Eng201 Assignment No 1 by Team Hadi
Eng201 Assignment No 1 by Team Hadi
Eng201 Assignment No 1 by Team Hadi
Total Marks: 20
Lessons: 23-29
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Q1: Identify the correct option from the following statements while keeping in
mindthe ways of organizing and outlining informational reports.
2 x 5 = 10 marks
1. How would you organize a report reviewing five product lines based on the
increasing order of the amount of revenue they generate?
a. Sequentially
b. In order of importance
c. Chronologically
d. Spatially
a. Sequentially
b. Categorically
c. Geography
d. In order of importance
a. In order of importance
b. Sequentially
c. Chronologically
d. Spatially
a. Geography
b. In order of importance
c. Categorically
d. Sequentially
a. Chronologically
b. Spatially
c. Categorically
d. In order of importance
This superstructure ensures a logical flow, starting with the introduction and
objectives, followed by the necessary resources, the step-by-step plan for
implementation, and concluding with a detailed budget for financial considerations.