Teachers help them to Develop Speaking

Items Responses Number of Percentage (%)

Does your Yes 25 92%
teacher help you No 2 8%
to develop your Total 27 100%

speaking skill?

According to the above table 25(92%) of students responded that their teachers help
them to develop their speaking skill. But 2(8%) of students responded that their
teachers not help them to develop speaking skill.The researcher to conclude that
teachers help their students to develop speaking skill.

Table7. Students Responses about how often their practice Writing Skill in
Grammar Lesson in Classroom

Items Responses Number of respondents Percentage (%)

How often do Always 6 16%
you practice Sometimes 21 84%
writing skill in Rarely -- --

the class Never -- -

room? Total 27 100%

As the table shows majority 21(84%) of students replied that they practice writing
sometimes. And 6(16%) of students responded that they practice writing always. This
is possible to conclude that students practice writing skill in the classroom.

Table8. Students Response about are there any Factors that affect the
development of Learning English Grammar in the Class when they Write.

Items Responses Number of respondent Percentage (%)

Are there any Yes 25 92%
factors that affect No 2 8%
the development Total 27 100%
of learning
English grammar
in the class when
you write?

In the table as we see 25(92%) of the students agreed that they face factors that affect
the development of learning English grammar in the class when they write, and 2(8%)
of students responded that they not face factors that affect the development of learning
English grammar in the class when they write. Therefore, those students face factors
that affect students’ grammar during writing.

Table 9. Factors that affect the Development of Learning English Grammar in

the Class when they write.

Items Responses Number of Percentage (%)

Lack(poor) background 5 18%
If your answer knowledge of English
is yes, what language
are the factors
Lack of interest 3 11%
that you faced
Supposing English 2 8%
while learning
language as difficult
grammar in
Lack of confidence 5 18%
the class?
Fear of mistake 12 44%

Total 27 100%

According to this table, 5(18%) of students face factors of lack of background

knowledge, and 3(11%) of students lack of interest. The other factors that students
face were 2(8%) of students supposed English language as difficult, and 5(18%) of
students face lack of confidence, and 12(44%) of students face also fear of mistake.

Table10. Solutions suggested for the Factors students face while Learning
English Grammar during Writing.

Items Responses Number of Percentage (%)

What do you Lack of practice 18 66%
suggest as a Forming groups 2 8%
solution for the Being confident 5 18%

factors that you Having interest 2 8%

face while learning Total 27 100%

English grammar

during writing?

As indicated the above table the majority 18(66%) of students suggested that Lack
practice and the others were respectively 5(18%),of students being confident, 4(11%)
of students making practice, and 2(8%) of respondents were having interest the most
important to minimize the factors they face information of group work ,sufficient
spoken and writing work is essential. Therefore, the researcher to conclude that
making practice, being confident, having interest must be worked well by students to
overcome the factors they encountered in the classroom.

Table 11. Frequency of Teachers Encouragement of Students.

Item Responses Number of respondents Percentage%

How often are Always 18%
you encouraged 5
by your teachers
when you speak?
Sometimes 20 74%
Rarely 2 7%
Never - -
Total 27 100%

According to the above table about 5(18%) of respondents replied that their teachers
encourage them to speak always, and 20(74%) of students replied that their English
teachers encourage them to speak sometimes, and 2(7%) of students answered that
their English teachers encourage them rarely. So the researchers to conclude that
teacher sometimes encourage their students to practice English grammar in the

Table 12. The Factors that Affect Students’ Development of Grammar Skill

Items Responses Number of Percentage (%)

What are the Tense factors 20 74%
factors that affect Speaking factors 5 18%
your development Writing factors 2 7%

of grammar skill? Other - -
Total 27 100%

As above table 12 shows, the majority of the respondents which accounts 20(74%) of
students said that they do have difficult in tense factors, and speaking factors has
affect 5(18%) of the respondents and as the same as writing factors has also affect
2(7%) of the respondents. So the researcher concluded that all students were affected
by different kinds of factors.

Table13.The Rate Level of Students Participation in Grammar Lesson during


Items Responses Number of Percentage (%)

How does you Medium 19 70%
participating in Low 3 11%
grammar during High 5 18%

writing? Total 27 100%

As table 13 depicts, the majority 19(70%) of students claimed that they have medium
participation. the respondents that account 3(11%) of respondents have low
participation in grammar during writing. On other hand, while the rest 5(18%) of
students have high participation in grammar during writing. Thus, if the students have
participation in grammar, they could have prepared themselves in grammar during

Results Obtained from students Open-ended Questionnaire

Item: Respondents responded that the common errors, which affect them English
grammar during writing, were: lack of interest, supposing English language as
difficult, lack of confidence, fear of mistake, lack of background knowledge of
English language, punctuation mark, lack of vocabulary, and coherence

Item2: students responded the solution to improve English grammar during speaking
were: have positive attitude towards writing, practice again and again, having interest
in writing, careful on punctuation mark, coherence factors and use appropriate
vocabulary, exercising English grammar in classroom and outside, speaking with
classmates and other students by confidence.

4.2. Description of the Teachers’ Interview, Questionnaire and Observation

In this study the researcher asked 2 English teachers to get relevant information.
Experienced teachers were interviewed individually to give information on the
grammar error free sentences and texts while they ordered to do so.

In line with these teachers were asked to tell the factors that affect the development
of students’ grammar skill. The teachers replied that students’ factors were lack of
background knowledge in grammar skill, and most of them reported that lack of
interest in writing and lack of practice in writing were the main factors they observed
always. Because of this, they observed grammatical factors, factors of sentence
construction, spelling errors while they ordered their students to write. This result was
the same with questionnaire and observation.

Also teachers were asked how they motivate their students during writing grammar
lesson. Teachers responded that they motivate their students to write paragraph, even
they invite the students to learn from their own silly errors. Because practice make
people good at grammar in English.

And they were asked how they help their students to improve their grammar skill
during writing. They often tell them to do individually first and then get help from
their friends before they submit to their instructors. Also tell them to submit again
even after the comments of English instructors. The main reason is to initiate to work
or write again and again. Languages of the students develop after continuous effort or
practices. To help students to improve their grammatical factors during writing and
most of teachers responded that they should help students to practice in the classroom
giving attention to grammar during writing as far as they have positive attitude
towards writing. Therefore, teachers should build and develop students’ motivation
and interest in writing giving simple and easy guided writing activities. The
researcher observed the same results with which he/she gotten from interview.
One of the major rationales, which support the claim that grammar teaching, should
integrate form, meaning, and use emanated from the very nature and role of grammar
in communication. When we talk about grammatical form and structures, our major
concern should not only be to discuss the rules, but also the meaning impact it has on
what they speak, read, listen and write.

4.3. Classroom Observation

As the researcher observed most of the students were not interested to practice
grammar lesson during writing because they have lack of background knowledge of
English language, fear of mistake when the teachers give grammar lesson activities
and ask his or her students to write. The researcher also observed that most of students
were passive to participate in grammar lesson .So as the study shows most of the
students do not actively participated in grammar lesson. The teachers also give
various assignments per week to support students to develop their grammar skills. But
the students do not do these activities by thinking that the activities were difficult for
them. The researcher observed that most of teachers used various techniques to
improve their grammatical factors on grammar lesson. The teachers should build and
develop students' motivation and interest in writing giving simple and easy guided
writing activities. The researcher also observed that more time has been used up only
active participants’ students and the teachers themselves. This observation was made
while the actual teaching learning process was taking place. Within these three
periods, the researcher observed some major factors of students like lack of
interest .Even the researcher has observed the teachers formally give chance them to
participate, but eventually they made the class teacher centered. Generally, as a
researcher observed for the consecutive sessions, teachers support their students by

giving a number of skill-based activities such as writing paragraphs. However, the
students to due to lack of interest and prejudice, they do not exert as significant effort
for the improvement of their grammar skills.



5.1 Summary

The aim of this study was to assess the factors that affect development of students’
grammar skill. This study fulfilled all data gathering instruments, and data analysis
methods are used. Also this study designed to comprise all second year English
Language and Literature students in Mettu University. The researcher prepared eleven
(11) items of questionnaire questions for 27 students, and four (4) items of interview
questions was address for 2 English teachers, and observation were conducted.

5.2 Conclusion

As it has justified by students’ questionnaire, teachers’ interview and observation

results, lack of practices and interest were found to be the cause of potential students’
factors that teacher to achieve their grammar skill. The teachers used different
methods to help their students. They were made students taking about interests; they
given positive feedbacks and remarks for students' who attempt during asking
questions and answering .English teachers of the University have been found to their
teaching techniques happily in classroom. They organize the lesson and form students
one to five and pair work. However, some of them found to be used teaching
techniques restricting to a few techniques such as short presentation. The majority of
English teachers have been found different methods to help their students’ grammar
skill by giving the topic and ask the students to write a paragraph and to make
students to understand grammar rule. Finally, English teachers in the classroom made
evolutions. Teachers were provided class work and assignment in order to evaluate the
understanding of their students.

5.3 Recommendations

 From the findings of this study, the researcher forwarded some recommends
that help to minimize the major factors that affect students learning English
grammar lesson.
 English teachers have to encourage their students by using different
motivational techniques in order to enhance the students' grammar skill.
 English teachers should use appropriate teaching techniques and must
implement it in the classroom.
 Organization should be conducted in the classroom by English teachers in
order to achieve learning teaching process between them and their students.
 Different methods should be prepared by English teachers to know the
understanding of students on the grammar lesson.
 Students should be pay attention to the teacher while lesson delivered and they
must practice again and again.
 English teachers should provide short tests and quizzes to evaluate students'
grammar understanding.
 Students should read different grammar reference books to develop grammar

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APPENDIX A. Questionnaire Questions for Students




Questionnaire questions for students

The purpose of this questionnaire is to assess the factors that affect development of
student’s grammar skill. First, I would like to express my gratitude for your
corporation and willingness to fill this questionnaire. All of the information will be
used only for your research purpose so; you are kindly requested to go through each
question and your genuine response.

You do not need to write your name; thank you in advance.

Part I. Socio demographic characteristics of the respondents.

1. Sex: A. Male B. Female

2. Age: A. 18-25 B. 26-32 C. 33-39 D. 40-46 E. Above 47

3. Marital status: A. Single B. Married C. Divorced D. Windowed

4. Family background: A. Educated B. Uneducated C. Urban D. Rural /Country side

Part II. Semi- structured questionnaire questions for students.

Instruction: You are kindly requested to respond the following questions.

1. Does your teacher motivate you in learning grammar lesson in classroom?

A. Yes B. No

2. Does your teacher help you to develop your speaking skill? A) Yes B. No

3. How often do you practice writing skill in the class room?

A. Always B. Sometimes C. Rarely D. Never

4. Are there any factors that affect the development of learning English grammar in
the class when you write?

A. Yes B. No

-If your answer is “yes” for question number four, what are the factors that you faced
while learning grammar in the class?

A. Lack of background knowledge of English language B. Lack of interest

C. Supposing English language as difficult D. Lack of confidence

E. Fear of mistake

F. Other (specify)…………………………………………………………………

5. What do you suggest as a solution for the factors that you face while learning
English grammar during writing?

A. Making practice B. Forming group work

C. Being confident D. having interest

6. How often are you encouraged by your teacher when you speak?

A, Always B, Sometimes C, Rarely D, Never

7. What are the factors that affect your development of grammar skill?

A, Tens factors B, speaking factors C, writing factors D, Others

8. How do you rate the level of your participation in grammar lesson during writing?

A, High B. Medium C. Low

Open-ended question

9. What are the common errors that affect your English grammar during writing?


10. What do you suggest as a solution to improve English grammar during speaking?

Appendix B. Interview Questions for Teachers




Interview questions for teachers

Part I. Socio demographics characteristics of the respondents

1. Sex: A. Male B. Female.

2. Age: A. 18-25 B. 26-32 C. 33 -39 D.Above.40

3. Marital status: A. Single B. Married C. Divorced C. Windowed.

4. Qualification: _____

5. Service years: _____

Part II. Semi- structured interview questions for teachers.

Instruction: You are kindly requested to respond the following questions.

1. What are the factors that affect the development of your students’ grammar skill?

2. What kinds of factors do you face in your students’ learning grammar skill in class
room? ...............................................................................................................................

3. Do you motivate your students during writing grammar lesson? If you do so, how
do you motivate them?

4. How do you help your students to improve their grammar skill during writing?

Appendix C. Classroom Observation Check list




Classroom observation check list

No Activities Day 1 Day 2 Day3

Yes No Yes No Yes No
1 Do students show interests to practice
and engage themselves in grammar
lesson during writing?
2 Does the teacher give classroom
activities of grammar lesson?
3 Does the teacher give assignment for
the practice of grammar lesson out of
class room?
4 Do teachers use various techniques to
teach English grammar during
5 Is there sufficient time allocated for
the grammar lesson activities?
6 Do students commit grammar errors
in their writing?


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